The CLASSIC Hera Bow Build! | Hades

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greetings friends jalis Paul here we're playing Hades again uh that's our mirror we're going to take the Hera bow today I wanted to do a build I haven't done in a long time actually um Hera has this amazing combination where you get dionis cast so trippy shot and then you can find scintillating Feast from Zeus and ice wine from uh Deiter the the duo Boons and get a pretty awesome thing going the nice thing about having infernal soul is you get more burst right away but the nice thing about stigan soul is that the cast stones are regenerating you're able to fire more out and my goal this is a little bit it's a little bit of a it could it might not come come to pass but my goal is to get some extra cast stones maybe a total of three if we can get uh some some faster regeneration from Hermes hopefully get some Duo Boons I want scintillating Feast with Zoo juice I want ice wine I'd also love to get a mirage shot which is emis and Poseidon so we kind of need uh the god situation to line up just so and also find also find extra cast stones it it's a little bit it's a little bit ambitious but you know what what else what else are we are we doing right what else do we have to do let's make this happen Okay trippy flare and honestly at the beginning I feel like it's to toally fine oh my gosh bid's right there we should take beside yes we should um the the it's it's fun it's fun to get these massive builds and if we can I know where you are if we can do it okay honestly I think I'm more o I'm more scared about the laser cuz it can hit me instantly okay okay so for Poseidon um the attack huh that's not probably what we want but I think we can take it I don't think it's going to knock enemies away I don't think it's going to knock enemies away from the the burst that we get from the cast stone so yeah we're good I think we're I think we're okay and we get some extra benefit having that yeah we're we're fine honestly that's kind of fun that's kind of fun so we want Poseidon diis uh we already have zis of course uh Zeus Poseidon diis Zeus emis uh deer who else yeah is that it is that it Artemis did I say Artemis yeah we want all of those things and Caston let's just see what we can find this this is a very uh Duo Boon starved not starved but a do doooon desirous build right so let's see let's see what we find you know we can get something cool another another roll is good none of those are going to help um that's that's fine what what's the benefit of that I'm trying to think there's probably a lot of benefit but I I um I think actually the shop the shop gives us a chance to either accept or deny a God and Di Isis oh my gosh Deiter demer is right there I think we'll pass on that save our money cuz the final shop might have something that we want so I think with these with these gods in the in the bag I think what I'll do is I'll go for Zeus we go for Zeus in this biome and then in the next biome dang it if you miss if you miss the uh the big one it's a bummer the the the cast going off it it uh that's a big loss in your damage okay special is fine we're not going to use the special but it opens up ice wine so we're doing it no chaos Gates yet which is unfortunate it'll be interesting to see how the scintilating feast works with enemies getting knocked back we can also get we also have the chance of getting sea storm cuz we're going to get I think what we want to do we want to get um we're going to want to get emis on our call I guess either one emis on our call or on our Dash and then Zeus on our on our call or our Dash either either works I think and then and then we'll be eligible for all the duo boovs we want I think I'm not sure actually but we'll see messy okay it's working out it's working out pretty well let's boost that trippy flare damage and give me some more Caston dude dude there there we go that's little oh we're rich we are way Rich that's awesome that is awesome yeah I I mean the fact that we got a bunch of these uh different gods that we're hoping for it's very fortuitous you know we had a good chance of seeing a lot of other things so I am pleased that we've locked only the ones that we want in place that's fantastic okay another Palm I think so or are we not as rich as I thought I know that to we're not as rich as I thought I just saw 300 I thought we had 600 but that wouldn't make any sense yeah 388 is what we what we have you can't see it it's behind me I apologize I apologize at the same time not going to move myself right now you just trust me that I've got that much right for really for really right there good working with you there more trippy shot damage please hang on to this for me okay stay alive thanks for the help let's check the let's check the shop okay Hermes is good okay I I'm thinking about [Music] uh grab side hustle I guess I'm thinking about this but I'm also kind of worried oh no well we'll sell it here's what we'll do we'll we'll sell it the next show hopefully we didn't uh just mess that up too bad um hello yeah our damage isn't awesome right now just give it time I was worried about that but I thought we'd give it a try in case it was you know something that we already had spent a bunch of money but alas okay of course if we can find the Artemis uh we could find artemis's uh pressure points and and then her legendary that would be really cool too of course but not not uh not a guaranteed Thing by any means uh not something that I'm going to really try too hard for we're going to grab Zeus here cuz I really want lots of chances for scintilating feast we roll one time here oh man okay well we'll have to we'll have to to check back that's okay that's okay maybe we'll sell it some other time we'll get another chance I'm sure be this soon it's fine for now I mean it's it's just some extra damage but more of you huh I