Painting America's MOST HAUNTED HOUSE (with just a mouse)

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it's in the shape of a cross upside down cross strange yes very strange hey guys how's it going my name is thomas bresch and i make indie games for a living i also do a lot of illustration for my games there's this house it's called willow's weep and it's considered the most haunted house in america so how you doing not good standing here all night last night i was sick thinking about coming over here around this house so tell us a little bit about the house some of your experiences here well when i bought the house we started working on it and then my son was working on the ceiling the boards come flying off at him and heard him and i've been scratched in there six claw marks down my back door slamming on you all right so i've got a 3840 by 2160 canvas that's a 4k canvas it's really important to me to have 4k so that i can scale down my art if i want or have it be high-res and i've also got some swatches i'd like to use i put these together before i started recording the video and then i've also got the house okay so the first thing i want to do is just create a background here so this is our background right here this color here i'm just gonna fill in our background color so let's go ahead and create some trees very small amount of trees and guys i'm just using a simple mouse i'm not using any sort of pen tablet or anything like that it's just a mouse and we're gonna fill in some trees here this is gonna be our background okay all right okay let's fill these in here i'm gonna press the i on the keyboard and i'm just gonna grab a color not like that ooh that's a beautiful beautiful color i like that a lot and let's keep coming forward with some more tree man i'm really liking how this is looking if you guys are interested in liking this video as well click the like button i'm trying to do some kind of segue click the like button it would really mean a lot to me guys it helps the youtube algorithm i'm trying to hit a million subscribers by tomorrow morning so please click the like button thanks all right let's get back to it so that looks pretty good for our trees okay let's see how jeb's doing today my name is jeff so there's jeby it's nice to have jeby hanging out with us while we draw some creepy stuff fill in some more trees here [Music] that looks pretty cool something like that let's just keep coming forward about like this [Music] very good i don't want too much of that vibrant green okay all right let's keep going you can come up here about like this all right let's come forward a little bit put that green there notice how i'm just slowly coming down our swatch palette all right pretty good that's very vibrant don't worry guys we'll make it darker in a sec and let's go for one more set of trees okay and these are going to be a little bit orange very good and we'll just sort of come up around like this there we go okay again just getting the generic abstract shapes down something like this very vibrant very orange yeah that's nice that's nice and i kind of got to tell myself this it's gonna it's gonna be a lot darker once we start adding some shadows but this is the general color we're gonna be going for very odd very strange okay let's go ahead and add in some hills here and actually i'm not gonna worry about too much about the shape of those and actually guys i'm going to change my vote here i think the grass needs to be orange and the trees need to be a little bit more green so i'm going to do a color overlay there we go there we go that looks pretty good all right great oops there we go okay that's the color we want and i'm going to skew this a little bit here transform skew i'm just gonna skew it down to about right that that looks cool okay and let's keep coming forward we're gonna do something like this here keep coming forward okay and that's going to be that dark color here okay just getting our general shapes so hopefully you guys can see if we zoom out that it's slowly starting to look like a picture right and that's what you want if it looks good far away it means that your colors are correct and you're using the right logic for your colors okay so that looks good i'm gonna save that out i'm gonna save this as willow's weep awesome there we go really looking good oh and by the way guys i wanted to let you know i have an online course called it's going to teach you everything you need to know about becoming a full-time game developer that's illustration coding and marketing your game and selling it on the steam store so if that's interesting to you guys click the link in the description and hey if you don't want to do the course there's also some free goodies here we go that's that's awesome that is really creepy looking it almost looks like there's a light source like sun a sun shaft is blasting through to the trees while in the distance it's really dark i like that i'm gonna add a gradient right here i'm gonna zoom in for you guys you can see a little bit better and i'm gonna just take this dark color here whoops and i'm gonna use this right here this opaque to transparent i'm just gonna drop down like that that looks really creepy i like that and when i do this guys when i add a gradient like that you can see it looks weird right here so what i do is just add a little bit of shadow to the tops of those trees right there hold on that looks good there we go awesome okay so the coloring and the shape looks great but we don't really have much detail and we don't have the house right that's going to be our focal point so i like the idea of the house sort of being nestled between this layer here right here okay so we're going to add the generic shape of this house i'm going to drag this house right here let's see something like this just to get an idea of how it's gonna look okay that's cool so here's what we're gonna do i'm gonna shrink it back down and i'm going to let's see here i'm going to start drawing my house okay and i kind of want it to be three-dimensional right something like this all right i'm just getting the siding done gotta really think and be patient here okay that looks kind of cool for the siding probably need something chatting i'm literally feeling creepy drawing this um i'm not pretending guys i promise i'm not pretending uh let's turn on the jeb cam hopefully we can feel a little bit better jeffy are you okay