Paid in Full | 1950 | Lizabeth Scott | Robert Cummings | Diana Lynn | Eve Arden | Full Movie

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's the matter lenny doctor we need some help out here right away [Applause] your name please mrs milliken called out to fredericks please get me dr fredericks dr fredericks please come right over doctor we're taking mrs milliken to the delivery room right now i don't have any patient with that name emily no don't wake me up for the wrong ones mrs milliken asked for you doctor she was sent to you by dr winston of los angeles she's an act of labor so of course we admitted her tell him it's urgent please hurry all right emily i'll be there in 15 minutes um who's on tonight uh ask him to take a look at it with you well looks like we've got a customer [Music] so so yes i want my baby to live my baby comes first don't you worry we're going to take care of both of you remember my baby comes first it's tough and all right central preview cesarean and quickly in air condition 120 pulse can't help but you know what a central preview means so many chance for either of them babies heart sounds are good better than hers get the lab technician fast type for blood use the hospital blood bank i'll get the permit from her husband if you can find him oh you're right i'll attend to it my supervisor you get it prepared for surgery yes sir hello emily did mrs milligan say where her husband is no address but the hotel name and there's no mr milligan there i see i'm going to have to do a section yes yes all right an emily put through an emergency call to los angeles dr p.j winston that's right mrs milliken your husband isn't here with you no this is a consent form which must be signed hospital regulations usually the husband signs but um your husband were here i'd explain to him but because he's not i must tell you there's danger extreme danger we might be able to save your life but we'd most likely lose the child or we can save the child but but not me that's probably how it would be forget me i told you before it's my baby who must live this is militant consider catholic you're young you have your whole life ahead of you my life's past any future i have my baby will live it for me it's it's my choice doctor and it's it's one i've considered carefully for a long time now you call it dr weston los angeles came through and he said he doesn't have a mrs mulligan as a patient what he doesn't know when he misses mulligan [Music] doctor yes i made all arrangements [Music] glitter in my bag don't open it later let me get in touch with someone there must be someone whose presence here would be of comfort to you no not now perhaps how do you like it i feel it's lovely the loveliest [Music] yeah it's lovely all right i've got what they call know-how i could promote gardens here and the 62 000 somewhat items it sells in los angeles i'm stumped i don't know how to promote this i don't know how to ask a girl to marry me how to propose that's quite a problem you could put a full-page ad in the times or you could do it the hard way what's that straighten your necktie and say will you marry me that's what i like about you tommy you're basic the only basic things about me are my feet and they hurt would you marry me that's the nicest proposal i ever didn't get you may try it on me again just for size jane you you know better than anybody else what do you think nancy will say enough i hope to make you happy what about the ring sure it's right it isn't too uh uh would you be happy with it i mean if it were yours mind if i take a look hi what puny things we women pawn our souls for of course i'd pawn mine for a lot punier than that you like it huh it's a trey soccer bill now you run along and jane and i can have a good cry on mr dortmund's time cry about what we'll think of something dinner is for schedule jane but won't you and nancy want you'll help me celebrate if it's just you'll help me plan a new attack of snow and if it rains cold jane how big an ignoramus can you be what do you mean when it comes to a moor i've been a mooring a lot longer than you had you do all right my astigmatic eye i do look i speak with a wisdom carved out of my own lonely years you're in love with that man he's half in love with you although he doesn't know it now do battle for him he's in love with my sister sister nancy the perfect mate she's young youth should be a blessing not an apology and she's bloody son but she's real she'll be an all right wife she will like hoot and holler now i know you love her you brought her up and gave up a lot to do it you've got her a job here in the store with which she condescends to occupy part of her time but to sister nancy marriage is romance spelled with a capital dollar sign what's bill's salary i don't know less than he deserves i'm sure why fifteen thousand a year plus a christmas bonus sister nancy knows she told me with butter in her mouth nancy is not one of your favorite people this we know let's not talk about it anymore and what's with nancy and walter evie at that monster with the millions tommy don't you have work to do yes but you know i never finished yesterday's work until tomorrow you're right for bill you're what he needs you're the kind that only loves once and this is it you're letting him go and that's criminal how can i be convincing when my feet hurt i've swallowed my pride and gotten larger size shoes arch supports nothing helps how can i go to a psychoanalyst and tell him my feet hurt jane bill loves her and i know she won't say yes unless she loves him oh won't she get me out of this rag some rag 550 did he phone not a tinkle sure but positive well it looks right in mama's lap the judges seems perturbed looks like she's very stood up what's good hello let me speak to mr evie please tell him it's linda ross hello you yes it's me all right i i called you three times today and said i was nancy langley and got a fast brush i had a hunch linda might be the magic password oh yes we'll be nice and civilized about it just like that hey walter nancy gets the heave-ho she's out linda's in eh you are rotten you're just as rotten and repulsive as everyone says you are but i i happen to like you walter please not just like this pop right on the head boy that's what i call reaching thinking she could nail that guy that would be like latching onto the mint nancy where is nancy yes miss williams nancy the hurdy gertie miss nancy you better watch that ryan bourbon you know these calories have a way of bunching themselves in the wrong places they keep you warm but they might are up on these size twelves [Music] [Applause] the hurdy gertie mrs peters our very