should have fired that up though where'd he go there he is yes even more there's our Zeus still no chaos man what is what is going on there getting chaoses kind of kind of essential not just getting chaos but getting uh getting the cast stones from chaos kind of kind of important okay keeping them in the lava essential okay Zeus Aid is the thing or a hammer yeah I mean we want we want a hammer moving we need to get hammers anyway we never were offered a hammer in uh Taris we that was interesting usually usually you are offered a hammer in Taris I guess if not Taris then aspel should get this bow back into Tip Top sh uh yeah I think flurry shot flurry shots the thing we don't need to charge that up Poseidon doesn't actually give us a lot of what we want at this point until we get emis we don't really want Poseidon so we'll we'll take the shop cuz if we get diis or Zeus um or deer for that matter not Aries shoot that's really that's really a bummer that's really messing us up here all right Zeus that that dog gone Aries showing up at the last at the last second when he should just be leaving us alone ah Miss it oops oh boy okay scintillating Feast I'll roll one time for cating feast see if it nope okay okay we can go static discharge though um I think that's going to be best static discharge is really good we'll see right here next okay shop what's for sale uh I'll buy I'll buy an extra cast stone it's nice to nice to have it for these rooms and possibly for the boss yeah the boss sure you're doing business cold fusion roll once for scintilating feast there it is very nice now um I'm not going to buy Health cuz we need we need to keep our money at a decent level it's at 215 right now we want to keep it at a decent level we'll have to catch up some other time learning as I'm in a bit of a rush culating piece is nice cuz it just adds a little bit of uh little bit of sustain damage in in addition to our bursty damage you know lightning bolts get them okay we just I can just finish this [Music] okay now we get emis hopefully we can sell we'll have you here soon enough I think can wash away my shoot we just got too many Boons now too many Boon United ier next region all right no chaos Gates yet which is yeah unfortunate unfortunate it's very odd not to get any any chaos Gates want to take Hermes if you're if you're offered a hammer or Hermes I would take Hermes almost every time just because even if you want even if you really want a hammer you're guaranteed to get a hammer but you're never guaranteed to get Hermes um in this build we do want we do want Hermes uh very much what's going on there uh recharge on our yes faster regeneration that's exactly what we want see Hammer right next right in the Next Room very very very very nice yeah the Regeneration feels much better now dang it goes much faster 200% bonus damage to distant foes twin shot twin shot and and flurry shot is super amazing it'll actually make us feel like we are uh we're we're getting our damage might be higher from our attack now than it was than it is for our other cuz it's just so much so much burst damage look at that my goodness swap our oh not our attack not our cast shoot all right we'll take pressure points better hide I have to I have to skip that just SK Beres I don't think we want that not yet okay man Aries Aries really showing up when we don't really want it to take deer deer could give us ice wine that would be very nice not bad not a bad butterfly Ballroom cold fusion that that could be that could be all right we could take Cold Fusion I guess I don't know how much I want to roll just take the gold just take the take the one that we that we see right a a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush is that the phrase cuz you know why why gamble on two birds that are maybe when you got one Bird that's a yes definitely definitely Bird versus to maybe Birds okay and and cold fusion I think is actually a pretty a pretty good pretty good deal cuz cold fusion you've got um extra benefit from our epic epic static discharge o got hit by the arrow delicious let's up our attack since we are we got twin shot now seems Seems good we've already got the Zeus Duo Boons well and I guess it's not even about the duo Boons yet we could get double strike [Music] um yeah we'll take this I guess I I feel I feel unfortunate about our choice with taking that mystery bag but okay high voltage that gives us a chance at seeing the legendary haries forgive me don't ask him to forgive you man you did nothing wrong K you did nothing wrong you you are the victim here let's be honest going to throw away one maybe no SLO next attack deals damage bonus damage that's fine so much Aries my gosh I feel kind of enraged okay and we lost all we have no more chance at getting more um more chaos Gates we didn't get a single chaos gate which very odd very [Applause] odd I do notar your stain again look at that that's fantasti killed himself killed himself with uh static discharge there I think what a loud hello supportive shade supportive shade ever the supportive shade and this is the problem when you get when you get the the the pool if the pool is too oh my gosh we can sell them both use the extra all right um oh yeah I was going to check the uh this here let's yeah let's go I think our best chance at getting multiple cast stones is going to be going to be that let's take Cyclops jerky for 14 rooms and yarn of aradne I believe I believe the yarn is always worth it and we've got a lot of money so we should be just fine just fine hoping for ice wine hoping for lots of shops uh purple purple shops with uh with what have you please don't show me any more Aries no more Aries uh please don't spend it all in one place mate yeah double strike is great Thunder no matter what no matter what we what happens okay we got besid we could get oh no no Artemis dang it well let's try to get ice wine let's