Oxygen Builder 3.9 Alpha First Look - Fixed Builder Slowdown and Added MetaBox!

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what up y'all hopefully the uh stream doesn't look like garbage we'll see what happens i wanted to do a quick live here this morning well it's actually not morning time anymore today's been a crazy day but had a bunch of client related stuff going on and uh the oxygen 3.9 alpha just came out so i'm gonna do a quick thing i gotta run here in a little bit for a lunch meeting but i wanted to hop in here and we'll have a little peek at this so first of all how are you doing i see kyle and elijah in the chat what's up boys promise you guys are well i guess kyle's fan number one you're right elijah i appreciate you guys hopping in here so quick so i also wanted to mention that uh there is now a join button over here somewhere roughly depending on where you're watching this i was able to enable the memberships here on the premise lug channel which is pretty dope so you're gonna end up getting some sweet badges so the longer that you're a member and subscribe you'll get these sweet badges for each month it's like 1 2 6 12 and 24 months and then you also there's new emojis in the chat so let me see if i can drop one of these custom premise lug emojis in here so we got wave we got that in the chat we got a wow we got the oh no the rocker hands i didn't put the rocker hands in there i'll have to fix that but we also got the fire one so if you can't see chat make sure to take a little peek at that there's a couple custom emojis in there and hopefully wren pops in here in a minute and uh she's the one that designed them so in any case i'm gonna get warmed up here i think it takes youtube a little bit of time to kind of pass out the uh um notifications and stuff that we've gone live so we'll kind of hang out here for just a minute see what we got going on how's everybody doing martin good to see you i am going to butcher your name dia leo and leonardo's daily an artist that's actually not that hard it looks way harder than it is happy to see all you guys hope you're doing well um apparently i have a problem with my bit rate so hopefully everything is good i had to like completely reset my computer i woke up one day and it was just like completely detonated so um in any case the settings i had to like recreate an obs and all this stuff so anyway kind of a hassle rafi is simpler it is indeed yeah totally ujon or yeah hopefully i said that right hi and chris good to see you i wanted to do this now rather than waiting until later because i figured the um what would end up happening is by the time i get back and get situated later it's going to be too late for all of my european friends so we're going to go ahead and take a peek here in just a little bit so we already got looks like 20 people and 23 so it's starting to really pick up i think the youtube notifications have probably gone out by this point so we'll see what happens like i mentioned there's that sweet join button down there so take a look at that your uh your support is very much appreciated so we'll see what happens all right so anyway the point of this stream today is the oxygen 3.9 alpha 1 just released and uh the description here is with the um the release of 3.9 we get the metabox integration which i'll be perfectly honest i have never explored metabox at all so you can expect tutorial tutorials on that in the future i know lots of people were really enticed by that because um the they missed the acf lifetime deal i believe metabox had one maybe does still have one and then um the yeah i think that was a lifetime deal so now it's baked into oxygen so we'll take a look at that and then of course there's also performance fixes so us just exploring metabox i think will kind of give us a good indication of that and kyle says let's all buy extra oxygen yes let's do it so they don't go bankrupt maybe then they'll get to a view rewrite in 4.0 we're almost there we're almost to the supposed view rewrite we'll see what happens so let me go ahead and switch screens over here so uh elijah you have a mansion what are you talking about you don't have a cardboard box house i don't believe that even for a second so all right so luke what's up dude welcome to the stream christian i didn't say hi to you i don't think daniel says quick off the mark here with the stream yeah totally i try to be on fire with this stuff all right so we're five minutes in we're going to keep this thing rolling i want to look over here real quick let's see make sure i'm on the right screen yeah so it says let me zoom in a little bit so you guys can read this and metabox as your source when inserting dynamic data anywhere in oxygen ability to use html line breaks as separators and switch your text element to a short code and use the native output of metabox when inserting metabox field data this is very useful for fields with multiple values or fields that output as a table by default interesting so i wonder if that would be a better way to build tables even though you can do it with the custom whatever you call it not attributes but the drop down that exists in oxygen i wonder if that would be a better way to do it so we'll play with that then it says performance fixes able to identify an inefficiency in a query that results in load times improvements of up to 50 percent lots of most impactful for large sites with lots of post or taxonomy terms awesome we also identified one major cause of latency that accumulated over the course of a