Page Builder Features Ranked: Elementor, Oxygen, Divi, Brizy and LiveCanvas

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[Music] what's up everybody this is patrick from wp builder helper and in today's video i wanted to talk about page builders unique features i wanted to take a deep dive because i always see people comparing and contrasting the difference between is elementor better is divvy better is this better you know they always want to know the differences between them so in today's video i i decided to do a challenge i wanted to take and i thought about it for a while and i'm like no one i've ever seen has ever done this i'm going to take it i'm going to put this together this spreadsheet i'm going to let you access it i'm going to give you the link at the bottom of the description of this video i'm sorry normally i would also have my camera on but as it turns out i'm doing some construction in this room i'm not sure if you saw the last video but i had a blue table in the background i've been building a desk and putting that together but that's neither here nor there and you're not worried about that you're here for page builder features so the point of this video was to take and go and do a deep dive into page builder features what does diffie do what does divi have that's different than elementor what does elementor have that's different from brizzy what does brizzy have that's different from oxygen what does oxygen have that's different from live canvas i took these kind of five builders and it's because it's the five builders i have access to they're not any specific reason that i took these builders i don't have thrive themes or beaver builder so i couldn't test them to tell the difference but i wanted to take a look at them all and really kind of think about them and i'm going to update this list too so as people watch this video and probably say hey you missed this feature you want to include it i'll update this so you'll always have the new features and as this goes on and page builders continue to take and have new additional features i'll take and i'll add to this list and i'll try and keep it organized and everything like that you'll only be able to view it but you can copy it if you want the data or if you're just interested in it uh as you can see i've got the feature name i've got the page builder name i've got the uniqueness of the um the actual feature which is just basically saying is it unique or not and then the rating um and from there we'll go and we'll figure out the rest so from there we'll go and we'll try and you know dive into these the rating is really subjective to me so you can kind of leave that part out if you want so is uniqueness in some ways because they're all going to have something that's unique or not but i wanted to mention it so let's start off with the core common things that each of these themes have and i have different pages up and i wanted to take a look at all of them the first one i have up is actually a brizzy page and i think one of the things that's becoming common with most page builder is headers and footers headers and footer builders are in almost all of these as a matter of fact they're in divi they're definitely in elementor they're divvy's added them um live canvas has them and oxygen has them so every single one of these have have headers and footers so let's include that headers and footers footers and we'll say all uniqueness basically like a zero we'll give it a rating of well we'll give it a rating of five because it's a theme builder but essentially they all have the same thing because i think it's unique gutenberg doesn't have it yet so if i were to include gutenberg in this it does it doesn't have full theme function capability um another thing we can kind of deep dive into that i'm thinking of right now is woocommerce capability so if i'm thinking about the way that this works brizzy has definitely got some woocommerce functionality built in elementor's got some woocommerce functionality built in i believe their woocommerce is um i believe their woocommerce is a little bit better because they've got some some different things that you can you can plug into it so there's is you know it's it's interesting it's it's a little bit better they've got some some better woocommerce elements as i remember just going back off of memory so i'm not going to go through each and every element because if i go through each and every element we're literally going to be here forever the point was to kind of do a deep dive and then afterwards what i'm going to do is i'm going to go over every single page builder that's on this list and i'm going to point out each and every feature that i think is the most interesting feature of all these page builders all of them each one that i think is unique and they all have one unique feature that i think is really cool so if we're taking and we're looking at this and we're trying to figure it out i mean they all have woocommerce to some degree live canvas really doesn't live canvas doesn't have a woocommerce builder oxygen has a full woocommerce builder divi's got some woocommerce functionality but it's not as good as oxygen it's definitely not as good as elementor so if i had to take and i had to go in here i would say that um elementor and oxygen have the top woocommerce it's not unique there's nothing unique so let's let's just say is it unique no it's not unique uh we'll just say that this is a yes or no and i would give their rating a five and if i had to give brizzy brizzy definitely brizzy and um and divi are probably more around like a a three because you can get full you can edit full entire pages with both um oxygen and woocommerce and um elementor you can go in and you can you can literally just go to each of these pages and edit them whenever you're messing with oxygen like if you have