last word i don't know may i see the back please yes of course miss nancy the bat please i don't know haven't choose something a little bit more oh something more i don't know yes of course miss nancy the coral number please the coral number please hey chief thundercloud hit it i'm on the war pass all right blue scalp yeah my oh wait a minute you are alone what would it take to give you a lift or ten time derrick derrick let's see if i've got one on me [Music] i uh had to give it a champagne production candlelight couple hundred violence quarter booth but uh well if it'll do he'll do now nancy would you marry me [Music] yes i know it's also stuff [Music] i love you [Music] oh good guy bill who should we drink to first nancy the bride to nazi and to bill and bill jr bill junior oh oh maybe willow and don't be too long about it i want to be not to andy jane and many many up to date with all my thanks for so very very much i'll miss you phil don't think you're getting all the best of it living with nancy has its drawbacks she always leaves herself on her shower floor she opens all the mail whether it's hers or not and until she's had her coffee in the morning oh i'll be glad to get rid of her oh fine talk when you take her off my hands well i thought we'd have the wedding next month after coral lodge it'll be open then it's lovely there just with him and tommy and charlie of course and doctors you'll adore him when you meet him he brought nancy and me into the world and i should mother out of it nancy he'd be so hurt if you didn't ask him all right now wait and wait a minute just those few and that's all maybe this sounds a little selfish but i want this wedding to belong to us i don't want to share it all right well anything you say hey james stop puttering around and come on in here i'm tired talking to myself i've been worn out dressing and undressing myself in my mind i've tried on about a dozen different wedding gardens already but you know the one i keep coming back to i have the slightest idea oh yes the one i wore in the fashion show down at the spring [Music] i knew it quite a wedding god you look like the purest little devil in it [Music] why do all the right things have to cost so much why why why why why you don't suppose would lend it to me for a fast 24 hours no they wouldn't [Music] [Applause] but we'll manage it anyway oh shane you couldn't why did it cost you that we do much for no family heirloom family heirloom it's brand new it was fitted on me for starting it off in 200 years it'll be an heirloom oh again i shouldn't but i will and no more modeling now i'll sit there and they can show me and jane i want the bridesmaids in that very pale turquoise bridesmaids [Music] what happened to that simple wedding you and bill were planning that was bill he was being very much the mail in the house tonight you seem pretty set on it i'll unsaid it in easy stages it'll be painless men don't know what they want anyway you're not marrying men you're marrying bill genie's no differently just like all the others he sees a beautiful girl he puts a leash around his own neck and hands the end of it to me so i can lead him to the altar and then what happens i'm darling really you know i'm glad i'm a gal who's beautiful you can build a career on being beautiful but not a marriage that's forgetting about yourself don't be hokey-pokey it's more than just forgetting about yourself it's it's putting yourself out concerning yourself with him and what he wants taking care of him and helping him and doing it in such a way that he doesn't feel he has to say thank you all the time jane you've been reading too many marriage manuals anyway it's my wedding and with a little luck it may be the only one i'll ever have so let me manage it my own way man you do love him don't you why wouldn't i they they don't come any better than bill they'll really make him happy i thought he was supposed to make me happy [Music] william wilt i have this woman to thy wedded wife to live together after god's ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony will thou love her comfort her honor and keep her in sickness and in health and forsaking all others keep the only unto her so long as ye both shall live i will nancy wilt i have this man to thy wedded husband to live together after god's ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony both i love him comfort him honor and keep him in sickness and in health and forsaking all others keep thee only unto him so long as you both shall live i will [Laughter] you do no i do too huh i'll not perky mind your manners yeah i'll see you later bye berkey must be quite a creature calls me every hour on the hour like worldwide news on the radio there's something about him that bothers me though what well whenever we're alone together all of a sudden he looks way off lost somewhere but completely i may chitchat and he simply won't answer me what could that be a man without a little mystery is a very meager man yeah i suppose though oh these shoes are killing me there's something i meant to tell you what yeah what i was standing over there with a cup of coffee trying to make up my mind what to wear for perky tonight and the door opened and stanley that's it i got it from stanley who got it from thelma who got it from mr levitt who got it from the old man secretary that the board of directors has approved bill's ad campaign glory that's wonderful yeah well it's not so wonderful the old man wired bill bill gets home tomorrow oh no no that's not right that's not fair well better half a honeymoon than nothing and i speak as one who's had nothing but the nothing what can i do you could speak to stanley you could speak to thelma who could speak to mr levitt of course you're right there's nothing i can do [Music] did you say tomorrow yeah why tommy could your perky fellow get a fellow for me well i get it kind of a buffer between you and bill well i don't see why not when perky calls i'll have him comb the kennels oh come on now jane snap out of it yeah let's go out tonight and have fun huh yes let's have fun [Music] yes but it's nice enough up here tennis swimming golf etc etc wonderful for the fresh outdoor time travel is i'm the fresh indoor type when bunny oh no come in sounds like a wonderful party but i can't make it friday night but tell them i'll be there in spirit anyway yes mrs brennus your husband has lunch for you at the pool thank you goodbye buddy what no funny [Music] lunch keep your eyes on your lunch with you around [Music] now what's their figurable you can have lunch with us without talking you know [Music] hey it's a delicious salad [Music] shrimp just arrived