Tableau Desktop Crash Course for Data Analysts

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hey it's Tim here I'm super excited about this video this is a tableau desktop crash course yes I promise you that if you watch this video from start and I'll make sure that you've gone from zero absolutely no understanding of Tableau whatsoever to a dashboard published on Tableau public or tablet cloud and I'll string everything in between we cover the different license types Tableau public Tableau desktop how to install them how to use them the interface building the basic charts so you know how to get started with those as soon as you have access to Tableau itself and we'll even talk a bit about some quirks and some tips and tricks that I think are fundamental for users to have right out of the gate this is I think one of the best starts to tablet that's available anywhere for free and it's also made me wonder what would a full-on tableau course covering the entire platform made by tableau10 look like if you're curious stick around to the end as ever let's get stuck in right today we are learning tableau let's switch over to this view so let me just check everything is working okay uh yeah we're learning tablet what is table a and if you haven't noticed let's do some housekeeping first on the left of the screen is is literally my notes that I'm going to be working through so if you're already keen and you've sort of been looking at the left hand side this is sort of the rough agenda for the crash course and it's quite long and my promise to you is that I will not leave this chair until this is done okay so we're gonna get this all done um this is being recorded that's the nature of YouTube so uh don't worry too much about uh you know grabbing those grabbing screenshots you can come back to this later on I might do some editing on the recording but nonetheless this will be up pretty much within 48 Hours once the stream is done um the agenda is pretty straightforward because this is a crash course there will be things that I'll touch on briefly but I'll call them out and I'll call them out for two reasons number one I've been on YouTube a long long time so you know if I just go to my videos I guarantee you that most of the things I've done in the course today there'll be a video about in my library so for example if you want to learn how to do calculations you can just come on the channel and search for it there's you know if you just search you know Tablo term and the topic you pretty much find it so whenever I call out something that I've done a video on already just go to my channel and search for it that will cover it in more depth I often spend five maybe 20 minutes covering that specific detail topic where there isn't something I'll cover it in detail here of course as well so just just be aware of that okay so let's get started so welcome and welcome to this crash course of Tableau and I'll quickly do a very brief introduction of myself um I don't think you guys need an introduction but do it anyway for the benefit of the recording just literally one minute my name is Tim I'm a analytics consultant I I am also a LinkedIn instructor so if you head over to my LinkedIn profile you'll see that I recently introduced this uh course called everybody's introduction to tableau if you actually go to my profile and find this post I'll put it in the comments and you can find a link just underneath this uh blue area that says saved and if you click on that link you'll have access for free for 24 hours so that's something to be aware of I'll put it in the chat now just so you can see that and then um yeah very last thing is our metabolo Visionary so I've been I've been working with Tableau for eight years now a really really long time first time I used it I didn't even know I was using table a that's why it's eight not seven um and yeah I'm part of a a very privileged community of people who help teach and you know share the values of Tableau but also help spread the good stuff the tablet can do whether it's at work whether it's for good causes or whether it's just trying to get more people to be more data literate and work with tablets off so that's pretty much a summary of what I do and hopefully I'm going to be able to share some of that uh wisdom with you today so let me go ahead and close these tabs as I no longer need them okay so what is Tableau Tableau is a analytics platform it's essentially um a tool that's used in businesses to help them work with large amounts of data and help teams and analytics teams build analytical workflows now I'm pretty proud of a if you go to Google and search what is Tableau I'm pretty proud to essentially have a video that covers this topic in under 10 minutes it's got over half a million views and so what I don't want to do is labor that here in the live stream but what I will do is I will um I'll put a link to this in the comments in the chat as well and this is definitely probably the best explainer of tablet I've ever done I'm due to do a new one I don't know how I'm going to beat this one but uh join the half a million people we've already watched this and who think it's a great introduction to tablet for the benefit of everyone in this stream um it's a really the what but the simplest way to think of tableau is in every business you work with data whether it's how well you're performing what you're selling and what you want to do goals or targets and as your business is transacting doing whatever it needs to do and you're collecting data and what tablet offers is a platform to manage that data store that data in some respects and then share that data with people in the organization it does that using a range of products and each of the products has a different role in the entire platform so if I go over to this tab over here I won't go into each page I just want to give you a rundown of the products you'll see that the platform is actually made up of several products most people know of Tableau desktop but not many people actually go beyond Tableau desktop which is a real shame in my opinion because the whole platform is super powerful So today we're just going to be covering Tableau desktop this option over here there's another product called Tableau server and recently a new product called Tableau Cloud which was previously called Tableau online now Tableau server and Tableau Cloud they're responsible for essentially playing the role of the platform they're the platform that you connect to they're where you share your work to they're also the platforms that manage things like governance and the ability to share stuff within your organization it's essentially a CMS for analytical content whether it's a dashboard data and security data connections all of that is managed inside of the tablet platform of course businesses have other tools as well so Tableau plays really nicely with those tools but in essence tablet cloud and tablet server are where people go to mostly consume that information the work that you build in Tableau desktop gets published up to Tableau server and Tableau Cloud it's essentially like putting up a Blog on a website and once you've done that other people can see it and all the security and permissions are managed which means your data stays safe it stays governed and in many cases it allows you to also do things like monitor which data sources are being used and which ones aren't so you can better optimize the way data works and Tableau prep is a fairly new tool it's a data preparation tool very similar to another tool in the industry called alltrex analytics that is another uh tool that's used to clean data now when we're talking about cleaning data most of you maybe do this in Excel you might do it just manually by you know changing the way data looks maybe you're pivoting rows in Excel maybe you're creating power pivots to reformat data tablet prep lets you do that in a visual way and again for that product I actually have another video that explains that really really well so again I went I went sort of Google that now but if you go to Google and search what is Tableau prep and you look at the first three video hits my video there will explain that for you really really really well the newest part of Tableau recently is something called CRM analytics this is essentially what used to be called Einstein analytics that sat within the Einstein platform in Salesforce in essence before Salesforce acquire Tableau Salesforce needed their own analytics platform and that's kind of where CRM analytics came from so I won't delve too much into that today but that's just some context Tableau public is actually pretty important for today because although I'll be using Tableau desktop and I'll occasionally switch to Tableau public Tableau public is essentially the free version of Tableau desktop so everyone watching this video now doesn't need to pay for Tableau or even activate a tableau desktop trial just to try a tablet you can actually start using this straight away from Tableau public and again I'll show you this a little bit later on once we've gone through all the products you have these items here at the bottom which I won't go through in detail but in essence uh these are add-ons there are additional capabilities that are added to tablets allow you to do different things so data management helps you manage data better Advanced Management helps you run tablet cloud and Tableau server in a more optimized way embedded analytics allows you to take your Tableau dashboard and put it inside of another application an application in this case could be inside of your CRM it could be a portal that you have inside of your organization for managing patients or managing people or managing whatever you manage and in other cases it could just be the ability to give someone the ability to build a dashboard using data from your system so embedded analytics is a sort of abstract concept but in essence you're just taking the technology that tablet have built and you're putting it inside of your own application or your own platform and then they have a bunch of other Integrations and stuff that I won't go through but that is in a nutshell what Tableau is it's an analytics platform it's got quite a big you know a handful of tools now and they all sort of work to this purpose of helping businesses better manage data now I've explicitly been mentioning businesses because Tableau is an expensive product you know it does something that's really important for businesses and so if we just very briefly go to the pricing It's always important to talk about pricing because licenses are linked to pricing and licenses control what you can do with Tableau so if you're going to install Tableau desktop on your machine at work or wherever you're going to have it and if you're using Tableau public great that's free I'll come to the limitations in a second but if you're using Tableau desktop you're going to need to understand where your specific organization has put you in terms of Licensing so if I go to the Tableau pricing you'll see at three terms that are commonly used for licensing the first one is a tableau Creator the second one is a tablet Explorer and the last one is a tableau viewer now these are very sort of abstract terms but I like to sort of break them down and simplify them and so what I would say is a tablet Creator gets access to the full platform if you're using Tableau desktop using Tableau prep you have the Creator license now back in the old day this used to be called something completely different they didn't have these names and so you might still see a few people using Tableau with a licensed key specifically just for Tableau desktop or specifically for tablet desktop and tablet prep but broadly speaking if you're new to Tableau today you're going to be either a Creator Explorer or a viewer for the benefit of everyone else an Explorer and viewer are kind of the same these two users essentially just access data on tablet cloud or tablet server you can see here it says tablet Cloud I should start using my annotations you can see here it says Tableau cloud and the reason it doesn't mention Tableau server is because there's an actually a second tab here that shows you the pricing for on-premise which is Tableau server I won't go into the detail of the difference between on-premise and hosted by Tableau but just know that Tableau server hosted on premise is a little bit cheaper because your organization takes on the management of basically managing the server tablet cloud is just like Salesforce is just like any other tool like Google where you log into a website and it's all managed for you you don't have to worry about servers or systems everything sits in the cloud and so there's an additional cost for the Explorer and viewer license to be able to do that and not worry about setting everything up the Creator's license automatically works on tablet cloud and tablet server if they already have one and as I mentioned before you've got these add-ons here at the bottom and these pretty much control additional capabilities but that's a bit beyond sort of the the basics for this for this course so um to use Tableau desktop you're going to need a Creator license now what if you just want to learn Tableau what if you just want to use it for free like how do you get how do you get a how do you get your hands on it well the first way is to start a trial I think there's trials are normally two weeks so you can you know start doing something serious and start to understand how it works they do take your details and you might get a call from Salesforce within minutes but nonetheless you can ignore the call just get learning and get stuck in with learning what tablet can do for you except for the trial will run out and you'll get stuck what people don't often know is there's another part of tablet which sits on a separate website but is also running in the cloud called Tableau public and that's what I have on this tab in tablet public is essentially a good way of learning Tableau without having to pay for tablet and you might think well that's really really strange so what are the limitations well limitations are that you can only connect to certain data sources and I'll show you this a little later on and you can only save your work to tablet public it doesn't mean that the work is always public it just means that you always have to save it to the cloud it's a bit like only having the ability to save files to Google Drive in the cloud it's exactly the same sort of concept tablet have their own storage platform that stores all of this work and creates this wonderful Gallery where you can go and see what other people are building with Tableau and they're using the exact same version of Tableau that can do what you can use Tableau for at work so in terms of learning Tableau you can install this at home you can play around with data sets that you're more familiar with and you can learn everything you need to learn because the real only limitations is the ability to connect to a database and where you save your work of course you're not going to be saving your work work on your laptop at home that's not going to be something you do if you decide to try a tablet public but it's a very very good platform okay so that's the difference between the two Tableau desktop and Tableau public are virtually the same and they work just as you'd expect for pretty much the same way the only difference is desktop is a paid product public is free with limitations of where you can save and what you can connect to everything else works pretty much exactly the same okay so any questions so far let's let's stop there because I've I've not covered Tableau versions but I think I've covered what is Tableau and I've covered the Tableau platform hey hey hey sorry sorry to break your flow but I just need a quick favor you see uh this button right here it's called the Subscribe button I'd really appreciate it if you just smashed it so just just hit it right now just quickly quickly and we'll get back to the course done thank you thank you so much let's carry on um and I've covered the licensing so any questions so far on those topics I'll just give you a couple of a couple of seconds just to uh you know let me know in the comments meanwhile I'm gonna go and strike out the things that I believe I've covered if I haven't covered these you guys can hold me honest and and let me know um but I'll try and I'll try and keep it simple this is a crash course I also have to keep keep things moving as well okay um so I'm not seeing anything in the comments so what we'll keep doing is we'll keep pushing on the very last thing to be aware of before we install Tableau or do anything is what version of Tableau you're using you see Tableau like to make things complex with all their Innovation by creating new versions of Tableau every quarter essentially you'll get one in March you'll get another one three months later and so on and so forth until the end of the year and then every single month you'll get what are called patches these are small updates that improve the previously released versions so the best way to show you this is go to a website that I don't even know what it's called the way I get to it is actually quite funny so I search this term that used to be a term that was only ever used I think as of five years ago but it still works so I type into the search bar Tableau e-s-d-a-l-t I have no idea what that means if anyone knows what that means let me know you can see it's actually here um alternate download site I don't think that is it that is it that can't be it but when you get there you can see all the releases of Tableau and to me this is the best place to understand the different versions because on the left you can see the paid products you don't have tablet public here tablet public is downloaded from the Tableau public website but you get Tableau desktop prep server online and Bridge we're just focusing on Tableau desktop and so you can see here you have 22.4 which was released in December 22.3 which was released let's go down here and have a look October and as I expand these you can see that there's actually uh other versions in between and this is what I meant by patches you see in June here for example when they release 22.2 it was working fine and then customers get in touch with some issues and then in August a month later they updated again and they keep doing that even as new versions are getting updated so if your organization is using an older version of Tableau let's say you're using 21.3 you still got an update back in December of 2022 just last month and so it's really important to make sure that in your organization you know what version your organization is using and you make sure you stay in lockstep with that version because it just means everything is going to work swimmingly you won't design something with a new feature and then find out you can't share it with people because you've published it to a server that doesn't support that feature and that leads me to the next point which is each of these pieces of software are upgraded individually but the features within them occasionally need to be used for the same version so let me give you an example in the most recent version of Tableau they released a mapping capability called the intersex function I just released a video about it now if I used 22.4 and built out a dashboard with that feature but then my server which is an on-premise server had been updated to 22.4 you can see that that doesn't exist yet I'll explain why in a second that feature wouldn't be visible to end users once I've published It Up In fact when I go to publish it up the server would tell me hey you're going to have a problem here because I've seen this feature is not available and so you're probably wondering well hey you just said that the features are updated every corset what about Tableau server well as of 2022 Tableau stopped updating Tableau server every quarter instead they only update it twice a year so they updated in January so we're about to have the next update very soon and they updated again a roundabout summer so you can see when when did this come out October not even not even summer end of summer basically so you get one in January and one in summer which isn't great and so this has been a big change in it's caused some challenges in some organizations but just be sure that you still get patches so even though they might not be updating Tableau server with new features every um quarter they still update them every month with fixes and patches so it's still worth doing these updates so things are unstabling some organization might sort of forget to do that because of the less frequent updates and so the key thing to remember here is that whatever version of Tableau desktop you're using need to make sure it's working with the same version of Tableau server or tablet cloud the other thing you won't see in this list is Tableau Cloud because tablet cloud is run by Tableau it doesn't need a download you simply go to a browser in this case let me show you my tablet Cloud instance and if I go ahead and log in here uh oh I forgot my password so let's try again when I log into it everything is available here immediately when I install software on my computer and I sign into the server everything will just work there are no upgrades required and I can just go ahead and use it Tableau desktop the latest version will work happily with tablet Cloud if you're using tablet Cloud so if you're using tablet Cloud update as often as you want it's always going to be up to date but for tablet server just wait until your organization does the updates okay what I'll do is in the edited version of this video I'll put a graphic up that explains this a little bit well better even and so just be sure to look out for that as well okay so let me go ahead and scratch that off my list and we've done Tableau versions we've done licensing we've done the platform we've done explaining what is Tableau now let's look at desktop and public okay now to download them tablet public is a little bit funny um and I'll start with tablet public first because that's the version that most people can go ahead and do right now for free there's two ways of using Tableau public um the first way is to use it here in the browser the second way is to download it now most people will tell you to download it and if you want to kind of simulate an experience that you'd have at work I would say also go ahead and download it as well that's the best way to actually experience it if I go to the create drop down up here select download Tableau desktop public edition it takes me to a page it asks me to sign in if I'm not signed in and if I click the button it always asks for a few bits of information this is just marketing okay I can never get out of this but go ahead install um put your details in here you can put like a um like an alias if you want to and download the application that will allow you to download the software for Windows and Mac once you've done that run the installer there's nothing to set up other than just literally clicking okay agreeing with the terms and conditions and letting that run and then once you've done that you're pretty much good to get you'll have the software ready to run if you want to use it in the browser instead if I go back to the home page all you need to do is go ahead and sign in so let me go ahead and do that and once I'm signed in you'll notice that I actually have a profile so my profile picture is just up here if you're new I think it walks you through the experience a little bit and once you're signed in what I actually encourage people to do is don't don't go and try and build something straight away do something a little bit more crazy which is go find some of the trending visualizations right now uh pre padam here is a colleague of mine at the information lab so if I actually go to her visualization right now any visualization which the author has made available to download if you go to this button just right here you can actually open it here in the browser and start to edit it straight away so I can go ahead and click on that button make a copy and I'm immediately in the web editing experience for Tableau public and actually this is the same way of editing experience you get for Tableau desktop if you use it in tablet cloud or in tablet server and check this out I can even go into the visualization I can open it up and I can even see exactly how this has been built this is just such a powerful capability and so this is how easy it is I we've been streaming for such a short amount of time but I've already shown you how you can get free access into Tableau just by using tablet public so go and see how other people are using their visualizations now granted this is a little bit intimidating okay we've got a lot of things going on here but later on today we'll actually build this exact chance we won't have it looking as nice as prayers down here because that formatting takes a bit of time so this we're not going to do that there's no time in a crash course but we will build this map and with these circles and I'll show you how to do all of that and everything here should look a lot less intimidating by the time we're done okay so let me just go back and close this uh if you want to know what I'm doing I'll just try and annotate it a bit more I'll go ahead and close this up here at the top and I don't want to publish this because this is not my work and I don't want people to think it's my work it's pretty is hard work and we'll leave it at that okay so if you want to go ahead and create anything you know go ahead edit something but you can also just go to create here at the top select web authoring and it takes you to a blank canvas and the blank canvas is great because you can then go ahead upload the data from your computer if you've got a text file a CSV Excel files these are all possible just through this okay now that's the web experience of using tablet public what about the desktop experience how do you go ahead and install the software on your machine well you go ahead and download it and install it then once you've done that what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to swipe over to my Windows machine because I have my Windows machine just behind my desk and I'm remote desktop into it and over there I actually have the different versions of Tableau already running so you can see the difference so the first thing I'll do is open up Tableau public you can just install the software and when you've done that you can see it just becomes available to you to install over here so you can just go ahead and click on that and you're pretty much good to go and when you open it up you're met with this interface and this is actually the classic Tableau interface when you open it up for the first time whether using Tableau desktop or tablet public it's all the same on the left hand side you have What's called the connection pane the connection pane allows you to connect to data in the middle we have the open Pane and this open pane is a bit different in Tableau public because um what it shows you is some of your most recently worked on work it's a bit like your recent documents in Google Drive or on your computer the other thing that it also shows you is some of the work that you've pinned so once you start to do a lot of work you can actually pin them to this location so they're always visible as well and then very lastly the last thing we have on the right hand side is the Discover pane this discover pane essentially links you to a couple of things and some getting started resources which are just covered here at the top these pretty much show you how to use tablet they're going to be hopefully just as good as my tutorials if not better because the people who put them together make the products so hopefully they'd be you know much better you have a link to visit the day now we were just on tablet public visit the day is essentially a visualization that's been voted as a community favorite or has been selected to be showcased for the community on that day and sometimes they come through here in the product and the very last thing is resources so these are things like the Tableau blog sample data sets you can get stuck in with and the current status of tabular online and tablet Cloud also available there so sample data sets is really good because it's a really good way of understanding how everything works and you can sort of Bring It Together as well okay so that's the interface now you're probably wondering well how is this different from