Cobra (1986) | First time watching! | Movie reaction

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yeah you done friend cute gy so what do you think you can't describe the other that looks nothing like him hello and welcome back to movies and coffee with me or Thomas uh today we're watching cobra with Sylvester Stallone um I'm a child of the 80s '90s obviously grew up with Stallone love Stallone seen probably 95% of his films but never watched Cobra and I don't really have a good excuse why I think it just wasn't shown on TV or something when I was growing up for some reason and it's just one of those films obviously I know about it I know the iconic poster that's always on every like film students wall and films and stuff I know he's got the like Aviator uh sunglasses I know his ex-wife Bridget neelon is in it I don't know if she's like his love interest or the bad guy I know there's like a a a red pickup hot rod type car I assume it's his car so that's really all I know and it's like a you know typical 80s action movie so there is a brief video like all about me if you want to watch that but long story short I'm a huge film buff but there just isn't enough hours in the day to watch every single film and there are some big iconic films that would just slip through the cracks if you like this video give us a thumbs up uh you know subscribe comment it all help helps the channel I really appreciate it if you want to watch the full length version you can watch it on my patreon movies and coffee yeah so let's watch Cobra George P Cosmos didn't he make Tombstone which is a great movie in America there's a burglary every 11 seconds a violent crime every 25 seconds [Music] scary this is so 80s and I love it already the synth score so I'm getting like Renegade you know Lone Wolf cop is just some kind of weird like culty thing like um what they called the Illuminati it's like a Duran Duran video [Music] okay so know it's a bad guy always Park in the disabled spot I thought it was Stallone cuz of the silhouette but apparently not is he going to ride the giant frog I would totally ride the giant frog us theone wrote it I know he wrote a lot of stuff like Rocky watch it can I help him hey not the fruit is he trying to hit people or just like objects looks like just objects just better than people I suppose wow that was a quick response just immediately in reality probably take like 20 minutes donut house is that why the cops got here so fast they're like just next door we are willing to talk there's no more need for violence no one wants to hurt you we want to help you go you're free is this guy just like crazy or is he on drugs or what what's what's the plan here all we need is a little more time we can get control of the situation what control call the cobra the [Music] Cobra not a fan of Christmas I [Music] guess oh that's a cool car of course he drives like the coolest car license play awesome that's fair hey oh I'm sorry I try not to do any stain Impressions any IDE on the guy another [ __ ] woke up hating the world look I don't agree with them bringing you in here I just want you to know that move might want to take off your sunglasses indoors so I can actually see everything and is the match going to come into play at some point is it going to burn somebody with it it's or is it just purely aesthetic I'll kill you man wouldn't it make more sense for like him to distract him than someone else comes up behind the guy it's like this isn't a great [Applause] plan or is he just trying to get him to like waste all his ammo you wasted a kid for nothing now I think it's time to waste you what what how'd he get in there I don't want to talk to you now you bringing the television cameras in here now I don't deal with psychos I put him away I feel like he would have shot him by now I mean the bad guy your disease and I'm the [Applause] Cure drop it I feel like he could have just drawn his gun in fired just as quick as throwing a knife but okay did he say why he did is this related to the night slasher night slasher oh was there like a serial killer to know what makes a polican a judge and a jury people have rights people are entitled to protection by the law oh you tell that to his family huh I thought he was going to punch him all right the isn't this like Chief guy from Star Trek is he like the bartender or something maybe I imagine that orange or red hot rod pickup thing what's your problem you touch my car man oh don't do that it's better for your health you know what is p me you going to tell him you're a cop or not clean up your ass I feel like that was excessive so Renegade cop who's amazing at his job Chief shouts at him so basically every cliche in the book but this is the 80s so I'm not going to complain cold pizza and eggs that's weird I mean one or the other fair enough but both what the hell is that oh it's Christmas okay I did wonder about the tree but that makes sense the 22-year-old victim was mutilated with a sharp instrument not much else is known other than that the night slasher prays upon anyone is he the night slasher cuz frankly he's the craziest guy on screen so far that would be a cool twist actually especially in an ' 80s film if like the main hero cop turned out to be the psycho I did not expect it to be a Christmas film as well uh there's no question that it's the same weapon mutilating cuts are straight long deep just like the others Jesus Christ shows no distinct pattern well maybe there's more than one killer well it's two guys yeah what we need is to beef up the task force what we need is some agency cooperation every department wants to be the damn hero in this case keev look I don't want to be a hero I just want to get involved all right if we let cabet use his tactics we're asking for a lot of trouble what are you saying I'm saying that he works on the Zombie Squad and he should stay there well then we lost lost what do you mean lost as long as we have to play by these [ __ ] rules and the killer doesn't we're going to lose doesn't like playing by the rules what do you want to do there's nothing we can do except wait what for it to happen again so is it the culty people we saw at the beginning that kind of like going around town making it seem like they're just one killer but why I'm like really sorry do you think there's like any damage have you been drinking or something yes oh there's Bridget don't know why but in my head I kind of thought she was the villain of this film it doesn't seem like [Music] it yeah keep driving [Music] okay so she's the key witness now feel like I recognized the woman who who just assaulted that other woman with the fluffy hair can't think where I've seen her though