Page Turning Effect in Davinci Resolve

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hello everyone welcome back to fion Studios and today I have a paper turning effect to show to you now there are two three things which you need to keep in mind and I'll be sharing all of those things with you guys today to start with I have some image this is a book cover image which I found on internet you can go and grab one too or you can just the link provided in the description below and there will be the file just grab it real quick so right now the resolution is 1600x 1333 okay and our project settings look something like this it's 4K and 60 FPS so to start with I just want to tell you one thing we'll need to create a book okay and this is a square image so that's very rare that you find a book in a square format they are usually in a rectangular format so to create that what we can do is I can do XF and after that do a bigr like this okay let me just enable my inspector over here and now you can see we have something like this well that's because our background is in foreground so we need to swap the inputs and now if I do contrl F on my viewport that's on our canvas by the way I can remove the transform right now we don't need it on the merge what I can do is I can rotate it by minus 90 and change the edges to wrap something like that and now increase the size to where I want it to be so something like this okay now as you can see that anyone can clearly see that this image has been tied what does styling mean tiling basically mean that you have a particular texture and you are putting it on something and when you decrease the size of it there's a limit like this was the limit of it, 1600 by 1333 when we putting it on 38 40 by 2160 this is the difference of the resolution in both the canvases so now it's mirroring it or you can say duplicating it okay now you can see those edges now once you have your desired tile effect uh or desired canvas image whatever it is what you can do is you can uh paint it out to you know create some Randomness over here and then it will not look like it's been tied how we do our infusion is by using a paint node so in this paint node you can see there are many apply modes over here we'll use this clone one and boom we have something over here now if I hold control and drag my lift Mouse over to here I think it's fine so it's big enough to do some stuff I'll hold alt and click over here and when I remove it you can see this x logo sign has been put over here what does that that means whenever I click somewhere now wherever this x goes it will paint the same thing which is beneath that X okay so this is a very popular technique which you might have heard of so I'll again click over here and something like this all right so that and maybe click over here some stuff over here too yeah so now as you can see you might not notice much but maybe you know again alt over here just a little bit touch just over here you know to create some random imagery yeah just like that now you can see where is the tiling it's gone how with the help of this pain note what you going to do is right click save image and save it whereever and whatever format you want by default it will be uh the suffix will be fuse pck change it to PNG or GP and you'll be good to go okay now I can remove all of this because I have already saved that image all right now I have this image and this image so this will be our page obviously so I'll put it over here and this is our main book cover so to get started with I'll add a bigr put it over here contr T to soap inputs in this merge and now you can see we have this I'll go into background make alpha to Zer so that it is transparent after this media I'll add a transform which Shi a space bar and clicking XF and adding it over here then minus 90 on the angle and also just keeping other things as it is now what I will do is I will start creating that animation part now how to do that animation part you guys think on yourself if you were to create a page Mass sorry a page effect I already gave you the hint so how will you create it well you would need two things you would need two images first is this one and another one will also be this one okay same I needed a duplicate of it as it is so contr C and contr V will do that and now if I connect this over here just like that and view my media out you can see nothing has happened it's the same all right but if you come to transform and flip it boom we have the flip version of it why did I do that that's because first things first I'll put this over here where our I'll call this front cover and call this one our uh back cover okay this doesn't mean that these are different pages or different covers it's the same page just the front side and the back side okay let me call it front side cover front side and cover back side okay that will be easier for you to understand let me just keep it over here just for now we don't need anything else so front cover side and back cover side this is our front this is our back let me disable the back side for now or let me just enable it and put it as close as we can because we would need that later just like that okay now you can see both have more mered well why did I do that first things first whenever you fold a paper what happens is the front side gets masked out and fusion manner or in our way we'll call it that it gets mased away okay and what comes is backside of that paper isn't it that simple it is so how do we do that here with rectangular mask if I come over here mask this out because this is our foreground right now I'll go over here and check check and because my show view controls is checked it is checked by default so I can manipulate the width and height of it you can do it uh manually over here like this but it's little bit easier if you will you know choose any of four of the corners so you can manipulate both together at the same time simultaneously so I'll put it somewhat around here you know