Pagani Huayra Hermes Edition: The Process

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hi guys so you guys had me take this car to in-and-out go for a joyride but today I want to show you ins and outs of the car so I want to take you on a journey and the process and what it took to make this magnificent piece of automobile with Hermes and Pagani everything about this car is about details and precision just look how fine the precision and detail is on this key in comparison to my SLR McLaren Mercedes I mean no comparison this by itself is piece and art it's really crazy how much time and effort they put just to make this key magnificent let's go look at the rest of the car every grille on this car was laser-cut to resemble the emblem h4 Hermes and you can see all the grille down there on the front intake as well as the intakes on the side and the rear it's all custom made with that each emblem this car comes with the tempesta package which gives you bigger wheels tighter suspension as well as titanium exhaust and front and rear diffuser which I think really changes the look of the Pagani Huayra I've seen some without the front diffuser and it just doesn't have that aggressive look to it and of course this gives you quite a bit of downforce and look at this titanium exhaust you'll get a better look when I open up the hood it's just amazing and it sounds amazing I just love how the colors change with the heat and of course you have the active year of flaps you got on the rear to give you more downforce as well as on the front of the car so these two are also active which is difficult to imagine but when you're driving this car is like a real-life transformer most of the beauty of this car believe it or not lies under the hood and inside so let's take a look [Music] so everything you see inside the car was handmade by Hermes in Paris including every little piece of leather you see on the trunk under hood gearshift the seats so this is the Frick Hermes uses for their expensive handbags lining they car comes with six piece luggage set which I will show you later this leather is what our message started with 100 plus years ago to make horse saddles or what have you and they were adamant about keeping this leather for this design and for this car and as much as I push to get orange leather interior they wanted to stick to their heritage and their history and I'm glad they did because it really really came out beautifully I have to admit this is probably the second time I've taken a look under the front hood Wow a lot of carbon fiber here beautiful what I love about Pagani is their attention to detail even under the hood where you don't often open up you know everything's in exposed carbon finishing beautiful lacquer clear coat it's as clean as a dining table Wow look at that all that gold anodized gold and that titanium exhaust I was telling you about now you can see the colors that bright blue it turns you know when you first install it is obviously not that color but as you drive in and use it the heat changes the color and it's beautiful and it sounds amazing this car is sign of course by no other than hero show Pagani and the engine compartment in this car by itself is an art and everything they put in here is like a perfect combination of color steel carbon fiber and it's just magnificent it almost reminds me of my RC tent when I was a kid but these sharks everything exposed beautiful now let me show you the luggage of course hermes is known for their handbags and luggage so this car comes with custom-made luggage which I design with Hermes look at this beautiful I think this is the first time I've ever opened this I was hoping I find another bag in there hey what do you know there's another bag of down here looks like a lunch box let's see what is this whoa hey funny though what my fuse box is in there you wonder why they did that very nice all right what else we got in here Pagani you won't believe this I've had this car for nearly four years and it's the first time I'm opening this compartment to see what's down below what who's the tire compressor there's a tire compressor no way Jose pretty cool huh I think I mean though this comes with this pretty cool guys thanks for Gani now we can use this to put air in my segways you know those two segways they're in need of an air compressor and here is the lug nut okay we won't take this out because I won't be touching with the wheels anytime soon but wait there is more look at this what do you know another bag so this is just a single compartment unlike the other one but essentially this is a duplicate of the other bag so I won't have to open it but you know what let me open it you never know I may find some surprises in there I've never opened this bag noop now in the back of the seat you have more luggage whoa you can tell I've never been D seats they got more bags pretty cool look at the detail of these bags the attention to detail and that stitching is so consistent and stitched to perfection I'm finding all kinds of surprises with my car so as you can see everything in this car is unique and made by Hermes so every little leather piece you find including the manual was all done by Hermes and just I wish you could touch this letter to feel what I'm feeling is amazing another piece that I really adore about this car is the gear knob this is a one-off design here knob for this Pagani Huayra is the only one in the world that's how that given up it says Hermes it's flat and it's got their stitching and just really cool touch that goes with the steering wheel stitching and also the handbrake just everything to do with this car is perfection and here you have another bag and again the attention to detail all the stitching you know it's too soft of a leather so these bags are meant to be used and stuffed and what's in here I was hoping for some money and of course hermes is known for their Birkin handbags and they made especially one for this car it was beautiful out of the same leather same stitching and of course we know what happened to that bag Leila's closet one of the favorite parts of this car for me the driving experience is all you get to experience and hear all the mechanical movements in this car from the gearshift to transmission to gears the engine the spools in the turbos it's just very loud and interactive car and honestly the the it's it's music to my ears no I don't think I've ever turned on the radio on this car you don't need to it's like amazing so every single engine was hand-built at AMG factory in Germany the person that put the engine together piece by piece signs the engine and its signature is right here making