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hey youtube and thank you for watching junk works diy garage i have decided to go back and start revamping some of my older videos a couple reasons youtube is really not paying well right now and uh so that'll kind of give me some content that i can put up instead of putting new videos up three times a week because i just can't keep up that kind of content and do the kind of videos i want to do without further ado let's get to it first things first i already took and unhook the battery act well first let me pull the air filter out a couple clips here i believe that just pops up and kind of pulls forward and then you can get the air filter out get yourself a flat blade standard screwdriver loosen that close clamp up [Music] and twist this thing out of there clean this out just take that put it under there and pry up on it there we go there's another one over here take that just dry up that should bring this whole box out without having to pull it apart the air box here the air filter box uh i've decided that this is uh in my way so if it's easy to get off and it's in my way i'm gonna take it off anyhow and to get under here with a screwdriver it'd be next to impossible even with a stubby uh so i got my ratchet here and i believe that's an eight millimeter uh this is an eight millimeter i cannot find my eight millimeter so i got a five sixteenths it's not that hard uh to get off so it'll work even though it's a little big and i'm just gonna loosen that up and pull it off of there and before you start ripping things apart here you definitely have to unplug a couple wires here real simple just pull these tabs up this is another one of those times on this top radiator hose where just kind of slowly i don't know if you can see it but surely i'm using a ratchet to loosen up this clamp hose clamp here so it's kind of it's up underneath where the intake goes in at so pain in the butt but it's pretty and first of all i think i'm going to try and pop this little thing off and get it out of the way it's a little tab that plugs in there and then this wire here actually hooks to the wire on the back of the thermostat housing now for some reason on this the front one i'm having to use a deep well 13 millimeter socket right here and i'm gonna have to use a 14 millimeter on the back i'm hoping i can do it without the deep well at least for the top there's a top nut and i think there might be a bottom one that will probably take the deep well 13. and yeah that should work deep well 13. so i'm going to pop that off of there i kind of barely touched it and it actually popped right off and a bunch of antifreeze came pooling out which i kind of expected because it was sitting on top of there all right we'll grab this out there is your thermostat now with these i highly recommend getting the fail safe ones because then they stay open instead of closed when you don't that way if you don't overheat basically lucky here youtube um they're exactly identical including the fact that this is a motor rad is what it says on there this one also says motorad although the box says murray ultra thermostat premium quality i'm sure it's all made by motorad and through the murray name anyhow so i can take this one and put it in and take this one and then give me my money back because this thing was overheating a little bit admittedly it was probably from the water pump but uh better safe than sorry so i should be able to return my money or return the old one and get my money back because they are forever warranteed if you ever have any problem with them they will give you a new one for free ready to run out of battery so make sure you get that in exactly the same way as it came out now these don't come with any kind of gasket they have a gasket kind of around them some people do put sealant on them these mating surfaces look really good so i am not going to worry about it um i may regret that sometime in the future but um everything looks real clean there's a gasket already around the thermostat so that's it reverse order put the studs back in make sure the wires get plugged back in that you did and both the studs were the same uh same front and back and then on top of the back one was the bigger nut that had the wire that was underneath it so thanks for watching junk works diy garage where i'm proud to say i'm a jack of all and master of none you all have a good one
Channel: Junk works Garage
Views: 1,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 229I2JIbfdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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