just to cover the book and now you can see it's covering the book like this which is quite nice I'll do one thing I'll take this rectangle over here and bring this backround over here you will know why I'm doing all this now we have something we have the mask I'll come to frame number 7th and because I showed you that it's a 60 FPS clip we'll be putting one key frame over here and then another key frame on 140th over here I need to mask this image out so I'll control select this transform to so that I can see the border of that transform now I can manipulate the rectangle mask okay I can check this check layer for now so I need something like 875 21875 just like that contrl F and now it has been vanished it has been masked out now we have an animation if I play it masks out the front side okay let me just make an underlay select all uh un now hold alt select this this right click set color purple or Violet whatever you want to call it and let me type cover front sorry cover uncore front side just like that same thing over here let me select bring it a little bit here select all uh shift Space by un D okay now alt and select this F2 this is our cover and back side just remove this bracket and it is like that right click set color to purple and that's it let me just make it bigger because we'll be adding a rectangular node uh as it has over here too okay now you can see that we have done something now imagine we have masked out our front side of the cover all right now what we need to do well if I were to show you a real life footage what happens when you fold or turn a paper is basically this you fold a paper and the back side comes over and the front side goes away so we have done one thing our front side is going away but our back side is not coming up so how do we do that let me enable this merge so that our back side is available now since we have transformed it over here what I want is I'll take this rectangle put it over here take the output of it and mask it out in the same way we did over here okay same thing nothing is changed like or nothing is new it's the same the mask is same in both but one thing we need to change now is the transform x value why now as it is masking out this okay masking out both of these this one and this one too that's why you can't see this one right now we need this cover to also fill this difference and how will we do that we can do that if we come to our 70th frame where it all started and put a key frame over here on Center x value go to the last one on 140th okay again control select this rectangle so that we can see this border over here this time yes this one not this one when we started we chose this border but when it's ending we need this one now when I change the x value let me Zoom it in with contrl and middle Mouse so something like this contr F and now if I play well well well you have your paper turn effect in a horizontal way it's it's a simplest which I found out okay it's not like how the real paper turns okay so how real paper turns is basically it obviously everyone do this you take it from here and it folds like this okay but right now like what is happening is they're taking it from here and just simply in a straight manner oh let me do this doing this okay so this is what we have right now and this is what it should be but again I haven't found a way to do to do this in that manner so that's why we'll focus on this one uh later maybe when I'll found out that effect to I'll post and I'll delete this paint for a moment and now we have the basic that is it guys that is simply it okay we are masking the background like this okay we are masking the front side and the difference of this let me do one thing so that it will be more clearer to you is let me add a shadow beneath the back side okay and increase some softness little bit let me just bring it ahead so make it somewhere around here copy this with contrl C paste it over here with crl v hold shift and put it down over here like this and let's select all of this bring this above somewhere around here and put this media in for here just a moment We'll add this paper too beneath this and now you can see what is happening right it's that simple guys it is actually so we just need to do this nothing else after that what we can do is to enhance the image basically is adding some highlights and shadows first of all let me just simply add this image to beneath this okay so resolution of this again is different so of course to make it even we will need to add a canvas to put it somewhere like this this after this media in I'll add a transform like this in this transform I reduce the size somewhere around here we'll see this on the M it looks fine enough and put it beneath this now hit control T because we need this uh behind our cover okay not in front and also I'll rotate it onus 90 now I'll reduce the size to somewhere around here and now we need to mask this out so for that I'll use bit map so BMP is short form take the transform put into the bit map and keep it as it is default because we just need the alpha value and now mask this merge out again I'll put this background down so all right something like this and now it's in m so when it goes away it's as simple as this guys nothing else I'll just go to this big round and make the alpha to zero and boom you have the effect what else do you want now let us uh see how to add the lighting and stuff sort of things so add some highlights what I will do is after this pipe router I'll just add a BG just like that put the merge over here take the background put it over here again I'll take the transform or merge whatever and now mask it out first of all take this go over here uh change the color to white now take the RCT rectangle mask this background just like that now take the merge from here and merge sorry mask it out little bit ahead on maybe one TI to just you know see how it looks put this rectangle over here make it something like again hold one of the corner change its