P. Diddy’s Friend Cuba Gooding Jr. Responds to Sex Trafficking Lawsuit

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Academy award-winning actor Cuba Gooding Jr has officially broken his silence after being named in one of sha Diddy col's sexual assault lawsuits we are going to break down the history of his connection to the case and analyze his new statements welcome to sidebar presented by law and crime I'm Jesse Weber Cuba Gooding Jr it's a name we haven't spoken about in a minute now for anybody following the Shawn Diddy's legal Saga with us here on sidebar you're going to know his connection to all this but what you might have missed is the fact that Cuba Gooding Jr has just spoken out about this seemingly for the first time broken his silence but I'm going to give you a little bit more context here to understand what we're talking about so Shawn combes the rapper music mogul purported billionaire he was hit with a number of different sexual assault and misconduct lawsuits the past several months his home in LA and Miami were raided by federal agents pursuant to a reported ongoing sex trafficking investigation although to be clear aside from an associate of combs who was arrested on drug charges on the day of the raids neither combes nor his family nor anybody in his inner circle have been arrested or criminally charged in connection with this probe now one of the lawsuits that comes is facing is from his former music producer Rodney little Rod Jones Jones SU combs for sexual assault harassment sex trafficking basically he claims that Combs forced him to solicit sex workers and perform sex acts for the pleasure of comes and that comes himself would touch and grope his private areas without his consent says that he was also forced to be present when Colmes walked around naked and showed there were also allegations of drug use illegal firearms possession shootings violence but in this lawsuit Jones also claims that Colmes was trying to groom him for homosexual sex and in the lawsuit Jones recalls an incident on com's yacht with actor Cuba Gooding Jr so according to the complaint it reads that Mr comes introduced Mr Jones to Cuba Gooding Jr while they were on Mr com's rented yacht back in January of 2023 this was in the US Virgin Islands now according to Mr Jones during the introduction Mr com suggested that Cuba get to know Mr Jones better he then left them alone in a Mak shift Studio on the yacht actually in his complaint Jones embeds a picture of the actor and Jones together talking in what appears to be that studio of the yacht the complaint goes on it reads quote as evidenced by a video of which screenshots are embedded below and to be clear we haven't seen the video but anyway it says as evidence by a video of which screenshots are embedded below cubba Gooding Jr began touching groping and fondling Mr Jones legs his upper inner thighs near his groin the small of his back near his buttocks and his shoulders according to Mr Jones he was extremely uncomfortable and proceeded to lean away from Mr Gooding Jr he rejected his advances and Mr Gooding Jr did not stop until Mr Jones forcibly pushed him away the following is a screenshot of the encounter with Cuba Gooding Jr and that screenshot again another one that's embedded appears to show the actor sitting next to Jones with his arm around him around his shoulder close together they have headphones on seemingly listening to music Jones appears to be smiling and CU Gooding Junior has his face close to Jones seemingly looking at him and now in a footnote Jones writes quote Mr Gooding Jr has a storied history of sexually assaulting and forcibly touching individuals against their will and then a link to a USA Today article quick note about that the actor has faced sexual misconduct allegations in the past in fact he pled guilty in connection with forcibly kissing a nightclub worker back in 2018 actually plad guilty to that misdemeanor charge but he was permitted to withdraw that plea plad guilty to a non-criminal harassment violation because he had completed six months alcohol and behavior counseling so no jail time nothing goes on his criminal record and last year he settled a reported $6 million civil lawsuit that accused him of raping a woman in his hotel room in New York hey I want to take a sidebar from sidebar right now to talk to you about something completely different so look we are in this whole new culture where we are finally recognizing how important it is to eat clean to use clean products because with new studies and new things we're finding out it's so scary like apparently we're eating and drinking roughly a credit card's worth of plastic a week microplastic that most cleaning formulas are 90% water they lead to excessive carbon emissions they're often filled with nasty ingredients like chlorine and ammonia yeah but that is why I am so excited to talk to you about blue land now here's the thing I was actually using blue land even before they became our sponsor that's how much I believe in them how much I believe and love what they're 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Cuba Gooding Jr suing him for sexual assault says that the actor forcibly touched him attempted or threatened to touch his private areas that it was malicious it was willful that he acted with a conscious disregard for his rights he is also suing Gooding Jr for both negligent and intentional infliction of emotional distress for this alleged assault the idea is that what he did was extreme and outrageous that it shocks the conscience that the actor did what he did with either the intent to cause or disre the strong chance that Jones would suffer extreme emotional distress or he knew or should have