session we completely rebuilt the structure pane amazing implement drag and drop perfect in my last video you guys will have seen i was having some trouble with that have a couple other videos that are already recorded so that won't have been implemented yet but in that previous video i said i hope they fixed that and here it is so it says we intend to monitor oxygen back in performance so we can identify and fix perfect what's up rin welcome to the party glad to have you i'm gonna wave at you with the new emoji perfect heinrich what's up man welcome all right so those are the uh you know basic that's the summary of what we have so far so on this install i have oxygen three nine alpha 1 installed in fact i have acf as always i want to go ahead and just simply remove acf and i think there's a free version of metabox like i said i've never used it so this is going to be brand new but i want to go ahead and set this up so metabox wordpress custom fields has really good reviews 128 it looks like it has a five-star review that's awesome okay i expect this will probably feel similar to acf but let's see so what does pro give you it says custom fields with drag and drop add custom fields oh online generator so how does the free version compare to the paid version does the free version only let you do it with custom code i might just have to go buy it what does the online generator do oh so you just click this and then what do you do generate code so this says copy and paste into your themes oh interesting okay so is there a way for you to pick where it goes let's see luke allen you're the very first member woo awesome thanks dude that's sick i appreciate that so you get that nice little badge next to your name so you're like the brand new uh new member and then each well actually it's not every month but it's like month one two i think it's six twelve and twenty four you'll get a new badge and then of course you get access to the emojis so welcome dude i'm gonna drop that fire emoji emoji in chat tobias what's up so we got metabox i was just kind of exploring where this stuff goes um oh okay so you choose in these settings here post or page and then i'm assuming you probably can't attach them to custom post types without the pro version so let's change this field group title to post fields and then field group id we can just go like post fields i don't know one or something like that two dollars towards metabox thanks dude you're right so priority i don't know what that is i don't know what autosave is but it sounds like i want that and then let's toss in a couple other text fields here so heinrich whoa welcome dude thank you elijah says jonathan i expect most people will be using the metabox plugins check in the repo i'm not exactly sure how limited the free version is isn't that what i got are you talking about a different one is there a different uh meta box plugin that i missed i'm gonna get carried away here oh whoops i wasn't in the right spot that's not what i meant to search daniel thank you dude appreciate that a lot oh okay uh but did i miss something in here where did metabox actually go why is it not why does it not have like its own interface how do you you need metabox aio is that what it's called is it in the repo or is that the pre the pro version i don't even know like it's super confusing why would you even have i guess because you're gonna put the in your functions.php i'm just going to take what i have resinux welcome to the party i guess that's going to be my new uh my new call out whenever you guys join i'm just going to copy this and then because it says you put it in functions.php we're going to put it in code snippets i just want to see what happens here aio is pro got it that makes sense i'm going to get pro for sure so we can make videos on it and i can explore i'm really curious to see how it compares to the acf i keep wanting to type meat box so i'm going to call this meatbox and we don't need that we're just going to have add filter and then this is all default stuff i'm just going to leave it and see what happens so this should attach it to our posts and then can we get an emoji for the woo so like this here here you go rin maybe i need to take a photo and send it to her so she can make that into emoji that's a great idea so it says once you get a couple captain oxygen yes dude you're right you're right that's another great one um the uh you get more emojis the more members you have i think you have to have five i can't remember exactly what it was it was like five members and then you get like more uh more slots for emojis so that's awesome but we're at four that's amazing thanks guys okay so here's our first meta boxed field meta boxed our meat box field so i'm just gonna type this guy in here we'll go welcome to all the new members and then we'll just call this i'm a new post i don't know if i actually have any photos on this but i'll set a featured image here of some pretty flowers we'll publish this guy and this should work exactly as um as uh acf works i'm assuming so i already have a blog archive template but that's not what i want i don't think i need a blog singular template so we're gonna go with blog singular we'll just go with our singular post type of post and we also need uh i think that's it actually because we're not this is not the index this is a singular post just let's see okay so this may not work is what i'm finding out we'll we'll find out here in a second i have no idea the free version is super bummer but it looks like it's going