buddy jeby doesn't get scared at anything the only thing that scares jeb is you know the ups um my daughter noises at night um bees scare jeb actually i think a lot of things probably scare jeb so i can't imagine he wouldn't be scared of demons but he's asleep so we'll try and be quiet so let's go ahead and fill in that house that's great i'm gonna fill in that house with a similar color to this these trees here okay i'm gonna scale it down a little bit trust me just trust me one sec guys we're gonna do something like this there we go and i'm gonna add a shadow of this right here there we go something like that okay and then behind it we're gonna add in the house there we go so we just want to get this or the roof not the house the roof we want to get this very try and match as much as we can i'm fine using about that color there for the roof for now and what are these windows let's take a look they're almost like in the corner there that's a weird window man i've never seen anything like that so let's go ahead and try and figure out how we're going to draw that oh that's weird okay so let's go ahead and try and draw these weird windows there's one okay yeah it sort of cuts out i see so let's add a highlight really quickly here and i'm just going to use white highlight just so i can see an edge there and then do an overlay see that all right good okay all right we're getting there okay all right let's bring that down a little bit okay that highlight is a little intense oh man look at the time looks like it's time for a sponsored ad read from skillshare skillshare is an online learning community for creatives where millions come together to take the next step in their creative journey for 2020. specifically if you guys are curious about deepening your existing passion for game design it's really an incredible place whether it's audio design for your games or maybe illustration or coding storytelling marketing management whatever it is you need to learn about game development guys it's on skillshare one of my favorite classes is by rusty smith and it just covers unity basics the coolest part of this ad read guys is that hey let's make 2020 the year where you become a game developer and release your very first game or if you've already done that congratulations maybe you can take it to the next level and by the way guys the first 1000 signups will get a free month of skillshare premium let's get back to this moody broody illustration and then we're going to cut a little hole right here and then a little hole right there like that see that that's this little window piece here okay and okay i see we're gonna add a little bit of a shade here about let's see here right here to make it look more three-dimensional so we're just slowly filling in various shades of dark blue here to create some dimension and then we can use our brush here and just do a little pulse of dark blue right here to create a shadow there see that and made a mistake here so i'm going to sort of fade this out a little bit there we go okay so we have this shadow here and i can just literally cut out a piece of it like this now that that's cut out i can create another gradient to try and make it look let's see here like it's cut out this is kind of tricky here i think that'll do it yeah and then i think this is a little bit darker right here so we're going to grab it actually we're going to zoom in and just grab a little bit here like this okay that actually makes i think that makes sense so that's the window sort of cut in the edge there okay i think that makes sense it's definitely confusing i've never drawn windows on a corner before honestly if i would have known that i'd be doing this i'd be a little bit more nervous drawing this picture but i mean it already makes nervous that this is a demon house so that didn't stop me did it okay there's a weird something whatever that is that is so strange let's try and figure out that as well this is kind of a good experiment on shapes right we got a little circle there just like this and then it's got like a tarp on it that is really strange looking i'm just gonna do this for now just wanna get the general shapes down guys general shapes i'm gonna merge all that together and then decrease the opacity significantly all right perfect okay let's save that out and let's try and make these windows look like windows right okay i think here let's do this we've got these creepy red windows but we're not going to use red because i want wanna stick to our color palette so i'm going to okay cool i got it i got it we're gonna add in some rectangles like this here we go perfect and we're gonna use that color of orange going into the blue okay perfect and then i think what i'm gonna do is for this window over here i'm not gonna i'm not gonna worry about it being on the corner it's just too weird um so i think i'm fine just shrinking the size a little bit like that yeah that that works perfectly for now and then i'm gonna just fade that down a little bit okay okay so the windows are coming together i'm gonna save that out all right we're getting there it looks really weird right now just trust me guys it's gonna look good just gotta keep working it okay so let's add some shade to this window here some dark blue there we go okay and then it looks like we have some really strange architecture here so i'm going to try and simplify that a little bit so first thing i'm going to do is just make this window very dark so like this okay and then i'm going to drop it over here as well a very dark window and then i'm going to go ahead and add in a zigzag of shapes i know it's not exactly like our window over there it's just a weird window i'll be honest we're gonna do something like this hold on one sec let's make this 45 degrees there we go duplicate there we go how's jaby doing chubby's doing really good today he's been really good boy today my name is jeff i like jebby okay he keeps me happy and not so scared while i'm drawing [Music] murder houses all right so that's what we want to do for our window something like that um kind of like a tudor house almost i'm fine with that and yeah i think that's good i'm gonna go ahead and cut these out and we're gonna add a lot of texture to this a lot of dark shadows so we're just getting the basic shape down guys that's all we're doing here there we go so we have a window right there that looks awesome and i'm gonna merge all those