Brian Anderson | The Nine Club With Chris Roberts - Episode 67

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Wow we're back we're back in the nine club everybody another [ __ ] Monday here we go sir 67 know what 67 do but this is a special episode special guest very Brian Anderson is here that's what call me that's it Brian Anderson ba have any other nicknames Bob Barr is okay Bry Bry Bry Bry Bry Bry that's your favorite one yeah okay you don't introduce yourself as bright bright but do you thanks so much for stopping by dude yeah of course you have me oh for sure you were you're in LA for a little while right maybe a week or so how long you here for I'm here on a five-day trip five days okay I was actually maybe seven and what do you do what do you what's your main objective on this trip what were you doing I came out here a month and a half for something two months ago and Opening Ceremony bought or took 200 copies of a zine I recently made yeah on consignment right all right and then when I was at the party at opening ceremony the Tom of Finland foundation people that represent that house approached me and invited me over for lunch the next day okay I don't know anything about this Tom what it what is this Tom Tom of Finland is I guess the most loose way to describe it would be super homoerotic German are mostly drawings in I mean the heap the man drew all in pencil lead and so a lot of his pieces took him 12 months oh wow yes it's all one guy yeah no is he still alive no okay dedicate it to him pretty yeah there's a house where some of younger kids live that are in you know getting involved in the art work oh and then there's a couple people that are on the older side that I've been at the house like when Tom was still alive so yeah he did this leather really S&M exaggerated giant penises okay right erotic art and but it's cool it's it's all really beautiful and he's was extremely talented so um they invited me over last trip okay and then they said hey we were having an Art Fair so will you come back and hang up to your art pieces a lot our Art Fair so it was over the weekend right yeah odo yep yep so I shipped one painting out and then I had one that we were just talking about that I had rolled up and brought to LAX and and just finished it okay and the day and then had it framed and then now they're keeping that one and the other one was not for sale so uh no it was it was a really cool experience was a cool honor - yeah involved and they gave you an award right is this what's behind you yeah yeah and which was a total surprise they didn't tell me no so I was just sitting there zoning out in their backyard like you have to come upstairs you know it's like a typical la backyard like three or four tiers okay and orange trees and like you know rocks and super nice yeah yeah and then they just chucked me on stage and gave me the awards Wow yeah I was psyched though even though a surprise I just said you know let's keep making art because nobody can take that away from us you know right it was cool was a good response they're really nice guys and they also during the Art Fair I bought a couple pieces off of some of the local artists that's it it's cool the support you know they had a little mini ramp in the front yard and they just wanted like queer skating to be involved and that's just kind of experiment but it went really well okay now you're at the nightclub yeah that's great you have no work for him a war he's got enough Awards he's got the way you won the webby with Raj you worked on the project with him Raj right happy uh but what is the name of it if I see peace of mind was there an actual title to it uh November is in title and he was a professional skateboarder something that's a skater of the year - your trophy shelf yes lace yeah I guess it's a build the shelf now there you go but let's get into the life of Brian Anderson shall we shall do that let's do that BT web you grew up in Connecticut right now what was the name of the town rotten rotten like how did you get into skateboarding was it something like Christmas complete you got or did you see kids the first thing that happened was my neighbor across my dead-end street had a banana board oh okay yeah total total 70s not even NASA before Nash okay you know what I mean like really old and she let me borrow it and it was a pretty safe dead-end street to work a bomb a hill and go in the grass okay slam we're all figured out and then I think I saw a police academy I forget which one and the watermelon and all that were in it flying off stereos and I was like oh yeah I think I have a like I have a three stare in front of my house like I can float off that right so I think in a couple of my neighbors had completes okay real completes oh yeah and so I got like a Vera flex from a cheap store you know a department store like I'm bradley's or whatever the heck you know and and then my sister skated with me and she actually all had a two-by-four before me no was it the two or the buggah of the four it was so she all eat it before you yes and you had so you had to I was like right you know um that's how it all started borrowing a board from my neighbor and then watching police academy got me Reese parked right but then my family we weren't poor but we did have a lot of money so I just had a very flex yeah real crappy board you only the to the the two back on the vert flex yeah yeah I think so Wow big orange [Laughter] gets in your way so you got the very flat and then what was your first real bore do you remember well I do remember I remember that I bought I asked for a guitar for my birthday mmm and I had it for about five days I had my parents put it in a newspaper to sell it because I was like after five days I thought I don't want an electric guitar I want a skateboard hello and so we sold it somebody bought it out of the newspaper from us you know because this is like whatever in 1986 right like new guitar like it's like next to the used cars and their Zeb his time yeah yeah it was first eBay and I got a I got a Steve Stidham SGI sure-grip incorporated Steve Dedham with team riders oj2 team riders and maybe ventures I can't remember but being a good young lad my frickin left it outside the candy store cuz that's where you're supposed to do right not bring it in and it got stolen but how did you know how to get that board like did you go skate shop yeah there is a bicycle shop in our town I wish a lot of people know about in the past especially people from the East Coast there's schwing schwing Cyclery okay so they would have they carried skateboards oh okay so they kind of like went in there and built it in there they helped you this is the [ __ ] you need to get this yeah I'd like a graphic and I want the wheels and yeah and so that got stolen tried to go back to my Vera flex socks I was like typical ours you know you know but uh ran that for a while yeah my birthday is in June and again we we weren't really rich our family but it was cool that I could get like at least one skateboard in June and like maybe one for Christmas there you got like six months ago right because he had to make him last six six months but hey back then they they lasted six months - yeah then a bright tail like razor yeah so where did you get for your birthday do get another board remember the pad you got ya I got a Mike McGill mini and I remember and mourn a classic me yes the bone a classic me I broke it vertically whoa really yeah I'm the middle crack the nose down to the back bolts of the tail and I'm how did this happen I was like just allying yeah I just always been big I guess I've never seen that happen before no yeah it just went call me aboard wasn't that great back then yeah Bono was a total yeah not scam but just too mad like yeah yeah what was boat night it is pretty much cardboard all right paper why because it was lighter there's something in smile told me the old story I was I knew it mmm so you got though could you see through the crack was it one of those cracks where like split and you could see through it like yeah it was completely completely the board was done yeah so then back to like blanks trust me to put that thing back together that old dinosaur and take it from there now at this point in time are you like learning tricks though are you like learning at a Ollie the four instead of the two are you like getting better I think I started bomb dropping like to steer handrails you know all that caveman yeah I study at least I think somebody showed me hocus-pocus they'd Street video it's probably one of the first ones before which is odd because a lot of people see like Bones Brigade videos first yeah but I think I saw hocus-pocus maybe as my first video okay and then I saw some obscure going videos and those were really influential because I remember seeing been shorter do a slappy the title is escaping me right now but the going video of the full power trip yes I probably yeah that made a big impact I thought how did he just climb up on that curb right now ollieing is the coolest thing yeah and so yeah um then I just started building my own rail sidebars yeah there's a PVC pipes and stuff yeah yeah exactly so much fun did you have double PVC you can just everybody had the double P I had that I built one too little double PB I put it down the curb yeah you know yeah you guys ever used like the pools pool cleaning sticks they yeah they use that in I saw him I had to show my driveway get the snow out and then pray for sunlight to make the driveway yeah drive oh it's a with this snow I mean could you only skate for like half the year and then you know what when I was very young with my parents let me skate in the basement with my friends yeah and we had like a parking block and a tiny room you must been you know much shorter so it worked out and so that was it that was a yeah I was like the basement dang I mean that's at least had a places skate right yeah I think we even had duct tape like this way arrows definitely that's just an East Coast thing yeah it's cold back there yeah one fun but later was fun behind a local grocery store the the guy that was the caretaker of the property would let us take all the junk from all the display cases and build ramps and stuff like oh in the back of the grocery store I'm sick so you had your own little makeshift a little park it was the beginning of DIY the innovator of DIY right here ya know concrete right just Bradley's display cases right Kaldor yeah I remember Kaldor sick logo what is that kaldorf it's again at Target so you're out in the back of Bradley's skating doing your thing right are you learning to kickflip now are you flipping the board yeah yeah I had a friend named booger and he could kick flip and I'm regular footed he's goofy so's like I had to study his kickflip but um and the policeman but uh that's when kick flips were still rocket like nobody did one like leveled out flopper right yeah and it took me probably like a year and a half to a year and a half yeah a really long time right now kids are learning in like 20 