Oxygenation in RAS | What EQUIPMENT UNITS are needed for SATURATING WATER with OXYGEN?

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hi everyone my name is Anton pelcher I'm an engineer and I have been building fish farms for over 20 years in this video we're going to talk about such an important thing as water oxygenation at rest Farms we will learn if fish needs oxygen at all well I'm joking surely it does we will also talk about what types of oxygen saturated equipment exist and what options for saturating water with pure oxygen as well as with oxygen from the atmospheric air you can use at your farm be sure to watch this video to the end because you will learn not only what devices and exagination units options exist but also the basic principles of calculating parameters of oxygenation units at your rest Farm [Music] well it's probably obvious that fish needs oxygen to breathe fish breathes with the help of gills they intake oxygen from the water so water needs to be oxygenated somehow firstly how is it done secondly how much oxygen should be contained in the water and let's start with just how much oxygen fish needs in principle there exists two basic calculation methods and the first one is based on the amount of feed so conventionally we have fed one kilogram of feed to the fish and the fish has consumed a certain amount of oxygen usually whereas designers take the figure between 300 500 grams meaning that for one kilogram of feed 300 500 grams of oxygen is consumed by the fish with 12 tanks each tank contains three thousand fingerlings with a weight of 7 grams we multiply 7 grams and get about 250 kilograms of fish then we take this figure the average feeding rate of 5 per day as it's a 7 grams fry and will get 12.5 kilograms of feed per day and now we take the sacred figure 0.3 that is 300 grams per kilogram of oxygen per hour and for the groward fish we usually use slightly higher coefficient closer to 0.5 we get 3.75 kilograms of oxygen per day divided by 24 hours and we ultimately get almost 160 grams of oxygen per hour let's memorize that figure now let's calculate by the second method the second calculation method implies that there is such a thing as specific oxygen consumption that's the final figure is calculated based in not on the amount of feed but other by Mass Effect and generally taken into consideration what type of fish that is and what its weight is we're frying the tanks so it's specific oxygen consumption is maximum about 500 milligrams of oxygen per kilogram of fresh per hour that is we take 250 kilograms of fish multiplied by 0.5 grams and we get 125 grams of oxygen per hour is consumed by the fry you might ask me what method I usually prefer to make calculations I usually use both methods first I calculate Basin on the first method then using the other method then the figure which is higher is taken in his bases because otherwise you can calculate a little bit wrong and not provide for enough oxygen in the system what for it's always better to slightly oversaturate water with oxygen than unsaturated now let's talk to you about how oxygen gets into the water there are three options for oxygen AIDS in water the first is natural oxygenation water gets oxygen naturally in any open water body so let's imagine that we have an open Lake a pond there is a conventional boundary between water and oxygen this is just the contact area an oxygen diffuses with water molecules in this way the water gains oxygen and these oxygen can be consumed by the fish and used for its breathing which in fact it usually does in ponds and lakes and all natural water bodies in general wear fish stock intensity is not very high this option is good oxygen is absolutely free but it can be used as long as you have a minimum stock intensity in Japan's lakes or any open water bodies the second option of oxygenation water involves a rate in it with air artificial saturated water with oxy but still using atmospheric air in this case there is some options firstly how is it done well for example an aerator is put on the Pod if we're talking about open systems a water Cascades down somewhere breaks into droplets the contact area of oxygen and water is maximized and water is saturated with oxygen due to accelerated diffusion well and of course a rate in water in the tanks with air can be also attributed to these options when diffusers are placed at the bottom Air is supplied from blowers and accordingly the water is saturated with oxygen well and the third option is saturating water with pure oxygen what is the difference the difference is that pure oxygen saturation allows to saturate water much more than in case of saturating with atmospheric air when you saturate water with atmospheric air there is a certain limit called 100 saturation and it can take in more oxygen and you can do nothing about it therefore pure oxygen saturation is used at intensive and superintensive forms when oxygen contains 93 95 O2 the rest will certainly be other gases such as nitrogen a special mixing device is provided for saturates in water with oxygen to a limit which is above 100 percent so that much more fish can be kept in the same volume of water with the same water exchange this is the main option which is used in general at all intensive type Fish Farms [Music] how do we measure the level of oxygen well we clearly understand that oxygen dissolved in water the fish consumes it it's all great but how do we even know how much oxygen we have and whether we should increase its level or not the rest some fairly simple measurements for that there is a simple device called the thermo oximeter which measures the level of oxygen dissolved in the water right now you can see that you just dip the electrode