P0128 Cheap Fix - Chevy Astro Van Thermostat Replacement | Coolant Temp Below Regulating Temp

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hey everyone Nikki here with happy camper uh here with the Chevy Astro ran going to change our thermostat today uh the last couple trips we've been on the ambient light has come on and when you fixed OBD2 sensor to read the code off of it and had something to do with the engine coolant one of the easier fixes I read online and saw on YouTube was to change out the thermostat cost about five dollars on Rock Auto and so we've already got a lot of money into the van so I'm gonna try to do it myself so wish me luck thank you [Music] let's start out here so you can really see where it's at but basically this is where Arab shelter was yeah and the hose is connected to it but I just took off was connected to that thing where the towel shoved in and the thermostat housing is right here connected to radiator hose and so there's two bolts one here in the back has a ground wire supposed to be 14. has 14 and there's one here the front of the housing 13. some people have a lot of trouble getting that out so hoping I have some better luck and then I have the right tools [Music] back Lonnie and I just went to two O'Reilly's in AutoZone in Ace looking for a part to fit or a wrench attachment to fit the last bolt on the thermostat housing so I found like a slim adapter let's hope that I can get it off so we're having a lot of trouble getting this bolt off so we're gonna spray some WD-40 on it the cold fit that helps I have made a little bit of progress ended up taking everybody in her house out to see if I can get better access to the screw I got the back one out but this last one is just really hard to get to two hours later unfortunately in my mic cut out so I'm just gonna do a voice over here but here's a video where I'm showing you what was in the way of that difficult bolt to get out what I ended up doing was loosening the nut here there's another one back here once those two bolts were loose when I put the wrench on that bolt I could kind of nudge it and I was able to loosen the bolt here's me celebrating after I got the bolt loose [Music] thank you foreign [Music] set out we're going to put in a new one so this is the new one this is from motor rod got it off at rockauto.com for like five dollars here we go just like that brand new [Music] hello I'm back out here today to finish up the job hopefully I just need to put on the ground wire one more bolt on the thermostat housing and then I need to put the radiator hose back on put the snorkel the air components back together and then we're going to burp the cooling system just because we did lose a lot of coolant yesterday unfortunately I made a mess and then we'll see how the new film step performs all right good day I just wanted to show this because this has been today's pain in the ass these clamps are no joke I went and bought this 10 inch torque wrench close it and I had to close it and then spin the little end there to tighten even more essentially what I did was pull the clamp up so I could slide the radiator hose all the way onto thermostat housing now I'm going to try to line it up and let the wrench go and hopefully it's nice and snug that's about as good as it's gonna get I had to take it off and redo it from the last video but now you can see the clamp is on so we're going to put this stuff back on and burp coolant see if engine starts all right Mom enough Truth Good scalp [Music] I burped the radiator horn cooling system put a lot more Cooling in um I let the car run for a bit got up to temp service engine light is still on so I'm gonna clear it and see if I can get the engine up to 190. whatever temp it takes for the thermostat to open so we have not seen the coolant temp go more than that half mark there which is probably like 160. since the light came on so definitely thinking the thermostat was stuck open all right so the temperature went up to about 194. and then I gave it a little rub again and then I saw the temperature dropping down again 180s so I think that means the thermostat opens then I think it's working I feel so proud of myself [Music]
Channel: Happy Khamper
Views: 1,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: p0128, thermostatreplacement, checkenginelight, serviceenginesoon, lowcoolanttemp, astrovan, p01238errorcode, p0128code, girlmechanic, diymechanic, fixed, Coolant Temp Below Regulating Temp, chevy astro van, thermostat replacement, check engine light, p0128 code
Id: LQf8HvH7KBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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