Best Rainbow Six Siege Operator Tierlist (Y9)

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if you guys are struggling with what operators to play I got you today I'll be going over a full tier list and before you comment down below because you might disagree let me know why you disagree every time I do a tier list I always see people saying this is a trash list don't listen to this guy or this guy is definitely gold stuff like that I've been Champion since literally Champion has came out I peaked at top 30 champion on controller I came over to PC I'm Champion every season on PC so I think I know a little bit more than the average player and I literally devote most of my content to helping you guys get better so just hear me out I'm going to explain every single pick Let's get into it I'm going to start out with the new operator which is deos I'm going to put him in a tier now the reason why I'm putting deos as a tier is because at least on PC he's a lot better than what he is on Console because it takes a lot of skill to really be good on a controller with his pistol but overall it's the team aspect of deos that makes them so good even if you don't use his pistol and you just use his scans that information alone is fantastic and I know a lot of people say that Jackal is better but to be honest I think they're wrong because Jackal is played for a whole different purpose than deos deos is played for an easy ram clear once you have information or just for information deos is not only play for room clearing you can also use him late round to get information when you don't know where somebody is and that's always great information is key in Siege so he's just a great operator technically you can say he's always useful um so I I guess I'm just going to put him up there because yeah but yeah in terms of Jackal I'm going to put them in in great I do think that a lot of the times if I'm really wanting to roam clear I rather pick deos than Jackal because having to get map control instead of just pinging somebody or getting information that they have that operator it's it's way different as long as you have a team which you can communicate with that's great cuz I know when you go Jackal even in solo queue you still have to get map control you still have to deal with all the people flanking and all of that so I think deos is 100% uh s tier op Jackal an a tier op now this one's going to throw a lot of you guys off Castle is going to be an S tier now the reason why I'm putting Castle in s tier is cuz I'm changing the way that I do these tier lists instead of saying a lot of people use this operator wrong I'm just going off the pure raw operator Castle is hands down always useful and a lot of the problem is with the players that play castle they think castling off site and castling all the flank and entryways is is going to be like the bees knees no a lot of people play castle wrong Castle is denial Castle is window denial Castle is an extension Galore Castle has so much utility that will allow you to extend and contest attackers and make them waste utility just because people play castle wrong there shouldn't be a stigma around him saying that he's bad Castle's really good when you're playing castle you guys should be extending the map for example any map that you play instead of castling off direct doors in sight think about how you can extend into the map and contest them from taking prominent map control instead of contesting just the site doors because when you Castle off the site doors what will happen is the people will be able to get really close up in the site almost and all they have to do is break a castle and then they have quick Lin of sight to all your teammates and yourself but when you extend out and you make them waste time to to Really fight for map control you will do the job which Castle is great for uh Grim I I'm not lying bro I love Grimm Grim is hands down always useful in my opinion Grimm is a great operator him having so much utility and just being able to clear Corners even when you get rid of cams is freaking life saving I think his kit is great I'm really glad that they reworked him and allowed him to bounce his bees because it literally made him one of the worst operators of all time to a fantastic s tier operator heading over to sense I'm putting sense in D which is meme trash operators needs a buff because sense is super underwhelming a lot of the times I rather just bring maybe somebody with a shield like montang who has smoke grenades and I can just safely throw my smokes instead of having to dictate whether where the sense gadg goes sense needs a huge buff with the sense Gadget I think that sense should be able to have a directory of where it goes for example like it will have like little lines to show you like maybe if it's going to bounce a specific way and I feel like there's there's nothing that's really stopping anybody from running through sense walls so I think if we're going buff sense it would definitely be in a finer style way you know if you go through a th F your Gadget it smokes up your vision do something like that A minor smoke that Vision that stops Defenders from wanting to run through those things next up I'm definitely going to be picking doabe doabe is always useful it's actually insane how great all these operators are like we have so many Fantastic operators at the moment and we have less and less meme trash operators in my opinion which is is insane that's why I love Siege so much cuz you