known that emotional distress would happen and he's also suing sha Colmes under a premises liability theory for this alleged sexual assault saying this happened on your yacht basically Jones is arguing that comes is responsible because this alleged assault happened on com's property namely the yacht that he chartered that he had a duty as the owner of the property or someone who had Dominion and control over the property to protect Jones from harm that's actually a very common theme we see in personal injury cases if something happens to your guests on your property your business your home you could be held legally responsible okay now I mentioned that this is not the only time that we heard Cuba Gooding Jr's name no we've heard it come up another time because he has also mentioned not listed as a defendant but mentioned in another sexual assault lawsuit that we covered here on side bar a steward named Grace om Mary who was working on that yacht claims that she was drugged and sexually assaulted by col son Christian and if you want a full breakdown of that one I encourage everyone to check out our previous sidebar on that did a deep dive on it well Cuba Gooding junor is mentioned in that complaint in a section that talks about how aist guests came on board the yacht including the actor so the play if Grace om Mary claims that Cuba Gooding Jr was extremely unpleasant to erve he sat at the bar made derogatory comments to her he was visibly intoxicated and she was in the room and witnessed him inappropriately touching producer Rodney Jones who at the time was working on the love album so that's an important note Omari and Rodney Jones by the way they are repped by the same attorney Tyrone Blackbird I'm going to talk about him in a minute so it's interesting that they both seem to be witnesses to each other's claim she says that Jones video taped her interaction with Christian and she claims she witnessed what happened with Cuba Gooding Jr anyway with all of this as a backstory and I know that was a lot now we have Cuba Gooding Jr's response he has broken his silence so he spoke out not in a formal written statement from his PR team or his legal team but he went on the pbd podcast with Patrick Bet David where he's asked a few things so he's asked at the start what do you think of little rod and Diddy and at first Cuba Gooding Jr says you mean in terms of what now in my opinion seemed like he was treading lightly trying to be careful about how he answers well Patrick Bet David says you know in terms of the raids so Cuba Gooding Jr says it's crazy it's the craziest thing and then he jokes how he woke up in the morning turned on the Today's Show they announced his name Cuba Gooding Jr and he says excuse me pull me into this cubba Gooding Jr goes on to say to Patrick Bet David quote I think whatever he's dealing with he's on his journey man I think that God has got him on a path where I can't imagine that he's stupid enough to do whatever he's doing and keep it on the premises I think that the raid and all that stuff only time will tell who was involved who had been a frequent guest in these places and areas it's funny because my lawyer said you know every Outlet in the world wants to talk to you and again I'm like I'm not defining myself from some headline in the Press so I stay quiet so interesting so interesting so clearly distancing himself from these allegations and from Diddy he could have said no comment could have said look I can't talk about that could have said my lawyers they don't want me saying anything but no he gave his opinion he didn't say this is all untrue these are all lies they're making up everything about him but he seemed to suggest it could be true but he doesn't want any part about it he doesn't want any part of it doesn't want to be interviewed about it and that's really interesting he doesn't want people now to Define him based on that now from a legal point of view makes 100% sense right you do not want to say anything anything that could be used against you in court especially if Cuba Gooding Jr testif I at this trial right this case goes to trial what he says could be used to cross-examine him to question his credibility so he's very careful in what he is saying and not saying but from there Cuba goodin Jr does talk about how his girlfriend Claudine dairo who had been married to actor Robert Deniro's son that Cuba Gooding Jr claims that she ran Diddy's publicity when he was doing his Infamous white party and he claims that Diddy enlisted her to get him more ingratiated into the white community of entertainment cultivating his new image and Gooding Jr says and this is important that he never met Diddy until 2019 2020 and that he hadn't seen him since the yacht incident that Jones described says they were only acquaintances only hung out with him like two or three times again either intentionally or unintentionally there is a distancing of himself from Diddy now this could very well be true doesn't know anything doesn't really know Diddy but basically seems to be suggesting doesn't really know him that well now this part is important Cuba Gooding Jr talks about Rodney Jones and that picture on the yacht that I mentioned he says quote that picture everyone in the room there's probably 300 of us on the deck of P Diddy's boat on New Year's Eve I went from one ship happy New Year hung out with Tyson next ship Drake and this ship had P Diddy he had his guy videographer listening to music hey Cube you want to listen to Diddy's new song they didn't use this angle which makes me laugh oh I get it you made it look the way you want it to look and then Cuba Gooding Jr shows what seems to be a live photo on his phone to Patrick B David shows him