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I've been off exemptic for six months after being on it for one year today I'll explain to you why I went on it why I went off it and what's happened in the six plus months that I've been off it hi I'm Denise and this is travels in my chair today we're going to talk about my journey with the zembic the good and the bad and what it's been like in the six months that I've been off it so welcome I'm glad you could join me today I was on this epic for a whole year and during that year I went through hell and I know some of you have done that and some of you haven't as you know I have metatastic breast cancer that's gone to my bone I also have MS which keeps me in a wheelchair so I'm not very mobile and I also have type 2 diabetes Well I was gaining weight and my doctor was worried that the diabetes numbers were going up and my A1C or and my blood sugars were increasing so he decided I should go on a semic now I should say at that same time that I went on a sempic my oncologist had put me on a drug called Pablo sibla which is or ibrance which is kind of like a chemotherapy oral drug and the combination of the two drugs didn't let me eat and at first I blamed the palace sebum for it because my doctor reduced my dosage of the exempt until I was at the lowest dosage but it got to the point where I was absolutely not able to eat at all period And I lost about 20 pounds the hard way not eating and not wanting to eat now some of you who are obese would be going yay you lose the weight all right I'll do anything to lose the weight but there there's a lot of things that go on with that weight loss too so when I say I couldn't eat I'm not lying at all to have a teaspoon of wild rice at dinner three months of mouthfuls of salmon a little bit of salad and that would be about it I wasn't eating I was getting weaker and their side effects to sempic when we finally realized that the problems I was having that went on for a full year was the exempt it could not the Palo sea blue then we went into action so for those of you who have been following the news lately ozympic is everywhere the celebrities are using it for weight loss I understand that in the states when I was looking at the news yesterday our Canadian news in the states it can be a thousand dollars a month to be on this Empire and in Canada what wasn't covered by my medical plan was costing 250 a month until it finally was fully covered by my medical some people that aren't on the up and up are selling our zenpic down to the state which is giving us a shortage for people with diabetes which the drug was manufactured for in the first place I understand that if you are morbidly obese you're going to get any opportunity that you can use to help you lose weight and I hey I get it it is so easy to put weight on and it's so difficult to put take weight off but what happens if you look back at all the years from the Akins diet to even Weight Watchers every diet plan that's been marketed since gosh the 50s how many people actually were able to remove the weight and stay off the weight I mean even Oprah right she got down to a very thin little Oprah and it didn't take long for her to get back to the big Oprah and I think that's pretty common for losing weight and then gaining it back after you've finished the diet that you've been on and I'm only saying this because I don't think that jury's out yet on a zenpick that if when you go off the drug because you will eventually will that weight come slowly back and then if it does it was it worth it putting your body through a year of Hell or two years or however long you stay on the same thing for me I stayed on it for a year I wasn't happy I wasn't eating and I was getting scared because I if I look at some of my videos from two years ago my cheeks were plump like little squirrels you know I started losing hair when when I went on the palbo sea Globe so I can't blame mozambic for that but I you know I was losing weight and I was losing weight in my legs and my arms not in my stomach so much but a little bit you know didn't want to lose anymore and I certainly didn't want to stay on this epic it was making me too uncomfortable and I can't I'm saying uncomfortable that I'm hesitating because I it didn't make me feel sick you know it just made me not want to eat and therefore I didn't have any energy which I don't have much anyway so having none was pretty bad after I went off the exam pack I then sat back to wonder if I would actually gain all the weight back that I had lost during that year on the same pick and I'll be happy to tell you the first month that I was off the drug my appetite didn't come leaping back like I thought it would it slowly got a little bit better one of the things that I have not recovered at all which is okay by me I can't drink wine at all anymore the sugar in it I just it almost gives me a reaction where I get kind of lightheaded and get all dizzy and stuff and I don't like desserts I can still eat a wine gum or something but I I sugary treats no so that's a good thing eh I mean that's really what a zombie is doing is making you feel full faster but it also making you not want the