Build Websites Without WordPress - Brizy Cloud Complete Review & Tutorial

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[Music] what's going on everybody it's dave here from profitable tools where i review software to help you grow your business today i'm talking about breezy cloud now breezy cloud actually is an evolution of a wordpress page builder they've taken a page builder and turned it into its own hosted software as a service platform similar to squarespace or wix or webflow where you can actually build your entire website using their service let's go and look at their sales page here this is their website i'm doing this review in february of 2021 they have just released their content management system so you can do blogging now it is in a very very early stages here you're not going to see some extremely advanced features so maybe i'll revisit this again in the future as they update the platform but just to give you an overview of what you're in for i'm going to be doing a very very detailed explanation of breezy cloud we'll be going through each feature i will have a table of contents down below in the description so if you're only looking for feedback or maybe you know i do a review and it's also kind of a tutorial at the same time so if you're trying to figure out how a specific feature works or maybe what i think of a specific feature definitely check the table of contents down below so you don't waste any time with the rest of the video now breezy did not sponsor this video i never accept payments for review videos however i do use affiliate links so if this video is helpful to you and you would like to sign up for breezy cloud i will have a link down below in the description all right without further ado let's get right into the software so you can see here is their pricing as of february 2021 where you can pay 49 for a three hosted domains or you can go up to their unlimited plan which is gonna allow you to do unlimited hosting on limited landing pages unlimited websites for just a hundred bucks a year they do have a free plan too so what i recommend you doing is start off with this free plan it's honestly probably not going to be where you want to stay unless you have very basic requirements you get 50 000 visits a month you do get ssl so you can encrypt it you can actually use this pretty full feature it does have their new blogging feature built in as well but i think most people are probably going to want to move up to the studio plan let's just be honest this is where we get unlimited subaccounts and we get unlimited visits uh you get a global cdn this is really a sweet deal 100 bucks a year for you know the ability to create unlimited websites if you're looking at the competitors it's definitely going to be extremely expensive in comparison so keep that in mind as we're looking at the tool because uh you know it's not fully developed yet that is kind of uh the one downside of breezy is that they're a little bit slow on adding features however when they do add those features they tend to be really well done alright so here i am logged into a fresh breezy cloud account we have two different types of projects we can create we can create websites which are exactly what you think they are but we can also create pop-ups which you can embed in other websites we'll be looking at both inside of this video some other interesting things to note is that we've got personal projects up here that's my kind of default account but you can actually add subaccounts so if you have you know websites that you're building for yourself if you have a client say here's joe's carpet cleaning i could build them a project and everything would be kind of isolated so if we switch over to joe's carpet cleaning you can see that they have their own individual account i could create a website here and now when i switch back over here you can see that joe's carpet cleaning has project number one if i switch back to my personal projects you can see that there's no projects here so what this allows us to do is essentially silo off breezy cloud so that we can have teammates or clients be able to log in and only see their plot projects so you can do that right up here where it says team members and you can invite people to participate in a project so they will only be invited to the project that is currently selected there are some user roles that you might want to know about we've got a viewer which can just simply view the website so maybe before things go live you want people to check things out to give approval we have editors who are able to change the images and text but not the layout of the website designers can do all of that plus change the layout and then managers of course can do anything including delete projects add new projects so on and so forth i am an owner of this account which just lets me change the billing i can do everything a manager can do plus modify the account all right so let's get started throughout this video i'm going to show you all of the features of breezy cloud throughout actually kind of building a quasi website i'm not going to spend a great deal of time on making the website amazing but you'll definitely see all the features so let's go ahead and hit the plus button here to create a new website we'll do that now that the website has been created i can name it if i want to get right into editing the website i'll click right here where it says edit project but i want to show you a couple more features of course we can publish sites which is making them live now you have quite a few options for how you publish your website of course you can use their hosted service which is probably what you're going to want to do in most cases if you grab that unlimited plan so you'll be able to add your own domain name that you buy it you know namecheap or hover or wherever you like to get your domains you just choose this it'll give you the exact the code that you need to put into your domain name registrar so that it points correctly at their servers you can also publish using a subdomain which is essentially just going to have the name now if you are using one of their more limited plans you can actually host the sites yourself so you can use free third-party hosting which i don't necessarily recommend it's just probably not the best quality of service and you can also use server sync which is going to allow you to sync the pages you build in breezy cloud in real time with your server so they just give you a little bit of code here you put that on your site and it keeps everything in sync so that if you make a change over on the editor it will show up on your site i think by far the simplest thing to do is one of their hosted solutions and their hosting is actually fairly fast they are using amazon aws ec2 in combined with you know a cdn and everything so i highly recommend checking out their hosting the last option i didn't mention yet is that you can also export the html files so if you don't care about syncing up this project if it's kind of a one and done type of thing you can export the html files right down here with this download button all right so back up to the triple dots before we actually get into the site builder i do want to show you that you can actually view your leads here which is kind of gives you an indication of maybe the priority of features inside of breezy cloud this is really it started off as a landing page builder with a form you know contact form so if you're using this to run paid traffic to you'd be able to have people fill out a contact form of course that can sync up to your email marketing platform but you can also view all of your leads right inside of this dashboard so if you're let's say you're running paid traffic for a gym you'd be able to see everyone who signed up for you know maybe a free training session or something right here on this dashboard and you do have the option to move a project so if you wanted to do something in maybe more of a sandbox environment and then move it over to the client account you'd be able to do that so here's my personal projects if i work this up and i wanted to send it over to a client i could do that by clicking move choose my client sub account here and then hit the move button that whole project would just be moved right over to their account so here it is inside of joe's carpet cleaning now i don't want to actually do that so i'm going to go ahead and move it back all right there we go it's back in my personal projects all right let's go ahead and get started editing this project i'm going to hit edit project right here and the builder opens up the first thing you notice is that it's really fast to load so if you're used to using slower wordpress hosting that might be a real big benefit right out of the gates is that it's very fluid to use breezy i really you know commend them on how well they've made the back end flow one of the first things i like to do when i build out a new website is simply add all the pages so i know kind of you know what's going to happen on the website to do that inside of breezy cloud you'll click up here on this hamburger icon if you hover over it a little tool tip will show you cms so this is where you're adding all of your pages as well as your posts so let's go ahead i've got a home page kind of by default here i'm going to add a few more pages i'll call this the about page give it a description and i can change the permalink over here i can see it's in draft mode which is just fine i'll leave it in draft mode for now all right i'll add a few more pages here all right so i went through and i added four pages to my website of