Owner Wants To Cut Her Noisy Dog's Vocal Chords😭🔉 | Full Episode | It's Me or The Dog

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no barking no barking stop barking they cannot bark when we're at home I might get kicked out in my apartment we have to sleep qu I cannot let her to be alone with these dogs where which ones are your dogs then my dogs are not here it's really sad to have a doggy daycare yet your own two dogs can't come because of their misbehavior as soon as they put the feet out of the house they start the barking they start to biting they start to do everything that is not there somebody told me about debarking your dog let's clip a vocal cord of yours so that you can be quiet debarking should be made illegal quiet hey make them quiet no my name is Max I live in New York City with Tamara I meet the Tamara in Italy the destiny we are together for 22 years do you know she thinks she's the boss of the house my dogs beanie and munchkin are both 3 years old and they're M from the same litter girls down go down come on go down no I don't want them on the couch come on be this dogs they love me so much anywhere I go they have to be next to me yeah go get it go in our relationship I I'm probably the bad cop and he's the good cop come on come on here B Go Get It Go Get It Good Girl do you see they don't like she doesn't like you I think she's jealous hold on here I come here I come my biggest issue is that they cannot bark when we're at home too many people that have the letter from the lawyer they have to move from the apartment no barking no barking girls honey we have to keep them quench I would get them debarked because I was already on that when we take them on their walks it's not it's not only that they bark it's it's a liability issue for me because I cannot have my dog bite another dog it's not possible to control them hey honey idiot idiot I don't want to feel tension in my life I don't don't want to be stressed and have a knot in my stomach because my dogs are barking come who wants to go play I run a Doggy Daycare on the Upper East Side I take care of about 3540 dogs A Day No Barking good boy Benny no barking I don't put up with a lot I'm very strict no pee pee Yoshi no barking I don't have time for dogs that disrupt the energy get out out of there I can control 40 dogs that don't belong to me in my daycare but I cannot control my dogs at home hi how my hands are a bit wet hello to meet you nice to meet you when I walked into 75th and paused the dog seemed to be very happy it wasn't that loud it seemed to be having a lot of fun and it just had a really nice atmosphere this is your doggy dayare yes I went from 20 years in retail to doing a Doggy Daycare how many dogs do you have here look at um I probably have about 35 and they're very good can I come and say hi sure hey hello everybody everybody be nice they're all going to come to say hello hi everybody hello guys let have a good old smell you go oh my gosh I'm doggy Heaven this is gorgeous when Victoria arrived this morning the dogs were all pretty calm when she came in actually I think that she was a little bit surprised that's which ones are your dogs then my dogs are not here right now when my dogs come in they get everybody barking and all I can hear is their high pitched bark in the middle of my head and I listen to dogs all day long that believe me mine that's that ain't High that's high pitch Boom come here boom he just wants to have attention come here this is how we keep him okay I know you just you have a doggy daycare but you can't bring your own dogs to your Doggy Daycare I'm and I'm embarrassed can I can I meet them sure yep I'll give my husband a call and tell him to come over okay Tamara obviously loves the dogs in her daycare she seems to care more for other people's dogs than her own this SC we are going to motorcycle yes it's good G it yes it's good G it has he CAU them in front of the scooter hello oh here comes Max Max arrived on a scooter with his two little babies in what looked like a baby carrier oh so this is beanie that's munchkin this is a beanie this is a m skin yeah right he loves these dogs I know you love me I know I know know you love me what can I do it's obsessive in my opinion it's she's so attached to him that's what I'm talking about oh yeah very high pitch oh my God that makes me crazy it makes me but do you see her chasing you see how they're chasing look Tamara said that she doesn't like to have her own dogs in daycare because they bully the others however when I saw her dogs with the other dogs all I saw were two dogs that really did not want to be there because they found the environment to overwhelming has she ever attacked a dog before has she ever bitten yes they're attacking any dogs doesn't matter how small is it how big they are it's really sad to have a Doggy Daycare this is your business yet your own two dogs can't come because of their misbehavior I have to do something they don't bark outside for me and they don't bark when there are somebody coming in you know it's not the but living in Manhattan you know if have this problem that makes us the lose our apartment makes the problem between me and her do you know and then somebody told me about debarking your dog debarking is cruel it's abusive you're cutting a dog's vocal cord and taking away its ability to communicate and that's one of the reasons why most veterinarians in this country do not do it it's less invasive than having the than having them spayed or neutered it's like taking a person and going you know what I've had enough of you talking boom that's it let's clip a vocal cord of yours so that you