Oxygen Not Included - HARDEST Difficulty #2 - It's HOT (Oasisse) [4k]

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hey gamers its grind this game here back with oxygen not included the super hard load playthrough on Oasis and I've got some I've renamed the dupes here these are all patreon supporters Dell here Christian's orchids Danny snappy I definitely have more patron supporters by only have 5 dudes right now so if you're a patreon supporter and you want to be in base let me know and we're kind of I'm gonna pause the game here and to show you the kind of situation we're in here we got not much oxygen going on here there's a few pockets up here I want to kind of release this oxygen here and here other than that though we've got a lot of co2 building up there's some down here we could probably release but I got a lot of good suggestions about domesticating oxy fern which I started to do but these things give off let's see they give off 31 grams per second of oxygen so it takes about three of these a little bit more than three to like supply the oxygen for one normal doop which are inhaling hunter grams per second so we're gonna try to dig up the other oxy fern out there like here this one right here that's not actually doing anything for us we're gonna try to round all those up and stick them all down here and probably put some airflow tiles so all the co2 can get trapped in here that's one little project which is kind of important because they once the co2 gets up here they won't even be able to sleep at night also building the heat shield here down along here I'm gonna probably just continue this all the way down here I'm not sure if I'm gonna try to not keep this I'm not really sure probably and we got to do the heat shield all the way around but that's kind of weak gonna be a side project because food is food is almost gone so we have to I've been planting lots of meal wood and we got to catch up with the meal what they all eat I think 2000 calories a day let's see here calories yeah 2000 per day because I'm on the hardest settings so 10,000 calories per cycle we really need to grow a whole crapload and we got lots of dirt 200 tons of dirt and it's little pips they're eating the wood and making dirt for us so we're just gonna continue to do that I'm gonna try to get more more going here in these tiles here speed things up I also got to get this electrolyzer going which is a little bit risky to do I'd rather use oxy ferns if we could do it because they require water but they're also kind of I think they're kind of better but we're gonna go high-priority dig up all this oxy fern and I think I'm gonna try to get in here to get this little pocket of oxygen out where else do we have oxy fern we got one there as we'll get to that one we'll stick them all in one place and we should be using hydroponic tiles because they won't require the dupes to have to go deliver water all the time okay so let's get those in there let's start digging this out a little bit more I'm using priority 9 for some stuff here just because I want to get this this set up and eventually we're gonna run out of water so there's this water and this water down here we do some geysers down here oh what's that food shortage probably oh I should just domesticate these ones here starvation starvation oh my gosh yeah it is the hardest settings we have no care packages we got yeah it's rough let's get up in here to get this foxy fern out here there we go there's some food up here moans we'll grab that - since we're starving to death let them get up in there what do we got over here fertilization okay that's fine I should probably make farming a higher priority who's good at farming no one's really good at farming but we're gonna notch it up one level here in importance and cooking I'm only gonna let one person cook I think so we'll just allow except for Dale here's good at cooking make that high priority whatever they're good at we're gonna bump up a little bit okay oxygen is dire power is dire do we have any coal 214 corrupt kilograms not much we don't even have any wood even though all these trees growing here we don't seem to have any wood I think the hips might be eating at all okay let's get the rest of these planted pronto that'll help with the oxygen situation a little bit okay a couple more in there and I kind of want to get down here let's do a high priority maybe not that high priority I've already dig along here maybe three tiles so the air can get out and we'll get down in here get down on it yeah I'll get in there igneous rock sure insufficient oxygen generation yeah I know produced fifty seven consumed one hundred and seven cheese Oh food poisoning all over the place what's going on here I don't know it looks pretty germ-free so I don't know what's going on there I should probably hook that this electrolyzer to irrigation we're gonna run out of water here and you know what I can crack this open now this doesn't need to be a closed [Music] okay this will help a little bit let's get even more going on in there and si got the suggestion of putting a wood burner right above here to get co2 to flow into these guys and I kind of like that idea so I might be doing that we could put a wood burner just above it with some airflow tiles like maybe right here something like that one two three four we could stick it like right there these can go don't need these here anymore how's that oxygen oh it's really bad okay I should probably hook up this pump I'll try to stick even more in here I'm panicking a little a little bit of the I'm panicking a little bit for sure because things are pretty dire okay the food is a little bit better now because we got a few excellent fruits okay what priorities all this stuff seven and we can't can't really take on any more dupes right just yet oh they're having