Oxygen vs Zion Builder vs Bricks vs LiveCanvas: Which is the best?

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what's up everybody it's patrick again from wp builder helper and in today's video i'm going to be answering one of the most asked questions although i think the last video was the most asked question this is going to be one of the most asked question when it comes to page builders and that is which one you should pick but we're not doing all of them because that would take far too much time although in a future video i will probably come out with all of them we're comparing four we're comparing oxygen live canvas bricks and zion builder we're doing it because they are the leanest page builders currently i guess you could say that beaver builder should be in there but technically speaking i don't really play with beaver builder that much so it's hard for me to even get into it but i'm taking these four because they are touted as the fastest page builders and i'm pitting them against one another on different ranking factors and we're going to go over which one i think is best for which situation and those situations will include things like gutenberg woocommerce overall building and other things that we'll talk about in the video so hopefully you'll stay and hopefully this answers some of the questions with everybody who's been debating whether they should get bricks or whether they should get zion builder which one they should go for we're going to talk about it in this builder so let's get started so before we dive into this whole builder section of what i'm going to do i'm going to be opening up the different builders just so you're aware so i can contrast and compare the different pros and cons of each builder and why i'm picking them for the certain categories that i'm picking them for i don't think it's fair to say that yes you can have an overall builder i do have that category and that's just what i recommend overall right now currently based upon what i'm experiencing but unfortunately as a bit of a disclaimer you're kind of comparing apples to oranges oranges to other fruits i mean that's what you're running into you have an issue because all of these builders have come out at different times and because they've come out at different times they are at different times in their cycle of development because of that it's hard to judge them because oxygen overall has the min that has the most amount of years on any of the builders while something like uh bricks is relatively brand new and so how do you judge something that's in a different stage or cycle than another builder and that's one of the disclaimers i wanted to put out we're judging these based upon the fact that they're out right now with certain types of functionality certain types of functionality are not there yet but will be there in the future and so when you take and go look at this months later just know that that functionality wasn't there so that does play a part in the grand scheme of things when you're taking and looking at everything i wanted to put that out there and i wanted to be fair because when you like i said before when you're looking at these builders it's not fair to just look at one set builder and say okay this builder has the advantage over all these other builders but yet it's been out the longest that's not really a fair comparison and so it's hard to compare these so what i compare them on is factors based upon if you're going to do x project would this be good for x project and that's what i think you need to compare it with and that's what i think you need to focus on so i just wanted to put that small disclaimer out there just so we don't get anything confused hope that you agree with me and let's really dive in so for the best overall category this is a really really hard category to try and put these three builders in and i thought the best way to explain this was to actually go into their pricing and take a look at what your money is getting for what you're getting so one of the first things that we notice with most of these builders and that being that oxygen offers unlimited licenses uh live canvas offers unlimited licenses and brix is offering uh 1000 and zion builder is offering unlimited so with that said while you would think that that doesn't make a difference with the whole brix community thing because people are all four bricks right now i think bricks one of the reasons why bricks is getting so much attention over these other three builders is because of shiny object syndrome um i think that they like the developer behind it and i don't think there's anything wrong with that i think that it's a good developer and that that's that's a plus but you're still not getting what you would get with any of these three so in terms of what you're paying for you only get a thousand licenses now it has been proven that most people will never touch this they'll never ever hit a thousand licenses especially if you are a small business and you're buying something like this in most cases i like the fact that they offer a 59 dollar one-time payment lifetime license that's pretty cool another important note about this though is that these are limited pricing deals we don't know when these prices are going to come up but when they do you're going to have to pay significantly more money than what you're currently paying so keep that in mind because that i think also plays a part with the whole license deal you know some people will argue that uh if you can't take and make money off of a thousand licenses basically that you're a but i think that they also forget that sometimes people buy this not to go and do web design for people but specifically to build businesses for themselves or build websites for themselves or family members or so on now i still don't think you're ever going to hit a thousand licenses in uh for any of these builders but i think it plays a part because when you see unlimited licenses it gives you the warm and fuzzies it's kind of like when uh elementor first came out it gave you the warm and fuzzies because there was an unlimited license and then elementor basically said people are stealing our licenses and so we're not gonna