can be quiet she wants to debark in but is a I don't want to do it deing should be made illegal haven't done a lot of research on it but I can't be kicked out of my my home because my dogs bark so I have to do something I know I'm not seeing a true picture of their normal Behavior so I need to see beanie and munchkin in the apartment for myself I get it all dogs can bark very loudly but the two malt their bark is very very high pitched we did have someone tell us to shut them up yesterday day before yeah the day before yesterday yeah they were really bad out there we are in New York City it's true we can have a dog but it's not the dog doesn't have to bark they can kick us out of our apartment for this one I'm so upset okay you can see how the marking is on the floor yes I can she makes us to change the carpet now we have several stains all over the place in here I have caught munchkin peeing on the carpet and I have spots all over the carpet now because she decides that she wants to go out for a walk and come back in and pee on the carpet sometimes she off that couch down I don't let them so wait a second you do and you don't but then isn't it confusing if you say they can and she says no and so sometimes they can sometimes they can't and then you tell them off when they do I know I understand there's got to be a rule our relationship is getting worse you know is accept to getting better she's coming home with a small time that we have together we get argument for the dogs then we don't have the life together then when they sit on next to me they say go down we say I why why I have to put the dog on the floor this next sit next to me I have watching my TV I have to find okay to col them why you call it from when she open the doggy take care she thinks I'm like the dog too you know what I I am a bit of a micromanager okay no you don't say I have lost patients and I do fight with Max a lot I just got a new couch and I don't want the dogs on the couch I don't know how to stop it okay no then she say stop she's paining on the yeah she'll pee she's very afraid of me she went for a period where she never ever did that and then she started doing it and I thought because no no no no no they were doing the pee from first you bring him no no no I told you you didn't believe no honey dogs Express their anxiety a lot by eliminating Tamar's energy really makes munchkin pee because munchkin essentially is scared of her I think tomorrow has to work pretty hard to gain munchin's trust when are you thinking of starting going back to work almost about the end of October middle of October oh really I have to go did you go four months back to Italy yes so what's going to happen to these guys they stay here with you they be with me we have to fix these dogs before I leave because I cannot let her to be alone with these dogs so we have to figure out a way to get them to daycare where they're comfortable I have to get the dogs to a place where tomara can manage them on her own and the clock is ticking coming up oh they are like charging at them and barking they might bite another dog no no having Max and tomorrow in an apartment in Manhattan where everybody lives very close to each other means that having good successful walks is an absolute necessity for this couple it also means that dogs need to be socialized because the streets are very crowded I want to see these hell hounds on the leash good morning to you yeah how many times a day do you walk them me usually I walk them the two three times three times the let's have a little bit more distance cuz there's there's some other there's some dogs walking towards you yeah oh don't let them get don't let them no no anytime I'm walking as soon as they put the feet out of the house they start The Barking they start to biting they start to do everything that is not the normal it's very very embarrassing to me because if we see another dog along the way I they they are like you know charging at them and barking I don't know how to address that I would wish they could go say hi do you want to say hello to everybody in the street no not everybody we don't want to say hello to everybody so why should our dogs be expected to say hello to everybody from what I saw today both beanie and munchkin have been really poorly socialized so greeting other dogs on the street that's [Music] frightening whenever the doorbell rings there's a change of energy in the room there's an expectation dogs feed off this change of energy and react accordingly The Barking is a real issue with your dogs certainly when they hear the doorbell ring so what I want to teach them is that yes they can bark three or four times but when I say thank you I give them that vocal cue and the hand signal they're quiet two things are going to happen one the dogs are going to get desensitized to the sound of the Bell so when the bell actually does ring it's no big deal two the dogs are going to have a ritual of behavior established about what they do when the doorbell rings these dogs have had a long habit of barking all their lives they've barked especially beanie so this could take a while thank you then I'm going to eat them thank you good girls you learn both of you need to learn not just her Lear yeah you do don't just you look at her yeah I have to learn he did learn all right I'm going to walk towards the door and do it thank you good girls dogs watch us more than they listen to us so to have a really clear hand signal that gives the dog a cue to be quiet is really going to help I stationed someone outside the door to ring the bell so I could show Max And tomarrow the technique in action thank you good