trouble breathing this should help though as long as we have co2 going down here these will all be growing okay how many more of these do we have lying around this can go this is not this does not belong here Snuffy's on the ball give they're really busy doing lots of stuff let's see you know zoom out of it check that temperature okay I kind of want to get some power going maybe I should set these trees to harvest how way we'll start getting the wood out of there before the pips eat it all yeah there's some oxygen trapped up there hmm yeah we got to get up in here get those trees out of there give this is a seven I'm gonna cut ox load up there well they can't even sleep through the night oh my gosh [Music] I'm sorry Oh toilets toilets [Music] it's a rolling disaster oh no used to go to the bathroom oh crap crap crap crap everyone's feet on the ground that's not good hit it before it drips down into the water my vision made a mess oh my gosh roasted they pee anywhere else okay back to priority eight on those wasn't too bad there's a cute video here on plumbing but we're gonna skip that okay I think even more food would be in order one two three four should we let that natural tree go we don't have to we can do it right here [Music] people do suffice party six because that's not really an emergency ok let's check out this schedule here we got five deeps let's make a new schedule here I'm gonna pause just what I do this cuz yeah so what I usually do is I just make everything work like this and then I shift everything over should I give him three downtime yeah do that and then three slots a bit maybe a couple a couple bathroom units maybe sure why not okay that should be good and we'll put some dupes over here kind of balance things out that should help the bathrooms a bit and we do want to get to ranching because we got hatches and stuff around I missed one of these things here so we'll get that as a temperature nice and here oxygen looking marginally better slightly marginally let's make this some nine oh and I gotta get in here that's already a seven so can they get there that's reachable they're all busy getting these things going let's make these a six even though oxygen is kind of important and all that oxygen is trapped in there so we'll do something like this let it let it escape and I probably should have made my floors all kind of line up see you want to use before that should have in a floor that's okay well well even it out later if we need to I got to get toilets going because toilets actually give you free water so I should probably plan that out somewhere but where maybe hmm put them here yeah let's do that and put a little lavatory in here know what they're calling you get stuck there let's put a tile here we actually don't at least sand right now so we couldn't filter water and let's me go in this hot area here we got 59 degrees where can we get our sand we got let them catch up let's do what you two do okay I want to do this as priority 9 because I want to get in there oops I just do some what I wanted to you jump up there yep okay we'll get this dug out because there's all this free oxygen in here and I might want to put the door here just to keep the shine bugs in there the oxygen is looking slightly better with all this here using carbon dioxide that's good okay yep well just one more down here well I don't think they can get here I think we need a ladder here we're truly gonna run out of water though okay let's go see what these geysers are we're gonna we're gonna use the the TD cheat exploit here that is a miner volcano okay this is a hydrogen your vent that's actually pretty good and what's this down here we got cool steam that okay that'll be that's good that's that we need that okay let's try knock off steam vent yeah we got to get down there it's pretty hot down there they're gonna burn on the way down mm-hmm we really got to get in here let's make that nine harder settings that's always fun no one's really working on that that's all five okay all that he is kind of pouring in so we're gonna make that a six and they're gonna need a ladder to do all that so let's do let's do a ladder along this wall let's check our room bonuses starvation again how is someone trapped you know at a fire pole would definitely make them more efficient stick that in a lot right along here you don't know if they can't breathe in their bedrooms again [Music] got to make sure that co2 can fall all the way through so let's go make a floor here and we can take this out and I'm gonna rebuild this electrolyzer it's kind of in the way you could actually stick it right above here this is probably overkill with the airflow tile but I want to make sure co2 gets trapped down here okay we probably should make this slightly higher priority over here as well to get more meal wood going all this oxygen is trapped up here's let's get that going and we'll have to do some cleanup at some point not oh we got it a bit of stress going on here circuits actually stress is going up might need a massage table in here pretty soon hmm let's check morale here morale is all great so that's not an issue but because it's hard to settings we need to make sure we keep them nice and calm maybe with a little massage room right here it'll work doesn't have to be that big my priority did I do that six that's okay that's good the meal would go in we do have some wood now I think lumber 7500 okay that's good so much to do we gotta let them catch up otherwise they'll never get anything done okay how many of these do we have now three per Duke to three okay that's one do two three four dupes if we can get the rest planted here we'll have enough for five dupes that'll be good yeah eat it up hatch make us some coal poop it out maybe I'll put a coal generator here instead all right we don't have any cool let's do