these cars really a one-off one so let's fire it up because it's all about the driving experience and the key goes right here you have to turn it once and wait for the car to wake up look at that that's just like transformers I love it when that beeping sound comes I mean it's ready to be fired up there we go so they have the turn signals on the steering wheel so a little bit unusual but you get used to it the pedal shifters here and then you have traction control off you don't want to do that and the rest of the stuff is really not nothing for the performance is more mostly for your windshield lights butter your control buttons are in the center for your air you just push down so these most of your air conditioning and then up here you got rear defroster fog lights hazard lights door locks and wings let's take a look at the window this is of course your gear not to go reverse you're going reverse or you can use it as a manual gearbox this is downshift and this is option but I like using it in the manual and just use the pedal shifters these are you for your windows unusual place again but you get used to it the challenge for me with this car is always closing the door I'm not a tall dude all right exercise but look at the detail this of course is the Hermes badge and this is your windows let's wrap it up good lord I'm gonna get the cops called on me check out the Meadors it's pretty cool so your mirrors are controlled right here everybody asked me what are these knobs as soon as they see this and I tell them these to cool off your cojones when you're going too fast but it's really to lower the front of the seat and raise it center console more storage space if you want to throw your phone in there because when you're driving this car trust me things going to be flying all over the place in the cabin [Music] this plaque was made by Hermes and Pagani and in French it says dressed by Hermes Paris one of one and it's really neat it's put in there discreetly is not visible unless you're really reaching and turn around and see it but again what I love about this car is every detail that Hermes and Pagani put together is really not loud but very elegantly put together and the detail is just super nice I feel I'm driving a Birkin every time I Drive this car of course it does not your typical door latch because it's not a typical car door latches right here and then you got about your elbow you got to put the door up yeah there you have it just like getting out of a cockpit now that I've shown you the car let me tell you what it took to get the car put together design manufacturing all the ideas that went into it and it was a great process I placed the order for the car early 2015 and then I reached out to Hermes I'm a great customer of theirs and I told him hey I want to design this new supercar with you guys because I love your leather and I love your craftsmanship and they said listen we've never done anything on this caliber we've done with some work with Bugatti but if you like you know pay us for our travel time to you know Pagani factory in Italy and we'll see where it goes and that was the best money I spent and they call me the next day they said they have good news mr. Pagani has agreed to let go of some of the design on the interior and exterior and that's when the journey is started this is the first rendering I received after a few months of collaboration between Pagani and Hermes is the luggage set that you see down here again every piece of luggage is made from the same leather and same fabric and same stitching as the interior of the car which is really really cool so that luggage by itself it was a separate project and originally you know we had you know the the car made in titanium or silver paint and then they decided to go with this color leather is their heritage color and things evolved from there these were original the interior renderings we were going to go with black with red stitching and of course that all evolved to this which is again was redesigned to what it is today the headrests are not as a square they're more rounded so these were the two options we were thinking to do and we went of course with the brown and let me show you the most recent version which end up being my car and this is after eight months or so of collaboration is what we decided to do with the car this is the exact letter of the corne exact stitching every detail from the dash to a steering wheel to the glove compartment it was all taut thought-out well especially the center divider console so as you can see everything was completely redesigned from seats to dash to center console and doors let me show you the car and this is the final rendering I signed off on and of course one of the problems I had with doing this you know over phone or email and also renderings was is very difficult to get the actual paint especially in Brown on a print you know as you can see this looks nothing like my car but this is the actual color we went with and so I had a bit of anxiety of how is this car gonna look because based on these renderings it's not so exciting you know it just looks very flat there you have it I'm gonna show you some of the other cool stuff that I got from Pagani that makes this car a truly a piece of art let's start with their keys so everything again this was done at hermes and the keys coming is a key holder so really cool I mean even the your key holder comes with the same leather same stitching all done at Hermes factory and this is my favorite this is the piece of solid aluminum which they carved out the wire rod that's sitting in the back the bumper in orange Hermes color again it's signed and same leather same stitching done at Hermes factory but really cool it's got my name on there my chassis number ending was 105 so amazing even the wooden box from Pagani it's so fine and they send me a little gift is a paper holder to keep down all those bills so there you have it you've seen the luggage you've seen the car you've seen the process it was an 18-month journey which is very memorable for me and I would love to share the bugatti hermes and the journey when that car arrives so make sure you subscribe to my channel and like the video and it's taken around there's a lot more stuff to come
Channel: Manny Khoshbin
Views: 1,660,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mannykhosbin, Pagani, Huayra, Hermes, Hypercar, Business, Success, Investing, Real Estate, Investor, Millionaire, Wealthy, Car Collector, Orange County, Lifestyle, Vlog, Irvine, California
Id: ALrv0nvy1XQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2019
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