can play operators literally like you can have a different lineup every single time on a different on on the same map and it can play differently and it's not like you need one specific operator you just need certain like tools like for example rotates and lines of sight and maybe some type of denial so talking about denial I'm going to put mute in s tier always useful mute is a great operator um also if you guys are wondering the way I'm also doing this is in terms of like s tier and a tier which I I just thought about this CU I don't want this to just be a bunch of s operators I'm putting operators that are needed a lot more than others for example you don't need a deos or a jackal these operators are a little bit situational they're great to have but they're more situational in terms of how the Defenders are playing so I'm sorry if I confuse you guys swapping deos back to a but I I just made up my mind uh going off leion is definitely an S operator as well Legion has a lot of lines of sight capability having a bulletproof himam is great but what makes Legion so good is no matter if you're solo que or five stacked or any map you play he's going to be a good pick because you can place his goo mines literally everywhere and the longer you stay alive the better he gets so this is why he's so good because you don't need teammates that will call out you have leion cuz you have goo mines if someone's going to shoot a goine you're going to hear it if somebody's going to go through a goine you're going to hear it he's great next up is going to be orex I think orex is one of those other trash mops very easy to get out of the way there's always a better pick than orex let's be honest and the the bang for your buck utility based it is is disgusting Rook I'm going to put him in C tier and I'm going to get a lot of people angry because they like to make this uh BS uh conversation where this he he can save your life and all of this but there's always a better pick guys Doc is a better pick than him I personally think Thunderbird is better than Rook even if Thunderbird is going to probably be in the in the C tier as well now Rook he's just one of those easy Ops people go him if they're new to the game or if they want MP5 and someone took doc that's the reality of it Rook is not a good operator you should not be crutching yourself on using operators like this because once you get into higher ranks people are not going to be using a lot of Rook and if they are they're just trying to run around with him and shoot if you're playing a competitive match you're not bringing Rook you're going to bring more utility better operators that actually deny sights heading over to sess soless is s your hands down literally cams utility even with when if somebody think a charges somebody you you see them and even if there's a blitz you see the blitz wherever he is on the map so a lot of counteract but most importantly denying the Drone economy which even when solos gets nerfed and you're not able to use the gadget in the prep phase still going to be an S operator in my opinion just because of the information over to uh C I'm going to put a c because I think C is is is okay but there's usually always better options like someone with a secondary EMP I like Callie's Gadget I just don't like Ci's sniper and the sniper is really what does it for me because a lot of times like I feel like I body people and it either just doesn't register or it's like I hit them in the arm and it does nothing it's a bol bolt action rifle and it just it's very frustrating to use that that sniper it just doesn't fit well in The Siege in my opinion heading over to Valkyrie uh s s tier operator like you can have unlimited Intel and you can just throw your cams literally anywhere and and she's great so I I can't put her anywhere else heading over to amaru uh amaru is going to be okay but there's usually always a better option as well not a lot of utility coming out of Mario with um her primary Gadget but she's one of those operators that you pick every like 50 rounds to make a play or do something like that or if you're playing Cafe a lot of people just rush Heaven uh so besides that like she's a fun operator but she's not needed like there's always better options than her next up is going to be FAA um I think think is a great operator only healer that we have on attack and a lot of the times I'm sitting there and I'm like damn I really Wishy a Fina just because the amount of Gadgets in Siege it's not even because of the bullets this is a one shot headshot game but my problem is is when I walk into somewhere in the map and I get hit with a random goite and there's going to be times where you can't always get that goine out right away there's times where you're going to need that extra health because somebody spawn Peak or through a random C4 so it's always helpful to have this gadget overall Warden is going to be uh M trash op needs a buff um actually I don't know I feel like Warden I I just hate warden so much I'm going to put them in C there's usually always a better option it just depends on the team that you're playing if you know your the team and the way you extend and the way you hold the map uh it's all based on that because is good at denying flashes or smokes and a lot of times people use flashes just to burn adss with and by burning I just mean wasting so it actually you're able to use primary gadgets like as charges or um whatever to destroy like mirrors and whatnot but the thing about