Pancho Moler & Wee Man | The Nine Club - Episode 303

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I've done this so what you're just gonna sit there yeah I'm just gonna sit there and uncomfortably stare at me not going to say a word all right we are back huh we're back at the nine Club everybody today we have two very special special special yes Mr Poncho Mohler and wean are in the building yeah thank you man say we we man's eighth time on the show we love you but Poncho dude so I'm so stoked that you're here dude thank you man big fan of uh your skating back in the day man thanks man I was a fan of yours yeah yeah okay okay we never I don't think we ever crossed paths I think we crossed paths before at bbl's Park but I was at skating or anything I was just kind of hanging out with Stefan and them when you were there okay but yeah oh I do remember that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what about you you and Geron though you guys met a long time ago right yeah we met a long time ago we met in the Embarcadero days yeah yeah like U 92 93 yeah that's tight dang we known each other for some time here but you know what I knew Jon then too it's true yeah when did you need Poncho uh later later later later later well we had a phone call and no we had two phone calls One phone call was at Big Brother when our issue came out and we were both like okay there's two of us you know two two midies skating together and the first time they're being blasted out they're in the magazine together and uh was was it was it ads of the M cuz you guys had two covers separately no yeah we this just the yeah the one he had the cover we were both in together okay and our interviews were like on top of each other go yeah no this is before both of those okay oh this is before both of these covers yeah this before both those covers those covers are insane Big Brother shout out you probably worked here at this time too right big brother or no was this uh before you worked during ponchos I did okay but not not I didn't work there uh for mine I was already like that's right when uh Dogtown released my board and it was the pro Spotlight for dog CH yeah but when Poncho was got that at or that cover I was you were shipping them out huh yeah I worked there for like 3 months and I did a horrible job was that the shittiest job you ever had uh might have been was it the only job you've ever had no I uh I worked at a RV rental place where you rent RVs what was your title uh just show people how to use the RV there you go it's the toilet here's the keys do that and then I was a grocery store bagger okay yeah bag groceries that was like that was like six months I feel like 50% of the population has bagged groceries before you got to get it yeah it's it's a right B groceries I have really yes did but and then I but I graduated up to the Milkman you look like a guy that with bad groceries that graduating Whole Foods or something no no but it was at a at a at a um food store in Malibu yeah nice Malibu yeah man oh beautiful place yeah did you do cuz you wanted the groceries like you're like oh I'm going to get a deal now like no at that point I probably oh God I can't remember I'm so bad with time frames but I probably still live with my parents I was like 15 probably 16 maybe 17 maybe I don't know J I Need to needed a job I mean skating I wasn't sponsored yet so I needed money yeah and then I worked there for four years and realized I was there for four years and I went in the office immediately and quit that's kind of w you just had to do it I just remembered I I was like I could be here another four years let's get out of here let's go skate I didn't realize you were there for four years yeah me me neither it was eye opening you know what's funny is I'm looking at your cover here and I'm like I'm I'm like thinking I'm like is that Hugh Grant Hugh Grant no because in the new Wonka movie H Grant plays the the OA Loompa yeah no that's wait a minute Grand plays in Oompa Loompa how is this even possible AI shut the hell up basically take our arms and legs and then they CGI them on like no they didn't you guys got a podcast you I to do this all the time to this guy I'm like pulling the mic in front of him no they they've done it with tons of stuff and that that's kind of like what the um the writer and actor strike was all about is like because one of the things that they're going to be able to do with actors if like they don't want to have them in the sequel they can just have they can AI them because they already have like their images and stuff wow and they could just put them in the in the sequel and not pay them they have the right and not pay them yeah but do they have the rights to like their image or is that how it works once you do something it's in the contracts now once you do something for any company you're now that company owns your likeness likeness get the [ __ ] out of here that's why that's why this strike went so big and gnarly and I and it's not like it's not 100% like can't do that like they're they're big dogs they did they figure anything out with that it's been going on for a while no yeah they figured it out I I I don't know quite like what the resolution is like what they're going to do but it seemed like people were pretty happy with cont strike it was a writer strike and then it also became an actor strike it was 144 days writers okay and 116 days uh actors D like it was n it's one of the longest ones like for for this whole time I mean we own Geron and Kelly's likeness now we could just so you guys can we can just leave you could leave right now 100% 100% got yeah I'm going to no but here's the funny part Poncho went in a long time ago there not me that is not me hold on let me oh that's Hugh Grant right there yeah see look it he's got the tiny fingers but that's those are yours punch cuz that's when you went in and did the casting where all they did all they did was take video of punch and they're like okay we're good we don't need you anymore no no no seriously no there was an audition uh for Snow White and the Huntsman in 2016 and it was like basically like a cattle call and there were um and basically you had lines and stuff but when you got into the room they're like we don't need you to read for it we just we're going to have have my assistant here to take video footage of like your arms and your legs your torso you know your your and and then I was like but we're still going to like you know get to audition for this they're like oh yeah yeah yeah you'll come back in and they did that with like a lot of little people and then the movie came out and basically all the dwarves that were in it were all stars but they had our body parts on them damn what no way and you guys weren't compensated or anything no not at all and it's like like this this actor strike and writer strike happen and it's like oh when it happens to you guys you give a [ __ ] but when it happens to us I'm like join the club [ __ ] join the club guys I swear but but let me ask you a question though because like did they did you have the gloves on and the stuff or did they use computers to get the gloves on and [ __ ] well no I didn't I didn't even they they already had images of little people for this because this is a newer movie but like no I didn't have gloves on or anything I thought I thought you were we were just joking that this was actually him we don't know we don't we don't know where they got the you know but punch went in there and you know yeah but you said that was for you said it was Snow White Snow White and the Huntsman the one with Chris uh Hemsworth and Kristen Stewart so wait did you have to like sign something in order to like you know I think we did but like when you go to these things it's like a cattle call and you're just in and out but you think you're going to an audition I thought I was going to an audition I was ready damn they manipulated the [ __ ] scenario man that's crazy foul and this this is before like you kind of knew that that kind of stuff was happening you were just a little confused like that was weird like what just happened so that's foul that is dirty holy [ __ ] but speaking of back then like what I was going to say when we met it was Big Brother Big Brother and it was like okay I'm going to call him and we call him like oh yeah let's hang out sometime uhhuh and then the next time we got on a call it was during uh memb Simon Woodstock hell yeah and he had his like era time I was skating for Sonic then and he was like big in his van shoes he's fighting people and they were like oh you got to fight Poncho like let's get Poncho on the phone you got to fight him big brother was saying this no this guy Lance delgard we already kind of had like a bit of a rivalry because I was in the east coast he was in the west coast our our our our interviews came out and then it always became a thing of like who's better who's better you're We Men you know it's just like going who's better you're Jon like that never happens you know it's and like we were entering the same competitions with everybody else so it it was it was just I I didn't know why like that that was like so interesting to people like why they wanted to know that why they wanted us to even have tension you know and so one day I was like I am you know but one of the interviews I'm like I am you know and then he caught wind of and then he called me and they they were setting up a boxing match before Mike m and Simon Woodstock and it was going to be me and this guy wow yeah right yeah yeah and I wased out dude I was like there's no way I'm going to fight this guy this guy will beat the yeah like so then it was like ever since then and all that every interview was like who's better Poncho or ween and it's like what there's nobody else in the skate industry that has to battle each other you know that's a big brother does though they try to do that depict the little things that and it did like so much that it it was it sucked but it wasn't only big brother cuz I had like other um interviews and like uh skateboarder mag and like other mag always bring bring that up and like other stuff you know like it was like my skateboarding wasn't interesting were you at were you pro at this time too yeah you were Pro yeah okay Hawk versus soy oh it was totally a hawk versus I've said that too before it's it was and it's like why you know what I mean like but they had something they were in the same contest battling each other that is that made sense we were nowhere near each other batt yeah yeah yeah doing totally different things crazy and uh but big brother brought it to light is what I'm saying right yeah right yeah so whether or not that that just became uh something that followed you guys yes okay and it sucks cuz later on in life when we actually did meet and it that that was squashed it was like we could have maybe done something with this if we would have collaborated instead of you know what I mean a long time ago instead of battling it joined forces joined forces right played into it and played into it and I've learned a lot through life that instead of trying to just keep yourself like this if you do have a group behind you you can do more totally and it would I think we you know what I mean yeah like I think together if we would have done we could have blown it up oh 100% I I wanted to talk about the the the big brother the cover that I had not the not the blunt side but that the front side nose side that was shot by Spike Jones oh [ __ ] yeah like before he was like like famous and yeah and he came out to New York like I think big brother set it up and he came out to New York and I went to New York City I used to always go skate there with my buddy Tim o' Conor oh yeah and I went there with a bunch of my friends and we met up and this is actually called the Huff ledge mhm and he had the cover of uh transr doing a front side nose slide across it too my front side no SL was way before that really yeah but it was still the Huff ledge ledge no like damn it's a bunch a bunch of ledge was it a different angle that they shot from for Keith photo Keith Keith was shot like from behind like he was going this way and they shot it this way it was it was rad like was it was is it a cover excuse me yeah yeah it was a skateboard mad cover okay maybe we could find heat I think mine was kind of more it looked like a comic book so it didn't like really look as like legit as like his but yeah that was kind of funny Heath came out first yours came out second no M came first and his came out a few years later and it was the Huff ledge but he was also a New York head so he probably did tons of [ __ ] on that ledge you know where did you grow up I grew up in um Southern California I grew up in like Palm Springs Palm Desert area and then as soon as like I got into high school um I moved to the east coast to New Jersey okay and I lived in parcion New Jersey and in mortown New Jersey for like three years cuz you skated for think did think turn you Pro yeah think turn were you uh sponsored by anybody else on the East Coast no I wasn't sponsored would you get sponsored by think you guys are so sponsor me videos really yeah I figured you were just up in the in it was no it was sponsor me videos I I remember making a uh I I didn't even know about sponsor me videos and my buddies in Jersey that I skated with they were like dude you got to you know like there it is see see how badass that's way better oh so you could even tell that it was off the I know it's one off the stairs yeah you couldn't even tell in in your photo yeah no it just looks like a tall ledge no that's it it's actually start it's like this tall and then and then it gets taller so the crazy story about that ledge too when I went to New York out during that time I went with Frank gurer and skated that we went scared for like 3 hours at that spot he was trying to do uh fakey Ali fakey across like the Gap the three Gap three and we were there from like midnight till 3:00 a.m. I met Dimitri at that spot he pulled up and he's like yo dog what's up like you know he rolls up in his little like Toyota Corolla I'm like oh hey and my friend like and Frank was like oh that's Dimitri before he even came to big brother or anything he's just a yeah so that's crazy that it's that spot that's yeah two different covers two different covers two different dudes something happening connecting at that but Frank did land the fakey took soft footage of it like [ __ ] three hours it was it a 4-1 I think yeah I think it was 411 it was during 411 time that's awesome but it was sick he did wow and just it was it was awesome he was that when you skated for simple or he skated for simple for simple you guys