do it anymore well none of these builders are as big as elementor that is not even a question elementor is one of the biggest page builders on the market so to me i mean unlimited licenses is kind of necessary in order for you to compete because everybody else is offering it so for me i've talked to bricks about this i told them if a license if one license matters then why does the number matter so hear me out hear me out so if why are you setting it to just a thousand if one license doesn't cost you anything why can't you set it to two thousand why can't you set it to two thousand five hundred why can't you set to five thousand why can't you just set it why do you set it to some arbitrary number of a thousand i think that's the problem is that people see that there's a ceiling granted that ceiling is very high it's still there and people don't like that and so when you're taking and you're looking at these this whole entire license issue you're starting to see that there's a problem but nevertheless this is just on pricing this is just based upon what we're going on so let's keep going let's keep looking at what we're getting so one of the things that you'll notice with uh oxygen is that they get woocommerce integration built in at their highest license they also get gutenberg block builder integration a simplified client ui which i think is just the gutenberg part which i've heard is garbage and you get composite elements for free now composite elements are just basically elements that you get on top of your regular elements so it's essentially like elements that they threw together like mega menu and all of that which if i'm being real honest i mean you shouldn't be charging for mega menu that's just my personal take that means that your builder is too complicated and so you decided to take and make a mega menu because it's so complicated that your average people cannot use it and i'm going to get into that later but let's let's take a look because i think bricks at some point in their roadmap they're going to have mega menu built in i know for a fact zion has mega menu built in i'm not sure about live canvas i don't think that there is a mega menu built into it but i know that you could probably make one if you really wanted to because live canvas is different than the other three with the the sheer fact that it can take and you basically almost code anything that you want to similar to how you can oxygen but you can take and you can code anything you want to with live canvas live canvas also has uh one of the cheapest deals on the market now keep in mind zion has the same offer right now through appsumo but live canvas has this 50 off which usually comes around pretty pretty often i would say i don't think that it's around a whole lot but i think it's around enough for you to get a lifetime license for it if you want to try it for 100 bucks and i think that that's pretty cool and it comes with lifetime updates and supports so you know that's pretty good um in terms of woocommerce building oxygen is one of the most integrated with woocommerce zion builder uh has woocommerce builder included in it and a blog archive and post builder which is nice because usually you'll find with woocommerce you want some kind of repeater which they also have and you want something for blog archive or post builder or whatever that that all helps with woocommerce so i think in terms of woocommerce if we're looking at you know these two uh i think they're good this does not have any woocommerce built into it for my knowledge and brix is coming out with a woocommerce developer but it's not going to be out just yet so i mean if you're looking specifically for that that's one leg up on these two builders for zion and oxygen but i'm going to get into all that in the past this is once again the overall builder we're trying to look at everything uh in terms of gutenberg integration i believe that i know for sure that they all have gutenberg integration so that is a plus all of them are you know working with gutenberg for the most part i think oxygen and maybe zion builder could even be bricks works a little bit better better um you know live canvas is okay but it's still not you know the best with it and let's see let's also go through so what else do they have that you know this is just on oxygen so simplified client ui i mean that's that remains to be seen i don't know a lot of people who give a give in oxygen website to their clients although i do know that there's customization which is in both brix and zion builder which allow you to take and go in and customize what your client can do and what they can't do so overall if i had to pick one just today based upon the overall of what i would want to do hard to choose because live canvas is the hardest it requires the most amount of custom coding oxygen is definitely second in the custom coding because you have to know custom coding aka the mega menu and all the other crap that they throw in there which average people struggle to understand and then you've got this weird category with bricks in zion where they're basically like sort of like elementor but stronger because they have features of both oxygen and elementor which is nice but both of them are in a stage right now where they do have a decent amount of bugs and there's things that still aren't complete although if i were going to give a uh a foot up i would say zion builder right now with all the stuff that they have has a foot up on the elementor-like experience um there's still some bugs that are with zion that i found but overall the experience is pretty pretty good uh i enjoy it and i don't think it's that frustrating that you would want to take and just give up right away but still i have to say overall i'm going to give it to oxygen oxygen has just been around longer they've got way more features and functionality than any of the other page builders that are currently on the market but i will give this caveat and i still say this to this day the biggest difference between oxygen and the rest of these is it's been around a lot longer in another year it'll be interesting to see where brix is and in another year it'll interesting to see where zion is it'll be