Tableau desktop and this is actually the best place to show you the big difference okay when I go ahead and select more you'll see that I get only three options here so if I wanted to connect to a database such as let's say Microsoft SQL server or I wanted to connect to something like snowflake that's not going to be available here because tablet public is limited it only lets you connect to Flat files which are these files here at the top so Excel text Json Microsoft Access PDF spatial files and statistical files essentially any file on your machine and then the servers that lets you connect to are Google Drive odata and web data connectors essentially these are basically other places where you might store some of these flat files and or web data that just doesn't make sense to put behind a price wall because then a tablet doesn't build those connections so that's the limitation here initially with data connections if I go ahead and close that option the other limitation is if I go over let's say I go over to the data tab you'll see uh you'll see that I have very few limited options up here at the top and when we go over to Tableau desktop you'll see that you get a much bigger range of options and one of the things you can't do is save to your desktop so if I click on this little icon here on the very top left hand side let me just highlight that a bit more when I click on that icon what it does is it switches to the visualization building uh setup essentially and that allows me to see the full range of options still in Tableau public but now if I go here and try and save the document it's not going to let me save it to the computer so here it only lets you save to tablet public so that is the limitation of tablet public in this particular instance it's not going to let me save to my desktop machine that said if I go to server it will um it will show me the options that I would expect to see but in order to save this anywhere I'm always going to need to go back here and select save to tablet public or save to tablet public as which allows you to rename the file or you know right over an existing file so those are the core limitations of time by public everything else works exactly as you'd expect there are like some tiny tiny quirks for example the behavior with Google Docs is slightly different in public versus desktop again that's an intermediate thing we don't need to worry about it okay so that is Tableau public and I'm going to go ahead and click on this little Tableau icon in the top left again to go back to this window the only reason I'm clicking there now is because I haven't connected to any data so that's the way to switch between the windows by just clicking that icon on the top right let's switch to Tableau desktop and show you how that's different so let's go ahead and go down to Tableau desktop which is just over here now immediately you can see there's a lot more going on in my connection window on the left we now get the full breakdown of things you can connect to so we have the files that we had before these are just here we have the server-based connections and we also have what are called saved data sources and save data sources are just things that have been saved for convenience they're not necessarily a data sources that kind of get you know organizations can put in in that folder for you it's essentially just an easy place to put things you work on very frequently a bit like your desktop but you can put them there so they're very easy to access so we'll we'll talk about that maybe in an intermediate session instead but don't worry about them today um the server-based connections are a lot broader so you'll definitely see that this list is a lot more impressive and the thing to point out here is that you might have seen that a few of these loaded once the window opened so these options here loaded once the window had opened fully and that's because these actually live on another part of tablet called the Tableau exchange think of it as like a Marketplace except for right now everything is free so it's kind of at a weird marketplace where everything's free at some point they're going to start selling something so for now these are all three connectors made by these companies and or Tableau and you can go ahead and use them alongside all these other connectors so I'm pretty certain you'll find your database in this list if you don't find your database in this list what's most commonly used to connect to those databases is sometimes odbc or jdbc connector essentially it's a open source way of connecting to certain data sources using a certain protocol and the other option is the web data connector if it's a web-based data you might instead use a web data connected to connect to those sources but pretty much everything else is going to be in this list and if it doesn't exist well typically either someone has built an adbc connector or there's going to be a connector down here that lets you connect to it so pretty much everything is covered okay so let me go ahead and minimize this list because it's quite a daunting list and to be honest with you most people when when you open Tableau first time don't try and connect to a database just connect to the sample data source that's being given to you we'll get to that in a second if I go to the bottom you'll see something called accelerators now I don't know why Tabo tries to confuse people but accelerators are just templates think of them as pre-built dashboards that you can use to uh you know accelerate your work essentially someone's done the work for you so you don't have to except for the fact that these three dashboards here were never built with that in mind these three dashboards are actually sample workbooks the best way to think of these sample workbooks for a man let's say from a professional perspective perspective is there are a good Benchmark for understanding how things should work in Tableau when it comes to Speed and Performance so if you open one of these three workbooks let's go ahead and do that now I'll open up the superstore workbook if you click on them it opens them up in another window if you open one of these up and your laptop or computer is really struggling to work with these uh specific dashboards it probably means your laptop or computer isn't appropriately specs and that happens really rarely but if these are slow your whole experience is going to be slow but if these are working fast they're interactive they're working quickly you're clicking on them and things are happening like you'd expect a normal tool to work then things are working pretty well now right now this is taking a bit longer because I'm on an M1 Mac and you know everything's a bit weird actually no this is on windows so it's just taking longer I don't know why but um this should just work so for example when I hover over these data points I should get nice fast tool tips when I click on them the whole visualization should react um you should get a nice sort of snapping experience switching between the tabs and of course we haven't published this up to the browser but if you were to publish this to the browser generally speaking you should be seeing roughly the same sort of performance so that's why these are a good Benchmark again I don't want to confuse you too much by clicking around and doing a bunch of different things I just want to show you what to expect when it comes to Performance and load times and how things should work okay let's go ahead and actually close this because we don't uh I've actually ended up opening this again so that's fine what we'll do is we'll keep this open for now we'll keep it here we don't need this window for the next step but if I go back to the connection render just by clicking on that icon again at the top you can see that we we have the accelerator still here on the bottom and you can now see we have an item here in the open pane now when I hover over it you have this little pin icon that you can click on it's really really small I'll try and highlight it here for you right there that keeps this workbook in this position so essentially this won't move anywhere if anything gets opened that will always stay on that top row if you have a lot of them you can arrange them as well you can move them around just to sort of get things nice and tidy now if you want more templates you can go over to this right hand side and select more accelerators templates and when you do that you'll actually find that there have been some dashboards that have been made that already try and answer certain questions and actually just like we did with tablet public where we went to find different dashboards you can work with here you can go and find dashboards that you can actually use at work that connect to things that you might be familiar with for example Salesforce maybe you're in a finance team and you want to go and see what other Corporate Finance teams are building the only way the question I'll say to you is that some of these dashboards have been built by you know people everyday people in the community that build fantastic work and you can tell because they look really really good and some of them let's just say that the jury's out on whether they look good or not but the work that's been done on the connection has been fantastic so they are set up correctly and you can really generally trust how they've brought the data models together to support the visualizations that you want to build so if I let's say I I want to search for a dashboard that talks about a wealth investment or Insurance broking so let's go ahead and search insurance I can't type so let's go search insurance insurance can I is that actually correct no matching content insurance I can't spell can I let's just type this let's type in sure no no matching content there's nothing on insurance that's so weird okay let's go to corporate fans instead and just look at what's here so the most recent one here is executive kpi dashboards uh by bisstory I actually know who built this but it's a really I think it's a really nice dashboard I think it has actually been this is one of the sort of better Aesthetics that you get on the on the Tableau exchange and this one's actually customizable you can click on it and do a bunch of stuff with it download it and use it and it's got a how to use page and everything so you can really kind of do some awesome things with them if I scroll back up and I go back let's let's find one more uh let's go back here let's find one more um let's just go back down let's go see what else do we have these are all a little bit a little bit strange let's go somewhere else let's see if well we do have an insurance section I don't know why it wasn't coming up in the search if I scroll down um I'm gonna looking for these ones because these are the ones the information I built where I work so of course I'd look for them so let's go and look at this insurance underwriter performance I also know who built this is a colleague of mine called Ellen Blackbird uh Blackburn even um her work is fantastic she's just really got a great eye for design and these are dashboards that really excel at showing you what's possible with tablet so if you want to use these absolutely get stuck in and get involved anyway I'm here to teach you how to use the tool not how to use templates so the very last thing is the Discover pane on the right hand side the only way this is different from tablet public is we have a little bit more of a training section slightly longer list of resources and you often get updates from Tableau marketing on the bottom right so you can actually sometimes see things like conference announcements and so on and so forth in there now if you're really sort of advanced in your organization it is possible to change this whole right hand side section to points to a web page instead so in this right hand side section you can actually point to a specific page in your organization and so you can put information for people who use Tableau straight away maybe it's guides maybe it's information about who runs Tableau status updates all of that can live on the right hand side of that and again I've done a video explaining how that works and it's really really good to see okay so um I think we have done what we need to do on this interface I'm now going to switch back to my Mac so we can actually start working with some data so let's go ahead and go back and make sure we cross off what we have covered and what we haven't covered so we've covered Tableau desktop and tablet public and just the difference between the two of them we're about to start getting connecting with the data so let's go ahead and strike that and a note about installation I think I've already covered how to download them the installations are pretty straightforward The Only Thing Worth noticing here is um whatever version you downloaded and installed last becomes your default version so it is possible to have multiple versions of Tableau on your machine this is for the purpose of upgrades if you've just upgraded to a new server and you'd still like to have the old version around so you can check things work correctly that is an important step so if I uh grab let's grab my applications folder here let me just show you this I typically have the last two versions of Tableau so you can see here I have 22.3 and 22.4 22.3 and 22.4 for tablet prep in Windows it's exactly the same whatever you last installed becomes your default version that's installed on your machine so bear that in mind if you want to make it a default version let's say you want to make an older version default version you need to kind of run the installer again and that will become the default version on your machine otherwise just pay attention to what you're opening and closing and make sure you don't make that mistake like I have done sometimes okay so just bear that in mind um uh Parvin for your benefit the recording this is YouTube everything's recorded say it will be available so don't worry about that I just saw your comment at the corner of my eye so I thought I'd cover that so that's the only quirkwood installation you can install multiple versions the latest one you've installed becomes your default if you want to make an older version the default install it again simple as that right um let's go ahead and cross this out okay finding the right documentation generally the last thing I want to cover you would be amazed how often people do not know where the documentation for tablet is because I think most people are seeing the documentation is generally poor but Tableau documentation is exceptional it's really really good it's one of the things I'm worried about with all the layoffs at the moment that that will probably be one of the places we do see things get worse because it's the kind of thing that only people who pay attention really go to so if I go to and I'm going to show you this just from the tablet website because I think it's just this is just so important to know you go to the resources Tab and if you go to support and you go to tablet help it takes you to this page and this is the Tableau documentation the thing to pay attention to is that over here on the left hand side you have the version so remember earlier on I talked about being aware of what version you're using this is an important thing to bear in mind because if you change the version on this left hand side it changes the documentation to the right to match that version and so you want to make sure you're looking at the documentation for your version because you might go find the version that talks about a different operating system or a different uh sort of technique because you're using it in the browser versus desktop just make sure you're looking at the right version once you've selected the version you'll see the right hand side update you can expand any of these and each of them get a full link to the full documentation along with a bunch of other resources now if you're a real geek like me you can just go ahead and click into all of these and it's great because it not only tells you what's new and how things work it actually breaks down everything you ever need to know the very final tip I'll give you this I'll give this tip to you for free when you've clicked into the right version of the documentation if you go to the search and then search for a topic it's only searching in that version for notes it's not searching across all nodes it's just searching in that version that is such an invaluable thing because so often people will go if I go back to this page they'll go to this very top search bar here which searches everything in Tableau documentation and that often tends to return the latest version and many people aren't on the latest version most organizations tend to be one or two versions behind so they're actually often well they're not always reading the wrong documentation but if something small has changed in that version they could be reading the wrong instructions because there's something different that's changed so that's how to find the correct documentation if you're going somewhere where there's not going to be internet or where it's unreliable grab the PDF and save it in Evernote save it on your phone and you can search the PDF instead and I do this I'm a consultant I have an offline version of these saved in my note taking tool and essentially I could go in there and search that and that searches inside of the PDF for me and then I can get the notes but you know the internet is pretty good nowadays we don't have to worry about offline modes too much but yeah that's how to find the right version of the documentation and just make sure that you know how to use it accordingly search control find on the page and you're pretty much good to go so let's go ahead and cross that out and let's get actually stuck in um with this uh session so here this time I'm on my Mac just so everyone's benefit I'm on my Mac and um everything looks exactly the same maybe sort of Mac specific things are on this particular page and you can see that I have this connection pane on the left hand side okay and this connection pane is pretty important because depending on what you're trying to connect to you need to go to the right section to select that file for argument's sake let's say that I want to connect to a CSV file like a text file with some information in it I can go ahead here and select text and what it will do is it'll open up my uh you know connection window my file window sorry and you'll see here that at the bottom it's looking for these types of files so if you're not sure what type of file tablet is expecting to find when you select an option you can just go down here to the bottom and on Windows it's pretty much the same but it just looks like a Windows interface it will tell you what files it's looking for and that's why these are all grayed out because none of these files match the criteria of this list and that's essentially what you need to sort of look out for now how do you know the file extensions for these things well it just a little bit of experience like Excel is dot xlsx or dot Excel s or whatever whatever Excel has been over the years that's what it's going to be that's a very well known uh file format text files on the hand of hand are really a little bit broader you can have dot tsv's tab separated values CSV is comma separated values um and it goes on and on okay the Json files now this is a web optimized format so you can see here it's only looking for one specific file I'm looking right here if you're wondering where I'm looking I'm just looking uh here where it says a Json file and that's one specific format that's known as JavaScript object notation I think that's what no JavaScript yeah it is Javascript object notation and um what that means is essentially it's data stored in a specific way typically from web-based systems so if you go and Export something from an internet-based system and you just ask for the raw data typically it will give it to you in Json so you can connect directly to that as well if I hit cancel you can connect to PDFs now this is a bit hit and miss the PDF scraping you know it's got a capability built into tab layer that uses a scraper that goes and looks into the PDF and tries to find the data across multiple pages but it can be hit and miss it's not always reliable so try it if your PDF has data you think tablet can grab it try it first you might sell this off a ton of time copying and pasting but if it doesn't work then yeah you might have to resort to something a little bit more advanced or simpler just copy and paste yourself spatial files are quite an interesting addition to tablet they've been in Tableau forever I don't know why I say Edition but um they can be connected in sort of a couple of ways now spatial files are typically this whole range of files I won't go through each and every one of them explaining them the ones you're typically going to see used commonly with Tableau are these esri shaped files.shp go Json files which can come from web applications like Google Maps and so on and so forth and then you've got um KML files and a couple of other files that sometimes come out of similar systems so KML kmz and you might have this mif and Dot tab as well those are very specific and then zip files typically also contain spatial data within them as a package and that's why it comes as a zip file so Tableau is able to sort of work with all of that that's why here you can actually see that it's highlighting the files it can see so all this time I've been going through the files it's not been capable of connecting to them here you can see that it's happy to connect to these two files so let's go ahead and find some data to connect to let's go ahead and to do this I'm just going to go to a website and try and find some data I wanted to give you sort of an honest experience of connecting to data you just found on some sort of website so I'll go to kaggle kaggle's really really good um it's gone to a data set that I used a long time ago so let's go back and let's go to the data sets Tab and we'll try and see if we can filter this and you can filter by specific file types let's just select the CSV and hit apply and you get sort of a list of different files and I'll connect to this top 100 Spotify songs this looks pretty good um and you can get a little preview of the data so let's go ahead and download this uh it looks it looks pretty small but let's go ahead and download it anyway oh I need to register all right let's go ahead and sign in with Google and once we've done that I should be able to download this let's go ahead and do that and yeah I'll save it to my desktop just to keep things nice and easy once it's on my desktop I'll show it in the finder and I will unzip it okay so now that it's been unzipped where is there is it gone let's see where is my where has it put the file it's not it's not doesn't seem to be showing up let's click out and click back in right let's try this let's just I'm pretty sure it's on my desktop so let's just go try and find it it's a CSV files if I select text file and I go to my desktop uh you can see here there it is a list of most streamed songs on spotify.csv and if I just click out of it you can see all these other files don't match that criteria that file does I select open and you go into what I call the connection interface now let me just give you a quick overview of this interface the connection interface is broken into what I call three sections you've got the preview section on the bottom the reason I start with the preview is because people always want to see something familiar first so this is where to go to see your data that you've just connected to you get a list of this uh the field names on the left hand side of that preview pane so you can see what that is as well and then on the top you have what is called I'm going to call it the data modeling windows oh stir it in like that so let me take my watch off so it doesn't try and interfere with the live stream um this is called the data modeling window and in this window you can essentially build data models and work with your data I'm trying so hard not to get into really Advanced topics so bear with me but I'll explain what a data model is very very briefly in a second you don't need to worry about it and on the left you have what is essentially a list of your connections and the resources that you can bring into your connection and use okay so what is the workflow for connecting to data well as soon as you connect to data the first thing you should look for is what is the connection called This is essentially going to match the name of your file and if you want to you can change this the easiest way to change this is just to double click here at the top and you can change the name I'll call this Spotify hit enter and you'll see that that changes but it's not going to change the actual name of the file that I'm connecting to yeah so the name of the connection is changed up here but it's not going to change the name of the file that I'm actually connecting to that is always going to be the name of the file and once I've connected to the file just below it I'll highlight this in red you have essentially the different things that can be in that file so when we connect to an Excel file soon you'll see that this is slightly different but here I've just got this one file here that you can see list of most um listen to songs on Spotify which is essentially the file the CSV file and then on the bottom I'll highlight this in uh green you have essentially a couple of new features so you have the union which allows you to bring data together we won't cover that today that is again it's not really an advanced topic but it's just not sort of pertinent in this particular uh sort of Crash Course and then the new table extension which really is Advanced we don't need to don't need to worry about that at all but very briefly this allows you to use analytical applications to bring in data from other systems like Python and R to bring data alongside your normal data okay so that's the left hand side the connection window now when you've done that let me go ahead and remove this when you've connected to your window you see when Tableau automatically does something for you when you connect the first time it goes ahead and brings something into this space for you and as soon as you drop it down you you get the preview we saw before so in essence when you connect to something for the first time it's already done for you and so you're probably thinking well what do I need to do well it's already been done for you it's right here but if you don't see that or if you want to bring in a second item what you need to do is just go ahead grab the file and bring it in and drop it in and now you get a preview the other thing is you might want to see your data in a sort of more spacious window and if I hover over the file you can see there's a little tiny box that appears just here where I'm highlighting it's disappeared because I'm not hovering over it but now if I hover over it you can see it's right there this little tiny uh table icon and when you hover over it for long enough it says view data you can open it up and go ahead and and the data so if I just go ahead and drag this out it's not letting me drag it out there you go and let me drag it down no it's not going to let me drag it down it's going to let me drag it out that's absolutely fine I won't complain and it shows me the data so essentially you've got one two three four five columns okay now that I'm here it's important to notice a couple of things that Tableau has done firstly it's gone ahead and looked at our data and understood that each column represents different types of data so types of data just mean numbers text values and you can see that it's calling this one ABC this one ABC and this one ABC essentially it thinks that these three columns contain text okay now we can see that this column here contains dates so we're going to need to correct that we'll come back to that in a second the other thing though is that at this column here called rank it's seeing contains numbers and you can see it's got a little hashtag for numerical values and the same again for streams in billions so although this number says 2059 I'm not sure if this 2059 I don't know if this is 2 billion and 59 or if this is 2059 billion I hate this kind of stuff I think this is 2 billion streams we can go on Spotify and have a look but I'll just assume this is two point something billion streams okay so all of that information is called metadata metadata is