minutes yes yeah crazy yeah thank you but that first kickflip must have just been like the best yeah I'm sure my shins are bleeding it was totally rock it rides like it did so then how did you at any point in time when you're like growing up skating were you like like maybe go somewhere where I could get sponsored or maybe ride for a local shop the only thing that happened is I sent a video to Joe Lopes company called confusion and I remember they offered to sell me boards for $30 my friends gave me later on a Proform they made me like the most crappy sponsor meeting okay the first first sponsor me tape I ever had you know were you better than your friends is that why you or they just made it yeah they were like dude you gotta get free stuff you're capable of this right and then afterwards I just kind of lost interest because boards got really skinny and I was breaking like four or five a week 30 bucks times for a job yeah so yeah all I did was just work yeah but I think more as a younger younger guy I wanted to be in a band way more than than skateboarding I know what you sold your guitar I know but if you were gonna be into that one what what instrument would you play hopefully the guitar oh yeah singer you ever thought it singing no um yeah well now I'm realizing yeah I'm um I'm actually gonna take voice lessons to try and work on do some commercial work and there you go yeah yeah you sing good pretty deep you know it's got a radio voice I know seriously dude I mean I thought it was funny because when we first started this show people were like dude you have a voice for radio third time I mean I was like you're like what hates their own voice of course you have a face for it Pickett Oh face for radio face only a mother could love so you made the sponsor me tape mmm and then yeah company called confusion egg fusion really surprised I remember that all jealous bless him right I think you pass okay local brand is that nose from California okay and then I just kind of put it down and just skated okay and then I worked in the grocery store Oh what position I started getting the shopping carts out of the cold adding the orange vest on and going out there I didn't know nobody okay that's it was super stop and shop yes Roger knows everything it was like Ollie not only skates stuff but supermarkets he's coming out any other pet upgraded from I did okay now so I so I bagged groceries and then fetched the carts okay and moved up to cashier oh my first job was a milkman I was a milkman yeah I was in the cooler and just just talking it stalking the goat cheese and all the food store you quit that job I take it yeah I left that job I'm gonna end up working at a restaurant and I started as a dishwasher and prep cook and they I I started working on the oven and then I learned what they call the range and I was able to saute and then moved up to a level where my boss just gave me full control like in the winter I would I would make soup and he feel like go search the walk-in I'll let you figure it out oh really like the cook yeah oh yeah it was fun it was really cool it's really rewarding like today Oh were you at this point I was probably 16 17 Wow cool cook it's did you have the white jacket and everything yeah and no station pass snow white so you're making up these recipes right as you go is that is that what you're doing yeah yeah and there people are liking it right are they lining up run-over good did you keep working there or did you quit that job then I drove out to Humboldt County because my sister was going to school up there and my friends and I made a pact when we graduated from high school that we're gonna go see California oh okay first time out of the state yeah yeah I mean besides skating in New York City which we can get we can touch on that yeah yeah I went out there with my two buddies one had a DUI and one never drove in his life and I had a six year old puppy I'm a six month old puppy so we drove out there my Subaru and I drove the whole way to California slept in the dorm parking lot and my sister's at Humboldt University and then we got some really crappy house for like two months and I worked roofing and delivering pizza and then we're like with this like you were moving out to California or you just come out with you just we're like here we're like let's go see California got a job there yeah we were like let's try and stay here and like start a life after high school you know yeah not skating in all this time no I had no I had a complete out of parker bear creek and that was the only board i had in my car and i didn't care about skating at the time at all Wow 16 years old 16 senses this is 1808 right after high school it's almost like you were kind of a late bloomer in skating yeah yeah I mean you started seeing then you quit and I mean 18 years old I started when I was 15 oh wow yes we have a late I started when I was ten I think nine or ten yeah right I'm 41 now so it's it's been 30 years so so you're in the so you're in the in the dorm parking lot you know yes after a couple months we just kept asking our parents for money and then pay him back and then Western Union work yes definitely and they're really sweet yeah and I we drove home with nothing and put the key and a key like in the in a p.o box for the landlord and just laughs and then I went to a small skateboard contest in my hometown and I think I got in her first place and my friends are like go to California like Donny barley and Judd hurt sir were like go back just go to Sacramento and just try you know I'm like yeah you guys are right and it's right that it's just I was living there yeah I think yeah wait would he mean Donny barley he was out he was an insurance the hometown losing kinetic yeah so he was was he had none that shading and sponsored at that time I think around that time probably when I won this contest I got second whatever it was right he may have already been on Toy Machine and clean you know what yeah he was probably in San Diego just still down there yeah and bald clothing I remember his ad he was like just go to California and try yeah and so I went to sac and and I was lucky to meet Cardiel and Matt Rodriguez and like really really rad people you know air con del and my crafter and so we had a great time and was rest Rutger film at the time was he still skating rafter was he was still skateboarding Arsenal yeah uh-huh he was doing Arsenal and also filming yeah yeah he filmed my frontside bone said hubba hideout you know yeah yeah so thanks rafter like oh you [ __ ] painting or I think of veggie burger you never know these right no so that's so that's slowly unfolded in then and then um and then the Toy Machine guys came to town and Donnie told them let my friend Brian come in the van Oh dope just went from there really Wow and then how long after did you get on Toy Machine was it I think probably a couple months yeah they start flowing you boards like immediately just gave me a bunch of crusty boards out of the trunk of the van okay and then I got back on the Greyhound bus from sex from SF to Sacramento and and uh and then rafter and Eric on Dale help me um Arno Domingo Vasquez they help me uh film footage to make a sponsor me tape oh wow and so and we've probably people in skateboarding their skate nerds have heard the story before but you know Jamie Jamie was skeptical because I was sketchy because I I wasn't I wasn't I hadn't mastered like trying to be a sponsored skating away from [ __ ] like you know ed in Moscow and Donnie were like no like he can do it you know how and and I mean I love Jamie's almost like you know like work all everything's groovy what but at the time I think he was just like 20 machines this serious really good company we can't just put some dude on who's like flailing right you know it's funny is a Jamie came to Boston when I was staying at me and Mike Bell's house and he had a rough cut of welcome to hell and he showed us it has like musk his part in two he's like did you get like this kid right here whatever like he's gone he's a boy he's so sick I was like I'm talking you up I know the Jamie Thomas was saying that you weren't refined enough or just I mean you maybe maybe that's like the exact word I would choose but okay you know just I'm not saying you're wrong I'm failing you he was just like he was like I don't know like he's a little sketchy and then they flew me to San Diego and I just stayed Jamie's house and we continued to film tricks for welcome to hell sick before it came out okay it was a really good time you know Steve Olsen yeah and uh Chad and Alyssa so many people you know it was such a good time and was this all in Pacific Beach yep yeah I lived right there knows I would always walk outside my class to spot Brian Anderson skate a Caballero flip in the line oh yeah yeah yeah Jamie had this house and I remember there's cockroaches the jurors and just he I mean it wasn't disgusting but it was but no it was like the rest of the part of house the rest was clean yes but all we did was skate and everybody spent all their money and weed and you know and we would just go skateboarding yeah it was it was a blast so it's kind of like a trial run like you were filming for the video everyone on the team or yeah they were like let's see what this guy can come up with if it's cool we'll put it in the video right and they did and then Chad left and there was a whole explosion and then and then after that was my first tour first tour he never mm-hmm Wow so you'd only been to what New York Connecticut and Salem in a second where was the first tour where'd you guys got you remember we went from San Diego to Boston sick Josh in Boston um I don't know if we saw yeah yeah when did you meet not to like later later yeah like girl times Jamie show me a rough cut of welcome to hell you would have been there there yeah yeah my house may be in Boston possibly it's possible hello cuz we lived on Mass Ave and we had like a three-story house and I remember we watched the video in our living room like maybe uncomfortable your watch on your own there oh you were like there oh I thought you said he is there but it could have been that tour yeah it was just you were on that trip too yes yeah we had like a master copy we brought on that tour yeah that's the copy I saw okay it was for the video or was it just like a just a tour I think you know was it was welcomed home but Wow okay I remember we said oh you know yeah musket part was in it yeah so we had that was like the bootleg yeah the version with Chad and it is there an edit out there with pardon me I think so I mean Wow so you go on this month I'm sorry not month while you go on this US tour right were you just blowing away by just going out there and skating in the in the wild man you know first tour it was fun it was really cool because I always say this story but all the attention were on Ed Templeton and you know Donny barley Ryan and Jamie Thomas the stars yeah so I was able to be comfortable to learn how to do a demo sorta in the background yes but I could warm up enough