the airplane iced tea for a hot day hello hello i live in cleveland you do well you're a long way from home what's your name betsy i'm bill this is nancy hello pepsi he's pretty are you here for the divorce too uh no no honey we're uh we're not here for the divorce i am i'm in settlement first mom against me for eight months then daddy gives me for four months that's in the settlement i had ice cream for my lunch or some ice cream well we didn't order any oh it's eight months long oh no no honey it's not uh too long oh i'm glad my daddy misses me he told me so betsy hi nice meeting you really was it i'm so glad [Music] well you certainly made a hit with her yeah we're a little kid you are a cinnabon you're not responsible for all the trials and tribulations of every child in the world i want a dozen of them that did it well but bad and different it's from the old man him he didn't send us a present not even a card he and the board like my new ad campaign they've given it go ahead oh phil that's wonderful they want me back tomorrow so soon that's what the man says board meeting friday friday [Applause] i'm going to teleport him and tell him we won't be back till next week campaign or no cam darling i love you but this is important to us we'll i'll make it up to you when we go away next year you're invited [Music] seems so foolish i said it seems so fully quiet he liked me well enough without it what are you mumbling about you like me nicely these past four nights in my pristine state why put her on now darling i'm experimenting this new lip line is bound to make men swoon and just one more touch jane steady i am i hate to ask you this oh no you don't not tonight you don't don't want i know you innocence incorporated what are you talking about you don't make her work overtime tonight now you're married go home to your other i phoned her the permission is granted we are going out tonight she and me and he and he we make a very fancy foursome or don't you read the columns you're going out tonight we've been going out for four nights running and all the little hees are beginning to hear around tommy will you stop bugling you sound like mess call oh gene this is sort of important well get somebody else to work with you and leave jane alone come on jane is it too late for you to get someone else yes tommy run along and meet your hee and when mine joins you tell him i'll be late i take a very gloomy view of this it means you can have two men all to yourself because i never thought of that hurry up william just me and he and he very nice well that tommy her life really rotates on just one point well that's what happens when you don't marry young get too eager good news the old man told me levitt's leaving and i'm in line congratulations [Music] i uh i wouldn't have bothered you otherwise tonight perfectly all right let's start you've been here all day let's grab a bite and work at your place we can't work at my house nancy's having some of what she calls the pack over all right this fella you've been going out with a friend of perky not mark hickman do you know him no other comment it's none of my business is it [Music] oh thanks what's the matter with you this evening [Music] it's what i said about mark hickman or what i didn't say a girl has to think about getting married when she's young that's what you said didn't you [Music] oh you still at it hi tommy oh no it can't be we'll have to finish this up in the morning make the old man's life bright by noon i assume the work you did tonight will advance civilization by three full seconds when people find out that dortmund's is more than just a store it's a way of living don't you think they'll be happier infinitely how'd it go oh perky wasn't his usual good form say that was a very clever move you made tonight what not seeing mark hickman of course he did nothing but talk about you for six solid hours how beautiful how attractive how intelligent how how he's hooked all you have to do is reel him in jane would you phone nancy and tell her i'm on my way no hmm oh yes you're right she's asleep well thanks for helping hand night still bill i [Music] i'll see you in the morning fine evening we did some good work thanks pal fine evening thanks pal oh my astigmatic guy [Music] darling in here here well i thought you'd be asleep by now no no they just left oh bill this is funny holland bunny this is phil shake hands and come out fighting glad to know you sir buddy we were drinking in the view as they say yeah well i hope you like it very lovely sir how'd your party turn out too bad you missed it pack had a lovely house funny you wouldn't budge an itch until i met you i'll confess her i've always had my eye on nancy there are a lot of us we're really surprised her when we heard that she was marrying you i'm mean sir yes yes oh man i know just what you mean uh have a nightcap before you go won't you oh no no thank you sir i'm in training um i better be leaving also soon it's getting late good night nancy good night buddy call me good night sir don't bother seeing me odd oh i insist oh man i insist oh you kept calling me served how old does he think i am anyway makes me feel like i married a child bride buddy didn't mean anything i know i didn't that's what makes it worse i'm not old enough for him to call me sir am i well am i i called you at the office i wasn't at the office so i gave it i worked at jane's place oh oh i forgot to tell you i've got some good news i couldn't tell you when i called you from the office it isn't official yet but levitt's leaving i'm in line for his job that's fine bill now i can move jane into my spot she and i can really work together how nice now don't you be standoffish just like james i'll liken two sisters me she's in a mood and i come home and find you in the very same mood i'm not standoffish soon sir why take it back [Music] i take it back sir [Music] well is he there i don't care what happens but the whole thing infuriates me what are you muttering about how about that creeper out there see how about giving me some relief who's gazing at the body the duchess what she no wonder you're getting in such a stew six months married and she gets fixier all the time what oh well thank you i wonder how she's going to like this now [Music] georgia may i uh [Music] thank you no no i don't think so your husband can't come down to help select your dress are you sure you called him of course i called him what did he say your sister answered the phone she says he's in conference [Music] you know it's a good thing your sister is your sister the girls don't chatter nevertheless [Music] i knew you'd get a laugh of course i know it's