you know he's daring us to catch him you know that right what options do we have call the bastard wait that's her isn't it oh she's a bad cop you know almost every sio in this city do what you have to do to get a lead on this Maniac fine do what you do best and try not to waste the wrong guy huh I'm kind of suspicious of these two like head guys now by punching a hole in Monty's chest you know what the trouble with you is you're too violent that's funny I feel like the way those two Chief detective guys were like yeah just kill the guy that kind of seems suspicious to me uh back in the old days we actually had to talk to people instead of just Googling everything of course of course she's a model hey how we doing you seen any serial killers around here what is this robot for what are they advertising here exactly this guy I feel like it's been like the henchman in a lot of like ' 80s '90s films games what games you know what games I'd be sick not the want to sleep with you okay then don't do it for me do it for your career wow this guy is subtle look this I'm not doing this for me really I'm just trying to help you find happiness I'm just trying to help you if you sleep with me oh [Applause] my wouldn't it made more sense to wait for the guy to leave and then get her when she was on her own kill me kill her wow that poor guy is just doing a job and he got smooshed she's already seen your face guy that's the whole reason you're here to killo she saw your face I'm Sergeant Gonzalez and that intense looking gentleman behind you is Lieutenant cetti did you have a fight with anyone no you owe money to anybody no in other words in the last few weeks there hasn't been anything right no threatening calls I did witness a murder does that have anything to do with this there was this guy who scared me a little tonight who some guy broke down by the underpass oh okay she didn't actually see the murder she just saw him did you see anything else there was another kind friend of them them I think there was three of them knife to see you she knows your face I know where she is She's mine yeah you done friend cute guy so what do you think you can't describe the other that looks nothing like him tomorrow we'll move to a place called The Safe House okay until we get him that's the way it's got to be hey told you you're hungry what do you got I got something that looks like cheese take the cheese I the cheese this is a weird conversation so than to cheese so is this guy in charge then or is it that creepy cop lady she's going to wreck our new world and the dream you have to stop you had your chance and you [ __ ] it up so I want to go to my place and check this out against my files it is a real nice looking lady huh wasn't she I didn't notice Gonzalez I was on the job why do I have a feeling his partner is going to get killed like almost immediately you're a good was this guy one of the thugs in the first Terminator film with Bill Paxton you man are supposed to use a service elevator use the stairs I love how he put on the glasses to look normal it just does not look normal at all also in movies when people like put on uniforms and like like the other staff don't ever notice they're like hey you don't work here next time take the stairs you just took the elevator ler late to be moing up you want me to say something no I uh I got to do my rounds I'll tell him oh so there is a cop like protecting her I guess that's why this guy has to sneak in I'm in your office what do you need me from what are you doing there I got a call from headquarters saying you wanted me here get back to the hospital oh is he going to die just like I predicted oh maybe not yeah these guys are really incompetent what did you think was going to happen hey I feel like that car just needs like some fire trails from the exhaust like the Batmobile then it would be a cool car why wouldn't you turn on the lights why would you use just use a little pen torch I guess if people are sleeping so we now have a fingerprint well done pretty care oh that was lucky [Music] you so he's trying to break down the door she was screaming and nobody does anything she hits the pH on like 50 people come out he's like Monty tells me you're with holding a sketch of the suspected killer what is this a goddamn game you didn't say the magic word what magic word what magic word all right I'm for this [ __ ] it that's it this guy's face is very Square soy do you know you have an attitude problem yeah but it's just a little one I thought he was going to say go f yourself come on it's moving time this is Officer star she's been assigned to this case uhoh we're going to a safe house Define safe like I loveing this film where he's like goes against tyo he's always eating healthy stuff whereas usually like the cops are like eating donuts and french fries and stuff listen Hot Shot we want them just as much as you do yeah do you last night there were three men assigned that rooman headquarters call it took two off why headquarters didn't do anything no then who did yeah suspicious I don't trust Monty mostly because he's called Monty that evil cop kind of looks like um stuard Channing but it's not yeah I'm sure there was a red pickup truck or something I must have imagined that am I thinking of like Last Action Hero or [Music] something with [Music] [Music] Gonzalez of course got to hit everything in sight I love how they shoot at him so he drives after them immediately it's like well he just going to shoot at you again I'm hoping for a car flip I demand a car flip oh yes C flip and explosion excellent it's crazy it's crazy [Applause] [Music] oh who is chasing whom [Music] oh [ __ ] just broke both [Music] axles oh [ __ ] of course just drives through it okay that was [ __ ] awesome we feel like these guys are going to die but you kind of need them to talk don't you down [Music] uh oh [ __ ] ah he got away did you not see the giant boat right in front of you we're not up against one man we're up against an army of killers I keep telling you guys that your idea of taking her out of the city for protection it's ridiculous nobody asked you money yeah nobody asked you you've already already caused a lot of people to die how about letting her live he does have a point though she would be safer like in the police station rather than driving to the middle of nowhere where they'll probably find her anyway yeah so far I'm loving this it's like so 80s in the best way shootouts car explosions pop music are we just supposed to drive around on he tries to kill us again no they won't get you how do you know that for sure you got to have faith yeah why is this set at Christmas it doesn't really seem to be any reason for it he