and they would be ripping and getting cheers yeah and I'd be like cool my legs feel good and I'd get warmed up enough to shred right then I'd start getting some cheers now and people like who even is this dude you know and so I did like slowly brought me into it sick and I think I'm I mean I'm really stoked that that's how the you know the way I got in skateboarding professionally was was through that tour you just want to be in a band at the time oh I'm always jealous of bands they have a team they have a good list of food requests yeah right yeah like a masseuse and stuff but it told us what you why if you wanted green M&Ms here today we've got some we've got you what I want oh not jealous of a band so you're on a toy machine Oh welcome to hell comes out right you guys yeah everything's good what happens after that you got any other tours happen or anything that buddy must have like changed everything yeah like that's what I'm saying that was a big one for IKEA yeah it's a huge video yeah especially with Chris in it you know the whole video to get there pretty much you know would've been the same you know the same glue that held the video together everybody that ever watched that like who the [ __ ] is this dude or what happened this dude oh so yeah it must have changed a little bit for you right after that video did you go start getting recognized more and you know or did you not notice I guess it was different well I did get recognizing I mean obviously it was a way different time period without the internet but you know if you're in like Los Angeles or a place where people are really aware of skateboarding people be hey you know so that was the new right you know right a lot of things changed really quickly after that video Jamie said he was gonna make zero as like a t-shirt company you know type of thing okay and then he put Adrian Lopez on he was on that first tour I think he went on the welcome to hell tour oh wow and then he's like oh I'm just gonna make some skateboards and and then he left and turned it into American zero or zero ya know and then Toy Machine kind of changed a little bit did he ever ask you to come right for no no no he never asked me to ride for zero but then people like BAM came on Chris and we had Mike Frazier for a little bit I always so sick yeah we had Frazier on the team yeah I was super psyched on that because I loved Mike Frazier's vert skating or skateboarding yeah but and then yeah it started changing slowly we you know Chad went to Shorty's and that whole thing started and Jamie did zero so and then I think Donnie end up leaving for element so after like like I would say I'm guessing but like a year and a half after welcome to hell like it it started to turn into a different company and how did you feel about that I was cool with it because I liked I liked sin and bam and Alyssa was still there and I Maldonado yeah and I think Safa might have left eventually but you know we had a good we had a good crew you know and then we had we had foundation people and so we would go on dual tours right oh yeah you know I mean it was like Eric Ellington say you know what I mean there's like time machine and zero and foundation guys yeah so we do these combo tours of three different teams like an out Canada like it's amazing so it after the first video it just grew in a good way everybody had a good time together so and then what when when did it really change when you're like did you did you quit yeah yeah I am you know what it was I think BAM had a disagreement with Todd Swank about ck1 yeah and and so he was like I don't feel comfortable with this deal that I was supposed to have for my VHS tape craziness BAM thing so what they were they were supposed to distribute it or something is yeah they did land speed at the time too right yeah I think so yeah which is cool just reconnected with Rob accident Argus now right yeah yeah yeah he's doing really cool stuff in New York I would I would never want to be somebody to be a quitter or abandoned a project or something but uh what happened was um BAM was really upset about his deal with Swank referred for the CK one video whatever it was called right and so he's like I'm quitting and then Maldonado being his best bud right was like I'm quitting too and then a list of left and then Baker was starting and all the stuff and like so it was just myself stable and like Austin Stevens and Edie L knows it Wow so it was at a point where I thought I was already on four star and I just thought you know I don't wanna like Toy Machine is at Thompson's company you know I mean it's I don't want to help him rebuild it I want to be in a group of people where I can kind of blend in and and not like I didn't want to work as hard just be herself but I just wanted to like rip yeah and not have to carry the team right now and that's kind of maybe what he was expecting with that well I was like the mean I was like the main dude ya know I and so again not to be like a quitter or whatever but I was like I'm just gonna ask Rick about girl and I had called Rick and I was in Portland Oregon we're doing Savio shoes at the time and I was there by myself in the hotel and I called Rick and I said hey you know I want to talk to you about girl you know I know a long time ago you might kind of joked about it yeah and he's like oh my gosh and Rick was really great he's like I don't want to bum that out you know is this are you sure is something you want to do and I said yeah I just I want to be a part you know I want to be with my crank I want to be this cost and it won't ya draw and all guys like this seems like the right thing to do right and Rick said okay let me call her buddy else on the team and I just don't want to bomb that I said don't worry I'll talk to add you know yeah and which I did in a really respectful way thick you know I understood he was really upset right but you know I talked to him I didn't it wasn't like nowadays a lot of people quit and leave and change things via email you know I spoke to him on the telephone you know right yeah and I was like hey listen and what happened was I was getting on an airplane from Portland and flying to New York on a red-eye so when I landed in the East Coast Edie was like I already swallowed the pill I already talked to Jamie Thomas and Jeff Rowley about you leaving and I was like crying and bummed and and I'm like I'm sorry man but I just I feel like this is a smart thing for me to do like I I'm already on four-star I'm already in that building I [ __ ] you know I love these guys and yeah toured with him already felt right yeah so he's like no it's cool man you should do what feels right and so you know I love that for that right you know the rational solid person might have been different if you sent him an email did it exist then no blackberry you couldn't this blackberry email no Yahoo AOL you could have instant message did you so everybody was cool and you got on girl yeah yeah it was cool nice and it was a fun it was a fun journey one on the first tour across country with Sam yeah when all the boys and we had our two vans and uh what tour was that I wasn't badass meets dumbass it was just a thing I might've just been a girl to her girls my dog it might not have been a girl traveler if I was there yeah cuz it was just girl just girl yeah yeah yeah badass Thomas was obviously both seen and stabbed what was there to that became on that trip yeah yeah human reason yeah yes responsible Jaguar for a minute and they had a Jaguar with a blow-up doll the taxi I was like yeah seriously but that was my kind of my first time like meeting you and meeting stabbed and you know what I mean like it was [ __ ] rad you know they made a little video out of that SMS yeah amazing that Mesa edited it always liked that video I always liked it was the harsh euro barge that came out after that one uh he knows before I think it was before it yeah well I was gonna ask something it could before I mean we were on tour machine like was your first shoe sponsor action was that your first shoe deal no I was sponsored by Duff's for a while and I got on Duff's through Brad and that wasn't one dust was like through world Leslie I can draw Rocco I don't think it was I'm not sure I it might not have been and like maybe Carl Watson was on this when he [ __ ] like a couple I think yeah but my feet were bleeding and I was they hurt so bad they hurt my big toe so bad well you got a big feet right you got a place on yes thirteen point nine thirteen point nine I mean what is this point nine thing what is this it's part of the nine club very good very good your feet were bleeding they were hurting literally Wow one day I was like I'm not riding these things anymore and I was lucky to get enough boards every month from Toy Machine so I'd go to FTC and give him like three boards and I would get guy my on OHS action shoe oh okay and then I went to Tampa Pro and was skiing pretty good yeah I mean I didn't get like top ten or but you know probably top 20 or something I was I was I was doing good at that point you know 22 you know something yeah just rippin contests and uh Kareem just high five means like yeah I just baby hey I'm gonna send me some shoes you were like okay I was like Campbell so and then and then yeah I started rolling with action it was awesome well yeah and I've told this story before when I won Muenster he high-fived me with a bag of weed and he's like I'm gonna give you a shoe baby no I gotta send you baka baby I gotta give you a shoe baby that's amazing I actually had a pair of vision for sake what's a wet how long were you want action for I was on action for a while and this is something my I love to do and I'm not trying to compliment myself but after a while when I found out about severe I wanted to just leave action because it felt like a good opportunity so I flew to Los Angeles to quit at action oh you did in person again not emailing right right and emails did existed to see ya so I bought a plane ticket and I flew to Los Angeles and I went to world and Kareem wasn't there so I forget who I spoke to exactly but I was like I'm gonna leave in try this experiment was a company that has access to Nike technology so I was with action for probably I'm gonna guessed like three years run on the kind of good tours you know with Neil MEMS and you know a lot of good guys so I was I was so proud in the beginning oh my gosh the team end up getting huge but to just have like my name with like Gino you need yeah right and guy Mariano and cream Campbell right like who is just like who is this freaking like white dude from these ghosts that's on team with all these gangster ass [ __ ] I was I was proud and I was so proud I was like what I made it I must have really made it I'm on this team dude for real I was 16 I was flattered Astros for so flattered so cream wasn't there you couldn't you didn't did you ever talk to cream about I did eventually yeah and we're cool and I've seen him at trade shows and stuff I always see him he gives me a big high five and a hug I'm saying cream and