Painting the Superman: Call to Action PF | Sideshow Behind the Scenes

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hey guys it's Bernard Esquibel I'm gonna be painting the Superman quarter scale figure starting off with the head so let's get this going now I'm gonna start off with base coating it with some flesh that I've already mixed up here premix so the flesh I chose here is what I usually start with it's a little darker flesh and then I guess people would would think that's this the way I work so you know I'll start adding my highlights and whatnot after but right now I'm just base coating everything making sure I get under the chin and around the ears under the eyes nose getting in every crevice if you will there's one off right there um finished base coating the heads and I just came back from sealing them with a matte finish so now I'm gonna go in and start to do some washes which I'll go in with like a yellow it doesn't need to be perfect do you want giving it a wash is just basically tinting the flesh just to give it like a yellow and it doesn't need be perfect cuz what happens is I'm putting this wash on but I'm gonna be removing it with the sponge because you know I don't want the I basically just tainting the flesh I think a lot of people do it differently there's how I've been doing it for for a while now now I'm gonna go ahead and add it red wash now I can get tricky because this transparent color will want to bite into into the flesh sometimes and not want it come on [Music] when I spritz the alcohol onto the red the transparent red that breaks up on the surface of the skin so it kind of gives it that like if there's blood vessels even though it looks sloppy tricks the eye and makes it look I would say more realistic a lot of people do it differently some people will do with the airbrush they'll stipple the red on there you know I'm gonna go ahead and add some texture if you will to the face by doing a little stippling or freckling so I'll do that with the airbrush where I lower the pressure and you'll get this I'll get this nice freckling effect here which I'll do with the transparent so it's not opaque and it breaks up the skin again once again getting more of an organic look [Music] you have imperfections in your skin we all do I mean I have spots in my arm we all do so capturing that you know it may be out of scale but it gives it I think some life you can kind of see it there you know the cheekbone and the jaw whatnot a little bit on the forehead the nose a little under the chin as well you know you want to get it everywhere because just to make it balance I think it just depends what type of look you're looking for a cartoony sculpt you might not want that texture in there you know you might want to just go with straight color and shading highlights but for me such a beautiful sculpt like this I mean I think it it pays off when I do these portraits now that I've done the freckling on the portrait I'm gonna go ahead and do a blue wash you know now that I brushed on the wash removing it with my little sponge here because remember it's really only just a tint you're not painting you're just tinting with the transparent [Music] so right now I'm mixing up a color for the hair which is just not straight black I like to eat a little bit of brown I like to going layers because I kind of want to get like a kind of a great Inge the hairline so it does not start black you know no in the top part I'll go darker just because you know it's got like a whole head of hair [Music] if I'm gonna go into the hairline I'll use a liner which is a thinner brush and do wisps of and then I'll go back and forth with the hair to you know if I feel like maybe I can pull it back more I'll go in with flesh again you know with my base coat and then go back in and wisp in some flesh so you can kind of see now I'm gonna take you through the process of when you're doing the shading and highlight and then I go from there and do a lot of hand details with washes and transparents so you can see the definition and the shadow areas right cheekbones under the neck the ears a little bit the nose the brow line or head so this is the one that's been completed this is the one I'm working on now trying to get it to here but I'm gonna seal this now and let it dry and then I'll come back [Music] I'm adding some color to the flesh now and I'm not really going in really opaque with this I'm going in kind of light so it is like more like a wash then I'll seal it reevaluate look at it you know and see right where I'll go from there there's gonna be more blending going on right there it's a little stark a little contrast see but I'll be going in and blending back and forth with washes probably the same wash and then I'm gonna block in I'll go in and do the eyebrows and the eyes to make sure it kind of lines up with the portrait I did previously I'm doing the lips that way I can get a better sense of a read on where to go with the rest of my washes want to make sure you don't go too dark make it look like he's got lipstick on so it's kind of a fine blend [Music] [Applause] I'm gonna go back now and do some a little bit more Red's shading as well now I don't go super super stark red on the sting I'll dilute it a lot because it goes so concentrated so I'm gonna go in with the blue wash and it's ever just so slight of a tint it's more realistic because now you're layering on the flesh so you're giving it some depth pretty happy with it were where the Reds are at right now so what I have here is a very ingenious invention that we all remember or know is silly putty so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna mask off the hair that way I don't get the flesh color back on and have to go back into it cool huh [Music] and I lower the pressure on the airbrush too so I just don't blast it with color also to give us some texture to give us you know a little stippling [Music] giving them basically a tan it's nice to have like a little gold and warmth to him just a little bit I think I'm pretty happy with that so what I'm gonna do now is we're gonna do the eyes I'll put the head on the torso and then we'll figure out okay well which I direction we wanted at you know where he's where is he looking and usually it's the point of interest or the collector to have it on their shelf then we always kind of move them over a bit to the left or to the right we never have it dead on center I'm gonna go ahead and put on my hobby my hobby glasses or jeweler's glasses is to get up and get really close and I'm gonna go ahead and mark where I put a dot and just draw in the iris just really quick really lightly - now it's important to get the shape ETI right because it can throw it off they look completely when I'm doing this Clara are the eyes I never used white really I use a kind of a cool grey with maybe a tinge of blue sometimes or yellow depending on the character [Music] I'm viewing the iris and normally no you think the iris to be black I always just make it the really dark color of the eye I'm gonna make so I picked out a blue here for the base for me I'm kind of going for a Reve blue eye kind of blue I like aqua like really you know beautiful eyes right Christopher Reeve is Superman probably epitome of Superman [Music] that's the start of the blue in there and I'll go in with the lighter blue then going in the center and start bringing it out and trying to get little striations in the eye so right now I'm trying to find the perfect balance of a light blue so it doesn't look too Stark [Music] probably try to blend it in more so it's not so stark but I kind of like the idea of it being really striking so now I'm going back and adding some color into the eyebrows making them a little darker I think now what I'll do is I'll go in an end point where I want the pupil I'm gonna use a fine tip marker all right let's see here [Music] okay so I am going to start adding some reds and some detail work around the eye I still have to put gloss in the eyes but what I want to do first is dry brush the blue highlight on the hair because you want to give them the comic book feel I'll start heavy at the top just to give it the gradation and then make my way down all right I think the hair is finito and now I'm gonna go ahead and add gloss to the eyes [Music] now it's pretty cool is when you put that satin on makes the eyes pop so much now I'm gonna go in with the gloss [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right there is Superman portrait all [Music] you you
Channel: Sideshow Collectibles
Views: 1,096,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sideshow, collectibles, collectables, Premium Format, sideshow behind the scenes, Behind the Scenes, Superman Behind The Scenes, New Sideshow Figures, Sculpture Painting, Paint Room, Sideshow Paint Room, Before and After, Transformation, Call to Action PF, sideshow collectibles, dc comics, premium format figure, sideshow superman premium format, In The Making, How To, Sculptures, Sideshow Figures, Sideshow Collectibles, Air Brush, painting, tutorial, paint, portrait, techniques
Id: zWjuwZ0oM9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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