Warden is it's not really that common for people to you know uh flash out wardens it's very rare and the thing I notice with a lot of warden players is they don't even know that they have a denial for Flash Warden is sit situational but he's good when you do get flashed or smoked personally not my cup of tea in terms of an operator I always think there's a better option to be honest but yeah twitch is going to go in good but situational because there's just better operators for denying utility um the thing about twitch once again is just it's a pain in the ass get your drone in and a lot of times it's loud as hell people are Dr hunting at least I will be and especially when you have a mirror you know there's going to probably be a counter twitch so it is situational uh there there usually are better picks than twitch as well um same with Bravo I think Bravo is great I love the concept of Bravo but the way that Siege is played at this current moment it's just Bravo is too slow hacking the gadgets getting all that stuff done takes too long I will notice the first minute of my round if I spend hacking stuff my teammates will already be dead and there's nothing I can do and then it looks like I'm baiting and then I'm in a 2v5 and then like it really depends on how slow and how aware your teammates are that you are Braava Alibi is going to go in okay but there's usually always a better option Alibi is definitely one of those filler picks like Rook like I said before um Maverick is going to go in good but situational because we have so many operators now that have secondary emps and we have so many operators with secondary heart breach so Maverick isn't as meta as he used to be before we getting those gadgets so a lot of times MAV just good for like a play if you want to make a MAV glass play or even make some lines of sight and like he could always be great but if you're using him for his primary Gadget to open a wall it's situational Cav is going to go in D trash Ops needs a buff C they need to make C silent stuff actually silent because if you didn't know it is not completely silent um I feel like just that alone makes Cal so boring and it's just like someone sees a cal they know you're going to be you know offsite and it's just so freaking boring man like H like C was good back in like year 2 year three when we didn't have a lot of these anti uh flank like gridlock Nomad you know Etc blit is going to be uh C okay but there's usually a better option Blitz I just think he's the weaker shield now especially since montang can knock people over just like him um and the whole premise of a shield operator is to get map control is to get up in their face and get it quick and you know distract them but Blitz is so easily counterable now montang at least can have his entire body fold and then he can knock people over monang is just better I'm going to put monang in great a lot of people thought that the shield Nerf was Nerf was a Nerf because you can't ad on ad like on ads shoot but I think people are wrong I think that monang is great I think he's a [ __ ] so good when you actually play him how he's supposed to be played and that is by taking map control and getting in the defender face and getting free Intel you're not supposed to be taking one-on-one gunfights 24/7 when montang like people that do that are actual bricks that's the people that think that this operator is trash uh knock is going to give him c as well I do think knock has like it's one of those operators like amaru once again where you play them every 50 freaking like rounds and they'll be you know you can make a play besides that I'm not bringing this operator every single round uh glaz is going to go in B good but situational glaz thrives in postplant scenarios or with any operators that can bring smokes um but a lot of the times I just think he's just situational because a lot of the maps will be played a specific way where glass just doesn't fit in as well as other attackers Goyo is going to go in s tier Goyo is hands down one of the most underrated defenders in my opinion his Goyo canisters waste so much freaking time you can impact trick you have a great gun that has an AOG you can place his Goyo canisters on barricades um across the map and and that will just literally contest the defender uh attackers I mean in tell like for like a lot of lot of time and you can do that four times or you can use them post plant or I mean before Plant and deny it last 10 seconds and it's just like a smoke canister it's so good it lasts so long it takes so much damage smoke is going to go in sere for that exact same reason you're able to make rotates you have barb wire it sucks smoke doesn't have Shield but smoke is still an S operator overall smokes kit is great Clash is going to go into uh B good but situational people think that Clash is awful there's a million different counters I agree but when you face a good Clash player and when somebody actually uses Clash how Clash is intended to be then it's it's game over like it's over for you guys so hands down Clash is is good but situational because it's all dependent on how your team plays uh Wai is going to be in always useful because Wai is always useful let's be honest uh you can't go wrong with this operator uh chanka meme trash op needs a buff this is the reality of of chanka I like the concept of the rework but the execution is poor I feel like using chanka is very underwhelming like his using his Gadget it takes so long to reload it gives