PACHY ATTACKS CROCODILE?!? - Saurian Demo Gameplay | Ep4

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surely we can Tyrell a said okay well back hello everyone welcome to another episode of sorne again I sort of say thank you so much for the support comments likes and everything you've left on the previous episodes I'm having loads of fun playing this game we will eventually become an adult and hopefully we'll be in this episode otherwise we're gonna end up with two episodes with this so yeah if your hoped for what could happen today oh that's um oh that's an adult Dakota Raptor oh he would kill me oh we should fight him we should fire to see how good they are okay anyway yeah leave a like if you're hyped and or keep clicking there yeah apparently according to the description that Dakota ruptor adults should see me as a threat and want to kill me so this would be interesting oh just camp yeah I got a record for you let's see if you can beat 4000 like yeah you smash stuff for the past buzz you dedicated saurian viewers can you beat 4000 altogether that's my little task view while I chase down a lizard which is hiding somewhere oh so we got a decoder up to here Oh with a little Raptor to pachycephalosaurus is on the other side of the river very fast flowing river at mind you my dad he should see me as a threat the Raptor Oh nuts okay now this adult should oh no I hate him mind yeah let's do this adult it oh he's kind of running but it's like a jog oh what's he doing yeah that's the first adult decoder after I've seen it since my parents abandoned me don't have the best track record with those I'm gonna sit down in the sunlight heat up for the day because that's what they would do right that's a scientifically accurate there's something in the lake over there the Packer several sources have retreated just want to make sure that nothing sneaks up on me so what's that it's okay pompadour the one with the the Big Horn the big old Elvis the pachycephalosaurus is oh I think he's in gate nope okay they're doing they're copying each of those movements are they were oh oh there's a rupture at the top I might go for the Raptor I may even go for the up now there's no point going through at all I would love to try but I I saw something more tantalizing up here little Raptor chasing something so hopefully there's nothing chasing me a no surprise ha ha ha dead wait where'd he go knocked clean oh ok you eat them all now I mean again it's a demo it's gonna be updated this isn't even a beta this is a demo so we've got loads to look forward to guys there's loads of dinosaurs coming as well I mean that being scientifically accurate to the area so there's not gonna be like a Spinosaurus actually there may be I think one of the kick-started goals was reached and it was like have whatever dinosaur you want in the game I think one of the go where'd he go he's hiding somewhere flush him out I think he's hiding in here we can't crouch and walk it's a bit of a ship I might have even killed them hold on yeah I might have eaten no I ate them then oh well lots of smells everywhere oh there he is there he is no don't go to the lake oh no don't stop for a drink oh I got it get little scrubbers yeah I got no I did I get him yeah I got him I got a little thing yeah I mean I'm not really too hungry the Triceratops walking on a very diagonal plane I don't know whether it's a gradual growth or whether it's just when you level up like to the next stage that you grow but I feel bigger I don't know I think I'm getting close to maturity I'm always worried I feel like a thing we spawn in quite a close vicinity to you so all of a sudden the t-rex might just walk into your short oh oh did the crocodile go and attack him okay surely I could or that crocodiles quite big actually look at him out of water he's running away lord knows sometimes the AI does baffle me oh I've never seen this before oh wow crocodile vs Pachycephalosaurus who's gonna win I'm curious I would have thought one hit from the [ __ ] set my sources thick dome would kill the crocodile oh there's blood I think there's blood on the crocodile a lot of it yeah there's a lot of blood on my crocodile oh God then just stay out the wait yeah the crook does not fighting back I don't things good you sure this Pachycephalosaurus is the carnival it's got a grudge on him oh no he's running away he's running away now he's running away because oh really my god there's a death battle going on here what the two creatures I wouldn't have thought would have a fight to go the crocodile killed him but he's covered in blood see the crocodile not the Pachycephalosaurus Wow I think the crew dogs going for me now yeah he's making a slight go for me now I don't want to take him on I would have thought the Pachycephalosaurus would take one in wallop killed him but no Wow okay well I mean I'll take the spoils oh you had it in the bag made and said you started running away I kind of want to see that crocodile surely must always be dead don't mess with him call him Steve Irwin I wonder who instigated that I think the Pachycephalosaurus accidentally trod on him and then that did damage the crocodile so the crocodile bit back and then when the crocodile bit back at the Pachycephalosaurus was like okay you're dead you're dead to me okay so yeah let's watch out for the killer crocodile oh now he's now he's got some walk on a mini yeah I don't want to I don't mess with that one bit I feel like yeah I've only attacked a crocodile once and I think it was as a sub-adult like this there was three of them I ran into them and died instantly [Music] oh I would have thought that I could kill it easy like just grasp onto and bite if I knew better I I can't say that that's accurate look his heads as big as mine right so I would assume maybe he might have a slightly more bite force but a slightly more scientifically accurate that's the right lingo scientifically more oh there he goes is he going for the other possible source no he's not he's going to the side isn't even the crime scene I've seen it I don't decoder up to see the Pachycephalosaurus Triceratops a crocodile fighter try a pike lease-up la Souris and the only thing we haven't seen is other versions of me and a t-rex but DeBellis that was that was a bleep I better bow on the t-rex and Triceratops they just push each other over these guys were they were stuck to each other look at him there killer like if that was real life I feel like they were just the packing services do one headbutt to the crocodile crush its skull it would be dead of course so I don't know how this even managed to happen I love it I love the ambience the only thing I don't like is the music I don't think it's very fitting the ambience is great