remember simple simple yeah we SK for simple that's how I met him okay and then we brought Frank out to the West Coast and we scared them every day we were here cuz we were in LA and we're like oh we're going to Compton cuz there and he's like well we're going to comp like he was like freaking out like you know it's so funny like people's interpretation of places it's all it's all news and movie based yeah I think if you're at least like when I lived in the East Coast like and those movies came out like I I thought a comptent like I I immediately like came to like boys in the hood I'm like that place is dangerous there's plenty of spots in comp you skate super chill definitely I mean don't get me wrong even when I was younger and I'm from the valley like I had my little warp you know interpretation what Compton and South centure was as well I mean menes society and these these movies can you know put that in your in your head totally you know yeah what uh who turned Pro first I did punch did you did okay yeah cuz he was I was like I couldn't find like I don't know who if he was even on thing but when I was on Sonic they just didn't have the boards I like things weren't happening we were trying to make a video during the time and it just never worked out and that time punch like got it going he was in a right spot and stuff and then I rode for like other things and it it just wasn't it wasn't happening until I got on dog town oh interesting yeah so you weren't Pro when you rot for Sonic uh no just am but we did go on tour and stuff we did the 40-day tour and that was was that a US trip yeah 40 days in the US 40 days in the US is a long time long did you guys how about Hideout I've been there I never skated it no I never got to SK I mean it was that thing was big it was tall I was like what things this dude had a picture of Sonic at doing a front side no slide down it front side no slide down it super D and it was right after like somebody I think Huff did it or somebody somebody Huff again with might I don't know who told me and I'm like I got this and we were just skating it was me Tim BR and uh couple other people and I did it and I'm like oh I need to go back and shoot a photo of it and then dgart went and I got the photo on it here's a here's a photo right here yeah there we go oh wow sick dude yeah can you zoom it in one more no or it's it's kind of grainy yeah it's an old photo that's R damn how many tries I did I landed it second try seriously yeah when I first did it with no photo uh we filmed it and I landed it second try why why was it just easy for you to skate or something like thing was tall [ __ ] I know I think that was chest High yeah yeah I think for us at least like a front side like I don't know if it's the way our body structure how like how like a front side nose side just works like on tall things but I think it's that for everybody what I don't like is when people get up on a front nose and they're they're tilted you got to be parallel no you need to be par you need to be like that like that where you can tell like your back foot is just holding your to your toes are holding it just to keep it like Moses a Conan push push it oh my gosh Moses a Conan legend legend dude he had the best front nose I think um did you guys ever have Keith huffle on this really that's awesome yeah it's good great episode yeah rest in peace yeah pause pause podcast I need to tell you guys that this episode's brought To Us by athletic greens oh we love athletic greens we do this is gold in a box right love this stuff with one delicious scoop of athletic greens you're absorbing 75 highquality vitamins minerals Whole Food Source superfoods probiotics and Kelly's favorite thing in the whole world apens I love apens this special blend of ingredients supports your gut health your nervous system your IM system your energy recovery focus and aging well not only that o tell me drone contains less than one gram of sugar no GMOs No nasty chemicals or artificial anything while still tasting good nothing budget only buttery right nothing budget please but it also supports better sleep quality and Recovery as well tons of people take multivitamins but it's important that you choose one with high quality ingredients that your body will actually absorb and it's also better when you you know uh not to have a full medicine cabinet full of you know supplements oh man wait so I can get rid of all my supplements yeah I was just over at Kelly's house the other day open the cup I was hit with supplements get the trash can Bo in there to make it easy athletic greens is going to give you a free one-year supply of immune supporting vitamin D and five free travel packs with your first purchase all you have to do is just visit athletic nclub that's n c again athletic nclub take ownership of your health and pick up the ultimate daily Nutri nutritional insurance today which istic greens take over your health now um You you mentioned uh Tim o'conor earlier I remember seeing you guys together a lot in videos so did you meet him when you were a kid or just I met um and uh when I first moved the East Coast um I was a a freshman in high school and I didn't know any skateboarders and usually like we moved around a lot and what my mom would do is like I would just look up like the nearest skate shop and she would just drop me off there and then I would just skate around there and that's how I met him it was at the skate shop called uh it was in Morris Town Called psycho skates and there was a train station there that had stairs and stuff and I met him and a bunch of my other East Coast buddies and like kind of we became good friends and they loved me because every house in the east coast has a basement MH and I like on my own built this like skate Park in my basement like a dope like Ledges like hips it wasn't like it it wasn't mini like I had tall ceilings and so these uh Tim and like a bunch of my friends came to my house and it became like our training facility for the winter okay and so we would we would skate during the winter while everybody else was like on a break and then when Springtime would come along again we would just be ahead of everybody people were like what the hell like there no indoor parks in the there was a few but they were really far away like we used to go to Newberg skate park which was like a couple hours away Upstate New York and then we used to go to the playground which was a great skate park that's where like Jim Greco and Tim Upson came up at but that was like three hours away and we were like freshman's in high school like all that [ __ ] is just too far you know that's a that's a mission you know so we just built our own thing and we were able to like kind of keep up and that's so sick your folks are down for it oh yeah yeah that's dope do you have any footage of that of it I don't I I used to have footage of it I wish I still did like so many of my friends like learned like so many tricks there like it it was really really cool to watch like the progression of everybody like just from skating like in a little basement like a little training facility I love that that's how you need sometimes yeah Legend flat bar or something like a bank ramp and one of the things that like inspired that was like the the skate park that they had out here it was like it was like in love child the the the video love child cuz it was small it looks small in video like I want something like that down here and we were able to build something like that just you and the homies built it or I built it and then it just uh once they they they joined like we were able to like make everything better and maintain it and you know wait you're saying it was that big or you wanted it something that big no no I was saying like our my basement was huge like and I and that Park like on video it looked like a small park so I was like it was it was fairly that was huge but it but it looked it inspired you yeah yeah so uh we were able to like kind of keep up and it was fun you know how did you you know going back to the think thing and you just you just sent in a sponsor me tape to think and they were like we're down who did you talk to Greg Caroll no I didn't talk to anybody I my friends were like let's make a a video a sponsor me tape we'll make it for you and uh and then uh we'll put it together for you and then you send it out I was like all right let's do it I made a sponsor me tape like within like a month or two you know and then I sent it to Spitfire I sent it to world I sent it to think skateboards and then I sent it to uh Thunder Trucks and um cover covering all the bases what you did what you did and basically all of the companies that I sent it to like hooked me up uh world was the first one that hooked me up but it was like a weird thing it was like more like a big brother thing like like a like a handicap team kind of thing it was like it was really strange but I was getting free [ __ ] and then uh and then like the Big East Coast contest came along at the Brooklyn Banks and all that it was the playground at Newberg and me and my buddy Tim went to all of them and uh during that time in between that was when I got on world or whatever Big Brother uh that's when they sent Spike Jones to shoot photos of me that's where you got the cover yeah so when this contest was happening these contests that mag was the one that just came out so I was like you are and I didn't know you know like this was new to me and so that's when Greg Carol came up to me and he's like did you send a video to think skateboards like six months ago I was like yeah dude and and then that's when we started talking because things with world was kind of or or big brother was kind of like kind of fading away weird but that's not even a that's just a magazine it's not even exactly I I I just so I got on thinking at that same contest Ruben Orin who ran Spitfire and ran Thunder Trucks at the time he's like did you send a video to I'm like yeah okay and he hook me up on both on on Spitfire and and and uh and thunder and I I it was this is all happening at the Brooklyn B Banks contest it was all happening there at these contests yeah wow and so I I managed to like get sponsored and then things like Chang like drastically you know I was really young and I was like a like a freshman in high school getting hooked up like this was was insane to me so were your think Parts like that was uh who was filming those back then those were you just sending them footage well there was a a video called Another Day on the Range which was a and a lot of the footage in that video cuz I re-watched it it SP your name wrong by the way yeah they spell my name wrong yeah they put P all this footage all this footage is from my sponsor me tape that's from your sponsor me tape gotta and that's like me Tim and like we just put [ __ ] together and what year did this come out by the way um probably like around 19996 or something yeah no I don't know I I I think it was just friends dragger thanks yeah hey back in those times you kind of take what you can get you know dude the switch back heels you have man so good yeah does down for some reason like like like heel flip tricks for me like backside like were really easy did you land switch especially or switch especially because you're Landing oh he hands down you know there's a little pal magic in there oh yeah there's a little pal magic in there when you need God damn it so you made you were making your way out to the West Coast we weren't as crucial back then huh yeah I I made my way out that's when I was uh staying with Greg Carol and Mike Carol in da City for a little bit and it was crazy these times and Phil sha too I stayed with Phil sha wow that's um and I remember being at Embarcadero like being this young and like some bad [ __ ] going on where like some like person that's not a local comes and starts [ __ ] and then all the skaters just [ __ ] jump them right they they did not they did not mess around dude damn I felt like fun at that time just because I had the pass you I mean just knowing everybody and just seeing how they really got down it was like if you're not like really knowing these dudes you can't come through acting like weird and [ __ ] I mean you had a pass too yeah I I had a pass but not because I skated for think but like because I was with Greg Carol and he was kind of scary like intimidating at least he was like the big brother to everybody you know but um it was it was really cool like kind of like being in those times and I remember J when your video came out and then I met you I'm like this is like the cream of the crop right here right here like like like like what video FTC video FTC but like there was other like must have been goldfish or something but like yeah like just you being on girl but also like the tricks you were doing every everyone was so ahead of everybody like your guys' videos were always like stepping up and taken to the next level right this world is this a world video this is finally an FTC video oh F yeah yeah this is it but then all your other video Parts like that came out were just [ __ ] insane well because back then it was just like we we didn't have anything to see that was just um except for what was around us and then these videos would come out and we'd be like oh God I got to step it up man I always feel like back then like you would look forward to like skate pars you know you're like oh God I can't wait there's World Small World Park the world Park was I that was my dream to skate that place though I never got to skate it that not awesome it just it dude it wasn't around that long it seemed like it was around long but it it was it was a short period of time bro like what like three years probably yeah max if that if that I don't think I think maybe two maybe two strong but yeah I mean there was some there was some crazy skating went down during that remember one dude the surfer skater dude who world for who rode for world for a little Josh Casper no that's roller blade blade who Jed Walter Jed Walter he would he even slept there for for a little while there was a lot of dudes that used to there buk beds and [ __ ] yeah it was cool um when you went to out uh West to go see like San Francisco area did you stop going to high school did you just come out here to skate or did you just go no it was during the summer so I got to go and it was like my summer thing and then I went back to school yeah and uh so you said you you you got sponsored when you were a freshman yeah so you would go back and forth for a couple years yeah damn that's gnarly yeah yeah yeah and then they would come out there too like you know oh cool cool but I didn't really go on my first skate tour until like