ridiculous and believe me the girls do too but well you know how they love to gossip oh nothing too malicious you understand but well when two people work together nights as often as your husband and your sister what this that's one sale i don't mind losing [Music] oh is he yes he's in i want that uh traffic count and the clerk count also oh hello darling and the last eddie rose j reporter gotta have that don't forget it can i talk to you for just a minute mr rogers reporters with hello nancy you look lovely but where is it it's it's with the last five months of it here it is right now oh yes yes i do look lovely don't i forgive him he's too scared of the old man i don't remember when this what oh forgive me darling i'm sorry yes yes you do look superb just like a man don't ask a kiss you're becoming quite the little executive yes mr jordan's waiting all right i'll be right there i'm often sorry angel i can't have dinner with you tonight i have to rush out to a business conference with the old man you say that as though we're a welcome change what seems to me that any other i'm not any other wife no you certainly aren't and i don't like being alone so much bill oh yes i'm sorry tell you what you and jane have dinner at the regency and i'll join you as soon as i can break away nice sisters haven't been together for a long time eat stick up the fiddle music and count the minutes till you get there something like that well see you both i don't wait for anyone funny about the old man bill and the others love him yet they're scared to death of him hello let me speak to bunny howard don't be a fool i'm sorry jane watch that temper sometimes i hate him and you and myself most of all and i don't like being married it used to be laughs and fun with bunny in the pack the more i'm married the more i'm afraid to be alone with any of them today my marriage license is like a green light that they think that the last word in civilization and they're only its last gasp and then there's nothing for me to do at home jane i don't know what's the matter with me but i i get picky and bicker and make him miserable and there's no one to talk to about it not even you you've kept away from me and i don't even know what i've done to you [Music] you're my baby okay who's all mixed up and confused me don't blame yourself too much it's not just your fault it's not no girls spend all the time getting ready to get married and then when they do i wonder why i know bill's here 10 12 14 hours a day but he has to be to get ahead and become a success and of course that leaves you with lots of long empty time yes it's up to you to fill that time and fill it in such a way that'll bring you and build closer than you've ever been before i know children i've thought of that and i don't know jane i'm not sure i want something and i don't know what i want i don't think you can bring children up to be sure of themselves unless you're sure of yourself you have been thinking well i've had enough time for it [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi sit down sit down yourself no i've got to run tommy perky another he are waiting breathlessly oh come on stick around i'll tell you all about what tommy would hates me poor tommy she's all out to get perky to marry but every time she gets them to the point he goes into a blank stone that's it good night jay bill we picked you apart boom by bone you don't know it yet there's nothing left of you really nice [Music] today she gets more wonderful all the time i don't like these men that tommy rounds up for though they aren't half good enough otherwise we can be thankful she doesn't see mark hickman anymore he was the worst a lot bill do you love me what [Music] do you love me why of course i love you [Music] i'll have one too that's the first for you in long island [Music] well now don't tell me you're getting sentimental too remember that little girl we saw there i think her name was betsy yeah she was the cutest kid so [Music] don't sell them in stores you know i know [Music] don't look so frightened curry's darling courage it's easy enough for you to say yes dear i know but you have nothing to worry about yes my dear i've gained 25 pounds in just three months you know this is my fifth before this i never ate pickles never misses friends i'll tell you i'm going to take this dress and all the rest of them and pile them up and light a match and just laugh while they burn oh not those little sweet pickles or the dill pickles but those welcome to my parlor how's the handsomest unattached man in california today california west of the rockies with many warm testimonials from the east i claim prioritize i met you first you mean that i was the first man you ever saw that's absolutely true you took one squinted me and hollered your head off dr phil if you don't tell me i'll holler right now you ready for the verdict just what would you like to hear nancy that i was right well you were nasty darling and just about in time to hang up another stocking for christmas oh i want a little girl well tell the doctor so he can mark girl on the wreckage and bring you one and let's have no mistakes about it all taken care of nancy just one thing for my records tell me just why do you want this baby because i've always wanted something for my very own oh i see and there's nothing that can be more mine and my own little girl is there no nothing oh it'll be fun for me we'll go into a restaurant and i'll perch her up and let her do the ordering and when we go swimming we'll wear the same kind of bathing suits big and little and i'll never be alone we'll always be together every place and all the time and she'll call me nancy listen to me i've got her talking and swimming and ordering in restaurants and all she has so far has promised from you what does she do now doctor besides just wait and wish well right now she sees miss gary she'll set your appointments for your nancy and give you a little book of rules and regulations and don't forget it's easier not to put on weight than it is to struggle trying to get it off lately i want you to see me once every week the scary is in here wait again yes darling what's the matter dr phil you seem angry yes i am with me you brought her up didn't you yes i don't [Music] it's just that every time i ask him that question why they want their babies so many of them answer the way nancy did to have something for our very own you see it hits you just exactly the same way that it always hits me not a word about the husband or making him happy or even making the child happy oh no that child's coming into this world with a job to perform to make nancy happy i don't know jane