I asked artists on Fiverr to paint my Warhammer - Impossible mode

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we as hardest on Fiverr to paint our Warhammer and to spice things up Lucas and I made it into a competition because not only did we ask artists on fiverrs to paint the war band we painted one ourselves so let's see who painted the best Miniatures and who ordered the best painted miniature paint jobs [Music] you're already searching oh look I found the the Spaniard no Gladiator no I found it you're gonna pick that guy yes oh we have unlimited the amounts of money right how much does it cost yes oh look this guy's kind of good we both settled on two amazing painters each on Fiverr Lucas ended up with an old favorite from the freehand video Stefan Jenkins asking for a whopping 200 he also beating me with a few seconds managed to find a golden demon painter ibai Ramirez thus spending a month's worth of video budget paying a crazy 500 euros for one of the world's best painters I on the other hand got off slightly cheaper starting off with Mateo a painter with a pretty epic portfolio on his fiber page asking for 140 Euros to paint up the shade board as well as the wonder child clocking in at the baby age of 17. Jonas is asking for 100 euros to paint a stormcast warband so we have two artists each on Fiverr to paint our warbands using the keyword glowing green it's gonna be cool we're gonna paint one more band each as well using the same keywords so I think I'm gonna paint simple girl guard the Skelly boys yes that's probably my favorite warband of all time I don't know why I haven't painted them they're really cool yeah so I'm gonna do those and I've been really hyped about painting the skitter Shanks claw pack yes so good oh [ __ ] so I'm gonna pack some of these ship them away and while we wait for these to arrive let's finish our own [Music] [Music] and as you know by now the theme for this paint job is glowing green I decided to go for a quite dark somewhat realistic theme on my Miniatures going in neutral colors for the bone and then using a strong vibrant green for all of the glowing green effects and a very saturated red for all of the cloaks and even if this is one of the first underworlds warbands ever released it is still one of my all-time favorites and with that after two days of hard work I had painted up all seven skeletons and had a warband that looked like this [Music] move away old man it's time for me to take over similar to AML I wanted to keep everything quite Moody using mostly dark colors and leaving most of the Miniatures highlighted quite Darkly with two small exceptions the swords and the skin of the rats [Music] I made sure that these really pop and also made sure I got some really nice variation in their skins making some parts like a dark purple and other parts different pale shades of brown and beige tones and after two days my work led me to this beautiful end result [Music] and since this is a competition we now have to wait a few days for all other warbands to arrive so we can vote on who managed to get the three best warbands and win the prestigious competition so dudes we finally got all the packages it took just like four weeks longer than the post office promised but thank you post office not and while we open this one let me talk about this week's sponsor which song Miniatures which song Miniatures have probably the best 3D printable subscription on the internet and why you say Lucas because instead of focusing on making a lot of really different Miniatures they focus on one really cool mini each month and that one looks pretty [ __ ] epic and it costs a single dollar one dollar one dollar doodle and this month you get this freaking cool Cycles and the detail is always spot on they're always pre-supported and it just costs one dollar and even better yet not only do you get this awesome Cyclops but you also get the gargoyle all for one dollar on top of that they have something called The Creator boost program meaning that every month you get another subscription from a different creator for free included in the one dollars just so much value follow the link down in the video description the coolest thing about this one in my opinion is that the guy who made this is only 17 years old this is 17 years old he's 17 years old and I found this out after I ordered the The Minis from him he made the bases as well yeah custom basing pretty epic and it's made like magic it just flows like yeah I really like the bases so I mean just a straight off the bat he's painted with non-metallic metal and he's done fantastic yeah not just like one reflection but with this one it's got like the bounce light on the chest of the dude he's done a lot of like nice secondary Reflections in terms of playing wise I would say this is better than 95 of people's warbands maybe 99 gym yeah and this vial it's really painted everything to like a really high standard I always love when painters do this like just leaving an area like completely dark yeah I think that can like really enhance a paint job the only negative thing is the gravel on the on the base that is unpainted that that's the only part that I feel like it looks a little bit too much like just you know salmon and I like the paint jobs considering the price is like a 9 out of ten that's freaking epic let's go for the second one uh it's Luca's first one how good do you think it is I think it's gonna blow your tits Mister oh yes oh look at this cute Gobles I feel like I've seen something painted by this man before something like a demon okay I mean these are quite a lot darker yeah and even more desaturated I felt like the last one was kind of desaturated but this one is even more dissaturated okay my first initial impression is I do like the metals on it and I feel like the green OSL stuff is kind of nice it's like neat and because it's so dark and the saturated the green looks nice yeah on it the rest of the stuff it's a little bit flatter painted when you look at it like from afar yeah it disappears a little bit yeah but then when you pick them up there's like small individual details details that's really well painted like it's really neat to execute it you can look at it and pick it apart and like yeah appreciate the paint job really well yeah if you really have to pick them up to kind of see the volumes is painted are like squigs and like if you look at