later on because I got kicked off think the first time what happened um the first time so we got no like I when I I got kicked off Thing Once and that was um I uh were you or something no no no I was like in um at EMB and I was hanging out with all those guys and Carl Watson and the twins and Safa and like bunch of other dudes and we were all the homies you know and they started a skate company called clean and I and at the time I don't know if you remember but like at the time um think skateboards was like like very known for like hessen like hessen kind of like wider boards like and I just wasn't into that because I was like a 100% like just like Street skater lead skater like just that small fresh type of this we have a year B like 92 93 yeah yeah probably like like like yeah yeah like 93 so the small boards are are right I mean seven FS yeah so I'm skating with all these dudes I have small boards but I'm only able to get like big boards so like I what was happening was I was trading my big boards for smaller boards and that's kind of like that's that's not cool that's that's a no Noe an SF yeah and it bummed Greg out and like you know it just kind of I learned my lesson you know I I I I got I I got fired and and then I it just kind of fueled me to like kind of get better and like [ __ ] like figure myself out did you then get back on did you just talk to him how did you get back on um well I just I just started skating like a lot more and um I was kind of riding Tim O Conor's coils kind of like Eastern Expo exposure came out like and he was traveling everywhere and wherever he would go I would go with him and so um um and I and um I wasn't like into drugs or any of that stuff I was just fullon 100% skateboarder and I love those days and what happened was uh I was down um we we we Tim O Conor went and stayed with Reese Forbes and Dan Wolf who was a filmer at uh in uh Orange County and I went with them and Lance dos came down and Lance was from San Francisco you know and he came down shot photos and he went back up north and he was friends with Greg and he's like dude I just skated with Tim and Ponch and Ponch is like killing it dude like wow you know and he showed him some photos and stuff okay and that's when Greg called me and was like Hey dude like um let let's squash everything I would love for you to ride for think again and uh we're going on a US tour do you want to come wow that's awesome and I was like uh I don't know let me think about it yeah right I swear what was think about were you getting boards from somebody El I thought it was a joke you know you don't know like you you you kind of [ __ ] this guy over you know and like and so I was like what and then Tim and like uh Dan and Rees were like dude what are you doing the US tour so that's when I got back on think and that was like at the end of high school are you were you trying to get on any other company you skting with Tim ooc Conor I mean um I tried to get on element I tried to get they just weren't feeling me you know like it it's fine you know like I was like Kobe Bryant just meant to like skate one team you know like wow Kobe Bryant guy you know never never went to another team yeah like I I did try like during that time but it was just you know I don't think you [ __ ] Greg over by any means based on you wanting to skate different boards I think it could have been a simple conversation like hey dude can you make some smaller boards I mean I'm I'm digging these yeah and then even like later on in life uh uh when I got back on think and they were making like smaller boards but like not just like boards that everyone skated but like a customade board for me that was even smaller uh that's when I learned 360 flips you know and I was like I needed a small board to do this cuz I didn't learn 360 flips and like later on in my skate career oh really and it was one of my get uh was the the board would just get tangled in my legs like a longer board so it it just cuz I know that feeling totally yeah I had to ride smaller boards too and the funny thing was when I got on Sonic right before I got on Sonic that's what I was saying like it I was just shuffled through the wrong ones they came out like we got the biggest wheel base ever that's what we're and I'm like really this the company I just got on I'm like damn dude yeah what did you what size board did you guys skate 75 was 75 but with like probably a 14inch wheel base yeah yeah I think yeah I always had the same size nose and tail as a regular board just the wheelbase was shorter yeah what do you know what the wheelbase was that you that like what's a normal wheelbase 14 14 it was probably like a 12.5 or something it it was shorter okay okay and it was funny because uh at one time do you guys remember a skater by the name of Shawn Payne yeah [ __ ] tall ass SK me and him would he skated for thing too and they would always send me and him on tour together oh am like dude he was so good we talked about him a few times in the show before but he he was incredible he was really good and he would he would skate on my board because he said skateboarding was just all footwork so he would just like do crazy tricks on my board not like handrails or any there we go or anything like that but like 360 flips Nolly double flips like just and it was just all on his toes it was really cool to watch like when people figure it out like that yeah yeah you guys are obviously shooting an ad right there probably I would assume damn thaty something he was I think a couple inches taller than Ron wayy who at one point was the tallest skateboarder out there it's interesting the taller you get the the it's hard to look good on a skateboard when you're that you know what I mean certain was one of them I feel like Sean was one of those dudes that figured out how to use his height to his Advantage like as far as like everything was really small for him whereas for a lot of people especially me it was really really tall tall and high right d you see that new basketball or the new dude on San Antonio oh my gosh's 74 but he still growing still growing he's like what is he like 18 no 20 I think he just turned 19 so is that Marans is that what it's called Marans we had a we interviewed a dude who's really tall and it's called Marans like when you're like extended like your joints extend and like you just keep super skinny super skinny super athletic super athletic it's a uh it's the opposite of us and and uh and they they have a high metabolism they can eat all day long whatever they want doesn't affect play ball do whatever and uh yeah keep growing no way yeah we had this dude we had the dude on our p and he was gigantic but super skinny how did you get him on the podcast did you just hit him up yep he's a he's a standup comedian his name is Taylor the great and uh our friend that's part of like the de doodle spot there you are de noodle we plugged you in um great spot but uh she's one of the people that that knew him and she was like you guys should have him on and this is his deal and we're like yeah let's do it sick that's right yeah yeah you guys got a little little Revolution going on we do we're changing the world okay one one guest at a time one guest just a little bit at a time how did you is that the that's the motto how did you guys uh meet up to do that what was the uh Ponch and I have for a few years now been well I'd say 10 yeah a little over 10 years MH uh Ponch was working for Monster Energy when I was sponsored by Monster Energy okay and monster would send me out on trips to go do appearances and stuff like that and I kind of finagled them I'm like I'm going to make this fun and I said well if I'm going places punch works for you guys I always want him coming along with me okay so Ponch and I would go out on tour and just cause a scene for a while I mean we were already changing the world a little bit back then being a single guy and going on a trip with this guy is [ __ ] great it's great good and uh we just we had a blast and and right then I was like this sucks cuz we could have been doing this a long time ago right how many years ago was this sorry to interrupt this was at least years 14 years we started doing this got you okay yeah but were you doing working at monster I was kind of like the the the the position was called Monster Ambassador okay it just Gorilla Marketing because monster for the longest time they didn't like advertise with Billboards or or anything like that so what they did was they had these trucks that were wrapped in the monster emblem and we would drive to different areas of Los Angeles that had high volume foot traffic and we had these coolers in the back that just had endless supply of monster like 30 cases in there iced up and we just give them to people get them hooked get get them hooked give it give it to them for free right okay first one's free yeah and we did sure and and that's kind of like the the the way they advertise which is kind of brilliant you know like that's kind of similar to Red Bull Red Bull has doing it they put him at events and [ __ ] Red Bull always had like super hot chicks doing it like and monster had punch I'm like I can't compete with this but you know it's funny just thinking about it right now punch majority of your day jobs was driving around town swindling people what do you mean swindling what do you mean I was giving the stuff out oh you're talking about the other day still like you're like hey here's a free one and then they're going to like be hooked and buy it now SLE It's A Swindle yeah I was definitely pushing the caffeine but you were driving around swindling other stuff too punches punches I've had some really crazy jobs like after like I don't know about you guys but like well some of you guys are still professional skateboarders and then you're doing this but like I didn't really know what I wanted to do I just knew that I didn't want to work in a skate shop do or do that route not because I'm better than it or anything it just wasn't I I just I don't know feel the same way man we can all be skateboarders and don't want to work in a skate shop yeahh and um so I you know I I I went to college for like a year I didn't really have that like education or like you know that degree so I had like a bunch of different jobs and one of my jobs was I I found this job like through a friend and basically there was a warehouse in in the valley where we would go and they had Vans there like creepy Vans and they and they had with no seats in them like generic like generic speakers in there and we would drive up the people with the speakers and be like hey what's up dude like we just we had extra yeah like our boss doesn't know about it we got extra ones I'll sell it to you for super cheap dude I bought speakers off I probably bought some off you I have too bro real sometimes they would go set up but they weren't like generic where they didn't work they just were like an offbrand they worked fine but it was like such a hustle and it wasn't stable and if you didn't sell anything you're just paying for gas and driving around like annoying how would you get paid in this situation would they give it to you and then you would just take a cut from you would get like I think it was like $50 for each speaker set okay so you knew you had to sell it for x amount of money to make some money yourself yes but you were also working with a partner so it's like one of those things where it's like if we can make $200 like two $200 each today okay you know and so did you guys sell a lot of them sometimes yeah and sometimes now just random people speakers like that pull there's like strategies to it you're like pulling up to people like that are walking out of the bank people going to the ATM machine people people that are getting gas you know like just you open you just open the truck but yo check these out you pull to a dude that's got like a super nice car with a like a a good like like stereo system and you pull up to them and you like open the van those guys are like oh like really I could get these for like half or like a quarter of of like what I would pay in the store for them right but they were an offbrand though I I bought some I don't skch it was sketchy I don't even remember look this is the van you drove right here discount speakers that one might have been a little too new yeah that's a newer yeah it was like one it wasn't that nice the creepy one the you want candy one that's the one that's the one we didn't have Windows but this is all after you were done skating yeah I was I was done skateboarding like at least my skateboard career ended when uh right before I moved to um because I used to live in San Jose in San Francisco area the Bay Area for pretty much my throughout my whole skate career because that's where all the companies that I skated for were those places were super dope to skate I had a lot of friends there but um my skateboard career ended and it was tough and so I wanted something completely different so I moved down to LA with a girlfriend that I was dating at the time and I just you know it it I just kind of hustled grinded like I worked at the Saddle Ranch on sunset I worked selling speakers out of a van I did birthday parties dressed as [ __ ] Yoda and like where I got the [ __ ] beat out of me by little kids and lightsabers and I was like [ __ ] this you're right give you would be like the birthday I am here you no no I was terrible lad you wore a mask and uh what happened was I showed up it was a a company called celebration entertainment and basically um they hired different actors of different statures to like come and like like you know do birthday parties for these super filthy rich people for their kids and you would go dressed as Disney characters or just different characters at Star Wars characters and I went to a Star Wars party and like the Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader that I work with on the company like were sick that day so I worked with some from a different company and we were there and the the the Darth Vader was like all right guys if you want to join the Dark Side you all have to get Yoda you know and they had lightsabers and they just start whacking me with these light I can barely see like wow and I was like this job sucks well [ __ ] that Dar Vader's ass hit Dar Vader but yeah so it was a bunch of different jobs and then I found Monster Energy which was kind of like more tamed in a sense that you're not stuck in an office it was really good money and like you're driving around like Hollywood and Los Angeles like you could even like I had friends that like skated and we that worked with me and we would go to like skate parks you know perect [ __ ] off for a