interesting to see how they compete once they've all climbed to a certain level with their page builder where woocommerce is a given repeaters are given modals are given sliders all that stuff is a given and none of it's special anymore because every builder does it and when that happens i don't know if oxygen is number one out of this list i really don't i don't even know where they would fall with this um i definitely if if oxygen intimidated me too much um and i had to choose between bricks and zion and i needed a more complete builder i'm gonna choose zion uh first and foremost because it's got more of the elements that you need it's got the woocommerce builder it's got the blog and archive post builder it's got the repeater it's got the theme builder it's got white label it's got all of that stuff bricks isn't there yet it doesn't have that it doesn't have woocommerce and repeaters and all that it's all on their roadmap but it doesn't have it not yet so for me i'm choosing zion if i'm too intimidated by oxygen or live canvas if i'm a seasoned developer um i'd probably go with with i'd probably still go with oxygen because it's a more solid experience so overall for me it's simply oxygen for overall right now all right guys so the next category is woocommerce and it's probably one of the main categories that everybody likes to talk about because quite frankly if you can't take and use a store on most of these then what's the point so inside i wanted to take and i wanted to take a look at why i eliminated bricks and why i eliminated live canvas from this because right now bricks is working on something they just came out with a preview yesterday unfortunately i don't have access to the beta so i would know what they're working on but i know that uh jp and some other youtubers have already posted what bricks is working on in terms of woocommerce so those two are eliminated however if we're looking in live canvas and we go to something we go inside of a page here you can kind of see inside of this page i'm going to click exit to take you inside of the page itself but when you're looking inside of this checkout page uh let's go to one of the pages so this is inside of live canvas this is a checkout and granted this is not a you know it's not a typical page but what you run into is if i click no and then i click to update this you'll see what i'm talking about like what happens what takes place but live canvas only displays uh the short code so if you go back to the page and you enable live canvas and we actually update it again and we go to edit with live canvas you'll see what happens it's weird so live canvas just basically outputs the shortcode and i'm really really really hoping that brx doesn't do this i know that they're probably not but when you go into this column and you go into the edit properties panel you'll see yes you can make changes to things like you can make changes to the background and whatnot but you can't actually affect any of the css or anything that's in there and that's kind of a pain in the ass when you're kind of working with woocommerce which is why i've taken i've jumped in on the other two so the other two are zion and basically oxygen they're the two builders right now that have uh woocommerce that's in them and as a matter of fact these pages were built from that so if we take a look at the front end of what this looks like hopefully i've saved it you can see that while it is very very ugly it does have our sample uh sample stuff and you can select options and you can select all that stuff so it is you know you can add stuff to cart it is working the way that it should if we go to uh live canvas and we take and we go to view posts let's do the same thing and let's see so you can see here we've got price i did not add a add to cart button that's my fault but we're going to talk about that also and kind of get into it and see what's going on so sorry i had to pause the video i had some bad weather come through just now and it was very loud and hard to take to keep track of so let's go back through both of these builders and let's talk about what's happening inside of both of these builders and what i like and what i don't like about them so zion creates pages a lot differently than um even oxygen as a matter of fact if we go into the oxygen page you'll see exactly what i'm talking about so i call this page technically checkout or whatever it's like a new checkout page but inside you'll see what's going on now it's important to note that both of these builders basically from the start you would think are uh rather different like it looks like from the beginning if you insert like let's insert a section and then we'll go to woocommerce which is down at the bottom and you'll see these are the only woocommerce stuff that you have so you only have three rows of woocommerce when you go in here and you look but it's deceiving because uh you know you have the ability to do repeaters with zion so anybody who doesn't know woocommerce is basically a it's a looping builder if that uh it's it's it requires a loop basically wordpress uses a lot of different loops i know that brix has been working on that and one of the loops it uses is whenever you're going getting products or categories or anything like that this looks like i pulled up the wrong page let me go back to the admin let me leave this page so i pulled up the wrong this is the actual checkout i wanted to go to check out new oh i'm in checkout new that's strange i'll just check out new i wonder if i built another page and i just didn't know it either way i could still show you exactly what um comparing the two what each of them looks like so i'll go in and i'll delete the data that's on this checkout page technically because it was just basically a a basic page that i was building oh there we go so you kind of saw it there for a second oh there we go that's why so i put a bunch of crap on this page and that's why so it's got to check out it's got the products list because i was playing with it so here's your products list so the way that um that oxygen works and i'll delete this just so you can see is you obviously have your header in your footer and then you go into here and