essentially information about data it's essentially the core information that tells you what is in your data and you can then use that metadata to make sure things behave the way they should for example numbers should be treated with numerical values text should be treated with text Behavior text values in essence okay so how do we change this well if I close this preview window you'll see that just over here on the bottom let me just bring this pane to the left I have the same preview that I've Just Seen but it only shows me the few uh 100 100 rows I know that because it says 100 rows right here so if I set that to a thousand and hit enter it will show me a thousand rows and it's still showing me 100 rows I don't know why it might be a bug on my Mac version but it should show you whatever number of rows you type into that space now when I go to this column here at the top you can see that I can actually click on these as well so let me go to the date column here release date I'm just going to tell Tablo look can you change this to another data type and when I click on that I get all the data types that are available so I get number whole numbers date time date string spatial Boolean these are types of data and if you're not sure what these are go ahead and just Google them they're pretty straightforward literally once you know them you know them you don't need to learn them again but they're pretty straightforward in this particular case I know that this column that I can just see right here when it says 29th of November that should be just a date there's no time there's no like uh 29th of November at midday it's just a date so if I go ahead and click date tablet does something very smart it goes and processes all that text and tries to make sense of the day and because Tableau is good it's actually gotten very good at that that I'm confident that it's got it right so you see here it says 29th of November 2019 I'm in the UK so this is the correct way of doing dates don't don't don't come at me if this looks completely wrong to you this is the correct way of doing things as far as I'm concerned um and so now let's change that to date you can see that we have a calendar item right there ready to go and uh this has been understood and everything is going to work nicely so we can go ahead and start using this in our visualization now if I wanted to bring another data set in I could but again this is a crash course this week is going to work with single data sources for now I've done many videos and other people have done many videos about how to bring two data sources together when you're doing that you're typically doing something called a union or a join and if you're working with Tableau there's also this New Concept called the data model I've also done a video on that so go and research that but for now assume we're connecting to one data source we've got one connection everything is set up nicely now we're ready to visualize our data what we can do is we can just go down here and tablet is kind of telling you this the whole time go to this step to go to the worksheet and start visualizing something okay so when I go ahead and click on the space where it says sheet1 we're into the building window we can actually start building a data visualization okay and now I'll go through this in a second but I want to show you a couple of other ways of connecting to data as well so that's pretty much the flow for connecting to data now let's say you want to go back back to the data connection window you maybe realize that something is wrong and you need to change the file well you can do that at any point just because you started building the visualization doesn't mean you can't change what you've already connected to so to do that you just want to go back to this data source tab here so if I go ahead and select that takes us back and we're pretty much golden we can just start changing everything again we can rename it work with it but everything's going to work as you'd expect and it's going to be pretty straightforward so that's essentially the first example of connecting to a file we're connected to a text file we're ready to work with it we're ready to visualize it we can kind of put it put a nib on that bear it off and say we now have to connect to text files okay the next file I want to show you is an Excel file and Excel files are the most files you connect to and tablet I hate to say it people should be using databases but Excel is just so common so this is what you're going to have to connect to so how do we connect to that well I'm going to show you how to do that having connected to one connection already you see if I go back here and I start trying to add a connection here table is going to get confused because it might think that we want to bring the data together we want to kind of put these two files together I don't want that at all I want a separate file in my workbook to work on a separate visualization completely so how do I do that well if I go back to sheet 1 let's say I've built a visualization you can see that here at the top I have a plus icon next to a cylinder now a cylinder is typically the icon they use for databases pretty much everywhere if I go ahead and click on that you'll see that I get the same window that we got when we were connecting to data at the start so that connection window it also lives here essentially should be very familiar with it and this time I'm going to choose the Microsoft Excel file okay when we choose that I want to go over to my documents folder and I want to make you aware of a folder that Tableau installs on your machine in pretty much every case unless you work in an Enterprise organization where they've decided to take that file away from you and it's called My Tableau repository this folder right here now this repository file comes with every installation of Tableau and if you double click it you'll see that it actually has a few things it has some sample workbooks it has logs if you ever have an issue with tablet this is where it will drop them as data sources that you might have saved and it has a bunch of other things okay one of the things I like about this is in that folder you should have another folder with the version of tablet you have installed now I only have 22.4 on this particular setup so I'll go ahead and double click that and then I'll go ahead into that file and I look at the English version of the data sources that I have and you should also find in your version of this folder in your documents folder this file here called EU superstore.xls now this is a great file because it allows me to show you something and I know for a fact that you should also have this file if you don't have this file I'll put a link to this file in the document so you can find it the thing to note though is that depending on your version of Tableau these files are different so if we start visualizing something and you see a slightly different number don't worry we've all got the same data source it's just that they change them from version to version they may be tweak a number here tweak a number there sometimes the titles don't quite add up but generally speaking all the sort of columns are the same so just follow along with columns and as long as it looks the same you're in you're in git company and we've got two versions of the file we've got a European version an American version because most of the YouTube audience is American I'll go ahead with American audience um the second biggest country on my YouTube channel is India there is no Indian version of this maybe we should make one as a nice little side project let's make an Indian Superstore version with Indian locations that are more specific to the Indian market maybe we should do that let's go ahead and select the sample file select open and when we do that Tableau thinks about it and it takes us back to the connection render so you're probably thinking well hell hold on last time we had the CSV file where has that gone well it's not disappeared what it's done is it's created a new connection and the new connection allows you to basically switch between this connection and the previous one we made with the CSV file and if you just go to this top little drop down you can see that the one we renamed if I just go here you see the one we renamed previously called Spotify is right there and if we click on it we go back to it and if we click on this cylinder again and go to the new one we've just connected to which is an Excel file we go back to that so you can switch between all these different connections just right here okay now if I go back to the Excel file you'll see that it says right here that it's an Excel file let me change to my red annotator I prefer that one now we've selected this Excel file and in the Excel file it has three tabs if you're familiar with Excel you have tabs across the bottom you have well you just have tabs it depends on what they are but each of them could contain information and so what Tableau is telling me is that look this file contains three pieces of information has an orders table a people's table and a returns table and if I'm not sure what they look like I can of course remember I can go ahead and preview them just by clicking on those and I can see uh this data actually contains information about orders made at my Pacific store let's go ahead to the people table connect to that also good returns connect to that also good so this is just allows us to look at the data sources and understand what's going on okay now you'll notice that as I connected to each of those these icons changed I don't know if anyone noticed if you don't believe me rewind and look at the icons again these icons have changed and they've gone to a green uh square with a little sort of tag and the tag lets you know that this data is actually coming from a named range inside of that Excel file if you're not familiar with name ranges I've done a whole video on this so go ahead and look at the video where I talk about name ranges and Tableau I talk about this in a lot of depth but the key thing here is that when you're working in Excel in fact let me just go to Excel and I'll show you if I go to excel here have it open if I say make a table let's make it oh my curse is not working there we go let's make a table of uh fruits um I've got my annotator on as well so let's go ahead and say apple and pair okay and I could say this costs 10 pounds very expensive apple and this costs five pounds okay now that's a piece of information that's data now if I highlight these okay and create what's called a named range if I just go to the data tab just up here and I can never remember how to do this where is the named range options the actual easy way to do this is just go to the home and format it as a table which is where is the format as a table options my God I'm really bad here well I found the name range options instead I I can't get this dark mode version of excel um it's just clearly throwing me off so if I select the table select the file name you can see that it tells me the name range here it's just pointing to that sort of square if I select okay that becomes a named range and that is essentially what we have you can see here the named range is called apple and it starts with this row and that is essentially going to be visible in Tableau as Apple when I connect to this Excel file and start working with it so that's what a named range is and people use them in organizations all the time to sort of section out data when you have multiple things on an Excel page that's essentially how to connect to each and every one of those individual tables and if it doesn't exist you can go ahead and connect one and it allows you to pick out data from a page full of information okay but for now what I really want to look at is orders so if I just scroll up you can see that we have the orders view over here what actually happened with this is the icons didn't change I scroll down that's what must have happened is this interfaces what is happening with Tableau interfaces recently honestly so this never used to scroll down this just used to move down to make space for it but it's deciding to scroll so it didn't change when icons anyway here's the orders table to bring it in we just drag it in like I said showed you before and we get the same preview as we've had before our date is here it's pretty good we can customize any of these as well we can do anything we need to do and it's pretty much good now the final thing I'll show you is that there are some data prep capabilities in this window I'll go to this little drop down you can see that I have the ability to split and do custom splits essentially break out the data and in some cases even pivot the data if I need to do that so in this case if I just select split tablet looks at that column of information and it automatically splits it out into three columns you can see here at the very end it's added them in and a little clue to let you know that those have been created here is that if you look here at the very very top just in this section you'll see that these have a blue marker and these don't have a marker the blue refers to this blue over here so when you're connecting to multiple things they might have different colors and those colors will show up on the columns to let you know which table they've come from that's basically it okay so that's why you don't get a blue icon here at the top because these have been created inside of Tableau rather than just in general so now that we've done that we're pretty much good to go we can go ahead to sheet1 as Tableau 1060 so I'm just going down here selecting sheet1 and we're back here ready to build some data ready to work with our visualization and we're pretty much good to go if I look here on the top left I now have two data sources Spotify and Superstore and that's pretty much everything you need to know about that okay the very last thing I'll show you how to connect to is a database so you've connected to a flat file you've connected to excel the last thing I'll show you is a database databases are pretty common at work so it would be a pretty bad tutorial to change that so let's go ahead and connect to a database that I have access to now to do this I need to be super careful that I don't share my credentials on the screen so let me just give me one second and I just don't give you all my information to my database and I make sure that I have it in another window and I can type it in appropriately as and when I need to so let me just where where is this um wherever I put this data honestly I should be more organized here we go so I think I think we're okay one thing I'm slightly concerned about is that I might have security settings on my database to stop me connecting because I'm not where I'm supposed to be long story short for security reasons um sometimes it's good to tell your database not to let you connect from certain locations because those aren't locations you're supposed to be connecting to the data so for this what I'm going to do I'm going to move this can I move this window to another window yes I'm not going to show you this until I filled it in because I don't want you guys getting all my database details so let me fill it in off screen apologies probably the worst this is the worst uh live streaming thing to do but you can't dynamically um Fade Out stuff I trust you guys won't be stealing my email and everything but I need to just be able to log into this database and do that so all I've done is I've typed in the credentials now I've actually done a video on how to connect to snowflake so you can go watch that video where I have blurred everything out but as soon as I connect to a database you'll see I get a different kind of window it's not like what we've seen before um for snowflakes specifically I get what's called a warehouse and each database has its own sort of setup so you might get different things in you might have like a warehouse but the warehouse means something else you might have a data Lake you might have all of these terms you might have schema as well as an option that turns up in here depending on the database they're all slightly different this follows a terminology of that database so I'll go select my warehouse in Snowflake Warehouse just means how much computing power you want to use so I have one called compute this is my own database I use this to run this YouTube channel and everything that goes on with my channel and then I've got a demo database a tableau demo database with demo tablet data so if I go ahead and select that that works then I can go ahead and select the schema this is the public schemer and in the Public's gaming you can see that I have three pieces of information I have my employees table my invoices table and my orders table this is all dummy data so there's not there's nothing sensitive here my orders table I can preview it just like I showed you before and it looks exactly the same so these options are just slightly different because I'm connecting to a different type of data source but if I go ahead and close this you'll see I also get an option to do custom SQL now if you're the kind of person who just knows how to write their SQL to connect to a data source you can actually go ahead and just bring that in and paste the SQL in here and tablet will go and run that query to return the data that comes back and use that in here the advantage is you could do a lot of data preparation in this window but notes about custom SQL it can sometimes slow Tablo down especially if you're using a live connection so just you know use it with caution and the other nice thing is with custom SQL you can insert a parameter that's controlled by the user that actually runs in this window so if you've got a live connection you want to give the user the ability to choose some sort of variable from the database so your database just not chucking everything out they're using you can actually use a parameter in this window to do that that's just worth noting but nonetheless same as always drag my orders table in it looks exactly the same as we've been using before uh table there preview at the bottom ready to go go to sheet1 exactly as you'd expect connected Okay so we've got three connections we've got our snowflake connection we've got our Excel connection and we've got our CSV connection all three of them are up here at the top now you're probably wondering well great let's start visualizing our data let's start working with this information well the tricky thing is actually we're not done and let me just sort of take a break to sort of check what I've covered here so the connection interface is done let's drag that out finding data to use I didn't really cover that so I'll come back to that connecting today so I kind of feel like I'm doing that now so I'll cross it out in ahead of time and yeah the next thing we're going to come to is the tablet extract so you see the the easiest way to explain this without going into too much detail is a tableau extract are an optimized format of data right now everything we're connected to is connecting live the way I know that is that each of these cylinders are just cylinders so these are all live connections what does that mean that means every time I do something in tableau Tableau is actually going to that file and querying the information every time I do something with this particular connection it's going to snowflake querying the data and coming back now that's fine but if you're trying to build a dashboard at work that's actually not fine because what happens if the database goes down whilst you're building something what happens if you just want to build something quickly and you don't want to worry about the latency and the networking issues in your organizations you just need to get on with work and so Tableau has another way of capturing this which is essentially by taking a snapshot of the data what it does is it goes off to the data source it takes a snapshot but it remembers where it got the data from and when it takes that snapshot it means that it saves it into a more optimized format that allows you to do a little bit more with it and it also works considerably faster it's also a lot smaller so a good example if I took like let's say 200 megabyte CSV file like a text file Tableau would compress that down to about 10 megabytes much much more portable much faster it's going to be much faster than opening a text file and looking through it and querying it for information and the added benefit is that extracts also allow you to do certain things that you can't do with just normal connections again it's a little bit beyond the the nature of this crash course but you can do a little bit more with it so how do you take an extract well there's a couple of ways if I go back to any one of these in this case let's go back to my Excel file I can just right click on it and I can select edit data source when I do that it takes me back to this window and I wanted to show you another way of coming back here just so that you know that you can do that okay now up here on the top right you can see there's an option that says extract I completely missed this before because I wanted to wait until I was here to kind of talk a bit about this and you can see the default option is live but what I'm saying is you should be using an extract okay and so let's have a look and see what happens when you switch over to the right hand side you see when you go to the right hand side it says extract will include all data it's not created the extract yet it's just telling you that this is going to include all data if you were to take one but here's the advantage you can change what data comes in you can change what data comes into your snapshot just by selecting edit and tablet gives you this window that allows you to choose what data you'd like to bring in don't worry too much about the stuff here at the top all you're paying attention to is the filters pane here in the bottom okay when you select add it shows you all the columns in your database so let's say I only wanted to bring in sales from a specific subcategory I could go ahead and select OK choose that subcategory select OK and now I've limited my data to just the art data for my extract I've not deleted it from the database I've not deleted it from the file I've just brought in a tiny sample of that data because maybe this is all I'm analyzing if I select ok that's all fine and now when I go back to my visualization to start using it tablet actually asks you hey where would you like to save this extract and this is kind of confusing because you're probably thinking like whoa whoa whoa I thought you were going to save it in the workbook in this particular file and you're not going to take a copy of my data but in actual fact tablet does need to write the file somewhere it likes to kind of write the file so I always say to people look save it to your desktop because we're going to delete this later I'll show you why save it to your desktop and when it's done you know you have an extract when you go to the top left hand side here and it has two cylinders with an arrow going from the first one to the second one essentially it's telling you that it's taken an extract and now it's using that extract okay and so if I go and ask Tablo hey what subcategories do I have in my data I'll just go ahead and drag subcategory onto text you'll see the only data I have in that file is art but if I want to connect back to the live data let's say the database is back up and everything is great I can go back in right click untick the use extract option and all the data comes back okay so just by switching that on and off I can switch between whether I'm using my Snapshot or whether I'm not using my Snapshot okay now the other reason people use this particular extract feature is because they're only interested in a small part of the organization and other people use it to optimize the way they build their workbooks they want to make it go faster they want to make it easier and so again that's a really great way of doing that okay so that is an extract in a nutshell they're definitely more I could talk about with extracts there's definitely more you can learn go ahead and Google the topic look on YouTube I've done videos other people have done great videos on this and go ahead and check them out in the recorded version I'll maybe put up some links to some resources that I think are fantastic that I've not made other people have made but I think you should check out okay great stuff so we've created an extract we could do the same with this first one as well and this is another way of creating an extract you can just right click the file here select extract and you get the same window this time here rather than in the connection window you could add a filter in this case I won't I'll go down to the bottom right select extract will ask me where I want to save it again I hit my desktop save and you'll see that this extract has a different time zone to the underlying data essentially Tableau is looking at the metadata to understand hey what's going on here I'm fine with this I know this is fine I'll select then share again click OK and again we have an extract right there so pretty easy pretty simple now at this point this is when I start to save the work okay I don't want to go through all this effort making connections and then forget to save it so if I click on Tableau and I go to file at the very top I can go ahead and save as now if I click save it'll just go ahead and open this window and they'll want to save it in my Tableau repository I don't want in my tablet repository I want it on my desktop so let's go ahead and select my desktop and you'll see it gives it a name called book1.twb I'll call it live stream okay given at the final live stream now this file extension is super important so many people make this mistake so pay attention okay a twb file is just known as a tableau workbook at the bottom there's another type called a packaged workbook okay and the package workbook not only contains your data visualization but it also contains your extracts and any data sources as well as assets like icons and images those will get packaged into a twbx file and so most people I think generally want to save everything in one file they don't want to save it in lots of different places then I have to go back and find it and relink it especially if you're about to delete the extract from our desktop we just want to go back here and save everything in one file so if I go ahead and select that we're going to save it as a twbx file hit save it will go ahead save it I know that's saved because here at the top ah just the annotators kind of gone in the way here at the top you can see it's called live stream and now that's saved okay and so what that allows me to do if I find my um uh a little icon as I can go ahead and I can now safely delete these two because they are actually now in my workbook they've been saved as a package workbook if they weren't saved it would just save a twb and the next time I try and go and do something it would still be connecting to the local files and it would basically have a panic attack because it's saying hey I had extract they were on the desktop where have they gone and so to fix that the only way you can kind of get those back is to go back connect to the original data source and regenerate the extract essentially this option here there's a couple of options sometimes here you can use to regenerate the extract refresh re-update Tableau will kind of give you a hint as to what it needs to do but that's where you find these sections you can mess around with these options you know figure out what they do Google them whatever but we won't cover that in much detail go check out the videos on extracts that have been done by the community okay and now even though I've got my extract in my workbook I can though go ahead right click untick use extract and it brings everything back in because what it now does is it goes to find the extract realizes it's not there then goes to the main file and brings all the data in if I go ahead and extract the data this time removing my filter for subcategory and bringing everything in select extract we take the extract you're probably wondering why am I repeating extracts because people don't get it so just want to make absolutely crystal clear that you understand what extracts are okay the very final thing you can see a tick mark on the data source that I'm currently using okay if I go to another data source you'll see that I don't get that tick mark