lumber that'll help well we can't make it yet let's research it we need internal combustion we need to smart battery as well so miles will just go all the way across here get that researched [Music] [Music] yeah and we're gonna need sand here so we're gonna have to venture out into the hot hot area here where is this coolest sand that is not cool that's too hot that's 60 degrees oh we could probably get some from here yeah well maybe I'll go in here grab some sand take it out and then yeah use that and they make a thermal wall here somewhere once they get caught up I never put my statues in and I think I have an artist let's see here parties who's on art decorating no one should be on decorating except the person who's good at decorating which I forget who is good at decorating let's see here that's under skills actually someone should love it maybe let's go in here instead okay we can probably allocate some skills here research yeah digging yeah construction yep okay Christian do I have an artist or not I don't think I do I thought I did maybe I don't hmm maybe I don't I thought I did I guess I could check each deep but I'm too panicked right now because everything is happening probably keep breaking what's going on with the portal oh they keep digging that should be fine okay so after that smart battery we're gonna need refine the metal so we need the already a brute force okay so we need to start smashing up some some metal let's do that that's gonna cause some produce some heat but that's fine a little bit should be okay they really don't like to empty these toilets probably cuz I have them doing so many things let's make this food we went up kind of over produce the food so we don't have to worry about it for a while stress okay let's get that massage room in Taj table this is gonna use up some of our precious heat now I want the door to be there so students here make a proper massage clinic how's our water too bad too bad I was a little bit more oxygen down here we can grab let's get this here I'm not quite sure what's going on here besides tons of heat pouring in maybe I'll bend in this area and we'll yeah that's what I'll do we will go one we'll go one step higher here 37 like that and then kind of abandon all this and then this here let's do priority six igneous rock we're gonna build our wall all the way down here and then maybe come across here that's kind of warm in there but that's okay we'll do it like that how hot is this thirty-eight that's fine then we'll go in here like that and Bob's your uncle okay so much for them to do they're working on the bare necessities here they're chewing through the food like crazy and getting all this wood which isn't really a priority but let's continue that food over here that's a bit more important and I think it'd probably do fertilizer for these guys like proper food rooms I think I might do it a kind of nature reserve in here which means I have to move this because I want to put a door there yeah let's not put that there they've got some natural plants in there let's stick a nature reserve in there that'll help them out a bit if they actually go in it what are they all doing with what prior did I do all that 6:7 it's not super high priority okay I got to get ahead in the food category here [Music] and then oxygen and then we can work on other projects exhausted okay we need a wire here let's do a medium priority wire here that was the stress 50% that's creeping up didn't say it would be easy folks didn't say it would be easy okay we don't worry about food routing because because there's not any food [Music] we could eat a pip but they're doing useful work for us there's a bunch of food here let's maybe bring these both already at priority seven okay hmm a to food poisoning now what the heck are they getting food poisoning from there's no germs anywhere I'll get it there's no food are they getting sick bad orangey I guess no power it's make that an age we're creeping up with all the priorities or I would say we need we need more dupes to help out but we can't afford it we'll starve to death okay storing food is not as important right now because there's no food they can just pick it up when they need to eat it okay snappy was swimming in the water there that's not good I think I need to remove this for who I'm sure that was gonna be a bathroom let's take a little couple ladders search they don't don't walk through the water okay if the stress gets above sixty well higher make this higher priority here who's good at farming farming no one is great at farming let's make that higher priority yeah we are using up our precious water though and this water is getting pretty hot we should get down there and slate this area pretty pretty soon otherwise we're not gonna be able to use it it's gonna get too hot down there mmm at least the oxygen situation is a lot better now make this a nature reserve level this off here a bit half screw [Music] Roxy fern not doing anything good up there grab it and we were gonna get some of this sand maybe from here yeah let's get over there get some sand start getting some filtering and then we'll insulate this area we might as well get down here because this is free food and stuff should we eat a pip I don't know I feel bad eating pips how many calories these guys worth okay we're gonna take one clip out I'm sorry little guy tacking top priority get him how many calories is it worth he is worth 1,600 calories not even a full meal hmm like I just had - fifty - karma let's dress till fifty you came out too bad hmm I'll let them catch up we're so busy though making the food could stop making mush bars pretty soon I think if we get more meal lice in here but we're out of seeds at the moment put some more in here this water is almost gone I should probably just move this pump cuz it's gonna be