this one it's got like it's like really nice highlighted in terms of the volumes yeah but it's so muted and like haven't gone so far with the contrast that you have to like really look at it to appreciate the paint job it's both positive and negative I guess it's okay with every paint job my favorite of it is like the armor parts and especially on this one you have like a clear like reflective part and I feel like the OSL is kind of nice I like that one that's neat awesome feel ready for the next one yes okay this is a weird box this is the Box in a box oh it's a box oh yeah it's almost like getting a Christmas gift that you paid for yourself okay oh look at these I feel like this one is like somewhere in between the two yeah like it's style wise that's a nice face though yeah and I really like his choice of green for the glow it's a bit minty yeah the previous ones were more like the green green yeah but look at the ABS here nicely pink God damn this guy clearly has an understanding of volumetrics I really really really like the color choices and I'm not usually a fan of the like Flock bases but this one actually looks really good that was my only gripe it's like this paint job is so much better than the flock is he could have like went in with the airbrush and given it a bit of color and yeah this again is one of those paint jobs that looked like from afar it doesn't really pop and especially when you look at like as you said like the skin Oh wait wait I think oh yeah it's been painted so that when they stand like this ah you get the OSL from this one onto the factory yeah that's really nice yeah that's a really nice little detail that's if not it's like the best mistake oh my God yeah I could look on these for a long time yeah they're not like over the top in any way no but we didn't we didn't pay like it's not 500 euros for it Lucas but I really really really like them I think this is my favorite so far not saying that the other two were bad just like this one let's bring out the last one it's like the weight of my salary if this one isn't good you're not getting food under the stairs this month um I mean this is you buy it I mean it's like one of my like top 20 painters so I'm not jealous that you were the one that picked him I really like this seriously look at the bones here I honestly feel like this is something that maybe you could have painted too I feel like this style is kind of similar to what you do yeah he's just painted more of the meaning yeah I would never paint them look at this this is so cool yeah he's gone all out cartooning yeah I love it I'm a sucker for well-painted horns and and bones and skulls and and these ones are really really well painted I mean everything is like the the metals the red metals look really really nice yeah I was just gonna say the red is freaking fantastic yeah this is one of those things that like if you don't have the brush control you cannot do this and look at how he's painted the teeth on this one like that is not something that you can do as a beginner like no matter how much you try you're not gonna be able to do that yeah the teeth the eyes it's just like brush controllers if I if I have one gripe I feel like there's a bit of an inconsistency on the bases so this space on the big guy freaking good and then you have like the boss and the other guy and it's just like flat gray that would be my only gripe but what we think about these paint jobs pretty relevant because we can't vote on our own paint jobs let's bring in the guys from the office and have them vote on all the door bands including ours welcome to the fourth annual 69 Challenge on the squidmar workplace since this is a competition everyone in the office had a chance to vote on all of the six warbands grading them in three categories quality of paint job creativity and colors Lucas 143 points that's almost like I think 160 would be the maximum score I have no idea yeah but you have more than nine in each category yeah but I need to ship someone in the office or band number two that's Eunice 121. boom that's really good Eunice [ __ ] 17 year old coming in and like [ __ ] being good yeah okay warband number three 120 bam right in the groin how does that kid uh it's a little bit daunting it's a worry for you yeah okay Lucas your goblins you want to know the score yeah 99 oh so it's really close actually it's really freaking close okay yep warband number five the golden demon winner the big boy the one that making me lose all my money it's mine right it is yours yes please press like on this video for the sake of Lucas spending all my money 140 four so that puts me it beats you with one point yeah but he's on my team yeah he's on your team good team player that means that from the ones that you ordered on hiver there are two points ahead of me which means that I now have to have at least two points more than you have in yours my score or band number six the total voting for the guys in office [Music] 143 points that's the same as me it's the same as you so with my Immaculate this big math brain I win you win with two points from now on six amazing paint jobs yeah I honestly like it's weird but my personal favorite outside of mine was yours and I think by Ramirez was my second favorite But like everyone had good paint jobs love it all before we end though guys you have to subscribe because we have a goal to beat Games Workshop in amount of subscribers and we're really getting close so please subscribe massive thanks to all the patrons look at this one and that one and especially the tops patrons because they spend so much money and we love it that's why we have a salary and can spend it all on Fiverr yeah what I'm getting a prize of surprise the beasts blah blah blah it said in the script yes wins the coveted the beasts best in best in office yeah now and and lastly which song Miniatures seriously one dollar for every month yeah like African Miniatures there is not a better 3D print of a subscription that's it
Channel: Squidmar Miniatures
Views: 242,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, miniature painting, painting warhammer, age of sigmar, squidmar, warhammer 40k, dungeons & dragons, d&d, how to paint warhammer, space marines, squidmar miniatures, emil nyström, airbrush, vallejo, citadel color
Id: xsvxmhghihM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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