because I haven't brought anything in and everything goes orange if you're into that zone you're skipping way ahead just go back to them data source you were using select that clear the sheet just removing everything or if I go back one step there's a back button right here if I go back one step you can just go ahead here and select clear the sheet that will clear everything and now when I switch to another data source that blue stick isn't there and nothing's changing orange okay you just want to make sure you don't get confused this is exactly what happens to people and they get so confused and they realize they're creating Blends and joins or gets crazy so make sure you're working on the data source you're supposed to be working on by just making sure you clear the sheet or you create a new sheet if you need to okay so that is an extract I've covered extracts in pretty pretty good depth okay now the next thing to sort of touch on is the interface I mean come on I've gone right into tablet and I've not shown you any sort of interface whatsoever so let's go ahead and actually explain this interface a bit more I'll move my annotation tools out the way let's put them in the middle of the page because then they can't really get in the way okay so you've connected to Tableau at the very top you've got what I call the toolbar okay the toolbar has a bunch of different things often you'll see me going to this toolbar throughout today I'll even forget to just mention that I'm going there because for me it's muscle memory I've just sort of gotten used to going up there and doing different things it's got some of the most commonly used things that you do with tablet if you hover over each one of them it tells you what they are I don't want to go through each and every one of them but essentially you've got the back and forward button okay the the back button in Tableau is very good like it it will go back as far as you need to pretty much since you've opened the farm so be very careful how far back you get really make sure you go to the right step and don't undo your work and then start doing something and then lose the sort of forward history that it's actually built up you've got a couple of other options you've got the data connection render you've seen this cylinder I've got the pause button don't worry about the pause button just yet uh if you're working with really large data sets research what this button does and you've got the sheet option so clearing the sheet copying the formatting all of that is up here you've got the ability to rotate charts some highlighting grouping formatting uh views setting the screen to fit different sizes all of that is up here we'll cover it as we start to get through the session now the left hand side is called the databane now the databane has the price rise your data and each of the columns in your data sits on this sort of left-hand side Pane and you can remember we have these icons that basically talked about different data types well those exist here too if I just highlight them in green all the data types are right there and you can hover over them and look at them or you can click on them and change them if you believe they're wrong the other thing is you will see that Tableau split this data into sort of two arbitrary groups and some are blue and some are green okay well this is nothing to do with the types of columns they are okay people often make that mistake they say oh it's because the difference between um you know dimensions and measures which is what these are actually called so these are typically called dimensions in blue and in green we have measures okay that is actually isn't the reason why you can have a a dimension turn into something like a measure for example a date can both be Dimension and a measure you can have 2020 the dimension the actual year and you can have 2020 as a time scale as in a line that becomes continuous or measure essentially so in essence um let's not let's not get into that just yet well when we look at dates we'll go into that into into more depth okay but the thing to note is obviously when you click on each one of these you can change the data type and you can even um it's actually not letting me do that why is it always coming up with the geographic role that is really bizarre what is going on today look at this that I swear that never happens normally you're able to change this okay so there's obviously some changes going on in tablet either I'm just if I'm just completely out of um kilter but previously when you clicked on this you could change the data type okay now if it's not letting you do that you can actually go down into this option and change the way it works you've got default properties you've got different things depending on what the field is you can obviously go down into this little triangle and you get a whole bunch of options that let you change what it does okay and this is pretty much consistent with every single field whatever field I hover on you'll see there's this little tiny Arrow let's see if I can isolate it now I can't isolate it because it disappears when I hover over but this little tiny arrow on the right hand side of each pill as I select it gives you more options and in those options you can change a bunch of different things okay now the power of that is if you realize something's wrong you can change it the other thing you can do is if you realize something wrong but you're not sure Iris recommend right click on one of these duplicate it and you create a second item then you can try whatever you need to do with the second item but you're not going to break the main item essentially what tablet has done is it's created a calculation we're going to calculations a little later on but you can see here that it's got a little equal signs next to the ABC that means it's a calculation okay now the other pain that you probably don't realize is there it's called the analytics pane you can just see it here I'm highlighting it in green at the top and when you switch to it you get some of these um aggregation types and the ability to add things like reference lines and some of the statistical models as well we'll come to this probably in another stream but in essence the only time we really want to be using this is if you're using reference lines we'll touch on this today how to use them and what are the options but we won't go into a lot of depth so we're just touching them briefly I'll show you where everything is and then we'll kind of Skip Along okay and then after you've sort of looked at this left hand side of the data in the analytics pane you've got the bottom section which is essentially where the data source and the sheets live so all the sheets all the dashboards you click through them here on the bottom on the very very very bottom you can probably see here that it's my name that's essentially me logged into Tableau server and that's why that my name is coming through there and then over here in the middle you can see that I have two well three things the pages shelf the filter shelf the mark shelf the two things to pay attention to are the filters essentially allows you to filter things like you would in Excel and the mark Spain which controls charts we'll come to that very soon and then on the top I'll highlight these in red you've got columns and rows this is an important thing that controls charts and Tableau and the very very final thing is you've got the canvas here you can see the whole General space that's less sheet1 sheet two that's just here in the middle and those are pretty much all the arrows so when I refer to columns rows shelf filter shelf marks shelf those are the things I'm referring to I'm referring to these sections of tablet you can move them around for example if you want the marks pane further up you can do that you can bring the page yourself here at the bottom totally up to you you don't have to leave them as is most people leave them as is I I leave them as is because in ID tutorial so I want them to stay the same but broadly speaking and that's where everything is the last thing which I hate using I hate people using this not because I think you shouldn't but because people use it as a crutch and I think if you learn tablet you shouldn't need to use this but show me show me allows you to understand how to build charts the problem is most people end up basically using it forever and always getting it to build their charts for them okay so that's the interface in a nutshell that's everything you need to know everything I'm going to be calling out will be in these areas when we go to a new interface I'll keep showing you the introduction as well so you can understand it but that's pretty much it that's everything in one okay okay so I've covered the main interface now the last thing I haven't done is finding data to use this is a bit it's a bit of a topic slightly out of out of kilter I don't know why I put it there because I should have put it at the end or something but um the common places to find data sets actually if I go back to tablet public and I go to the resources tab you can get the sample data and here they have a list of businesses and Sample data you can get started so if you're just learning this is a really good place to just go and find some assets that you can use straight away and just you know ignore kind of all the hassles of having to clean the data whatever everything's just good to go this is a really good place the other place is of course kaggle kaggle is great for um sort of openly available data sets and everything that you can kind of go to that the community is talking about people like to sort of dump data sets on there so that's a great place to go and find something you may be passionate about and start working on it the other thing is if I go back to Tableau public you've got them these Community challenges and resources and um let's let's see if I can find these so if I go to the let's go to the Tableau Community page and why not tablet public tablet community um Tableau community Run Place uh um no this is not what I was looking for if I go to this page this page is on the Tablo home page um you can find Community projects there you go Community projects and in the community projects there are a couple of projects that give you data sets to use on a weekly basis so makeover Monday run by Andy kriebel allows you to do that I think it was Andy Krueger and even Murray I think they're both doing it again it's gone through sort of different hosts over the years but I think it's Andy and Eva at the moment workout Wednesday started by Andy but I think hosted now by a bunch of people from the community this is basically a weekly challenge where you can download a data and then they try and give you something to recreate in Tableau and you can see how it's done and if you don't know how to do it you can just look at the answers if you do know how to do it you can kind of give yourself a challenge of figuring it out and then there's a bunch of other uh sort of opportunities here I won't go into all of them but all of them are fantastic they're really really good and I think they're a great sort of Learning Resource for understanding where to go and find data that just allows you to get into Tableau some of these are not tablet specific either some of these have data sources and data sets for other tools like power bi if you're into SQL some of them challenges do get done in SQL as well I'm not in that sort of world so I don't know too much about that but nonetheless you can go and find great data sets from these places the other thing is the internet the internet just has lots of different data sources that you can use as well so that's pretty much good thing to go to all right let's go ahead and strike this out right how does Tableau work well if only the interface and this is a very difficult question to answer but I'll answer it by telling you how the technology behind Tableau works okay when Tableau was created the biggest Innovation about tableau was how it allowed any user to work with data without having to write SQL so if I go to sample Superstore here and I drag category onto rows and I drag sales onto where it says ABC you'll see that I get the total sales for each category The Innovation that Tableau made was that I didn't need to know SQL to create that query but of course if I'm connected to a database obviously something needs to be right in the SQL because databases only work with SQL so here's how Tableau works if I go to the help menu and start a performance recording it's a bit of a random place to go but let's just bear with me if I start a performance recording Tableau starts basically recording what's going on in the background and now let me drag uh let's drag subcategory onto rows you'll see I get a list of subcategory and then we get sales and put it on columns instead you see where I dragged it changed the behavior of Tableau it builds me a bar chart and now if I stop the performance recording go back over to the help tab I don't know why it's under help but let's go ahead and stop the performance recording you'll find that Tableau shows you what was going on in the background wait for it to load there it is it's coming up and here's the secret if I just drag the slider and I just go down to uh this executing the query when you drag and drop things in Tableau what it's actually doing is writing SQL for you in the background and sending that to the data source that's it that's essentially the core Innovation behind Tableau it's giving you a visual interface to run SQL that's why the IP the technology behind tablet is called vesql essentially it's allowing you to write SQL using a visualization uh sort of technique and so that's literally how Tablo works when you drag and drop anything onto one of these uh core areas essentially anywhere here you are telling tablet how to build a chart and it's interpreting that and building the chart for you or you can tell it to change its Behavior to do different things one of those two so you've just seen how I built a bar chart it's very simple okay let's clear the sheet again going up here to the toolbar click that let's try that again I wanted to do a bar chart showing the sales for each subcategory that's how the question might be framed at work I'd go ahead and drag the subcategory onto rows that puts it onto rows you can see that each subcategory is taken up a row that's how I remember it and then sales is what I want to put on the bar chart the total sales I'll go put it on columns and Tableau understands that to mean hey let's draw you a bar chart for this particular chart type and notice this is just an alphabetical order I've not changed this um this is just how the data comes in actually strictly speaking it's data source order which happens to be alphabetical order but that's just how this data source works now what if I want to change this well normally bar charts are vertical yeah that makes a lot of sense right you go from the bottom up not from the left to the right although sometimes you do have them like this how do I change that well it's exactly easy to expect if I wanted the sales on rows and the subcategories to be vertical I just swap them around so let's clear the sheet and do the exact opposite let's drag subcategory onto columns you'll see it goes across and then sales onto rows and now they're vertical okay so that's essentially the secret here and there's actually a quicker way of doing what I just did if you get it the wrong way around if you go up here to the very very top there's oh no that's not the that's not the right annotation tool let's just go here if you go there there's a little sort of Switcheroo icon I might call it and if you click it it just swaps these two items around yeah so these two items that I'm hovering over and you can see my mouse moving over that's all it's swapping around okay excuse me so now that you you know that the next thing you might want to do is to change the way this bar looks normally you go from largest to smallest or smallest to largest right well again there's a bunch of icons to let you do that just here at the top you can see that I've got this uh descending and descending icon if I click that Tableau interprets that and changes the way the chart is sorted and pretty much does it for you okay the other place you'll see that icon is you'll see it actually here so you'll see tablets telling you hey I've done a sort here it's going to show you that inside of what we call a pill in tablet okay this tablet hate that's been called a pill but we'll just call it a pill this looks like a pill that's why it's called a pill and um it puts some icon there just to let you know that this particular subcategory item has been sorted the logic is using sales values okay so it's sorted this by cells the other place I can see this is if I just go over here you'll see there's another sorting icon right then okay so if I go ahead and click on this icon over here on the left you'll see that it also does the same thing okay it just fetches them around perfect and if I go up here you'll see that oh the icons disappeared why is that well when I was clicking through these sorts you'll see it appears again it appears again I'm going to click it a third time it goes back to the default sort order from the data source which means no sorting and now the icon disappears if I go to the top I can actually go here manually to the sort option select it and I can change based on an item in my visualization so I select field sales sum and now you'll see it's doing the same thing descending or ascending so this little interface is like the advanced way of sorting and these two options here at the top are the quick way of sorting in essence these are just sort of the the fast way of doing things you just want to get things done quickly and if you really want to dial in the way something's sorts and maybe you want to use something not in the visualization you can actually go here select that thing and now I'm sorting things in ascending order of profit from left to right okay so copies are actually the most profitable item but I'm actually showing the total cells okay so that's how you can sort of customize your sorting and kind of get get where you need to with tablet I'll go ahead and clear the sort again I'll do it just by clicking this Adonna sort of confuse you by um uh going through and sort of clearing so we'll worry about that later um kind of I just want to try and keep this as simple as possible so that's how Tablo works you drag and drop things onto the visualization it changes the way the chart works now so far everything we've been doing if you've noticed on the marks pane has had this terminology called automatic okay what that means is the table is automatically guessing which charge type you'd like to see okay so let's sort of see what happens when we change things up okay let's just move things a few around and see what tablet automatically things things should be if I move subcategory onto color you'll see that it actually colors each this one bar because we've got nothing in columns by each of the subcategories okay it makes a lot of sense that's sort of called C still a bar chart good to know now let's put this on label you see when you put it on label Tabo doesn't know what to do because you've got nothing in columns and rows so then it just says okay well let's let's put it on text and let's color the text by the subcategory you can see these are all different colors okay so Tableau again has now changed this to an automatic T you can see it says T that means text you can see if I you know actually uh get this when it says automatic but if you drop this drop down you can actually see the different chart types that it's automatically defaulting to just right here so text is what this one's on okay and if you understand this mechanic you can pretty much build any chart in tablet by understanding the combination of what you use in columns and rows and the marks pane you can get what you need so let's start by taking on some sort of common chart types okay so what we've done these two we've done how tablet works and we've built our first chart that was the bar chart Let's uh strike that through and now let's kind of race through the chart types we're going to actually smash through this and then I'll explain why hey show me right so a bar chart you've seen this already will drag the dimension uh the thing we'd like to break up our bars with and we'll in this case I'll get subcategory I'll put it on columns because I want this to be a vertical bar chart and I'll drag the measure the numerical value that I'd like to use to control the size of the bars drag that onto rows and we pretty much called it okay now you can customize this you can change a few things maybe you want that sales value on the bar chart so people can see what it is let's go ahead and drag sales and this time you see there's an option here in the marks painters put it on labels and there you go you get the value on the end of the labels okay maybe you'd like to change the formatting of this bar chart a little bit maybe you'd like this in dollars or pounds you can just right click select format and on the left hand side you get a formatting pane that's pretty comprehensive in there I'll go to numbers and I'll select currency and I'll say a one no decimal places we'll do it in thousands thank you very much and uh we'll keep it as pounds uh we'll do two decimal places there you go and now you can see the formatting has stuck through but you're formatting the visualization we didn't format the access to format the axis you can just see there's another option right there select the axis and now we can format that as well let's go to currency custom and now that's all good now you're probably wondering what surely tablet should do this automatically and absolutely you can you see what you can do let's open up a new sheet by going down here to pressing the plus sign on a new sheet just do that and it opens a new sheet what we can do is we can tell tablet that look this value here this sales value has a number format that it should observe across the whole data source so if we go to default properties and select number format you'll see that currency can be set to standard and it will just use the currency for the country or you can set it to custom we'll set it to English Standard select okay and now if I build the same bar chart put that on columns put that on rows you'll see that it's using the formatting of pounds and even when I hover over the value inside of the tooltip is also pounds now this tool tip is nice you can see that it turns up whenever I hover over an effect okay now you can do a lot with tool tips this is not the course for that but if I select the tooltip option here in the marks pane I can go in and customize that I can change the way it works and you know set it all up again I've done a video on it's about 40 minutes just on tool tips but you can go and sort of watch and check out it's going to teach you everything you need to know okay so that is basically how to set up a bar chart if you want to change the rotation you can just go ahead and do that now you might want to sort of take it up a notch you know boss things up you can have multiple things in your bar chart for example if I wanted to add a category as well of the sub category I can just go ahead and drag category in front of subcategory and it creates sections and so this makes total sense essentially this is a hierarchy and in Furniture we have these specific uh items now what happens if I get those two the wrong way around well you'll just see it if the data doesn't support the structure you think that's going to work you'll just see it in the visualization it just looks wrong okay so if there's a hierarchy things tend to work much better that way and you can set things up like this okay the very final thing I'll show you is I said I'd show you where the reference lines were anytime you see an axis for example this one on the left with numerical values if you right click on it you'll see the option to add a reference line and in Tableau you get four options now most people understand reference lines but you can also create reference bands distributions and you can even mess around with box plots essentially this is where you create box and risk and plots in tablet but you can see if I create a line here this is going to give me the average for each section and I can actually change the level that this works at again lots of people have done videos on reference lines but in essence I can set it to draw a line across the entire table draw a line just in each section or draw a line on each line but it doesn't make sense to do the average of each line because it will just be the line so for average it doesn't make sense this makes more sense where a person might make more sense is if you're using targets let's say you've got targets for each of these subcategories you could use this option okay so play around with these options this is not the video to sort of touch on that just going to let you know there's a lot you can do here play around with all these options they are as straightforward as they look and they're really really powerful okay so there's our bar chart we've set it up it looks beautiful one last thing one one very final thing you might do to customize this is to Break These Bars Down based on something else let's say you want to show within each of these bars the uh shipping mode that was used so I'll go ahead and grab shipping mode and I'll drag it onto color and so what Tableau will do is it'll use the color to break down my bar and that color denotes the shipping mode okay and you can see I can hover over it all that information is in the tooltip again if you want to customize the tooltip select the tool tips option and just open it okay now I see people trying to build no charts like this using xiaomi and it's just really hard to do you'll get lost and get confused and end up with way too many things in the view you don't need to do it I've just shown you how you're just using columns and rows and the marks pane to control how everything works the ship mode is controlling the color the category and the subcategory are controlling the top level headers in the bottom basically the columns you see and the sales values are going across controlling the rows which gives us the size of the bars that's it okay Let's uh go ahead and rename this let's call this bar chart perfect next chart pie chart the most dreaded chart in Analytics this is dead easy okay so for this one I always recommend people listen stop using automatic immediately for this child type you could get away with doing it but just switch this drop down here to Pi once you've got Pi it's just straightforward okay the size of the pie is going to be controlled by sales yeah that would give me the percentages and then the color of each section is going to be controlled by the category and there you go you have three equal sections but we don't have three equal proportions it can't be 33 look at the values these aren't exactly the same they're slightly different so what we need to do is also drag sales onto angle and now you can see that this actually now starting to look a little bit better okay so the size actually denotes the size of the whole circle whereas this sales value on angle denotes the angle let's clear the sheet and let's try again with something that's a little bit sort of more obvious sections let's try a dare I say it mode okay so let's go back to pie chart and we'll put ship mode on color you can see we have four ship modes I put sales on Angle now you can see that working nicely and I could put sales on size but it's not really going to do something because the size sort of controls the whole size of the circle but nonetheless there you go and that's it that's the pie chart super simple you might want the percentages on the end of it so how do you do that well you can do two things you can drag cells onto label but it's going to give you the whole number that's not very nice okay so what you can do is you select the one that says T that label and you want to go down here to Quick table calculation and select percentage of total that gives you the percentage and now that you've done that you can right click on the visualization itself and select format and go to fields and select percentage of total sum of cells and here you can change the percentage okay so you can say percentage uh just no decimal places and that's it that's that's your pie chart done okay nice and easy donut chart oh God