try to get ice we won't get Mirage shot we can still get ice wine which is really a bigger deal Mirage shot is nice it's more lightning bolts which is great but not it's a nice to have not a need to have sort of situation with that so so all right we got two big Pals uh there too okay I think double strike might actually be better than uh well I don't know if it's better than the legendary probably not hard to say that that's that would that would be better than the legendary anything is ever better than legendary to be honest Zeus is legendary that is this message ice wine not exclusive access no let's see what else come on baby this is our last this is our last chance oh that's a bummer let's take uh let's take this festive fog high tolerance business let's see what what uh what happens there find something to us I can use this more double strikes and higher stack discharge we've got you know with uh with having am I trying to St here with having uh cold fusion having a higher static discharge is great okay got to really hoping really hoping for a cast stone here no cast stone take that we are we are broke now we're 20 28 money but we are we do have side hustle so do get some M back just the foul title Dash sure title Dash is always good it's just it's just not really the best thing for this run you know what else are we what else are we hoping for yeah I mean I think I will I think I will go um take larger area it's more more damage let's I'm going to go down this Palm route because I'm looking for purple Wells for more cast stones that's really that's really the biggest piece of the puzzle that I'm I'm hoping to to find here that's that's kind of an essential thing and we' got enough money for it there's a there's a purple well here's a chance you're saying we're saying there's a chance oh my gosh we found it that's fantastic we are lucky that's why that's why you take the that's why you take the kon's uh thing sometimes is when you want more more cast stones glorious okay that solves our problem for the Hades fight we got two cast stones for the Hades fight not now we got lots of double strikes we got yeah just about everything we wanted other than Mirage shot I think time to collect I have voltage 100% bigger from 84% to 101% is that worth is that worth it I don't think so let's get that extra damage on our on our Dash okay we've got 12 12 more rooms so it'll definitely last through another another um hallway so let's let's do that cuz we can get a third I we can get a third we let why not why not gain gble just a little bit more I gamble a little bit more 206 206 uh gold so plenty got one more room one more chance here nope I mean it's it's kind of like uh it's kind of just like getting getting uh extra extra hopeful without having a really good reason to get hopeful about it I think we will just move on from here fight Hades cuz we're going to lose we're going to lose our uh our hallway or our we're going there too many hallways after this I think all right here we go friends let's go infernal soul is is really good for for burst and kind of that guaranteed but then you get more sustain by having the the cast stones regenerate faster and I think when you have two cast stones and increased speed of regeneration you'll end up with more more festive fog and that's much more lightning bolts oh we didn't get we didn't get ice uh ice wine that would have been nice to have it's that's some extra burst and and more curse more curse actually we we do have um we've got I order Alles of the underworld to attend me now um we have privilege status and we're not getting that benefit cuz we only have the we only have the one the one curse which is which is unfortunate do you feel your blood beginning to boil oh so much little so many little bits of damage going on right now so annoying like that of course we have our own little bits of damage as well come on and die that fre us lots of lots of lightning bolts which is great but how nice how nice would it have been to have uh yeah privilege status of course okay then this is it it's really interesting uh that even though both of the the Caston get like you know they go off at the same time it they they count it for when you loaded it into loaded it into the bow rather than for when you when you when you sent it off in the you know what I mean know you guys know what I'm saying it's I'm not making a whole lot of sense here but uh I think you know what I'm saying come here this way right here C okay all right so you can see you see the fun the fun of this build would have been nice to have Masha would have been nice to have ice wine we would have SE bigger burst bigger bursty damage but we had the scintilating Feast for the sustained damage we had cold fusion for um the extra the extra um curse damage from static discharge so that's good but I'd say overall uh we would have been better off with ice wine um and so you know you you uh you get what you get you get what you get no not a single chaos gate though how interesting is that I don't know how how often uh often that happens but yeah fun fun build check it out sometime uh we'll catch you the next one take it easy
Channel: Jawless Paul
Views: 1,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hades, jawlesspaul, hades gameplay, hades walkthrough, hades let's play, hades game, hades boss fight, hades update, hades build, hades guide, hades tips, jawlesspaul hades, hades heat, hades build guide, hades overpowered build, hades xbox, hades beating hades, hades builds, hades crazy builds, aspect, hades mods, favorite aspects, jawlesspaul's favorite, hades hera bow, hades trippy shot, hades trippy flare, hades ice wine, hades burst, hades scintillating feast
Id: t0Oz4ivtaM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 17sec (2117 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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