girls good girls very good girl very good girls they were quiet they didn't barking too much and they are responding they are is a good respond for now T I want you to do this let's have the doorbell ring again you take over I want beanie and munchkin to listen to tomorrow now not because they fearful of her but because they respect her thank you yes good girls go over to the door good girls good come back tell them good girls good girls good girls yes I don't think that it's difficult at all once you learn it and you think about it it's common sense that was just a reality check for me no debarking I think Max with you they're going to they're going to react a little bit differently when you get up and go okay okay I'm going to give you these two treats and let's have the doorbell ring thank you thank you do do the thank you like that so I want you to stand up and say thank you that's the hand signal okay thank you I'm so upset because they don't listen to me thank you the dogs are so attached to Max and they want all the love and affection but when he asks them to do anything they actually don't listen to him so this training could be really difficult for him to get through sit down again cuz she's barking at you take your eyes away from her see I told you it was going to be different when you do it I was holding myself back I wanted to get up and say no like this thank you let's have the doorbell ring again thank you sit down again thank you sit down again Max thought that it was Samara that needed to learn everything but I think he now sees how he has to learn just as much thank you thank you thank you thank you sit down again Max is a bit of a pushover with the dogs that has to change immediately as of today we are going to be practicing these methods together until they're not going to get up Embark at the [Music] door thank you Tre oh darn darn she she did she she that was really good that was good you've got to be in there that moment bring the doorbell again thank you treat her good girl good girl nice good good girls I think Max is finally learning that if he doesn't give in and he just stays firm and unemotional the dogs begin to listen to him and just sort of open the door and look out good tell the girls good girls good girls yeah now you can make a fuss of them good girls now you can make a real fuss of I think Max did pretty good today I think he did he really did pay attention to Victoria coming up this is a bigger dog this is not good uhuh uhuh I think these dogs really do need to be walked separately so that both dogs can be trained by themselves to at least walk past another dog without reacting Bey is the one who starts all the barking and the lunging but it doesn't come from a place of confidence it's just because she's so insecure then when munchkin hears her munchkin goes so I want to work with beanie to start the socialization process as we're walking towards the dog I stop her every now and then and tell her good girl beanie I put the treat up to my eye to get her focused good girl they have the eye contact good girl smiling happy now no you know what okay Max is a lovely man and he's very eager but he doesn't stop talking so I had to take charge there I'm working with her now I wanted to focus on me no [Music] thank you for my safety I have to listen the woman now you know but it's okay I have a person walking another dog so now I want to walk towards the dog let's see what she does with Mr pug here good girl beanie say hi say hi B she tried to snap a little she's just nippy beanie said good girl Mochi was really into saying hello but you know Mochi was a little bit all over beanie so beanie kind of got a bit we're not going to force her to greet her allow her to greet for maybe a couple of seconds and pull her away but it's always it's it's always with being really positive I really want be to establish another ritual of behavior so I want her to do this again and again and again cuz this is a bigger dog I was thinking oh my gosh this is not good I don't know how that dog is going to react but I'm pretty sure about how mine's going to react so I'm not pretending that Miracles can happen here move off in the other direction move off just move when a dog is reacting if you walk off in the other direction you're refocusing the dog's brain because at that moment no learning can take place because the emotional brain is taking over the learning brain okay so I'm going to try again by refocusing ing the dog taking it away your dog can calm down to a point where it can start to learn again now the dog is giving all of these great caling signals and a play bow but she's not not good she's not reading them this is the part of the socialization where she lacked the socialization she doesn't really understand doggy language the other dog was giving great calming signals but beanie really wasn't reading them correctly she's still extremely nervous around other dogs this dog could not be offering any better signals yeah good girl beanie good girl each time she looks at the dog and then she looks back at me she's getting a reward okay she's got to look at the dog and look back at me good girl nice so she's making a choice now nice good she's making a choice now sometimes it's really difficult for a dog to control their impulses but I could see beanie's little mind was working over time all right I want you to just take take over doing no notar Tomar I don't think tomorrow is entirely confident walking beanie yet because she's had so much experience of Beanie reacting badly so she's tensing up now what I'd like to do is I'd like if we could just sort of walk off together