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I can't see over my bag but you you hold your clothes I feel like it doesn't reek I might go somewhere it depends on my head and here's the other thing we need when it's flat you so you have to write well through everything but when it's rolled up there longside you can see [Music] today is day two here in Holland and today we're going to be covering a topic that you guys have been asking us to cover for a very long time today we're covering packing but we're not doing it alone we're joined by four of our new friends the first two being Ashley and Josh from the Whaley welcome to the one thank you and Eric and Alison from endless adventure welcome guys so we have never done this before but today we are hanging out with these two other blogging couples who are just like us which is great we've all been travelling full-time for over a year and it's been so much fun hanging out with people in other countries we don't do this out there not at all so today we split our day into three separate videos so we've already had some fun this morning on Elissa fit your YouTube channel so if you want to see part one up today go to their channel right now then watch we made some weird stuff and then so this is part two right now the packing part and then after this part three is gonna be over all the way and you're gonna again you have to watch our channel to find out what we do tonight we've never done yeah okay into packing so we thought what would be fun to do since all of this traveling full time we all live out of our suitcases we thought we would share a few of our favorite packing tips or like what we thought were the most useful packing tips and we're gonna try and stay away from like the really obvious ones so we've all picked a few things that we want to share with you today but first let us show you what our lives are packed into basically a carry-on sized suitcase so we have to be very particular about what with that everything is very useful all right actually and Josh you can start us out so again our channel at the way way this is actually I'm Josh and we've been traveling just like them except they're doing it way better than us and these are a few of the things that we find super useful while I travel I'm a bit of a tech guy so this is something I can recommend it's called an inverter this makes it so that you can use pretty much any piece of equipment electronic equipment that you have around the world so you don't blow your hosts blow dryers and then just it comes with a nolle adapter right so you can plug it in anywhere in the world but the cool thing is is it comes with three plugins and four USB ports it's your hub you can plug everything into it you don't need a giant wall works that sticks onto the wall and picks up three spaces one plug three outlets plus USB I love this this is awesome I gotta say you know it's a down jacket and it's so easily packable this is Ruth little thing and it kind of puffs up like when you take it out do you guys have like living out of a carry-on bag is hard enough and then mix in changing from cold to hot seasons and it gets real yeah we have a similar jacket got rid of our necklaces here so on airplanes I've been using mine every two hours dual purpose one other thing that we really love is a dirty laundry bag it sounds simple but this one especially is really cool it's from a company called Tom bin we also have that's the luggage that we had as well it's got a dirty side it has a red string yeah and then a clean side so when you're not when you're doing your laundry users stuff all your dirty stuff in this side and then after you do your laundry and you're coming back to the laundromat or whatever it is you throw it all in the clean side and you don't feel like you're mixing stuff so if you're a little bit of a germ freak this is awesome we also carry a splitter because we like to watch movies together for podcasts podcasts or anybody else likes Rick Steves like they like a walking tour did you ever chat sharing an earphone and walking side by side it's really done actually Rick Steeves us from our hometown and then another thing that was thinking is so important are the extra batteries for your phones yeah that's a good segue into Karen's first thing which is okay so my bag is my tip we just got these this summer and you can charge your phones in the USB future is now and there's two USBs right here doing your best ever to your bag look you can't leave your bag now because if Scott you're charging and everything in it no I mean I only use it when we're like transiting okay you know and I'm using my maps my phone that's when your battery rings I'm gonna have my bag with me when where if you're at the airport you're not in the lounge and there's like seven people it's really nice there's something so funny about this charging your bag yeah turning your back my bags batteries load this one is super simple and quick but if you ever say a hotel that gives you a free shower cap we use them as shoe covers cuz like a lot of times your shoes get nasty and then in our small bags our students are touching everything else so just throw the shower cap over issue and it keeps your shoe from getting the rest of your bags disgusting that's us alright that's my shoes just get everything dirty my bad I can activate and every time just like there's got to be a better way also talking about the shoe thing we found shoes with collapsible Hills like I can get flat we had Nike freeze before this and now we have to all virtues both of them have collapsible hills and that saves so much space one of my favorite travel hacks that I discovered this summer I love jewelry so this is my joy bag and I love necklaces but I hate traveling with necklaces because they always get tangled and it drives me that so what is this I got these little they're supposed to be four cords like technology it's just a strip of velcro and I take I wrap my necklaces around each one so I have like five of course so you wrap it around and then they don't get tangled with each other either and I've saved so many hours of my life untangling not untangling so this is they like do it at your own risk tip it's a huge space saver maybe not technically legal I think you're supposed to have your over mic prescription medicines or really any medicine in my label canister yeah but so I've just got one of these like Sunday through Saturday pill things that a lot of people [Applause] you know man I just write what each pill is on the top and then I stuff the pills and each day she drugged her anybody else so instead of carrying eight round circular pill bottles this is one small for that thank you so before we love to travel full-time I didn't wash my hair often and I still don't but I used dry shampoo and my favorite kind of direction to do it's in an aerosol can and we carry on a lot and you can't travel with Arab hands yeah so before we left to travel full time I was this probably I was most nervous about with how am I gonna have to wash my hair every day yeah I can't use dry shampoo and then somebody bought me powdered dry shampoos I've heard baby powder works exactly the same it's a less expensive it looks really good and you just squirt a little bit in your hair I like to do it the night before and you wake up and it's just kind of soaked default but I take a shower okay one other thing I'm not gonna spend much time alone because we've said we wouldn't obvious things but just in case I think we all travel so it's just like cubes that separate your clothing and keep it working out so when you want to get like one shirt out of your bag you'll have to like wrinkle everything else up so pants go in here underwear in here and they've got another one so once again we are Eric and Alison from the endless