the photo we and it's a live photo so you only hear it for like a second and you kind of hear music in the background presumably it's from him interacting with Rodney Jones and from there Cub Gooding Jr says you see what I mean here we are just listening to music finished up took the thing off said whatever I said to him and left that was it this guy who's suing him going after the money man I'm sure by the way I don't know P Diddy's life I don't know what he's going through I don't know what police are going to find really interesting statement so he claims there was no assault that the picture shown in the complaint is being used out of context that he has this other photo to show that there is more to the story perhaps could be a key piece of evidence in his defense of this lawsuit you don't hear Patrick B David really say much about the photo so we really don't know what it is but Cub Gooding Jr basically says that this is all being distorted and in response to his comment that we don't know police are going to find it's a good point because we don't know we don't know what law enforcement found what they will find what will happen if anything will happen but remember in those raids it was reported that items were taken from these properties there were allegations asserted by Rodney Jones that didd he has videotapes that may have recorded some of these things that he's alleging we don't know if authorities have issued subpoenas to people for more information and whether the accusers in these civil lawsuits are cooperating with law enforcement and prosecutors I mean Cassandra Ventura Cassie Diddy's ex was the first to file a lawsuit against Diddy alleging she was forced into sexual slavery and sex trafficking that Diddy violently abused and assaulted her she settled with him but is she cooperating we don't know so from there Patrick B David says to Cuba Gooding Jr well why are you included in this lawsuit and CUA Gooding Jr responds because of the darkness the darkness of the other grab of cases that I had already went through seemingly referring to his previous legal history now he doesn't really go into more about Diddy or anything uh in the interview after that but that idea that Jones is going after Diddy for the wrong reason that has been echoed before in response to the Rodney Jones lawsuit com's attorney Shan Holly called the claims lies said his Reckless name dropping about events that are pure fiction and simply did not happen is nothing more than a transparent attempt to Garner headlines we have overwhelming indisputable proof that his claims are complete lies and it's interesting because of course when a lawsuit is filed there will of course be denials denials from Diddy denials from Cuba Gooding Jr of course always happens in lawsuits but we can't forget that there's a little bit more meat to the Bone here because people named in the lawsuit not defendants but mentioned in the lawsuits like young Miami 50 cents x Daphne Joy Jade Ramy they all fired back against the allegations from Jones that they were because he claimed they were participants in Diddy's sex trafficking operation freak off sessions that they received money for sex dapan Joy wrote on Instagram quote I am deeply hurt by the lies in Rodney Jones lawsuit the claim that I am a sex worker is 100% false in character assassination I am retaining an attorney to explore all legal remedies against both Rodney and his attorney then by the way I should mention talking about his attorney Tyrone Blackburn the lawyer for Jones was critiqued by a federal judge United States district court judge for the southern district of New York Denise coat had some very harsh words for Blackburn and is even submitted a referral to the New York federal court grievance committee claiming issues with Blackburn in five cases writing quote significant resources have been spent by judges of the court and defendants named in actions he has filed to address glaring deficiencies in his filings a referral to this Court's grievance committee is warranted she goes on to write a reasonable inference from Blackburn's pattern of behavior is that he improperly files cases in federal court to Garner media tension embarrass defendants with salacious allegations and pressure defendants to settle quickly indeed his submissions to this court have been Rife with disturbing allegations against the defendants and defense counsel that's scathing and then attorneys for umg Universal Music Group they have called the claims in Rodney Jones lawsuit offensively false they say Tyrone Blackbird knowingly filed false allegations without the slightest factual or legal basis and one of the lawyers Donald sakarin wrote a license to practice law is a privilege Mr Blackburn plaintiff's lawyer has misus that license to self-promote gratuitously falsely and recklessly accusing the umg defendants of criminal Behavior so Cuba Gooding Jr saying this is all a money grab this is all fake although again very common defense when you hear all this other stuff something to think about time will tell what happens with this lawsuit time will tell whether Cuba Gooding Jr will say more but at the very least fascinating fascinating response that's all we have for you here on sidebar everybody thank you so much for joining us as always please subscribe on Apple podcast Spotify YouTube wherever you get your podcast I'm Jesse Weber speak to you next time [Music]
Channel: Law&Crime Network
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Keywords: law and crime, law and crime network, true crime, truecrime, true crime videos, court, trials, law&crime
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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