I've always been cool right right right and that's what HR do you know yeah with everybody with Rick and Meg and Mike when I left girl right I went to their house and like I'm gonna start my own company it is the respectable thing it's the only thing to do I think you know what I mean like there's so many a phone call a text like we said an email I mean how impersonal is that you know after working with people for so long you know to send the peace emoji yeah peace well yeah you guys took me around the world we had great tours we slept up like you know on the floor together and I'm like I'm not gonna just send you that email and say goodbye like it's not yeah however all right well I'll get into the girl and no your own company thing but I mean so the saavy air thing how long you win who asked you for savvy are yeah house Aria happened was um there was a guy that was working in adidas it's hard to to fill in all the names but who had approached Brad stay becuz Brad was getting free adidas and was kind of homies with Lance Mao and a Matt Beach and that whole like old-school adidas crew you know and so they're like we're gonna start our own new shoe company oh wow and so this guy that worked at burton and if he designed bags it was his idea so he made an agreement with phil knight Wow we've got the rights to use Nike technology how crazy is that you know very well it's a pretty wild not only that I mean how does he get that it's pill night do you think Nike let's test the water here I think Nike failed you know and would that yeah so maybe they were like our open to doing something different in what people people might say in quote like action sports are saying that stupid term and so they you know made an agreement and like Brad was being spoken to by this man from adidas saying you should transfer and try this new company and Brad said well I want to bring my friend Brian on and so we had these meetings and I was like screw it I'm gonna say yes you know it's gonna be an opportunity John Humphrys is gonna be involved it's gonna be in Portland yeah I dig it they're our homies shooting the photos like huh this is gonna be fun right we get to do our own things and build the team and it was cool it was pretty cool for a while yeah you know we got Tim O'Connor and Stefan Janoski we had Yanni and Jose Rojo yeah the team was stacked yeah it was getting really cool and but I mean I don't want to overly talk about it on camera but you know what I mean it just there were complications I mean people that were running it and stuff oh and it just didn't work things that we were really uncomfortable with and so after a while Brad and I both at the same time we're like dealing with this like we're out of here right Wow so we we left and I had a good lawyer and oh yeah cuz that two-shoes yes so they had their like way to make an agreement where I couldn't say anything that I was gonna ride for a new company and I was like just wearing lock eyes and just like going and I went to I remember I went to advance contests in Vegas and I was just skating like eyes and but I can like say that I was gonna ride for them or you know you could you could ride out their shoes but you couldn't yeah I couldn't commit right yeah right so how long after did you get could you write for after that Nike was it Nike okay I remember I went to maybe like a trans world video premiere and I was wearing dunks and somebody at Nike was like oh you like those you know yeah [Laughter] and then the conversations slowly started from there that's amazing and I was already free from my culture already done yeah okay right already out of it yeah like legally were you just wearing other shoes just any any shoes like yeah look eyes and fans and just whatever it is at the same time it's kind of cool to be free like that oh I need shoes they just want to you know but they hey I deal with all these questions so you don't like II yeah were you on the fruit we you got on that did you get on after the first video there was like the first five sort of guys it was like grease any soup action holder Richard yeah oh [ __ ] uh-huh Todd Jordan right yeah gene oh right that was kind of that first like say every six people yeah and and that's we think about Robbie put together yeah yes and that's the sort of broth to dunk back and right you know it was a little thicker it's different now but and then yeah they slowly started looking for more people then maybe they got P rod or yeah I think started changing and it started growing so you weren't in the first video now here's enough the truth with the skits and that's the first video Jean oh oh I didn't know that was the first video I thought maybe there's one before that oh oh yeah wasn't that the first one yeah okay they go on to the record store or something right that's a long time it's it's so funny like it feels like yesterday but it's it's a long time look at all this so it was happening we're gonna the premier day yeah correct there yeah oh yeah like crazy mother V yeah that was all set the other set yeah right right what was your intro again like to the video it was some I don't know man some guy was drawn some map or something and I had to pretend to act it was percent cut your head off my better I don't know I don't know I was so bored it was so bummed I was like alright and I remember I kept telling Stefan because the the guys are I guess I'd use the term producers that create that worked on it they had really funny commercials they had made in Europe like hilarious because you know we have like there are less rules in Europe you know like people can be more like I don't wanna say inappropriate but more risque yeah you know what I mean you could show a titty yeah so so they showed us like their role they're real or whatever you know and I mean of all their commercials and things they've done we're like these guys are hilarious they're so freakin funny you know this is gonna be sick this is gonna be a cool video and then we go on location to shoot and like they're asking us to do all this weird stuff and there's actors there and catering and we're just like as skateboarders were like this is kind of wack and so I remember I kept having to reassure Stefan nomar I'm like you guys we watched her sample commercials they're really funny you know it's gonna be good good all cool they're gonna you know you know how it is you record for four hours and you chop it down like 15 minutes and then it's great right you know I'm like it's cool and they never listened and it wasn't here I mean no disrespect no nothing but the truth but for sure I was just about to say like if they just put out the skate video yeah we're all I remember being in a premiere in London and I was taking a piss in the bathroom and I remember hearing some other skater like this [ __ ] film is so boring my I was just sitting there pissing like oh man and I'm in it right oh yeah I want to go back to we attached on the the girl you know leaving girl for to do your own company 3d right mhm what was the what was the main process like what why'd you want to do that did you want to just do your own thing or yeah I felt like what happened after pretty sweet pretty sweet was great it was pretty sweet no I had this I just had this feeling being in New York that I didn't wanna I felt like I was sitting on my couch and getting a paycheck and I wanted to do more than that oh you know I am yeah I didn't feel like I was being lazy but I just thought why not challenge myself mm-hmm you know and I mean and being that I love to doodle and keep a sketchbook I thought like for years I've been having dozens and dozens of sketchbooks that have been sitting on with bored graphic ideas right apparel and stickers yeah so I thought why not you know yeah so um yeah it was cool because it wasn't there was no bad blood so to speak or anything I wasn't like oh I want to get out of there right you know and that's why I flew out to tell you know Megan and Rick and Mike in person right you know Mike's like are you on heroin what are you gonna be sick what are you gonna tell me I'm like I just I I love you guys but I just want to challenge myself and do my own thing well my buddy Brad okay so Mike was really funny he's like if it was anybody else but Brad I'd be super pissed if you told me you're going to like a woman or you know writing nothing like not to talk smack about more other companies but but it was it was Brad yeah and and so you know it was cool I felt really happy that I went I mean I had I mean I was like about to throw up you know when I when I went to meet yeah Megan in Rick's house with with Mike and tell him I'm leaving you know but I'm like I've a girl tattoo on my chest like it's not going anywhere have a tattoo I love that yeah I'm like you guys you guys are the best yeah but I'm just gonna try to go do this thing okay no so I it was cool I think they understood yeah and I think Megan said this is the first it's not you it's me which is funny so they had a good spirit about it you know and I drove and left their house and headed towards the airport and I felt I don't want to say relieved because I was upset about leaving there but yeah I yeah was it was a feeling of relief because I thought now I can just call my own endeavor right and what happened three D started out really cool yeah I think yard the name picked out when you I know I was actually I gave my friend Chris LuPone me the name do your skateboarding which he uses and he makes these t-shirts and stickers and things for him boards I was gonna call it dear but then I just thought 3d rhymes it's just - it's a number and a letter it's easy right it's sort of almost symmetrical you know logo wise and so you know in the beginning Alex Olson was totally on board and I think what happened was Brad used a similar font for scape metal when we made the catalog oh and so Alex immediately was like it looks like a skate meadow and I'm like no that's like stoner art you know guy I want 3d to be a little more artsy it's like it's it's different and it was really cool that was a hard time cuz um and Mike was a little bummed initially Carol he's like you said he weren't gonna take anybody I'm like I'm not taking Alex he was gonna leave girls right like right for no one yeah and so Mike and I eventually got through that which was just cool because I was like I'm not lying to you about anything I'm not stealing Sean Malto right and I'm so happy to be friends with Mike to this day yeah so um but Alex wasn't pleased with the layout and wanted to leave before the catalog even came out so that was a bit of trouble but but Austin was great and he had good input and it was cool but at the same time [ __ ] awesome came out and yeah and then slowly you know I guess because of my career people were buying a lot of 3d boards there was a lot of 3d boards on the wall yeah a lot of small skate shops but then all these other small companies started popping up right and so the real estate on the wall at a skate show is pretty small yeah you know so a year into it it was