together whoops not like that we're gonna merge the window together there we go and this little window here actually believe it or not guys we can just drag this window here now that it's completed and just sort of fade it down a little bit so see what i'm doing guys i'm just getting the generic shape down nothing crazy here nothing crazy now this here needs to look like a corner so i'm going to go ahead and do something like this and i don't get too picky guys i don't get too picky about whether everything's perfect right now there we go it's just a very generic look yeah we're getting towards the shape this is good looking good here all right we got that shape down now let's get the roof um perfect here well actually we're missing one contour this contour will be let's see here it's actually right here and then i'm just going to do a little faint fade and then fade out like this there we go see that so we have some really cool contours it's very weird and then also to make sure this little window inside this little something i don't even know what that is if anyone knows what that is in the comments let me know i'm going to make sure it looks like a window so i'm just going to do sort of a tall shape it's okay to change things up a little bit if it doesn't make sense to the viewer i think that's the most important thing so i'm gonna make sure it looks like a window how about an upside down cross that's creepy okay and then just add a very faint shade like that just very subtle man that looks great just wait till we start adding fog guys now that window's a little too there we go something like that save that out and let's fix our roof let's get the shapes done for our roof so it looks like with this roof yeah okay cool so this one comes down like that what a strange shape for a house okay and let's just add a little shadow there see that now we have a roof that is a very weird looking house and let's try and add some gutter here so i think what i can do is let's just go ahead and merge the whole house together guys i'm not too picky we're going to merge the whole house together and start adding some detailing let's see here like this let's just do a simple there we go shape here there we go and then what i'm going to do is just add a pulse of shadow to about right here and right there do that wow that is a really weird looking house okay i like it i like it a lot that's really cool um i think to add some detailing i think i especially to this face here it just looks really weird so i'm gonna go ahead and uh just add some subtle pulses of that siding so there is our hold on there we go there we go and i'm just gonna duplicate this on the way down just like this okay just trust me i know that looks bad and we're going to distribute all of these evenly okay so let's distribute evenly like this and then just stretch it to the left and to the right we're going to merge these together let's get rid of jeby there okay yeah and i'm going to merge these layers those layers are merged together and now i'm going to use gradient tool to just sort of fade away well actually we can just apply it to there there we go hold alt and just apply and using a black paint brush we're just going to [Music] fade out with 100 opacity we're going to fade out just about like this see that and here we go nothing like that and then we also want to remove it for the windows here there we go so we have a really really creepy house i love this okay merge that together and i actually want to add some darkened shading to this portion here and then also this portion here actually let's do this first let's just grab this select this and we're going to use this tool here uh to be a little bit darker let's see if that looks good sometimes it helps to zoom out and see how it looks oh that looks great okay bait it out just a tad and then we go i'm just trying to get a little bit of shading there make it look a little bit creepier that actually works great makes it look like there's a shadow there so that looks great save that out and then what i'm to do now that the house looks pretty much done at least for now i'm going to merge those layers together and then i'm going to blend into the background so i'm going to grab this color here and then fade just a tad same here made just a tad actually let's go with a sort of a darker shadow that looks good oh that looks good that's awesome okay all right so i think that's a decent looking house we've got plenty of work to do on the surrounding now so the surrounding areas what we're going to do is actually just add a little bit of detailing to the surrounding areas so i know that this is grass right so i'm gonna go ahead and just add some okay grab this orange oh that looks good okay so let's go ahead and add some details to this bush these bushes here and they'll look like trees in just a bit guys and just fill in some leaves here all right i want to add some detailing later but for now i just want to get the coloring and the shading right and then we'll go in and add some detailing later uh all right let's add some details to this layer here now remember guys i'm gonna rasterize this layer remember the further away we get the less detail there's gonna be okay hello see this green color here let's go ahead and add a color overlay to it i'm not a huge fan of it and the good thing about painting digitally is guys you don't really have to worry too much about making a mistake with your color i'm going to color overlay and then i'm going to choose this color here there we go oh that's much better i was getting a little bit worried about that i didn't really like it what we can do is actually go ahead and let's add some shadowy trees in the background here some of that darker blue just to make it look like maybe there's some clouds some shadows hanging out over the tree line back here and then just fade it out that feels great oh man i like that a lot i wonder if we could there we go okay could probably bring this gradient over top of everything like that now let's go ahead and start adding oh we've got about one detail here this grass here grass in the foreground right there we go now the thing about this uh is that right now it looks very vibrant um it doesn't look very foggy so we're gonna go ahead and add some fog to our whole world here i'm going to go ahead you all right chaby he's doing good he's not creeped out by this building at all he's fine all