you go into woocommerce once you've installed it keep in mind you have to install this it is a separate plugin in order for you to do this you get access to all of these now i'm going to tell you right now the way that oxygen has this laid out makes a whole lot more sense than the way zion has it laid out zion doesn't exactly explain to you that this is technically built for single products like this is the single products there's nothing here that's for archived products like this you have to use the dynamic data that with the way that they do things in order to build that and i'll kind of show both of them both just so you could see but from the outset of just looking at it from this um oxygen's got some good things going for it i like zion's once you can wrap your head around it you really need to sit down and watch their video where they're explaining how woocommerce works and how it integrates with their builder because if you don't you're going to get confused very very quickly so i'll just put that in there zion i mean oxygen has this really cool product list it's something that i wish zion had where if you just want to put products out you just basically click this and then you go into your products category and you can click default i believe uh let's go to custom and you can set the number of columns so for here we're going to set the number of columns and i think that's it i believe that's all you have to do i think you can also set a category if you want to but you apply the parameters and boom there you go and if i wanted let's say six columns you could take and you could go to six columns apply the parameters and boom you've got six columns on the page now the beauty of this is that it's very very quick to set this up because it assumes that you're setting up a basic page now if you are going to go customize this this isn't going to work for you because you're going to be allowed to customize certain things so obviously you can customize the heading the sales badge the image and all of that even the main button but if you want to change something around yeah you can't necessarily do it you'd have to create your own archive page and that's really where zion builder stuff kind of works a little bit better so let me let me take and show you the page that i have so for instance in our page what we're going to do is we're going to clear all of this and right now i've got a just basic inside column and you can see that i've got this toolbox let's delete this so if we just add this and we add a column you can take and you could add a section or or however you want to do it you could add columns if you want but section usually works best and inside the section you're going to add your element and so for this we're going to go to the let's see i think you go to the advanced tab and you'll have your repeater in here and inside of this repeater this repeater works with the loop basically saying hey you've got something that you want to use and we're going to choose our query builder we're going to go in here and we're going to choose our uh select post type so we're gonna choose products and then from products we're gonna choose product tags because i tagged everything that shouldn't matter and then you select products in here from the term selected and then you're gonna see that if i've done this correctly which i don't think i have no so i did this incorrectly so let's let's go back and delete that let's go back and delete this all right all right so advanced so inside of here we're basically you're using this builder to essentially build your products page it's very different from oxygen in in essence that you can't necessarily like you're building something but at the same time you're building it in a different way than oxygen even has and when you enable these you can see with the repeater element that each one of these has a repeater so this is showing all of the different products that we have like this is showing everything that we would have but it's done differently than oxygen oxygen has you know you can build stuff with oxygen with using their list so if we go back to add you can see this is all the stuff you would need to build it's a little bit more robust because they have more to it but in all honesty you'll see very quickly just from building this that when you go in here and you start uh building stuff so let's say an image let's go in here and build an image and then we're going to go in here and after it we're going to add a heading so we're basically doing exactly like the tutorial says we're going to add a heading and uh under the heading we want a uh woo price and under that after that is there we want a wu add to cart so that was what i left out last time so now we have this add to cart not exactly sure what that is i guess that just displays on there whenever you're buying it but let's go in and show you how to take and build this so unlike uh oxygen where it has that neat little uh repeater you don't necessarily have that here so for here you're gonna go with featured image and the featured image you're gonna see imports our image that we actually use from our builder then you're going to take and you're going to right click on here and you can go to edit and we're going to use this dynamic data now the cool thing about all of this is it's just pulling dynamic data from the actual post itself like it's pulling it from the data that you have so if you're a developer or someone who's familiar with development this is going to feel very natural to you i'm kind of curious though i'm not sure why it keeps showing this on the page i think that's there just to sh just to see it but i kind of want to view the post and see so yeah i don't know why that's showing up the way that that's showing up maybe because they have options with it for this logo collection i probably could have left that out and that's my fault but either way you'll see that this technically works without you having to do much of anything with it the plus side with this unlike oxygens is if i want to take and move an element so for instance i want this let's go into uh let's go into this uh cart let's go into the tree view and i wanted to move this like actually