Painting Venom From the Spider-Man vs Venom Maquette | Sideshow Behind the Scenes

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hello I'm Casey Love and I'm gonna take you through painting venom on a spider-man vs. venom diorama let's get started first thing we're gonna do is base coat some white on the white areas of Venom's chest in his eyes I'm gonna build this up in thin layers so it doesn't get too thick I'm not worried about going out of the lines because I'm going to seal this white and mask it off before I spray any blacks so if the torso we have a huge spider emblem there's a lot of nooks and crannies it's gonna take a bit of work to get it all nicely base coated a lot of weird spots because he's so muscular these peaks in these valleys can be tricky to get through you can use a base like this hold your pieces up while they're drying all right so we've finished with the white now we're gonna go and seal it up we're gonna move into base coating black now again you gotta get all the angles especially with a rattle can it's good to just dust coat it first like this and now we can do is legs because there's no white parts on his legs [Music] okay so the next step we're gonna do is some masking and I'll lay this down get it to lay down as flat as I can't a little tricky cuz you got to work in between all these muscles basically mask out the spider emblem this process is tedious it takes time patience a lot of times you know when you go to cut piece of masking and lift it it can lift off and get to it again so it's a time-consuming process so now we're working on Venom's head so we're gonna start by just laying some masking tape over top here and again this has been sprayed with white and then sealed with flat sealer alright now that the masking is done we'll go spray black same thing I'll just lightly base coat this I'm gonna jump in to base coating Venom's tongue is gums and teeth I'm gonna work much of this piece from dark to light because once I put this purple down now I can come in with lighter tones of color and have all the dark undertones already in there all right so now I'm gonna just quickly base out these teeth [Music] so I'm gonna take this flesh tone over this dark purple that we laid down and I'm going to start adding highlights where necessary I'm gonna try to hit the highlight where the light would hit at them not highlighting these gums a little bit and then they touch up on the teeth and make sure that any overspray is cleaned up from spraying all the red on the gums so the next thing I'm gonna take some of this stain and you'll see it's pretty transparent but I'm gonna layer it a couple layers it'll get darker and darker each time that's what it looks like stained I'm gonna take a little bit of the base color and a little bit of a stain mix those together and now what I'll do is take this slightly darker tone and strike some highlights on the tooth now that we've finished the gums and the teeth and the tongue this is just a check on the fit and to see what it looks like so next thing we're gonna do is attack venom skin and give the highlights and start adding the purples I'm going to use this cool gray color and a lot of what I'm going to do is when the piece is set up it's really about where the light kind of hits down on the black skin all these gray areas are eventually going to be purplish to give kind of a nice comic-book highlight to the piece [Music] as we're doing this we're still working around our masking we haven't taken that off yet you want to get all the skin dialed in to where it needs to be first so now we're gonna take some pastel colors mainly just this purple take a little file here and just grind it into a dust load the brush with a little bit of this pastel color here and I'll just scrub it on and kind of wipe it off so now we're kind of pulling out that very comic book style that you would see lights hitting with the black and diffusing into kind of a purple tone and then once you've got this color laid in over top we can adjust it with other airbrushing on top of it we're gonna now tone down the purple highlights that we did with the pastels and we're gonna use some really dark dark purple wash almost black and I'm working from the bottom like this and and thinking about the light from the top that it would gradiate a little bit darker towards the bottom this is the right arm with the pastel that we added and then with the shading down this is what it goes to so you can see how much it gets knocked down [Music] so now we're gonna take a very dark Payne's gray kind of blue and just not a little bit over the purple [Music] so now we're done with all the parts with the dark shade of Payne's gray now we're gonna move into another shade of blue between muscles just to kind of help push the blacks deeper [Music] we finally can start removing our masking and I'll use a little bit of help with this exacto blade and then the big part is the body feel it nice and slow and easy so you don't lift any paint edges now how we not masked it we would have all this black and purple all over this we'd have to go in and try to get a clean slate for the white area which would be very difficult to do so now what I'm gonna do is take a fine brush and some black and touch up along the edge you so now we're gonna work on the eyes a little bit and touch up a few areas that were hard to mask off so just because of all the organic shape that's going on I'm gonna look at the hands or the quick to same thing just kind of clean up some of these edges here I'm gonna take this white now and clean up any of the sloppy you know black edges or anything that where the spray got under the tape or anything like that so now we're gonna go on to shading it and for this step I use this great chalk a little bit of blue maybe a kind of a grey blue shading and I'm just gonna go into the deep areas here and just kind of gently shade all the muscles you don't want to get too dirty with this I want to keep it still somewhat clean looking but just a little bit dingy down so it's just not perfectly bright white so now I'm going to take some translucent black that's been thinned a lot with water and an alcohol since this is a shadowed area here I'm gonna go ahead and get it get all the shading in here so there are some organic shapes in the eye it's not just a flat eye so I want to bring some of that out we're gonna do some little bit of color in his side of his mouth and stretching it here so I'm going to take a little bit uh d this site can watch some of the overspray and take a little bit of light gray paint and just block out where his gums are stretching now that's done we're gonna now take some flesh tones and just just the airbrush this on the next thing I'm going to do is take this shade wash color so I literally will flood this in to this piece like this and I'll kind of let it run into all the detail on its own now we have some of this in-between color here kind of a violet Ramanujan X is kind of just shade the higher parts of where the tissues coming out and some of the lower parts and leaving the middle kind of fleshy and raw paint jobs all done and so we're gonna satin spray down the venom body now I'm going to carefully rotate this as I spray [Music] [Music] all right they're finished with the ceiling and here's your venom all wrapped up [Music] you you
Channel: Sideshow Collectibles
Views: 394,333
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Keywords: sideshow, collectibles, collectables, Sideshow Statues, Paint Room, Sideshow Paint Room, sideshow collectibles painting, Before and After, Sideshow Paints, sideshow paintshop, sideshow collectibles, premium format, making of, timelapse, painting, tutorial, artist, paint, sideshow behind the scenes, before and after, Venom vs Spider-Man, Venom Painting, Venom Sideshow, Sideshow Venom and Spiderman Maquette, Venom Collectibles, Marvel Collectibles, Painting Venom, Venom Statue
Id: MrFbu3FyTc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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