course i got the home page the about page i added a services page as well as a contact us page you can very clearly see the status of these pages as in draft mode because they have this yellow light i like that i do wish they put a little indicator up here to say you know uh status or so i just kind of know what this this light is uh we have the slug that each page has that's gonna be you know the permalink if you're coming from a wordpress background and then we have our actions over here where we can actually delete the page or go ahead and work on it and edit it if you want to change the name of the page that's a little less intuitive in my opinion you click over here which this doesn't actually even look like a hyperlink you know these look like hyperlinks and if i click this you can see it's going to preview the page we can edit it over here but to change kind of the the seo backend right so what is the page title what is going to be the meta description that's right here and the permalink that's all done by clicking right over here maybe a little pencil icon or something would just make it more clear that i can actually click this to edit it so this section over here which i refer to before is the cms section they also label it as assets and what they mean by that is this is a place where all of your pages your blog posts and your pop-ups are going to live you also have your project settings down here below so if i click on this gear icon i can create a menu which is going to be important to any website of course and then you can also go into the project settings where this is important because it's going to be the place where you change your open graph information so if i'm sharing a post on social media now blog posts are going to be a little bit different but if i'm sharing a page on social media i'll set up kind of a default social sharing for the entire website right here blog posts like i said are different so don't worry about that if you're sharing your content it will display a little bit differently so i could uh create a status message which is really just like the page title or the headline that'll show up uh when you share on social media we can have a description of the page which would be you know the little um excerpt that shows beneath the headline and then we can have a default image show up here so you have your company logo or maybe a nice social media you know proportioned usually it's about uh 630 pixels by 1200 pixels is where you want to go for your social sharing uh sizes so go ahead and get all of that stuff loaded up as you're building your website so that when you go to share pages later on social media or better yet your customers share pages it looks really good when they post it into facebook or or twitter or something like that so i kind of skipped over this earlier but this is an equally important section site settings is going to be what google and other search engines are going to pull in information so that they know what your website is all about we've got a site title a site description that's going to be again the headline and the meta description if we're talking seo and you can also upload your favicon right here that's going to be the little icon that shows up next to the tab uh so if you're looking at your multiple tabs open you see a little icon that is called a favicon you will definitely want to upload an image there alright so i just went ahead and added in the site settings and social sharing information for the site i'm about to build a couple more settings here we can check out custom css you can inject css that you want to be live throughout your entire website right here we do have code injection in both the header and the footer so this would be a good place to set up your analytics plugins your facebook pixels uh so on and so forth and the last section is redirects which is going to be very important if you're migrating from another platform like wordpress or squarespace so the idea here will be that you type in any urls that used to exist on your old website that no longer exist or even if you delete a page it's not a bad idea to go ahead and add a redirect so the way this works is you would simply type in the old urls let's say it was products and maybe i've changed that over to say products and services i'll leave a space and i'll say products dash services now if anyone visits my url that tries to go to products they'll be redirected to this new page right here i'd simply want to make sure that this url matches up with one of the slugs that i created over in the pages section for now that's not necessary so i'm just going to delete this hit save changes and let's start building this website a great place to start is to make sure that your menu is in order now you can see that none of the pages that i've created thus far are available to add to the menu and i haven't actually made a menu yet so what i need to do is publish those pages because no traffic is going to this website i am fine with doing that ahead of time so let's quickly go through each one of these pages and change it to publish mode all right great i've got all of my pages published now you can see it's got a green light here if i go back to my project settings i'm going to see over the left-hand sidebar here all of the pages that i have created are available to be added to a menu so let's go ahead and add a menu i'll call this primary menu and now i can select my menu and add pages to it so i'm just going to add every page here and hit add to menu now i can rearrange these items so for example i want home on top uh maybe contact us at the bottom now you can do nested pages similar to what you're used to if you use wordpress where you simply just grab an item and then kind of slide it in now i've noticed that it's a little bit buggy in terms of the user interface so like if i want to nest services under about what i really need to do to get this to work reliably is go under blog first and then if i come back to about and i kind of start off over on the side you'll see there now it works so you kind of have to do this little back and forth not the most elegant solution hopefully they can fix that little ui glitch so there we go now i have about nested under services so i'd see a little disclosure triangle and i would have a sub menu when i actually view the menu i'm going to go ahead and leave it this way for now just so we can see what it looks like as i add the menu to our website if you have pages hosted outside of breezy or even if you want to create an anchor link to be able to link to a specific section inside of a page you can do that with the custom link right over here you simply check the box hit add to menu and you'll see that item show up over here in the menu to go ahead and configure this simply hit the little gear icon and you can give the link a name now i have noticed that you do need to be very careful when clicking this again another small ui glitch if i click just outside of this box let's say right here it's going to move the entire section and you can see where it's actually moving everything in terms of the services the blog and the contacts page are getting moved around and i can actually reorganize my menu uh accidentally doing this so be very careful where you click again a small ui bug i hope they can fix easily but simply click on the gear icon and then make sure you click right inside of the menu and even sometimes when i click right there and i drag it'll still kind of move the icon around so let's go ahead and type a new page here i'll just call this external site and i'll link up to let's say now it's always good practice when you have an external page to have that open up in a new tab so i'm going to go ahead and check that box as well if you want to change the title of any of the pages you can always click that little gear icon you'll be able to change the navigation label and also add a description if you didn't do so when you set up the page all right i'm going to go ahead and hit save changes and we are finally ready to start designing our website i'm going to go ahead and start with the home page we'll click on the editor right over here and you can see i've got a completely blank canvas now don't worry because one of the things that breezy does really well is they've got some beautiful designs to help you get started now the development of every website in my opinion should probably start off with a header and a footer so before you get to the point where you're actually doing the development meaning using the page builder you should have already at least have a wireframe sketched out so that you know what you're trying to build and it's not just kind of happenstance so i always like to start off with a header and a footer and i'd like to demonstrate for you how breezy handles that because there's a lot of good things about how breezy handles headers and footers but some things i think would need to see a little bit of evolution before i could rely on this as a full-time page builder to build out say hundreds of sites for clients so we do have some nice presets for headers here as well as footers uh you can see they look uh maybe you can't see because the previews are a little bit small but they're very very you know stylish and well thought out we've got a generic logo with our menu bar off to the side let's go ahead and i'm just going to choose this first one because i think that's kind of the most common type of menu bar and you can see right here it says select a menu from the elements option i don't know if i'm using this wrong but whenever i've built a header using breezy i do