into the water and it displace the oxygen level index on the monitor [Music] now let's figure out how do we in principle Supply oxygen to water oxygen level and I have already mentioned 100 saturation is very much dependent on temperature the lower water temperature is the higher the oxygen level at 100 saturation is so usually in cold water systems even those without fast oxygen saturation oxygen level is higher and the fish can breathe much easier than in Warm Water Systems conversely 100 saturation is minimal desert can drop as low as 7mg splitter and go up to 13 milligrams per liter on average of course this also depends on the altitude if you go into details concerning the sea level accordingly let's now talk about how we oxygenate water at all let's start with aeration by air so we're talking about supplying water with oxygen through normal aeration and option one is a simple unit providing for the water falling down you've probably seen it some outdated Fish Farms where they specially made such perforated tubes with holes so-called floods and fed the water to the thresholding tanks so that water jets out of this tube falls down collides with the water which is already in the tanks is broken into droplets and mixes what were they doing they maximally increase the area of water oxygen contact so that extra Gases such as nitrogen were released into the atmosphere and water was saturated with oxygen this is the simplest oxygen saturation method making use of such advice it's possible to maintain stock intensity of 10 15 kilograms per cubic meter but in fact no more than that of course I can give you more accurate calculations but I think that I will do that in a separate video because otherwise we will get deeply into details and spread an extra hour but nevertheless it's important to understand that this device gives minimum 100 saturation then fish quickly consumes these oxygen if it's an intensive system and that's it there is no oxygen in the water then you either need to increase the water exchange or use some other devices and units the next option a little more advanced in terms terms of technology is a ration directly inside the tanks desibouti Raiders and there are different diffusers their tubular there are disc ones actually lots of variants it's like in an aquarium and I'm sure that some of you used to have one maybe some have it now you feed air from compressors to these diffusers and they constantly saturate the tank with atmospheric air in principle this is already better here you can keep up to 35 kilograms per Cube this fish stock intensity is average of cost but it's important to understand that you will automatically get a high power consumption to make blows operate because rarely a lot of oxygen is required in this case it's atmospheric care you can use such an iteration system but to tell you frankly at intensive type Farms it's rarely used if we take into consideration an industrial scale rest Farm if you want to keep 50 70 80 maybe even 100 kilograms of fish per cubic meter of course this method of water saturation with oxygen will simply not give the desired result and you will either have to spend a huge amount of money on electricity but opt for a more efficient oxygen saturation unit and let's consider such more efficient units more closely because we're going over to oxygen generators the units which saturate water with pure oxygen I will now tell you about their types how these units are selected and how they're used in general let's start probably not even with the oxygen generator let's better start with where to get pure oxygen from and there are several options first of all pure oxygen can be taken from special tanks with liquefied oxygen in fact you buy a special tank and fill it with liquefied oxygen and gradually diffuse it that is the oxygen from the tank evaporates and gets to the oxygenator and then it's dissolved two what are the advantages of this unit first of all you don't need electric power to produce oxygen and also a storage tank with liquefied oxygen will probably be cheaper than a generator but it's important to understand that liquefied oxygen certainly has its disadvantages you have to constantly refill these tanks that is you will need some kind of external contractor who will constantly Supply you with oxygen and refill your tanks I'm not talking now about oxygen bottles or cylinders if they are generally such an option which is suitable either to provide backup oxygen used in emergency cases or at very small farms so liquefied oxygen is an alternative to oxygen from the cylinders but it costs money and it's important to understand that during the pandemic years of 2020 and 2021st there will price leaps so there are some significant risks if you use liquefied oxygen and the next option for obtaining oxygen is using oxygen generators and concentrators what is actually the difference between them in fact the browsers read the same you have absorption tanks filled with zeolite if it added these tanks so what is contained in the air from the atmosphere eighty percent of various gases and 20 percent of oxygen and these tanks with zeolite separate all gases which basically consist of nitrogen carbon dioxide and so on they separate them and discharge into the atmosphere and then they transform 20 percent of oxygen into one hundred percent because all other gases are already out and pure oxygen gets into storage tank or directly into an oxygen generator for example so concentrators and generators differ only in the tech that concentrators are usually small they have low pressure at the outlet while generators are large industrial machines units they have high pressure at the outlet of course they're more reliable and more