position to somewhere around here just on the x-axis and I think over here it should look fine reduce the level increase a softage increase the level somewhere somewhere around here I think this looks fine enough now I'll add I come to 140th add a key frame on Center X and Y go to 70th all right over here uh now change the exposition onto the start over here and now if I play we have the highlights okay guys you are creating something right creating some crazy stuff which no one has done in DCI I guess at least I've done so have not uploaded on YouTube but yeah whatever so now we have added the highlights we need to do the same thing uh onto the other pages but we'll not do it with this way what we will do is we will just moment with pipe router let me just make this even to maybe I won't add pipe router okay so now what I will do is let's add some lighting stuff so you can call it that so before the shadow let's add a big ground merge it is merge again this big round with the help oh sorry mask again this big with the help of this merge and this bigr change gradient uh to radial I guess radial will look fine that's what I think and this merge go to apply mode and change it to Overlay boom now swap the colors play with X and Y guys what else do you need you have you have figured out how to do the lighting oh my God on 2D objects man and what you can change the color of the lighting too whatever you want and you can even animate it that's just awesome that's really really awesome so I will put it somewhere around here like that so over here should look fine enough copy it put it over here put one over here take this merge hold shift in the color shift leave it and also mask this out so when I'll change the 140 and now I'll just change the position of it so X should be over here all right maybe above like that and this x should be over here so just like that now let's put this one also over here hold shift like this start again mask this background out don't forget to mask okay it's very important to do all this masking otherwise the effect won't look that good now I'll reduce the brightness of it like that and make it around yeah that looks great with all the lighting and stuff you you have your paper animation ready guys which I would like to do is I go to this rectangle and I'll play with the soft Ed settings so for this one over here after 120th should start to spread sorry whatever it was Slash that is it that's my uh go-to technique how you do things maybe just increase a little bit not that much yeah it's fine now if I'll play from 70 let's see how the animation looks H it looks really good I'll select all go to spine because my show only selected is checked only that will pop up whichever have the key frames so I'll select all of this Zoom fit whatever it is contr a to select all F and then hit T to get this ease in and ease out popup so what I will do is ease in should be around 80 I know that's a lot but it will look good and ease out should be around 60 just like that okay I'll move this line let's play it from the beginning actually it's stuttering a bit so right click over here and check high quality check motion blur go to playback choose resolution half it should be a little bit faster boom it looks so smooth and so good guys if I choose quarter here then it will do some problems it looks like it's real paper you're done with the paper effect okay that's it now if you need to uh fold this to like this one white paper effect white paper then again you will need to do the same thing come over here okay let me just bring it over here yeah come over here add rectangle uh not on this one we will need to add another biground like this contr T change it to Alpha yeah again coming over here you will need to take another rectangle all right and changing its height and width just like that just we did over here like that again masking this out okay copying everything putting it let me just show it to you okay otherwise you guys will we have this right so I'll just do wireless link and take this and put it over here we have everything in just this single wireless link node I'll just put it on top of everything now if I to view it so you will see something like this which is fine okay great then we have put it on a background okay and mask that background all right uh let me just select this and mass this straight away right why to waste energy and put background and stuff like that let's just do it okay for the uh what is that called quality what no I don't know purposes just purposes some sort of purposes okay yeah and now mask this merge out now this is masking it out like this which we need but what we also need is this transform to happen so for that let's add a transform add a key frame on 140th just like that and on 210 let me select this rectangle too so that I can see the border of it we need to do this too so something around here 21875 it's the same key frame in everything and then one more thing let's do which is to take this and put it after it again now I think we have cracked it I think at least let's see let's see let's see let's find out it goes away it come oh sorry I need to put this behind this wait just a moment just a moment just let me just move this for a moment take this put it over here now it is control t me just do it onto this merge yeah that is also a thing which we need to figure out if it is going which it should not but let's put it over here let's see the final result oh wait yeah again the same thing select CR a shift S 80 and E out should be 60 spline and let's play it why isn't it showing on top oh we're doing a mistake take on 140th it should not be here it should be here man what am I doing I'm moving away from my own principles how is that possible man I'll go to this transform to just copy the value contrl C I'll just come here C paste the value V see it will be the same I think so is ENT it the same then again coming over here okay it's already guys now it should work yes we did