notice that this never works for me you think you click this and then you'd be able to select our menu but i can't do that so what i end up doing is hitting this plus button over here and i add an element now we're skipping ahead a little bit here because i do want you to understand the hierarchy of how breezy manages websites but i'll just show you that i can add the menu element right here and it'll drop below and then i don't need this i can simply right click on this element and delete it again i don't know if that's a bug or not but that's just kind of how things function so i mentioned that i was skipping ahead a little bit so i want to just backtrack and help you understand the hierarchy of how breezy builds web pages so this section up here is an example of what breezy calls a block this is a particular kind of block known as a header block we can have other blocks let's go ahead and add another one right here let's say i want to add a hero section that typically comes after the header right i've got some preset designs of course i can always start from scratch i can always build my own i don't have to rely on any of these designs it's just nice for making a youtube video so you can see a nice website come together pretty quickly all right so here is another block you can see this has block settings this has block settings the block settings will be particular to the type of block you have so for example when i go over to this first icon over here this is where i can change the header or the menu section to be either fixed static or sticky i'm going to set it to fixed for this website we'll play with having it static maybe a little bit later just to see how that works but another important setting is the global section right here so for something like a header it's very important to have a global header that you can have throughout your entire website so i'm going to go ahead and turn this on as global what that'll allow me to do is display this page automatically excuse me display this block automatically on every page that i create now just setting it as global is not everything i need to do i do have to go back up to the block settings click on it again and then go to display conditions i think it would be nice if they just automatically took me into this screen after i made it global but that's not how things work right now so i can have this header display on particular pages so right now it's only showing up on the home page but i could change this to be on any other page i could simply add another one right here say have it show up on the about us page but maybe have a different header for the services or the different header for the contacts page more than likely what you're going to want to do is simply have it show up on all pages that's probably what most websites do you might turn off your your menu if you're running pages to like a landing page in which case you'd have to you know change the display condition to be an exclude for that particular landing page so right now i'm going to leave this header on all pages and hit save so of course i'm not done building this homepage but i do want to demonstrate for you what we just did with the global header so what i'm going to do is actually update this page to save it and now i'm going to head back over to the cms section i'm going to click over on pages and i'm going to open up let's say the services page let's hit edit here and now i can see that i do have my header at the top of the services page so by making it global i'm no longer starting off with a completely blank canvas but i've got my menu to start with so here's my services page i haven't done any editing to this but because i made this header section global it'll automatically show off i'm no longer starting with a completely blank canvas i'm probably going to want to do this for a footer as well so let me do that quick we'll add a new block go down to footers i'll choose one that looks good of course i'd want to edit it to have links relevant to my actual website but for now i'm good with their template i'll click on the icon over here and once again make it global come back over to the icon and change the display conditions i'll display this on all pages click save update my page now let's head back over to the home page and we should see that footer show up below our hero section so here is my footer unfortunately it didn't land in the right position so this is an example of how breezy doesn't really have it quite there yet in terms of user experience or user expectation by setting this as a global footer i would expect it to always be at the very bottom of the page however they put it in between another block so here's my hero section i've got a header a footer and then a hero section so what i'm actually going to need to do is rearrange this no fear it's not that hard to do i'll click over here where i can see this little rectangle i'll click on this and i can see all of the blocks on this page i can simply drag it and drop it and now everything is in the right order i really like this reorder block section the little snapshot it gives you of your website makes it really intuitive to know which section you're moving around in terms of the actual editor i think it's a really beautiful experience some of my favorite features include the ability to change the margins by just clicking and dragging so you can see this started off with a 150 pixel margin and i'm just moving it around by clicking and moving my mouse up and down really really a nice feature it works for the bottom margins as well so you can see there's quite a big margin here to display the background image adding background images is over in the block settings so click on that little icon you can see right here is the background image i can remove this if i want i could make it dynamic so i could have it be the featured image now this is really going to come into play more for blog posts than it is for individual pages but i think what breezy is doing is setting the stage here for their future development where they'll have custom fields and you can do more of a true dynamic website building experience for backgrounds of course i can have images as we see here i could also add a video or even a map if i wanted to have a certain location show up now right now it's very hard to read this map because it's actually you know kind of looks like an apple map very or google map very very vibrant and what i can do to make this a little bit more viewable is simply add a filter so so maybe i'll change the brightness lower that down can increase the contrast or decrease the contrast and even change the color temperature if i wanted to have the background change when i hovered over it i can simply click on this little icon right here and i can have different effects applied so maybe i want things to kind of go back to more of a normal look when i hover and now if i toggle back i can see here this looks more normal and if i hover away you can see the difference right this is completely unusable in my current incarnation but you might be able to get some ideas on how you can be creative with these types of settings you'll see this feature a lot throughout the breezy editor where you have your normal state and then you have your hover state simply toggled with these two icons i think it's a really slick way to do things for now i'm going to switch back to the default image that it gave us and reset these filters while we're talking about backgrounds you should know that you can also add an overlay so if you're familiar with the concept of overlays from other page builders it's the same idea here it's simply adding an extra layer like in photoshop over the top of another image so on this next icon over and i can go ahead and let's say add a nice dark overlay change the transparency and that just kind of makes the text pop a little bit now this is still gray text so i'd probably change the color of that but you get the idea for how overlays work inside of breezy very simple to use once again you do have hover colors here so that if you wanted to have a different overlay on hover you'd be able to do that i don't necessarily recommend that but the option is there we can also add borders to our sections right here i'm going to add a blue border you can see that show up i can choose between a solid line a dashed line or a dotted line and it changes the size here as well i think that looks pretty bad so let's go ahead and turn it off let's finish up with our block settings we did skip over this first one it is very similar to what we saw in the header section but this is simply just a plain block it's not a header block so it obviously doesn't have the option to make it sticky you can make it global so what this will allow you to do is maybe you have a contact form you want to show up on a lot of different pages on your website simply make this global and then you can have that one contact form automatically take on any changes that you make throughout your website a super cool feature that i'm not seeing replicated in any other page builders is this simple toggle to make things a section so if i turn this on you can see that i have a little slider right here where i can go ahead and edit this to be completely independent so i updated the headline here let's go ahead and just modify the background of course i could upload a new image if i want i didn't mention before but with background images you can kind of slide things around this is a really cool feature so let's say i want to highlight more of this ipad i can just simply select it in the little image selector here and now if