like people went from having six of our boards on the wall to having like two or three right and so it's not like Brad and I wanted to get rich off 3d I wasn't I didn't set out to like be like this is gonna explode and we're gonna you know write changed skateboarding and get rich you just wanted to do a cool thing yeah and so again that's like I was speaking about another topic earlier it's like I didn't want to be a quitter but after a while I went out to San Francisco and Brad and I spoke and I just said I don't want to do it anymore you know I think that the skateboard you know the climate yeah it's it's just so saturated and and there's so many small companies and kids want the next best thing things go so fast now so we weren't really we were like not keeping the lights on almost you know with it so it was like dude we're losing money you know we're using money out of our pocket right this is kind of like I don't want to be quitter but you know it's not making sense yeah yeah I was like I'd rather just mean you'd be good friends and you do skate metal and I'm just gonna ride whatever okay you know and so I decided I'm just gonna write into Hiro boards cuz I rode them anyway you want I wrote for girl I wrote put girls stickers all over so um why was that though because you like the shapes better or did you just wanted to wear it right antihero I like the wood yeah yeah being a big dude the that wood it's more I would describe it as like clay like and it's fine for like Malta or Mike Mo or people that are a little smaller than me but the deluxe boards seem to last longer I didn't break them as quickly okay yeah you're a big dude I how tall are you 6 6-1 6-4 6-4 yeah I'm 6 foot yeah so board can last me one minute or one month like with technology and you know what um when I was in between stuff I think Luis Cruz sent me some boards from world some impact boards yeah yeah and they were fun they were a little heavy which is cool because it's kind of like being a baseball player and putting a doughnut on your for practice right yeah yeah so like when I had a heavy board I was like wow when I go to like a thinner one I this thing's I got a little right feather yeah what size board do you ride I ride a eight eight eight point six point seat for like a nine yeah how do you write like a longer wheelbase join I never I never remember no numbers okay yeah and I can barely remember like the widths of truck axles now okay here but that's a hard change those things anyways yeah yeah I have a hard time with that too I'm like quarter four fits 139 149 what is it what are these things I'm like if it fits in my board yeah cool so you were writing anti-hero boards right and then did they say yo what's good well I just said I was gonna just ride those boards no matter what yeah I'm fortunate enough to have a good you know a situation with Nike mmm-hmm for like financially right and then one day out of the blue John Cardiel called me and he said you know what's up Ryan what's going on and like are you gonna jump down triple sets like I still wonder like rip like a non like a business kind of way but I think he was just like where you at and skating and I'm like I'm good I'm like I want to keep skating a lot ya know and so you know it's I'm just gonna ride you guys his boards you know and he said alright well we have a really big team there's a lot of stuff going on and this was like probably last early spring mmm okay and he's like let's just let some time go by let a few months go by and like we'll figure out what's going on with everybody on the team and I was like cool man yeah I mean I'm just gonna ride your boards regardless you weren't even looking for to get on or were you maybe in the back your mind you was I wanted to yeah but I said I was like hey listen all I want is one board every season I know you guys don't have to pay me you know I mean like I just that's what I'm gonna ride forever anyway right and he was like okay cool mint talk to you soon yeah and then maybe a few months later Julian called me and he's like let's do this man like that let's just do this yeah like what the heck like and I said great you know in the beginning it was it was tricky because I was really because I just did my vice piece so I was like I need to get it add you know I want footage and stuff and we all know that's really hard you know you want to do the best of the best for your free you know you want to look good out there on the border for sure so I was stoked cuz the first ad was just me like I'm some old girl and a hero tour like I'm just drinking beer beauty and then so luckily I had landed this Madonna Inn in Brooklyn okay at this pool and sent that to them so I had like welcome to the team party ad and then I had an actual skateboard right yeah so I'm excited this fall I have a Nike ad coming out and then I'm gonna try to make my own like sort of two-minute antihero video yeah yeah I want to put some fun clips on Instagram because a lot of people think and ask where is the skateboarding but right it's to me I think it's in grams great because it's free but you know everybody just throws their best footage on there like so quickly nowadays yeah I know I don't want to be too old-fashioned but I think it's I think it's valuable and great to save stuff for a video yes work on a project do something yeah yeah I'm not anti insta posts of people's skating you know but it's cool to actually just throw a few things on there I guess and then yeah save your hammers for for like a real video yeah I think I mean everybody's got their own bag you know everybody's got their own way of doing it right was there any time did you ever think like oh maybe I can go back to girl or get maybe was that done maybe after you 3d yeah um I actually thought about that actually thought about writing for chocolate let me make the call right now I thought wouldn't that be funny that I leave girls maybe seriously so it did cross your mind no maybe to go back yeah yeah okay because we all remain friends yeah else came back another Anderson the cell yeah we can have all these double boards oh yeah the double board I always wanted a double board but uh but no I just felt you know I lived in that stuff for so long and I was always at two looks and I ride for Spitfire and yes just like you know I'll just if if they let me I'll go over there okay it just worked out yeah perfect I think it's a great fit yeah I think it's perfect yeah I think you know Julian wrote something really great in the end of an edit of a commercial and he said a team of immigrants and I don't think he would you know it's necessarily capitalizing on the fact that I'm gay but I think to have someone fanner who you know who's a person of color and Robbie lets you know and Trujillo's sort of let you know and and and and crosses a big fat white boy from wherever yeah but no I mean it it's true it's cool it's a really cool team it's like a variety of people and right and we have a good time man you know rainy I love all these guys ya know what I mean right dawn don't forget Frank Oh Frank thank you well I was waiting for another Beauty and the Beast tour because now you're gonna be in another van there's a talk of that I like it I like it but now you're gonna be another fan though I was I was already in there okay so nothing yeah so it's gonna be the same actually now I'll get in the girl there that would be funny right yeah but I hope they do like sorry guys yeah I'm good what's going on go back to smile you're just confusing everybody bro but it was gonna be old us yeah I know right get a tour bus yeah but uh that's funny dude I hope they do do another Beauty those are great [ __ ] tours man great videos and stuff yeah we would we've been like joke around about it so maybe it'll happen yeah that'd be rad so good things are going on man I love it dude the video little video part where you're working on maybe a couple little little clips for us throw away not throw away but you know what I mean like yes black chicks are good man Mario flips big spin flip practice footie yeah you got people just want to see you skate you know what I mean it's what everybody says about all of us all our favorite skaters I know I know it's true though I mean I know I do I you know Brian winning when I see clips of him just rolling around his park I'm like oh [ __ ] look so good you know what I mean like I get so hyped off of our friends you know watching everybody skate it's [ __ ] great so yeah give us some clips dude you know we're good yeah so yeah you just mentioned that you started working on the vice land piece when you were getting on anti-hero that's pretty much you finished a vice land piece after you got on no oh no you got him buddy you got an antihero after the Vice laughter right Yeah right I knew we knew it was gonna go down okay they just didn't mention it until they finished my first board graphics okay and I went on a trip in New Jersey and skated with like Andy Roy and and Frank and yeah a bunch of the guys and you know that was like not a test trip but you know they were just like sick you're gonna be on the future we're just keeping it on the hush-hush right right and I was still finishing the Vice piece I guess yeah so that piece came out and then my board came out I guess yeah after yeah I think I mean I don't know if it was planned like that maybe it was but it was great now wasn't now was it no really it just ended up being serendipity kind of worked out yeah yeah so the Vice piece what was the story behind that because I read a said that he just like approached you and said yeah let's do this sampling what are you good like actually you know I was going through a breakup and I was in Florida at Tampa and I was with Greta and I was like you know what screw the [ __ ] I wanted like being out magazine or something like I just want to go for it yeah before they would never thought about coming out and no no really not really airy or what like what was a thought like yeah was scary but it was a it was at a point I think worldwide where it was like this is important okay and then you know I'm not trying to be some martyr you know it was just like I wanted to do it for myself I you know and so I just kind of brought it up to Rhetta like hey man you know people like I could probably like getting out like that'd be funny right like like [ __ ] it yeah we could swear on the show right yeah and he's like let's just do documentary and I'm like okay great yeah let's do it yeah we had no money and he used frequent flyer miles for Roger to fly out at times yeah Roger was a saint and the best editor in the world and we just started yeah you know and it was funny because we did a few interviews one was in Lower East Side there was fire trucks driving I was so loud I was like oh and read it first showed me the footage II had I was like you can't this is incredible but unusable right is that maybe there are some stuffs noise it sounds very important you need a lot more attention so you just decided to go for it right let me ask you a