it oh also one more thing now we can put this beneath over here so the page goes away cover and this page also moves away with it just like how we want let's just put this beneath this how do we do that we need to put this beneath this you see all it took was nothing just experimenting that's it after this you can even add some Shadow if you you want to you know it's totally depends up to you if you want or not and increase some softness again if you want to I'll increase the alpha and then increase the softness you know just to show that yeah we have some effects that we have done I'll select now all these now see we are doing the same thing we added the shadow after the back side we are adding the shadow after the back side so it's the same process if you were to do it again and again just do it two three times and you'll find a system which is so so easy and you can even make a template out of it and you know it's it depends on you what you can do and not do I'm no one to tell you that this is possible it's not everything is possible so in Fusion when you have all these nodes and tools oh man super customizable you just need to figure out a system and a workflow or framework whatever you want to call it when that is put onto your system it's so easy that you just need to control one effect and boom everything will be changed like how we are controlling uh the mask with the same one this the same this the same the transform values transform is in fact the same so everything is the core concept is same the numbers can differ a little bit that is it nothing else okay so yeah that is good so yeah what I was talking about is let me just select all of it contrl V now put this over here like this and after Shadow let's add this merge over here background over here like that select this over here take the rectangle do this take the key frames move them onto 140th like it should start from 140th earlier it was ending it on 140th and mask it with the merge now when it starts this line shows up here too uh but this time we need to make it even like we need to increase the level of it because the paper is already very bright so that's why maybe we can play with the level value too so one key frame over here from here till here should be around 75 let's play from the beginning and see Z very nice Z another one and that's that's how you do this kind of stuff uh one thing which we can do is mask this with this one oh we can't do that so let's mask this with this one and do apply mask inverted or stuff like that that is because we have everything like this and now we are masking it out we are masking uh this page itself out uh with it you know the shadow was kind of of bring me out so that's why I did this otherwise it looks really really nice to be honest but yeah that's how you do it so what else do you need guys now you can add some text over here and you know stuff like that and yeah that is it that's how you do this kind of effect now we can I guess so take all this uh the basic stuff from here and then put it at last of it that's what I think do you want this do you want uh to try this let's do it man this now what I will do is uh first things first you need this paper again that's my question is that's what my question is sorry if you need this paper again then again you can just copy all of it okay paste it just like that and just shift the key frames like just how we did it if you don't want it then what I'll do is I'll just simply select all of this Control building control I'll select all of this literally like that now do crl c crl v just like that put it over here take the merge out simply just go and put this over here okay and it should be behind this and take the merge output from here and put it after after this just like that easy peasy right and it should be on top only and now going to change some stuff what stuff let me just show you select this one this one uh what else what else what else there was no key frames and anything else I guess so this one yeah what line rectangle transform tangle select all withr a select the starting one move them to start from 210 wait let me just come It Forward just like that and now completed it we did it we made the whole book just like that there's some things which we need to change is the animation part so from I guess 140th let me just enable the star X and Y it should be over here for 210 it should be over here and also let's just animate the end value so you know from here till here I think that looks fine what's the reason of this lighting shift I don't know I just did it well but you're right we should know that just remove the key frame let's do one thing let's add it on the end value okay and on 210 let's move this end value like this so that it feels like Shadow has been removed when it was going from here till Here Also let's just bring the x value little bit closer you know just like that not too much but just a little bit so yeah like that also come over here in this big round uh the big round is fine actually we will need to change something else something say this big ground no it's also fine to be honest yeah it's fine it's it looks great that's how you do a book animation guys now if I'll play so you will have the animation CH like this so it might be like take so much efforts to do in this and after effects it's just like a button it's done actually in Fusion also just like that the problem is you don't have a solution mindset in Fusion not solution mindset you don't even have enough information to do all the stuff it's true it's fact so get all that information okay practice and you'll be able to do infusion benefit of it customization framework structure a controlability there is more of course when you have a node structure instead of a whatever it is no after effect is not like that I think so no After Effects also like wait does after effect has layers yeah it is so yeah whatever note is always better that's that's what my point is okay and that's it that's