sugar so that your pancreas and everything can balance out so here I was not back to my normal eating habits by any stretch of the imagination but that was a good thing so if that's happening to you if you've been off a zenpick and you found that you haven't rapidly gained weight back and that you're maintaining the wheat that you were on when you went after that maybe pop a comment down below because I think people would be interested to know I think with the side effects of azampic and you've probably read all the information if you haven't looked back at one of my other videos you know you have to argue with yourself as to whether it's worth it or not if you're just using it for weight loss if you are using it in conjunction with your diabetes medicine and it's working for you and your A1C numbers are going down to normal so say around six that would be a reason to maybe say hmm it's been a successful experiment do I think you should stay on this epic indefinitely no I don't and I sure don't think you should stay on it if it's just strictly for weight loss because I think anybody who struggled with weight over the years and I've got friends that have lost a lot of weight and then gained it back and sometimes it's taken two or three years to get it all back if you've been gaining weight and you're obese and you have type 2 diabetes and a zenpick if you can handle it might be the way to go because if you've tried other ways of losing weight and you absolutely can't do it and your diabetes numbers are getting out of control your sugar blood sugars climbing climbing climbing then you're in danger you're you know you're in danger of circulatory problems respiratory problems your eyes something that you should talk to your doctor about and be really honest as to whether or not as epic is for you because if you're in the states it can be expensive is your body going to go through the acts of losing you know 10 20 30 40 pounds over a year and then get it right back and what have you you've done for a year you've suffered I don't know if it's worth it I mean that's I guess something that you've got to look at within yourself okay for me being on an exam pick for that year was absolute hell I would sit at the table sometimes and cry because I couldn't eat no and it wasn't like I felt like I was going to throw up guys it was my nose would smell the food green beans oatmeal and coffee were my worst and any meat that was cooking would tell my brain my brain would tell my mouth couldn't eat and as I was getting weaker it was I realized it was getting more and more difficult for me to fight the cancer that was going through my body and I needed to take care of that first I have not gained the weight back I feel good my cancer is holding its own if you go off this epic do you feel that you're going to be prone to gaining the weight back or do you think that you have the willpower to take that whole year of work that you've gone through and the money that you spent on the drug to keep eating habits that are good for you without the sugar the white bread white rice all that stuff because if you do go back to your old eating habits then you will gain weight but you might be like me where that you're an Olympic said whoa you still really can't eat this stuff because this doesn't make you feel good in six and a half months so we'll check again when it's been a year and see I I mean I think I've gained a little bit of weight back because I'm eating more but I'm not eating a whole lot more meat's still an if raw vegetables are okay desserts you know I'd rather not so if that's the case then I guess I'd have to come clean and say that being on that Olympic for a year if it permanently takes care of my sugar Cravings then it's been successful if I have it permanently taken care of those sugar Cravings then it was a year of nothing so think about it guys okay do what's good for you you're the most important person if you're carrying a lot of weight around it's not healthy for any of your organs and this is something you should talk to your doctor very seriously about thank you for joining me today and I'll see you in a couple of weeks think about you guys always appreciate every single one of your comments Please Subscribe if you haven't and spring is here and today is a beautiful day all my flowers are beginning to start thinking about coming into blue and I can't wait to be out get back in our little motorhome and get traveling again see you in a couple of weeks bye for now [Music] preparing Easter dinner mm-hmm Merry Christmas no happy Easter my son Keith God no don't go on there oh no cutting branches so that my brother can come and visit us at Easter with this motorhome would you like another one I always just only give you little bills you don't care okay
Channel: Travels in my chair
Views: 230,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travels in my chair, ozempic, ozempic weight loss before and after, ozempic face, ozempic weight loss, metastatic breast cancer, multiple sclerosis, type 2 diabetes, ozempic weight loss stories
Id: -BAcvyqQGkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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