expensive so if you have a choice between concentrators and generators usually concentrators are used in small farms and generators at large ones because concentrators are very much limit in capacity naturally they are less reliable they have lower pressure at the outlet although with a certain approach it's not needed and there so to say less durable than oxygen generators but they cost 5-10 times less than an industrial oxygen station so I'm a proponent of both but if you have a small farm why would you buy an expensive Mercedes meaning why would you buy a generator when you can buy simple oxygen concentrator and get pure oxygen exactly the same that is produced by the oxygen station basically the whole oxygen saturation process is based on two principles I won't go into detail now because I'll probably do it in a separate video the first is the contact area of oxygen with water which means that the more contact area you have the more efficiently the oxygen penetrates into the water and the second is the pressure the higher the pressure you create inside the oxygen saturation unit the more oxygen gets into the water thus all oxygenators all saturation units operate on these two principles and some Farmers make use of only one principle some use the other and the rest try to combine both this is actually the difference between oxygenation units well let's start with the most frequently used one the oxygen cone probably many people who have been been interested in this topic have heard what an oxygen cone is it's a cone-shaped unit which is a cylindrical bottom what is fed from above and also oxygen is fattened and by creating high pressure inside these cone water and oxygen Max and the water gets saturated with oxygen that is the cone inside is empty and the water gets saturated with oxygen only due to the pressure this unit is good reliable its advantages are that it's simple it operates perfectly there are no problems and failures but its disadvantage is just the pressure because to create this pressure you need a high pressure pump and it costs much and consumes much electricity therefore oxygen counts as a geared option and it's actually used all over the world but there is endurance that it's quite costly in terms of energy consumption it doesn't consume electricity itself but the pump creating pressure inside the cone does so in principle it's a good option but keep in mind that it has such disadvantages and I forgot to mention that these oxygen counts are made of different materials for example stainless steel which is in principle the most reliable option fiberglass us which is also fine some make them from polypropylene or plastic and these are usually amateur made ones in general the most important things are that they don't lose shape and to maintain pressure that is created inside this cone by the way the main disadvantage of plastic is that it holds pressure very poorly unlike fiberglass and stainless steel now I'm standing close to the typical most common oxygenate option used at Raz farms in oxygen cone let's figure out how this current operates basically it's a tank closed pressure tank which is made of stainless steel from the top of this cone water flows into the counter and the oxygen is fed to it as well that's how the oxygen and water mix it's actually emptying tide there is nothing there but the tricky thing is how to fed the water right how to fed the oxygen correctly and at what pressure the pumps create a certain pressure not less than 0.5 bar although the margin you need to dissolve in this cone the more pressure you have to create in it oxygen is fed into this particular cone from the oxygen station it's supplied to the top point of the unit water spammed up the cone through a special Pipeline and then water in oxygen a mixed air this mixture then Falls towards the oxygen cushion if this cone is now partly filled with water and partly with oxygen in order for an efficient mixing process to take place both oxygen and water must be fed to the car so that they have a contact area and the pressure should be created by the bombs how much pressure is needed the minimum pressure is 0.5 bar as it's a pressure oxygenator but the ideal pressure for such equipment in order to dissolve enough oxygen is one bar in principle fish doesn't consume much oxygen now so the pressure of 0.5 bar even less is sufficient at the moment so how can you determine how much oxygen is inside the cone now it's very simple this is the sighting tube and the water level if the actual water level inside the oxygen cone so now the oxygen water border is roughly in the middle which is principle is pretty good for operating such a unit well and the second option is low pressure oxygenator what a low pressure oxygenated by and large they're combined in a not very high pressure to avoid electric power excessive consumption and at the same time maximize the oxygen water conduct area so you create pressure and if an oxygen counts you have to create the pressure of 1 1.5 bars which is relatively High then in these low pressure units the pressure of 0.5 bar is usually sufficient for water to get saturated with oxygen to the same level of 20-25 milligrams per liter accordingly how does the system work there are jets variations for example what are jets you have a cylinder inside the cylinder there is a special Blade with nozzles what is supplied Under Pressure to these nozzles from above pose out of nozzles in Jets downwards falls to the oxygen cushion mixes with oxygen effectively and thus comes out already saturated with oxygen thus by forcing oxygen and water inside and capturing Oxygen by water jets the maximum possible oxygen water conduct area is created inside this unit and accordingly