i look at my different slides i can see that this one says we craft super mobile apps and if i scroll over this one says your app our coders done for you and the focus of the background is a little bit different so you have a completely different section here full slider capability if you want to add another slide simply go back up to the settings right here and duplicate the existing slide and you can see that added in another tab right here the one downside i see to this setup is that there's no way to reorder the slides so if i wanted to uh you know maybe make this last one show up first i'd have to simply duplicate and remove uh slides enough times there's a garbage can right here where i can you know remove the slides it's just kind of a fuzzy way to move things around so just adding a little kind of drag and drop feature like they have for their blocks i think would go a long way with the sliders as far as the experience of actually editing the content on your pages it couldn't be easier i really enjoy the inline editing experience of breezy everything is super fast for example if i wanted to swap out this image with my own i'll simply click on it go over to the little picture icon over here this is the logo i guess this is a little hard to see because it's you know got a black background and it's black text but i can remove it right here by clicking the x and then simply upload my own logo and now the logo is updated because this is a global section it'll upload on every single page throughout the website you can see i have the same image options that i saw in the background selector where i can change the focal point with this little selector i can move it around of course for my logo i want it to be nice and centered i can change the zoom i could have the image open in a light box if i wanted to it doesn't make a lot of sense here for a logo and i can also apply filters let's say i wanted this to be you know maybe more of a black and white thing i can change the contrast and there we go i've got a black version of my logo all right change that back to default now let's take a look at editing headlines again a nice inline experience i can simply click and type my new headline in i can align things so if i wanted things to be center aligned or right aligned it's simply a toggle so i don't have a selector i have to click things multiple times that could be good or bad depending on your expectations we can change things into lists right over here so this is the plain text mode here is a numbered list and then here is a bulleted list change it back to plain text we can bold items we can italicize them you can see it's only affecting the selected text as i do so and we can also underline items if i wanted to underline the whole thing i could simply select the entire thing i can change any text into a hyperlink by simply selecting it choosing the link setting here and then adding in my own link once again we have the option for a new tab or a no follow link and if you didn't start from a template adding in these elements is super easy we'll go over here to the little plus icon and you'll see probably a fairly familiar experience if you've ever built any other website before you'll see something kind of similar to this in any page builder or we can do something like a text element right here if i wanted to change this into a headline i simply click on the t and i can choose the typography options let's say i want to make this an h2 i could do that and maybe i'll move this down below my headline so that it's kind of underneath as a sub headline we'll trim that up a little bit and there we go now i've got my h1 my h2 and then a little bit of text so there is no standalone headline option you simply have a text element over here and actually i'm fine with that it seems a little fidgety to have multiple elements to simply get text onto your page so that works really well this is a good time to point out that there are global styles inside of breezy the next option here below the reordering which we looked at a little bit ago is our styling so right now i've got a paragraph style a subtitle style an above title and then we have our normal kind of h1 h2 uh types of style so what i can do here is actually modify all of the h2 elements in real time so what i'm going to do is maybe just duplicate this so you get the idea uh here is a second headline two and let's maybe move this down oh why don't we put this in a blank block we'll start off another section down here i'll just simply drag it down all right so now i've got my hero section down here and then my other block that i just created i'll go back over to the styles section and i can go ahead to heading 2 and let's go ahead and change this to montserrat and you can see both of those updated in real time now they're both using this kind of gray color right here so i'm gonna choose that and maybe i'll make it red so now i'm changing all of the text that was using that kind of gray color and i can change all of the text at one time that's using that color so everything is uniform of course i can still make each element its own color if i want let's say i really wanted this h2 element to be purple well i could definitely do that i'll choose a purple color right here and now it's outside of that global styling color so there's no way for me to affect this text without simply bringing it back to the original style which getting this to look like the original headline should be easy in theory and this is how it works in other page builders so this is an example of my user experience or my user expectations not matching up with breezy's actual user experience so i've got this other headline down here which is using the global styling i should be able to in my opinion click copy on this and then go up to the other headline right click and choose paste styles that's what i've experienced in other page builders however that doesn't work inside of breezy so i would really like to see that functionality kind of match my expectations a little bit more i feel like that's probably the default expectation most people would have but it's not working that way right now what i can do of course is simply duplicate the headline bring it back up here and then copy and paste the text in i can right click remove the old headline and there we go so a little bit more of a multi-step solution but it's not the end of the world unless you have to do it 100 times across 50 different pages then it might actually be your literal end of the world let's look at a few more elements here open up the sidebar we've got our text element as well as our button you can see we've already got a couple buttons here but i'll show you how easy it is to add your own right now this button has showed up with my global styling as well as center line so i'm going to go ahead and left align it by clicking a couple times here and then i can actually go into the button settings right here to maybe make it match the other one a little bit better change the width i can play with the height if i want now there are these presets small medium and large but if i click on the triple dots i can get things exactly how i want them we've got our fill options down here so right now we've got a solid fill i could have just an outline or no fill at all let me get kind of a transparent button now because our text is white it looks like the button has disappeared so what i'll do right now is go ahead and change this to the outline i can make the corners curved and of course i can play with the exact radius once again by kind of clicking these triple dots and then changing it right here for now i like the square corners let's go back to the settings for this button and let's change the text color so right now you can see here is our background color i'm going to go ahead and change the text to be maybe one of the global styles right here i can change the border color right here so maybe we'll make that the darker color as well i can add a shadow if i like right now it has none you can see that to start to show up right here you can also make an inner shadow if you want that looks a little bit dated to me but you can play around with it and then once again on our hover we can have a different color show up so for here i'm going to change the background to maybe be our global black color and now if i hover over it you can see that the text is already set to be white on hover so we get a nice effect very similar to what we see over here maybe not the exact same shade but you get the idea to be fairly simple to match the buttons up to whatever styles you want to do now i just showed you an example of how copy and paste styles was not working on my headlines however it does work pretty well on the buttons so i'm going to go ahead and copy this button and i'll paste it up here on the one that i added and just hit paste style and you can see that it does match the the colors more precisely it did modify the size of my button so i can click on this again and change it to be a little bit closer in size but it's interesting that it doesn't match the size by copying and pasting the style you might have noticed that all of these buttons have icons next to them it's very easy to modify that or remove it let's go back up to our button settings here choose icon and you can just simply click the little x to remove it hit the plus button and you can search through the library of hundreds of different icons as well as glyphs that you can add in all this little cool guy smiley face you can change the position of the icon so if you want it before or after the text you can see it show up