Is Zionism a white supremacist project?

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[Music] Israel has a fascism [Music] problem it is hurting not just the thousands of Palestinians killed wounded or displaced under the occupation but also the Jewish people Israel claims to be protecting Zionism is built upon the idea of a Jewish homeland but in that Jewish homeland not all Jews are equal the founders of Zionism like Theodore Herzel and Israel's early State Builders were all Ashkenazi Jews ashkenazim are white European Jews hailing from Eastern and Central Europe and the former Russian Empire Herzel wrote a famous novel Theodor herzl's famous book alt Noland or old new land which envisioned the modern state of Israel years before its creation the book also talked about Israel a small Europe in the Middle East but not all Jews are ashkenazim and not all ashkan ISM are zionists all the rabbis around the world for 130 years since Zionism started spoke up in every way in every style that they had and declared that Zionism is sinful is uh is a criminal and is totally unacceptable according to my religion that's Rabbi yel doid Vice he is one of the many anti-zionist Jews around the world in fact prior to the Holocaust and the founding of the state of Israel Zionism was a fringe minority movement among the world's jury in the aftermath of the Holocaust as survivors and zionists started to immigrate to Palestine there was an immense need for Manpower to build and populate this new formation in 1911 David benuron who would later become Israel's first prime minister went on record saying we need people who are born workers we have to pay attention to the local El element the Oriental Jews both the yemenite and sapharic their standard of living and their needs are lower so to get Builders and soldiers and not be overwhelmed demographically by Palestinians the zus project was an urgent need of Jewish immigration according to Professor Aziza kazum European colonialists would often treat local minorities in Muslim lands like Jews and Armenians as allies and reward them for their cooperation against local authorities this led to increased tensions between communities moreover the creation of Israel by way of a mass ethnic cleansing and displacement of 750,000 Palestinians increased tensions that already existed all these tensions LED some Arab juice to migrate but the number of Jews relocating to Israel wasn't enough for the Zionist Ashkenazi State Builders to accelerate the process Zionist spice planted bombs in Jewish centers in Iraq to create hysteria and panic in order to hate Hast in Jewish Iraqis to flee Iraq and immigrate to Israel Israeli Jewish historian a islim whose family immigrated to Israel from Iraq when he was five told Middle East ey it was part of what somebody described as cruel Zionism and this was particularly cruel because it involved innocent Jews decent Jews good people and uh the Zionist movement or the Intelligence Officers turn these Jews in Baghdad and then later in Cairo uh they turn them into terrorists they turn them into spies and terrorists against their own Homeland over the decades a combination of push and pull factors eventually led many Mahi and sapharic Jews to immigrate to the state of Israel but they were less than welcomed the Jewish community in Iraq had very little to do with Zion ISM uh Zionism was a movement by European Jews for European Jews um and my mother used to um Talk a great deal about the wonderful Muslim friends that we had in Baghdad and one day I asked her did we have any Zionist friends and she said uh no um Zionism is an ashkanazi thing it's nothing to do with us and I think that reflected the predominant view of Iraqi uh Jews and a white savior story was constructed about how Middle Eastern Jews were saved from Savage Muslims as well as the Savage within themselves the discrimination against non-white Jews is a well documented phenomenon in many sectors of life in Israel including in education Reproductive Rights the military and others one of these shocking stories was accusations against the Israeli government of eugenic practices families claimed that officials had csed Ethiopian Jewish women to take contraceptive drugs with long lasting effects critics said it could explain the almost 50% decline over the past 10 years in the birthrate of Israel's Ethiopian Community Ethiopians were not alone in their grievances the Israeli government is accused of separating yemenite Jews from their children when the families immigrated to Israel decades ago the officials told parents their children had died but did not provide any evidence or the bodies of the deceased journalists and the families of the victims later discovered that in some cases the children had been experimented upon in hospitals while alive as well as after they died in violation of Jewish tradition and some others had been given up for adoption or even sold to White ashkanazi Holocaust Survivors many non-white Jewish communities from Iraq Yemen Ethiopia and other places around the world have long been a victim of the Zionist racial hierarchy Israeli academic of Iraqi origin alash Shabbat rights I am not asking Palestinians to feel sorry for the Safari soldiers who might be among those shooting at them what is at stake in any case is not a competition for sympathy but a search for alternative these words written in 1988 are still relevant today what do you think is Zionism a white supremacist project [Music] back
Channel: TRT World
Views: 272,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Breaking, Breaking News, TRTWorld, Turkish News, Türkiye News, World News, Zionism, trt, trt world, white supremacist project, israel, palestine, theodor herzl, gaza, netanyahu, benjamin netanyahu, israel gaza, fascism, israel fascism, netanyahu hitler, israel nazi germany
Id: IRAUQn904ic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 35sec (395 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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