right so i'm going to go ahead and go to this layer back here this one right here these trees and i'm going to go ahead and add just a gradient of this color here i'm just going to pulse upwards like that there we go a little bit more foggy and what i'm going to do is use the polygon tool to just cut out some pieces like this to make it feel like fog see that see how we're making that look like fog and then you do a motion blur oops not a gaussian blur a motion blur there we go and maybe we'll bring it down just a little bit that looks awesome guys now let's go ahead and do the same for this layer here we're going to rasterize the layer and then i'm going to grab that color in the background this one and i'm going to just do a pulse upward like that there we go and we're going to do the same here grab the color in the background sorry jaby's licking his uh he's looking his paws i'm gonna grab this color here and just fade up look at that let's do a little fade over here as well that is so cool save that out i'm going to do the same for this layer here grab the color in the background this one right here very cool we could probably add a little bit of darkness too just like this i love that that's a little too much don't worry we're going to choke out a lot of this brightness with some dark foreground elements and tree trunks so we can fade that out just a little bit here okay and let's do the same here with this layer let's grab this color here and we're just going to fade just a tad oh let's just get that subtle orange vibrant hint right there sorry jebby's running around on his his mattress i'm going to save it and let's see here let's add just a subtle gradient to the top here to make sure that that the tip of the building is actually popping out there we go see that there we go and then that looks great oh we're getting creepier and creepier aren't we i like that it's a little too much though so let's just merge all those together and drop it down just a tad there we go um i think that's pretty cool i like that a lot okay you guys ready to merge all these layers down let's just merge all of the layers sorry jaby are you okay buddy i think he's cold [Music] okay i think he feels a little bit better now okay that looks pretty cool um i think what i could do is probably hmm i'm gonna add a color shift here it's a little too blue for me i like my illustrations to be much warmer so once i merge this down here and then merge this one here what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna add a color balance filter over top of everything yeah i think that's it that looks very halloweeny doesn't it okay so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna hold alt apply it to this layer apply it to this layer apply it to this layer go all the way down my layers here okay it looks really bad doesn't it when you do that but we're just gonna make our way down there we go okay one more and then what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna make my way back up and usually what i'll do is just merge them to each layer but in this case i'm actually going to slowly start increasing the opacity of each color of each color balance shift so i'm going to start with let's see here 20 percent and i'm gonna actually we can go to zero percent here zero percent let's do fifteen percent let's do twenty-five percent let's do 35 let's do 40 that's a little too much 35 how about 50 60 yeah there we go 70 and then 80 and then 90. so as you can see we shifted from the previous color we were using and it just slowly comes forward to this vibrant orange right i think that looks awesome okay so now i'm going to merge all of these color balances down i'm actually going to figure out where the trees are sort of overlapping okay so where does the bush for the tree begin so something like this see that see how that works and probably add some detail here something like this yeah good i really like that i also like it and love it when you click the subscribe button click the like button that would really mean a lot to me guys okay whoops i just made a mistake i don't care i'm gonna pretend i didn't even do that and i'm gonna grab this color and i'm just gonna go pretty dark okay and then i'm just going to do some pulses look watch this watch watch look at that in that cool so now it looks like there's an overlap of trees of leaves sort of hanging out there we go look at that that is so cool and hey why don't we go ahead and just add some tree trunks so i'm just going to do something like this something like this maybe one here as well some branches that's awesome there may be one here as well and i'm just going to fill these in see and then i'm going to faintly erase the tips see wow that's awesome let's jump to this layer here well actually this one and let's create some leaves here as well so we're going to do something like this okay and maybe something like whoops and something like this nothing too crazy for this one in the background i'm gonna grab this color and then make it a little bit darker there we go that is super cool how creepy is that guys now we need to be a little bit more intentional with this layer here because it's in front of the house right and just do something like that like that see that it's pretty cool okay so this feels weird right here to me that i'm gonna remove that and that as well that feels a little weird okay there we go that's awesome very cool i like that a lot oh man okay so i'm gonna go ahead and add in some tree branches sort of coming up like this and by the way guys on one screen over here i've got a smaller version of what i'm working on so i can watch it and see from a distance how things look guys looking at your illustration from a distance like this helps you better understand maybe some mistakes you're making on the abstract all right and let's just add some branches here like this cut that out there okay all right we're gonna fill these in with a darker color something like this there we go fill in some black here we go something like that and i'm going to go ahead and just sort of just fade out some of this stuff here just so it looks a little bit more like it's blending in between all of the leaves i think what i want to do now is add in the foreground okay the foreground is one of my favorite parts to add in so what i'm going to do is actually create a tree branch over here coming in like this and it's going to