right here kind of hidden in my selector but it is happening in the background it'd be nice if i could move this around so i could see a little bit better whoops i accidentally clicked duplicate which shows a feature that i was going to show you anyway in that a really nice feature of breezy is that you can simply just add another button as many buttons as you like in line it's not a separate element you just simply add one and it puts it in line i know in other page builders you have to actually get a widget to do two buttons in line or try to do something fancy with columns so i think it's really nice that you can simply just copy and paste or duplicate a different button here the power users among you may have noticed that there are key commands so that you can work a little bit more quickly inside of breezy if i right click here i'll be able to see all of the key commands for these right-click behaviors there is more available as well if i click down here in the lower left hand icon where it looks like you're going to log out but you have this little shortcut icon it pops up a screen and shows you all of the available key commands now these are command keys because i'm using a mac if you are on a pc of course these will be changed to say control so don't worry they include both mac and pc users all right let's start adding some elements to our new block that we've got down here let's go back to the plus section we've looked at buttons let's try adding some icons in this is exactly what you expect it's going to be the same icons that we saw inside of the buttons i can click on it click on the little icon selector and then go through that same selector to choose the icon that i want not going to use that right now let's go ahead and delete that back over the element selector we've got images this is again exactly what you're going to expect to see i can dump in a kind of blank image if i click on it we'll scroll down choose the little picture selector right here i'll be able to upload an image let's upload this one there we go i've got my image i can zoom in on it see in real time kind of how it's being affected i can change the focal point i can resize it right inside of the browser maybe i want to align this left or right and now this lightbox feature makes a little bit more sense so i've turned this on if i go ahead and update my page i can preview it right down here and now here's the preview of the page if i click on it of course it's going to open up the full image in a lightbox selector you might be thinking that you could build a photo gallery using this but you wouldn't want to do that because breezy has you covered in a lot more reasonable of a manner you can simply add the gallery widget right over here let's go ahead and remove this image right now in the gallery widget i can simply click on each box add as many photos as i'd like and then if i wanted to add another one i'll simply duplicate similar to how we manage the slider the widget itself has some settings similar to what we saw inside of the block settings over here to the right i can click on this little up carrot and then click on the widget and i can see how many columns i have let's say i want to have three columns here and maybe add a little bit more spacing between the columns and have each of these images open up in a light box there you go that's going to be a lot faster way to create a nice gallery breezy also makes it very easy to add any other sort of multimedia content to your website such as audio and video we can add video in two ways we can simply drag and drop their video player click on this and hit the little icon again and we'll be able to either add in a link to a youtube or vimeo video or you can actually upload your video right to breezy simply choose custom video click here to upload your file if you have a lot of videos that you want to show on one page i recommend checking out their playlist element that is right down here i'll simply drag and drop that below my gallery here i can simply add in as many videos as i like in one place so for example i'll click on this icon hit the play button copy and paste my link to my youtube video in and there we go i've got my first video added we'll repeat this process add another video so overall i think this feature is a great one to have right inside the page builder but a couple things i don't like about the the playlist element the fact that it doesn't pull in the cover images or the titles automatically i can see it giving you the option to modify them but for example right here i need to actually go ahead and type in my title right here so i'll say jupi review and if i want to add a cover image so i don't have this ugly uh blank item right here i'll hit the play button again i'll go over here where it says cover and then i'll actually upload that same image i used earlier so now it looks really nice i just wish it were able to automatically pull that information in from youtube for me since it's obviously doing it anyway it gets the image right here in terms of adding audio you've got a few different options there's a audio widget right here i can go ahead and paste that in it's going to work right out of the box with soundcloud so if you're hosting your audio maybe your podcast on soundcloud you're going to be in luck you can hit the little speaker icon here and choose from the different platforms we either can do soundcloud or we can do a custom audio file so i can upload an mp3 right here and have it available with their new blogging feature you might be thinking that you'd be able to create an rss feed for your podcast just using that and embed the audio file right inside of each post however i wouldn't rely on it to be able to correctly create all of the metadata that the podcast directories like the apple podcast directory or the google podcast directory are going to expect to see so for that you're still going to need a third party service all right i'm going to update this page and let's go work on our services page i'll head over to the hamburger icon and go under pages services and let's edit this one so here we are on the services page i don't know if you remember but you might be noticing it's not in the menu i actually nested this underneath the about section which you can see right over here so that is where services is now i've got a blank page i just have my global header and my global footer already on the page for me to start creating from on this services page i want to highlight some of breezy's marketing features so let's go ahead and add a new block here we do have some really nice templates they did a great job you can see there's actually two they call them kits so we've got style one over here and there's nothing here in terms of call to actions let's maybe i'll choose the pricing tables so these are maybe a little bit older looking this was their first set of templates and then we've got style 2 which has you know a really nice kind of more modern uh design aesthetic to it you know what i think it's doing actually as i switch between the different sections it's not smart enough to go back and get that same category again so it's just saying there's nothing available there is in fact things available for each uh kit all right so i'm gonna be on kit two and here's some of the call to actions uh let's start off with the pricing section i like this first one up here let's add that in all right great so i've got some nice pricing tables here so of course i could build this out all manually if i wanted to i think it's nice to start from a template but i'll show you exactly how you would do it if you wanted to do it manually so let me go ahead and just remove this column right here so now i've just got two columns right let's say i want to add a third column in well i can either right click and just choose column add new or there is actually an element over here called a column i can simply drag and drop it and there we go now i have a third column on my design so now i've got a third column let's go ahead and start to style it to look more like this one so i'll click on the little column settings up here again that's that upward carrot i'm going to go ahead and choose a background color of course this is white let's choose that all right so now i've got a nice white background however these other columns have a little bit of a margin around them so let's go ahead and add that in to this column as well i'll click on the upward carrot let's click on the little gear icon and this time let's go over to more settings this is where i can actually control the margins inside of my widget so i'll just add a little bit of margin here it looks like it's probably right around here i can change the corners now obviously i can simply copy and paste this style to have it match more precisely but chances are you're not going to be doing what i'm doing trying to recreate their templates manually i just wanted to show you how simple it really is to do so then to recreate the rest of the design we can simply look all right so they've got a little spacer right here i can add that in over under spacer drop it in now i've got a spacer right here looks like mine is a little bit bigger but theirs has a little bit of padding at the top so you know i'm just going to leave that as is because it looks like the bottom kind of matches up pretty good then we've got a text field right here i'll drag and drop that in we'll change the style of this i did peak and they are using heading 5 for there so that's a global setting right so i can change the type to black and why don't we align this to center of course i could just