i really don't know marriage used to be something holy i suppose it was it was the ceremony it meant dying and being born again at the same moment it meant giving up all thought for yourself and assuming every responsibility for making the other person happy yes that's the pledge today today they think that happiness is something coming to them so we're a bond they are supposed to pay dividends every minute of the day they refuse to learn the oldest rule there is you get what you give and i'm not going to try to make a polite joke to laugh it off with that's what i feel and it's the truth [Music] and who's angry now i am hurts when it hits home doesn't it you think i'm being too hard on you nancy i'm trying to think of an excuse for her don't do it tayden there isn't any let's forget about it you said you wanted her to see you every week make sure that she does isn't once a month the usual then why does she [Music] is there any danger she wants that baby very much and i owe it to you yes i know i'll say that she gets it thank you dr bill goodbye okay [Music] jane you grow lovelier every day that kind of talk i like but more and more the way your mother did i like that too [Music] goodbye hello hello merry christmas happy new year greetings merry christmas oh hello merry christmas thank you i got one too merry christmas to you [Music] [Applause] hello i picked it myself oh thank you it's bigger than she is yeah no i don't see what difference that makes i know she won't be able to see it for a couple of weeks but every kid should have a teddy bear and deborah's going to have a teddy bear you sound just like a politician making promises like at least keep my promise i saw the toy department [Music] uh could you get deborah in here couldn't i be with her for just a little while well i think i'm sorry darling but they're very strict rules and we mustn't try to break them [Music] i bought a book it's all about how to raise babies from the father's viewpoint i'll read you some of it yeah uh when the child reaches that age when the what's the matter dear you're i'm tired i'm often proud of you so is dr winston him he says you're doing great well i better leave so you can get some rest [Music] [Applause] [Music] that one i keep for myself try again [Applause] that does it [Music] [Applause] you can bring debris in my mistakes mrs prentice i could have arranged to have your husband see the baby you knew it yes i knew that i want to see her now yes mr prentice hello [Music] yes [Music] takes more to launch a kid than it does the larger battleship kids are more fun the crib belongs there oh i'm adam how do you like my curtains oh they looked lovely yeah put that over there yes ma'am i want everything to be perfect mrs princess gets home let's see blankets pillow diapers in here tommy mrs perky if you please perky uh-huh he he didn't asked me to marry hallelujah well just so there should be no misunderstanding i said yes five times darling one yes would have done it lots of luck got a girl congratulations well thank you fellas madam here's my card keep it just in case you see i represent the sunset diaper service just in case and just in case oh what a lovely compliment now tell me all the grisham details it all happened in the gas station while the man was putting in 10 gallons of ethel you know how i've always almost worked perky up to the point and then he'd go into one of those blank silences of his well this time it was just too much for my feeble flesh to bear so i put it right up to him perky i said whence come these frustrating silences and then he told me guess what what his feet hurt just like mine and he was too shy to tell me well i can keep my job and no regrets we'll live the plain sane life mrs turkey that mrs means my real start hello mrs perky but i'm sure miss tommy she's my anchor to windward she's my good companion my only companion i'm afraid i'll be lost without it excuse me can i fix some of these things you might as well learn now hello oh hello nancy no no bill's not here oh everything's fine i'm preparing for your homecoming what dear well nancy do you you couldn't fix the nursery well i was only trying to help yes but well i know you did dear but it's no reason to carry on like this it's just a little thing i'm sorry hello hi you haven't bought more toys she's my first daughter i got to do something for well how's everything coming okay fine yeah yeah looks great looks great how's the baby oh fine nancy won't let me see her excuse me what do you mean she won't let you see the baby tommy huh tommy i have to go out will you be here for a while yeah i'll call you then okay but there's a reason for these moods jane for her bitterness and possessiveness what is it doctor what's wrong with nancy jane as close as you are to nancy and as close as a hand to you i'm afraid i can't tell you i'd be betraying a professional confidence oh but i will tell you this about yourself and you can draw your own conclusions about nancy yes dr phil perhaps you've noticed how i've always encouraged you in your work yes and never encouraged you to marry yes do you know why you've hinted at it dropped phrases here and there a matter of tune too i've tried to let you know as gradually as possible so that it wouldn't come as too great a shock and i'm glad that you've understood and never married i've been in love enough for it but somehow it didn't seem fair to marry a man and not be able to give him children you could but it would be dangerous sometimes it seems hereditary your mother spending 30 hours in labor with you and dying a month after giving birth to nancy you're so much like your mother my dear that you'd have the same problem with nancy it wasn't quite so acute not quite so accurate more than that you'll have to ask nancy yourself thank you dr phil goodbye i know how much you'd like to have a child and i also know what a fine mother you'd be you know it and i know it but i'll probably never have a child to know it ah sorry visiting hours are over professional confidence he's a fine one to talk killing mother and almost killing me auntie stop it you know better than that you make it sound as though he did it deliberately i'm sorry gee there's no one better no one could have done more i know that it's just that these last few months knowing what happened to mother and how easily it could have happened to me jane i've been so scared did bill know that [Music] you are wonderful what your first thought bill not one thought for the little sister how she feels but does bill know nancy please how i wish i would like you clever and cool and sure of yourself you're smart you are you come first in your