little bit and then you know get back to work but it was definitely you know it's not the job you want did you exit skateboarding what I cuz you had back problems too right was that part of the issue of of going skating or what what what was the what was the driving issue uh like retiring or not not skating professionally anymore um well did think was it think going uh uh going under or I had like a lot of addictions you know through and it kind of took over where like skate it was it it came before skateboarding and it never was that way before like I I I I it was all about partying and the Rockstar lifestyle and kind of just drinking and [ __ ] doing blow and just doing things that weren't good for you especially if like you're like me and uh I kind of got caught up and that and I I kind of lost my love for skateboarding and damn and when I moved to Los Angeles it was even crazier because that's when like you like that's like the real party lifestyle and I it just kind of took over man and I I don't have any regrets I definitely learned from it but it it it's I the only thing I regret is like kind of like losing the passion that I had at one point for skateboarding like the thing that like gave me the most Joy like in my life you know and um so once that took over uh yeah I uh easy to get caught up in and I got caught up in it and but then like I I just wasn't getting skateboards or anything and skateboards are like expensive if you try to buy them hell yeah and all my friends were like I just wasn't hanging out with the right friends but all my friends were like that so it just kind of It kind of sucked and then one about 10 10 years ago no like 12 years ago I uh I was at this nightclub called hide and we uh we uh we we we we were partying got drunk and on on the way uh out the I had a like a Dodge Charger at the time and I don't even understand how like the valet gave me the keys to the car but I was barely able to stand so my friend who's about your size he's like I'll drive you home I'll drive us home I'll get us home safe but he was really tall and my car has pedal extensions in it so he was like driving he was driving my car with like his knees like at his like chin you know and when you're driving like that you don't just use your foot you tend to use your entire leg so we're going home and we go around this corner instead of like slowing down he presses the gas and we fly around the corner and he drives my car into a furniture store into the store into the store and um and then he ran and then my other friend that was in the backseat ran they made sure I was okay but they ran and luckily I didn't get charge because I had a seat belt Mark like a gnarly seat belt from the passenger seat and I just was like I I really I don't know who drove like I was so intoxicated that like it kind of ended up working out for me but wow a few months after that like when you get in an accident like that like you don't really feel the pain you're so in shock that your body doesn't really like acknowledge like what just happened and a few months later like I was in the shower and like I coughed wrong like I was while I was bending for something and then my and then every all the pain just started shooting down my legs and it was a slow process and then it came up my other legs and then it got to the point where I couldn't stand on my tippy toes anymore like and my laminectomy was just like my lower spine was just crushed oh my God so I you didn't even notice this no later yeah like 3 months later oh what okay and that's when like skateboarding was just completely done out of the picture you will never skateboard again and that's and that's the kind of like regret I have as as far as like like man I made some really bad choices but uh you know you can't you know no you you can't but like at at the same time like sometimes I would go to watch my friends skate at like bbl's Park I would always go and watch Stefon skate and [ __ ] man I missed it so bad like right you just miss it you know did you I mean obviously you've had like multiple surgeries on the back three three surgeries we have the uh you posted it on your Instagram you have the back wow I mean they really opened you up man yeah what kind of surgeries like are you getting is a laminectomy and then two fusions and fusions they they basically put these titanium plates in your back to kind of like stabilize your spine so you can't really Bend too well oh and then and with the laminectomy like um they kind of do a decompression they did that on him too but his actually worked out mine mine didn't we just had different symptoms and mine was just way worse was that from a back injury we in yeah I was skating and I was at uh Stoner Park okay and I did something slammed and my fifth vertebrae slipped out and it even touched my tailbone and I had to go and like it it like popped back in but it was a little off and you have a lot of main arteries that go through your back and so I you walk after this oh I walk you're good okay um I wasn't as bad as punch but I had like a I had a foot that like wouldn't bend and I was like okay I need something something's up I need to go check and I'm like the kind of person I don't like dealing with doctors at all and I did a lot of research on doctors I called Knoxville for one I even went to his guy and I was like I just had this sketchy feeling about it and I'm like uh-uh cuz I'd already seen what Ponch went through okay and I was like no I'm going to wait till I feel very comfortable find the right person that knows what they're doing and I found this lady in Torrance and she goes oh I know what's up we're going to do something very small we're going to give you a cut like about this big we're going to cut key holes in it's going to open up your back and everything's going to be be fine I went and did it and I called Ponch and I go Ponch you need to go to this lady Ponch saw me like go through the whole process and then heal and be back skating and I was like punch go okay and so he called her and she's like well we can you know she goes I don't know what happened before you got the you know that was I went to his person uh for my second surgery and uh I think my back was already so messed up it was no like recovering from cuz it's still like the first surgeon did a lot of stuff back there for the second time yeah wow is this a common injury for the back is it I mean it's just basically Little People it is so if you notice ponchan sit the same height as you okay yep you know what I mean so if people look at us they're like oh you guys are the same height couple dudes yeah yeah but it's just our limbs that are small uh so our bodies carry a lot of weight for different things especially for us so okay our backs get a lot of everything they they hold a lot of weight yeah like definitely the wear and tear that like my back took Through Skateboarding sure sure like didn't help but like I wasn't like aware that like that was a condition for little people to have like be prone to having like chronic back surgery you know and it's not for everyone but yeah most and I kind of fell under that which which sucks but one door closes another One open so I mean after that you I mean you got sober and all that stuff or did you cuz you went into acting like I got sober probably like 9 years ago um but like I stopped smoking weed like 15 years ago and uh one of the things with uh and and and that's kind of when I I put like I'm like if I'm going to do this acting thing I got to go all the way in and that's one of the beautiful things about skateboarding is um the discipline you get from it like when you're trying trick over and over again and you keep going and then until you [ __ ] land it and your friends are rooting for you and all that and that's kind of like the same discipline like I apply like to like everything in my life now which which is really cool because that's one of the things that my wife says is like one of the you're so determined that when you really want something you kind of get it done you know no matter what's in your way but like that yeah so with that I uh started going to the actor Studio which is like a a pretty like well-renowned acting place alpacino came out of there James Dean Robert dairo Marlon Brando and I uh I became AER yeah and I became a and I just went 100% to this place and put like everything I could into it and if you get in there you get free acting classes for the rest of your life you know it's anting how you get in there what do you mean you have to take that you have to do the pass the audition okay so you pass the how does this place make money then if they're just giving it's like a nonprofit oh really yeah and they they also make their money I think through maybe Pace University because that was like Pace University uh had like a program uh for the actor Studio out of there like remember like uh the the show I forgot what it was called James Lipton yeah the James lipon show that was from people from the actor Studio but out of Pace University um but uh so I I did my audition I became a um a working finalist which means that like you're able to work with just lifetime members there and put up work um which is great and then you get feedback from like some of like the best actors in the world wow and and then and then I and then every year when you're a working finalist there's always a final audition MH and uh to become a lifetime member or or stay a finalist and I stayed a finalist for like 5 years and finally um I finally like the last year that um Martin land was alive like rest in peace like he he was our teacher our Mentor uh I became a lifetime member through him and so now I can go to classes in New York City and here and like it's it's it's a pretty big deal at least for me sure method actors are known to be difficult I don't try to be difficult you know like um you're difficult you're difficult but uh I got a lot of respect for that place and I learned a lot and really really helped me what happens in a class there like what do you guys just get topics and try to act things out yeah to to build on that is it is it freestyle is it like that's improv like it's basically you're doing scenes from plays okay classical plays contemporary plays like doing one act scenes and they uh and then you're putting up this work like uh and using the method that like you know like effective memory like you know sense memory like things that like that take you to a place that like a lot of people like don't want to go to like Dark Places you know and that's one of the things with the actor Studio H do if you're in that does that make it like a better opportunity to get jobs anywhere out out there honestly I thought it would it definitely it's it's it could I guess it it really hasn't for me but what it's taught me is like how to be a professional on set and and and be able to build relationships with people and just keep working okay your skills too right exactly 100% yeah that's cool it's like going to the skate park practicing right you have a place to go practice instead of like in in your bathroom or and that's like kind of like even with like a or your basement there go that was good yeah that's awesome man cuz you were in um I was looking at your IMDb you've been in a lot of stuff dude the only one that I kind of recognized was the uh Bad News Bears but the Remake not the one in the 70s it was the one you weren't in the ' 70s one yeah yeah first I was like wa how old is this dude and then it was like Billy Bob dorton I'm like yeah that was like one of my first gigs I ever did it was just a little like Cameo part but uh you watch your original Bad News Bears would you yeah it was a good movie I love that movie one good it's it's classic yeah yeah it's definitely a classic I I'm not like really one for like remaking like you know classic films like but people do it all the time and it just kind of work there was another one candy corn yeah cand like the scary do would be into that I'm I'm not I haven't seen I'm interested to see it now it's a it's a good Halloween movie to like cuddle up with your your your girl and just like watch it and get scary it's like it's like a love letter to like' 80s like slasher films kind of me how long ago did it come out it came out it came out like 2016 okay or like 2019 I'm sorry 2019 fairly fairly new like a little bit before like the uh pandemic yep yeah candy cor have to check that out candy corn look at you up front yeah I got to uh the guy uh from that played Candyman was in it and then the other guy from um Children of the Corn was in it like it it was really that's why it's candy corn okay yeah who is that uh what's his name that produced it no it's not Rob Zombie a guy that I met on a Rob Zombie movie called Josh Hy okay cool see that so I mean you build relationships with people that you meet on set and then they see you work and they're just like dude just bring this guy and you don't need to audition him so right right make an impression that way for sure yeah yeah yeah exactly it's so funny man like speaking of like getting hurt and all that stuff it's like you know I mean I couldn't even imagine cuz jackass was like you could you can get hurt way more gnarly than skating you're getting thrown around you're getting you know blown up by a portapotty whatever the [ __ ] it is it's funny that all my injuries have all been skateboarding so crazy yeah broken femur broken wrist broken heel broken foot broken rib broken back all skating nothing jackass knocked out that's it wow that was your worst injury knocked out what what uh actually it was wild boys he wasn't even jackass it was for wild boys and that's not even your show ponus and Ste yeah yeah what was it what did you get knocked out uh well it was skating oh so we were down at uh at Bob burnquist's ramp and we were filming with monkeys we were doing like like a California Edition and Bob told me to drop in on the smaller part of his ramp and go into the big part and he was on the right of me we both dropped in at the same time he rode the side of the ramp and I went over his waterfall and it's like a trick he does to people everybody Slams on it and I just dropped in you're going so fast you don't even go down the waterfall you just fall out and I just went bam and knocked out Birdman was there and he talks about too he goes dude we we saw you out it's a trick that he does with people yeah he does he used to do it to people all the time that what what happened what so about the waterfall is the roll in yeah so his no his uh so he has his like six or seven foot mini ramp part okay and then it waterfalls into his vert ramp gotcha and you can go out you you supposed to like to keep