Oxygen Not Included - Spaced Out DLC (Alpha) ep 1

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hey gamers let's grind this game here i finally got my hands on the new dlc uh spaced out so we're gonna be trying a new game here i got some new music the opening here i really like it and i guess we're going to just do everything kind of um default here it looks like we're in a new biome here we got a swamp cluster and there's lots of little mini asteroids that you can take your rocket ship to looks pretty cool i haven't spoiled myself that much i i have been kind of looking around a little bit but i've got some other kind of asteroids here tundra marshy let's just get in let's just get in and start playing with it now i did kind of take a sneak peek um and i did get stuck in a bit of a black hole crash death loop hopefully that doesn't happen with this we'll start from scratch here uh there's some new things with the dupe side otus you can get them let's see let's reroll here sometimes they can yeah they can start with the tier one tier two or tier three skill which is uh pretty awesome uh we're gonna try to get a research maybe a builder first oh they see this one starts with tier three but it doesn't give you tier one or like the tier one or tier two skill underneath it it just gives you the top one so i'm gonna look for this is a builder i actually wanna i wanna dig her i think there's always lots of digging to do early on plus eight plus nine plus ten we're looking for we're looking for tier two digging oh this one's pretty good tier two or two or three mouth breather i i maybe i'll just go for like plus nine [Music] i don't know what we're doing here ten plus ten i just want to get in there building impaired but a good digger and an interior decor that's probably a bad mix but whatever i want to get in there and start playing so we're going to try to go for a researcher as well just go for top science here plus 10 increase science can't dig very well that's okay and what else do we want could get a cook we could get a rancher i think i'll go with a farmer maybe we'll go with the farmer plus seven they also love animals but they can't cook that's probably fine let's see what we got here for names well these are all the old names i think train wreck it's always it's always good okay so so many new things here we it's a whole new biome let's pause here what do we got we got polluted dirt this is kind of kind of new and it's gassing off into a disgusting it's going to be a disgusting asteroid i think we also got cobalt ore that's new we've got a swamp [Music] shard is new incapable of propagating but can harvest one time okay kind of like the excellent fruit or the uh mukru let's just start digging want to get some bathrooms going right away here yucky lungs that's new coughing oh it's all this polluted oxygen is making them sick coughing hey do that in your into your elbow yeah yucky lungs this is new uh they're breathing more because they're breathing all this nasty polluted oxygen [Music] probably keep things at a fairly slow speed to start until we get the basics going there's a new measurement here it gives you the measurement when you're digging which is really handy the area as well maybe we'll go medium speed uh it looks like this dirt can fall down as well okay i'm gonna put i'm gonna put a bathroom in here temporarily maybe permanently let's seal this up i think some food just fell down there that's probably not good there's included water stuck up in there okay let me let me plan out the base a little bit here because sometimes i do things and then regret doing them we kind of want to have things 16 16 wide i think or do i want 12. what are all the room sizes it's been a while we need uh 64. so 12 by 4 so this should be from the center line about eight like that we won't actually dig that just yet but i think that's what i want something like that um so we'd have a central column or we could have kind of a skinny central column and then i don't know i better build bathrooms quickly though or they're going to start doing their business on the ground so let's just we're gonna play it a little bit loose here okay uh we need sinks first we need water first actually but we can't put any water in the sink uh i'm a noob all over again everything is new let's go here and we gotta get down into that water and hopefully they don't pee in it it's our only clean water right now and that sink's gonna have to move already because the pump's gonna have to go there maybe we can leak it down into here dead and hope this doesn't break i'm not going to be editing anything out i don't think unless the game crashes uh they're in they're in the sauce already folks they're in the water and we're going to pitch a pump in here somewhere i'm freezing them already i'm such a mean-hearted soul here uh let's put a pump right here that's gonna be a bit low unless we take that out i think we'll be okay we might have to push the water back up here there's not much water around there's lots of flu oh there's water over here okay okay we got a pump that's good that means we get the sink going and we need an outhouse right here i'm gonna leave room for actually let's leave room for three sinks oh they can't get there and we're gonna need a door or two this is gonna be a problem okay as long as they don't go to the bathroom on the ground i think we're okay and i like to put three of each even though it's probably overkill but we can't even get in there okay we'll do two set these to left only step one bathroom step two bedrooms and then see got sixteen thousand calories and my little kind of mini test playthrough uh food was a problem so i was running out of food really quickly let's clear up all those tutorials okay i'm going to set these to higher priority toilets and sinks because they're important because we don't want them going to the bathroom slow things back down here okay they're idle maybe we can get a