to work so use deep default output format you use prepend and append that's exactly like acf and it does work okay sick so this is definitely more clunky so since it does work i'm stoked to hear that but apparently the pro version is going to make it so much easier so let's go ahead and add some more fields so we added a text field i'm just curious what some of these look like so kyle i wish i was rich the bank just took all my money so i could get my house keep my house i should say all right so image select i'm assuming maybe that's just one image field or is that a gallery i wonder wysiwyg time there's a ton of these that look very similar to acf so that's good um i think that's fine for now i'm just gonna go fix these evan welcome dude thanks so much appreciate you guys this is so awesome um sell the house and buy metabox honestly yeah i haven't had it but like 30 days but i probably had enough to pay for metabox that's for sure it's probably appreciated enough in that time i wonder what happens if i overwrite this functions.php while i'm still in oxygen i wonder if it detonates probably not but i just wanted to take a look at some of these fields before we get too far let's see what these look like so wysiwyg is exactly like you would expect image select um i don't see that one here time field is just a basic time field let me make sure you guys can actually see that yes okay cool evan says thanks for the tutorials bro this whole crew saved me hours of work awesome you're so welcome i'm glad it's helped you a lot uh yeah so that doesn't really give us a whole lot why doesn't the image field do anything i wonder what maybe there's something i'm missing here looks like there's a lot of options to name your labels and your ids and descriptions and stuff so i probably do need to go ahead and buy the pro version but it looks like it works pretty much right out of the box which is great what i want to do is image select isn't what it sounds like i believe it is a way to display images as options oh options on the back end i see interesting well this is a learning experience for all of us or at least maybe some of us definitely for myself because i haven't personally played with metabox um and quite honestly the reason i hadn't is because there was no direct integration but now that it exists it should be perfect i'm actually curious what does metabox pro cost uh pricing so the developer bundle is 199 pro extensions composer one year of updates unlimited sites okay so they all have unlimited sites actually i wonder what the extensions look like but then the lifetime vip plan is 4.99 i think it was on appsumo recently for like what was it 250 correct me if i'm wrong i want to say it was something like that but i don't know that it's still on there is it worth the additional price what's the uh add-ons look like maybe i missed the button there are so many extensions yeah i bet i'm trying to look and see where oh there it is view all extensions so let's go with premium so there's views blocks that's cool user profile custom table revisions front-end submission user meta location wow admin columns it's off of appsumo now says jeff bummer i didn't buy it i'm an idiot i should have bought it there are solutions too which include a built-in testimonial grid custom user avatar and a favorites oh favorites post that's dope we have to get this where is it is it a third party option oh hero says lifetime deal was on absolutely for 149 ouch dude i don't know why i didn't just buy it i should have known that oxygen was gonna put in there that so bummer uh okay so all pro extensions is 199. i i'm assuming that's annual it says on the drop down in products menu item huh i don't know what that means okay what i wanted to do real quick because i just realized i am going to run out of time here pretty soon is uh i wanted to let's see actually hold on one second sorry no i'm not uh what time do i have to leave i got 25 minutes before i have to leave actually even a bit more than that okay we're good i was i was reading the time wrong what i wanted to do real quick is look at the uh the builder slowdown issue that was happening before so it would happen when you had a lot of content so i wonder if i just stick a bunch of stuff in this template oh the drag and drop or the the deleting that felt smoother that's so funny that i can just feel deleting one item was more responsive so let's toss in a bunch of stuff here from one of these design sets the repeater oxymaster yeah i do believe that one was one that was really bad uh let's just go putting in a bunch of stuff here i'm just gonna toss in a million components no particular order or rhyme or reason as to what i'm choosing i'm just picking stuff i want to see oh it's all adding inside of these other divs isn't it yeah oh look at that you can actually see where it's going to go before it like actually goes there so i always had trouble with dragging things down so if you've seen other videos i would end up taking an item and i would pull it up to the top and then i would take the next one that should go second and try to put it there so i wonder if i can take these yeah totally drag and drop is way way way better that's so nice so then i wonder if i can get can i get a div out of a section easily yeah you can what about putting it back inside of one you can okay so if will that nest dope all right that's pretty sick the flickering you see is going to be fixed in the beta says says elijah i could deal with some flickering but yeah that would be nice i