day out charts donut charts are popular so I'll show you how to do them let's go ahead and create a calculated field to do this I just need to bring this on screen and you don't need to pay attention to what's going on here you just want to do this create create a value you could actually even just do this the number one that's what you need to do we'll just call this calculation one hit apply hit okay now that we've done that we can go ahead and do this you can see when we put the number one it splits it out but what I want to do is actually find the average of one which is one then holding optional command or control I can't remember which it is on window I can create a duplicate okay oh is it letting me do that no it's not going to let me do that and why is it not letting me do that there we go I was holding the wrong key it's actually command for me on my Windows machine and now that I've done that you see we have two and on the left we also have two so on the second one I'm going to go ahead and remove everything I'm just going to go ahead remove the color raise the size just going to remove everything okay we just remember the circle I make the circle uh larger actually smaller and we'll change the color to white okay now you can't see it yeah it's just right there and the final trick is to go down to the second one and select dual axis okay and then you'll see oh it's merely a donut and all you need to do is right click on this one and synchronize the access and there is your donut chart the final thing to do is to set the axis to start and finish basically at the same point so you can set it to start at one and finish at one and then it sits in the middle and then once you've done that you can go ahead hide your header it's quite a donut shot I don't know why it's that complex in Tableau don't don't don't have a go at me it's just the way it is okay so there we go that's a donut chart in tableau so in this particular tab I use the trick of creating one and essentially I use a dual axis to create two calculations that sit on top of each other that are basically the same and that is known as a hack I hate hacks I didn't want to show you a hack but someone asked for a donut shot so I had to show you the hack because it is required for Tableau at least for now um I hate hacks so go check out this video hacks and Tableau to find out why but this trick this this trick of creating the calculation one and using it to create instances that you can then you know use and use again and again actually happens quite a lot um let me show you like a real real use case for it okay so let's let's say that I didn't use a dual axis here let's just split these two up and let's say this color is actually going to be red just just for argument's sake okay now what I could do is I could put these two side by side like that and have them on the left and I could essentially keep going I could create more copies like this and all it's allowing me to do is to take the same copy of the same thing multiple times but now each of those pie charts could show different things in one chart so for example this one is colored by ship mode but I could color this one by subcategory and you'll see that it changes that one I could go to this one I could color this by product this is going to be nasty never do that please never do that I didn't teach you how to do this well I just did but I'd never tell anyone that I taught you how to do this and it's just not beautiful at all so this is why I use that hack to basically get the same instance of something and you can do something different with each instance now I'm not going to show you another hack that lets you to do the same thing in a clean way but recently a new feature with maps was introduced that allows you to do exactly that you could create multiple instances of something and using mapping placing you could essentially get them on different parts of each other again I didn't teach you this I don't teach people hacks apparently so let me let me delete these because we don't need all these extra ones we'll go ahead and do dual access on that again and we'll uh we'll end up needing to show the axis where is the axis so show the header there we go we'll synchronize the access uh we'll edit the axis we'll set the fix so it's one the reason I'm doing this on one and one is so that both of the axis are perfectly lined or resented by only having one Valley on the axis it basically becomes centered go ahead deselect the header and there you have you can go ahead and format these lines to not show as well but essentially they're on top of each other and with the second one I'll just go ahead and remove the color set it to smaller size oh uh why is it why is it changing both of them let's see what's going on here oh I think I am what is it doing here what did I do wrong so we've got this one here okay I just need to remove everything on this one then make that smaller and then that works yeah I lost my lost my trail of thought and we can make this uh White and there you go it's a donut shop okay um line charts are super simple um first of all go get the measure or the numeric value you want to use so in this case you could use rows um and we just have the total sales in this particular case and then you want to create a line chart using something that would naturally create a line in a visualization so for this I'll go get the order date drop it in and we'll set this to day and you'll see yeah it's very noisy day is too much let's go to month there you go that's a bit of a nicer line chart and we can change this again go to week that's pretty nice now I'm clicking this little toggle on the right and I'm just ignoring all of these options and I'm going straight down here to these dates I'm doing that because in the next step I'll just I'll explain why but for now um to create a line chart it's not going to work if you select something well it does work but what it's doing doesn't make obvious sense until I explain the next step which is discrete versus continuous items okay so for now I'm just going to keep it at month that makes way more sense it starts at the beginning of the data set end of the end of the data set and everything's in the scale okay lunch up super simple you measure the thing you're going to use to draw the line whether it's dates numerical values it's typically going to be two green things typically if it's not then you've probably tweaked the chart a little bit and we'll see some examples of that as well okay the next one is discrete versus continuous and I've I've termed this discrete versus continuous dates but strictly speaking this is just discrete versus continuous so you'll notice that here you have a bunch of blue and a bunch of green items okay earlier on I talked about this and I said it wasn't to do with anything to do with measures and dimensions it's instead to do with this concept of discrete versus continuous values and the dates are actually pretty good way of showing you showing you that so let's let's go ahead and do this let's drag cells onto rows and let's drag the order date onto columns now tablet has a pretty good understanding of dates so whenever I drag any date field it defaults to the year of that date unlike other tools where you have to go out and build a like a date model you don't have to do that with Tableau it understands dates pretty well and if I select this drop down you'll see that I get two selections I can use the year here at the top and I can use the year and a bunch of other values again here at the bottom and so if I select let's say this version yeah you see you still get a line chart but this item here at the top is blue however if I go down and select this here which also says 2015. it changes to green and now we get a scale and so the difference between these blue and green items is actually to do with the fact that discrete and continuous items behave differently in tablet discrete items tend to group data together so if I let's say choose 20 to choose a year and choose 2015 you'll see it grabs everything in 2019 and puts it into the bucket called 2019. but if I choose a continuous yeah it tends to want to draw a continuous scale so you can see here at the bottom there is no bucket anymore it's got a scale 2019 to 2022 and so that allows me to essentially change the resolution of this scale but it always shows the full range of the scale every single time because this is a continuous item so continuous items will tend to want to give you a scale an axis and discrete items will tend to want to give you sort of a grouping uh like a box that fits everything that's inside of that box so just to pay attention to that switch to this version of the year you can see it says 2019 2020 21 these are all buckets there's no scale there's no time in that switch to this one you get the full scale as you go through now because I've switched to the full scale it draws a line in between the different years it doesn't sort of uh extrapolate the lines it just assumes that this is the only data point in the year and it draws the lines in the next year if I then go down here and select quarter that the axis stays the same length but now the axis gets more granular and now you get more information this is still continuous if I then go to quarter up here something different happens you see if we select quarter it goes It goes discrete as I described before but this time it's grouping up everything in every year in one quarter so this is not just q1 for the first year it's q1 for every year this is Q2 for every year I can show you that by dragging order date M again and you can see this is the years at the top okay and now you've got two discrete dates and a continuous item The Continuous item is generating the scale on the left hand side but the two discrete items here at the top are breaking up my barge my line charts into different components okay and it's still a line chart still broadly creating what we need but each of these dots is sitting inside of a bucket the bucket is the quarter if I change that second one to a continuous one you'll see it gives me a full scale in between each quarters okay so that's like a very brief but important guide into the difference between the blue and the green fields that's why they're like those colors they make charts behave differently Anything Green will want to draw an axis anything blue will want to group everything into one particular Dimension whether it's the year whatever that the the child of that Dimension will be the grouping essentially whereas ending green will give you a continuous scale as much as the scale allows okay so knowing that you can sort of manipulate dates as we've just done we've drawn a couple of different line charts here but you can change the way these work just to kind of get different combinations working so maybe you want each these lines broken down by year but you'd like the continuous months inside of them so you can visualize these lines that's going to work really nicely what you could also do is you could take that visual separation instead of having them here on the chart you can drag the year and put it on color and now you still get a continuous scale because those months fall in specific places on the scale but it's now colored in different colors it's easy to see however if I go here to the month and I make these uh discrete you'll see that it groups all the months together so all the januaries go into that bucket all the February's in that bucket but because I've brought the year on color it's splitting out the lines by color okay so again the behavior changes uh the the sorry the pills on the different parts of the chart changes the behavior and that behavior gives you the different chart types and with that logic you don't need to use xiaomi you can pretty much get through most of what you need to known tablet just by learning how this interaction works okay so let's have a look at this see what we've done so far so Let's uh keep going the analytics explain in Tableau so far we've done by shots we've done Donuts we've done line charts we've done different types of line chart with discrete and continuous Let's uh build something different let's build another bar chart let's go ahead and build this by region let's go ahead and do that yes that's great and we'll build and we'll say profit that's pretty nice but let's say I want to break that down by shipping mode put that over there okay we've just sort of changed the dynamic a bit looks a bit different it's nice to see if I go to the analytics pane just up here you can see where my mouse is shaking um you get different options that you can sort of bring into the visualization so if I wanted to create that reference line we saw before for average I could have just dragged that in and it gives me the same options I saw in that reference line pane just it's right here so I can go ahead drop it on the pane and now I get the average for each pane dead simple I can bring another one drop it in the table and I get another one for the table that's how it works so all of these are sort of aggregations and you can go ahead and oops you can go ahead and simply use them to change the way the chart works so that that's it that's all you need to know about the analytics pane for now as you drag them in it tells you where to put them and you can use that to sort of customize them if you want to edit them you can click on them and select edit and then you just get the same options I showed you earlier okay in the uh that's the analytics explain super simple in short um let's do a few more Scatter Plots so for a scatter plot you typically need to access so let's say we're going to have sales and we're going to have profit and we get one dot it's not very interesting what makes a scatter plot a scatter plot is we can see different dimensions and where they sit on this scale so if we went and got segment and put it on detail we can see that we get three dots because of three segments if I put that segment on color we get the same behavior but now each one is colored differently kind of Handy now that I've got those segments colored I can go and go ahead and get something out so maybe go and get the products and put that on detail and it'll take a while but now each product is colored it's a DOT and it's colored using the segment okay and you can change that interaction around a bit oh there's no point putting color on product name because that's not going to be that of an attractive visualization but you can mess around with these sort of combinations to create different variants and don't forget you can still rotate your chart how you want okay you can just go ahead and do that and you pretty much creating different customizations the shape of these circles can be customized too so let's say you want maybe uh filled circles instead you can just go ahead and select that you could do stars or here's a here's a really cool track you can drag the subcategory and put that on shape and it will complain but it will make a different shape for each subcategory okay kind of a nice chart to look at very basic um but you can start to get an idea of what you can do with this okay so just customize it as much as you want change it up and go into the tooltips and add more detail the last thing I'll show you but this is you can still use Dimensions up here in columns and rows so let's say I want to go and get the category and put it in front of cells you'll see I'll get three Scatter Plots and then let's say I want to get the ship mode and put it here on rows I'll get a grid of 4x3 each with a scatter plot inside of it okay so again as you're learning Tableau try and mess around with different combinations see what they do and understand why they do those things okay super simple right that's the scatter plot so histograms now a histogram in the bar charts are kind of similar you know visually they're the same but they actually represent different things um the best way I've thought of describing a histogram is it's like a bar chart but it takes something that typically doesn't you know sit in groups and creates a grouping out of it so the most common example you might think of a histogram is maybe you're creating ranges from let's say 0 to 10 10 to 15 15 to 20. uh when you group those up they become discrete they become blue essentially and then you can use that separation to create a grouping and that grouping can then be visualized and that's essentially what a histogram allows us to do now one of the techniques that you might use to do that is you might create something called a bin and the bin is like a bucket it's like a bucket of a grouping essentially you're putting things into a group and you are then going to use that group to visualize something so to give you an example I'm going to take the sales values here I'm going to right click on that and I'm going to go to create and I'm going to select bins and this is essentially going to create those groupings I was talking about and then I get this interface which basically asks me how big I'd like those bins to be and Tableau looks at the data and comes up with a pretty good um you know estimate and the thing to bear in mind is this is happening at the row level of detail so it's looking every row row of data looking at the sales and it's coming up with this size based on the general spread of the data and how it all looks you can set a minimum and a Max and play around with all of these things but the suggested inside is what that is there you can enter your own value so if you wanted that to be 500 you could but let's go ahead and just select 510 and now that we've created that bin you'll see that we get this new icon just over here on the left hand side with like a pyramid and These Bars and this now is something that we can use as a bin okay so now that I've created the sales bins I've essentially taken something that was previously a continuous item uh you know if I bring the sales onto rows um it creates an axis that's how I know that it's a continuous value and you can see that this measure is green as well but now when we make a bin from cells it creates a discrete item here and now you can see the separation is roughly 510 pounds in this case across each of these groupings what that allows me to do is I can then visualize it so I've rotated it 90 degrees just so it goes across because that makes the most sense for a bar chart we want the bars to be vertical then I'll drag the actual cells and put it on rows so you might be thinking what is this chart showing me well I've taken each and every cell on every row and I've grouped them into bins and then I've actually asked Tableau to aggregate all the cells that belong in those bins and so what this chart is showing me is that the majority of the cells in this data set are between 0 to 510 pounds and that equates to 847 000 over the entirety of this data set and as you get to bigger and bigger transactions the sales become less and less so we do have some rather large cells all the way out here on the right hand side but you kind of get the curve you'd expect you kind of get this sort of nice sort of tapered curve and this is sort of normal you'd expect this kind of distribution generally with data and there tends to be quite a you know a body of um information or data at one particular point just just just just just the way the analytics works and statistics work and you can watch lots of videos on YouTube that explain that better than I can um so yeah there we have it it's a very simple histogram there's not there's not much more to it but this although it looks like a bar chart this is technically a histogram now one of the things you could do is you could customize this a little bit so um you can see here that the sales bin at the top is uh blue now if I go here and change it to continuous you'll see that the grouping along here changes essentially what happens is that blue bin and Subs becoming a grouping and it becomes a range and the bars still sit within that range you can see this here at the bottom and it just basically goes from left to right and it works exactly as you expect so just because something is blue or discrete doesn't mean you can't change it just by changing these two options so this is almost a continuation from the previous point I made about discrete versus continuous okay so that is a handy trick to be aware of because what we've done in this chart is we've taken two values well one value and we've made two things out of it one is a bin one is the actual sales value we've made the bin continuous and then we visualize them against each other to create a grouping of the thing itself okay so that is a histogram in a nutshell um it's a very simple chart what I often find is that like bar charts are just much easier to build and just much easier for people to understand with a histogram you tend to find you have to just explain it a little bit more because these groupings aren't as apparent because you can't fit everything nicely in the axis where you tend to find histograms work really well is in surveys where you have a scale and maybe asking people about their age and you have zero to Ten Ten to Fifteen fifteen twenty that makes really good um sort of histogram-like uh data sets and really that you can use to do that okay right let's go on to the bullet graph now the biller graph is a is a bar chart let's let me just simplify that straight away so let's go ahead and take the subcategory and we'll take the we won't take the category we won't confuse things we'll just take the subcategory and we'll take the cells okay and I'll rotate this 90 degrees by going to this icon just up here and we'll rotate it like that this is going to make it easier for you guys to see what's going on now one of the things we've done in the past is we've gone into the analytics Pane and we've brought an average or some sort of reference line okay but in some cases you might actually want to use another value to use on the chart rather than bringing in a reference line you might actually want another bar to sit on top of the existing bar chart that you've got so a good example might be let's say you want to do some modeling okay and to do this I'm actually going to create a calculation which is jumping a bit ahead but it's easy to follow along so you'll be able to do it and what I'll do is I'll go ahead and create a calculation so what I did there is I went to this little triangle icon and I selected create a calculated field and I just brought this calculation window up now these calculations work like you'd expect in Excel and you can do aggregate calculations and row level calculations I'll explain those two shortly but for now just follow along with exactly what I'm doing okay so I'm just going to go ahead and aggregate all my cells by saying sum of cells and what I want to do is multiply that by 20 so I'll just put 0.2 I'm not going to bother right doing the percentage I just say just increase everything by 20 okay and we'll call this Sales Plus uh 20 okay now technically speaking what I should do is do 1.2 because that's basically adding 20 to the whole percentage so that's actually what I should do uh hit apply and hit OK OK so now that we've done that um I have two sales values I've got sales and I've got Sales Plus 20 and I'll grab the Sales Plus twenty percent I'll put it right next to the other one so you can see it creates two charts for us what I'd like to do is have these two on top of each other essentially taking up the same space so you can see the differences between the two values so now that I've got them two side by side I can go to the second one go down to what's called dual axis and it will change the chart type now this drives people absolutely crazy because you had a bar chart and then it changed it to Circle Parts well what's going on well it turns out that because we have automatic here in the marks pane Tableau is making a constant decision about the chart types we'd like to see so if I go back and this time instead of having it on automatic I keep it at bar when I go to do the Dual access you'll see Tableau doesn't change it from a bar chart and so this has worked now the second thing is you can see that here on the legend you can see there's two different values cells and cells plus 20 but I can't see the sales values and that's because the orange ones have 20 more sales and if they're on top of each other the blue cells are actually right behind these orange ones so to make this a Billet graph all you need to do is go to the uh the orange sales value which is sitting on top and just change the size of the bar and as we change the size of the bar you can see that those two values are actually right on top of each other so we're making one thinner than the other this reveals a new problem which is that the values are the same although I did tell tab layer to add 20 to the cell so what's going on well the biggest clue is in the axis so if I look at the axis here 300 000 is there but for 300 000 over here it's just down there it's not correct so what we do is we go to the second axis and select synchronize axis and that will get this working nicely so now the Bullet Craft is working and you can see all the cells are now 20 now realistically this isn't what you do you wouldn't just add 20 to all the cells what you might do is you might have some targets you might have some goals and you might have those as another figure let's say you have sales and then you have budgeted sales this is how you'd use a Billet craft to show how one is comparing to the other and you can play around with which one you'd like to be the more prominent one or which one you'd like to be the better one once you have things set up you can kind of make things a lot better now if you do use a chart like this it's often handy to just make it really clear which axis refers to which so um The Legend is often a good example and because both of these values are monetary I could just go ahead and hide one of the axes so that I don't have to worry about it and I can just say look this is the legend that tells you what is what but in in some cases you might actually want to keep the access so one of the things you can do is you can right click format the axis and just change something like the color you could you could change the the color of the Pacific um axis itself or you can go and change the color of the text just to make it more apparent what's going on okay so there's a whole bunch of options here you can kind of knock yourself out there's a whole range of things so um you know have a go at doing that I won't go into too much detail because I could spend easily 40 minutes just unfortunate formatting in tablet um but it's all there you know how to do it just right click on the item select format and then you can play around with the selections as you want it's not in a nutshell it's essentially a histogram uh sorry that is essentially a bullet graph so we're basically building one on top of the other now the other thing that people do sometimes do is they then add some sort of reference line so you can still do that you can just go ahead and get some sort of reference line maybe you want to visualize the profit so what we can do is we can go and get the profit and put it on detail the reason I'm putting it on details because I want to use it and we've got it on sales plus 20 we'll go to the analytics Pane and then we'll go and get um what we use we'll use a reference line and we can drop it on one of these pills you notice that now because we have two values it's telling me where I'd like to put it so I'd like to put it on each individual item so we'll go to the cell and I want to put it on sales plus 20 so that's sort of the combination of the two things and I'll drop it there and then it'll say okay what value would you like to use in the reference line and because we put our profit right there on the detail for the sales plus 20 it's available to us in this drop down so we can go ahead and select it and you can choose whatever value you want average maximum and minimum are all going to do the same thing because there's only sort of one value in this particular um actually no that's incorrect the profit is going to be aggregated so if I choose average profit it's going to show me the average profit what I really want is the total profit because that makes sense in this chart which actually adds everything up so go ahead and do that and you can see the OK button kind of weirded out a little bit we can go ahead and maybe set this dotted and let's just go ahead and say profit sum of profit and you can see let me make this