bedroom in before before night falls here i want to drain all this blue to water down into one area there's some water here there's some fish here maybe we could put like a giant little water tank down below get this water out of the way maybe go down this way there's some food down here we can grab this oxalite freed and then hopefully get this water in a safe place lots of fish swamp shard all these new plants we're gonna have to get food and research going pretty soon here let's actually start that up as well maybe bedrooms first can we fit bedrooms in in time i think maybe maybe i think we're going to probably miss it though it's almost nighttime here they're probably gonna have to sleep on the ground unless we can really do this quickly it's okay they don't need to sleep first night okay where do we want to put these uh i kind of went three wide here and let's do the same here that'll be one two and uh bedroom here [Music] i don't think they're gonna make it nope they're going to bed already well at least we got the bathrooms made as long as they're not peeing on the ground and are we able to dig in here fossils too too strong okay so i want to get all this water consolidated get this water up here sleep it on the ground i'm sorry this is all new over here to the right the resources we got we can see all we get little graphs for everything now we can search you'll notice that there's not much dirt on this map at least in the core here let's check the overlay here soil a little little bits of dirt but not much so dirt's gonna be an issue we're gonna have to get compost going pretty soon i think oxygen's good at the moment for this brief moment let's get over here let's mop up all this crap real quick like okay i think we got a bedroom yep look at that okay let's go up up here this is gonna be a dirty stinky map with all this we're gonna have to get deodorizers pretty soon i think start fixing this here oh that's polluted oxygen that's okay we can dig that okay we got we got a bedroom let's do some research here get that going there's supposed to be like a little electricity critters oh here there all these guys here generate electricity we're going to want to get them in our base get a ranch of them going i think the plug slug they're not very happy we'll have to free them okay we need power where should we put the power let's go up a level here after we clear this out put that drain in here they're gonna get a little bit wet i'm sorry i think for now this will be our polluted water pool look at these fish down oh what's this what's this sweet sweet egg or grub grub gum egg looks like they could they they're like a polymorph they turn into two different things transformers uh they excrete sugar and they eat sulfur very neat very cool oh this disgusting air is disgusting let's put a floor here get all this dug out get the free food free delicious food i don't know if this is food what's this bug bucket so much new stuff i love it i've been waiting for this for like four or five days by the way the way to get this deals it's a closed alpha um and you have to sign up on the clay forums in order to try to get a sign up basically for a waiting list so i missed the main waiting list by like two or three days i was late and that's why i'm late to the party here but i finally got it so if you sign up and you patiently wait i think you'll be able to get in uh the way the rockets work are completely different and i think we can actually look at the star map now here's the new star map completely different and there's little asteroids out here that we're gonna try to get to oh so much for our bedroom let's fix that up okay let them catch up here i'm gonna need some batteries as well these little guys will recharge your batteries i think if you get them in the right place so we'll have to get over there i might have to go underneath i'm a little bit worried this is gonna break oh this will break if it hits oxygen it'll start giving off oxygen and break down okay that's bad let's seal that up and get over here gotta keep an eye on food 14 000 16 000. and let's start the research i think we need food right away so basic farming please there's a whole bunch of new stuff in here we'll get into it but we got things like a sugar engine we got filters now so we could look at rocket research we've got solid rocket port cargo bay what else do we got here space fare module basic nose cone trail blazer module there's so much new stuff a solo space fare nose cone the rocket platform that's what we need to get going i think to build start building a rocket let's clear that filter and we're going with basic farming first let's go get this food release this i think we got to be careful we don't want to flood we don't want pee in the water supply now there's no algae to see anywhere around here that i can see so there's some new oxygen thingies there's this sublimation station uh you put polluted dirt in it so that's cool let's build our next floor here i think a bedroom would be a good idea actually i want a platter here to remind me that that's three wide we like to keep this three wide because oxygen can move through here better yeah we got a new dupe already what do we got handy plus 13 cuisine uh this could be our chef here folks oxy fern green thumb critter aversion that's fine can't dig that could be a problem but max you're gonna be our chef and we've done the research already so let's do meal prep next now that we have a chef and we want a mess all maybe i'll put the missile above the bedroom for now i do want to leak this water out of here though and get it down here a little bit worried about that'll dribble down there that should work its way down there okay not too bad dig all that out a little bit worried this will break what do we got we got a uh oh we had an illness no idleness not illness it's telling them telling us the dupes are idle that's never good [Music] i might want to go up and over on this