see what you're saying though kyle says buried the lead on this new release the dragon drop looks great yeah it does very very welcome change it seems way smoother too like it just seems more responsive so oh it's smart enough to not let you put a section inside of a section oh can you i guess you can put a section inside of a div inside of a section that's kind of interesting i don't know if that's intentional behavior but uh it's definitely fixed that's really nice so then i'm just kind of clicking around here trying to see if i can feel that slow down because when you had a lot of elements on this it seemed like it got it got worse the longer your your builder session went on so i'm gonna keep tossing stuff in here and actually i'm gonna go back up to the body tag so stuff stops nesting inside of each other kyle i told you i'm the best designer in the world dude you probably forgot does that look amazing look at this oh that looks so good i love it i love it that looks fire as they say haha duplicate those sections nine thousand times let's do it uh we're gonna go duplicate duplicate i'm gonna push this guy hard so this is on a four gig cloudways server for reference this particular install so it should be able to handle pretty much everything that going to do here in this builder session so let's duplicate that guy i'm just going to kind of throw these in different areas and like slightly rearrange stuff and see if we can make it like really really angry so chris says mine always used to slow down when hitting the little pencil yeah when you click the pencil it would it would end up lag and then the drop down would open you're right rin it is the bestest cause you're the bestest all right let's see i'm gonna keep going here the little pencils does seem to work fine now you're right chris so let's see if i can get down into one of these elements in the builder pretty quickly so if i just click this icon yeah totally that's that's much much better add 20 repeaters let's uh that's a good idea let's go ahead and we're going to pop in one of those fake post generator plugins i think the one i use is called faker press luke says zero lag question mark i think so it doesn't feel like it's really working all that much i mean it's it's uh it feels like it's working fine we'll see when we get on uh like a real live site and when i get back to building the rest of the alias legacy side i think that will be a uh a big test so i'm gonna go with like 25 posts uh i don't really care about any of this stuff i am going to drop out that placeholder let's make sure it has a taxonomy and then 100 on the photos we're going to generate those elijah says there still will be a little bit more latency if you push it hard we have a bit more work to do but the structure pane fix should address the most common scenarios yep i i can kind of see that it seemed like it was a little bit slower as i was pushing it hard but still still totally reasonable kyle says please fake 666. i don't i don't want to get smitten dude the lord have the lord almighty is watching me and he will smite me i'm on his naughty list okay so we got some posts jj nobody knows i sometimes go by jj okay so we have a couple different taxonomies here and i think we're gonna need to change our template so we have a blog archive template uh let's see archive let's just go with post type of post i'm pretty sure that's irrelevant because we need it to set the blog post index and then do i have a blog page set yes i do okay so let's edit this archive guy and we'll keep rocking here next up on my list is i am probably going to be switching the location of my office in the house and i'm going to make my background all fancy so we'll see about that so we do have one repeater in here already and let's just let's just duplicate this uh hello there we go is that a is that a feature or a bug why didn't let me do that oh i don't know that was weird it didn't let me clone it how many repeaters do we need kyle we have four so far how many should we get if you put your office in the bathroom you can just sit on the toilet i mean honestly and then that way we don't have to stop the stream when i need to get up to go to the bathroom i can just keep rolling i'll just have to mute the mic maybe or should i meet the mic oxygen logo in the background uh oh oh oh you mean in the office no probably not i like oxygen but not that much they don't pay me enough please they don't pay me enough for that all right so we got four kyle says we need 16. let's make it happen is that working oh man here we go we're pushing this hard okay so what is that one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16. hopefully i counted correctly i really graduated high school all right so we got 16. what happens if i try to get down into one of the divs unlike this guy oh yeah it works now kyle this is just stress testing this is perfect all right let's keep going here i don't have to just push this elijah says so the latency you see with the repeaters loading in is different that's round-trip communication with the server to retrieve the data the structure pane just addresses builder ui latency yeah totally i um i didn't think that you know the repeaters themselves necessarily impacted it what i wanted to do is just try and drag a heavy element around like this like repeaters because there are cases where some templates that that will build especially for client sites will end up having like three or four uh repeaters you know on the page um and then other times the the