life i've only wanted to help you you like designing deborah's nursery didn't you and picking out of things for it was fun giving your maternal instincts a little exercise wasn't it well deborah is mine if you want children you can have some of your own that's right jane run away you always run away when you have to face things don't you nancy do you're upset tomorrow when you come home with deborah it won't be necessary for you to be there [Music] ah [Music] hold on look this is when deborah just learned to stand she doesn't stand it oh [Laughter] getting him to eat this stuff no no watch this it's cute hello what is he eating ice cream ice cream ice cream oh now here's the trip to honolulu this is on the boat yeah i'm alone it's been wonderful you never saw so much pointing in your life there's a seagull yeah you certainly know how to mug to catch it nobody got sick oh now here we are in mexico yeah the yucca tree right behind you thought she was riding a horse right here never looks like she's daddy's girl yeah she's daddy's girl all right now i'm gonna show her the yucca tree see she wouldn't ever look at it i couldn't get to it [Applause] why don't we play some bridge we always managed to lose bonnie might enjoy that oh no i want to see how it all turns out when does boy meet girl i got one more reel i want to show you the photography really darling just because we are used to dull evenings is no reason why we should inflict one on bunny and tina well uh i think we'll take off i promised tina we wouldn't stay too late nancy yes tina well i guess it's none of my business but no that's right it's none of your business at all it's better than a movie i thought you might like to meet our daughter still waking the child at this hour the proud father still she's beautiful say say what i wouldn't think a little thing like this could get you she's our daughter i want for whatever she wants for herself plus just a little luck besides what utter nonsense if you'll excuse me of course dear hi [Music] nancy that was a pleasant evening everything was fine until bunny said looks like deborah is daddy's girl [Music] why do you resent the baby liking me why are you trying to keep her away from but what is it nancy good night jane yes whoever set this up ought to have their head examined help me get some fresh ideas see you tonight i'm gonna round out the old man now right tommy hello bill how are your feet oh marriage seems to agree with them hi slave greeted dortmund customers hi it's tommy how are you how's perky well he's out of town so i dropped in to get myself something to wear at the barbecue tonight wanna see it my barbecue my nancy's your dope oh of course let's see what you got well it's just a skirt and blouse i've got no use for the women a true one they'll use the man when it's gone they'll turn him down they're all alike at the bottom selfish and grasping for all they'll stay by a man when he's winning [Music] hi charlie how's the legal eagle oh flying high tommy say you really did all right with that chapman case i want it in the newspapers and lost it in court oh we won't let you starve how's everything great where's jane yes where is jane can i ask you first well as i was saying charlie bill i want to have a word with you what's up charlie maybe two or three words okay i'll i'll be back just fine say charlie we're all those things that chapman's wife said about him really true awful but too wonderful honey what are you doing i need some help they're all out there just a minute here we go oops darling they're all asking for your hurry up please stand up say your prayers [Music] now i lay me down to sleep pray the lord my soul to keep god bless mommy and daddy and make my friend was an honest cow puncher honest and upright and true but he turned to a hard-choosing gunman on account of a gal named gloom now if she'd been the pal that she should've he might have been raised in the sun instead of out there on the prairie shot by the ranger's gun oh nasty what a wonderful party howdy nancy i've been renting high low for you i haven't had this much fun since i left the barbie yet how's this [Music] oh what is it charlie oh thanks bill i want to talk to you go ahead this last year you've become hard to talk to become one of those talk fast walk fast man well i'm sorry charlie i didn't mean to i feel like a heel how can i help you it's money i'll sign a blank check you fill in the amount i'm here to help you bill do i need help nancy was up to see me nancy what you want she wanted to find out about divorce and or legal separation in this state i outlined the law and procedure for it and then that's as far as it went oh that's far enough that's the blank check i'm giving you bill fill it in any way you want charlie will you no you're right it's up to me i appreciate how tough it must have been for you to tell me this thanks joe charlie i need a roomba partner and you're elected you don't mind bill [Music] [Applause] more nancy i want to talk to you and don't say it's too late bill all right it was fine to hear that you're mulling over a divorce and or legal separation that it was nice having to hear from charlie first shut that thing off you are thinking about a divorce yes bill why you're angry now let's let it go i ask you why because living with you is dull for me just as dull as living with me must be for you it seems we're much nicer people apart than we are together you can call it incompatibility incompatibility you mean we're bankrupt some people fail in business we fail in our marriage well that covers us what about debra she's the only one i'm thinking of i'm trying to decide what's best for you you're trying to decide don't you think it's the thing that we should try to decide yes bill it's too bad i can't devote all of my time to deborah the way you do don't you think she means as much to me as she does to you yes yes bill yes bill will you stop yessing me for heaven's sake give me something i can fight not just a word like incompatibility i almost wish i had another man let it go tomorrow let's make it some other time tomorrow i'm taking driver to santa barbara for a few days what do you call that a trial separation i want to think about all this away from you not a chance you endeavor stay right here i'll do some thinking you're going to make me stay here with you if i have to yes how be silly i've changed my mind i'm not going to santa barbara tomorrow i'm going to las vegas for a divorce anything further you have to say you would say to charlie you're hurting me if that's what you're trying to do i don't believe it i don't believe i can make you feel pain or anything else