your position away of where exactly you're shooting and it it it's not like it's like a fast shooter like the the gadget it literally boom boom boom it shoots so freaking slow so I feel like that is just a very underwhelming operator I I want them to buff him as well don't know how they would do so but I want them to buff him next up I'm going to be going with uh Ying Ying's great I could technically put Ying in always useful but I'm going to have a million operators because you can make the Cav for always useful but I'm thinking of the strongest of the strong Y is great because the amount of burn capability and map control that you can get it just comes down to how well the player can play off their teammates with the Candelas I know for a fact I sometimes just Candela my teammates because sometimes we're just not in the same uh mindset of how we're pushing so Y is great can be almost always useful but I just something about Ying is just missing for S tier uh next up we have Ella Ella is going to go and see there's usually always a better option Ella does have quite a bit of UT with the shield and three Ella mines but for gun and just it's I don't know something about Ella it just doesn't spark you know interest I rather Aion more utility sure doesn't have a shield but I I would just prefer operators like that IQ I'm going to put C in into uh in the B good but situational the problem is is getting inside the map and locating that utility and then actually having your teammates act off that utility because sorry for my yawning because I noticed when people go IQ they actually forget they have a gadget or when they use IQ their teammates don't destroy or listen to the information that's being called out that that's what sucks about IQ now next up I'm going to be picking Ash Ash is always useful as an attacker especially with mirror now you can counter mirror so easily you're able to just crack the mirrors so there there's nothing wrong with going this operator like ash is is a good pick lion is going to go into great lion it just depends on once again your teammates because you guys have to be able to play off that Intel and execute off the lion scans the the right way and that comes down to your droning that comes down to everything like that lion as a whole is good op sorry about that yaan next up let's go to let's go to capan cap can's great capan is one of those operators that you can bring on most sites and it's really dependent on the the enemy's ignorance to be honest not as consistent as Legion but when you get an ed or a few EDS go off it's definitely worth it but it is a little bit like less of a impact than Legion because leion rotate capability able to you know be better as the Run goes on same with capan but cap can is very Hit or Miss because cap are so easy to spot ah a drink water hold up guys look like a hamster seriously take a water break Ram is going to go into a great operator always useful we can have that conversation but I think that there's a better option with buck buck is way better than ram ram is able to easily get vertical control or make plays throwing Ram gadgets through barricades but what Buck does better is more consistent safe lines of sight because when you play Buck you're able to control what lines of sight you have with Rim you're really not you would have to throw out the thing and then shoot it not saying that's bad but the thing about Ram is you make too much vertical control you're not going to be able to play anywhere on the vertical holes so Buck just does it better in my opinion but Ram is the easy version of buck uh B is going to be Maestro which is just going to be good but situational it once again that just depends on like how you and your teammates play and how good of a maestro cam player you are but if we're talking about just the pure utility of maestro I just think there's better options with going someone with a bulletproof cam I know bulletproof cams can't shoot Maestro cams uh I mean it can't shoot it can zap but it's it's all it's all dependent on your teammates in my opinion because if your teammates don't bring the utility or more utility then your mro cams will be focused right away unlike their utility if that makes sense Thorne is going to go into C situation uh there okay but there's always a better option uh she is one of those operators that's fun but yeah not not not always need it uh Nomad is going to go into a same with gridlock the reason why is I don't see them always as flank Watchers at least gridlock I like to think of gridlock as keeping a track Stringer like in pocket so I can throw it out post plant or when I'm trying to execute a plant and maybe throwing a smoke in it because trying to get into sight and diffuse the bomb while there's track stringers and then take oneon-one gun fights it's super freaking hard but the good thing about gridlock is you have four of them so you're able to cover so much area now I'm talking about Nomad I just find Nomad is inconsistent a lot of times you're able to shoot the air Jabs very easily so there's that um but yeah sometimes Claymores are better so yeah next is going to be Blackbeard Blackbeard is okay but there's usually always a better option you can make some good Blackbeard plays but there's a better option like 99 0.999% of the time vigil is going to go and see there's always a better option Vig is not the best ramor in the game you can technically roam with any Defender at this point in the meadow of Siege it just all