it's a certain music track that plays anywhere that I don't I'm not too keen on Saurus he's still there no oh he's just about to eat it look at that okay so it looks like it's getting towards night I'm gonna say in between trees yeah that's a this is good okay so this should be the final day before an adult I would imagine we're so big now okay let's have a little explore back to the water to rehydrate got it gotta keep hydrated remember grab your water grab your water it's very important yeah it's this music that's playing right now it's it's a weird I I don't what kind of instrument is it's when you blow into but it it doesn't fit for me I don't think anyway it's my personal choice oh I'm sorry from offending the person you made the music for them no I don't think the into the Internet if the instrument is a is right I don't think yeah this is okay I can hear like some sort of soundscape now that's fine but it's when that comes in and like know a little bit oh my hungers going down pretty quick actually okay now I did if that's the case I did see a rafter over this way one thing I will say they've got the sound effects right for the feet there you go and do it you hear it you go in sand you hear it but unlike the Isle which still sounds like you're traipsing through trash bags no really no really because they could easy change out there we go there's food like it's horrible okay okay we got another pachycephalosaurus emerging from the undergrowth oh there's the Isle of Dakota Raptor there he is he's over there yes oh there we go sit back down corn if you sit down maybe will come towards us and the reason why I'm sticking towards the coast and staying by the sand it's just it's easier to spot prey there we go okay go go go go go go go run no no no no no I'm gonna meet you in one meatball oh oh okay that looks awesome that's great that looks so good we consume the flesh into a fluffy ball I mean he's gonna help us stomach grow a little bit but yeah we need more we need more food come on let's oh oh hello what if we jumped in attacked you were basically the same size um fungus never know I might need to run away from him if he's anything like me he's quick hey okay oh there is barriers okay right before we attack it's important to do stretches so up and and oh now right the muscles are warm okay surely we can't I really said baby version of us how cute [Laughter] likes played even sighs oh he's like a pancake like roadkill wherever I am it doesn't seem like t-rex is like to come here oh no don't know come on every time they've got a magnet for water these things aah oh we've got Mike on yeah get back the other way towards land go on go on so I can eat you hope you go all the way hey y'all see that wasn't so hard now was it there's another baby yeah okay fine like that's fine um Oh nope don't want to kill it there we go one bite and dad again all right I'm sorry buddy didn't even squeal nothing oh I make a cool noise now it is it's a sub-adult version of me in other words me oh well sorry dude I'm gonna go and hunt this Raptor I want to see if it's okay with me though ah how about we make friends and I bring it over want to be friends oh god damn lag look I go food nope not interested you're not interested in me whatsoever we're the same species and you're not interested doesn't even want to fight me doesn't even want to take my food nothing look at this blue eyes black dragon thing fluffy dragon you don't want it fine I'll turn it into a fluff ball then kind of want to kill you now not impressed by my present no coal no nothing just walking aimlessly and now it is walking into a tree I know it's dead one bite and I killed it okay well maybe it was a special one that's why it wasn't interested I might as well fill up on a day it smells of poop and food yes the moment I've been waiting for let's do it guys let's just do it let's be coming at all [Music] I am yours Wow Tara I'm beautiful I'm big and in charge how high can I jump I mean I don't now so whoo I'm pretty damn high so a pachycephalosaurus I mean yeah it still poses a threat but I should be able to take it down look at my feathers my plumage I'm turning into a gray fox horse is awesome I'm so quick oh that's great gosh I have done it the gods have smiled upon me let's go get some water to celebrate okay if I wasn't like glitching what the hell's going on yes crocodiles yeah I think I can kill you now son so when you go to the next stage you don't actually go to sleep oh that's good I'm so close though like vanish there you go I have to zoom out now well how old are we we're six years old oh so I think apparently the max age is 14 and then you die so I don't know if like what happens if we find another adult Dakota Raptor if we breed or if that's all there is right now I think maybe that's it I think once were this adult we've kind of reached the end game the only thing left to do now is to mess around I guess we could probably grow bigger I'm sure okay there's something weird going on with the running though I keep on slipping like if I go down a cliff I saw a fly off so we've got a little sub-adult bear in the water how you doing buddy hold on no I see I fell off it there and swim back that way come on we're gonna jump we're gonna leap because we're really slow in the water bush he's stuck oh bloody me tried and I'm dead awesome so if you hold move while eating you can take a chunk of meat you see that'd be cool if I could impress a mate this way yeah Oh looked at the floor ate it all it's all kind okay we're gonna have to kill something else I see a Pachycephalosaurus over there in the Pachycephalosaurus sort of already knows the danger it's in it's starting to run towards victorious oh that was gorgeous I somehow ended up on its back though and I didn't even click jump right click right click oh I think yeah that's what happened I think he may have I may have stepped on him that flung me in the air for a second and then I landed on them well guys that's it we've became an adult I'll probably do one more episode and sort of live out this life because we're still oh right ok so that's the bar to the next age okay and I'm guessing when you become age 7 you get a little bit bigger a little bit stronger until you reach full maturity and then you tie guys leave a like until next time I'll see you later bye bye
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 324,339
Rating: 4.960494 out of 5
Keywords: saurian, saurian demo, realistic dinosaur game, dinosaur simulator, simulator, the isle, gaming beaver, the gaming beaver, dinosaurs, dinosaur, dino, dino game, kick-starter, early access, t.rex, rapt
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2017
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