have weeping willow type foliage on it okay very cool and this is just hanging out in the foreground okay i'm just going to keep adding tree branches remember guys branches get smaller as they go up piece here that that's a little too big right there and same here okay maybe one here as well okay and i think that darkish color is great that looks awesome see how all of a sudden the the world looks darker just because we've got a foreground okay we're gonna do the same sort of thing with some trees here that looks good and if you see me looking over to my right i'm looking at the small image over here there's a small image right over where my right over here that's where i'm looking there's a small image of my photoshop file here that i'm looking at just to make sure it looks good small i like that that looks really cool detailing is never the problem guys it's never too difficult to detail an image that looks good in the abstract so right now we have something that looks pretty good in the abstract and i think that we can just spend we could spend days detailing this thing and just making it look perfect which who knows maybe i'll end up doing okay all right we can add some little cuts in here just to make it look like there's holes in the wood see that maybe that could be a vine watch this isn't that cool guys look now it looks like there's a vine hanging out there okay let's make this a little bit bigger here uh let's click zoom and go to 100 or fit screen there we go hopefully you guys can see it a little bit better now okay now let's add in some weeping willows right or at least some weeping willow leaves so we're gonna have this see that look now we have this sort of leaf like this i'm just gonna duplicate it zoom out just a little bit so i can see a little bit better i'm just gonna duplicate these all over the place guys and we're gonna add some more abstract sort of demonic type uh innuendos so stuff in the windows maybe smoke coming out of the chimney we'll make a chimney or something [Music] oh i like that that is really creepy you guys curious how jeb's doing let's take a look and see [Music] you can see his little booty oh jeby i like having jeby hang out with me while i work it makes work so much more fun when he's just laying there with me he's so patient too he waits for the entire day to be over and then he'll go downstairs with me and play with my daughter and my wife hey wow that is a really cool really cool looking scene here so what we're missing guys we're missing something in the background here okay so what i'm gonna do sort of framing and making this look like it's hanging out in the midst of some shrubs so i'm gonna go ahead and create just some shrubs right here and they're gonna be pretty dark okay i like that [Music] oops put it behind there okay good now we're starting to sort of blend between the foreground and the background see we're adding some darkness so it looks like it's in shadow and that's the goal i'm going to create a new layer hold alt apply over top of it [Music] and then just sort of create some fog here there we go i don't think i want to change that actually i like the way that looks a lot save that out maybe we can add some twigs sort of sticking out like this let's see here just sort of chilling there we go something like that nothing too crazy no not too detailed and grab this color and just do something like that that's pretty cool maybe we can fade that out a little bit more though i think it's a little too distracting i think that's fine okay save that out now now that everything looks pretty good on the abstract i'm gonna go ahead and add it this is gonna be the fun part guys i'm gonna add in those long shadows okay so i'm gonna go ahead and just merge everything together at least all the generic layers just merge them together so that we're not overwhelmed there we go good what are these here i think this is all of the foreground so i'm gonna merge all that together merge those together good okay and you know what before we do that i'm gonna add some fence posts here so let's see here something to make it look a little bit more gothic so we're going to do something like this fence posts okay cast iron is that what you would call it a cast iron fence i'm not sure all right merge that together or at least make it a smart object and we're just going to create a fence so i'm going to do this whoops maybe this this this this this this convert all those to a smart object and then why not just go ahead and create one like this see there we go fill it in and then merge all that together into one smart object scale it down maybe make it a little bit taller yeah and then do something like this so we're like hanging out behind a fence right i think that's fine and then we'll do a smaller one right here which will be like this okay and then i'm gonna merge that together i'm gonna do a color overlay of this color here there we go so it looks like it's behind that tree okay and then we can also add a little shading to the bottom there okay just like this whoops there we go probably just move it over a little bit like this yeah there we go yeah see having it having it really small on one screen really helps okay all right now it looks like the world is just i don't know it's not foggy enough for me okay so i'm gonna add some fog really quickly just a little bit more fog to our world i think we could probably add some fog in front of this layer here so i'm gonna go ahead and do something like this [Music] just create some subtle lines and then i'm going to fade up with a white there we go and i'm going to blend or do a motion blur there we go there we go bring down the opacity and then we're gonna do an overlay or a soft light okay let's do a little bit of a caution blur too there we go okay i'm gonna add some in front of this too just like this like that let's just make it flat yeah and then do a gaussian blur that's awesome we do soft light there we go drop down the opacity and hey why don't we do one in front of the foreground here add some depth okay gradient tool going up do a little motion blur that's awesome do a gaussian blur we go drop it down make it soft light and then just one more in front of our fence post here see that one can be pretty detailed um about like that that's really cool and for this one i'm gonna get pretty specific i'm gonna do a color overlay and i think i'm gonna make it a pretty vibrant orange