move it and i wanted to put it above the image well now i can do that and it updates all the other images that are there so you can see now that all of these are there as a matter of fact i wish i could just delete this straight out but that's my fault but as you can see the the image has been adjusted and that's without me doing anything i go to publish the page and i refresh this and now you can see the add to cart is on top now you still can do this with oxygen however the repeater element of zion is much more intuitive once you start getting into it it's also very powerful and it works with the dynamic data it works the way you would think that it would work it's pulling the image that you specified for the product it's pulling the uh title data that you specify for the product it's pulling the price that you specify for the product all of these things it's pulling from the data that you give it which is awesome because you want that while oxygen has got a little bit easier set up here than some of the other things and i do think there are things that are missing so for instance while it does i think zion does have product upsells i don't think zion has anything that allows you to actually go back and add in a star rating or anything like that we can check in here and see but when you take and you look it's got a woo price add to cart add loop add to cart product meta uh description breadcrumbs oh i lied there is a star rating so i guess i'm wrong there so there's more here than than you would even think so even adding a star rating you could see that there would be a star rating here if we had given it a star rating on the front end now we haven't given a star rating so there's no reason for it to populate and so once again it's only working with the data you've given it if you haven't so for me if i'm choosing one of these two builders as the main winner of uh woocommerce and it had to be one of the two i think that i would give it to oxygen a little bit more than i would give it to zion only because of some of the excellent things that they have included with their uh products even though you can build a product list with zion it's nice to have a click to and a category list and all the rest of that that's already built for you because sometimes you don't want to build that out yourself although i do think that there is something to be said of building out your own custom loop and you know having your own products in it and building it exactly the way that you want to build it but needless to say i'm happy with both of these builders i would give oxygen the edge if i had to give it to one so in this round oxygen takes it so from the developer standpoint this is a it's a weird place to be with these four builders um live canvas is definitely the bigger developer tool out of all of them because it requires a lot of development to get it going which is it's it's challenging for some people who are not into development themselves doing web design and custom coding and everything like that with css for those people i think that hands down uh you know something like more like bricks or even something along the lines of um zion are better just because it's more that elementor is uh build you know whereas your oxygen and your live canvas is more set for development it's more made for development i mean that's what it's there for um there's been a couple people in the community who have thanked oxygen because it made them think through problems and so if you're a thinking developer then oxygen is clearly the win here however if you're not someone like that then i think that you would go with more of a brix or a more of a zion builder because they're not they don't require you to think other than some minor things here and there i think for sure zion is more of a developer because of the custom repeater types and stuff like that that you have that's built in there's a lot of power behind zion that can it can make you almost think that it's not as powerful as something like oxygen or something like that but when you start looking behind the hood there's a lot of really really good things that zion does and i think bricks in the future is going to have more of those things also i just don't think that they're out yet so if i had to choose if i'm more of a developer someone who likes to hand code things then i might go with oxygen or live canvas but if i'm someone who doesn't like to hand code then i'm definitely going with zion for that so hopefully that solves that contest so the future is a very very hard thing to predict and i definitely can't go into as many details because i don't know what these companies are doing behind the scenes i don't know what's being done but i know one thing and that thing that is being done for sure is following a change log and you can go through a change log and you can see for those people who don't know a change log is essentially a road map to see what a company's doing in an average year and i think that there's a lot that could be said with the change log and i want to show you some trends that i don't necessarily like with some of these builders so i'll start off with the worse offender and that worst offender is live canvas i'm a big fan of live canvas but when you look at their change log they've only put out four updates in this year and most of these updates two of them were basically compatibility updates they weren't even big updates these are the only two that have done anything with live canvas and so if i'm looking at live canvas i mean you've gone seven months and you've come out with four updates that doesn't show a lot of development that doesn't show a lot of promise and so i get worried when i'm looking at live canvas however however this is another key let's go look at uh oxygen because i feel like at times oxygen is kind of resting on their uh their laurels of being the key developer and i think it may not suit them in the future so we can see that they have a release candidate for 3.8.1 which came out in june which is just recently and then we go back through here because of course they don't have a normal change log they couldn't put that on their website for some reason you have to go back through