how you do this b Paper kind of effect with lighting technique and let me show you what I made with it now this is the note structure of this one okay and here you can see a lot of stuff has been done if I were to do this from start and z z many things has been done so just from starting from the basic of the Bas again same thing we have the rectangle we have the media merge transform okay so we have this boom sh the other thing is we have this text so for this text I have this image I use the same image to materialize the text okay this is the thing which you need to do then filter I just bued it with embose over that is it then merged it on top to the book and it is giving us that Harry Potter kind of feel right if I like if you don't mind so whatever then we have the transform the merge you know lighting part that is it we have three different backgrounds and all of this have different gradients then same thing over here this is this was the uh front side this is the back side it will show it now this is the back side we have the same paper over here something is written I don't know what is but yeah something something then with transform added this animation because I'll show you why then Shadow and drop shadow because we had this big round so to show you this bigr we have SIMPLE image the resolution is really high high quality work comes with high quality stuff that's why then we transform I increase it a little bit then this big round to put it on a uh canvas make it equal again same thing then how do I make make this so This newspaper I got it from here like I had this image then with polygon I Roto it out you can see that or you can mask it out I can say again lighting okay so then with background itself and the ply mode is multiply this time then again putting it on a canvas transforming it drop shadow boom same same thing over here newspaper out with a polygon the real image was like this lighting background equaling out Dr Shadow same thing the lighting you can change if you want to if I come over here you know same thing literally doing everything with a big itself animated do some lighting effects same thing over here uh with the pin we have a pin lighting it on a background equal transform drop shadow merge that is now I did this my lips to sort of you know uh made this it was too much so that's why I thought just make it uh do it equal but again it looked not that good so that's why I removed it and with merge putting the book on top so it was something like this simple animation yeah that's it that is it okay then we transform 9 I animated the big around and book both like this then we transform _ one added this camera Shake right click modify with camera shake and you can see the settings over here that's why we have some motile motility you can say then added this biground as a lighting technique both of these have their Alpha set to zero and the color is purplish something like that so yeah merge on top and the merge is normal same thing but this time with blue blue black and black and film damage settings are somewhat like this I don't have the scratch just I just need that dirt white part you see this now white dots that is basically film damage then with soft glow loow it a bit PR blur and actually I realized one thing just now I can add another soft glow after it because I added the soft glue to make the glowy part hard it looks really great when it comes out in a good format so you know something like that then prism blur okay let us for now let me just remove it pris blur settings somewhere like this then very blur I didn't blurred it with pris blur please was just to add this aberation strength and uh distance and also the vignette and with VAR blur added some stuff which is you can only do this with VAR blur which is to blur it out in a manner which you want so made this big round and with the help of this transform I made it somewhat look like this and I just only wanted the white part to be blurred out so this is sort of a mix of R blur Zoom blur and anamorphic I don't know whatever to call it but I wanted that it's not radial or Zoom blur I would say but you know just understand uh then we added this lens flare I have this ellipse because to remove this part so I enabled it and in the inip I choose invert because I just needed this rainbowy thing if you can see it so that's why and lastly we also have this swap motion if you want this effect so you can add it if you don't then remove it as simple as that the settings are somewhat like this of the swap motion if I were to enable it it's set to four actually oh why it's not visible yeah so frame dep is set to four that's it and with that you will have this s of so yeah with that said all of the effects are shown to you and yeah that's it I didn't do anything else this is how you make a page turn effect this is some small scene which I made with it so I thought to share this also with you you know to make some composition that is and yeah if you enjoyed this so you know what to do like this video sub to the channel press the notification Bell so that you don't miss any upcoming video all the links are in description below if you have any queries comment down below I'll look into it if you have any suggestions comment down below I'll look into that too what else yeah if you need the files then there will be a link provided in description below you can go there and grab your file if you want to okay if you don't then it's up to you but yeah it's a good way to help this channel too and yeah Discord is also in the description below please join it that's it see you bye-bye
Channel: Fusion Studios.
Views: 639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, davinci resolve tutorial, fusion studios, motion graphics, how to make page turn in davinci resolve, page folding effect, 2d, lighting in 2d, tutorial for beginners, book
Id: FwAQtbJ1WsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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