red actually so it's super super obvious and it'll make it really thick and dotted not transparent actually we'll make it solid now you can see in the background it's kind of changing that a little bit so now the reference line is reflecting the changes I'm making okay so that's how you can keep adding a little bit more context what I'd really encourage you to do is spend a bit of time on color and a little bit on color theory just to make things really really obvious so maybe you might double click on sales and make sales gray because it's a less prominent item you might make Sales Plus 20 uh purple just to make it a little bit easier in the eye and there you go that's immediately much easier to see and then this this um reference line we've added we can actually just click on it select edit and make that a nicer shade of something else maybe let's go for a paler red and there you go immediately a little bit more accessible much easier and if you have any people with accessibility needs them just bear those their color needs in mind as well okay okay box and Whisper whisper or whisker it should be whisker gosh and whisker plots now for this one and this is a it's an interesting chart because it's typically one that you'd use to show the the spread of data and normally when someone's asking for this they specifically want this so um let me just show you how it works for this one I'll drag subcategory onto columns actually because we want the vertical separation between each of the subcategories and then what I'm going to do next is going to be a little bit odd I'll put sales on rows okay and you'll see it builds a bar chart and because we're still on automatic tablet will keep changing the chart based on what I add to the visualization so if I put product name on detail well Tableau understands is that I'd like to see each product uh broke this bar chart broken down by products now in real terms that's actually not what I want to see what I'd like to see is a DOT that represents each product so let's go ahead to automatic and change that to a circle and you'll see a DOT appear for where each product sits on that whole scale so this is a lot easier it also means we're not getting the aggregate effect of all these products sitting on top of each other in essence each data is kind of its own individual thing on this visualization and it's a lot easier to sort of see now these dots are a little bit hard to sort of make out so what I could do is I could add the profits to the size so I can see which of the profitable dots and which ones aren't and you'll see that we actually have some negative values which can't really be smaller than you can't have like a negative size in tablets that's not going to work so maybe that's a bad decision instead maybe you want to put profit on the color so we can see whether they're profitable or not using a color range so instead of using profit I'm going to show you something here we'll click on the circle and we're going to select the color this allows us to change what this is doing without having to move it around and now you can see a much much better color okay so because of this it's much easier now to see which one's profitable which ones aren't and we can actually change the size a little bit you can do a few things to sort of format this better you can go and change the Border just to give it some more contrast maybe make these dark whatever you want to do and the world's your oyster change it as much as you want but we're trying to build a box on my second plot another not a sort of a pseudo you know scatter plot now to do that once we've got this set up once we've got the sort of spread and the detail covered we go to the analytics Pane and you can see there's an option here for box plots okay this is essentially what a box of whisker is and as soon as I start dragging it onto cell you'll see that there's only one option and that is essentially to create a box and whisker for each subcategory that I've got in the visualization as soon as I drop it on tablet thinks about it uh is it going to do something about it no no oh it did do something I didn't even see it I was so fixed on this data point I didn't see the box and whiskers down here so that was instantaneous um I apologies on my part I should pay more attention to the lower end of the data but yeah there you go you can see the box and whisk supply has turned up it's a little bit hard to see so how do you actually fix this that to me this this is not ideal because it's not what you have in mind when you do a box on Whiskey plot and the problem is is that if you learn it to do if you learn how to do it this way you don't actually know where the settings are so let's go back a step just go into the back button up here and we've removed the Box block you see Blogspot is just a reference line it's a type of reference line see if you go to add reference line you get this interface again and you can go all the way across to box plot and you can see you get the full settings here and you can change how the box plot works so let me move it across you can see that it's just right there I can tell it to hide the underlying marks that takes away all the dots that are set underneath the box plot but it doesn't take the ones that are outside of the extremes but I can also change the way that works so if I say maximum extent to the data then you see the box plot takes up every single data point so it's depending on what you're going for you might want this or you might want this and I think box spots are defined by one of these two settings either the whole extent of the data or 1.5 times into quartile range whatever that is okay so choose whichever one you want you can choose a style there's glass classic uh classic with dual fill all of this stuff is pretty good okay and then you can change the color you can change the the extent you can pretty much customize it how you want change how the whiskers look if even if you want to do that and there you go you have your box plots super simple um now the good thing about this is this doesn't stop you adding other bits of information on top of this so if you wanted to you could add another set of items maybe another reference line whatever you wanted to do those are still available to you so if I bring a sales item in again you see it draws two box plots and for this one I can go ahead and change how this works or change how it behaves okay so just because you've built one thing doesn't mean you can't customize it you can always pretty much dynamically change what you're seeing here in tablet very very easily okay so there we go that's our box plot uh box plot cool right a tree map I like tree Maps tree maps are very good I like them um the simplest way to show you this is just to basically draw a simple one with just three items in it so I'll drag category onto color that gives us three dots three squares now that I've got that I'd like each Square to be sized by the size of the sales that they have so if I just go ahead and put sales on size you'll see that we get a tree map that's literally as simple as it is okay now what we can do with this cells is we can put cells on the label and the label will give us the values okay and we can use this to maybe add some contacts maybe make it a little bit nicer and the other thing we can do is we can add the name of the category onto the label again that will add that to the tooltip and actually adds it to the label so if you want to customize it you can just click on the label go to these three dots and you can change the way these sort of set so it's funny it says category cells but if I hit apply it actually appears like that so it it was kind of doing some hierarchy stuff but it wasn't kind of showing what it wanted to now you might find it distracting that this label here is black and these two are white and what Tableau has is this engine in the background which looks at the color and it tries to deny whether the contrast is accessibility friendly or not and if it's not it changes the color to something that is better okay so in this case it's saying that white is better on these two colors and black is better on these two colors if you want to kind of lock that in you can go to the label actually and just change the color yourself so if I go to text and I go to this formatting you can say just lock it into white hit apply uh why is that not working uh have I done the right thing uh I might not have done the right thing okay apologies um you have to do this on the font settings Tableau is so inconsistent sometimes because you do have a formatting option there on the label but this formatting option only works on um some chart types because you can see here it doesn't apply it to this instead I have to go to the font select white and now it does apply okay there's a couple of other ones options here which is automatic which is what I've just explained a match marked color makes it roughly the same but still makes it easy easy to see sometimes that's a nice option just to keep things in theme now a nice thing with this tree map is you can actually add layers to it that's kind of confusing because you're thinking well how can I add more layers to this well if I bring a subcategory into the detail you can see that the coloring is still following the category but now it's broken these individual slots down into the subcategories and so I might want to put subcategory on the label as well just so it's clear that those sections exist and then what I might do is I might then go and add another so let's break down let's go maybe with the shipping mode okay and if we do that again you'll see that it creates even bigger spacing between the groups and it kind of breaks it down so you can visually separate the different sections and you can add as many sort of breakdowns as you want into the visualizations as long as you understand the hierarchy of the data to break this down and kind of do different chart types that are much more interesting okay so that is the tree map in a nutshell you can change this around obviously the tooltip everything it's completely interactive if you want it to be as well we'll show you how to do that later on so let's go ahead and call this tree map okay now the um next one let's go boxing whiskey and just cross that out strike and strike out the tree map and make sure that's at good so colored tables this is a this is an absolute brain to you sometimes in tablet because it's it's simple but it's not simple so let me just show you what I'm trying to do let's say we wanted to do a table that shows the cells going across each quarter over the last few years okay so to do that I'll drag order date onto columns you can see that it brings out the years now because tablet has an understanding of date it actually breaks down the dates for me into years quarters and dates I don't need to do the calculation to do that I don't need like a date model to come into my data set I can just bring it in and select the part that I want so in this case I've selected quarter if I didn't want quarter I could just go down to month and then remove whatever I wanted but in this case I do one quarter so I'll just go year and quarter I actually want both of those not just call to run its own okay the next thing I'll do is I'll bring subcategory onto rows just to give us a nice table and the reason it says ABC is because we haven't got any information on the label so as soon as we add sales onto label then it fills it okay so this is a nasty table we don't like this it's really hard to see I can't really tell what's performing well and what's not okay now if I I want this to fill the width of the screen I can actually go up here to standard and say fit width and tablet will kind of squash it to fit the width of my screen and now that I've got it like this what I'd like to do is add some color to this to help me see where things are going well and things are going badly so let me go ahead and drag the profit onto color and see what happens okay now when we do that a couple of things happen firstly everything goes to hashtag the reason that is is because we brought the legend in and that squashed The View to a size that no longer allows me to fit all the text so if I bring that Legend over to this side then you can see that the spacing works again but that's not really a long-term solution I think because my screen is kind of squashed because I've got the agenda and everything it's just a spacing kind of conflict you could make the the text smaller as well if you wanted to do that to kind of get around that right click format and then change change the formatting formatting controls over there okay but this isn't what we want what we'd want is the text in one color and then in the background a different color and so what's what's going on here is that tablet is actually doing what I asked it to do you see I dragged the profit onto color and because it's saying automatic what tablet has decided is that the type of chart you want is a text chart and it's automatically going to then mean that the color is going to color the text what we actually want is do we want a square with the label as text not a table with text and then the color in the background being something else right so if I choose this to be square now the color sits on the Square and the sales value sits on the label and the label guys on top of the square and now we have a colored heat map so then what I can do is I can squash this again and now we can see where there's issues okay and Tableau chooses this um sort of blue and red or orange color scheme because again it's accessibility friendly compared to red and red and red and green and it this makes it much much easier to see in this data set the badly performing categories but also the courses in which things didn't go so well and it's obviously contextual to the whole visualization the scale is looking at the hot visualization same depending on what you choose the scale will naturally change if you want to change that you can go to edit colors and you've got a bit more control here you can say stepped colors which just you know locks down unlimited set of colors that can sometimes make it easier to kind of make sense of what's actually doing badly and you can add more steps you could change the different sort of sizes as well it just depends if you go to Advanced you can actually lock in a start and an end and even where the center is so you could say the center is kind of off-center just to make the coloring kind of work exactly how you want um and then you've also got the wide list of options that you can choose here as well so I won't do much of that formatting I'll just go back to the the default settings and we'll just hit apply we won't do nine steps we'll just do a continuous scale like this which is a little bit more interesting to see and that's it that's our little heat map okay very easy to do right let's go to uh maps are pretty exciting so let's go to heat a let's call this heat map and um okay so the the steps are just related to how many different gradients you want in the color that's it so um here at the moment you see there is no steps okay so the color ranges goes from left to right in a continuous uh range as soon as I hit step to color five steps just means I get five separations in the color and if I bump up the steps I get more individual steps in this particular color okay so if I hit five you'll see that tablet does its best job to kind of put things in specific steps but it tells you where the first uh well where the left hand side is starts and the right side ends but you might not have anything that takes up those specific spaces that's why I sometimes think it's better just to do a continuous scale because then everything kind of has a purposeful color and it allows me to even see for example that you know these where I'm looking here these two perform slightly differently but I know that this is also worse than that so it just makes it easier to kind of see where everything is so um that's that's basically what the steps do if that makes sense okay cool right um hi Elaine and welcome Good Vibes indeed um right so what I was trying to do is build Maps so maps are super easy in Tableau right um maps are probably one of the interesting the the mapping capability in tableau can in some cases make you know purpose-built mapping technology look really bad because of the way Tableau is dynamic and it allows you to connect to data okay so you might say that look okay I've connected to this data set and I've got no you know no mapping information so how on Earth is tablet going to draw a map well anytime you connect to a data set and Tableau is able to recognize a certain set of values from the data set for example if I have a column called city or country or region what tablet will do is it will look inside of that column and read all the values and if it can figure out that the values in there relate to a city and or country reason that it's aware of and it's data set then it actually assigns this globe icon to let you know that it thinks this field is actually playing a geographical role and that geographical role you can find out what it is by going to this little drop down selecting geographical ROM and it tells you right there that Tableau thinks that this country in region failed means country and region it's guess that because that's what it's called but in some cases you could have called this region but it could still come in here and say country region okay and the city if you go look at that has a geographic role of the city now other things that Tableau is aware of if you have a list of airports area codes this is mostly U.S Centric um but if you have a list of those then Tableau is able to sort of recognize them just built in and in terms of global data sense um for example here in the UK it does understand postcodes so it's able to use uh that ZIP code or postcode and I think Tableau is aware of pretty much every city that has a population of over a hundred thousand people um I think I can't remember if that's actually correct I need to sort of check my facts but I'm pretty sure that it has a pretty good database globally of towns and cities that mean a certain population level okay and so to draw a map it's literally this simple you just double click the item and Tableau will just go ahead and plot them for you and build a map okay that's it that's that's as simple as it is now it's maybe not the map You're Expecting and so we'll get to the different types of maps but there I clicked City and so it just gave me all the cities but it found now there is a catch there because this doesn't look correct this is a large data set I've only got 49 data points on here what's going on well with maps it's super important super important to pay attention to what's going on down here on the bottom right because what tablet is telling you here is it doesn't know where 493 data points should go and so often I see maps where people haven't actually recognized this and they're wondering why they can't see the rest of their data so if we click on this 493.99 tablet gives you three options you can edit the location you can remove the data or we can show the data at default position which is going to be zero zero which is near the equator you don't want that so if you go and edit the locations Tableau says hey look the country in region is the United Kingdom the state and Province I don't know what that should be so what you can do is you can tell Tablo what these things should be so the country and region instead of being the United Kingdom I can actually say go and get that from a field and this time the field that you're going to use is going to be this one can region and then the stay in Province I don't actually have one so we're just going to select none and the city that works out pretty well okay so if I go here you can see it's still not perfect so let me um let me reset the matches and just double check this we've got the country region that's fine the state and Province interesting uh oh no we do have a field for this we do have a field for this um I forgot that we have this stay in Province field right here if you didn't have that Tableau would have to ask you like which country you're in and that's where you'd basically then go and lock that in and say we're going to be in this fixed country and so try and match the cities in this country but for this one I can actually just match it to the country region Stanton province and now you can see that the errors that were here have completely gone everything is nice and good we're pretty much ready to go if I go look at the cities I can see the individual matches that it's manually done in the event you have a city that's new and it's not on here it will actually give you the option to edit the location and you can give it the latseed and longitude for that location you could just hit the drop down and you know enter the latitude and pretty much put it in yourself if it doesn't exist uh hit OK and notice that now we're actually visualizing this correctly so it first drew the map in the UK completely wrong the correct place is actually to do it here in the United States and so this is our map and this map is essentially showing us uh the point of each particular cells okay so we can see that that works nicely one of the things we might want to do is change the size of these dots to match the cells so I can go ahead and drag cells onto size that will match each dot with the size of the cells in that in that particular location you'll see some dots completely shrink to basically nothing but it kind of shows you whether the real business is happening and you can then go ahead and actually drag the size up just so you don't lose some of that detail in the smaller in the smaller locations and what I find good to do in a map like this is I like to go to the color Pane and I put a border of whites because maps are sort of confusing and when you have overlaying points if they don't have a border it's hard to see what's going on so I like to put a white border on the map say everything's much easier to see and the final thing you can do is you can actually change the background map I think this is a pretty good one but you can change this background to be a different map by going up to map and you can see you've got different options here so you've got background Maps light normal dark Street outdoor satellite offline whatever so let's go to light this is the one we run let's go to normal this is what actually typically tablet will use especially when you don't have an internet connection this is actually what it will default to uh dark is sort of like a dark version of the map and you notice how the the data points look a bit different here uh streets I'm only showing you this because I think it's good to know that they exist so I'm just kind of giving you the full contrast now um the nice thing about some of these especially the map box one which is what this street map is is that it's Vector Maps so we might be looking at a whole country level here but let's say I was to zoom in let's can I can I zoom in yeah we can which way am I zooming in now this way is I'm trying to figure out which way is zoom on my Mouse um just so we can see and as we zoom in can you notice the um the level of detail increases on the map so the detail that you get on the map is relevant to your zoom level and for some of these if I just go into Washington there's one cell here in Washington um it takes a little time for the map information to load but the mapping detail is pretty detailed I'd be surprised that if you went to your home region you wouldn't have for example all the individual walkways going through a park it's it's it's incredibly detailed and if I even go right down you can even see little monuments and everything that you'd expect so tablet mapping is incredibly powerful the next one I'll go to just to sort of show this off one last time is satellite and the satellite imagery again from mapbox is pretty good here you can even see individual trucks and you can see the Washington Monument right there so uh super super cool um what I'll do though is I'll go back to just a boring old normal map and this will allow us to go back to the normal zoom level now what I want to do is I want to zoom back out to see everything so if I hover my mouse here you can it disappears so let's not do that so if I just move my mouse here you can see where my mouse is right now um if I untick that it resets the map to have everything in the visualization and this little toolbar is called the mapping toolbar essentially you can customize how it works and everything you can even choose what to share and what to hide I won't do that here but you've got a few controls one of them is the ability to zoom so if I wanted to zoom into let's say this group of cells I could just do that by highlighting them like that and then I get the zoom zooming into that level I'll go back to the left hand side uncheck that pin it goes back to full zoom level okay so that's one type of map we'll call this a DOT map let's say um now maybe I want to do a different kind of map maybe I want to do a field map where each state is filled okay so let's go ahead and double click state in Province and you'll see that ah it struggles again and the reason is because we haven't actually given this specific uh field a geographical role we told it what that field was here but then we weren't giving it a geographical role we were telling it what it is okay so let's just go to this little drop down and let's go to geographical role and it is actually selecting State and Province but the issue is it doesn't know which um probably doesn't know which country it is it keeps thinking I'm in the UK it's just not correct so we'll just tell it to use the country and regions like okay and this might happen to you as well and there you go you'll see each and every um error filled what is really interesting about this is that I didn't know that this Superstore data set now includes Canada that's really strange but okay um it's never included Canada before I've just noticed that now that we have all the sort of Canadian States up here but anyway we've got a DOT map again we don't want the dot map we want a field map so each of these states should be a filled border okay well you see again the automatic is playing its role here it's changing the chart type depending on what it thinks works best but if instead of a DOT or Circle I end up going down here to a map you get a field map and now each state is filled okay obviously it's good to have labels on these so I can drag State and put it back on the label and now each of these will be labeled really nicely and I can do things like colorettes I can color I can color this by profit actually so you can drag the profit put it on color and again we get our little coloring tutorials show us how profitable everything is okay super simple nice and easy sort of no complex situations yeah now um at the very beginning of the stream yesterday I showed you um a colleague of mine who managed to put both the dot map and the film map on top of each other okay so how do we do that well for your benefit let me just create this again so I'll double click state in Province it will complain saying it doesn't know what the locations are I'm going down here to the bottom right hand side edit locations I'm telling it that the country and region definitions should come from a specific field called country and region okay and I can't really show you this but this country in region field is this field if you don't have that country in region field what you could do is you can specifically tell it which country to use or just completely tell it to ignore the country and it will do its best to match everything but for now we can actually use the country and region you've got a couple of other um bits of information in the standards but it's not really relevant for this particular crash course go ahead and click OK everything's working fine go ahead set up a field map then we've got our first map ready to go okay now our second map it's a little bit more complex because what we need to do is essentially add the same map in again and that's a little bit trickier to do because if I just go and double click let's say City well it changes the map so how do we do that how do we get the maps on top of each other well for that what you want to do is drag latitude Max the latitude again and longitude makes the longitude again what that does is it gives us four Maps even more confusing and then once we've done that we