riding you ride the side of it he rode the side and I just went straight over the waterfall and it's such a steep quick one even Birdman says he's gotten me on it too no way yeah what a dirty trick Bob Burnquist dirty dog you're getting hurt were you even filming it or was that just no nobody filmed it let's just do it for fun like he's like we're just waiting to film around you know did you get to do the monkey thing oh yeah we did yeah it was good I just got knocked out for a little bit dude it's so funny dude I mean just a jackass [ __ ] like did you ever invite punch on the jackass nothing no we weren't really it so we weren't like yeah it's still like yeah was still Rivals still Rivals still after like it was like right before the last movie or the last no it was right before the last when Los Angeles is when I was going to say not the last one so yeah it was the before the 3D movie oh that's when we started like where we squashed whatever the skateboard industry did to us and then punch takes his now wife on their first date to Jackass 3 3D yeah right yeah he got his wife to go see Jackass 3D why is that the first fun and funny that kind of is a good first day it's a good ice breaker right or you try to do the popcorn trick no no not at all um I I was on this like traveling Broadway show called The Radio City Christmas Spectacular with the rockets and it's done out of it started in New York City and then it kind of branched out and like sometimes it's in New York and then in Nashville and then like they do Arena tours and stuff and basically I did a three City Tour and my wife I I was one of the actors on on it and she was one of the the bosses on there and that's where we met was on this tour and basically uh the movie Jackass 3D came out and I was like does anyone want to come watch this movie with me and she was the only one that said I'll go watch it with you oh and we went to watch it and I was R heing the whole time like about to vomit and she was just laughing at me cuz steo was like in the porter potty there's [ __ ] everywhere like it was you don't like that you don't like yeah like it's it's fun to watch but it's also it makes me sick and she was laughing her ass off and from then we we ended up like making out that night and then the next day was her her birthday wow so okay yeah it was like a what' you get her for her birthday two for one two for one that's good so you guys started dating after that obviously yeah yeah we started dating after that she from La as well no she's from Buffalo New York how did that even work out because she worked for the company for Radio City and it it basically they hire like actors and staff from different parts of the country to come and run this show this Traveling Show so you're on tour with her through how for how long uh for three months okay because you have to like we go and we're HSE and Myrtle Beach and then you go on the then you you start the how long were you uh how long into the tour did you go to see that movie uh probably like within the first few days oh wow oh so you had three months together yeah like it was almost like and she was like sneaking in my room at night because the rules well management wasn't allowed to fraize with like the talent and so she was rizing so and that's how what's crazy about it is that that's not allow but a lot of people meet on this tour and they're like married now and still together so it's like you know how long you been married um 12 no no [ __ ] um nine years now hey congrats bro thanks amazing dude but we've been together for 12 years years together yeah damn that's right look at you damn yeah and then so what what happened when you guys did the three months were over um she went back to Buffalo and I went back to out here I had this dope apartment like on Fuller Street and um and Franklin like up there and I was just like there's no way like I want to keep this going with you I love you but there's no way I'm moving to Buffalo New York and she went back to Buffalo New York and it was like super cold and like rainy and and snowing just like the worst weather for like the next uh like 3 4 months of winter and this was like uh in January you're like it's 75 out here 0 and I'm like I'm like you can come out here and visit and hang out and see if you like it and she came out fell in love with it we ended up you know you know just living together beautiful man it's hard though like if you just go just to living with each other without having like without dating right right right just jump right in and like you got to learn each other's quirks and [ __ ] oh yeah yeah but like we ended up figuring out she was completely different than me as far as like she's really smart book smart like educated like computer wizard and I'm not any of those things so um all I have is like my determination and my and my heart and my heart and we balance each other out you know opposites ATT track I sure you yeah it's beautiful man it looks like you're doing some comedy now though so it must be theun one in the house she is oh yeah she was actually a comedian too she was a comedian before me and after the pandemic well what happened is when you're when you when you when you are in this acting world you can get pigeon Hool into stuff pigeon hole meaning like I did a lot of horror movies oh I see you're saying and so I get used a lot for like the horror stuff or like the bad guy stuff the mean guy like I love doing it but it's like then you can't really do comedy right or like comedy like TV series because everyone just sees you as this other dude so I was like I went after the pandemic and that's what my agent was telling me after the pandemic I started going to open mics with my wife just to wa see how what what what happens in this and like a lot of the dudes were just like talking about like like [ __ ] jokes and like online dating and I'm like [ __ ] I got so much more to say than this and so I started writing some stuff down and then I just kind of kept going with it and just got up and got up and then kind of fell in love with it and I was like oh you want comedy I'll I'll become a stand-up comedian you know and so now you know like I I kind of like almost it's not that I love stand-up comedy more than acting but with standup comedy you're in control of it you know what I mean with acting you do a self tape audition you send it in you don't hear nothing right or you book the role and you do a lot of these things and that's what the pandemic did was it made it so everything is a self tape now you're never going back into a room and making it up like personal like I feel like I booked a lot more when I went into the room because you go in you read the other you do your your your sides you read with the the casting director and the casting director is usually like okay next you know or they're like I love what you did that was super interesting that's not what we're looking for here but could you try it this way and then that's the next round you know you don't get that with self taped you either you either get you either get booked the audition or you never hear anything no feedback nothing so you you you have no control of it and with standup you have all the control of it right you're going You're booking your own little jobs and going to different little clubs and I mean how much is do you do you get paid for a lot of these G some of them I do and then some of them I don't you know it's just free but I I told myself I'm like I'll give myself 3 years I never see myself as like a headliner that's that's like would I never say never no absolutely but like I see myself as an opener I could easily go up there and open up for someone big and do like 15 20 minutes and kill it warm the crowd up and then he warm it up for my boy and then he goes in there and just you know murders it but that's what I give myself three years to to be able and I've been like at it for like 2 and a half years and it's starting to grow so we'll see you know It's a Grind yeah a it's such a grind dude it seems like that's where it all starts for even like the bigger comedians like they start like ground and then you work your way to like all right I'm opening for somebody and then they get that confidence and then eventually hopefully they get to that point where they can be the you know the lead in absolutely and one of the things too is like with with with standup is like they're always looking for the next young best thing and I'm no spring chicken you know so it's like these you got these younger kids but they're and they're good most of them you know but there they just haven't had enough life experience yet and so I try to bring that aspect to it and uh it it's been working but you know I'm still like you know like you I never talk about my age or any of that stand up because it's just one of those things that you know it doesn't need to be couldn't you like play off of that though I do play off of it you have to play off of it sure sure but um it seems like I feel like that's what comedy is though it's like your own you're you're you're basically you know you're using yourself as like a punching bag right you can like play definitely you definitely are I try to stay about like you know stay away from like dividing the room cuz nowadays it's very divisive very easily divisive like there's trigger words and stuff so I try to stay away from talking about like politics or like religion or like sports you know like because people get like triggered quick and like they'll come up after you and they're like I I really loved your set but I didn't like what you said about this and you're like joke that's every that means I'm going to do it again it affected him I think I think the big blue I mean actually I don't know about any blueprint but what I see a lot of comedians doing which is awesome that you guys are doing is the podcast and you get to go do stand up places and it feels like that drives a lot of people to go see you do standup right absolutely and I think that's but with that said the way me and Jason do it is we shoot all our episodes like um first yeah like within a month and then we put them out slowly depending on like you know like you but you guys put them out like right after each other you know so we're not like able to like I'm not able to be like cuz we don't know which one's going to go first which one's going to go last or so I'm not able to be like and guys next week I'll be at the comedy store so come check out my show so we the the idea is to be able to do that but right now the the process is like just getting as many out there as possible why don't you know where who's coming out why can't you schedule out this one's this day this one's this day we we definitely could but you don't know because sometimes some podcasts are better than others you know like yeah wait what do you mean so we filmed 11 okay 11 yeah we did 11 in a month probably within two months okay we did some days where we did four in one week we did back toback on a Tuesday back to back on a Thursday and uh when we got we we cut one cuz it wasn't even good so we actually did 12 okay uh but when we got them together we we we planned it out cuz we were like we don't need to like record put out record put out we're like let's not tell anybody MH only the people that are on it and let's record them all and then let's just drop it to the world and see what they think okay so go who when were you doing this why wasn't I how come I didn't help and there's certain people of my friends that like once you tell them something they're the gossip people and they they so I was like you were super like I was like I don't you were Hush Hush about nobody to know and and so then we got them all and then we watched them all and we figured out we wanted it to go like this as we set each one out we wanted like we wanted to come out with bangers MH and then dip a little and then bring another Banger in you got you have to do they're all bangers in different ways one of the things I noticed like I mean you guys basically like interview skateboarders and you guys are talking about skateboarding we're we're we're we're we're we're trying to interview like all different walks of life and like not everyone is not that not everyone is as interesting as other people but we we're we're trying to make people shine and and just like like what you guys are and that's what this is all about and some episodes just don't move as good as others you know you get comedians on it's just laughter right the whole time and then you get another one you're like ah this one you know so we got we we got to kind of like strategize which ones we're putting out that week based on like but all that stuff will come though too because it's coming naturally it's it's a I mean when we started that I mean we it's a learning process you almost have to train your brain how to like do this and talk to people and bring stories back around and oh this guy's going on this tangent for this so long hey dude let's bring this back we stop we St it's it's it's a thing we've had that 100% And when we first started punch was coming in with notes with notes yeah and and I was like and and the funny part was we'd be talking like this and then Ponch would be like so what's your favorite color then like I and I'm like what are you doing dude we're we're in we're in like a zone right now and you just threw a rock in that der derail and I had to show him this and then it got to the point where I said punch this is how we're going to do it MH just imagine we called up joeo and we're going to lunch with him and just have a conversation at lunch and that's what we're going to do that was my take on this show it was more of like and I I didn't I I never did notes I never did research because like it was for me it was more about like I wanted to have a genuine conversation with somebody just like we're going out and having coffee together and it wouldn't be like if I'm going out to have coffee with wean or punch like I wouldn't I wouldn't be on Google like oh what am I going to talk about with these guys and blah blah blah but throughout the years it got to a point where I'm like you know what let me prepare me let me I I've I've honed some skills in this conversation thing I train my brain how to do a lot of different things that I didn't normally do in conversation so now let me go in with a little bit of ammunition and it's more just bullet points it's more of like hey let's keep this conversation rocking and like let's let me let me get let me get some stuff you know it's like that's that's exactly how I explained it to punch I go think of three topics you want to talk about with this person keep them in the back