you want caps are in fashion apparently he looks like a fugitive from the 50s but sure is great at catching psychos why is it called Cobra did you find out anything new since we in the bathroom no not really I did buron like what Maran CTI is that really really in here well boys sorry all I can think about is J videos yeah want some fries with that ketchup so what do you do to relax look for trouble not many people could put up with the way I live what if you found one so did they meet on this film and start dating or were they already together why do I feel like this whole Motel place is going to get destroyed you scared me I was just checking on things at home but didn't you use the phone in your room uh it's out of order suspicious that wasn't sketchy at all what is it with 80s films and like assembling weapons kept in a case and I'm thinking like Highlander it like puts the sword together so always people do what is something about the 80s I guess it's just like an excuse to like tool up you never see laser sites on guns these days either do you it's very much an 80s thing would you come over here please won't hurt you sure was he's like yeah okay if I have to okay they're on motorbikes you can hear them coming from like five miles away morning hi better check on stocks see why she isn't out here right she's gone yeah what gone get inside would have made more sense to attack during the night never like that [ __ ] me either suddenly turned into a western if you came here to kill everyone I feel like you don't really need ski masks just drives [Music] in this music is giving me Wizard of O Vibes what are we doing a weedly kblo again not the most competent of henchmen I've ever [Music] seen did they just leave Tony behind [Music] what did I do go through [Music] it he's already killed like 30 of them they just still keep coming even though he's got a machine gun not the oranges or whatever they are go to the [Music] B oh [Music] it's another 80s Trope isn't it like hiding in factories I guess it is a good place to hide you can't have many bullets left as well feel like a sniper would just wait outside for him to come back out uhoh you have the right to remain silent burn literally stop yeah nobody's good at hiding in this film this guy's totally going to get impowered by one of them hooks you pig I want your eyes big what for what do you want his eyes for you want to go got to hell with me no I'm good thanks we are the hunters we kill the weak so the Strong Survive we are the Future No you're history boom you won't shoot he's just killed like 50 people guy you have to take me in the court is civilized isn't it big but I'm not this is where the law stops and I start I am the law there she is these two should really have hard hats in this area you know Safety First he's like little [Music] help here comes the hook pretty sure that would kill you instantly but okay crispy he's like where were you I could have used the hand let's get out of here is Tony okay we didn't actually see Tony die you did your best yeah there he is did I get you anything I would kill for some gummy bears gummy bears gummy bears you did a hell of a job here if you ever want to get a transfer from the Zombie Squad to something easier or you need anything just say the word well I would like to have my car replaced we'd like to but it's not in the budget he's like anything you want anything I I need a new car no you are kind of overdid it around here no hard feelings no hard feelings pal you ready ready m so is that it I thought I was sure that like Monty guy was going to be like behind everything but apparently not it was just like a crazy gang yeah so that was Cobra um which I really enjoyed it it was kind of what I was expecting very you know typical' 80s action movie I wasn't expecting like you know Christopher Nolan like intellectual you know time skipping it was very much a straight 80s action film and for that it was it was a lot of fun I said at the beginning that he drives like a red pickup hot rod thingy apparently not I don't know where I got that from it wasn't this film and I think I said Bridget neelon was the bad guy and she was not the bad guy she was just basically the love interest the the person to rescue just interesting cuz I feel like other stuff I've seen her and she's like a lot more not masculine but a lot tougher more like you know scary and here she's very much more feminine yes how would I rank this in the Stallone Cannon as it were I mean it it was good but it didn't really feel like there was much to the character I know Stallone wrote this and he was like a tough cop but beyond that there wasn't really he didn't really learn much about his history he didn't have much to do other than kill bad guys basically but even saying that I think Stallone injected some humor here and I don't know if that was like ad libs or whatever but like you'd have align here and there he was actually quite funny I think Stallone doesn't get enough credit for how funny he can be I mean it's it's probably unfair to like overanalyze the plot like I said it's just the cheesy 80s action film but like so a gang of crazy people get together to kill a bunch of women at random just because what is it the guy said at the end because they saw themselves as like the strong and they're killing off the week or something which I don't know it's kind of vague as far as plot devices go and I'm I'm just kind of used to films like they're being a big twist at the end like I was sure that Monty the chief detective guy was going to be like behind it all for some reason it's you know trying to boost you know the city budget or something he was trying to you know cause a lot of chaos so the police department would get a lot of money but apparently not he was just a dick but yeah it was good fun some of the action stuff was fun like all the plenty of flips and explosions and like jumps the number of times Cobra's car like did a huge jump or a flip and then in reality it would you know break the axle pretty much immediately keeps on going I think that's typical for any 80s film or like you think of like the Jukes of Hazard where they do like a you know 50 foot jump every episode and in reality they crashed they totaled like one car per episode but in the episode they were just like keep on driving so yeah so that that was fun so thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Movies & Coffee
Views: 850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stallone, moviereaction, cobra
Id: p0IYpoBLNeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 0sec (1740 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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