you're numb your emotions are completely [Music] cold there the picture's almost perfect again perfect color perfect composition the only thing missing is a woman [Music] [Applause] [Music] good evening i'm miss langley ah only two hours i was sure this dress rated three all right does miss langley this way please [Music] look there's that langley name with mark hickman again yeah i noticed that how long have you been going with him i don't know but she really gets around around and around making news it isn't fit to print hey she happens to be a friend of mine what do you think that makes you unique hey take it easy father what's going on over there only a slight disagreement nothing to worry about take it easy boy take it easy let's get out of here well i say i'll say it for you come on jaden we're leaving she wants to stay jane you're going [Music] i think i'd better he's rather emphatic in his attitude i'm terribly sorry mark i'm sure it was going to be a lovely evening good night what was that all about you oh sorry you can do the same for me sometimes i don't think i've ever seen you quite so overpowering well if you don't like it oh i i didn't say i didn't like it i haven't had a drink all day if that's what you think have you eaten no i don't know jane i have no sob stories what if you want to cry you'll have to find someone else's shoulders i've just given up a pleasant evening with a pleasant man and i've fallen there to a pleasant evening with a very pleasant woman that's nice i like that [Music] good evening excuse me i thought maybe you deserted me friend never friend how ghosty well you'll get your troubles you don't want to listen to mine oh ben make bill hold on how are you the man's hungry oh that's fine for the overhead i got some steaks out there so expensive i can't look up in the eye well then just squint a little and i'll mess up some cottage fries huh yes some of those lush beef steak tomatoes and a jug of wine now i'm hungry i'd fix myself one of those steaks if i could afford it i'll have one on me don't think i won't and he will jane you may think that i've been alone no talk now let's make it enough to dennis speech soft lights and uh sweet music [Music] not that i am complaining but just how long is it due to had a good solid meal it's good i didn't oversell it did i i certainly did can i talk now certainly if you limit yourself to ten words like a telegram um dear jane may i have the next dance stop love i'd love to [Music] words can't make me enjoy this more [Music] we've been blessed with [Music] give me a handful of nickels for the jukebox you mean your own nickels that's what i said okay it's your money this i want to keep going [Music] it's [Music] you're [Music] may i cut in i'm sorry to have to wake in you but you know to keep a place like this open just for two people if i wasn't the boss that had to fire myself we can take a hit no matter how subtle excuse please how about one for the wrong thanks how much do you fall plenty plenty [Music] that's a nice girl you got there it certainly is yeah she certainly is she's tops what is this uh sea biscuit no matter what no oh it's happy sam who happy sam you never heard of him huh oh i guess i am he bought this place for me yeah i had just lost seven races in a row and was down to the last six bucks i had in the world so i threw away the form sheet and took a look at the tote board happy sam was seventy to one that was it i bought three two dollar win tickets on it he broke last and he was last most of the way and at the turn for home he started to run oh no how he ran just kept passing one horse after another end of the stretch he was fourth third second then he's up to the leader at the 16th pole head and head neck and neck close the nose and let the wire a photo finish yeah anyone no he lost and that did it that did it i never bet on another horse i got a job and with the money i saved not betty i bought this place you know it's a funny thing i get nightmares about that race i can see the whole thing start to finish head and head naked terrible and look in my nightmare happy sam always wins the race i hate to think what would happen to me if happy sam really wins that race just shows you when you think everything's lost the good things are just coming your way yeah yeah here she comes dude hello lovely nice i like the way you say that no the same please if you don't mind the bad news yeah well no no it's not so bad you see for the steak i ate i only charged your cost and then for what you ate i made a reasonable profit that's all been once out of lunch someone to talk to alive once in a while and a reasonable profit that's right that's right good night bill just drop in any time happy sam at me we'll always be glad to take care of you ben thanks for taking care of us james this guy figures right you can't go wrong playing him straight across the board then has a warm hearth the innkeeper a warm heart good night good idea where to now i haven't given my after dinner speech yet i'm in your hands you know what sold me on this house the window the city of my feet live ahead seemed [Music] like that street down there straight and true the lights bright all the way somehow i turned off on one of the side streets you know i think if you and i started out together there wouldn't have been any turning off i think every evening would have been as worth living as this evening has been i don't want to hear you talk like that and i do want to i don't want to jay i wouldn't say these things to you if my marriage weren't dead i guess it never really lived jane this evening doesn't have to end our life together would be straight and true with no turning off with each word sacred because we would know what each word meant to the other to love honor to him [Music] will i love you past present and always and it's only because i do love you that i can say this it's not for us now it may never be but i promise you this promise if the time is ever right for the two of us you won't have to come to me i'll come to you jane the time is right now why not deborah i know the love you have for her yes bill you said your marriage never came to life well yours fully to play miss nancy no no don't try to stop me you said you never knew what the words of the marriage have all truly meant and nancy didn't either and right at the start when marriage wasn't the golden glory you dreamt it would be you withdrew a little and so did nancy and now the two of you are ready to let deborah fall into the gulf between you oh bill you must try again really try thinking only of deborah nancy forgetting yourself and me and what we may want look darling you