duplicate this price right here just click and hit duplicate drag it over underneath my price so hopefully you're starting at the idea that i'm trying to point out here there's no reason to have a dedicated pricing element when this is simply a column with some elements added to it now i'm going to go ahead and finish this for you but then we're going to look at some more dedicated marketing features that are built right into breezy all right back over to the elements the first thing i want to show you is the countdown timer having a countdown timer for a sense of urgency for your visitors or even just to let them know something is coming soon is kind of a basic feature these days uh something we expect to have now there is one built into breezy however it doesn't have an evergreen functionality to it for something like that you're still going to need your your deadline funnels or whatever source that you like to use now remember you can't use wordpress plugins with breezy cloud so if you're thinking you're going to grab a wordpress plugin and use it on a breezy cloud website that's not going to work out for you you need to rely on software as a service providers there where you can simply embed codes that is totally doable with breezy cloud however here is my countdown timer i can go ahead and modify it to be ending at a specific date and a specific time zone but there's not any way to make this an evergreen timer in terms of four hours from when someone first visits the page i think i'd like to see that in the future you can turn off sections so for example let's say you don't want to have days up there you just want to have hours and minutes you can definitely do that of course one of the nice features of breezy that we've seen so far is that modifying the layout is simply dragging and sliding so i'm going to go ahead and make this you know a little bit tighter here so now that it looks a little bit better i like that a lot let's keep things moving here and look at another kind of marketing centric feature in my opinion progress bars are really good especially if you have uh you know multi-step uh thing where you're asking people to go through multiple pages using progress bars lets them know when the end is going to be there so they don't feel like they're going to be there all day so here is a progress bar i can click here to see a few different styles i've got this little you know progress marker at the top or embedded right inside of the progress bar i can set how far people are in their steps with this little slider i can toggle on and off the title and the percentage if i just wanted to show the progress bar without any text and of course i can modify the text as well simply clicking and typing inside of the progress bar and i can change the colors as well there is the option to change the title the percent the bar the background and the shadow so maybe i'll make the title uh this purple color and i'll make the percent the purple color as well and let's make the bar maybe a little bit more neutral all right there we go not beautiful but you get the idea now if you are using other software as a service platforms uh let's i mentioned deadline funnel if you're using deadline funnel and you want to use it on breezy cloud or maybe thrive cart i think that's a really powerful solution since breezy doesn't have any sort of e-commerce or funnel building functionality right now you could still do upsells and and bump offers if you're using thrive cart simply embedding the cart on your page so there's this embed widget right here i could simply copy and paste the code for whatever platform i'm using right here copy and paste it in and you'll be able to kind of integrate a lot of different software as a services right inside of your website all right next up i want to show you the contact form so i'm going to go ahead and save this page i'll click update in the corner i'll go back up to my cms under pages and let's load up the editor for the contact page now once again there are some really great templates i haven't mentioned so far but you can toggle between the light and dark designs of each one so if you want a more of a black dark mode type of website you can do that there's not the ability to say toggle on and off a light and dark mode for your website that would be killer i'd love to see them develop that feature but as of right now that is not an option because we've been doing light i will stick with that let's go to the contact forms and let's grab this one right here so once again it kind of dropped it in the wrong spot it's not smart enough to know that the footer should be at the bottom so i'm going to reorganize this i'll drag it to the top or in between the header and the footer excuse me and here is our contact form so the way this works is once again by adding a new field you simply duplicate an existing one so here i've got subject subject one maybe instead of having a subject i want to have oh i don't know website on here so i'll simply click my duplicated one and i'll type in website and then i can change the type of field it is by clicking right here in the form editor or the field editor and right now it's set to be text but i could make it be a website here's url i'll choose that now in order for the form to be submitted it has to be in the proper format so that's exactly how the form editor is built i can build one from scratch for you so you get the idea i'm going to delete this form and let's go over to the elements here is the form builder we'll drag and drop in by default i have email select and paragraph now select is going to be a drop down selector right where i could have multiple options uh you know let's say i want to say what is your budget 100 200 so on and so forth very easy to modify the selectors uh we'll look at that in a second but first let's build out our form so i'm not going to start off in the email address i'm going to start off with your first name so let's call this first name then i'll edit the form selector right here to be a text field then under email i'll leave that as email and that is correctly set to be email notice that i have it selected as required right now then the select field you know what i don't really want this to be a select field right now i'm going to change this to be a telephone number so i'll drag i'll slide down here to where it says telephone there we go and let's make this required also let's update the pre-filled text and here i'll say leave us a message all right so i've got all the form fields that i want now let's go ahead and modify this a little bit further so i'm simply going to click on any one of the fields and then choose the form editor right here under advanced i can turn on things like a label now i actually recommend this for a lot of longer forms because as people start to type it'll erase the placeholder text so i'll toggle one or the other on i don't usually have both but if you just leave placeholder text on as people start to type they could actually forget what field it is that they're working on especially if they use the tab command to quickly fill out a form they might not know what they're looking at so for that reason labels are often preferable all right so i'm going to leave that on right now i can also change the size of the form fields itself from a more condensed version to a larger version i can round the corners if you want to have more of a circular look of course we can change the typography we can use any of the default excuse me the global settings so i can use maybe the paragraph typography if i want or i can change the actual font i haven't mentioned this so far but in any of the text fields throughout breezy you can add in your own custom fonts it's very easy to do simply hit add new font you can upload your own or grab one from google fonts we can change the width of our fields here so for example i'm going to make this uh be about 50 and then i'll go to our email setting right here i'll grab that one click on the gear icon and make this one 50 as well and you can see that then it condensed our form to have uh two items on one line so if you were looking at that originally thinking oh great so everything has to be 100 nope that is not the case so if this is your lead capture form you're probably going to want to keep track of where leads are coming from or maybe even get them onto some sort of email marketing pipeline to do that is really easy just click on the button down here below now of course you can change this to say submit or something that makes a little bit more sense but we've also got this icon over here that looks like a plug these are the integrations that are connected to breezy so by default it's going to send an email notification we can enter in multiple email addresses right here with a subject line so if you're doing this for clients and these are going to be leads that they need to respond to you might want to put something in here like reply immediately or you know just to let them know new lead alert something like that right they'll get all of the contact information included you can customize how that contact information looks by the way back at the first screen we can use a custom template and we can simply type what you'd like here so i can say hello client and you don't use your client's name here is another lead brought to you by your company name and then we could add in their short codes so that of course they get the message so i've got first name email telephone and leave us a message this will correspond to the fields you set up in your form so to add them copy paste rinse and repeat and i could stylize