gone we just need enough to get the bathrooms going though get some weird choppy leg going on not quite sure about kind of odd you could speed the research up if we got a light bulb in there but we don't have that research yet it's too much to do too much to do they're getting there this heat is still pouring in I gotta fix this this is kind of important here yeah it's gonna cook the base otherwise everything is important okay let's do this at a 7 no care packages with the settings I picked so no freebies no ease words okay enough with the bushfires I think for now well they're getting they're getting food poisoning from the mush bars I think it could be it need to research some sculptures as well so we can brighten some of these rooms up yum-yum-yum meal lice I don't think we have any other types of seeds no starvation I think it's cuz they don't have enough time to eat oh no shine bug in the bedroom I must kill it get that food I guess I can grab these meal nice here all this wild meal lice I think I'll grab it can't domesticate it Oh oxy burn up here I think we're stuck with five boots dupes for a while our situation hmm should probably have some airflow in the middle here what co2 fall down but for now believe it they never really got into here unreachable dig oh no let's make this an eight we'll grab the stand this oxygen flow here maybe grab this oxy burn we're not gonna run it up water anytime soon the bathrooms aren't like a super I party but we could start generating water how fast are these going through dirt geez pretty fast it's like the alarm bells go off every five seconds soggy feet gonna make this an eight otherwise the story's gonna start to fry which it already is kind of I could just do it right here you know what let's do that we're gonna grab these trees and then we're gonna do a wall here instead and just abandon this area it's too hot I should have built this ladder over one it's kind of not great there but your priority six-letter here here the wall can go along here in a second I'll try to make it straight and like I said we got to get this water before it boils 50 60 I can't remember what what temperature they took Dukes Burnett it's not that high though I guess we'll just watch him for a bit here because that's all we can do watch them get caught up the oxygens pretty doing pretty well oh that's already pretty sick so we can't really bring that down too much more so many things to do we got insulation we got food we got research let's get this food bumped up to probably skill up some dupes here let's check their vitals okay we got lots of room in the morale department so who can we boost up here that any more tidying let's get an artist going I think someone else is an artist but yeah that'll help so that's Christian you'll be the artist let's get a head on you actually a proper artist hat now we won't make the art until until we have an expert artist okay food is we've got a little bit of a little breathing room two cycles of food we're off the mush bars at the moment which Dirk do we have 360 tons okay we're fine for dirt we can make me wait forever well yeah with the pips making dirt might be able to okay let's plan out the bathroom we're not gonna actually sewed up the plan it out here pull me will do these I was ready for well maybe five okay we're gonna do a door right there we wanted some statues room for statues I need sinks am I gonna sink statues sink and then I'm too real outfit or a little mini bathroom there and let's do uh floor here and goes a little bit slow in the my heart of settings for sure you got a overbuild food you got overbilled ox chain you gotta keep their stress low [Music] okay they're getting the heat shield in there that's good okay toilets 35 will do a statue there and then will eventually take that ladder out once they built all that in how much food are we actually getting here these Millwood domesticated every three cycles we get one meal wit and the meal vices with calories and I can't do mathematics rest area but we'll make lots everything's dropping down in the water here here we got this ladder here let's go like oh we can't there's that there's something in the way these acorns I should probably get them swept up because they're not gonna be reachable pretty soon here we're gonna build a container right here and even though this stuff's pretty warm we're gonna sweep it up and stick it right here gave it calories dropped a bit there mmm people are leveling up though they're getting faster they're getting better okay we're gonna get some sand here that's good oh I'm breathing in there there's only 1,000 kilograms per tile rich that's beauteous I only get half of what they dig well grab some sand enough to last a little while and then we'll seal this off keep the temperature in there and I really want to get ranching going but we got to just let them get caught up here get to bed we I was gonna put a nature reserve in I don't think I have the tech yet though let's research that right here [Music] chin looks pretty good oh yeah look at these guys just dumping out the oxygen lovely and they got a nice sio2 layer here keeping these all happy good this is getting a bit warm down here so we'll have to seal this off where should we make the wall could extend it right here let's do that priority 5 this is not super critical but it's going to go down this way now where should we put the bottom mm-hm you want to get that water out of there I could just stick it here go get the water first and then yeah transport this water maybe up here it's kind of warm though 43 degrees mm-hmm this waters gonna be gone soon dang it up up up the priority here of this stuff just so we get a bathroom set up before the episode is over probably want some airflow in there so let's do that circuits what's up with your eyes these sinks they