any kind of uh woocommerce thing that you're adding to it like if you're just adding a store you can go in and you can literally drop woocommerce elements on a page and i think that's really cool and you can do the same thing with elementor if i'm not mistaken there's definitely things you can do so like if you go in here i don't have the woocommerce active but it'll actually add it down here it'll say woocommerce elements and you can go in here and you can drop it so i think that that's pretty cool brizzy is getting there it's as a matter of fact i think one of their newer updates that's coming out soon is going to have it so brizzy's definitely going to have it it's going to get up to a 5. i don't know what's going on with divi i think divi at some point um they worked in some woocommerce features but it's still not as customizable as elementor as oxygen so to me and brizzy may even be more of a four rather than a three i think it's more of a three to me remember that rating subjective so please do not take that as a standard this is just me thinking aloud uh another feature that we're starting to notice is pop-ups so funny thing enough is live canvas has pop-ups if i'm not mistaken if we go to live canvas see it has a modal window brizzy has pop-ups by inserting it into links so if you click on a link and then you go to let me find a link and there is a way and i've been playing with all these builders so you have to forgive me but there's a way that you can go in and set it i guess because this is a menu item oh because it's a menu item it won't let me set it as a pop-up so typically you have to go into this section and then you can set it as a pop-up and you go into here and they've also got a full site pop-ups which is really cool which means you don't even have to click on anything you'll just pop up and do it so brizzy's got full pop-ups live canvas has got full pop-ups elementor definitely has pop-ups you can take and you can go in the back end in elementor it's got some pop-up functionality divi's got pop-up functionality but it's got it from a let's choose a layout just just so y'all can look at something it's got it from a plug-in that i don't really care for divi's got this you know this this plug-in that it's been using for a while and and you know i guess it's oh it won't let me because it's i haven't i haven't put my stuff on it sorry so you'll just have to look at this ugly page for now because i'm not i'm not actually doing that but uh divi's got pop-ups but it's through another thing divi is definitely pop-up wise they're definitely the weakest link of the pop-ups because even oxygen's got modal windows and so does every single one of these yeah every single one of these have it and see in this case i really think that if i were to judge these i don't know a lot about live canvases pop-up builder i don't know what you know i don't know what makes live canvas i don't know how well their pop-up builder works but just for for features sake i think that we can say that basically they all have some kind of pop-ups there's nothing unique about it and i would give it a rating of five in terms of its usefulness because once again i think pop-ups and stuff like that is totally useful um so let's let's keep going down the list of features so what's something elementor has got uh elementor their newest elementor 3.0 which is about to launch very very soon is going to have some unique functionality which is already kind of built in but it's going to have something similar to brizzy which brizzy already has which is this panel right here although brizzy doesn't let you customize it but it's like a theme panel so basically what you can do is if you had a website and you wanted to go in and change the color you can literally just select this and and in the future brazilian will allow you to customize this but it's like a theme setup and oxygen also has that same thing if we go into settings and you've got global styles you've got color here font heading and oxygen even goes a little bit deeper oxygen's got some animate on scroll it's got width and break points it's got links i mean it literally lets you go in and customize everything so you can build like a almost like a basic level oxygen site or a basic level set of design sets like say you like a certain width um maybe you like 75 pixels top and bottom you can set that an oxygen is almost like a default for every single site and then you can go in and you can change the colors and as you can see in atomic you can set as many colors as you want i think that this is really cool and the way they do it is really cool they have these ids i don't think brizzy's got anything like that and elementor has got something similar they've got default colors but this is going to be getting expanded in elementor 3.0 um live canvas to my knowledge doesn't have anything like that yeah there's nothing in here that lets you customize the live canvas experience because everything is done through css you know which is fine i mean that's part of the the um the charm of live canvas but you know now that people are starting to see it's like i've said before one of the whole things of this feature and one of the reasons why i'm sitting down and doing this with you today is to point out those things that maybe are in other places but they're not in this i don't even know if divi's got it now that i think about it they've got to have it they've got to have some basic functionality built in because divi allows you to customize almost everything imaginable under the sun but to to be quite honest with you i think it does i've seen it before i don't know where it's at but they definitely have something that allows you to go in and customize oh preset from from current style create a preset no assigned to default i think that's it if i'm not mistaken that's it you can set up