parallel walking I know that she's usually a little bit more you know tugging and and carrying on on the leash when there's a big dog and I'm kind of afraid that something might happen if she bites another dog when we're on the leash that could be a liability for me parallel walking together good girl praise her good girl beanie good good good good don't tell her good girl when she lunges just go let's go and go off in the other direction we don't want her to Lunge and be praised be rewarded not good girl good girl beanie good girl nice good girl beanie I was really happy to see that she just walked with the big dog she never walks next to a big dogie that was a big hurrah time for me good girl beanie good girl remember you're going to do this training separately with the dogs now I don't care if it takes you a week two weeks 3 weeks a month before you can put the dogs together don't rush it I want the dogs to have gone past a hundred other dogs and be absolutely fine before you put them together okay wonderful thank you very good thank you coming up no no wait a second she was fine Tamara's still a little bit nervous I when she's walking in the park you can't expect them to change in 2 seconds we're going to address munchkins peeing okay in your apartment one of my biggest problems was the peeing on the floor what is that no what is that Munchkin what's that PP on the carpet Max is walking munchkin bringing her back in the house and that's when she's doing the pee so we're going to walk bunchin by herself we're going to take her down we're going to let her walk around maybe walk around the block we're going to come back up into the apartment and that's when the time when she's normally going to do it yes immediately we're going to take her outside again cuz I think what she does she comes up here and she goes okay now I'm in the nice and warm I'm going to go but then you take her right out again okay she understand so we're going to fool her brain so yes give her some nice leash let us sniff around and leashes are the uh-oh good girl I'm sorry nice lots of Praise good she did it we bought munchkin outside 20 minutes after she'd eaten and she peed and she pooped like a dream after she's done it we continue the walk cuz what happens is that some dogs they they'll urinate and then when they've done their toilet the person takes them right back inside the dog goes wait a second I toilet and then I get taken back inside so I'm not going to toilet I'm going to wait having more fun have more fun F now if she hadn't have gone what we'd have done is we would have walked gone back up to the apartment and then come straight out again and do it again and again and again and again and again until she went you have to be consistent because if you're not consistent these dogs don't have a chance I will do consens but the if I teach something if something something different these guys they get confused yeah this technique is all about being consistent but it's going to take time so I really hope that Max and tomorrow have the patience to see it through but both of them have to be on board in order to teach these dogs very let's go tomorrow doesn't like the dogs on the furniture Max does like to put the dogs on the furniture this big issue this consistent argument can be solved just very simply okay I wanted to give you something that dogs could lie on on the sofa the visual cue of the mat goes on the sofa means that they can come up and sit next to you no dogs on the actual physical sofa right and they can only come up when they're invited yes when you have the mat next to you so it can be on your lap or the mat and that's going to hopefully keep you both happy there has to be some type of there's give and take on both sides there's got to be a happy medium here right so yeah reason why made it blue dogs can see the color blue very easily dogs aren't color blind actually what their vision is very sort of more muted I always thought that dogs were color blind and I just found out today that they're not oh should beanie girl there you go dog do you like that how do I keep her from not going on the rest of the couch I had a blanket and they would still try to come yeah no just say uh-uh and just put them on the blanket and then when're on the when they're on the blanket they get good things okay they get plenty of Praise they get plenty of attention I think they'll get it absolutely yes hi baby hi coming up is there any way that you did get frustrated redirect that frustration into more positive Avenues I don't know how to react in any different way the couple love to walk their dogs in the park and I wanted to see how the training that we've done in the street would translate to being in the park all right so we're in Central Park we're in the place that you guys like to enjoy walking but it's a nightmare for you look we've got some dogs over there so let's walk past she looks for the dogs and looks away that's when you tell her good okay and now she's she's distracted by smelling too which is great nice it's so important to allow your dog to smell things in their environment that is their dominant sense their nose so you have to reward each time she looks at them and looks away good girl and make it unemotional no big fuss nothing like that okay she show me the new technique then we use it I'm so glad with validation from you that she's doing a good job it's going to give her confidence and you know what I think she's going to like it better that she's not doing this LUN so much less stressful Max seems to be on board now he knows that you know if it takes a while to change the habit of behavior then he's