depends on your teammates how well you guys play and roam together and what focus and area you're trying to deny maloi is s tier this operator probably one of my most hated operators to face especially on Console because I swear God they put Mel devices in the most annoying random places I'll jump in a window or something and then I have to flick down and then I'm dead because flicking on the sticks is insane but Mel's great Capel is going to go into good but situational capitel I love Capal but I feel like the execution of his gadget sucks I hate how long it takes to pull out his Gadget I hate how long um it like it's just not fun like I feel like they need to speed up it just like chanka but unlike chunka Capal is actually usable Thunderbird it's going to be uh C okay but there's always a better option and that option is in doc I think Doc is an a tier operator he's frag heavy the only thing that doc doesn't do that Thunderbird does is heal when uh teammates when when you're dead but the good thing about dock is you can actually dock someone all the way back up to 100 HP plus Thunderbird it takes increments and it takes multiple devices so that's the problem with the operator Bandit is going to get BNB but situational because uh Bandit tricking is very Niche Bandit tricking is great but there's just so much random stuff you have to deal with um it's situational because your teammates it depends on how they're roaming if they can actually contest someone getting ver play and if they can you know actually help you I see a lot of people solo queing B banit tricking it's the worst thing you can do because nine times out of 10 your teammates are not going to play off of you Kade is going to be always useful especially with Thatcher always being banned he can be great you can get some sneaky spots take a shot every time I goddamn yawn uh PA is going to go into B good but situational depends on the map depends on the team that you're playing cuz if you play if if you face a team that's going to rush sight right away it's going to be impossible to play great with Paul because your teammates are going to probably die if you're playing very aggressive players and it's hard to be in every place at once and just situational man Mazy is is great drone denial is always great I can't complain about that uh it does suck that he lost his AOG but it makes sense because I feel like Mazi is a very strong opor I'm seeing less and less of him this season but I still think he's a gem I feel like people just crutch the ACOG they think about AOG when it comes to every operator but he's always great man vineer and frost is both going to go into always useful because they're just always useful you can bring them on every site and have such a good effect more or less like talking about FR Frost it's just him having a shield or her having a shield I apologize making being able to make lines of site having that ACOG to play off the shield and then having three Frost mats that serves as information just like Legion people have to shoot it when people jump in Windows they can't aim at you they have to look at the floor and shoot it right away so I feel like these operators are both always useful fine gets better as the round progresses fer gets better as um time progresses with how well of a player you are with him you literally have to swap in between his gadgets late round and he's a lifesaver man I love fer Ace is is good but situational uh I'm going to get I'm going to get slack for that because I think that Ace is one of those hard breaches that are like a Walmart or like a good value version of of of a hard breacher because Ace is one of those operators that are just so boring and it's like you need to be facing like actual idiots that don't impact or Bandit trick I've seen rounds get thrown because Ace is brought you Ace a wall someone throws an impact at it and then you don't have any hard breach left it's all situational when it comes to that uh thermite is in my opinion great abana as well is going to be always useful in my opinion the reason being because thermite he's great because he can open up walls easy no no problem Habana is able to open up not only hard walls but soft walls and counter intact operators like a zomie mirror and just anything that's on a soft floor people don't think about that when you think of Habana you think of only a hard beater but if I'm Habana and I'm bringing Habana to open lines of sight and then a hatch I still have Habana pellets left over that can be useful for let's say once again mirrors or any utility it's just people think so onedimensional with some of these operators uh Thatcher is is is is is great I I want to say always useful but the thing about Thatcher is is there's people with secondary emps so if there wasn't secondary emps I would have them been always useful but they're secondary emps Jagger is always going to be useful uh just like Wai he's just one of those operators that like if we got more operators with adss people would play them and it's just He's Just One of a Kind W May does do his job just a lot differently overall I think they're both good to bring always aami is always useful as well being able to just create your own lines of sight and random Shields makes a zomie an S tier operator the thing about a zomie even with a zombie's Nerf a zomie is still so freaking good I want to choke myself when I see a good aomi on cafe or any map uh Sledge is good but situational talking about Sledge and buck