of your head and if you feel it's a little getting slow drop it drop it there you go conversations can lull yeah they can and then you could just be like oh so what happened with think what's going on with there like you were in the east coast and what I don't understand so now a whole new conversation opens up so he got he got a lot better near the end and you can see it and and our banter towards each other is the funnest part of it for me we got like a little mini bar mini we're trying to get sponsored by like Tootsie Roll M Tootsie Roll they have Tootsie Roll has a brand they call them mges and they're like smaller little tootsie rolls and it's on the back called mid they're called m d d g e e s mid wow they get away with they've been getting away and I'm like this is awesome we want them to sponsor us so one of the that right here yeah mid TIY roll midies there they are so one of the the the questions that like we like depending on what guest we'll we'll ask them cuz it's usually them sitting in between us and'll be like uh would you like a miji from a miji that's true that's you're like and they're like uh yeah sure that's so cute and then we have like a little tiny like [ __ ] bar or a little little bar we have a mini bar you reached out to them they didn't they haven't no we we haven't reached out to them we're just we're just putting it in the world here if you're listening we got the perfect we're waiting for that person that works or has their mom or dad or uncle or cousin that works it's like dude these guys are like promoting you guys you need them dude it happens all the time we talk about something on the show somebody will email a DM be like dude I work for them like oh 100% we're waiting for that we don't we don't want to go out we're not sending a sponsor me tape today we're just putting our footage out there and see C okay let's talk more go ahead what you have something to say uh is there a time frame that you guys work with on your podcast like only filmed for an hour are you guys just go 1 hour We're 1 hour one hour and there's two uh so well we're we're already 1 hour 22 so we got to go this this this is our Tony this is actually our Tony Hawk episode we went over with him so we're at the Tony Haw but um and I could tell he wanted to leave the whole time I just kept asking questions he was like like we're done we're done no no he loved it it was good he's he's a man so here's how it started that cuz we're talking about it yeah please so Ponch and I well I'll start with this Ponch was did a movie your your what was your thing you did your movie that we tried to get out there oh I forgot I I think left in the desert or something the one with dude the twin brother oh oh uh um dwaro psychosis so Ponch was working on this dwaro psychosis movie that he sent to places that he's gotten awards for yeah and he came to me and he said I want to make something bigger with this it's him and an average siiz guy that uh are twin brothers but the average sized guy thinks he's a little person the whole time it's pretty funny it's really like Off the Wall Danny DeVito shortz and name but it's next level yeah okay and he brought it to me and I loved it I laughed I said okay he goes I want to do something with this I said okay I go I'll open doors for you but I want to be silent I I kind of want this to be your thing but I'll I'll I'll help okay you know give me a little you know throw me a little crumbs if something happens and cool we're good and we went to different uh companies production companies like happy Gilmore's production company we Hade with Happy Madison yeah we were we were in some big ones okay and nobody really bit nobody so we're like okay get it it's all right mhm and Ponch was doing his comedy I was going and watching him and I was giving him some pointers on Comedy was helping him out and he loved it gave him some stuff and then one time punch came to me he had a show near my house and he's like can I stay the night at your house and I'm like to you can spend that night in my house anytime let's go watch your comment let's do that he came over be you know we watched his com then he comes he goes what do you think about doing a podcast and I go I've been thinking about it and I think it would be cool something together to do but I said if I'm involved I just want to show up I want to do the podcast and I want to wash my hands like okay I don't want to edit I don't want to do none of that I want to just you know and he goes if I find a place will you be down like and I go show me a place and so nowadays there's these places you can go to and they will live edit right your podcast right he showed me everything took me there and I'm like I'm in and so we checked it out did that and uh I was like this this is exactly how I want to do it so that's why we our episodes are 1 hour because we go in we get that time slotted you know thing and then they got another one another appointment yeah so they so do they do everything for you your YouTube channel so they give you the you're basically renting time in a studio and they give you the cut they're like here you go this is it here's the footage and then punch has done the rest yeah punch learned over Co how to edit and do different things and he punch punch is doing the rest yeah and he's he's doing good I'm I'm my wife definitely helps me but like yeah it's uh okay okay so then he was there and we we went to breakfast and recru and we were talking about we had ideas we made a dream list and I and I told them too I'm like if we're going to do this I want to be quiet about it I want to film all our guests and then I want to drop it okay I want and and I even said it too and it we have a we have a bonus episode coming out but I said in our bonus episode I go I'm not going to go and then piggy back off all my friends I'm like we're not having one Jackass guy on this you know right now okay maybe down the line I'm like but we're going to come in in hot and we're going to get a dream list and we're bringing our Dream list in and we're doing it that's interesting and we're going to film it all we're going to get it ready and we're dropping it boom and he goes I love the idea and I go don't tell a word we're having everybody sign ndas when they come in yeah we did it all bro we did it we did it all BR got that paperwork back there we need because like here's the thing is like we leaned on all of our friends for this I mean we were leaning on our friends like heavy try to get it going but I figured we Ponch and I if you say two little people one's from Jackass one's a comedian want you on their podcast who's going to say no yeah and who's going to say no and either one of you guys reaching out to them both of us both of us we came up with our list and we both reached out and we got them is it hard sorry go ahead I'm sorry I was just saying is it hard to schedule them based off like your timing and like like how do you schedule like the time with we we did it all we contacted them all like on the same day and we said here's our time frame can you fit in it and they just said yeah yeah yeah yeah there's a couple we had to shuffle and Birdman he went till the last day wow and and we're like we're getting him in and once he's done we're throwing it together and we're sending it out when they give you the live cut are they giving you are they giving you a finished podcast or are they giving you like something to work with in Premiere an editing no they're giving you a finished podcast giving you a finished podcast I mean you could Ed more on premere okay so they it's they give you an edit editable timeline of the cut that they did yeah yeah okay got you interesting yeah and so thank you de noodle yeah to get the love you know they've done some stuff for us so we give them a little love amazing um but yeah and once he so we were driving to breakfast and a Beatles The Beatles Revolution song was on and I'm I'm like let's call it little Revolution and he goes why and I go I don't know sounds good and he goes and I go the beetle song was actually on and it hit and he goes all right it's on yeah that's better than small talk that was one of the names no but we got Brad Williams on the show and he yeah but he said he goes when he was leaving he goes I'm so pissed I didn't come up with this idea and pick one of you guys to do it with but he goes but I'm glad you guys didn't call it small talk and I'm like all right so this is it right here pretty dope man you got the nice little set back there oh it's legit yeah so are you still filming stuff now or what do you mean but what about when when 11 comes around you got to get put out more oh we we we're we're we're starting to kind of get the the list together for we're doing our people go away for the holidays so we're trying to get that like little time like like in between after Thanksgiving and Christmas like you know to shoot like at least half of them okay yeah now do they have different sets you could pick from or two they have two sets but we liked this one and we're going to go back and forth but uh we liked this one and uh they said now when we go back we can change it up a little bit more too we're going to try and we're going to try and make it our own we kind of have to change it up because um a lot of people rent that space out and so you'll see podcasts and it looks similar to yours and it could like kind of give like a Mis like what's it called like a misconception or something of like to other people are like is this wean and Poncho's podcast what's going on because it's similar you know who are these dudes I'm surprised they don't have like movable stuff like they do there's a couple things that's you like bring some [ __ ] in bring some [ __ ] out okay we're trying to get like the um the little Revolution like like neon not as dope as that one pretty close this is legit yeah you guys you guys are big time though Eric Bragg brought that in that was a gift nice wait so how many episodes are we in at the moment fifth fifth or sixth no we're going to be on our seventh episode once a week once a week yeah so who have we had on so far as far as like you have six or seven people on right wait this is the this is them right here oh sick so oh Jeremiah Watkins awesome dude oh he's so then we went after he did ours he goes you two have to come on scissor Bros and it it's a funny story you'll hear on there if you go watch I'm tired I don't like saying stories over and over but we went on there and we were one of the best episodes he said yeah together with him and Stevie weeby yeah okay but uh yeah they've all had their own golden moments and the one that's coming Wednesday Mark uh panelli funny also well funny but he was also um I don't know if you guys know what LPA is but it's uh Little People of America it's like an association oh for for for for little people you know to go and meet other little people and kind of like you you can talk to doctor like they have conventions and you can talk to doctors that deal with little people and like play sports like with like your own kind you know like staring at everyone eye level then deal with little people doct deal with little people deal with little people and like you know but he was he was actually the president for them for like four years but he's also like a friend of mine and uh or or for two for for eight years and but he's also a friend of mine and he's we've done lots of acting gigs together and he's a phenomenal actor but uh we we wanted to have him on the show to like have them talk about that CU one of the things we're trying to do with our podcast too I I think you guys are is like uh teach through like you know like like learning through like teaching through laughter you know through like you know and conversation for sure yeah so uh Tony Cox Bad Santa Friday all that so we got him on the show cuz I I did a like a be movie with him uh ponchos worked with him and the guy's amazing but he was a little tough he's an older dude and he's a little tough to you know get but he finally agreed and we got him in and then he got a phone call and there there was a little issue and I'm like damn we're like we've been juggling to get him in get him in and get him in and we're going to lose him Ponch went and took a piss real quick and Ponch comes back and I'm like all right it's go time F you Ponch and I joked on Ponch to make him laugh and he laughed and it went from then on it just went straight in and he forgot like you know what was going on in his personal thing and we did a whole show and he goes guys this was one of the best things I've ever done and um thank you for having me on like you made me feel super good and we're like hell yeah and then I knew I was like okay we're this is we're we're doing it now right that's amazing it was good it's a good one I can't I I can't wait for everybody to see that one that's one of my favorites he's awesome love the dude that's and that's coming in next couple weeks that'll be yeah that actually yeah like two or three weeks sick and then we we end with Birdman Birdman was good too Birdman you don't end with them you're going just that that's this season we call it our Seasons but wait are you going to take a break once safe Birdman's episode drops are you going take break it's probably going to be a little one just so we can then do our next you know our next why not work on that now we are but we both have some things going on so what what day does it drop or what days every Wednesday every Wednesday every Wednesday what time 9: a.m 9 a.m. 9: a.m. Wednesday okay so you're handling everything you got the podcast um like uh the audio podcast out there in the world and so you're doing all the backend and one one of the things I do too I don't know if you guys do it cuz you guys been doing it for a while so you you know it's good but I try to I live kind of far away so when I drive to Los Angeles to do my open mics or shows I'll I I'll listen to our podcast just listen to it because you you want to make sure that it sounds good like that like you're like painting a picture with your voice you know that it's that um so I I I try to do that with all the the episodes just to kind of it also in the beginning it makes you better when you watch because I used to edit all the episodes and so I would edit I watch myself and at first I was hyper critical of what I was doing on camera I'm licking my lips I'm doing this I'm looking up here I'm like my whatever and then after a while you're like okay who cares whatever like that's all good I'm that s whatever sensitivity is gone and then you start to think oh I do this oh I say that I say this and also the you habits yeah the YouTube comments will kind