willing to work with it and that's a great sign I'm learning I'm learning thank you and so much of the time we tell our dogs off but we haven't taught them what to do you haven't given them another option no I need the nice people to teach me you know I meet you thank you very much here you know I know it's the best one I find thank you so much you're very welcome you know you make makes me happy it makes happy and it makes the it makes the family happy that's it done my job that is what we want Max is doing great but my bigger concern is Tamara and beanie Tamara's just got to keep her cool which can sometimes be hard you know I want you guys to be able eventually to walk in Central Park together yes and then when they're really just more socialized with other dogs that's the moment that you can allow them to go off leash okay okay now take her out take her out there you go good so she's the one that needs the most and you know again this dog is giving great signals yes this dog is giving really calm signals but Bey doesn't recognize it she's still extremely nervous around other dogs and was practicing avoidance walk her past get her in the zone walk past come on let's go let's go lovely good girl beanie good girl good girl I'm always always nervous when I see a big dog and I have beanie I'm always a little bit nervous because I I don't want I don't know how that dog is going to react no no wait a second she was fine she wasn't going to lunch tomara is still a little bit nervous I think when she's walking in the park with the dogs and she tends to yank them a lot I don't think she's trusting herself if tomorrow is getting tens and overreacting in the park who knows what she's going to be like in the daycare yeah now she's almost saying yes so it's almost like I'm you go like this you go like that yeah let's go good girl so she follows you so you hardly have to use this leash as a crutch at all look at her good girl she beautiful good girl look at her oh my gosh you've got your work cut out with you with this one I know tomorrow is getting just a little bit impatient but it's really important that she gives her dogs time you can't expect them to change in 2 seconds [Music] I wanted to talk to Tamara she exudes tension she was fine and she's very high strong which isn't healthy for anyone when I told you that the dogs had maybe suffered a little stress from being told off oh if I yell at her if I raise my voice or if I go towards her when I'm raising my voice she'll pee she'll pee I get frustrated about it because I don't know how I have to react to that anymore I have a very strong personality I like to micromanage everything in my life and I have to admit that when you are angry that Energy's got to go somewhere some people shout some people stump around some people hit things I just react on impulse and I immediately I'm raising my voice it causes me to be more stressed out yeah is there any way that you could see where if you did get frustrated that you would be able to redirect that frustration into more positive Avenues rather than sort of screaming at the dogs I don't know how to make myself react in any different way I'm going to teach you a different way to act okay when a lot of people teach their dogs or tell their dogs off they're imposing their will upon the dog and they're not allowing the dog to have freedom to make a choice and then when the dog realizes it has a choice it's going to choose the road that's going to make it feel the best that's what you have to teach dogs especially beanie okay change someone's personality when they're you know when they're a grownup you know that's not easy I kind of got the sense you know you love your you love your daycare dogs and you love these dogs but now they become more Maxes dogs than your dogs yeah and I think that's going to change when Max goes away to do his work for three months I think that'll change because they'll have no choice but to bond with you more but there are things that you can do to help that bonding process a dog will pick up on their owner stress signals so the more stressed out you are the more stressed out your dog will be if tomorrow is less stressed that's going to be better for her dogs at home and it's going to be better for the dogs at daycare I think there's uh ways that we can do it and we're going to be working with with you at the daycare that I think might be a little bit easier for you I would love [Music] it if Tamara has a real knowledge of how her behavior affects the dogs then maybe she can use that knowledge for her professional life when she's dealing with her dogs in daycare right now these are Max's dogs but he's going to be leaving so hopefully we can get beanie and munchkin to be at the daycare what we do sometimes in daycare is if dogs are getting into it um putting a board in between them and this is very lightweight you can just pick it up putting a board in between them again cuts the vision off and and allows the dog to sort of again refocus you don't want to put yourself in there cuz you could get bitten putting a board in between them when it cuts off the vision okay is just another idea another vehicle that you can use so that's and I mean you can decorate it like it was um another thing that I was thinking about that's going to stop you from having to shout so much yeah you're shouting because you're trying to interrupt Behavior AR so do a whistle instead if you blow the whistle and then go come on and you walk out you walk away from the situation the dogs immediately going to follow you therefore you've stopped whatever altercation whatever barking whatever happened using the