nested ones can kind of be tricky but again that has something to do with the server itself and not so much with oxygen but dragging these heavy elements around let's see what it's like when you try to actually add content to one of these so like if i were to add in a text element and then let's do the meta box field so we just called that one text i'm pretty sure and also super secret you don't actually have to use the drag handle anymore nice because the uh i got used to that i used to be able to drag it anywhere and then i had to switch to the handle recently i'm pretty sure and then uh now we don't have to do that so yeah you can click in the body i wonder if i can click on the right edge dope you can you can just basically click and hold on anything oh there's a short code on this page what is that oh grid builder sweet kyle says tab's homepage has several repeaters and it's a bit clunky this is going to be great i agree i wonder how a nested repeater works let's find out so i'm going to expand this div can i take a repeater and stick it inside there you sure can we're getting straight inception right here and then inside of this second one i don't know if this is gonna work i'm not sure if it's going to be able to see the um see our field there but we'll definitely take a look uh-oh i think we broke it maybe because i'm querying the same thing twice oh a metabox group nice we haven't played with that so what is a group meta walks group is that the equivalent of like a repeater field type group nope uh layout divider and heading wordpress advanced i don't see group maybe i'm misunderstanding what exactly that is i kind of assumed it was the equivalent of like an acf repeater uh but maybe not a group contains multiple fields and can be made cloneable to act just like an acf repeater ah okay cool and go to a refresh we'll fix it yeah you're right let's try it hopefully my computer doesn't detonate itself uh group's only on premium got it yep makes sense just like with the uh acf repeater that's a premium product as well so i'm curious how many people do we have watching right now we have 53 people so uh how many of you have you know acf and mutterbox or just metabox or acf drop in the chat which you guys have i'm curious oh no now i have so many repeaters i don't know which one was the nested one was it this one oh yeah it was marco says restart your computer no it works it this this is working now see here's our text element that i added christian acf acf acf both acf metabox acf metabox acf both okay missed acf and bought ltde metabox that's exactly what i thought tobias would be the case for most people maybe we made a metabox group by no hell no we're not doing group buys that uh all rich guys here no i think most of us just ended up getting the acf lifetime deal before it closed whatever that was i think it was like january 1st of 2020 and i bought it like the day before it closed i was like so stupid that i waited until the last second can you check out the solutions on the metabox site absolutely let's do that so the solutions is what i don't i don't exactly know because luke was talking about that a little bit ago so chris yeah i'm happy to check out what that is but i don't actually know what that means under the products drop down oh i just missed it okay ready to use solutions available only for lifetime bundle licenses okay so let's take a quick peek at the pricing page again lifetime bundle is the 4.99 one but i guess if you're going to have it for two and a half years then it makes sense and i've had acf now for a year and nine months so that's i guess kind of equivalent so you can only get that with the uh lifetime deal one so testimonials avatar and favorite post favorite post is the one i'm most interested in so mb favorite post is a wordpress plugin that lets your users bookmark your posts as favorites they can view later this plugin both works with guess and logged in that is sick so it's useful if you're running a site such as a listing site so some of the directory ones that we've built here on this channel probably would have benefited from this i would imagine book reading site e-commerce library yeah that says where users want to save items for future purchasing that totally makes sense it already integrates mb user profile which allows you to create a registration page and a dashboard page for your users to view their favorite posts wow there might be cases where that makes more sense over acf if you need that favoriting function because i think you have to build some sort of custom functionality with acf and use a code block you can control the style favorite posts so yeah for uh like a custom user dashboard that'd be great and it's available for the lifetime bundle only interesting okay so what was the other one we had user avatar so that means that people won't have to use gravatar which i'm assuming would be nice in some instances now there's a bunch of other things inside this favorite post we'll check that out in a minute but on this testimonials add testimonials grid or slider so i guess this is kind of similar to if you built an oxygen uh repeater with like an acf repeater to make a testimonial slider you could definitely do that this looks like another way to do it looks like a ton of options custom arrows svgs okay that's pretty sweet so our favorite posts again there was a bunch of other links down here what was that stuff in order to use this plugin you need metabox installed and activated the necessary extensions are already bundled the