these presets and the presets go a step farther with divi they actually allow you to customize modules so let's say you're working with a module and you have a bunch of settings that you go in with backgrounds and things like that and visibility and transitions you can just set that and you can be done so they all have that in some ways so i guess if we were to take and give them so let's say um let's say uh theme uh options i guess you would call this or theme theme customization let's call it that so they all have it none of it's unique and i think it's a five i think it's needed um well i'll lie they don't all have it so elementor has this oxygen has this rizzy has this and who am i missing and divvy also has it divi has it so the one who is missing if i had to to say something would be uh live canvas live canvas does not have this it's not unique and they have uh you know there's there's no theme customization which is unfortunate so actually that should be a zero because there is no rating you don't have it it's missing so live canvas doesn't have that so that kind of that's that's a place where it's like it sucks that they don't have theme customizing but i'm sure maybe in the future we'll see that coming so then we think what other things do we have so we have animations and i know for certain elementor has animations i know for certain oxygen has in the animations i know brizzy has animations i know divi has animations as a matter of fact if i am not mistaken live canvas also has some animations because you can go in and you can set something i mean obviously live canvas has got some things but you can set something there is a way that you can go in and you can customize let me add another section just to play with it one column and we'll say there's something in here i know for certain there is a way to add some animations to this because i've seen it you can you can go in and you can add animations to it it's got the ability to do it because it talks about it on the the actual website i just don't remember exactly where it's at so i'm not going to fault them for that that's my fault for not knowing better but you can add there's definitely some animations that you can go into and you can kind of add in oh here it is animation type so you can have some fade fade up fade down so there we go they've got animations too so that's pretty cool so animations everybody's got that even live canvas so see in the once again the point of this is is it unique no is it a five i think it is i think you need to have live animation i think you need to have animations animations are pretty important um because people are making things nowadays and they're adding animations to pages and i just think it's something that you need to have you have to have animations because people want them i would say that i think that ox well i think elementor's animations are much better than most because i think their animations allow all kinds of crazy stuff like you can really do some some crazy stuff with their animations like it's really crazy it's got some say scroll effects so you've got vertical scroll horizontal scroll transparency blur rotate scale you can't do that yet with um with brizzy their animations are kind of limited you could do it with css you could do with css with any kind of builder but the whole point is some of these builders make it much easier elementor definitely makes it easy and i know divi is also another builder where if you want animations and you just add something you know crazy like you add in this you can go in here and you can every single one of these it's in the transition you can change positions of it you can do so much with this stuff their animations they just they have a lot of stuff that you can do ease in ease out i mean just different types of animations that you can do with these builders so you know they all have it so that's that's pretty standard now um trying to think of what else they have that's interesting um they all support mobile but i wouldn't even consider that a feature because you got you kind of have to support mobile they all at some point have some way of reordering blocks i would say i think elementor i don't remember if elemento oh yes elementor copied they copied oxygen so they all have a like a like i guess you would call it a dom tree essentially um i know that oxygen has it i know brizzy has it i don't know if divi has it i think divvy has some weird thing where in order to go and look at your tree or see yeah you gotta kind of go in this and you can kind of change things like if i added a new block or something like a new section see you can go in here and then you can flip it and you can even do it in the other way you don't have to go you don't have to choose this method you can kind of do it like this but i find it a little um finicky i guess it's i don't know it's never been my favorite i really like the tree method a lot better in elementor or oxygen which i think oxygen if we're just being honest had it first they were the ones to me that that had the first uh beginning stages of this kind of dom tree setup where you could go in and you could literally look at the the structure of your content you know click expand all and you can see everything that's been built with this and i and i thought that that was really cool and also thought that that was really important i'm not sure why it's why it's not expanded but generally you would see this is a heading this is a button this is this this is that so it's just one of those things so i think they all pretty much have it i don't know does live canvas allow you to move sections i think it does but yeah it's got this mover it's a move down or up feature which is a little bit finicky so to me if i'm giving you if i'm giving them points is it unique no is it important yes i think a lot of canvas and i think