here or we could drain this in first and then make this a clean water pit i don't know yeah i kind of want to release all this down into here [Music] oh we're missing a bed sorry max let's take a cot there hope the wall doesn't break uh it should be that should be fine poop time or clean the bathroom time oh this is suspect i'm a little bit worried about all this let's reinforce it i think it'll be like okay but you know what we'll risk it oh does it look like it's breaking let's just reinforce it okay let's start getting the food going here now we could just use regular planters actually maybe that's what i'll do for now food uh farm tiles are a bit better but they require they both require dirt these are better in terms of decor i think these have a minus 10 decor so we'll use farm tiles we'll get a few going here i'll probably replace these with hydroponic really soon but just to get some food going we'll put them in here for now let's open some doors get some more research going agriculture would be good yeah hydroponic tiles sure we'll do that next the research is going really fast and should we let these guys out could just build ladders along here anyway let's get some food going the bog bucket we only have three seeds so we gotta get those multiplying real quick food is actually not looking too bad let's put a mess all in here uh we'll put four of those in i'm setting up all these rooms because you get morale bonuses the barracks we get plus one more l mess all we get plus three which will later convert into a great hall for plus six and then the latrine is plus one which will be important soon and we can't do the advanced research research yet so let's get that going pollution exposure we need a little place for the food to go this map is very dirty okay we actually we need oxygen pretty badly here so let's build let's build the oxygen thing sublimation station do it down here and what does this thing do 660 polluted oxygen per second a thousand grams per second inflated dirt goes in i think we're gonna need some ventilation here maybe instead of that we'll do oh we still need advanced research so let's do advanced research next gotta make sure the bathrooms stay clear do you want to get these guys [Music] helping us maybe we'll just dig over here what's going on here no oxygen in the bedroom uh let's crack that open at least i'll be able to breathe that'll ruin the that'll ruin the room bonus but we'll get some oxygen in here that should flow in here if we open this right up put a door in there okay let's get that polluted water down here we're gonna do a floor here maybe bring this down a little or two growth halted irrigation uh no polluted water oh we need a pump that would be good let's stick that right here if we can fit it right there maybe yeah it'll it'll work its way down some free food up here we're okay for food at the moment though as long as we get these going [Music] i think i'll take this down one more level to let the fish come in here and we'll have a big giant polluted water pit down here research is done let's copy these settings here so we get more food ready when we have seeds let these guys out breathability 56 that's not good idleness well they really don't like the idleness i guess that's understandable let's push this up and then crack this open what do we got here polluted mud there is a device i think that you can squish mud now making them sick that's not good okay i think uh just gonna push this up one okay oxygen looks good but disgusting okay these guys are free now they kind of hang from the ceiling and they fart hydrogen they just farted yeah they fort little bits of hydrogen okay research let's do uh brute force refinement next and we need oh this pointed oxygen is so nasty let's free the fish next cycle okay for the advanced research where should we stick that our food is rotting away nutrient bar [Music] should we want all food in here oops i just tossed it out oh he's charging he's charging he's got a little port on his head look at that maybe they go towards the wires automatically i'll put a wire here and see if they come are attracted to it advanced research okay once they get this done over here we can put some research in here polluted mud some oxygen in there we can get and that might get a little bit too full in there drain baby drain this reminds me of like the game like four years ago and oh there was no way to clean the oxygen and everything was just nasty and polluted nasty and fluted soggy feet let's drain this come on got some tutorials i've seen all these tutorials before they're cool i recommend them if you haven't seen them we'll keep doing the basic research until we get the advanced research station up and let's keep exploring up here more polluted water okay we're gonna have no shortage of polluted water here folks that's for sure we'll go fish go in here your new home i think we got some idleness oh we got some new skill points i do want to mop this up i think it's been draining long enough oh it's still got too much here okay oh you see these guys legs i gotta be careful about taking on too many dupes until we have the food so water prior seeds i'm going to stick with four dupes just for now until we get our food built up a bit more i do want to mop up this tiny bit of polluted water here i'd have to leave it down here this stuff's all gonna melt when it hits the air okay one final mop and i think we can get the research in there stations advance super computer and it helps if you put a light above this don't think we have that yet though nope oxygen is looking okay except it's dirty and disgusting okay we need a wire over here we're gonna have wires all over the place oh this guy's charging at least once we get them once we get a rancher and we put them away in a you know a ranch we'll be good oh look at all these guys up here little spiders and we got ice biome what do we got here teleporter transmitter new event personal