can be left only how much sand to be out of here now filtration sand 180 kilograms that's it well there's some food down there I should probably get in here grab this stuff before it boils go this way I guess good to that just grab everything out of there then seal it off get that pit better not get stuck in there you let's rough up the plumbing we're gonna while they're doing everything else here I don't think we need to use insulated pipe because we're gonna be recycling somewhat cold water so we want a pipe going in feeding these guys and we'll pretend it's gonna be right there like that and then pollute the water come out this way they'll go into a sieve will filter it somewhere and we'll loop it back in so I'm gonna put a bridge here just to control the flow of water not necessary but good for expandability later if we want to run a pipe the other way I'm using the B key to copy stuff here if you're curious that'll go like that [Music] get this letter can go now don't eat it their temperature in the base oh we really got to get this done up here it's already a seven we're just gonna catch up I guess got one oxy fern in here which we could grab it is not helping us Oh someone on the massage table gay let's make this only 60 like if they get up just 66 I'll let them jump on there oh yeah look at all that oxygen I like it all from these ferns gotta love it and this temperature oh we got to seal this off pretty soon but we got to get the sand packed away let's make this sweep only all and will do I already ate and we're gonna sweep up some stuff here sweet priority 9 we're gonna get the sand sweep tup and this stuff and then we'll seal this off and that sand should do us for a little while you can always go back in but we need a ladder here for all this to build it clean it up guys we have a power issue but food seems to be under control at that moment that's I'm calling the achievements let's see what we got here what do we get lisa-marie is that what I wanted edibles bed and bath what do we get here something else yeah that's fine don't really care about it the achievements too much by achievement will be can I survive without killing any dupes and for some reason both the toilets are out again let's make that an emergency [Music] plunge it we probably need three toilets things will be better once we get these hooked up [Music] when's our bathroom break right now get in there don't be on the floor probably should've put a container over here closer to the sand they really I don't mean all the dirt in here so I'll cancel that I just want the seeds really ow [Music] [Music] okay they're almost done here get that wood and we can see it see it all up oh I guess I want that lumber ah forget it we got lots of refine for lumber let's start sealing this up here 39 oh sure maybe not no maybes I think I'm gonna put a tile right there and we can build a ladder up straight through okay I'm feeling a little bit better now we got food kind of under control I kind of need a little co2 area for our food park sign let's get a park sign in here spiffy this up a bit and a fire bowl can we make a fire pole yeah no we got to research it let's do that [Music] maybe extend this over here a bit get some food it's kind of getting hot up here probably want to get the water out of here first before we go down here this will stake mm-hmm I got to insulate this area too because this water is getting hot there's just so much for them to do you almost got a bunch of that sand out seven tons eight tons that's probably enough keep these two risers going how much sand do they use I can't tell when we go to six and let's seal this up let's do this priority eight seal that up there keep that temperature out and then we'll build this all the way up I guess right to here and then maybe take it across your do we need this area up here I guess so yeah it's nice and temperate let's do another wall of it this way right up to here maybe oh I'm doing this is Prairie that's a bit that's a bit much let's bring it down to six six this letters kind of in the wrong way wrong place okay well plan it all out here and then starvation its temperature like in there let's get this oxy fern out we'll probably abandon this area here because it's pretty hot and where should we put the top here maybe like that yeah that'll work just get the plan going on so whenever they get spare time they can go over here and build all this out now I said I wouldn't do anything off-camera but I might actually let them just build kind of build this off-camera because it's kind of boring work we'll get the envelope done off-camera and then we should be able to maybe hit some geysers and stuff next episode so yeah otherwise it's gonna get this is gonna take a very long time to build this and it'll be a little bit boring but we got food kind of under control look at oxygen it's looking good with these oxy ferns we're stable for the moment and next episode we'll uh go on to bigger and better things than insulating the base hope you enjoyed this episode as always thanks for watching and we'll see you all next time oh we got a baby bye-bye
Channel: Grind This Game
Views: 211,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grindthisgame, oxygen not included, oxygen not included rust, oxygen not included asteroid variants, oxygen not included oxyfern, oxygen not included hardest difficulty, oxygen not included hardmode, oxygen not included starting, oxygen not included ep 1, oxygen not included oasisse, oxygen not included oasis, oxygen not included oasis guide, oxygen not included hardest asteroid, oxygen not included how to cool base, oxygen not included bathroom loop
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 32sec (3452 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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