let's see if that looks good i think it does i'm gonna save that out that looks awesome okay guys you can't really add too much fog especially when you're trying to make something creepy so let's create some more fog here and then maybe a little piece here do a pulse upward like that motion blur we're gonna do zero yeah there we go and then gaussian blur pretty aggressive blur too because we don't want it to look too detailed and then finally just make it a little bit bigger and then do a soft light okay i could probably do a pulse upward like this there we go okay save that out very cool and i think that this needs a little bit more blue on it it's a little too green so i'm going to grab that color there and just there we go oh i'm glad that works so the lights coming from the top left right well let's go ahead and actually let's start with the foreground okay so i'm going to create some shadows just sort of being cast down these bushes here to make it look like light is being or shadows are being cast from the house so watch this there we go and then do a motion blur cast it down like that oh something like that and then just drop down the opacity like this see okay we're gonna do the same we could probably do something over here as well some kind of shadow like this that looks cool i like that how's it look with a motion blur i think we should probably let's see here make the motion blur a consistent degree so something like that there we go that looks really cool now some of you may have noticed that if the light is coming from the top left well the lighting for the house is incorrect so what i'm going to do is just flip that here we go and we could probably just center it up uh you don't really want to center things guys that looks a lot better i like that and we could probably get away with another uh bit of shading right here as well see that oh man that's looking good i told you guys adding some shadows to things just really helps and we could probably keep that pretty clean right there that's awesome maybe add some here as well motion blur and then drop down the opacity save that out and let's see here probably add some to this side over here as well or maybe something like something like this here just a little bit um like that yep thought so and just the opacity significantly save that and let's add some just some very simplistic shading over the top of this okay watch this [Music] something like that um another one like this maybe these are just like tree branches that are being cast over top of our house so this one will be something like i think it's like that i'm trying to think here yeah i think that's okay and then do and just drop down the opacity about like that and then do a motion blur there we go look at that guys [Music] i love that let's let's add some here as well [Music] there we go look at that that looks really cool oh i love that so much okay let's add just a couple more shades here you can get carried away with shading but let's see here watch this just add that and then that like that okay and then you can actually cut away some or add some to about right here here we go that looks awesome that looks so good okay save that out and why don't we just get a little bit creepy here and add in a very dark shadow like this watch this watch watch i'm gonna take this dark blue look at that and then there we go oh i like that let's add some detailing to the roof guys so i think we could just go ahead and i think we could do something like this let's see here drop that down and just do what we did last time with the shingles right oh something like that and then what i'm going to do is just distribute them evenly horizontal scale merge the layers together and then just do this there we go now we have our roof let's just add in guys let's add in some cracks of shading into our ceiling or our roof that looks awesome i really like that how's jeff doing today he's still hunkered down underneath the pillows i think he's scared at this point he's scared for sure all right let's add in a couple more cracks here maybe let's add in some cracks to the siding here and then over here as well and i'm just going to add in pure black or not pure black but close and then just use my paint brush to sort of fade out little bits and pieces nothing crazy here guys just some very subtle details oh man i really like that let's add some moss so we do this and just drop down and just create some subtle moss watch this you're gonna love this okay something like that and if i merge these together and i can do a little bit of a motion blur down so we're going to do 0 or 90. here we go watch this i can just bring this up like this and then skew it like that and then one on this side but it's just flipped transform flip horizontal and then don't worry you can just cut this piece off that's awesome that's really cool and we're just gonna drop this down a little bit there awesome save that out and hey why don't we do one just because i'm being a perfectionist today let's just add one here like this just a few pieces we could probably shrink those down significantly they're a little big aren't they scale here we go do a little bit of a motion blur drop down the opacity and i don't know maybe they're on the inside that's really cool i like that i like that okay merge all that stuff together for the house here actually that's a little too opaque let me drop it down and then merge it together okay there's our house well let's take a look here's the house okay i think the red and the white are what we're missing out on here i i'm gonna make it super tall because i want it to be stylized i'm gonna save the scene here and i'm gonna go ahead and just add in some vibrant pops of this red let's really zoom in guys and i think we can get away with adding a new type of red there we go and what i mean my new type of red is i i don't really have red in my swatches at all um or something like that okay and then we can do the same actually that that looks fine over there for now let's go ahead and i guess try and make this look a little bit more white right what i'm going to do is do a hue saturation layer and then i'm going to desaturate maybe a little bit more let's do a colorize saturation down trying to see what kind of color we can hit so it looks [Music] i think that's okay let's drop it down a little bit though and then do something like this whoops there we go that looks