Flying the Classic Sabreliner 65!

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behind me is the iconic North American saber liner 65 I am beyond grateful to have the opportunity to fly such an amazing airplane and I get to bring you guys along for the ride we're here in a cold and rainy Salt Lake City headed back to California let's go to work [Music] baby we all keep the same s [Music] so I'm home [Music] [Music] [Music] hey before taxi entry doors locked lights out chocks power roov and clear ACDC electrical anti ice currently off probably turning on here emergency gyro uncaged Tim standby left transponder on all right ready taxi okay break is off all right call Ground saber liners we have Tango spot 28 signature taxi Runway 17 taxi 17 via kilo any K you should have no brakes brakes and you got brakes back okay there we go play controls free and loose thrust reversers are stowed switches off autopilots off thrust second engine started APR tested with a rise on both engines an ice we used it on the way in First Flight of the day departure brief blsc takeoff standard call outs as briefed going up to 9,000 see 9000 set y anything Happ we'll come back here big long Runway it's going to be heading altitude select I have that for you awesome ready go 1 just working on your II release thank you 130 1 Z 1 7 line up weit line up weit 1 7 strubs are on clear on my side recog missions to continuous T strob light recog windshield heat any ice panel I'll get them on here in a second we're roll in turn right heading 280 17 cff take right turn 280 Cliff takeoff 17 all right power's coming up here we go hey PR arm alive and it's set off right speeds alive V1 VR A2 right all right ready clear right yep clear right cor Fe flops coming up tow 27 on the visual Runway 17 and we got the speed 170 Shot 2 17 Sol and 13 Z 11 one Runway 1 7 clear L clear 1 sa contact good flight see you guys later departure saber liner 280 heading 6,000 climbing 9,000 departure radar contact okay gears up lights are off flaps are up thrust arms ignitions normal Wing an ice is on 427 pressure is working direct mod first [Music] 4027 one go Roger maintain 14,000 14,000 14 you like all right I see 14 clim Tex 18 complete resume normal speed climb 1 5,000 normal speed 15,000 I see 15 no long Li 1748 Center 11 Point N9 five 10 accelerating desert direct to Desert direct to Desert nav available should be capturing thank you contact center 12.55 12855 Salt Lake Center saber ler 12,000 climbing 15,000 CER climbing main level 4 4 z z 40 I see 40 select 18, 92 after peacock corre sorry after kpon Battle Mountain Bravo Alpha Love Lock rest of after tempin Battle Mountain and love loock TI Battle Mountain can 73 all right guys we're up here at flight level 4 and the saber liner doing Mack 81 but with the gnarly 90 KN head one we're only doing 376 over the ground talk about a capable little airplane this is normally what the what the Gold Stream 4 would be doing up here here with my buddy Eric you've been flying this airplane for quite a while what can you tell us about saber liner everybody wants to know there's not too much saber liner content out there OPP you said it's a great airplane to 65 731 it's got a different Wing than 60 no slats we've done T San Jose in this we're doing 8 right now we can almost get it down to 400 lb side and have it back at 75 if we wanted to go long range but yeah it's built it's built like a tank probably I would say 20 of them still flying the 65s four people it gets the job done it's got a galley microw wave pable external service lab single point I mean it's people that fly them love them i' clown 60 60 SC oh man has it been 10 years probably been more than that wow prob 12 actually started as mechanic on them yeah how's getting parts for these things honestly not bad have mat in Chester Field Missouri they bought everything from saber liner so they they can still overhaul almost everything I got to break with them right now getting overhauled they have a lot of capability overhaul the instruments 7 31s are used on you know Lear Jets Falcons I mean they're very not really Parts issues honestly a lot of relays these things do not like to set if they sit you get in it and stuff's stuck and relay don't work they want to be flown you know I've I've shed a lot of blood battling these things with quarters and yeah but you know everything's designed with Ry was this these were built to move generals around so yeah so history dates back to the military use right yeah started with the it started with the 40 which was the 1339 50s and 60s but yeah yeah then they just said hey we can make a business chat after you know citations and L started coming out they made the 60 which was technically the t39 G and then Bob Hoover you know had the 40 routine where he'd Loop and roll it and all that the last bird he flew in his Doc in the documentary where he does the I was the mechanic at the time when he was doing the loop in the roll so he put a smoke system on it did his routine he still red all the numbers that was a fun little project putting the smoke system on it yeah I mean it's very very capable you know super redundant in terms of the systems right yeah it would take a lot to have multiple failures yeah you lost everything everything's got accumulators so even if we lost all Hydraulics we'd still have brakes we'd still have a TR application but yeah have probably flown two or three of the 65s this is serial 60 the last serial is 81 that's down in uh Mojave it's very maneuverable too it's not quite the f86 a wing you know that's kind of a myth but it very fast roll right yeah so what's what's the relationship between f86 and the saber ler it's essentially a myth yeah everyone says it's the f86 wing it's it's not quite the f86 they didn't just take one and put it on there and build the business CH but that's where it came from you know they wanted a something to transfer