Is Berberine Good For Women's Weight Loss?

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berberin has been called Nature's OIC for its ability to help folks balance their blood sugar improve type 2 diabetes and drop unwanted fat but does it live up to the hype keep watching to learn how berberin works and if it's actually good for weight loss in functional medicine we consider fat gain a symptom of a deeper root cause or more often than not multiple root causes clearly making healthy food choices and getting enough movement are absolutely crucial components for weight loss as well as for addressing chronic diseases like high cholesterol elevated blood sugars and hemoglobin A1c and type 2 diabetes but diet and exercise aren't the only factors involved especially for women even more specifically for women in per menopause or menopause additional variables often outweigh many of the positive effects of a healthy lifestyle making fat loss difficult a few of these are hormone imbalance genetic inefficiencies toxic load loss of stress resilience gut dysfunction and even neurological issues that's why the old calories in calories out model of weight loss doesn't fly in functional medicine and it's why I share videos like this one with you so you can get to the root of your symptoms can berberin help the short answer is yes but it's important to understand how it works in order to figure out if it will be helpful for your specific quest to get healthy prevent or treat type 2 diabetes lower your bad cholesterol and drop some unwelcome pounds if you're thinking about adding this Powerhouse neutraceutical to your Wellness routine be sure to watch to the end of the video for important tips and things to watch out for berberin is one of the more popular neutral to enter the weight loss conversation with some folks even calling it Nature's oit following the recent explosion of glp1 weight loss drugs but there's nothing new about berberin it's been on the health scene for thousands of years and there's a lot of great evidence demonstrating its benefits a natural compound found in plants like golden seal Oregan grape tree turmeric and Barberry berberin has loads of science behind it a quick literature search reveals over 20,000 research articles published about berberin since 2020 alone with hundreds of thousands before that here's one highlight from all that research according to a 2012 meta analysis of 14 different studies including more than a thousand people berberin was able to help with blood sugar control as much as the common diabetes medication Metformin and with far fewer side effects that brings us to the first way that berberin helps you lose fat it's a Goldilocks neutraceutical for glucose have you ever heard the children's fairy tale of Goldilocks and the Three Bears if so you'll probably remember that the main character of the story a curious girl who comes upon the Three Bears house in the forest is seeking just right not too hot too cold too hard too soft but just right in the same way bourin helps keep blood sugars and insulin levels from being too high or too low instead it keeps them in the range of just right when your blood sugar stays balanced it not only helps your body burn stored fats but it helps prevent type 2 diabetes high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol this group of symptoms including increased fat around the midsection is known as metabolic syndrome and it results in chronic disease disability and even death speaking of metabolism berberin has been known to activate a regulatory compound called adenosine monophosphate kinas or a M PK which is known as the master metabolic switch in fat and muscle cells improving metabolism on a cellular level improves insulin sensitivity and reduces fat accumulation in the body which is especially important because your metabolism tends to slow down with age and decline along with hormones like testosterone and even thyroid hormone the beautiful thing about balanced blood sugar is that it doesn't just help you lose fat and prevent health problems down the road it makes you feel a lot better right now too stabilizing your glucose throughout the day can help resolve fatigue mood swings anxiety depression brain fog joint pain insomnia and even Huff flashes while berberin is a great well-studied way to optimize your blood sugar levels there are other reasons you could be struggling to lose weight specifically related to your gut microbiome which is made up of the 3 to four pounds of microbes that live in and on your body the most important thing to understand about the microbiome is that it plays a crucial life-saving role in your survival as a human you could not live without your microbiome it talks to your immune system your brain your liver your lungs and other body systems keeping things balanced and functional by partnering with your own cells and when the bacteria yeasts and other microbes in your gut are imbalanced we call that disbiosis an unhappy micro mome can cause all sorts of problems including blood sugar imbalance from poor digestion an absorption of your food gas and bloating diarrhea and constipation chronic inflammation depression and anxiety hormone imbalance and of course fat gain and or trouble losing weight thankfully our friend berberin can help us with this too berberin is useful for getting rid of certain microbes including a common yeast called Candida that has a tendency to overgrow and cause problems like heartburn and reflux bloating