question I think you know and I don't know if this is this may not be true at all but sometimes I think it's like like it seemed like the timing was like perfect you know what I mean because like I look at it now and like all these [ __ ] great things are happening and this and that there's a lot of [ __ ] up [ __ ] going on the world time if you had if you had come out like five years ago seven years ago you know it would have been different then come I feel like the timing was like perfect yeah I mean there's a part of me that feels not guilty but like wishing I would have done something years before oh yeah but when I see stories of other people that had the strength to tell their story before I did yeah I'm thankful that those people had done that right you know so I just knew that I had to wait for a while okay to do it right you know because I would have felt uncomfortable and I wouldn't have been able to be fun about it until my real true story you know to make people laugh right and have like Carol and the documentary say like all these skaters out there you're not his type you know what I mean right and that's like a lot of those topics people didn't know about and now you know what's going on in society and television you know there are all these LGBTQ characters which that wouldn't have happened in the 80s and 90s like that just wasn't on television I'm glad people can even say swear words or show but like booth Breton ass you know and now people and younger kids are exposed not only from the internet but from television programs they're exposed to all different kinds of sexuality or lifestyles yeah and who people really are and so it's cool it did happen at the right time ya know because you know I think society is finally opening their eyes in a way and it matched with that time yeah you know so we were lucky in that way and and then it you know it elevated it mm-hmm you know I I tell people all the time like when they ask like have things changed you know after Roger edited and we released it yeah I walk around in New York City and I have like straight dudes jumping out of bars yeah running up to me going dude thank you and I'm like and I like they're clearly just some straight jock like they subscribes to Vice yeah and has watched the piece is now on television and so yeah it was really good timing you know a lot of people are changing their minds and a lot of people realize that they have a queer niece or nephew and yeah and and or a son or daughter right you know what I mean that is trans or and and they're not I don't want to say forced but they're they're learning you like embrace that right you know and I think people weren't prepared for that you know ten years ago and now more people are seeing these stories in media around them and it's it's making him realize like oh it's okay like if my daughter feels like she's a boy then let's work on this and I figure it out and make her he happy you know and so so yeah it's a really great time to have happened and uh but it but it's also freeing to write mmm because I mean I look at like you now in your Instagram and stuff and you you can be yourself right were you closed off before and like it seemed like you were just more kept to yourself or something you know I was around certain people that were way more closed off than I was mm-hmm you know I was already around people and the tour van I am being like dude would you [ __ ] that [ __ ] security Bryan would you hit that you know and and so I was already having so much fun yeah with my homies you know I mean right lady would you hit that I totally know yeah so um I was I was super comfortable but yeah you know there's people around me that you know not everybody's ready to tell their story right you know and I have you have to respect that and.and but it's been a cool journey and you know it's been cool like meeting my husband Andrew and and you know just us having really great open discussions and just being free and yeah it's been a life changer for sure it's amazing yeah yeah and and you know I'm not overly like PDA you know what it means okay right it's just like I'm like I don't want to see a straight or gay or lesbian any but any couple like on the train like making out yeah yeah but unless you're on a party bus but yeah there you go right the Train party bus yeah two different yeah get a room no but I think I'm the same way like nobody wants to see that you know when you first came out like what your I guess would it be like your immediate friends and then you it was - it seems like because I had heard a long time ago that you came out but then you came out publicly to everyone like way later was that whoa was it tougher at first to do it with your friends or do you think it was a I know that's a weird question because I've never really asked anyone that question boom no no it's fine it was it was it was really tough in the beginning was family first yeah and I told one of my sisters cuz you know I have eleven sisters and two brothers two brothers yes Wow okay so I told one of my sisters that I knew was extremely open-minded and well well-read and I knew she'd be okay with it and she was more or less you know the thing I talk about in the Vice piece is she was like I just want you to be happy right and then after a while I was like well I guess I gotta tell my mom because my dad right had already passed away and yeah yeah it was it was really stressful yeah yeah it was like it was I don't know how to describe it it was like telling somebody that you have a sickness I mean I hate to say it that way but it was you know it was like it was like telling somebody you're bankrupt a gambling problem or like a like it was you know was it was really uncomfortable but I just was like this is who I am and I'm not a perverted child molester so there's nothing wrong with this way and like you had to I had to I had to like sift through the levels of telling myself that it's okay right you know and and that was a hard thing to do on my own you know with no help I had a couple people around me that gave me some good inspiration and you know gave me confidence and stuff but yeah family first was the hardest and then friends and some of my friends were like why didn't you tell me you're [ __ ] we're homies and we skated this manual pad every day and like what like yeah I wouldn't have cared and I'm like but you don't understand it was so scary you know and you know a lot of that goes back to the fact that I mean there's a lot of people like myself who are you know born masculine and with with not effeminate qualities it's you don't think you're gay I think you're like but wait I don't have a lisp and I you know I don't want to go dancing and put makeup on like I must not be gay you know yeah but then you know you realize it's just part of human nature like some there are some people that like the same people right oh did you um after the Vice land piece right you I mean your Instagram must have blown up right were you getting a lot of DMS of people like then you've helped me come out and this and that and I mean you just got a lot of that right yeah I went them from 30,000 followers to like 93 or something now and now I have to watch what I write because I can just want to write something funny and now there's people in the queer community like really judged and stuff but yeah there were some really great messages yeah of people saying like oh my you know my son read your story and felt comfortable to tell the whole family that he's gay and my niece you know she she's lesbian and all this stuff so yeah I mean and I can't keep up anymore I'm about to probably hire somebody to do my Instagram because again I do like it but it's a lot of work yeah and sometimes it feels really like insincere and I'd rather work on art and you know music and skateboarding yeah but um yeah yeah I probably have like 30 DMS at least I have 6,000 emails me my phone is like I just want to throw it in the river all the time right but at the same time it must be a great feeling though no being able to help people and and tell your story and have them absorb it and what it is it is it's really great well we're scary for you telling your family or telling red over a camera in his hand I'm gonna say telling my family was more scary because that was the first thing that happened oh yeah the camera was scary but actually physically telling my family was like I never thought I would ever say anything ever right but the camera I was like a cam used to this you've already told a friend yeah yeah yeah but I was like I'm like this is what I signed up for comfortable with Roger in right oh yeah oh yeah right yeah there was a boom guy and the children were playing upstairs above my apartment and I was saying the most important things in my life geez yeah but as a skater two interviews and everything you were comfortable in front of the camera yeah exactly no right so but I so it was kind of like here we go you know but yeah good question Roger it was it was more scary to talk to my family at first just to like because I never said it yeah broken ice you know what I mean and they were of accepting right they yeah they were totally cool did you go to each 11 sisters and two brothers separately or did you get them all together a group and I told them on the phone okay I put on Christmas Day I was at a hotel with a guy I was seeing and I said I'm gonna come over the house with this guy and my sisters were all freaked out that they again just like Carol they thought I was gonna say I was like doing drugs cancer and I'm like I'm seeing this guy and they're like we'll get the hell over here and so so I told like two of them on the phone call yeah and then just went to the house and and it was totally fine nice great yeah yeah you didn't feel uncomfortable or anything no no really family yeah yeah because I mean I'm not a shy person in general like I love public speaking' I've been to a lot of nude beaches and [ __ ] I love it man I love the whole vice land thing I mean like congratulations on everything you know the awards and I mean I mean when they won the webby it's [ __ ] amazing right yeah I mean that that video did it like freak you out that it just went crazy you know like it literally was a piece I went viral almost right like yeah it's like you said like people were coming out of the bars when you were walking down the street yeah I gotta tell you I watched it probably I'm not exaggerating poor Andrew we're on Fire Island in this hotel room where there's the worst reception I think I sat on the toilet and watched it 300 times at least because I was trying to watch Rogers editing yeah and I couldn't find anything wrong with it you want it did you want to find something no no I was just like it's and I'm not it's perfect I'm not like trying to give you know mr. oh I'm not trying to stroke Rogers ego but no I moved the the transfer like when Brandon says more [ __ ] for me goes straight to Lindsey's female voice and you know again it's not because I'm sitting here next to Raj