can go and use the technique we've been using already called dual access so go ahead and select dual axis and select dual axis for both of those what that does is it puts both maps on top of each other but as you've known whenever you've got two things on top of each other each of them gets their own formatting pane on the left hand side so what I can do with this top one is I can go to this one and tell it to be a circle and I can go to the bottom one and that can be a field map okay and I think the way I've done this I've gotten the wrong way around so what I'll do is I'll actually swap that around I'll say look the bottom one can be a circle the top one can be a filled map and I think that works a little bit better because yeah I can see that this circle is now on top okay now what we'll do with the map this one over here is I'll go ahead and color that by profit okay and now you can see the dots a bit more clearly and then for the dot I'll click on that I'll set the dot to White and now that dot becomes almost like a nice stylistic element that we can use to convey other bits of information uh Priya in her visualization used it to convey the cells so the size of the circle referenced the cells and so if I just bump that up and let's just bump it down actually let's just bump it down you kind of have to play with this until you're kind of happy then you kind of get a good feel for what's uh going on let me just set a nice dark border on these so they're easy to see and then for my scale up here I I don't like the sort of red to blue scale so what I'll do is I'll go double click on the legend to give us this color View and then I'll go ahead and select the blue and hit apply so the darker the blue the more profitable and that's not even close to what prayer did but it's a similar kind of chart and now you can see kind of what you can do with this and you can apply it style it and do whatever you want to it um again don't forget you can add labels so in this particular case I can go ahead and add the labels to this and it works you know it's a bit messy but depending on what you're showing it might kind of work out now the other thing not to forget is that this circle doesn't have to be at the same level of detail as your state so here we've got States but the circles could actually represent cities instead like just drag City put it on detail and now you'll get more dots one for each City and that allows you to sort of overlay the two on top of each other so depending on the story you're trying to tell you need to make some design choices some stylistic choices and some formatting choices but if you make the right ones you can bring a combination of these two to build yourself a really powerful map okay and so that is a pretty I think detailed enough introduction to Maps just to get you going and get you started and sort of understand how it works all right so we've done a field map uh we've done a DOT map oh spatial data you know this is a bit Advanced but I will show it anyway um spatial data when you connect to a data type if I just click on this little Tableau logo yeah when you click on that it goes back to the connection render we had at the very beginning and you can see that one of the types of files you can connect to is spatial okay and spatial files if I click on that are typically known as these file types you can see here so if you know that you're getting spatial data from a system then you can go ahead and use this type if you don't have access to any spatial data I recommend you go to any government website that has open data sources for example in London you can go to there's a date there's a London data store that has data from councils in America I know New York have a New York open data initiative where you can go and download spatial data that tells you for example the location of trees that's actually a data set I use in the most recent video explaining a new feature in Tableau so go ahead and check that out but once you download that data you'll notice that it comes in one of these particular file formats either a zip file a shapefile and once you've got those file types you can go ahead and connect to them I'll show you a very brief example just to show you what that file looks like so for example here I have a folder that has the waterways in London and the shape file it ends in a DOT SHP and you can see that's this far here that's leveled okay so the the thing about spatial files is that this file isn't actually the only file that's required all of these files are important because they tell the file different things about where the individual bits of information are so whenever you see a shape file don't delete the other files that come with it keep it together or zip it up and tablet can open both of those okay so let's go ahead and open the London waterways and as soon as we open that up you'll see that it loads up the connection render we've seen already I'll go to a brand new sheet let's go to sheet number 16 and you can see this is my data okay wfd London that's the water weight so you're probably wondering well what makes this spatial data what makes this different you just got a bunch of fields so you've got a country fill that's nothing special well spatial data tends to con contain what is called the geometry and the geometry is something like this you'll see that it says geometry and it has a globe icon and the thing about geometries is they contain either polygons lines or points so points are just latted in longitude a line is maybe the the road a road Network could be lines a river Network could be lines and polygons tends to be the shape of boundaries for example the state boundaries are polygons and City boundaries are polygons okay and so when you double click those geometry tablet actually draws whatever's behind that geometry so in this particular setup these are the different waterways that lead up to the River Thames in London so if I actually go back to my map and I just bring on the streets view you can see that this is indeed London and when I hover over one of the geometries it highlights everything but the reason that is because I haven't told Tableau that I need to add more detail so what I need to do is uh go and get the name of the waterways and now when I hover over one of them you see that it only selects that particular one and the reason you might want to visualize these is maybe you're telling a story about the waterways in London and the quality and so you need to go get the shape file that has the waterways then you need to go get the data that links to those waterways you can bring them together inside a tablet that's a bit Advanced we're not going to do that in this crash course but you bring them together using a union or a join or something fairly straightforward and then you can visualize that information it's quite nice here in tablet so that's why you'd use a shapefile and that's why you'd kind of be doing this here inside a tablet so um I've just sort of shown you that so you know what to go and Google what to search for and if you look at sort of demos that I've done on new features you'll see the techniques you need to kind of do all of this so just look through the channel and look through other videos and if I can suggest one person if you do nothing else um go and look for a chat called Mark read and his YouTube channel is a friend of mine and he also has a great YouTube channel he has done some absence absolutely fantastic videos in general about tablet but he's also very good at explaining spatial features in tablets so you can look at some of the uh formulas and calculations and how he's setting these up and he's got a really good storytelling method as well as how to how to sort of bring these two together so go check out his videos and follow his channel it's a really really good resource for this particular kind of analysis okay um but for now we'll just leave that at that we'll leave the mapping there what I'll do is I'll put this file that I've downloaded here in the description along with this video so you can download it and try it as well okay good right um excellent let's keep pushing so we've got spatial data um I think I've shown you how to style Maps a little bit we kind of played around with the coloring on this tab we did a bunch of different things and it was all good so again for a crash course I think this is all you really need I mean if you turn up and after you know watching this course you can do this kind of stuff you'll be blowing people's minds if it's just the first time you've used tablet so we'll keep this simple for now and we'll move on okay um the oh this is where I get to tell you why I don't like if a specific feature yeah and this is called show me okay um Andre I've seen your question I'll get back to that just in this in a second okay so um really common when people use Tableau is uh this thing up here let me just show you this a thing called show me okay I hate this with a passion I hate when I see people using this and if you use it right now that's totally fine I'm not here to sort of say you shouldn't use it or whatever but the reason I hate it is because I don't think Tableau built it well enough to really help people understand what it's actually trying to get you to do okay the purpose of the show me tool is to help you understand how to build a specific chart so if I go ahead and click on it I don't know if you know this you can actually drag it and move it wherever you want not many people know that either so you can click on it but not many people think to just drag it and put it wherever they want so let's say we drag it and put it here on the left when I hover over these different charts can you see that it tells you what you need on the bottom to get it to work okay and you know this is this is literally telling you how to build the chart and I have no issue with you using this if you could create the chart yourself without using this because then you're using as a shortcut let's call it like a a keyboard shortcut to get to a chart type really quickly but in my in my experience as a trainer I've trained thousands of people I've taught many people here on YouTube I've even seen other people training Tableau on YouTube in other tutorials showing people how to use this and then telling people the wrong thing because they're using show me as a starting point and then they don't know how they've got themselves into that position and they end up just basically clicking around until they get everything how they want it but they've done it in a really cumbersome way a way that would have taken less time if they just knew how to build a chance that is why up until now I have not used show me to show you how to build any of these charts all of these charts we've done them and I've tried to explain the mechanics of how the charts works because if you understand the mechanics you can customize them and just notice that many of them don't have more than five things here in the in the view okay very few things however if you use show me more often than not it uses more than is required so let's let's just have a go at using it so you can kind of see that play out so here let's say we want to build a pie chart we need one dimension and two one or two measures so what you can do with this you can select a dimension so let's say we're going to select category and notice when I select it it sort of lights up on the right hand side to show you what you can use and I'm going to hold um command and select cells and you see as soon as I select sales and category all the charts that I can build with those two things turn up okay so if I select tree map you'll see that it builds a tree map that I showed you how to build this is a tree map that it built now it did that in two well I'll say three clicks I held City sales and um then I came here under selected tree map and then it built it okay if you go look at my tree map okay mine's a bit more complex because we added stuff to it but ultimately it's exactly the same chart so all the same mechanics are just being built and so what what what I wish xiaomi did is instead of just putting everything on the visualization because notice notice what it did in One Sweep there's nothing on the visualization City sales there's absolutely nothing you click tree map and boom it just turns up and and now it actually built something different which is also really frustrating like sometimes I'll because I select a city in our category fine but it's just so so jarring experience because it doesn't actually show you what it's doing so if you're going to use xiaomi pay attention to how it's building that chart for you let's take one more example let's clear the sheets let's take a category uh product uh let's take sorry product and sales okay and it says we can draw a box block so let's go ahead and do that and boom it it creates one of these now people get frustrated because they wanted a box Fort but they didn't know they needed to add subcategory to have it split out and sort of create something nicer so another problem with xiaomi is it doesn't guide you through the question you're trying to answer because what you really needed to do is you needed to select product sales and then subcategory then come here to the box plot and it would have built something that we built before okay and we built it maybe that one was a little bit sort of faster than us doing it but you see now that you've got this if I asked you how do you customize this if you've only ever used show me to get here you wouldn't know basically you wouldn't know that if I right click on the axis edit the reference line then go to the box where I have all of these settings available and that's my sort of gripe with show me so if you using xiaomi and this is how you work totally fine I have no issue with it whatsoever but just remember that it's trying to show you how to use the charts so pay attention to what it's doing when I go and create a chart let's say I bring um sales and let's say this time category and I create a bubble chart what has it done it's created three circles but how has it done it well instead of a square which gives us a tree map it's changed it to a circle which gives us a bubble map that is it that's as simple as that so now you know that if I go back to my tree map what happens if I change this to a circle well I get a bubble map dead simple so now you know that mechanic if you're building this chart and you don't like what you're looking at and someone says oh can you just make that a bubble chart instead of going back and selecting all the things to get it back to where you did like maybe six or seven steps you just go in here like a boss hit Circle and you're done okay so that's my little sort of rant against uh show being done I'll never talk about it again that's it for this crash course okay so um Diablo they do tell you it's the easiest way to use it so it's it's it's drives me nuts but yeah anyway right so listen we've built a bunch of stuff here and you're probably wondering well how do I see all this wonderful stuff that I've built is there a way I can see each and every one of these views easily and uh then allow sort of you to kind of have an overview of all the charts you've built there is actually a way not many people know about this either just down here it's the tiniest thing on the amount I'm gonna in the edit I'll have to zoom into this section and just show it to you you've got three icons the one we're in at the moment is the one on the right hand side if I select the second to last one you notice that it shows me the visualizations along the bottom but still keeps them as tab so I can go through the tabs as I was doing before this is kind of Handy if you want to see the chance that you're using make it sort of really nice to browse the one I like is actually this grid one here at the bottom so this very final one if I click on that it gives me this and this allows me to see all the things I've built and it's nice because I get an overview if I want to quickly go and see where is that chart that I built oh I built five variants of it it's just all here and it's really nice and here's a little trick not many people know this either when you open a workbook for the first time let's say you become Tableau sort of professional or whatever you've done your certifications you're using tablet every single day when you open your Webber for the first time what Tableau hasn't done is hasn't loaded all the visualization so you'll go to each Tab and it will still be loading the visualization and here's the trick if you come to this tab right click then select refresh thumbnails that has the effect of loading every single tab in one go okay and that is often faster than going to each of them separately and getting it to load so if you're trying to get everything to load quickly this is the way to do it and this is why I'm showing it to you okay to go back to an individual chart you just go back down here and select one of the views you want and there you go pretty much good to go Okay so we've done some charts everything's looking good um we're basically kind of now getting familiar with the mechanics of how to build charts in Tableau now we need to start sort of building a story and to do that in Tableau there's a couple of ways and essentially it's called a dashboard and dashboards bring together some of these charts into one sort of story okay so how do we create a new dashboard well if I go to um well let me let me let me start again because I have this um view here where I can see an image for each tab the settings for creating a dashboard are squashed to this very right hand side so you have the option for a new sheet a new dashboard and a new story we're not going to cover stories in this crash course it's kind of rarely used but again there's lots of videos out there for it it's going to use dashboard and sheets if I go back to the view I had before then that option is here and here and the less you have in a workbook the more these settings kind of move around so before we had lots of things in our dashboard or in our view it actually these options were all the way to the left hand side okay but let's go ahead and select the second one to create a new dashboard and you'll see that it gives us a canvas okay now this canvas is just a blank canvas we can go ahead and do a couple of things with that but if I hover over these charts you can see all the charts we've created are just here on the left hand side so what you can evidently do is you can bring these into this canvas and you're pretty much ready to get you can build your dashboard now dashboarding in Tableau is probably the most time consuming part of Tableau and I'm not proud of this I'm not proud of Tableau that this is this is my time consuming part because I found plenty of opportunities to sort of address this and make it easy for people so this is probably where people get the most frustrated with tablet because things you'd think that are straightforward just appear not to be straightforward so to simplify it I recommend you do a couple of things when you're building your first dashboard keep the dashboard simple then try and bring too many things in at once so for this one I'm just going to double click the tree map you'll see it comes in I will bring the dot map I'll double click that and you'll see it when I double click them it brings them in absolutely fine and then the last thing I'll do is probably bring in the line chart okay so I've brought three things in now when I double click them it brings everything in so you can see the formatting on this is a bit janky it's not nice we've got the legend over here it's a little bit of broken dashboard isn't it it's not it's not sort of not a nice aesthetic and we want to kind of change this and what we should do is we should while I start to do is I just clear the dashboards completely with Legends I can bring the Legends back very easily I'll show you how so I just go ahead and select them one by one and I clean them out okay that gives the dashboard a bit more space the next thing I decide is how big the dashboard should be so if you're building this in an organization the dashboard size in my opinion should be one of two things it should always represent the smallest size that someone's really going to realistically use so typically laptops and the second thing it should never be automatic or user range and this is an advanced topic but long story short if it's automatic or uses a range the performance will be worse just a fact I can tell you why in another video but automatic and or range dashboards do create worse performance because Tableau can't pre-render the visualization to suit every single screen size okay you just can't do that it can't know what screen size someone's laptop is going to be so these two will impact performance so I always use effect size and people will have aesthetic reasons for changing it you might get clients who'll say hey I'd like it to fill my screen well yes in an ideal world but no this is tablet so let's just keep it simple the next thing I'll do is the width I normally go to about 1 200 that that to me is like the optimal size people have decent laptops now they have decent screens at work you know 1 200 works pretty well you can see it fits on my screen with plenty of space all the way around and 800 vertical as well it's kind of good I could go to 900 but 800 is just like a nice proportion so now that I've got the space incorrect I can now start to move things around and to do this the simplest thing to do is just to grab the chart and move it to where you want and you see Tableau will kind of highlight things for you so if I move it out to the top it says it's going to take the whole entire width and it goes ahead and does that and the tree map here I want to put it to the right hand side of the line chart so I'll just grab it and put it down here and there you go okay and that is again for your first dashboard that's as simple as it needs to be now when you want to go ahead and do more Advanced Techniques and tricks you're going to have to start getting familiar with something called layout containers and layout containers are essentially boxes where you can put charts in and then move things around in containers I've done a whole video on this if you just Google layout containers on tableau I've done um a video on this multiple people have done videos on this actually so I've done a 10 minute video seven to three thousand views that shows you how big of an issue this is and it explains layout containers in a nutshell very simple very it's very sort of um easy to do okay so go ahead and check that video out I'm not going to cover it here because it's just something that I think um isn't necessary for a crash course you don't need to be in layout container Master for your first dashboard now the last thing I'd want to do you can see the line chart the tree map all of these are great the last thing I want to do is maybe bring in a title so over here on the left hand side you can see I can bring in a bunch of other things text is going to allow me to bring the title so I'll just bring it to the top we'll call this this is my title okay and again you're just trying to get something that looks good for your first dashboard and you're not trying to uh you know come out with the stops and have like a kick-ass design just keep it simple for your first dashboard and you might decide to maybe make this larger there you go and they get done now there is actually another way of bringing the title and I completely forgot about it so I I'm go on then I'll show you this um down here you can see this is this this dashboard is called dashboard one okay and if I'm if I'm correct if I go back to dashboard up here I can see there's an option here to show the title and that show title will get the title from the name that you've given down here okay so if I go ahead and rename this and call this uh my first dashboard okay then you see that the title is there and then you no longer need this text box the nice thing about this title is It's known as the dashboard title therefore it gets formatting like a dashboard title and if you go to the format and you go to dashboard all these options observe the different things that you set up so the dashboard title for example we can go in here set it to red and you can change it however you want the worksheet titles which are these ones you can change those all in unison and make them really nice and um essentially just start to style this out a little bit nicer okay so there you go there's your first dashboard super simple no interactivity it's just a dashboard you've put the picture everything is on there the last things we can do is make sure everything fills the space so this tree map doesn't quite go all the way to the end so let's go ahead and go to that select fit the width and it will still just fit the space this one we set it to entire V already and so has the map perfect that's all we really need we don't need much more than that and for me I'd say this is this is for your first dashboard this is perfect my first dashboard was a hundred times worse than this I was trying to find the image for this and I couldn't find the image I do have the image somewhere but I I just couldn't find where I've stored it so if I find the image I will I'll probably do a video on my first dashboard you can see how bad my first dashboard was it was 10 times worse than this okay so if you if you kind of achieve anything better than this you're already starting off in a much better path than even I did and you know seven years down the line who knows where you'll be the final thing that I want to show you with this dashboard um you want to add some interactivity to the dashboard you want to make this so that when I click on something here it changes the other the other charts okay the quickest way to do this as a beginner is when you click on each chart you see that you get this little um admin pane that kind of turns up on the right hand side you get this gray border around the whole thing and then on the right hand side you get this ability to add some items the one you want to select is this one use as filter what that will do is it will make your chart behave like a filter we've not done filters yet but I'll show you those in a second when we do them that it means this chart can now control these two visualizations and to show you that I'll just go ahead and highlight these two and you'll see that both the tree Maps change to reflect my selection okay if I don't drag anything maybe I'm just clicking around you can see that the maps everything the line charts are changing to reflect that change okay and when I deselect everything it goes back to the default now these line charts here aren't doing the same thing so to make those do the same thing I can just select the user's filter in fact I can actually do this with the tree map as well select that and now every single visualization affects other visualizations here so if I want to look at this technology sector and see where those sales are spread you can see the trend line for that and also the interactivity at the top you can select the office suppliers and it changes the visualization okay so this is an interactive dashboard doing a couple of absolutely fantastic things it's filtering and it's basically adapting to everything that you've set up okay the way that is working is using this little icon but that icon adds what's known as a filter action a filter action is essentially an action that adds a filter to the specific sheet so if I was to select this New York City item for example then I go to my tree map and instead of going back to it here on the bottom I can actually go directly to it by hitting the square okay so I go to the square you'll notice if you look very closely that it's now added something called an action so this is what I mean by filter action when we were clicking the charts that creates a filter action and that actually sends an instruction to Tableau to add a filter up here to the filter spane and so that maybe makes you wonder well how do I add my own filters to this okay well I can go ahead and remove this filter action you'll see it goes back to how it should look like when we built it I can close the formatting pane and then on the left hand side we can actually go and get anything we want in this case let me just go and get the category so it's super clear that I'm filtering a specific color out I can drag the category onto filters and you'll see you get this window now this filters pane is really Advanced