Pachelbel's Guitar Hero | Trace Bundy | TEDxBoulder

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you [Applause] it's so good to be here you guys and Andrew thank you for not kind of mixing up my name trace with Ted and introducing me as Ted Bundy tonight so thank you hey I'm gonna play a few songs for you guys tonight and I'm gonna start with my take on an old classical song so a few hundred years ago there was a song written it was kind of a pop one-hit wonder by a guy named Johann and we call it a Pachelbel's Canon and I've always loved this song and so I wanted to write a unique arrangement of it and so I'm gonna play it kind of as if the guitar is a piano so I'm gonna approach it with kind of a two-handed style like this and it's one of my favorites to play so here's canon [Music] you [Music] [Applause] thank you I really appreciate that thank you so much hey I'm gonna play it for the second song here I'm gonna play a song I wrote called it over time and on this song I'm gonna use a really thick echo effect in fact it sounds like this ready okay so everything I play is gonna echo at that speed I can't change the speed of that echo I can't change the tempo of it but what I'm gonna try to do is play my guitar at a different speed than what the echo is doing okay and let me just kind of demonstrate here so if I'm playing along to the echo at the same speed it sound like this okay now I could play double the speed and sound like this but here's here's where it gets kind of fun if I play in between these two speeds did I find that kind of sweet spot I can get the notes to line up with each other and inform a new pattern may be based on some math equation or something and it goes like this let me try this out [Music] [Music] it sounds kind of neat right it's kind of cool thank you guys it's a short song no that's not the song that's not the song it's just an example so let me play the full song for you guys this is overtime goes like this [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow thank you very much you guys this is truly an honor to be able to share some music with you all hey I'm gonna play one more song for you and I'm actually gonna use both of these guitars for this song so I need to kind of set them up in front of me looks good alright I kind of need to tune this up hey this is this is really fun though I'm I'm gonna play here a song to end with that I wrote called joy and sorrow and this song I named it joy and sorrow because each of these two guitars are gonna represent these two opposite emotions of joy and sorrow this guitar here is going to represent the sorrow I'm gonna play in the key of D minor which is known to be the saddest of all the keys [Music] sad right and then on this guitar I'll be playing in D major which is a very happy key and kind of going back and forth between these these two opposite emotions as if it's almost a conversation happening between the two and even though they are opposites we find these times where joy and sorrow kind of come crashing into each other I have a cousin who's taught me a lot about joy and sorrow she has a terminal form of cancer and of course there's that deep sorrow around you know the diagnosis and the harsh treatments she's undergoing and and but the way she's interacted with the sorrow is what to me is has been truly a mind blowing she came up to me a while back and she said just a trace I don't know how much longer I have she said I don't know if I have months I don't know if I have weeks or days but she said she said I do know this I want to live every single moment of the rest of my life to the fullest she said she said I want to live it with joy and with passion and that just blew me away like like I could see you know be I could imagine someone like that kind of spiraling down into a darker place kind of knowing her circumstances and knowing what's to come instead she's decided to choose joy in the midst of that sorrow and I started thinking like what am i doing like like I don't want to wait for something like that to happen to stir up something like that in me to have me kind of make that change like I want to choose that right now I want to do it right you know like this so this song has become kind of my reminder of like why not like life's so short why not live with that kind of a passion with that kind of joy and living life completely to the fullest so this is kind of my reminder here's here's joy and sorrow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: TEDx Talks
Views: 1,412,798
Rating: 4.8711452 out of 5
Keywords: TEDxTalks, English, United States, Entertainment, Music (performance)
Id: QfxG8Ic6S9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2015
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