extensions used in this plugin is settings page user profile and user meta so the settings page must be like the acf options field so i would watch that video here in the channel if you haven't already it looks pretty much exactly the same thing yeah that's exactly what it is it's the equivalent of an acf options page avatar is nothing you couldn't do with acf2 to be honest taylor and i set it up that way with oxybuild challenge yeah good point luke totally you're right user profile create register login and edit user profile forms in the front end embed oh that's dope that's really really sick so this would probably mean that you don't need another separate login plugin i wonder if it has functionality for like facebook integration and like google login and stuff like that i'm assuming you could probably do that embed anywhere shortcuts yeah looks pretty cool and then user meta allows you to add custom fields to user profiles like address billing info etc so um metabox is missing templating because i missed lifetime yeah chris oh i misread that metabox is tempting because i missed acf lifetime yeah that could totally be uh luke so how did you guys set up the user profiles on oxy build challenge did you guys use some custom you know functionality to attach acf fields to people's user profiles or how did you do that i was curious on that because we're looking at this user meta thing i wanted to give another shout out we have five new members as a result of this stream uh does it tell me specifically where it says no new members that's obviously not true yeah i don't know why it says that's that's definitely not the case you can now pull fields from acf options pages or meta box settings pages still some polish to do oh really so i didn't notice that did i miss that elijah in the 3.9 release or is that something that you guys didn't necessarily publish christian says looks like metabox asks you to add a number of plugins to get all those features whereas acf just comes shipped yeah seems like you can kind of keep it pretty clean if you don't want it though is the benefit there luke says we added an image field to the user profile and taylormade as widgetry function to pull it into the front end nice okay that's what i figured some sort of custom solution elijah says i didn't announce it so that's actually really awesome so if you go back and watch that options page video you'll notice i don't even remember how we did that how do we do that video does anybody remember i don't remember i can't recall i don't know we did a few different tweaks improvements to acf as we implemented metabox i'll probably summarize though in the beta release post right okay cool well that's a neat um what do you call it silent feature yeah what i was trying to do was figure out does it tell me let's see here so all right our five evan resinics daniel heinrich and luke thank you guys so much for uh becoming members i really appreciate that will there be any change in oxygen in the future i suspect probably so i'm guessing but anyway summarizing the 3.9 so far the uh builder lag seems to be you know addressed you can see we have 16 17 different repeaters now that now that we nested them maybe it's still 16. i don't remember that one's addressed we also have the metabox integration i need to get the full version here or not there here so that we can actually make some videos on this and kind of compare to acf and see what makes sense for people so i'm pretty stoked about that and then options page support is something we definitely need to address because i don't think it was as intuitive as pulling it in straight through the dynamic data functionality from before so that i think will be pretty sick uh yeah what else what else do we cover here is that it for now what about ui change in oxygen who knows we'll see it's going to be weird if the ui changes because i'm obviously used to this but we'll see you should get the ltd before the price goes up yeah totally i hope that it won't go up it says worth two thousand two hundred fifty dollars i uh definitely can't afford that no way all right well like i mentioned this is was gonna be a shorter stream today i have to run to another client appointment here in just a little bit and uh i wanted to make sure that i hopped on this and had a quick look and then we'll go from there we'll make some more videos luke says thanks for showing us the smoothness and massive thanks to elijah and team just sucks they're still going to be competitors in complainers in the facebook group yeah there's always going to be complainers that is a given if you're in the u.s have a good holiday weekend if you're anywhere else in the world have a wonderful weekend nonetheless again thanks to the five new members you guys are badasses really really appreciate you and uh if you're not on the facebook group go ahead and join i asked what you wanted to see as far as future content goes but the um uh you know obviously we're going to be doing metabox stuff now and we'll continue the align the elita's legacy stream on monday that is going to drop on monday so same time same place thanks for the stream jj yep you guys caught that thanks everybody appreciate you until next time bye bye
Channel: Permaslug
Views: 2,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oxygen 3.9 alpha 1, oxygen 3.9, oxygen builder
Id: oZbduWuI320
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 48sec (2448 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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