divi are the weaker of the two i think i would have to give them like a three because i think the way these three builders do it it's just much better it's just it's just a much better method for taking and moving things around uh on the builders so here's here's another thing mega menus um do we have mega menus and i don't i would be wrong if i said that elementor doesn't but i don't think it does i don't think elementor has mega menus let me search real quick because i don't remember elementor mega menu see i see plugins coming up yeah creating a mega menu i see plot yeah see they don't have mega menu so elementor's got about a bunch of plugins that are kind of like basically ad functionality brizzy's just added this built in where you can literally click something and you can go in here and you can say a mega menu and as you can see right here they've added it to it oxygen also has mega menus although their mega menus work a little bit differently because you're not doing stuff with headers and footers you're you're going in there and you can literally with oxygen you can almost design anything this i know does not have mega menus yet it's very limited so let's put that down some mega menu so brizzy and oxygen have mega menus built in which is pretty cool and it's not you know what this uniqueness tab this is so so pointless it well it won't be pointless towards the end i think mega menus are cool i think i'd like to see it more built into some of the other builders i know live canvas doesn't have it does divvy have mega menus i can't remember does divi have mega menus i can't remember if divi has mega menus i don't think it does see diving mega elijah create mega menu so it doesn't have it either granted i will say because divi has fixed positioning and stuff like that you can create mega menus with divi it's not they have a plugin that does it but you can create mega menus so you can there's ways you can do it but there's a lot of other plugins that do it and to me that's that's a that's something that i'm not a big fan of i don't like oh you see wait divi includes built-in mega menu okay so you can do a mega menu with divi i thought you could i couldn't remember if you could but there's also plug-ins to do it maybe they do it better with divi why why would you have a plug-in if divi already has mega menus that seems rather weird there must be some limitation to this that's maybe not as easy so divvy does have mega menus so if we go on there we're going to have to add divi to this list because obviously they do have it elementor doesn't have it although elementor once again you could add mega menus to it and live canvas you can do it but you'd have to do it with css and elementor's got some things where you could do some absolute positioning and add mega menus but we're looking at just having a function of mega menus so in this case both of those don't have it so we give them a zero because you can't you can do it with css editing css this is one thing almost every single one of these let's say yeah let's just say editing css they pretty much all have this you can you can they can all edit css which is very important i definitely think the way um the way live canvas does it i would say is a little bit better because they've got the ability you can you can literally with a page you can go in and you can look at you can look at the actual code of a page and edit it which is just it's really cool it's one of the coolest things i mean even well i guess even oxygen has it but if we go here and we look at this they've got you know options here and you can literally look at the html and you could go in here and if i wanted to change something i could change this to you know edit a page so that's neat that that's something unique and you've even got some css here so if you wanted to add some css to this you could add some custom css and this is one thing that's baked in that i screwed up when i first did my first review of oxygen i mean a lot of canvas but it's an important thing oxygen also has the ability to do this you can go into certain pages so let's get out of this let's get out of structure and let's let's go back to the admin section and let's go to edit with oxygen it should allow me to edit this i'm not sure why it wasn't allowing me to click on it probably something i was doing wrong or no it's just a generic i guess it's a blank page but if you go in here and you drop like some some text i keep thinking you can drag but you can't you can go in here into advanced and you can edit c css and you can change the total css of this if you want to you can go in and add css styles if you want to make gradient text you can make gradient text although oxygen already allows you to do that without css which i think is cool and it's even got some javascript and uh if i'm not mistaken i think there's some places that you can play with like php and stuff like that like you can go in certain elements like i think the helper elements if we were to go into certain things you can actually mess like with the easy post you can mess with the the actual styles of these which includes some some crazy stuff like you can go in and you can play with literally the custom css of it i mean it's just really cool and they've all got this ability brizzy has it too so if you want to mess with something i think you go into the advanced options similar yeah and here's your custom css you can add values to it a css class and id so they've all got the ability to do it you know it's something that's pretty common and once again the point of pointing all of this out is because you're trying to see what are the features that are unique so so far all we've mentioned are things that aren't unique they're all things that they basically have they're all things that they're basically doing and they're not unique to any of them so now