of help too I think um cuz it's good I like I like constructive criticism I don't like other types of criticism but constructive I'll take all day long absolutely cuz you I want to get better yeah I want to get better how did you guys get Mark Norman I uh I have a friend that works for him like his agency okay and I actually had been texting with him I've I met or I just my friend uh gave me his number and I was like texted him like I'm I'm a huge fan of him oh me too yeah then he hit me back and we started texting and then we got him in here it was but you you got have him on in your podcast you easily get him he he he grew up skating so he's like super fan of skating that's really cool yeah yeah well I saw foot I didn't know and then I saw footage I'm like well when I learned kick flips it took me like a good two years like it's not like an easy trick just to learn like you got to be doing it and then I saw the footage I'm like he's a skateboarder you can't just kick flip out of nowhere damn sure for sure how did you get someone like on like King Bach on like that dude's like an actor influencer type of guy right I hit him up straight up I said hey man I just want to let you know skater and another skater guy you know we'd love to have you on our podcast cuz he's not a skateboarder not to cat off yeah yeah and he's like dude I'm a fan let's go and I was like I I go I got him I love it and he goes no way I go I got him dude and I'm and he came on he's super cool but um the funny thing is I mean honestly everybody else has promoted their uh their he he and I get it he's he's big he's a big dog he's a big dog you know he's a big shark out there doesn't matter who how big they are though you're going to come across those people and you you wonder why but then after a while you're like I've heard from other people that uh cuz he's an he's a social media he's a Vine guy or is he started he started with Vine Vine a lot of Vine people don't from Vine don't like cross promote things and I'm like okay I'm like you know what though we got in the bank he's cool love the dud it's a really really good episode too no that's a good one to have under your belt real talk it does suck though it does suck because we even us to this day it's like it helps us when other people post yeah of course stuff it depends on you know they're following and stuff and when they don't you're just like okay I mean it is what it is it happens to us still and it's a learning thing and we're you know we accept it can't tell somebody we don't like press them we don't are you going to share our stuff or you should call them up I he like like dude we got it he knows it's in the in we got to tame oursel here don't do that brother so who's cutting up all the reels and the shorts and all that stuff Opus what is that Opus AI [ __ ] yeah kind of my uh the guy Dennis AI huh yeah like as as much as we hate AI we open show with AI it's definitely beneficial um when it comes to this Opus is like a it's like a website where you can I can throw on the fullon edited episode an hour the hour episode throw it on here download on here and then it just breaks it down into different conversations and topics that we talked about and then it rates them it rates them this will be 99% because you guys are talking about Target and you guys are talking about this it's going to go into that algorithm it's going to get way more views and then it does that with all of them but you still it's still like you still got to kind of go through it and then and then um and then sometimes it doesn't really get everything that you like what you want to use so I I'll go I'll take that I'll take a clip from the episode and put it on Premiere and edit it and then throw it on the Opus because then it adds the subtitles and it puts it into the algorithm but it's also nice to have kind of like another opinion of like hey what could be good here then you could take it and kind of run with it like that wasn't too good but there's something there that I can but it cuts it up like you know like it it horiz is that horizontal ver yeah where where like it just so even like when we have the wi shots you'll just see the person that's in the middle it frames it up it frames it up but uh yeah for the most part that's kind of what we were told to use in the beginning to kind of like get some volume going on it got and uh but we're not sure because of the things that you say have happened with Instagram and stuff like that so it well it's coming with a lot of things um like I post just Instagram like I I got over a lot of stuff and I got over social media a bunch and I I only do like little things now but um if you do like I post Instagram and then let it go to like also add it to my Facebook okay but if you post something with words in your on your actual video titles captions or whatever and it goes to Facebook they won't show it really they'll pretty like five people will see it somehow because it slipped in and then it gets cut they they got this weird because you put words on on the actual video but that's what I learned about it and I'm like what and I'm like give me a raw video that we have of something I want to test this out and it work to check I I didn't go back and check cuz I did it this morning okay so yeah this is new stuff work learning day by day even it's an everchanging landscape that's a problem it's so hard to keep up with this thing and oh this algorithm and this it's like oh my God and then I heard it one this was a few years ago I heard don't do hashtags anymore cuz when you do hashtags you're going to get like cut out and this and that you know well that's a weird one the hasht jackass which we use it immediately like it's offensive like it it gets cut out and I'm like but it's I'm like can't we get like a little weird wow so there's words that you can't use like what we talking about and um but yeah I mean learning for anybody that's doing a podcast in the beginning I I would highly suggest the Opus because it's really helpful I mean and you learn a lot while you're doing it even if you're a computer degenerate like me you're just like you're like oh [ __ ] like this wow like right you're learning though right yeah absolutely I've never really noticed cuz my Facebook is tied to my Instagram as well but I never go and check my um Facebook to see is anybody seeing this only thing I really care about like you said is like my Instagram so I'm not really I don't not that I don't care but it's like I'm not it's not really affecting me because I don't even know exactly I've been the same way but then I got a phone call like hey you're video only got like 25 views and that seems weird because usually if you post something and it's shared it gets you know good amount of views the traction's good and I was like wow it's weird social media is so weird I always hear wait so you post on Instagram it go straight to you link it I feel like it does better if you post it on Instagram and then you post it in your Facebook I've heard that as well yeah that does a little better ours you know what's weird is because we do the same thing we post on the fa on Instagram and it just goes to Facebook automatic we use sub we use words and ours do relatively well yeah huh I think maybe because we're like messing with you nah he's not mad he he tries like a new page to new Instagram page no I mean a Facebook page no none of it's new yeah I don't think we'll ever find the answers we don't yeah no Tik Tok no Tik Tok I never I never even signed up once for it same I tried it and I was like I don't think this one's for me yeah it seemed a little I got I got to try to get over it I got to I got I got to work with it how about Snapchat I did at first I did it at first too and then stopped also I felt like I when I did it personally and then I saw who was it felt when when it first came out it felt like teeny boppers yeah and I was like okay nope not not doing this not getting for the younger younger kids sure kind of phased out and then it came back totally it did it did have a little yeah but it's again I think it's for the younger generation like they they they use that tool a lot more like in I'd say like high school and like Junior High type [ __ ] and Tik Tok too Tik Tok as well what was you going to say when you guys put your episodes out do you guys put it on private or like put it on for the public or for for can little kids watch it too yeah because we were told at least with ours not to cuz the stuff that we talk about not to be able to let little kids watch it you know like I mean you I don't know we don't no we it's not 18 or over yeah that that's going to lose a lot of your viewership that's that's what I think too and I think that especially told you that um well you don't have to say but I mean it's just I don't know it's just some of the people that we talk to but what what do we talk about like I don't think we've really ever have like watching ourti have said anything that little kids can't W hear or watch what F bomb whatever like is that it the skiing trip the skiing one okay yeah but I mean we we just we were deep and SK we post I mean we could talk about it after the show we could just show you what we do but um it's I mean we just post for everybody yeah yeah we just because a little click thing that you put on you say hey there's swearing in this and you click it for add revenue and then you just submit it and then uh yeah maybe maybe we'll we'll we'll do that to kind of open up our audience yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I don't know why you would like hide it from uh other people I mean yeah kids live that's a thing man and another it's different times it's different times now kids know every damn word these days anyways it's not like they've never heard it even the shelter sh ones oh the sheltered ones are even narli probably they are no it's uh it's it's true I've heard sheltered kids are the ones that are seeing jackass before any of the other kids are and you're like because you're keeping it from them right if you're if you're very open they'll go see it anyways but they'll be over it yeah but if you're keeping it from them they're going to Dive Right In it's crazy bro but congrats on the whole thing dude we're trying yeah I love it well I always say I mean YouTube it's just a it's a long-term hustle man it's not a short-term hustle it is a It's a Grind it's a full-time job you have to be all in and you're doing the you're doing it right just starting once a week boom boom boom consistency is key yeah and then just keep it keep it moving that's it that's all you got to do that's our next big thing yeah and it makes it easier that you're doing the 1H Hour episode so you're not like doing this crazy long episodes and becomes just it just becomes really taxing I think over a while butt then you can film it like and then chill for a while you can edit and work and I'll have to go every single week and do it y yeah so that's good unless you want a deep diver Deep dive later on like you know this is still the beginning of your guys's like show so it's still you guys can still kind of change the format of how you really want this to go dude when we first started we were doing 30 minute episodes W 30 30 40 minute episodes we were well under an hour we were like no one's going to want to listen to this crap for an hour or a half an hour a whole thing like who wants to listen to skaters talking about skating they want to watch skateboard yeah and [ __ ] who knew crazy speaking of which what does the nine Club mean mean whatever you want but at the end of the day Street League has their nine Club it's the you know it's the the best like you it's the the elite elite tricks so just and coming up with a name is Tough these days you almost have to make [ __ ] up you have to make up word right it's like is a website available is Instagram available is is it trademarked is it copyri like there's so many things you got to dive into nowadays and uh we just thought I don't know Raj we were just talking about like we were thinking of names like the 700 Club you know that thing whatever was like oh club's good like whatever The Breakfast Club Breakfast Club and we like nine like nine Club so we spelled it out nine club and checked it and no uh website was available everything was available we were like how is this possible like trademark get the website we just Dove right in I wonder if golfers ever Google you guys that like you know what I mean cuz it's like n hole you play a nine hole or there's a nine iron and stuff it's it seems very golfy like they gol oh well that one's taken who got it these skate dudes ask him if they'll selling you know do do you guys ever interview like skaters that have been like in the nine Club yeah yeah oh for sure talk about the trick that got them there and oh 100% but but it's not our main focus though it's just kind of like whatever if they if they got a nine they got a nine don't matter the funny thing for me personally is that I was the first guest but then I'm now a judge for Street League wow so I give these nine clubs out but it's funny for me to see like every time it goes nine club I'm like hell yeah nine Club our shows can blast it out there and a lot of people thought we not like Street League owned us at first they thought that we were a part of Street League but Furthest Thing from the truth it's like you know it it is we just happen to it's fun it's a good name the N club and the one thing that we have to differentiate we spell it we spell it out and and Street League has the number nine okay does the number nine so just to be you know point of difference and we had that [ __ ] trademark so you know back up not CL yeah yeah it's a good time though man it's fun I I just really enjoy talking to people I really do I like hearing their stories and um yeah we try to go a little bit outside the box and have like kind of non skaters on and little skaters but we get a big backlash we get a big uproar people don't like that they tune in for they tune into they tune into our show for skateboarding we know that but I like we like to you know we like to do a little left turn and then get back on track and it's fun I just like talking to people I think it's rad we like to flirt on the edge a little bit yeah that's good you got to yeah I'm always jealous I told Tony I when I was on Tony's podcast I'm like dude you're so lucky dude you could have howy Mandel On and nobody nobody you know nobody's questioning it if we had Howe Mandel on the show people would be like nine clubs done what are these guys doing unbelievable we can have hoe Mandel you can have 100% that's what I'm saying you guys are in a good spot yeah you