I don't have time to cover everything here but just know that you can filter in lots of different ways using wildcard searches conditional statements and even top and bottom filters set up in lots of different ways but we don't have time to cover all of that we'll just stick to the basic ones if I deselect furniture and hit apply you'll see that it filters out the blue item and so you probably want to see well how do I make this an interface element okay well if I remove this category again just to bring everything back the quickest way to add a filter is to actually select right click and show filter because what that does is it adds the filter it doesn't give us that interface and it also gives us the filter on the right hand side and this allows us to go ahead and control it so I can now just select items like so and you can see the filters working as I expected and if you filter everything out obviously you get Nothing in Your Chart so this is exactly how it works okay so that is working nicely so then you're probably wondering well how do I change the way this filter looks well if you click on this little arrow on the right hand side you have a range of options you can do the single value lists where you can only choose one at a time okay and that's a specific style you might go for you might choose a drop down list and where you can choose multiple values like this so you can go ahead and select two or more values or as many as you want all of these stylings just live here on the right hand side so play around with these see what they do learn how they work now the other thing oh what did I just do there what did I just do there okay include advice sorry um the other thing I did right there that I didn't mean to do I wasn't going to cover but now I've done it I have to explain it to you is the filters can flip the way they work so at the moment anything you tick is going to be shown in the visualization but I can actually flip it the other way around so now anything I select gets removed so you can invert the way the Filter Works just by taking these two options here at the bottom include or xcode that flips the way the Filter Works you see right the very final thing is if I go back to my dashboard now you're probably wondering well how do I bring the filter here I'd like to use the filter on this page so users can change how things work so let me go ahead and go to this little toolbar and you'll see you get a bunch of new options just for this chart one of which is a filter and I can go ahead and choose the filter that I want in this case it's going to be category and as soon as I select it you see it shows up up here now when I select it this is great but it's not affecting the whole visualization so how do I get it to do that well if I select the drop down for this you can see that I get this option to apply to worksheets and there's a couple of options here but actually if I select apply to worksheets and go across you can see there's an option here for selected worksheets and all you want to do is Select that and then you can go to this option here that says select all on this dashboard so on this dashboard there's three charts and if I go ahead and tick it you'll see that it puts a tick next to each of those okay the thing to remember with this filter is that it belongs to the tree map okay so you can see the tree map is grayed out that's how you know it belongs to the tree map if you ever wonder where the filters have gone why are they not working just make sure they belong as the right chart because that might be what's actually controlling everything okay so go ahead and select OK and now my filters affect everything okay I've got this selection here for some bizarre reason um but yeah now my filters affect absolutely everything and I can use this filter to switch on categories now I'm only looking at office supplies but again if I click on different elements then I can see the sort of behavior work okay so this is a really nice feature set because it allows you to do a couple of different things it makes the dynamic really interactive and it makes it super um you know sort of valuable okay so the more the more filters you add the more sort of control you're giving users but don't get too trigger happy with filters they all can you know too many filters can slow dashboard down I've seen people with workbooks with 10 filters that's too many in my opinion about five is the absolute max if you need more maybe you need to work more with these kinds of interactions where you're clicking something on a chart to do the filtering rather than having the filter shown on the page okay good work so we have brought our charts together let's just go and strike that making dashboards Interactive okay the thing oh calculations and functions hmm we haven't needed to do this yet and it okay so with calculations and functions in tableau two two things are important earlier on let's go back to where we had uh box bullet chart so when we when we created this chart we created a calculation for sales plus 20 percent and for that value we did this calculation okay and the only thing I want to cover in this uh specific lesson for this particular thing is the types of calculations so row level versus aggregate calculation uh hold on let's just look at the question from Diablo which I think is important to filtering would you say is better to better practice to just let them filter from the dashboard versus adding the filter or was it Case by case um it's definitely Case by case often someone's going to be telling you what they want um but it's also a little bit about user experience and user design so try and do the best thing that works the mess easiest way one of the things you'll find is as you build dashboards things don't work the way you think they're going to work once people start using them so just pay attention to how people are using them and you'll get the answer very quickly okay so back to row level calculations versus aggregate calculations and the best way to show you this is to weirdly go to excel so over here I have I have another computer running and Microsoft Office and I have a backup computer which I've remoted into that I always have and in this particular setup what I want to do is just clear this okay and we're just going to do some simple maths and the reason I'm doing this is to show you the difference between a row level calculation among aggregate calculation and this is important just for calculations and you're going to probably need to do calculations yourself when you're setting things up say that's why I want to show you this okay so let's say we have some fruits okay and we have a customer and we have John who buys an apple and a pair he buys a quantity two one Aldi then we have Lucy let's say uh very very simple names he buys an orange and she buys five okay and we have the quantity and then we have what I'm going to say the total price okay so total of what they've bought so we can actually maybe put a pound sign this might seem like really basic stuff to you but just bear with me while I explain this because super important okay so total price they pay let's say two pounds four pounds eight seven pounds which is arbitrary prices okay so then comes the analytical questions all right all right and the first analytical question you might want to answer is you know what's the average price of each fruit okay and to do that you could probably just take um uh well for each fruit the average the price is just going to be uh this divided by that so the total total cost divided by the quantity so let's go ahead and do that so we can say this equals that divided by that okay that gives you the price and we can go ahead and fill down so price per fruit and that that makes a lot of sense I hope you guys are still following a lot and that was called a row level calculation because what we did is we for each line so for this is line one for line two line three what we did is we did a calculation that checked the total divided it by the quantity which gives us the price per fruit okay now the problem you have is that in Tableau there's two ways of specifying a calculation and people get confused which way they should do it and which way they shouldn't and it gets more interesting if I was to ask you well what is the total um what is the average price of each transaction so the transaction belongs to One customer so you can see here you've got the customer John who buys two has two rows in the same in the same sort of thing and the reason he has two rows is because this data set is happening at the fruit level of detail so it's happening each fruit get it gets its own line so there's actually only two customers and so for each transaction the total what we have to do is we actually have to end up adding these two so six plus um four plus two is six and then seven plus six gives us the total okay so the average transaction price would actually be four plus two which would be uh six and then six plus seven divided by two because there's actually only two transactions that is a aggregate calculation because what we're doing is we're adding up everything in the column if I was to go and say What's the total quantity of everything in this particular transaction the total quantity is going to be five plus one plus two so you're adding everything in the quantity column if I go and ask What's the total cost of everything in this data set it's everything vertically but if I want to go and ask what's the average what's the price per fruit it's a row level calculation because I'm just doing it on the row so hopefully that explains to you the importance because if you start doing averages and calculations and you don't understand whether they're happening at the row level or at the data set level where you're aggregating everything up you're going to get completely the wrong answer completely the wrong answer and it really depends on the question you're asking and so how does this look on like in tablet well if I go back to tableau you'll see here and let me just comment this and to comment a calculation I can just do this first of all let me make it larger so this is a uh if I do forward stash star star backslash I can add a comment so this is a aggregate calc okay whereas sales multiplied by 1.2 is known as a row level calculation okay the row level calculation is going to be on each row doing this maths and then if I decide to aggregate this up it's going to be adding that all up whereas an aggregate calculation will first add all the cells up then multiply it by 1.2 this is a subtle difference but it means radically different things depending on the analytics questions you're answering and so this this takes a little bit of time to explain for new users but the best thing the best thing I can sort of explain to you is look if you're doing some math and you've got your calculator and it doesn't seem right don't just take the visualization for granted and assume it's correct actually get a calculator especially if you're new to table a just have a calculator on your phone and do the maths yourself to make sure you're arriving at what you expect to be the answer I can't tell you how many times sort of gone back and forth with the client or with anyone who just you're just basically making sure that you're calculating the right average at the right level of detail to come to the right answer yeah in some organizations they even have weird ways of doing averages for example they won't do the average across the whole data set they'll take the average of the average in some cases for different business units because that's just what they've done even though that's not necessarily correct so that's another sort of example to watch out for the other thing to note about calculations is you've got this little arrow that some people don't realize allows you to open an external window which gives you all the documentation on additional calculations and it's just like excel in Excel you kind of get these sort of groupings number string date type conversions and all of these are pretty well thought through the reason I won't cover these in now is because a surprise surprise you know what I'm about to say I have a whole playlist on this so if you go to YouTube and go to just my channel not my live stream and go to playlists why can't I find this oh there it is YouTube keeps changing the interface right there we go tablet functions so if I go to that specific list there we go and um there's a playlist so I have um 23 videos covering all the functions in groups and individually as well so um you can see some of these are 30 minutes long just on that function or just on that group so um if you added all these up it's easily longer than even this crash course so go ahead and check out all these functions you can kind of get a sense for the crucial ones to watch because you can see by the view counts that those are the ones that most people are watching so if you're not sure what to do just go I think if you do it in from top to bottom it's got the most recent ones at the top and then if you go down you can see these are the ones that don't matter so much because I don't get used that much but um the ones that get used the most people search for the most are these ones at the top so learn those get comfortable with them and then you pretty much get together okay good right the very final thing we need to do is put our dashboard somewhere for people to see now if you're using Tableau Creator as we covered right at the beginning what you have access to is tab iCloud or tablet server to publish up this workbook so to do that if you just go to the top and select server and sign in you should get an option to sign in at some point [Laughter] maybe today is not it's not playing ball so maybe what I'm going to do is I'm going to force it to kind of hurry up a little bit by selecting publish workbook there we go and I don't actually want to log into my work server I want to log into tablet Cloud because that's the server that I'm going to be using today and so you just enter your details and that has worked or hasn't it the worked that has worked we can see the spinner is coming up there you go and you've got uh default I've got the name live stream which is what I'm going to use um the projects are just folders on your tablet online website so you will typically be told where to publish if you don't know where to publish as someone who's already in the organization and they should be able to tell you which of these folders you're going to be publishing to folders in tableau's world and also known as projects so that's basically all you need to know about that the default folder should not be visible to you if it is you need to talk to your server admin and just sort that out okay don't tell them it's just not good practice to have the default folder visible because the only reason default files there exists is because it acts as a template not for people to actually put content in so you want to make sure you're publishing to something else I'll select 90 cells and I'll give it a name live stream 8th of Jan okay you can give it a description this will show up and if you don't want to publish everything maybe you only want to publish the dashboard you can see here that I can hover over and I see all the different charts that I have access to and all of them are ticked if I go down here and I select only dashboards you'll see that it deselects pretty much every single one and it only ticks the dashboard which is right at the bottom here okay now when you publish up it takes everything in the workbook with it so even though the dashboard is the only thing that shows when you go to edit it or when you download it and then edit it everything is still going to be there so it's not that you're not it's not that you're deleting these you're just hiding this from being visible on the server but they're still there they're just not visible to you anyone other than the author so my first dashboard that's all done and you can play around with permissions again I've got a video on that data sources I've got a separate video on that so I'm not going to go too much in depth on those but this is the basic publishing settings in the latest versions of Tableau there is something called the workbook Optimizer which tells you how to improve performance on your dashboard and if you go to that and you expand it you'll see that it tells you a little bit about what you could do to improve your data source if you're a new user to Tableau don't worry about these right from the get gang because they might do things you don't really want to do but it's a great way to start learning about what the implications are for each of these and Tableau has a nice link on the end of each one of these that tells you why that specific action is actually a good thing to go and you know do so if you click on learn more it takes you off to a an instruction and actually in the latest version of Tableau you've got the ability to take action just by selecting one of these two icons okay so if I just go ahead and select publish we're going to ignore these errors brings this window back up we can go ahead and select publish it'll say for this workbook to be scheduled or refreshed it must have embedded credentials and essentially I'm just going to try and embed everything because I connect it to a server to connect to snowflake at the beginning of this it's going to go ahead and get my details and put it inside of the workbook so for now we'll just click yes and let's try one last time if it doesn't work we'll just have to I'll probably have to edit this video and put put a working publishing demo and just to see if there's some sort of bug going on at the moment with tablet Cloud so I'm going to the 22.4 demo uh we're going to call this live stream 8th of jam I will publish this up uh everything's included in the workbook still the same Arrow I don't know what's going on there um the only thing I can think of let's try one last thing I'll open up a uh oh we already have a workbook uh running so this is another workbook that I set up as a sample workbook I'm just going to show you the publishing working hopefully so this is another computer another workbook I am logged in as the same user so let's go ahead and we'll try and put this in 22.4 everything as is go ahead and hit publish and you see it works this time so what must be happening is I have an issue with my Mac that's the only difference between these two that's the only difference between the settings and that issue has meant that I'm essentially seeing a bug when I go up and publish because um Mac OS Ventura is not officially supported by Tableau and on top of that M1 Macs are not officially supported by tablet so for that reason that's why this this sort of came up but if the publish works you should just literally get an exact copy of your workbook shown up on the browser you'll see each of the tabs and now you're pretty much good to go you can now share the link to this particular page or you can go off and share this with other people and get it to work okay good so um Diablo thanks for thanks for Googling a little bit um the the reason I have this backup set up here if I go back to this workbook um it's exactly the same login you can see that it's the same user that I've got on uh this this workbook so going into the same server exactly the same setup um the uh data sources are embedded inside of this particular workbook so again they should be no issue with them just sort of going up with the server but I think the issue is to do with my version of um Mac OS I'm using 22.4 but I'm also on a Mac okay and this version of Mac is not officially supported by Tableau at this current moment in state and so that bug is likely some sort of incompatibility with the way it's working with the files or permissions or something it's just stopping it from sort of publishing it up um what I might do in the edited version of this video is I might go back and re-record that without that sort of whole troubleshooting but I'll leave it in this live live recording so that at least some people have the benefit and I can explain sort of what's going on but it's an important thing to just bear in mind that if you're not using supported Hardware sometimes these things are just going to break and um yeah but good thing I have a backup oh God it's so difficult but anyway there we go you saw how to publish a workbook essentially all you're doing is you're publishing it up so other people can see the work and once it's been published um you can go ahead and you know share with people and they can start using it um I have another video that explains tablet cloud and tablet server already so I won't do that here um but this is essentially what it looks like this is how you share your visualization it gets put into a folder amongst other visualization and bits of work and people go and click on it this is what they sort of arrive at and they can go in and start using it as a dashboard and they can just sort of carry on and work with it okay now the other thing I wanted to show you is how to publish to tablet public okay because tablet public um uh yeah one what I wanted to show you how to do tablet pop-up because tablet public is probably what you might be using to get like a free um use of Tableau so you might want to publish your work there instead so to do that what I'm going to probably need to do is we're going to need to build a very very quick chance so you're going to kind of see me speed building here so we're going to build a chart very very quickly and for the record I've been using Tableau while so what I'm doing here very quickly is just me trying to kind of get through this but once you start to use tablet a lot you'll get very very familiar with how to use Tableau and it will become like muscle memory so we're going to connect to orders once that's there we're going to go to sheet and I'm going to create a city map we're going to put sales on size it's going to complain a little bit about the um um man it's really slow today isn't it look at this and Mac computers my computer is not a slow computer either it's uh we'll put sales on size we know the geographies are wrong so let's go ahead and create that and fix that quickly uh this should come from a country and region stay in Province should come from Stanton Province and that should go ahead and fix everything there we go size will bring this right back up we'll give that a nice white border excellent that's our first chart uh we'll go bring a line chart we show cells over time I want it's broken down by month there we go and then I'll go build a table showing us cells for each quarter I'll go ahead and put that in the text and we want this to be broken down by subcategory and I'd like this to be a square filled and then we can put profit on the color you'll notice that kind of broke along the way but I was fine with what it was doing because I know where the end result is so there we go we've built three charts very quickly we'll get up a dashboard um I don't know why the dashboard is this size this is such a random size so oh it's because it's a range that's why all right who left this on Range I must have done a range myself at some point um so here we go we've got three sheets I'll double click them bring them in this is a very nasty chart so what we'll do is we'll um for this one I think I'll put these two side by side and I'll say get this to kind of sit on the edge and we'll go ahead delete the containers and delete everything on the side we'll get this to fill the width okay and um I'll maybe push this up and get it to fill the entire View and I see can I do that yeah there we go so now we've got that we can set these to be interactive so now when I click on a data point it filters the table I'm able to click on bookcases and just filter this out by bookcases okay so really good basic chart now we're going to publish this up to tablet public you see when I go to server there's no option to do that so instead we go to file save to tablet public it's going to ask us to log into tablet public at which point I forget my login for that so I'm gonna immediately fire up one password it might already be logged in no wishful thinking so there you go so it's logging in now we're publishing up to tablet public it's going to ask me what I want to save it as I can call this um my first workbook hit save and now it starts sending it up to tablet public and when it's done it will load up the web page and unlike tablet Cloud it looks slightly different and this is what it would look like okay there you go so there you go it's your first workbook you don't get all the security and the permissions that you get with tablet Cloud all the governance stuff it's not there if you want to edit it here don't forget right at the beginning I showed you that if you go to this icon up here you can select edit and edit it in the browser without having to go back to edited in the desktop okay and so you can change things around change the titles everything as you'd expect pretty much as I showed you all the sheets are there and you can go ahead and sort of work with that okay so that's pretty much it in a nutshell that's um how to go from zero to a dashboard to publishing it up on tablet public or tablet cloud and or tablet server even and yeah you're pretty much golden foreign good so yeah I did God it took a little bit longer to get to the end of that but we we got there okay so there we have it that's the entire Tableau desktop crash course complete this is the first one we're doing we're going to be doing more on Tableau prep tablet cloud and tablet service so subscribe and stay tuned for those we'll be doing those over the next few months uh so check those out now the very beginning of the video I hinted at something I hinted at the idea of a full-on proper course made by Tableau Tim and in order for me to do that I really want to collect a few bits of information about you the audience I'd love to know what do you really want to see in the course and more importantly there are also a couple of things I'd really like to understand about the individual countries and markets you're coming from obviously I get data from YouTube but when it comes to courses I think you have to be more specific about why people are sitting courses are they doing it for work are they doing it to progress themselves professionally are they investing in themselves or is their organization going to be supporting them through this journey all those things are things I'd love to know from you directly as my audience and so I've put up this little form it's still up on the screen as a QR code it's going to take you less than 30 seconds to fill it in so please please fill it in let me know what you think and there's also an option on there for you to let me let you know when I actually have a course available so what will happen is whatever you tell me you're interested in if you tick the box to say let me email you when I have that available I'll obviously be doing that as well so bear that in mind when you fill in the form and the other thing I really want to know the other thing I'd really love to get a better Insight from the community is is which which other tools are you using alongside Tableau that's also in the survey I know Tableau is not the only tool used but I'd love to know are you using Tableau in conjunction with other tools and if so what would be the top of the list I have an idea of what I'd put at the top of the list but maybe I'm wrong maybe you guys are pushing the frontiers of what's actually possible with Tableau and pairing Tableau with things that I've never even heard of so also in that form there's going to be a few options there to say what other Technologies are you using with tablet and that might just inform what I think will be one of the best courses on Tableau that might might just get built very soon let me know in the comments let me know in the form and hopefully I'll catch you in the next live stream or crash course that we do here on this channel thanks for watching and as ever we'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Tableau Tim
Views: 47,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tableau, desktop, salesforce, version, tableau prep, tableau online, tableau prep builder, tableautim, Tableau Crash Course, Tableau Tutorial, Business analytics, Dashboards
Id: -Aj8IlC0IEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 224min 8sec (13448 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2023
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