we start looking into what's unique and i'm not going to share everything that's unique but i want to go over the things that are the most important to me and what i feel like are the most important parts of each builder there are certain parts of each builder that i'm going to come out and i'm going to add to this list that are not unique but i'm that are unique but i'm not going to go over them as deeply so if we go into what makes brizzy unique one of the things i think you would need to talk about is the fact that brizzy added on this service called brizzy cloud and essentially what brizzy cloud is is it is a service where you can take and sync your pages to the cloud and so regardless of how you build your site you can have your pages stored in the backend so let's say we come to a page let's say i want this page to look completely different i'm going to clear the layout completely so we're going to wipe it we're going to start fresh we're going to go in here and we're going to go to saved and here is my cloud account and it's already synced and you can already see you know some elements that i've saved but they've also got layouts here and i just can't understate how important this is somebody had pointed out that if you had a virus on your site you could literally wipe your site out and as long as it was stored in brizzy cloud you could bring it back with the click of a mouse button those are the type of things that are just really really unique when it comes to brizzy cloud it's just a really really unique feature that you come in here you sync it to the cloud and boom you've got this new you know this this tile here that's saved for you and then you go in in your colors and if you know your colors are all set up you can go in here and you can change the colors of something which it just makes it so easy it's so easy it's just it's beautiful so if we're going into it i have to say that cloud backup for brizzy uh cloud backup is one of the most unique features and it's one of the features that brizzy definitely has that stands out and i give it a five it's awesome brizzy cloud's cloud backup is just amazing and it's only going to get better with time and it's not even to its full potential yet and i think that if you give it longer it's just going to be so cool it's something that i think all the builders really need but i don't know how they would do it brizzy has done it amazingly because you just basically sync between these two and some things that are in the cloud you can kind of look at them like let's say you wanted to work on a site in development you could literally use it as staging and set up the website and then import it into wordpress and just have your your wordpress site ready to go i mean it's just so cool there's so many uses and the potential for it is really just really really huge another thing that i'm going to mention although i'm not going to deep dive into is brizzy has got a unique image editor the image editing for brizzy is just so cool that you can kind of move this however you want to i think divi has something similar in terms of image editing but i'm going to give brizzy in terms of image editing with moving things around their image editor for brizzy is very unique and i also think it's a five i think it's really really cool i think their image editor the way that you can kind of go in here and kind of pick where you want something to be if you pick a corner or whatever you can go in there and you can literally pick which corner you want or whatever i think that's just really really cool it's something that you don't find in every single builder um so it's something that i just think is unique so now that we've dived into that let's dive into elementor elementor has a lot of things to make it unique and it's really hard to choose just one but if i had to give it one i you know and i went and i did two with brizzy because i thought those were the unique elementor has got this finder i gotta say elementor's finder is damn amazing so what the finder does is it basically allows you to sit in elementor and not move out of it that means you don't have to go to the wordpress backend so if i was looking for say something like an about page i can see there's no results found right but if i just click page or if i just type in page you can see here i can add in a new page a new post a new template i can go to the home page i can go to my saves anything that you click in here the finder basically goes in and finds and with it you can do some amazing stuff so to me i am giving the finder on elementor i think it's worth a five it's very unique no other builder has it they deserve credit for this because this thing is really freaking amazing you stay in elementor you don't have to mess with it at all i just think it's really really cool and it's just something that's just so unique to elementor that i just can't i you know i just can't i can't deep dive into it i just think it's really really neat for me um i think it's a good it's a good piece of good piece of tech i like it divi if we have to go into features with divi divi divi's feature and it's you're gonna say it's not unique but it is unique divi was one of the first builders to allow you to literally go in and customize everything about the builder so this one's gonna sound a bit weird but it's the true you can go from wireframe to this divi has got so many different options of things that you can remove if you don't want something in there you can remove it from the toolbar you can go to desktop view tablet view divi allows you so many customization options for not just the builder but inside of the builder itself that every single piece of anything header uh footer images you know they all have border controls they all have animations they all have you know this control that control i mean just across the board it's