P7M7: The Mythical Lost .45 ACP H&K
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Forgotten Weapons
Views: 139,367
Rating: 4.9793491 out of 5
Keywords: history, development, mccollum, forgotten weapons, design, disassembly, kasarda, inrange, inrangetv, hk, heckler, koch, p7m7, p7, p7m13, p7m8, 45, 45 acp, 45 p7, gas delay, pistol, handgun, rare, grail, unicorn, lost, mythical, unique, miami vice, tv, prototype, hk usa, hk germany, grey room, gray room
Id: fUUotDJffjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2019
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