but like he edited it so well yeah I was like I know this thing's gonna be freaking pretty darn it was an honor to do that yeah yeah yeah cuz they go and rather approach me yeah time you spent on it you know and I was just like because I'd love to UM I'd love to really check things and I get into attention to detail and see ya watch it yeah Oh watched it definitely like 300 times Wow with headphones on like so you knew kind of it was thought to be a belt was like I was like he's good heart for Reta and I always to make sure that because I this is Brian's story Lord make sure he was okay with everything right did you show it to anybody else before it came out just I think I might have showed it to like two or three friends show to Andrew oh yeah oh you did okay yeah he was snoring oh yes watching poor thing well how'd you two meet by the way we met at a bar right as I was breaking up with my ex in New York City oh okay well and then we just chilled out in exchanged numbers and went on date and then we after what happened with the election we had already planned on getting married just because we were in love but uh we were like December 28 after Christmas I was like let's get married like let's go to City Hall let's do this and get it on paper right now cuz we don't know what's gonna happen in this crazy world yeah you know I mean we don't know what this dude's gonna do this maniac yeah you know so um then also visitation rights you know when you're when you're in a queer gay lesbian whatever relationship you know I mean like if he got her I got hurt you don't have hospital visitation rights oh yeah so you could you could be together for 10 years and then right your partner gets hurt and you can't you can't go visit him in hospital and [ __ ] yeah so you don't get this on paper yeah yeah yeah like I was like let's lock this down yeah cuz like if something happened to either one of us you know I want to be there on important next to the bed and in the hospital you never know yeah you know know for sure absolutely so I think it's a little more different for hetero couples and maybe I'm wrong but how is your life change since the video came out how's my life changed I've had so many magazine shoots I've gotten involved with a an organization called athlete ally which is a straight for a wrestler who was sick of hearing homophobic talk in the locker room so he quit and started his foundation he's a really great guy and then I got involved with Lady Gaga's Born This Way Foundation and also The Trevor Project which is the suicide hotline for LGBTQ people so it's hard to keep up with it all because I want to do my art I want to see my family and and all this stuff but I'm trying to contribute my time to these foundations you know speaking and all that all right yeah yeah I've done some q and A's and stuff like that and I'm really comfortable with them and I as I said earlier and I like them so I don't know we're taking a break in October and and just gonna kind of reevaluate everything and reorganize and get things set up for the next year yes it's gonna keep going and I'm starting to write a book oh right yeah oh yeah I just got this ghostwriter who I met and had lunch with and he was really great so I'm very excited to start writing this book he's gonna be taken out of biography er yeah yeah it's gonna be like a memoir kind of autobiography type of thing I don't want it to be too gritty so they'll be book number two that'll be that's gonna be the dirt but you're busy dude I mean wow you got a lot of stuff going on yeah it doesn't stop it's seriously yeah I'm I'm just happy to like take on everything they can write write do you ever feel overwhelmed like do I constantly I need to and that's why you maybe you're taking a break right you need to you know in New York City when living in Queens I have to get ready every day like for shoots and make sure I bring all the correct clothing and apparel and riot things to style and not that it's like fancy crazy Vogue stuff or whatever but you know there's shoots and uh and then there's skateboarding so it's like I have to have two different outfits like I have tight fitted pants I'm going for this and then like I have to go skating and laughs be on a supreme shoot be on the Nike SB shoot right I have to bring like four boards because that break boards all the time like excuse me yes oh you know I'm on the subway with like bags stuff yeah like were you going camping like you know it's all worth it yeah no for sure for sure it's cool it's just um you know I've been telling Andrew recently when I was a kid I wrote a mountain bike in the woods who my friends like twice a week and I went walking like five miles and I don't do that anymore and so I'm thinking this next month I didn't want to get back to that yeah you know right I wish wanted like walk see the beach yeah where would you go do that in New York are there certain I would go to Connecticut or netiquette yeah Nick where I grew up Wow how far is it Connecticut from New York it's only two and a half hours from from where I live now and Queens to to where am I I grew up with my parents my family okay you lived in SF for a long time right how was the move from SF to to New York was that easy easy to transition or was it a that was a good sign oh it was a life oh really why do you why why do you say that because I love San Francisco yeah it's a town that made me fall in love with baseball and become a Giants fan but I felt like it was Groundhog Day it was every day was California where a zip up Hoodie at 6:00 p.m. I missed winter I missed springtime I missed the fall and I think there's something really valuable about that yeah when you go through the seasons throughout the year you know you actually as a person you live through winter and it's cold and you're just thinking in your head like we all made it when it's springtime and when it's summer you're like god dammit I'm going on the beach yeah and you know what I mean and then I'm gonna put a flannel on and enjoy a fall cuz winners come and sit you know so you don't we don't get that out here yeah it's one Khan and I'm not a Los Angeles hater you know like I love I love hanging out here writing love being in LA I seriously I love LA so much I'm not just saying this because I'm sitting right here but I do love it but after SF for 12 years it was really cool to go back home okay you know what I mean I'll be back in like the the routine that I grew up with right you know yeah you know sir - home - yeah and my mom's 80 79 so I want to hang out with her as much as possible and get stories from her not just in a way just for my reasons of making the book but like I want to talk to her and she's opening up more oh good yeah so yeah I said about that that's awesome it's always nice to get like family history and oh yeah you know he's hilarious yeah yeah every time I go to my parents house for dinner at my dad's telling a story or you know I'm just like this is awesome you know I may have heard the story before you know the first time I heard the story but it's still amazing it's always cool to see your parents like that enjoy admit they have telling the store oh yeah no totally totally well I want to let you go dude but what's next for BA what do what can we expect I mean you talked about the the the Nike part you want to do a little two-minute part you saying oh I'm sorry yeah we talked about the two-minute antihero part or not too much don't put a time limit on it yeah you know your part you might want to do two minutes of good but you know a bunch of footage footage yes right which will probably be on the Thrasher website looks yeah what else though anything else we could look forward to maybe yeah I think I'm gonna spend two years writing this book yeah and then besides that I'm going to start working on new paintings and staying in tune with my board graphics that I requested every like a couple months I don't know I want to work on keep doing it I want to keep doing her apparel with Nike yeah right been really fun and I don't know maybe your like whole collection is there huh yeah I did two capsules two seasons in a row do you go there and and work on it with him or do you send them drawings and stuff that you'd like to see I sent them drawings for the 2017 spring capsule that I did and then for 2018 I well I'm not gonna leak through the collabos with just whisper it into the mic no but how I know but I just want to follow through on that yeah and I'm actually gonna inquire about maybe having like a little office space at one of the Nike offices in other cities so just going to like desk yeah exactly and all those guys at work they're great Jax are back and you know he's at the New York office yeah yeah and you know everybody they're so so cool and and so I just want oh yeah I want to work on the book and skateboard and and that's about it man yeah like I really just want to be on my skateboard because the last year-and-a-half after the Vice story in The New Yorker piece I committed to a lot of magazines and stuff mm-hmm which was like so interesting and funny different but uh you know I always want to skateboard yeah for head and filter let me get those calls I was wild man okay you serious New Yorkers calling me right now like yeah when I got the when I got the Sunday page in New Yorker oh my god I thought you know this is this is the newspaper that my dad did the crossword puzzle every Sunday you know and now I'm in the arts and you know Arts and Leisure Leisure section whatever it was and back that was so monumental I think so yeah I'm just gonna keep plugging away man I know I also you know I mean I want to keep doing side projects even though I'm with Nike apparel yeah from head to toe and I love that and they keep me involved like I might want to make my own clothing company someday oh wow sick yeah and just keeping like busy in the city yeah and just taken advantage of New York instead of just sitting around and partying like yeah I just I'm just going full force the next 25 years love it in New York yeah that's my goal right like what after what's after 25 years what are you after 25 yes well I'm gonna try to live in our house New Jersey and not walk upstairs okay no more stairs ranch it's a ranch house you know why I live in the apartment Queens we're in Queens but we have the house and New Jersey where we don't have to go upstairs right well heck why do you would say you're at what's your beef with stairs you don't like stairs no I'm gonna be when I'm 65 I'm not gonna wanna wanna wanna walk upstairs funny though it's trand Andrews too you know big old awesome dude I can't carry but it's funny though because I I could relate every when I was I always wanted to I always want it in upstairs you know I never grew up with an upstairs I was upstairs I finally moved into a place it was like a little studio with an upstairs and the bed was upstairs after like come on overhearing Rosa yeah after a month I was like [ __ ] these stairs I never want to walk upstairs ever again because you got to go