water is saturated with oxygen in the same way as in counts but it's lower pressure yes there are other variations of low pressure oxygenators if there are some other variations don't hesitate to write me in the comments to this video because I surely came across some other variations but I didn't consider them in details so if you have your own opinion if you know some other Technologies share it in the comments well and the third option of oxygen generators is non-pressure oxygenators what if the principle of their operation you just need to feed the water at a relatively small height lift it upward so that it drops down or something similar in order that water gets saturated with oxygen these are precisely non-pressure oxygen generators that operate exactly on the principle of oxygen Water contact area what is a classic standard non-pressure oxygen generator this is a cube with a perforated plate on the top what is fairing to it falls down inside special chambers that is the oxygenator is divided into Chambers oxygen passes through these Chambers from one chamber to another and comes out at the end passing through 5 7 8 Chambers oxygen comes in maximum contact with those Fallen streams of water and water saturated to 15 maximum 18 milligrams per liter blows out of these units so this is an option that can be used if you want to save on electricity what are the advantages of non-pressure oxygenators practically no pressure is required the whole process is based on water falling down you practically don't need any pressure you can use propeller pumps for rather low pressure pumps and save on electricity costs thus these oxygen generator has significant advantages but there are disadvantages as well the Mage one is that the maximum oxygen saturation of water in these oxygen generator is 15 18 milligrams per liter and this is often not enough for the systems with high stuck intensities so it's going to require a more intensive water exchange it means that you kind of save an energy as you can use a lower pressure pump but at the same time you have to provide for a more intensive water change and thus you spend more on energy due to these facts therefore use the non-pressure oxygenator wisely otherwise you will save money in some way and lose money in another but still that's not all there are other types of oxygen generators which I will now tell you about and one of them is of Interest too it's a mine oxygen engine rate by the way there are some Western companies that use mine oxygenators for their projects what is it like this is something like a ball inside this bottle there are two pipes One external and one internal respectively water enters either the external or the internal pipe falls down first and then goes upwards which means that we have a kind of non-pressure unit but water moving down the borehole for 10 15 sometimes even 20 meters finally gets the point at which the maximum pressure of the water column is created that is 1.5 2 bars and just at that point the oxygen is fed at high pressure and I have already mentioned before that pressure helps oxygen to dissolve it just dissolves in water without any Oxygen Water contact area at all because this area is minimal the advantages of this unit are that it's practically non-pressure so we feel water in one place it disturbs the flows to the other so it operates on the principle of a displacer but certainly it has disadvantages otherwise everyone would use this unit first of all it is very expensive because it's not a small expense to provide for such a mine oxygen generator well and secondly this process is complicated due to the groundwater it will most likely be complicated to drill a well for 15 to went to meters well and of course another Nuance is that the oxygen dissolved in efficiency of such a unit is low in terms of not oxygenating the water I mean not how many milligrams per liter you get at the outlet of the oxygen generator but how much oxygen is simply lost to the atmosphere so you have to put a recuperator when using such an oxygenator well and the last option is a hybrid of a mine oxygenator and a jet what if the principle of these unit operation by and large it's a tank that's a deeper than any standard oxygenator but smaller in size it's a rectangular tank that is usually 5 meters deep a special plate with nozzles is placed inside the tank at a depth of 3-4 meters what is fed from above that is a column of water presses these plate then water emerges out in Jets and comes in contact with an oxygen pillow and dissolves oxygen in it it somehow combines pressure and contact area principles thus this unit can also be classified as a low pressure oxygenator basically I have listed the major options of oxygenation units that can be used if you have any other interesting Alternatives be sure to write about them in the comments this is Anton pelcher give me a like And subscribe to my channel the channel about how to farm fish and make good money
Channel: Aquafarmer. RAS fish farming business
Views: 8,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fish farm, fish farming, RAS, growing fish, business on farming fish, RAS business, Aquafarmer, Anton Pelcher, trout farm, fish business, fish farming as business, business ideas, trout, business, fish farm for trout, growing trout, trout fish farm, मछली पालन, trout farming, shrimp farming, fish farming business, fish farming for beginners, fish farming guide for beginners, trout fish farming business, fish farming business plan, ras fish farm, wastewater in ras, ras tank
Id: qIC7O2g7qrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 51sec (1371 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 09 2022
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