in gas constipation and even skin conditions like eczema and acne not only does it help handle overgrowth of unhelpful bugs but burin can also increase the amount of gut bacteria that produce short chain fatty acids which serve as an energy source for the cells of your intestines berberin also increases the amount of a very special bacteria called acromania which regulates inflammation and improves gut barrier Integrity also known as leaky gut acromania does a lot of other cool stuff which I talk about in the video I have lined up for you after this one so be sure to stick around for that after we finish up here the biggest reason that folks are comparing berberin to drugs like OIC has to do with a hormone made in your gut called glucagon like peptide 1 or glp1 and its impact on Hunger signals in your body when you eat the glp1 hormone sends a signal to your pancreas that causes the release of insulin which tells your cells to take in glucose from your blood lowering your blood sugar this is why glp1 Agonist medications like OIC were originally developed to treat type 2 diabetes a condition where your cells become resistant to insulin's actions over time gp1 hormone also improves satiety or the sense that you had enough to eat by activating certain areas of your brain that's why it can help lower appetite and food cravings glp1 slows down how quickly food moves from your stomach to your intestines a process called gastric emptying this keeps you feeling full longer so you can eat less which can result in weight loss for some people glp1 Agonist medications don't stimulate the release of glp hormone by your cells instead they mimic the effects of gp1 hormone by activating the same receptors as your homemade hormone instead of working with your body to help your gut make more glp1 on its own these medications hijack the system giving you exponentially increased gp1 activity without your body actually making more of it this is how drugs like ozempic can result in such dramatic weight loss unfortunately for some people it can also result in very negative side effects like nausea vomiting and diarrhea one study reported that 50% of patients taking glp1 agonists experien nausea while taking them and because you're not assessing and addressing the reasons that your own gut isn't making enough glp1 to help you lose weight you're stuck taking the meds a 2022 study showed that participants who discontinued glp1 Agonist treatment gained most of their weight back within one year but this doesn't mean that supporting your body's production of glp1 hormone is a bad idea it can absolutely help you lose weight balance your blood sugar prevent chronic disease and even feel better digestively not worse and you can boost your secretion of glp1 naturally using food micronutrients herbs and even probiotics as you may have already guessed bourin is a great glp1 booster one meta analysis showed that just one gram of concentrated berberin significantly lowered cholesterol BMI weight fasting glucose hemoglobin A1c and other metabolic markers and remember that special bacteria that berberin supports called acromania as a bonus acromania also helps boost glp1 by producing inate an important short chain fatty acid that's what I mean by getting to the root cause of the problem if you're thinking about taking supplemental berberin in order to lose fat balance your blood sugar or treat metabolic syndrome there are a few things you want to know first of all quality is important you need to make sure you're taking a practitioner grade standardized extract containing berberin hydrochlorate not just some smashed up golden seal plant and dose is important as well I outline all of this in my free fat loss Trio checklist so be sure to grab your copy via the link in the video description for all of my specific suggestions the second thing to note is that because berberin shifts things around with your microbiome you may experience some mild temporary digestive symptoms like bloating heartburn or gas sometime in the first few weeks of taking it not to worry it typically only lasts a week or so and signals bacterial or Yeast die off which is a good thing the third thing to remember is that healing from the root cause takes time berberin is not the same as OIC and it is not a singular strategy for weight loss food choices movement stress and many other factors need to be considered as well that said if you're on a health Improvement Journey with diet and lifestyle but are still struggling with blood sugar cholesterol or weight loss resistance berberin can help give you a boost in the right direction thanks so much for watching as promised I've got another video all queued up for you all about the benefits of acromania but before you go if you found this information useful I'd really appreciate it if you'd hit that Thumbs Up Button And subscribe to my channel oh and be sure to sign up for the functional fat loss Trio I've put the link in the video description so you can grab your copy thanks again and I'll see you in the next [Music] video
Channel: Dr. Kate Lyzenga-Dean
Views: 193,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: is berberine good for women's weight loss, dr. kate, dr. kate lyzenga-dean, kmld wellness, functional medicine, functional medicine doctor, health tips, women's health, chronic stress, nutrition tips, stress better, self help
Id: CtCLyZgEY2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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