transporter i've discovered a functioning teleporting device pre-programmed destination goes to a planetoid and there's a returns pod okay see destination boop is on let's see it oh wow you can actually look at it okay this is going to be so cool we got like another we can toggle between the two okay this is gonna be this is gonna be a lot of micro management we've got idleness oh we need us we need uh advanced researcher let's let's skill some dupes up here we got max max is our what was our max loves doing food so we'll get him in cooking get the hat on him joshua you like farming okay get you on firemen harold you're our researcher i think science13 yep and ash can your ticker okay perfect and i want deodorizers kind of pretty soon here because things are just so disgusting looking uh deodorizers right here decontamination that's what i want also get airflow tiles that way i'm gonna prematurely clean this toilet because i'm a little bit worried they're gonna get stuck whoa so mud mud and uh polluted dirt falls i think and what do we got here a warp pipe input okay i think this is for transferring materials between asteroids okay yeah we need those deodorizers badly food is looking a little bit low let's put some higher priority on the research and we should probably start some cooking maybe we'll put some food up here we're out of dirt we are out of dirt okay we need some compost going on uh because we got tons of polluted dirt we just need to start composting it all i think we could probably stick some back here breathability is low maybe up here it is do we even have compost yet i don't think we do maybe we do i think we got it with plants maybe refinement compost yes now we got enough sinks i think we can safely do that it actually forces you to use compost before they were kind of useless but now there's a now there's a purpose how are we doing for heat cold over here hot over here we might want to heat shield on this end at some point [Music] and let's look for some dirt as well we got dirt there got a little bit up here let's get this dirt [Music] what's under there ah that's safe then we'll put a tile there little bits in here see not much dirt there's a good chunk up here let's get that juicy dirt pile our fish are hungry whoa um [Music] they eat a lot of things do they eat polluted dirt i think one type of them does oh they excrete plated dirt never mind i wanna be able to mop that up there's too much try to get out of the way here got ventilation algae terrain that's not gonna help as much till we bounce in algae we got the grill [Music] let's think about cooking some food here we're gonna want some food storage as well i think for the food storage i might make a little co2 pit here somewhere or we could put it down here not too worried about it just yet as long as we eat the food faster than it rots i think then we're good [Music] i could put a water cooler in okay let's make everything crystal roast grub rub fruit nut okay cooked fish we'll make that frost buns like that 36. okay we got the research back on with the dirt let's put down here could take on another dupe maybe we got idleness though i don't like idol this guy can't even dig anyway we could let this water fall down here i think that's pretty safe get the food while we're at it research is done let's just move along here what do we got here carbon dioxide engine looks good uh sanitation we can get to toilets pretty early i think that frees up the dupes from doing lots of um you know bathroom duty saves them time [Music] i'm going to be doing probably at least one episode a day oh this guy's kind of stuck work is really busy right now but we're gonna be playing this like like crazy i think gotta catch up other people are onto rockets already gotta catch up actually that's gonna splash i that safe actually that can go there should roll over nicely i think frame rates are good i'm not playing at 4k i always like to play 4k because i'm on a 4k monitor it looks super crisp okay you can't get up there folks uh let's go like that so i can reach it oh food is really low okay [Music] we need more food uh can we eat these guys let's get down here maybe there's food here we need food badly this burst there's food in here it's whoa trapped that's new that's a new alert okay well they can save max come down max oh we just cough some a lung cookie out nasty let's go over here get this plant are you still stuck you're not stuck you just start chilling out that might get them stuck though let's try that breathability is low again we got deodorizers now so let's put some of those in uh pretty much everywhere one there one there one here and i think they require power now which is new let's put the wire this way because that's maybe where the slugs will end up and i think we'll take another dupont even though we're low on food if we got a good one here uh early bird decreased germ resistance we do have a rancher but he's a luddite and beds thank you again for warning me i like that i want this to be 16. okay the fruit or the toilet's getting emptied oxygen's good temperature is so okay air will get better sorry rowan no bad for you [Music] okay food is very low and we're not multiplying the seeds fast enough here um [Music] there's lots of food in here it's a bit here there's a bit in here in the water let's get them and maybe get down here we can dig all that up 70 percent taking on five dudes might might have been a mistake keep that research going though uh air systems sure they starve to death it's all over can we kill these slugs for food i don't want to but it might be might be possible idleness no can't have wildness uh let's just go down here but starting here at least get this ready to go can't have them idle oh good cavend i want to use up all this water first out of the way we could put our food storage in here it looks like lots of co2 put that right here maybe or maybe this over here i will put it there for now wow the research