got everything there's so many options in divi that it's almost ridiculous because you get to the point where when you click on something inside of divi and you go to add it and you add a new row and you go to add an option you can see here there's a search bar on everything there's a reason for that because there are so many freaking options in here that you've got filters for search bars that's nuts that is crazy divi has got the settings down pat so for me if i'm going to talk about options i think divi wins in that regard divi has just got i don't think it's unique but i think that their settings feature is just amazing they've got so many settings that it's just unbelievable to me the options in the builder and let's do this let's say the builder slash the um widgets let's call them widgets the builder and the widgets is just amazing i don't even think elementor who is like the champion king has as many options as divi divi just has everything if there's something that divvy doesn't have like a like a something that you you need something on it's in there an element towards getting there but there are certain limitations to things that you just don't have like basically everything in divi i believe can have animations have gradients have have just anything that you can think of that's just absolutely insane let me dive into oxygen oxygen has some unique features too but a lot of what we've seen on this list you can already see has already been copied or taken like i definitely think oxygen had one of the first dom trees although brizzy kind of had a dom tree too that i thought was kind of unique although oxygen is a little more bit more traditional oxygen's had some pop-ups they've always had theme customizations but i really think we're oxygen if i'm being honest and i don't have it installed um so i think we're oxygen strength wise and some people are not gonna they're just not gonna agree with me for this but i think it's in their woocommerce builder and it's also in it well damn oxygen's just got a lot that it's got going for it um god i mean it's hard to choose one thing if i had to choose something though i i'll you know what i'm going to give oxygen there's i'm going to give it two features too this is really not a fair scenario but i'm going to give it two features speed in terms of the fastest page builder there is no way although live canvas comes close live canvas is probably very very fast also because there's almost nothing that gets is i mean it's just basically pure html and css but oxygen has the speed feature down that is one it really is one of the faster page builders on the market and i don't think it's unique but i still think it's a five for me because it's just the raw output of the page builder is just really really amazing and i think their speed's good and if i had to give them another thing that i think that they do well i also think we've kind of talked about woocommerce but one thing we haven't talked about is gutenberg gutenberg's important ladies and gentlemen if you don't know right now today gutenberg is the next wave of what is going to come out of uh wordpress and whether you like it or not some of these things play with gutenberg and some of them don't so for me elementor plays with gutenberg well oxygen plays with good work well as a matter of fact i think oxygen does gutenberg better than elementor does gutenberg their their ability to go in and actually use like a client mode where a client can edit gutenberg blocks is even better although sometimes it's finicky it does need some help there were some people who said that oxygen you know it's it's not there with gutenberg just yet but it is cool because a client can literally go in and change text and change this and add some add some things to it and it doesn't mess up your whole entire layout and i think that that's really really cool so for me i'm gonna say that you know gutenberg is definitely a unique feature brizzy handles dynamic stuff but it doesn't handle it as well you can't use gutenberg content in your website and live canvas is similar i think it has maybe a gutenberg it has some gutenberg um some features i think that i would say like there's some things that you can go in here and you can you can add um you can add some elements to here like some some wordpress integration like git post and stuff like that but i think that you know gutenberg is an important thing i'm not sure how well divi handles gutenberg to be quite honest with you i don't ever remember seeing a gutenberg i don't ever remember seeing a gutenberg type divi has dynamic content it's definitely there you can go in and dynamically add text right here see but it it's it's more or less you're just literally adding it page by page by page which is kind of annoying i mean it's kind of cool that you can go in and you can do it but i don't think it plays with gutenberg as well as those two i'm giving it to oxygen and i'm giving it to elementor i think that they have the gutenberg and i do think it's unique because very few people play with gutenberg knights and i'm giving it a five and i think oxygen if i had to oxygen they're both fives but i think oxygen does a little bit better than elementor elementor is getting there but it's not there yet but that's going to be very important because gutenberg is the next wave of big things to come from wordpress and if you're not familiar with it even if you don't like it it's going to be the builder for wordpress by default so eventually one day we are going to have gutenberg an oxygen element or kind of already ahead of the curve i'm sure brizzy and some of the other ones are going to be coming up but they just haven't gotten there yet live canvas has got some unique feat features too so we kind of talked about live canvas and live canvas is maybe a builder you've never heard of or maybe it's