the based off that North American platform it's fun to fly it's efficient it's kind of cool the the cabins a club and then two seats and the LA the middle row actually this was designed from the factory they spin 180 and then they go flat so essentially you have two beds wow so you could for take off Landing the two people can if you got two people going cross country they could sit in the fifth six se for takeoff or then lay down and go to sleep we've done some red eyes with that configuration wow originally we were looking at on the couch for that reason and talk to them guys Jo ADM mats and he uh does you know those turn around right a lot of knowledge there Joe schnetler Paul Jamerson Mike witty and avionics I mean just just top-notch guys that are we answer my call and text whenever Gary Gilbert's at Thon down in Van eyes I don't know if you've been they don't really work on anymore but Gary was with saber liner for a lot of years he's just a very very knowledgeable guy 4 it's cool to have people like that it's you know it's a community3 all the saber liner guys know each other huh yeah so few you guys yeah I got Randy out by with two of them three of them now they do upset training in them little plug for the Patriot jet team upset yeah go check them out they you need to do some upset training in a jet instead of doing it in an extra it's pretty uh pretty worthwhile course that you can go upside down and especially as corporate Pilots they do a lot of big flight Apartments do two flights in the l39 and then two in the saber liner and it's it's very well done course he's pretty busy with that all the movie stuff they got going with the syn yeah sh gun Maverick and all that so we got a few drag devices on this airplane one of them is a big board hanging out on the bottom one of them's a big board big big speed break and two spoilers on the wings this thing we need to get down we can get down I said it was it it had it cuz of the original it's the same fuselage uh um but it was basically welded shut then bassed furniture on this airplane this is the first airplane to ever get the speed brake back cuz they wanted it in icing to to be able to basically keep the power up but go slow when ATC would slow you on the East Coast this one has the AP it's a very bad design it's up in the hell hole dismounted they get hot basically for cooling you can run a freeon system that's what the 60s had and do ground cooling on a hot day they were descending into somewhere hot Florida yeah and you got these at idle you'll feel it star to get warm in here so below 20,000 you can start the Apu and put the bleed air on and then keep it cool and not have to worry about keeping power in it it does serve its purpose it has a 40h hour limitation or is that just specific to this one no that's about when it's blows itself up and most guys just have an SC to take it out there's an SDC yeah yeah we have two so when it breaks I just yeah swap it's about a 60 70 hour job got to put a voice back there and drop it wow but yeah it's um I say 40 hours I me maybe a little bit more it's just if you run them for long periods they just get hot and they they overtemp and they're temperamental the fun airplane so many people come up to him hey I used to fly those my favorite airplan ever awesome yeah we were just in Rifle guy came up to him he goes I flew the 65 I loved it wow definitely a head turner it is well thanks for allowing me to experi such a iconic airplane yeah it's been a long time coming we've tried a few times and trip canell and no this is a big uh special moment for me I mean I used to stand out there at San Jose and watch you guys go out the saber liner not this one but your previous one and pain it just like this but used to watch you guys go out love seeing that thing rock it out of there yeah that one was the' 60s yeah the funest ever flown it was just like an F-16 it's was loud wow yeah turn noise this shorter wing it could it was it's a fun plane all right guys well we'll catch you guys on The Descent Center 21.15 approach good evening 173 descender 16,000 Lima at [Applause] conquer 72000 32 302 12,000 radar not required radio FMS I have that set up Landing down 113 I'm just going to roll through the in range fuel quantity it's balanced altimeters we set Sy 304 okay down before landing thank you contact TR approach ner n tra tra approach good evening saber liners 8,700 to send 6,000 limo trais approach trais altim 3 CR con 34 request 34 we can just do the visual we almost got iter then there's the power smokes it there's the airport [Music] site clear visual appr Runway right clear visual One n right all right this me all right radmin contact good night [Music] left base visual to One n right to one right clear line clear line one right okay four Ling to the line caution panel lights we have none ignition is continuous spoil mod is ground aut let's go gear down four link checks 1 two three green you like it and skid is tested 1,000 break pressure yeah thous the field flaps are coming full they're indicating [Music] full 500 400 300 200 gears down H are full Runway is yours thank you one 100 90 80 60 50 40 30 20 10 downers bre 60 keep very nice get Echo conquer jet the tax conquer jet Echo Echo and with you to conquer jet good night all right strob light is off thankss back to 20 thanks for having me along dude yeah reset generator's on this is coming off this ising coming off this is coming off this is coming off that's coming off that's coming off that's disarmed boom bu lights recog off any ski switches off recog any ice panels completely off transponder standby radar is off Apu is up sing off power L cut off we all be the same [Music] Sun we all the same
Channel: Fly With Owen
Views: 98,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lEw9_ZRQZUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2024
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