pretty cool all right maybe add in well let's merge all that together actually let's just double check what happens when i zoom out that looks good it looks good i'm going to merge all those layers together and what else can we add here the roof shouldn't be so yellow so i'm gonna make it look a little bit more black okay use saturation down the saturation of the roof we'll probably do a colorize and make it look a little bit more blue that looks good and then we're just going to do this let's see here yeah that works for me merge all that together guys awesome let's add in that bush see this bush right here i'm going to add it in right here and we're just gonna choose this color and just drag it up like that and then to make sure that we make it look like it's in fog just do a little pulse like that maybe drop down the scale and then maybe something like that sweet save that out and let's make the darkness of the windows a little bit more vibrant because i'll be honest guys it's kind of hard to see that these are windows isn't it there we go you could probably do one here as well and just a little something like that okay zoom out ah much better we're getting there hey and let's go ahead and just add one over here too look all we gotta do is something like this all right now just sort of fade away some portions of it just like that and then oops a little too much decrease the opacity and do something like that like that as well zoom out and i think i want to add i'm sure there's a chimney somewhere on this house right guys let's add a chimney uh somewhere i think right here is cool there's probably a chimney somewhere why not at a chimney like this and do something like that let's shrink down the size of it so it's really thin i'm gonna put it like right [Music] here i think on the other side it's actually a good idea there we go something like that and look all i gotta do is decrease the opacity and fade it in with the background a little bit more okay um remove that and we're going to add some creepy looking smoke here do a motion blur not like that at zero there we go and we're gonna copy this and then go back in time there we go do something like that and then fade this away like this see that and then the higher it gets the more blurry it's going to get there we go look at that guys all right we've got one more thing we want to do we want to add in you guessed it highlights this is so much fun you just add in some white and then we do an overlay okay we're not done yet just hold your horses we're going to add in a lot of highlights all over the place like the grass shine good maybe some shine to the steel posts here just a subtle shine maybe add in some leaves to shine see that everything's gonna have a vibrant look to it and notice how i'm not being very precise being imprecise is going to make it have that painterly look to it good good job thomas i like to try and encourage myself when i'm working all right let's add a little bit of shine here as well so this is going to add that glitter it's not really going to look 3d it's going to look more like a glitter and i'll show you what i mean by 3d in just a second because we're going to add some more highlights to things in just a bit okay definitely need some here all right zoom out i'm gonna fill that in with an overlay look at that save that out it's not perfect i promise you that you guys can tell um let's see here and we can probably add in a little highlight here and i'm always going to keep in mind where my sun is so maybe some sun is sort of hitting right there just a little bit okay so i'm going to drop down the opacity um about like this then i'm going to add a mask and then i can take the black brush and just paint out the areas that just don't feel right okay oh there we go okay yeah a little bit too much right there to be honest what if we can crank up the opacity just a little bit yeah okay something like that and then this a little bit much there too save that out i think we probably need a little bit more of a shadow here like this because honestly i think that roof is going to cause a shadow like this see that i think that's probably more accurate i knew it i knew it okay drop down the opacity here and just pop it up like that and then there we go do something like this okay let me set it to overlay and honestly man let's see here do we need something like this something's wrong with this roof piece i think that's our problem right there and then something's wrong here as well there we go do something like that that makes it look more like a lip there we go i figured something was wrong okay zoom out okay save that now now that we've got these highlights added i'm going to add in some more i guess bigger highlights is is the word i'm not sure what the right word is but just some more faint highlights to make the trees look a little bit more 3d same with these bushes here and we'll add some flowers to those bushes in just a sec all right just slowly adding lighting and details i'm not being too picky here about how everything looks um from a like hyper detailed perspective okay that looks pretty cool hey let's go ahead and just add some here to these tree branches there we go there we go something like that all right okay add some white i'm gonna do a gradient this time like that do an overlay drop it down see that see how we added some dimension to this and then i'm gonna slowly blend away the edges just just subtly right nothing crazy nothing crazy just blending away the edges here and i feel like we should probably have something's wrong with the house i can't i can't pinpoint exactly what it is but i'm going to keep adding shadows to this i think it's because this needs to be kind of have a three-dimensional shadow like this maybe right here as well and then this one i think that's what the problem is let's add some darkness i think that might have been it i think that was it just wasn't working for me it wasn't working for me and this can probably blend a little bit more just want to really make sure that this house looks perfect guys blend that out just a little bit save it okay you know what we're missing here's what we're missing we're missing you know probably some grass right here i think we need to make it a little bit darker towards the foreground i'll be honest it's just not working for me so here's where we can get really detailed guys let's make our grass look just great okay