buck is just the better version overall he brings more to the T than Sledge Sledge is good in circumstances where there's castles but when we're talking about straight up vertical play I much rather bring a buck than a sledge zophia is going to be a or God I don't even know as as S as S as s a s a I'm going to put her in a I think I think Ash is the better version of her just because of the speed Advantage um dealing with the mirrors and it's just you're able to get map control a lot quicker with an operator like ash Sophia is great because you're able to clear rooms just by you're using your flashes um and you can actually get information just based off those flashes if you flash an area and it goes off immediately you know someone's there if you flash or I mean stun sorry in area and it doesn't immediately go off that means that nobody's in that vicinity just so you guys know uh Z is great zero is kind of like Bravo in my opinion except you know a little bit more manageable since you can shoot them and you don't need to be on the cam right away um really great operator it's just I feel like there are better attackers for most Maps than zero like it's not like you need a zero but zero is holy [ __ ] he is underrated okay he's a great operator Ekko is going to be situational as well just like Maestro just depends on your team site set up it depends on your teams um operator syry it it depends on a lot of things because since we have Bravo I feel like you're you're going and twitch and so many other operators that have drones now and like it you're going to have to not bring somebody rather than uh than than than bringing an echo for example like there's so many people that want to run around with like operators like w May and Jagger and leion and then like a mute or someone of Road and there's always something going to be missing so I feel like Echo it just depends on the map it depends on your team it depends on all that next is going to be Jana I think Jana is great she's not up there as terms of like need it she is a good pick when you you you you can bring her but she's not need it in my opinion compared to some of the other attackers like you know let's say Ash or buck um yeah so she she's great I wouldn't personally the way I play I'm not bringing her all the time fuse is going to be a tier operator actually I'm putting him in S I don't care this is my list I love fuse fuse has always been my favorite operator because people always overlook him they think that coppers play him only and they fuse the hostage it's a running meme it's boring I love him I think he's a great operator hands down my favorite operator so I'm putting him in S I don't care tubby is always going to be in s as well being able to freeze not only utility but able able to freeze yourself if you're getting doabe called Jackal called de D demo called whatever like you're able to counteract so many attackers which just makes him so good like I can't I can't I can't like he makes other operators better he makes Cades Bandits you know literally any operator that with impacts you can impact trick easier like he's just so freaking good Flores is always going to be useful as well and same with mirror same with aroni oh I'm going to put o in great but the reason why I'm putting those three operators in always useful is because they are always useful if mirror's on the board you can bring mirror and change the way that attackers are going to attack just based off of bringing mirror in terms of Aon same thing you can literally bring aroni on every single sight and have a huge impact Aron is always good to have same with Flores you can clear so much utility you can also make vertical play you can also make quick plays by just you know floor roning a barricade like there's nothing wrong with The Operators that I put in s now I know there's a lot of operators in s but let me know down in the comments guys what do you think is wrong with this list because literally like let me know because personally the way I play I think that this is a a very valid list overall just the way I see ranked on console and PC in champ ranking this is universally what I would be thinking in terms of operator selection but guys if you guys have an opinions if you think my list was trash dog [ __ ] whatever instead of just saying that let me know why let me actually have conversations with you guys and have Insight on operator selection because there's going to be newer players that's going to be reading this and they're going to be asking why but besides that guys if you guys enjoy the video make sure that you guys like sub comments thank you so much for watching the video of course got to put my man recruit up in the S tier and have a great freaking day guys thank you so much
Channel: Garfieldisdoc
Views: 39,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rainbow six siege best attacker, rainbow six siege 2023, rainbow six siege extraction, rainbow six siege tips for every operator, rainbow six siege tips to get better, rainbow six siege tips 2023, best way, rainbow six siege tips, how to get better at rainbow six siege, jynxzi, stompn r6, stompin r6 settings, rainbow six siege, siege tips, best attackers in rainbow six siege, rainbow six siege cheaters, how to defend in rainbow six siege, rainbow six siege console
Id: ZEdD2c0LRW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 7sec (2167 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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