this and say their name is they're expecting an email at so i just went ahead and stylized this a little bit i said their name is and then i added the placeholder they're expecting an email add and then i added their email address and then i said their comments are uh and so on and so forth so this is a way you can add a little bit of personality and not have some boring kind of hard to read you know form submission coming to your clients that might not be as tech savvy as you are if you want more than just an alert email but you actually want people to be added to a sales sequence maybe on your email marketing platform you are in luck because uh breezy integrates with many of the most popular email marketing services including uh mailchimp convertkit activecampaign you can see it works with zapier so chances are you're probably using one of these services if you're doing email marketing as is if not you can always use zapier to connect to just about anything i'd love to see this list grow because you know there are a lot of platforms out there and uh it's not that hard for companies to connect with uh other apis so i'd love to see breezy put a little bit of effort into maybe expanding this or doubling or tripling the number of services that it works with you can also connect up to google's recaptcha to prevent you know spam submissions to your forms if you find that's an issue very easy to do so here just simply click on recaptcha and you'll enter in your site key and secret key over on google i'm not going to get into that in this video but it is actually very very simple to do all right it's time to move on to breezy's newest feature which is blogging now blogging is traditionally done in something like wordpress in wordpress you're going to have two components to a blog you'll have your single post which are the individual blog posts and then you'll also have an archive page which displays all of the blog posts in one location people can hunt for the post they want and click on it i'm going to show you how to set up something very similar inside of breezy right now i'm over here under the cms section otherwise known as assets under blogs you can see right now i currently have no posts so let's go ahead and add some posts i'll click add new post give my post a title i'll add in a featured image one thing i noticed about the featured image selector is that it doesn't allow you to upload anything other than jpg files you can see i've got a png file right here in my finder window it's not letting me choose that so i think they should definitely update that to allow you to upload pngs there we go now i've got a featured image added i can add an excerpt and change the permalink if i like now i'm going to want to make sure to add this to a category so it shows up on an archive page so i'll do that right here choose category and the only category i have right now is blog you can add as many categories as you'd like i'll save this now back on the blog post page itself i'll go ahead and edit the content so i'm ready to make my first blog post here but something happened that i want to point out i'm ready to create my blog post and i have no header and footer and that's because when i set up the global header and footer i didn't choose posts as well as pages so i actually need to go and change that to make sure that my blog posts all have a header and footer back over to the cms i can load up any page that i want go up to my header change the display conditions and this time i'm going to choose all save let's repeat that process with my footer here's my footer go over to the block settings change the display conditions and let's change that to be all again back over to the cms i'll go to my first blog post and let's edit this there we go i've got a header and a footer to at least start from i like that in between them i'm going to add a new block i'll choose one of the text presets i like this one right here and i'd be able to add my blog post right here now i can also add some dynamic fields in things like the featured image or the title of the blog post so let's say i wanted to title the blog post up here at the top and i wanted to add maybe the excerpt underneath and i could even add maybe the featured image by grabbing the image selector right here and i'll choose the source for the image down below as the featured image now that's not going to update in the editor because it's populated dynamically but if i save this draft publish it and open it up in the preview here you can see the featured image does in fact show up now this isn't a very common use case actually what you'll see people do more commonly is to simply add this in as the background image so let's try that let's delete this and here is my block let's go ahead here and add in the background image and i can choose the featured image here and again i'm not going to see anything because it's only going to populate dynamically but if i save this out now it's probably not going to look very good because i've got this black text but we'll check it out so there we go now i've got my featured image it actually showed up behind the entire blog post so i didn't create two different blocks let's go ahead and fix this this is part of the problem of not having the dynamic content at least show an example right on the editor so what i'll need to do is actually add in another block right here i'll call this the text block let's grab that same one and then i can remove this whole text field actually so that was an error on my part but it's also a little bit of a side effect of the extremely clean interface that breezy provides sometimes you're not getting quite enough information to know exactly what's going on the page so now if i point out you can see the block editor or the block settings over here to the right where if i hover over the different sections i can definitely see what is going on let's go ahead and center this up and what i'm going to do is actually add a little bit of a filter to the background now here i got to kind of guess what it's going to look like but i'll go over to the overlays and i'm going to add a semi-transparent filter that'll just kind of make my text pop a little bit more i'll update this and let's check out the preview now so there we go we're getting a little closer to what i'm expecting to see but i've lost a lot of the inline benefits that i get from editing a image inside of breezy so the solution to this would be to simply add this as a fixed background image for this particular blog post and then once i'm satisfied with the results i could switch it back to a dynamic element and then i could use this layout for future posts that takes me to my next point which is there's not really a true system to create a blog post template like you might think of in wordpress if you're familiar with that platform so the idea would be that you create a template right we've got a lot of dynamic content in here i've got the dynamically populated background image with the featured image although we can't see in the editor we've got the headline or the post title showing up dynamically we've got the excerpt showing up dynamically i'd love to add other dynamic elements such as the author's name or even like the post date those types of things to show up with each post automatically so i don't need to add it into the blog post individually but there's not really a system to set this up as a repeatable blog post so that when i go click new blog post that it automatically fills into this design now there is a little bit of a workaround that you can use and it's actually a fairly useful feature that's built into breezy you might find useful throughout building your website so i'll show you what i'm talking about here so the idea is once you get this set up so that it's a you know fairly professional looking template you want to use for all of your blog posts what you do is let me get myself out of the way here if you go down to the little carrot in the corner click on that and then choose save layout now i have found that this only seems to update for me a small percentage of the time uh if i'm using the safari browser it in fact never seems to actually save it just spins so just keep that in mind if you have issues with it so uh now that that's saved i can go and create a new blog post let's go back up to our cms i'll choose add new post we'll quickly give it a title here add a featured image we'll give it an excerpt edit the permalink if you'd like i'm going to switch this over to published immediately here just for our purposes add it to a category that is essential for our next step after we talk about this and let's go ahead and save this all right great so i've got my second post saved but i haven't added any content to it so let's go back open it up in the editor here's blog post 2. we'll click edit all right it's opened up but i've only got a header and a footer i don't have the rest of my design so what i need to actually do is click on the new block icon go over to my save section and then underneath library i've got blocks but i also have layouts so here i can actually insert the entire layout that i used on my other post now what this is doing is actually adding in the header and footer again as well so i'll go ahead and just delete the header and footer that i had added kind of automatically and now i've got the post layout there again i could add in my actual content here everything else is added dynamically in terms of the background image in fact let's go ahead and look at this i'll hit update here here's what it looks like on the front end now you can see that i can't