goes so fast okay let's just do fireballs are good do those next [Music] oh this needs power all the food in there call the achievement almost forgot the bed we have granite yeah let's make them better to grab it i think we missed our timing though someone might be sleeping on the ground well this plant is vibrating it's ready to harvest uh okay we'll get in there 13 000 calories see yeah food is a lot more challenging got to be careful about the food keeps warning us oh all these guys are charging nice need the jumbo battery next okay how many plants do we got going on here oh they're all filled okay we gotta keep going here i do want to change these over to hydroponics i think and get a proper farming station farming room so we need a pump for that let's think about doing that get some plumbing going in here do we want to do them all the way up there oh i'm not sure yet gotta keep multiplying the seeds though okay let's go harvest this power kind of want to move my super computer i think i'll put it up here instead that way we can put a farm in here proper farm with hydroponics then we don't have to leave the pipe so far and i think we have hydroponics no we don't we'll have to wait for that and let's fix this floor while we're in here oh we got some skills we can give out rowan what do you like to do you're our rancher so we'll get you in farming first [Music] gotta get ranching gotta get all these critters to help feed us oh we got food up here okay ranching uh let's do that next actually hydroponics we were we were just missing the advanced research breathability oh it's just down here that's not a problem we could leave these wild growing what do they take to domesticate fertilization sulfur okay there's a bit of silver up here this is sandstone night time already go so fast okay we got this this setup so let's do let's get remove this one this guy needs a plug and we definitely have to get these guys into a room so they can charge up they're pretty cool though i i like these guys they are eating our metal though just maybe not it's probably fine probably have enough metal maybe let's check let's see cobalt 47 tons all right we're fine we're fine as long as they don't gobble it all up okay we got idle idle dupes uh what should we do next let's do the hydroponics i think we can do that now almost okay while we're waiting let's put a proper floor in i guess do we want to dig these up let's dig one of them up oops or maybe we'll leave them we'll maybe leave them actually let's take a big one do we have any seeds for these cancel that do we have any other seeds nope okay we'll dig one up try to get that planted food's looking a little bit better i think we can put the polluted oxygen or polluted stuff dirt under underwater crops got some sulfur there i think we'll be okay let's auto harvest these and let's put polluted organic polluted dirt actually if they touch the poop dirt they might bring it out i don't want that actually let's check germs yeah we don't want any of that this polluted dirt making its way out so we'll just leave that do some more research ranching definitely want to get the ranching going so we'll build out our next floors here maybe put the wrench up here maybe get a fire pole going not 49 though and we would do on a light for this park sign could put a nature reserve down here maybe but don't really need it yet okay what do we got here sandstone oh exciting hard digging super hard digging i'm gonna skip a dupe for now until we got a better better food reserve want to get proper toilets in [Music] want to get all this nasty dirt out here we'll eventually build a chlorine gas food storage okay we should have hydroponics now yes that there i should probably show up at the farm station first but we'll stick it right here and let's get that water going in there this will save them running around manually watering stuff i'll start removing these they are partially grown but i want to get them over here 64 at 60 tiles what did i do completely wrong 15 tiles this is all wrong i have to go one more over [Music] we're going for a max room space we lack crop tending okay smart batteries i want to get to actually we have no coal on this map that i know of that i've seen so far so what would be good next uh sieve would be good water sieve got water flowing that's good let's uh this guy's at 24 we get rid of that we'll let these grow and then we'll chop them down oh crap we got water spillage everywhere get that all mopped up i don't like seeing water everywhere farms can be much larger i think greenhouse can be 96. i might have to wrap things up here though uh we're at the one hour mark uh like i said we're not going to do any editing so we get everything on camera just make sure we get all oh there's a bunch of coal here juicy cool that's good there's a hot tub here like i said though one or two episodes a day probably one we'll see how far i get ahead i can't wait to get to the other asteroid do some uh get in the teleporter get over there get all this food under here connect the asteroids and i think there's going to be multiple by the way the map look so hope you enjoyed this as always thanks for watching and we'll see you all next time
Channel: Grind This Game
Views: 85,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oxygen not included, grindthisgame, oxygen not included grindthisgame, oxygen not included dlc, spaced out, oxygen not included spaced out, oxygen not included spaced out dlc, oxygen not included power slug, oxygen not included plug slug, oxygen not included new asteroids, oxygen not included uranium, oxygen not included radiation, oxygen not included swamp planet, oni, oni dlc, oxygen not included episode 1, oxygen not included ep 1, spaced out dlc, spaced out starter base
Id: GnoXlVf2DYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 0sec (3540 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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