guys no we we like where we put ourselves but we like where we put ourselves too why are we here you know what part of our life Yes Man yep so we work on a new Jackass or what what's going on jackass Screen Actor Guild just got out of being unstuck in due time yeah no another 10 years or so I don't know dude you I don't know I I really did like the last one I thought it was really good man I laughed my ass off I thought it was really funny bro I'm glad to this day too like we just put it out uh two years ago yeah mhm and people are like when are you going to put out another I'm like we just put one out like you know I'll do an AI one for the same amount here you go straight up straight up same amount no problem right there do you think and only for this movie nothing else Happ no Ai and stuff yeah do you think there will ever be another jackass I what does your heart say yeah totally really 100% yeah wow he said that without hesitation I like that that's pretty good because we were saying no after the first movie all the you know what I mean and look it were 23 years later that's crazy it's still jackass yeah do you think you're going to bring more like new generation people into it I know you are but like are you going to start doing more of that maybe would would oh you guys are already talking exclusive exclusive um next question I think you guys did a phenomenal job on the last jackass and I think that's why people are asking for another one because it's just funny man and it's funny to watch you guys get older and still just be the same crazy dudes you know and then also bringing in new people you know it's insane fun what are they really supposed to change like these dudes are [ __ ] yeah they're G to continue to be jackass it's crazy you know what I love and that people get Spike Jones is part of this and girl skateboards you know what I mean like this is one of the biggest like crazy whatever things but then this is one of the biggest skateboard companies you know what I mean it's I love I love that little connection big time it's and I mean jackass in general has a big connection to skateboard oh yeah huge yeah big brother I just saw Chaine at the Nitro Circus other oh you went Chaine and cic there nice it was SI those dudes are good got to get Chaine on your show dude that's a good one I I'm we're we're I know you were saying no jackass or whatever here's the funny thing about Chaine I had a uh New York Times interview uh about a year or so ago and big rad photography all that good interview and they're like well we want to get Germaine interviewed on it he's a big part of your life I'm like here call him up train's like down traine just fully dogged me the whole time that the be are like nope cutting his interview out what do you mean he dogged you that's what he does he's yeah like he he like in his sense of humor dogging you or like I think so in his in his sense of humor like I'm not going to talk good about him I'm going to talk this about wow and they straight said Cutting Room floor that well you did pee on him twice but I mean he one that somebody uh ree G made a video about yeah in the club the window yeah that was funny but the bouncer didn't you P bouncer picked you up and he didn't he didn't like that did you say twice though actually with counting that one now three times wow times forgot about that one okay so they wait they just cut the interview like nah we're not going to use it nope no they cut I mean they cut ger Main's part you you no no my whole interview other people and all that like it was a great interview and taine read it and got phone calls like from all these big wigs that he knows like tain's you know friends are like oh my god did you read we man's interview he goes no I haven't read it yet he goes was I in they're like nope he's like what they're like no you should read it it's really good did you tell him like dude what are you doing no he told me go I guess I he told me that he dogged me so bad on Wow and I was like well I mean you know there's there's actually nice people in the world and they want to hear about good stuff yeah it's not this is a Time Magazine piece bro yeah like you know you guys have the funniest relationships bro all of you guys together it's so funny yeah and we're all traumatized I can't even ring ring doorbells at the nine Club that's what he was saying before he had Ponch ringing the doorbell cuz he's like I don't know a [ __ ] glove may come out and smack me in the face but that's how I am to my friends like oh I'm not taking this one go for it punch it'll probably be because of me but you're taking it it oh my God but you really do have a form of PTSD from oh totally all the time looking over your shoulders all the time that is crazy yeah I go into other places and I look under the couch and stuff like is he doing he's looking under the couch he's looking behind I don't know if this is a setup that my Bros finally are trying to get me but I am checking everything just looking all around the room sh what a way to live life man oh my God it's crazy dude this has been incredible dude I congrats on everything man the the the the Lil uh what is it called L Revolution L Revolution love that dude yeah so good things to come from that get get Spike Jones on there too oh yeah he he and I talked well he just he just had T so that's why he didn't come on he goes dude it he told me before he even told traine and those guys like he was like Hey I would love to be on but we're about to have twins and I go okay and he goes yeah just don't say nothing nobody knows I'm like all right and he goes talk later so nice yeah he was the girl years was yeah so happened he gave me a call he was he was good about it but was I was like okay the one guy this is who yeah dude he's so rad yeah we've already put the call through so next season season two maybe him and his kids that would be Daddy Daycare coming on little reolution wow hey Poncho how do people see your comedy these days like so do you how does I usually put flyers like on my Instagram that's kind of what I use it for just to kind of advertise it on there or sometimes I put out little video clips and stuff cool that's how I came across it I saw his Instagram the other night and I went on Saturday people at what it called The Ice House the Ice House Ice House yeah okay what about YouTube you I mean you're now you're in the YouTube world put your uh little special out or something on YouTube little special yeah you your little special out little Revolution yeah little Revolution special I I would I would love we we use that a lot oh L I know but we love giving [ __ ] about do people are people ever like oh s oh sorry did I ever cuz I don't want to change did I ever say how like Paramount cut the word [ __ ] out because I said it to Bam I think you told that and we say it all the time wow yep we we actually like but when Tony Cox Tony Cox said when Tony Cox was on the show and like a couple other people they're like no do Sayan they said oh you said it they didn't like that no they said it beforehand like we're not using the word like you know we say this cuz we know that a lot of little people get really really offended okay with with that word like it's really like a a trigger word but I but how does that I mean when you guys use it it's different when they use it yeah huh they said it's different when they use it no no right it it's it's different when we use it but also like they they don't feel I I think that they don't feel that we should be advertising it like that like like how we say it so nonchalantly maybe other people get a different idea and then they'll say it nonchalantly but like that's back when back in the day that that was the only word I knew right like that was the word that was the word m it wasn't an offensive word yeah it was it's a it's a it's a jockey it's not even a little person it's just a person of petite size but now you got like now you got like short Kings you got short King short King you you got dwarves you got little people you got midgets you got [ __ ] pecs you got but it it all goes back and I don't get how like we're going so backward all goes back to like you know like we hurt ourselves skateboarding words you say to me they don't even like that I don't even get cut by them you know so it's like you know choose your battle you're not going to hurt me with a word but I'll definitely hurt myself skating there's a lot of sensitive people these days bro I know it's so sens I do open mics a lot and then like and then I'll do shows and then like sometimes that open mics like a lot of the dudes that I see that that that have a joke about it they won't do it because I'm there even though it's a really really good joke you know really do you tell them like hey dude you I've seen joke you don't do that here why I do tell them that but like you know sometimes people just are so afraid of like getting cancelled or judged or any of that stuff I mean there's ways to say anything really derogatory but if it's just in a joke like yeah we're there for comedy like just do it do you feel like is it getting sorry is it getting better though because I feel like there was a certain point in time where comedians had it bad and they had to watch every goddamn thing they're saying and then I feel like it's easing up now though it's it's definitely easing up but like um it it's still there it's still there with groups that's a shame though I think the comedy's changed okay I think the comedy people have found like instead of actually really saying [ __ ] Pon and I have found we say midies so then it's like now you referring to the candy but yeah we're referring to the candy but we're making it fun you know what I mean so I think comedy is figuring out that route too to just walk the line and be right on it and keep it funny I you know what I mean like just hit it that's what com the good comedians do though right that's how they do itk Mark Norman is the epitome of that walk in the line he is the guy now that just like he's quick with it you're just like wow wow and it's funny that's what it is right there he uses the preference he's like comedy you know he's like he he has to preface that like he was leaving here and he's like comedy you know it's like yeah man this is a joke yeah I also think it's like the audience that you're dealing with like I did a show the other night and uh the producer of it was like a a a a student from USC who does comedy and so he he sold out the show and it was just a fraternity in there yeah and those guys loved my jokes like they were down for all that stuff but like you do those same jokes in a different room like it's just like a private event like for like a business or something it's like a whole different thing yeah I just missed the old school way of Comedy bro where they did comedy and didn't care about [ __ ] anybody's feelings and that's just I don't know I I find like you know like the red foxes and your Richard prior and your Eddie Murphy's and you're just those individuals there was not a filter you know what I mean it was just like and they killed it you know what I mean so that part of of Comedy I don't ever want to lose that I think that that's one thing about comedy that is amazing you're able to speak your truth based on how you feel about whatever you know what I mean and that's one thing that I I think that we're slowly have lost a little bit because now everybody's so weary about what they're saying you know so I'm bummed on that to a degree but at the end of the day you know we still a lot of people out there doing a great job and and and doing what they want to do for sure absolutely with that being said funny anymore no no no we need to uh dude congrats on everything dude it was such a pleasure to meet you dude was so much fun a pleasure to meet you too but um first of all can we give you some nclub stuff to take home we got some Yeti stuff we got some little drinks stuff Kelly we do the honors bro is that one of your sponsors Yeti yeah yeah they we were we're in bed with them if you want to say that you know first of all you Kelly's just okay we're get hold on first of all I'll take the two matching green pleasure pleasure dude always always always so fun to hang out with you guys you want the green which one I want green and green green and green I want the matchings I'm going matching Poncho if you want different different colors in the back okay you look bumped but later bro get your own nerd are fine these are perfect and uh uh to each of you come back anytime you want door's always open for sure I'm building up more stories building up more stories hey Kelly I wanted to tell you something um I don't really know too much about you cuz I kind of got out of the skate world but the only thing I I saw of you was the fakey 360 Flip fakey manual which is my absolute favorite trick that's ever been done at the courthouse not no offense yours was sick but the thank you get the hell out of dude thank you so much that means a lot I was like I I that was just out of nowhere and I was like who is this guy like what the hell like yeah I appreciate that man thank you very much are you still skating I still skate I I I had a crazy hip injury that just wore out over time and so it kind of stopped my skating to skate like that but I still do it just because I love it but yeah but good stuff man I'm thank you very much I'm glad I got to do that it was a dream trick to be honest but that is a dream thank you no one's done that we've been waiting for a while we have this Old Courthouse clip that plays like 4our Loop we need to redo it with the fakey 360 Flip manual 4our Loop cuz it needs to it needs to be updated my favorite episode ever it needs to be updated this actually went this went way too long this should have been an this should have been this what gets cut out this is yeah this is it's this is not bad this keep this keep this in good night everybody [Music] a [Music]
Channel: The Nine Club
Views: 66,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris roberts, roger bagley, kelly hart, crob, the nine club, nine club, the 9 club, 9 club, skateboarding, skate, skating, podcast, history, interview, thrasher, street skating, The Nine Club With Chris Roberts, Jeron Wilson, lil revolution, pancho moler, wee-man, weeman, dogtown, wee man, wee man skateboarding, wee man oompa loompa, jason 'wee man' acuña, wee man injuries, wee man skating, wee man do a kickflip, moler, pancho, candy corn, horror, little people, short king, pro skater
Id: 1qIG_6gxGZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 39sec (7479 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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