upstairs to bed you go up to bed oh I forgot my water you got to go back downstairs stairs like oh I gotta take a piss go down stairs good break it's the whole thing yeah you know [ __ ] this to keep my ground level ground level you know for sure give me some stairs you were Rogers stair guy okay I'll take them there you go how many floors ROG 3 3 3 3 storey 3 yeah well okay that's your problem we could take some calls if you wanna call sure yeah Joseph from San Marcos California what's up dude how you doing tonight wait hold on am I talking to Chris Rob you're talking to see Rob Rob no yeah a direct line to him check it out we're sitting here with Brian we're sitting here with Brian Anderson do you have a question or a comment for him yeah when I was like in sixth grade I actually used to wear that guy's shoe in like you know nowadays all the shoes have slimmed down you know but just wondering if you know do you actually prefer the big shoes sometimes when scanning certain ways well I'm kinda out of breath bats are you it's cool it's funny because I wear a Stefan Janoski shoe a lot because it's really simple but being a big guy I do prefer to have a larger sort of basketball type shoe so maybe we'll recreate one soon in the future and we'll get a big shoe out there for you again there you go which would be a shoe did you have yeah I need to start rocking the fat-ass right there you go there you go well thanks for calling man we appreciate that all right thanks man all right later do a good night Pinot from El Centro okay what's going on man how you doing I got busted ACL oh I'm sorry to hear that dude wait check it out check it out we're sitting here with Brian Anderson do you have a question or a comment for him um yeah what happened to bad salad you know like old homie that used to skate with him like it seemed like they were good friends and then I would see him in his skates art what happened Brad is focusing on skate mental and we actually are really close again because I did my skateboard company 3d through his distribution and then I ended that and it's been so cool because we've been hanging out again a lot and it's so rad and not be a business partner with your friend we're just like a homies again so we don't have to do business stuff anymore so it's so sick to just be back to square one really quick to Imperial Valley and El Centro okay Diego's from Diego I grew up with Diego nice hey well thanks so much for calling man we appreciate it all right take it easy Chad Lebanon can well guess what we have Brian Anderson here do you have a question for him I just kind of wanted to know about his artistic like what did you sit down with coffee like what's the artistic process like I don't know you can quench coffee like what are you doing sit down and anchor what my artistic process I like to have red wine lots of supplies and I've been learning new techniques and teaching myself different things about making stencils and using a little bit of spray paint and one of my favorite things that I'd love to talk about now is that I got rid of my projector so I do every outline by hand so it's been so fun and challenging I mean it takes forever but it's so rewarding and so all the paintings I've been working on recently have all been done by hand and it's it's it's just so rewarding and fun so and it's also very relaxing and I and uh-oh check this out I listen to my whole frickin phone on shuffle and normally songs that I would fast-forward I just listened through them just let it play yeah like oh I'll listen to stairway to heaven live so yeah that's a little bit of my process it's going well do you uh so you just freestyle everything I mean do you do you have something you have a picture in your head lectures in my iPhone honestly okay but that's not technically cheating because I'm just using my eyeballs to copy an image right okay I have fine but quite a bit to me then you're putting them all together in one yeah big yeah right we're glad you called man thank you so much thank you guys appreciate it oh my god cheers Chad have a good night you want to take one more little card let's do one more kind of fun right talking to these people you know I'm digging it hey thank you for calling the 9 Club who's this were you calling from no way never found out hey we're sitting here with Brian Anderson do you have a question for him holy crap what's up Brian what's going down dang that dboys dude wow man nice talking to you this is crazy so yeah how's Valley it's nice yeah I'm from Huntington Beach but I just moved here do you have a question for for BA if skateboarding never existed like is there one thing you guys see yourself doing else in life like for like is there something you guys do now that mm-hmm hey you guys think you'd be good I think I would be a hunter-gatherer I would probably hope to live for hundred years ago and I would cook for my village I would make a die for them I would make shoes if I was in a skateboarder yeah I would I would live in a community and and and help help all the inhabitants live makes make die what do you mean with berries and show die with berries oh okay well yeah I'm really I'm really I'm really a really old soul so yeah what are you dying though like the like you're the garb you're wearing okay have you heard of the kosher Neil no I've done it's like a red diet from cactus he's running and writing it down they call the cocoa chenille it's called the cushion it's been around for like millennia I think it's the first use like dye ever used in history this boa co CH i N uh-huh ei L yeah it's pretty cool I used to work at a museum and they had an exhibit that's so rad man thanks for telling me that yeah course there you go he's he's taking notes right now about that next Nike capsule oh that's what I do guard I'm like studying for my exam right now oh yeah how's that going are you tired like five hours average for the past two weeks probably what so bad well good luck with that Landon and yeah there you go be a would be a hunter-gatherer and he'd make died for his tribe and Neil's for oh you know Jews are important yet have a good night cheers man look at that huh repeat that photos yeah that's kind of cool huh we got one more call you want to take the last one real quick yeah hello thank you for calling the 9 Club you this is your host chris roberts how are you tonight oh my gosh all right hey no worries bro what's your name dude who you cook where you come from I'm in Baldwin Park hey Steven I like overacted West Covina Oh Steven from Baldwin Park you worked at they active in West Covina huh we're sitting here with Brian Anderson do you have a question for him Brian how you doing I'm good how are you I'm doing well I really actually wanted to ask about like a little more of the story on how the front blunt at how the high that one down oh well I went to a schoolyard in Sacramento and and I skated this ledge there was like probably two feet tall and I fronted it every day and then you were working up towards it yeah I just I just had it down and I went to Sacramento San Francisco with brzeska Knights and my crafter and I just thought to myself I confront Blount hubba hideout I know I can do it and we went there and it happened and so it was my first photo with a really awesome person like brzeska nights and it was cool that my crafter filmed it and it was super rewarding because I landed it on those bricks I love that spot and you get to wheel slide after and yeah that's a story III yeah it kind of was just frontside bluntslide in the [ __ ] out of this ledge and sacked oh and I was like let's take this party to [ __ ] hub nothing happen just like you tried to do shake get it comfortable for a while and then go to a random spot or something they think it's super cool and end up working yet yeah that was great it was a great times great memory thanks for calling man yeah no problem dude hope you guys have fun tonight thank you thank you bro thank you have a good night oh thanks there you go what's in the dinger from blunt that other was it that laid that other hubba with a the UCI yeah yeah the UCI hubba oh you bailed it back Smith dodgy were that scary his [ __ ] or was that not I mean yeah I was really scary I mean I back Smith it and then I think the back tail was separate day oh and I know heathco chart was spying on us Oh ribs with Jacqueline maybe yeah one dad didn't land the back tail and I went back because I don't like to go back I like to do things in like ten tries okay um not like an elitist diva I just like to get it done you know yeah I don't like to try something 400 times seen it especially by something that big - yeah I'm just like this [ __ ] get this done right now and so I think I might've tweaked my ankle or something on the back tail and then it might have been the day that Andrew Reynolds kickflip nose blowing knock kickflip noseslide it okay and Heath was watching in the bushes and he texted somebody maybe because it was the beginning of texting mm-hmm he was like Toy Machine zero birdhouse one [Laughter] I love Heath to me yeah that's my homie Wow I love you too but uh yeah he was spying on us when I was driving that so you did Oh God but no I ended up like like I think I just tried the back till only two days okay and the back Smith would that come easier I think the back Smith I did first yeah yeah and it's weird if you notice a primo out and my board floats sideways oh yeah yeah and I still land it and I'm like did you notice that you didn't want to try to redo it at all yeah I was like I landed it right that's it like let's go McDonald's you get an ice cream that's amazing dude God all these stories man I feel like we could sit here and talk for a [ __ ] hour of a source who can you know but uh we got a well let you go I know thanks for thanks for stopping by yeah thanks for having me edible dude yeah Brian Anderson look at that oh so tight man buddies you're the me no but thank you so much for some and dude a good luck with everything yeah thanks man yeah easy don't work don't work too hard you know just take it easy that's fun I'm gonna paint glass of wine walk in the woods walk in the woods you know let's get it yeah I got this okay I got this don't worry yeah and I'm still gonna skip my ass off Brian Anderson huh dude thanks again Brian thanks you guys [Music]
Channel: The Nine Club
Views: 202,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris roberts, roger bagley, kelly hart, crob, the nine club, nine club, the 9 club, 9 club, skateboarding, skateboards, skate, skating, skater, podcast, talk, show, interview, news, tutorial, best style, legend, funny, haha, comedy, braille, thrasher, berrics, transworld, tricks, sk8ing, nike sb, sk8board, street skating, switch tre flip, boardslide, crail couch, antihero, brian anderson, 3d, girl skateboards, yeah right, gay, vice, tom of finland
Id: Lwjuj-VfBbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 54sec (6534 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2017
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