said you and nancy turned off on one of those side streets the lights few and far between but look sooner or later every side street turns back into a street where the lights are bright as far as you can see feel pleased you must try [Music] maybe you're right jane [Music] i'll try i'll do my best to make it work [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] hey there's nothing like bacon and eggs for breakfast i think we can get a patent on them they make a small alarm clock would you like some coffee oh there's poor tank what do you think he had it coming to it what i said he had it coming to him what's the matter don't i get any coffee i've already offered you some i'm sorry nancy perry domestic how low can you get no let me explain i was just i know you were just here i can see that it's blatant enough to shut up don't you wish you could chat me up where's debra giver is mine now oh my don't try asking for any time with it thank you for that jane that's what i've been saying to you all my life anyway isn't it thank you thank you thank you oh nancy you're jealous he's insane don't say that where's deborah [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] i spent the morning doing just what you ordered that guy i thought about how it was when bill proposed to me he was so surprised when i accepted he could hardly talk now i'd like you to think about something else to think about just what happened when your child was killed about jane jane's downstairs again she'd like to see you any mention of jane and you freeze don't you see mrs prentice that's blocking and that's what we must try to overcome like you just say your name once just once it'll be a start i can tell you why you won't partly because you blame her for the death of deborah but principally because you know that you two are to play you two are guilty you're guilty of running away from marriage guilty of rushing into a divorce at the wrong time the roots are deep and twisted the mother who died when you were born jane's mothering and raising you you've loved her and presented her at the same time build your marriage wasn't what you dreamed romance i'm telling you each day and night how fair you were and how much he cared for you roses each night when he came home sunday breakfast in bed white tie and champagne but it wasn't like that because marriage is hard never-ending work so much of its dull routine 100 unimportant things to be done each day unimportant but all important why didn't i know these things before i married drink treat it she did she did try [Music] jane [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] you said you could help me could you help me dr can you help me i'll try but i need you i need your help [Music] how is jane not before long i think you'll be able to see her [Music] how is she dr carter she asked for you jane first time oh that's fine doctor when may i see her not yet but soon i think dr carter please excuse me don't run away phil i'd like to talk with you oh dr phil if i could only see her this recovery is a slow business my dear that dr carter feels that ultimately she'll be able to live a full life that's what i hope and pray for it's too bad a marriage to build and wake up only they could have had another child could have helped you so much but even an adoption but a child of their own their own flesh and blood would be so much better nancy can't have any more children [Music] is that it yes my dear that's what i was trying to tell you that day in your office when you told me about myself yesterday that's why she was so possessive my debra meant so much to her while she crawled in the hospital with me about nothing [Music] carter's handled a case similar to this where in adoption goodbye dr well hello hi ben has built thanks friend i thought he'd turn up here sooner or later [Music] soft lights sweet music like like the last time we were here gina i thought about it so often i i made you i promise bill i i told you when it was time i'd come to you you wouldn't have to come to me [Music] whoever invented in that tie and why bill how's your spanish [Music] practically non-existent all you have to know tonight across the border is cc it means yes and i do i'm proposing to you bill wish me well you're really spinning now what are you really up to i love you and i want to marry you it's it's a four-hour drive across the border [Music] i do do you jane take william to be your lawful wedded husband to love honor and cherish him to comfort him in sickness and in health and forsaking all others to be to him a faithful and sincere help mate and companion bearing your share of his burdens and responsibilities and sharing with him your joys i do since william and jane have here agreed in the presence of these witnesses to be joined in marriage and have pledged their faith to each other i now pronounce you husband and wife [Music] birthday any happy returns and the same to you darling you're trembling yes so good isn't it to just let go and stop living on your nerves [Music] yes there it is [Music] my darling bill these weeks we've had together i cherish beyond belief [Music] now i'm going away for reasons which are right for you and for me but believe this my darling part of me will always be with you i adore you forever [Music] please god even though it's this way understand and forgive me and please let it be a girl for them a girl like deborah please god scissors bandage scissors obstetrical fossils sponge sponge scalpel scalpel [Music] suction bandage scissors [Music] ah i thought it best [Music] i'm glad you did thank you doctor [Music] jane why didn't you let me know i look for you everywhere no darling [Music] we're gonna take care of you we'll take you home no phil it's a little late no jane it is too late don't pretend i know [Music] hold my hand darling beautiful girl the doctor said yes don't talk don't you you let gold my hand and it felt so good [Music] nancy call her [Music] bill you stay too [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] good time nancy [Music] uh my my baby [Music] she's she's yours take good care of her take good care [Music] and [Applause] [Music] i want for her whatever she wants for herself so it's just a little luck besides little jane hello little jay [Music] you
Channel: Classic Entertainment
Views: 168,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic, TV, Cinema, Free, Classics, movie, film, horror, scifi, lust, romance, love, affection, fear
Id: 60rKnPEAcRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 33sec (6273 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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