just brand new to you because it's not something that a lot of people know about but live canvas allows you to do some crazy stuff with with uh bootstrap and if you're not familiar with bootstrap then i would suggest you take and go spend some time learning about it but it's basically like a framework essentially and it's this really good framework and live canvas has got the unique ability of going to a page if you go to a page like say i have a page open here and i want to copy this element you can literally go in uh chrome and if you are if you know what you're looking at like as you you can see i'm hovering over these i can go in and i can click these and then i can click to copy an element and if i go in live canvas and i say that i want to let's say i want to open up a sections tab i can create a new section in here and i can say here's a section let's call it you know website copy and you can copy the css click publish and now that i'm seeing i see gutenberg blocks in here too i'm gonna have to do some more research i'm sorry live canvas you may very well play with gutenberg better than i know so i will go back in and edit that if that's the case i'm very very sorry so please correct me if i'm missing something somebody's like hey i use live canvas and it can do this and that go in and correct me let me know because once again i try to use all these builders but i don't always know but if you go into your html sections you can click this website copy bam that's cool that's neat that you can go to a page and literally grab a section of the page and copy it that is unique i've never seen anything like that and if they had other websites that could do that it would make developing so much faster you i literally did you just see what i did i went to this page which is a bootstrap page to be fair and i copied it so if i go to features let's try it again just to just so i can show you it may not work because i think this is just a demo it is just a demo but let me see let's go back let me see if i can find some more examples so let's go in i was looking for a you know just a page that looked pretty just something i could basically copy so if i go here and i go inspect i can look through this body class and i can literally find something that i like so maybe i just like this and we can click copy the element and we go back in live canvas and we'll go to open up sections and we'll go to full website copy and we will copy that into this section click publish we'll go back into the pages we'll go back into home edit with live canvas and we're going to add a new section html section full website copy and look at that i've just copied this and it's not it you know it doesn't have this obviously because that's a different you know a different part of it or i just missed it or whatever the case is but how cool is that if more websites had the ability to go in and copy this kind of crap oh it would just make him building websites so easy so i'm giving live canvas website copy even though it's got to be a bootstrap i still think the usefulness of that is just a five just hands down hands down i think it's a five it's so unique it's so cool that you can go in and just copy stuff like that so i hope you've enjoyed this video i know it's it's it's airing on a little bit too long but the whole point was to go into a deep dive of this and i'm sure it's not all so i'm going to go in and i'm going to add to this and i'm going to add features as i find them and as i find them i'm going to add it to this and i'm going to share the link down below if you want a copy of it or if you want to make comments i don't remember if i added comments but i'll allow people to make comments on it so that they can you know they can tell me hey you're wrong here you're missing the fact that this editor can do this i'm sure it's not 100 because i don't know every editor like the back of my hand the point was to take you on a walk through the editors give you a basic overview so if you're someone new who's just getting started in web development or you're just getting started websites and you're saying hey what's the difference between all these different page builders you can come to this you can say okay i want mega menus and brizzy and oxygen you know they have the mega menus i want but elementor and live canvas don't really have it yet okay well that makes a difference to you doesn't it because if you don't want to buy another plugin then it would be good to have the mega menu built in you know but then you have to weigh your options what's the difference between all these what you know you can see a lot of them have animations they have theme customization they have pop-ups they have headers and footers they have editing css they have all of that so there's little mini differences between them they're actually bigger differences than you would think but really it's the overall feel of the editor and i didn't want to get into that part of it because each editor has a different way some people think oxygen's clunky some people think brizzy has the best ui some people think you know divvy has too many options there's all many mixed feelings but that was all opinion and i didn't want to get into opinion i wanted to get into facts so hopefully this helps you hopefully if you're thinking about one of these editors and you were like oh didn't know the editor could do that now you do and if you're brand new to wp builder helper please click that like button below like and subscribe and i will see you guys next time
Channel: wpbuilderhelper
Views: 2,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elementor, Oxygen, LiveCanvas, WordPress, Page Builders, Brizy, Divi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 37sec (2857 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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