their uh blog post in order to get it i don't know why but we keep going back and i want to take and i want to go back until till i get to here so during february all the way to now they went from 3.7 granted they had minor releases here so they have 3.71 where they're changing things through that and through that they came out with basically like two updates so since the beginning of the year they've come out with two updates now they have done 3.81 which is introduced some minor fixes and everything like that but you start going through and you start looking at this stuff and you start seeing real quick that like in january here was the beta testing for 3.7 so in roughly seven months they've come out with two versions of their builder i mean that's not good that means that either granted your features are awesome or whatever that you're coming out with they better be awesome because if they're not then you're gonna get passed up real quick and i think that this is where you get to see the power of bricks in zion zion and bricks are not playing around they have been released if we go through here uh bricks was just released in let's see bricks was just released in march march was their initial release and since their initial release you can see all of the different changes that brx has done to its builder and it just keeps getting more and more stuff added to it and it's relative it's it's a relatively quick pace that they're adding it because obviously they need to catch up game and sometimes you run into issues with that i think all of these builders are going to hit a point where they plateau you know like i've said before in the past you get to a certain number of features and you go well i mean you don't have any new features you can add because everyone else is trying to make you the builder that they want you to be and not the builder that you technically currently are and so that's where bricks and zion are really really scrolling past everything i mean even looking at zion you can see that they're constantly coming out with builds granted there is some times that pass where there aren't any huge improvements but zion has both free and this so there's there's two different builders that they're updating they're updating their free version and they're updating this but you can see a lot of improvements have happened since zion came out and zion is constantly constantly updating so that's one of the things that i give to zion and bricks i mean they've got the update cycle and quite frankly oxygen has already stated that they'll never give us a road map there's no road map on here however when you go to both zion and bricks you find a road map and you know they've said over and over that they're trying to make it to where the competition i guess doesn't copy them i'm not exactly sure what the point of that is but for me not having this road map of seeing what is under consideration what's a backlog what's in progress what ship it hurts your builder it hurts your builder bad because to me i want to know that it's coming if i don't know that it's coming then i don't care to sit here and even talk about it so for instance oxygen a lot of people you know the die hard fans of oxygen are going to come out in droves and they're probably going to attack me but a lot of people have said that the gutenberg feature of oxygen has been garbage since the beginning and they've yet to touch it they haven't touched it since it came out there's been little updates here and there like i think the gutenberg's on 1.4 and the woocommerce is on 1.4 but there's been nothing else that's happened to it since then they updated it they came out with it and they haven't added anything else to it you would think at some point they start adding some new features or something new or something that's there and there hasn't been anything there's been no development for it so for me if i'm looking at the updates i'm feeling a little bit safer with bricks or zion than i am with oxygen which is a sad thing to say but you see this happen all the time when you start looking at builders they start resting thinking that they are the number one because to them i guess they are and maybe for those people who have developed with them for so long they are because they don't want to switch to a brix or they don't want to switch to a zion but i think that they're slowly starting to have that confidence eroded by these other builders and these other builders are coming into the market and they're literally starting to catch up ground where they're losing it because they're not adding anything else to their builder so i think if i'm looking at this from this perspective i think i would definitely stick with a bricks or zion just because the future looks bright for both of those both of those builders have some excellent excellent ratings they're both super fast um which once again that that's subjective right so if we're comparing all three of them or all four of them it's really interesting i'm gonna dive into that in another video because that's a totally different topic because i like to cover all the builders together rather than one or two or three or four i want to cover all of them but i think that if i'm taking and i'm you know judging right now if i need some a builder that's more developed i would go with zion if i needed a builder that i think that i could wait on or maybe i could start to use and start to learn i would go with bricks just because of the introductory price um it's going to be interesting to see what happens with both the pricing on this and this falls off when both of their pricings fall off and appsumo is no longer available and this price goes up to 250 i don't know maybe then maybe then oxygen does become a better deal because it's got such a good deal i'm waiting to see why they think they can price that high or if they adjust for market and if they come back and they say hey whoa we know that we've adjusted and our price was too high and we shouldn't be that high so we're going to take and we're going to come in at a lower price and make it more competitive and make our builder uh higher quality was that's what you saw with zion with appsumo i think they