whistle is going to be much less stressful for tomara as well as her dogs not to mention more effective than yelling I want to use that is just literally for an interruptor for when things get crazy these are your existing dividers anyway I put them here to illustrate a point okay because I think your dogs are going to do much better in daycare if they're segregated away from all of the crazy Mayhem okay remember that beanie especially cannot deal is too overwhelmed munchkin is overwhelmed as well when she comes into an environment where there are so many different dogs with so many different personalities always in her space look some dogs like people need to have space around them mhm if she can't take herself away what other options she got right exactly that's what she's doing okay then that's going to make her more anxious more reactive so I think your dogs need to have separate place a separate little space with a few calm other dogs I I I'm not sure about that because it's a liability issue for me because I cannot have my dog bite another dog I also think the more bad experiences beanie and Munch can have around dogs just getting on top of them and getting irritating the more they're going to react out on the street coming up yeah all the training we did in the home has been building towards this moment now I hear yours I'm still concerned about the Barking I don't think that things get fixed [Music] overnight all right and now we have all the dogs back weie and munchkin were very reactive dogs when I met them which made Tamara incredibly stressed out no barking no bark we've been working so hard on the training because Max is going away and Tamara has to be able to bring these dogs to the daycare when he's gone I wanted to see tomara and Max use all the stuff that they've learned with their dogs at home with the dogs at daycare yeah ah now I hear now I hear yours all right well let's go down here yeah I'm still concern concerned about the Barking I don't think that things get fixed overnight it's because one of the Frenchies stuck their nose through here all right so these dogs here are the karma dogs yes yes these are the gentler players this is a perfect idea keeping them you know giving them their own area where they can rest and play and not be disturbed by the more active dogs but look how these dogs they're just wanting you Max stay away stay away cuz if anybody's going to make him bark when we leave it's going to be Max so with this kind of arrangement do you think you'll be able to have your dogs in daycare yes yeah yes they're already quiet mhm the dogs seemed to be very happy it wasn't that loud they seem to be having a lot of fun and it just had a really nice atmosphere they feel safer I understand what you mean now they totally have like okay they can relax over here I feel very good to live for Italy because she Chen Tes the beanie and mkin in the daycare I feel much better can you dance for me can you dance for me yes it's nice to see Tamara actually calm down and was great with the other dogs oh look at that do you see what she is doing she makes everybody crazy these words what I have to do with her you can train a dog but you can't train the humans look at that well we've gone through quite a journey when I first came here very very Barky yappy yappy irritating dogs and now we getting to the the place where these dogs are I think going to be more stable all the techniques that we've been doing on the walk in the daycare in your home is going to hopefully reduce that desire to react to bark and create a more harmonious household I hope so I will be following your progress my job as a trainer is to go into people's homes to work with them and their dogs and to leave them in a better place and that's what I hope I've done thank you so [Music] much good girl good girl good girl girls Yay good girl I cannot believe it since victoria left us Max and I really found a common ground now and we really work hard together with the dogs let me see good girl good girl thank you beanie and mkin they're very calm more calm than the before thank you yes good girl it's working it's working good girl momies Yay good girl beanie good girl munchkin I think she has a food doesn't wants to come up good good girls no barking that was perfect yes it's been a gradual you know calming thing for me because it didn't happen right away we had to really work hard on the dogs to get them to stop barking at the doorbell but right now it's much better than it was before good get it let's go beanie and munchkin are doing much better on their walks individually now but we're still not to the point where we can walk them together in the Park good Gary now I'm so glad walking outside because the the way she teach me what I have to do and I can walk them thanks for watching if you love it's me or the dog and want more dog training tips and tricks visit my official site positively. comom and if you're interested in learning more about becoming a dog trainer check out the Victoria still Academy links to both sites are in the description I'll see you online
Channel: It's Me or the Dog
Views: 162,820
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Keywords: It's Me Or The Dog, It's me or the dog victoria stilwell, it's me or the dog tv show, it's me or the dog watch online, victoria stilwell dog training, it's me or the dog animal planet, victoria stilwell, me or the dog, me or the dog usa, dog training, puppy training
Id: 8t8L5ct4vew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 7sec (2467 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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