adventure we've actually all been travelling full-time for about the same month almost exactly but it's interesting to see like the different types of things that people the different problems that you guys have sorted yep your little hacks and things you know it's very interesting because ours are a little bit different the first thing that I wanted to say this is for both of us these and if you guys have ever seen anything on our channel any of our packing guides we always talk about these these are toothbrush holders and they actually stick to the mirror so the minute that we unload all our stuff in a place we take our selves in bathroom go stick it on the mirror yeah yeah but they're so cool cuz like it's a tiny this quarter yeah point you know while you're in your bag but then it's easily accessible you don't have to set it on like good for the absent-minded like me so next up is another thing that both of us use these are little cellphone wallet thingies that you stick to the back of your phone so we just put a phone case on the phone and then stick these to the phone case and they actually hold all your credit cards now there's a bunch of these on the market and we tried some the other ones but these ones are very very special they have this little flap on the top that holds your cards in there and not all of them have this and guess what happens through the airport and I went like this and pull my cards little nook in the wall and it went down to the floor below [Music] but if you're nervous about losing everything in your life that's valuable all at once maybe no do it you don't carry wallets at all no just that just what about cash I would all stop cash in here but she carries it all yeah in my jacket pocket because my fear with a wall and I've traveled with the wallet before but I'll lose it really I won't lose my phone all right so I guess I have some little like bathroom tips not really hacks but I'm very pale and the Sun doesn't like me very much so I do a moisturizer with built-in sunscreen and now I don't have to have two separate things and I use this kind of all over if I need to in a pinch so that was a huge century yeah it's awesome you don't smell like a sunscreen up tourist yeah and your any wish rise but then also this has been my favorite thing besides the dry shampoo it's I'm not sure how to pronounce it my seller micellar Mitchell air water and apparently it's really fancy in France it's it's this like all in one space cleanser and makeup remover so I don't have to wash my face anymore what I should just put some of this on a little cotton ball or cotton swab wipe your face you're going to pop your it takes all waterproof yeah it's so good especially on long travel days when I just feel disgusting you just wipe your face you feel good to go and then I think our final one is these little ginger candy chews actually actually turn this onto these I get super carsick and I used to carry on Dramamine but it made me so sleepy so we invested in these and it's literally just like ginger candies but if you chew them when you're traveling it is worth 100 I have gone on boats and buses and haven't got me six inside companies we actually thanks to buy this is super fun hanging out with like other people that are living such a similar life to us and it's crazy how many things I feel like we've learned from each other just by hanging out in the past 24 hours like you kind of feel like you're an expert and whatever you're doing because you do it every day but then you hang out with people who are doing the same thing and they're doing it in a totally different way and in some cases like a lot more efficient or a lot better way so hopefully you guys found that helpful we what we've learned a ton yes videos you don't bring other people who are like considering and traveling long term that this videos so before we in this vlog Josh pointed out that we're all probably carrying something that we don't use as much as we should so we've all chosen one thing that we've carried around the world with us for a year and a half and don't ever but for some reason we keep gaining and so mine is a jump rope I think it was peer pressured to buy by Josh but I have not used it one time and then so Arian does anyone exercise I see that every day I do feel like once every three days yeah six for me I've got a couple things that I carry around I weirdo I have accepted it so when we turned Cuba I bought some cigars they are long zips past and I am still carrying around my humidor I carry a humidor around the world and it is this bag and this is the U and then another thing again I'm a weirdo I have a fountain-pen collection I love the idea of writing and sharing stories and stuff but I do every day and I don't have time to write so I have four fountainhead's three things of eat and yeah an empty nominees are a poll and somehow so I have two things that I've never used one I have an IMS essay from an airplane that was probably like early no it is Japan Airlines so that was our first country yeah that was January 2016 we started trying to look and I don't think I've used it since I always think I'm like yeah I'm gonna need mats at some point and then just never do and then ever since Kara threw up the bus arrived in the Philippines and we had no way like she threw up in the trash cans by the driver and then we put it back and they never knew the difference and it did have a trash bag in it I've been carrying this bag as a potential barf bag like they'd be out an airplane yeah I don't know buses and like boats and planes and stuff it's just good so my item is a curling iron I think I've used it twice because I thought I was gonna have all this time like oh I'm doing it for work every day I'm gonna do my hair every day with my dry shampoo do you feel safer though having it yeah it's like one day I weapon all right so I guess mine is an inflatable neck pillow which I have used twice now I mean is neck pillow you guys it's really big Louie strap this on like a guitar and you can strap it to one to the chair and one to yourself tomorrow so you can like are you here justice all right did a lot of research and thought this was going to be like having a bed in here it sounds like a good idea but I can see her squirming when she uses it off like she's like you just get winded and pass out yeah for my item it's a very similar to actually title this is a awesome band and when I put this in my bag before we started this trip I was like yeah yeah but I've never pumped in your iron okay I might have used it once but she actually uses it all yeah so I'm secretly have to be brought it along here I get though so it's just kind of deadweight for me so that wraps up the video again we're gonna link both of their channels down below and maybe in some card things have topped if we get really yeah we get really fancy a little income in some cards about but don't forget if you want to see us eat some Estonian stuff go to the in Elissa Pinterest channel if you want to see what's happening next if they're keeping a secret a fun adventure and over to the lowest Ashley and Josh from the way there we go and then we go one two three that should make the noise Eric and Alison from and listen venture [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 602,493
Rating: 4.8832684 out of 5
Keywords: travel, travel vlog, travel hacks, packing vlog, travel packing vlog, travel hacking, full-time travel, travel couple, couple vloggers, how to pack, how to travel light, unique packing tips, packing tips, long term travel, long term packing, away bag, packing cubes, endless adventure, way away, kara and nate, triplethreattallin, the endless adventure, the way away
Id: z7ExThihScw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2017
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