realized that in order for them to take and and uh be competitive they needed more people in there and god blessed the community in zion because the people who had already purchased it told the developers look i don't care if i paid more i would rather we get more people so we could get it developed quicker and i mean that kind of feedback in love with the community is nothing to shake a stick at that's excellent that your people would even come out and say that and do that because pricing is tricky with all of these builders it's very very hard to go backwards it's easy to go forwards but it's very very hard to go backwards and say hey look we priced too high from the beginning and you know i'm sorry we charged you too much or whatever the case is but somehow zion did it and they did it well with this whole app sumo deal and it's working out great for them so i'm happy to see that but i'm telling you right now if i'm judging on future i like bricks and zion a whole lot more so my final thoughts are pretty simple the idea is which one's the best and i think we've already gone through that if you're someone who is invested in any one of these um page builders with the exception of maybe sadly right now i'm really hoping that live canvas pulls it out but live canvas is the only one that i'm kind of really really worried about just due to the lack of updates i haven't seen very many updates i'm kind of hoping some new stuff is on the horizon that maybe they've been working on and i just didn't know about so i'm really really hoping there's more coming but if i'm taking and i'm choosing one or the other i think it's a pretty simple solution if you're someone who's on the fence right now and you're saying which one should i go with the answer is simple whichever one you like but no in all re in all honesty if if i'm choosing one if you're okay with oxygen um and you have a developer background oxygen is probably a good build for you if you're not okay with oxygen you don't have a developer background but you have more of a let's say more of an elementor background i would choose zion because zion's very elementor like although you are going to have a little bit more you're going to have to know at least a little bit there there's very little tutorial videos out there i'm going to be coming out with some more on my channel but specifically you know zion's got a lot of stuff that's behind the behind it and i think that it's a good builder too if you're willing to wait for updates then i think bricks is not a bad builder although just be aware brx doesn't have modals and it doesn't have anything like that so when it comes to those things you're going to have to wait and even with woocommerce we've seen that yes while it shipped and i did not include it in this update just because i didn't want to go into it because it's not fully fleshed out it's kind of a half version of woocommerce and so for me it's there but it's there as a placeholder and i don't want to use a placeholder with anything that's one of my biggest complaints with some of the other page builders is they typically come out with like a placeholder idea and then it sits months and months and months and months and months and then later on they fully flesh it out i hate that don't do that if you're a developer and you're watching this video please take one piece of advice the community hates when you come up with half-assed ideas and that's what i call that it's a half-assed idea fully finish it if you're going to finish it then hey look finish it that's awesome like i'm not even calling bricks that i'm just saying i know that there's other developers that did that divi a long time ago uh introduced a header builder like a year and a half before they ever even wanted to do anything with it so it got to the point where the running gag was that the community would sit there and say hey when's your header footer builder coming out hey when's your head or footer bill are coming out it took them a year and a half to ship here's the thing don't ship if you're not ready just wait just hold on to it we know that the community wants it but if it takes you a year and a half to ship just don't come out with it that's ridiculous you've obviously ran into problems during the way and you just don't want to admit it and so i understand that as a developer but at the same time for me you got to be realistic and so i think that if i'm looking at all these builders those are my three options if you want something that's established and you're more of a developer you go with oxygen if you're more of an elementor user but you still want something that's very established it's got all the modals and everything it is going to be a little bit bug written so don't be too concerned about that but it's going to be there but they usually do fix them quick you go with zion if you want bugs and it's brand new and you want to be on bleeding edge and you want to take and use something that's new but that's also lightweight you go with bricks but just know you're not going to have all the features of the other two builders so that is the other thing that i would say in live canvas is like a throw up if you're a bootstrap developer then i guess you would go with live canvas but like i said i'm kind of worried by the fact that they haven't updated in a while so i'm kind of waiting for that update to come we're waiting for something to come out that's going to make it more compelling than what it currently is so that's just my thoughts i know i didn't go into a lot of the video diving into what each and every builder does i'm going to have more of that when i take it i do the speed test where we're starting to compare the difference between the builders and that is coming up next so just be on uh be watching out for that and i hope to see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: wpbuilderhelper
Views: 3,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bricks, Oxygen, gutenberg, page builder, wordpress, livecanvas, page builder wordpress
Id: gAapfCZmlE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 25sec (2965 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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