there we go and we're going to go i think pretty much to a perfect black here and i'm gonna add a blur no i don't like the blur i don't like the blur let's see here i don't like the shape of that i'm gonna remove that there we go i think maybe we can put this over here no okay so the camera camera's pointing to something over here or at least the the composition is pointing to something right there what is that what is that thing i think i know what it is i think i know what it is okay let me flatten this a little bit the camera is pointing to a person floating like this here we go ready this is gonna be the best part of the image [Music] that is creepy let's make his head a little bit longer i love that that's so creepy and make his neck a little bit more to find all right zoom out right and just scale it down and make it stretched a little bit longer [Music] fade it out and i'm going to add a motion blur okay so just one side of that motion blur there we go it's almost like the sun shafts are coming past him okay so there's our person and then finally guys before we add in some color changes or anything like that i'm gonna add in a sunshaft here just a very subtle sunshaft you don't want to ruin the creepy vibe of it right but just a subtle sunshaft there we go and hey when i add some particles using a pencil and these are just overlaid overlay drop down the opacity significantly good save that out and why not we why don't we add some leaves i always love adding some leaves all right is jeb doing okay he's still hiding underneath the pillows all right let's add in some leaves blowing in the wind here and you know to to make it look like things are really you know blowing in the wind i like to add in uh let's see here maybe we can move that to about right here i like to add in some kind of flag or something like there's a flag on the property let's see here can we do something like this probably do something like that like there's something hanging in the wind like that do something like that where where can i put it probably put it about right here let's try it maybe we can attach it to the little piece here kind of like it being attached to the tree like that that's really cool so we can sort of cut it like this and when something's moving in my scene like this flag i know it's blowing i add a motion blur to it uh go a little bit bigger actually yeah like that and then i just fade out a piece of it okay now i think that piece right here is kind of driving me nuts i'm going to delete that save that out good okay how about we just copy it in there we go there's our paper texture guys scale it up do an overlay like that that looks great and then let's do some color adjustments um uh let's crank up the saturation i actually really like that crank up the saturation and then we're gonna do a color shift colorize saturation very dark you know let's see teal-ish blue almost almost it's a little much yeah i don't know if i want to do that [Music] i don't like doing it that way what i'm going to do is actually do a hue saturation shift and we're gonna go oh man that's awesome let's see here something like this there we go okay how does it look without it yeah we want to crank it up significantly merge the layers together crop it and i love adding a glow a light glow okay so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna create even though this isn't in the actual willow's weep house i'm gonna add a little lantern hanging right here uh we could probably actually hang it let's see let's figure out where how we're gonna hang it so it's gonna be something like yeah something like that maybe about right here so there's the string or whoops there's our little handle here and there's the string and we could probably do one over here as well something like this and then just fill in both of those okay nothing like that nothing crazy just a slight indication this is a very subtle indication and then i'm going to go ahead and add in my little lantern here so one here and this is going to be this yellow but maybe a little bit wider and then one here as well okay now hold on we're almost done then i'm going to add in let's see here let's zoom in here just add in some black and then do some kind of indication that there's a lantern that it's actually a lantern so something like maybe like this i don't know there we go you okay chaby what's the matter buddy did you sleep well hey bud i think jeffy slept pretty good he slept through the nightmare of willow's weep okay let's just do something like that a little too detailed for my taste but i think we need that to indicate there's a lantern see see what i mean guys adding in light sources like this is just huge it adds so much to your scene merge these layers together there we go and i'm going to add watch this this is the best part see that do an overlay oh man and then just a regular pulse nothing not with an overlay man i love that whoops let's duplicate those layers and just drag them over here and where did that go hold on yeah bring that over there as well i'm going to save this out and then i'm going to zoom in and then i'm going to add wait for it i'm going to add my signature here thomas brush all right and save it all right guys that is willow's weep that's my interpretation of this creepy horrifying place there's plenty of information on youtube and google about this place if you guys want to look it up it's pretty creepy thanks so much for watching this video guys if you liked it please click the like and also subscribe notify uh click what am i trying to say click the notification bell and yeah thanks for listening to me ramble cheers you
Channel: Thomas Brush
Views: 22,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thomas, brush, video game, art, unity, how to make games, game dev, animation, newgrounds, flash, drawing, adobe, photoshop, Artist, Painting, challenge, relaxing, weird, draw, entertainment, chill, bob ross, circle, construction, sketch, minimalist, simple, wacom, tablet, pen, pencil, mouse, tutorial, indie games, hollowknight, unreal, neversong, how to draw, drawing with a mouse, drawing with mouse, digital art, how to draw with a mouse, how to animate, mouse drawing challenge, art tutorial, art challenge
Id: iBAphdFb_RM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 28sec (4648 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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