actually read this text again i would spend more time refining this design but you've got the dynamically inserted featured image the dynamically inserted post title the dynamically inserted excerpt and then i could simply add in my own blog content right here so it's definitely not a complete content management system yet in my opinion since you can't actually make a content template for your content so i'd love to see them add that it seems like they're you know 60 of the way there just a few more features to finish off before this really is ready for prime time all right moving on to the next feature i want to talk about which is the archive page so i'm over here inside of the cms or the assets section under categories i'm going to choose the blog category now this is actually an archive page meaning you'll be able to see all of your posts that are related to this specific category so i'm going to click the edit option over here now i'm just given a blank canvas here what i need to do is add an element to display my posts let's start off by making a new block i'll just choose a blank one for now i'm going to also reorganize things to put my footer at the bottom and then let's go to the elements now because this is an archive page i've got a few extra elements namely the one we want to use is the archive element so i'll just drag and drop this in and you can see there's not a lot of content populating here but if i look at this on the front end let's update this preview it it's actually going to dynamically update with the blog post that i've already got loaded so here's blog post two my first blog post um you can see the featured images are being pulled in the titles and the excerpts are being pulled in as well of course you can customize this back on the back end this is simply an image an image element that i you know i could drag over it's got the dynamic uh featured image added in we've got the remor button that's going to automatically link to the post we've got the blog excerpt right here this is another element that you can add in right there you can edit the element to change the design if you like let's say you want to have a few more columns here or maybe a few less columns you can simply drag the slider around to get it looking like you like we can add more rows in as well so that is the idea behind the archive page is it's simply a way to index all of your existing pages so when i was talking about creating the single post template i mentioned saving the layout now in breezy terms that is the entire page but you don't need to save the entire page if you've got a section you want to reuse throughout your website you can do that as well with saving blocks so if i go over to a block let's say this hero section here i could see wanting to use this maybe modifying it on different pages i simply click this little heart icon here and now it's going to be available to me to use on any other page on my website so let's load up a different page i'll go over to let's say the about page and now when i go to add a new block if i go under saved i will see that element show up right here again i'll need to reorganize things so that my footer is at the bottom and there we go i've got a good jumping off place where i could change the background image i could change the headline here and it's not going to affect any of the other pages because it's not a global element so that's the main difference a saved block is something you can use as a starting point but a global block is something that if you update anywhere on your website will automatically update everywhere on your website now we're going to take a look at the pop-ups feature in a second here but before we leave the editor for building websites i do want to point out that everything inside of breezy is completely mobile responsive so we've been looking at the desktop view this entire video however editing inside of tablet or mobile view is as simple as clicking over here right now we're on desktop i can change to mobile let's say i wanted to make this a little bit smaller on tablet i could simply click the text and go ahead and change the size here and now when i switch between the two views i can have two entirely different sizes very very common type of responsive editing inside of page builders but i did want to make sure i pointed out that that is completely doable inside of breezy all right back to the dashboard here we can see the website that we've been working on throughout this video i want to point out that i could have been adding pop-ups and alerts right inside of that website and they would live inside of that website and be completely isolated to that website but breezy also has the option to add pop-ups that can be embedded on any website so if you're using wordpress or squarespace or anything you like you can create a pop-up inside of breezy and then reuse it on other platforms and that's what we're going to look at right now so i'm going to switch over here to pop-ups you can see i have none created so far this is all projects here's just website so this is kind of a little sorting filter so let's go ahead and create a new project we're going to do pop-up and alert and this is called pop-up one let's go ahead and give our pop-up a name and let's open in the editor got a blank canvas to start with i'm gonna go ahead and choose one of their templates uh i think they've got some really nice looking designs as i've said before all of their designs are excellent let's go ahead and choose this shoe pop-up right here so now if i wanted to modify this pop-up all of the elements are available to me that we've already seen throughout this video for example i can go over to the plus icon over here maybe i want to add in a form well i could simply drag and drop that right here now i don't need this button so what i'll do is i'll click on it and hit the trash can icon and now i've got a differently shaped uh pop-up but one that has a contact form on it so so you get the idea you could set this up as a lead capture as a way to offer someone a discount and then embed it on the website the way you embed it let me save this and i'll publish it the way you embed it is to head back to the dashboard and there is an embed code right here i'll simply click on this now i simply need to copy this code and then i can paste it in the footer tag of my destination website and then the pop-up will show up now you might be wondering what's actually going to trigger the pop-up to display and i did overlook mentioning this so i'm back inside of the editor and if i click up here on the settings and go all the way over to the left hand icon you can set up the display conditions so right now it's set to display on page load i could also do on click after inactivity or on page exit intent all the common things that you typically see with pop-ups are available you also toggle this to make sure that the pop-up only shows once which is a nice thing to do because i can't stand it when you go to every page on a website and the same pop-up continues to display so this pop-up functionality is really nice to have now it's probably not as full-featured as something like convertbox which you can actually do quizzes and a b testing and all sorts of analytical things uh you know really meant for more in-demand marketing solutions but it's a really nice to have extra feature and hopefully it gets more of those uh kind of more technical features added in over time as well overall if i were to sum up breezy i'd say they are definitely taking their time adding features but every time they do something they do it in the right way they're not rushing to just get as many features added to the platform as possible in fact i would argue that this blogging feature really isn't ready for release yet because it doesn't have many of the standard features that you need for blogging but what is there is done very nicely it's very elegant and simple to use so i'm very optimistic about the future of breezy i just wish they could add a little bit more urgency to their development timeline maybe that means they need to add more staff which means they probably need to make more sales so if you're excited about this tool like i am maybe a good thing to do would just be to simply sign up so they have a little bit of revenue to continue to grow their platform again my link will be down below and that is a referral link so i'll earn a commission if you do so but you can see there's a lot here that you can begin using right away with clients or your own website so overall i think this is a really solid project that has a bright future ahead but i just hope they get there they're moving at such a slow pace compared to some of the other services i'm gonna go ahead and give this one a 7.8 for right now but if they continue to add more features i definitely see revisiting breezy again in the future so that's going to do it for this review and tutorial i hope you found it helpful if you did make sure you click that like button and don't forget to hit the subscribe button we do also have a facebook group that is absolutely free to participate in so go ahead and click that link i'll put it in the description as well it's gonna do it for this video i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Profitable Tools
Views: 5,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brizy cloud, brizy cloud review, brizy cloud seo, brizy cloud tutorial, brizy cloud vs wordpress
Id: iJp-ff9wSkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 7sec (4027 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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