Boyfriend Walks Out on Girlfriend who Loves Dogs More!😳 | Full Episode | It's Me or the Dog

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[Music] you're cocky and arrogant yet you're insecure and jealous you don't appreciate a guy like me you're great yes I am where you criticize at me I'm not even going to step into this when Mario has no patience for my babies then he's going to get no hugs and kisses from me you're sick had enough of you have no freaking love for me all you care about is your dogs what do you think you're doing I'm leaving look look at all of this did they just do this every day every day I go through this if it doesn't get fixed think the relationship is going to be over that's why I want to make sure that my apartment is ready is there any point in me coming in here I don't know whether this relationship is salvageable I don't know what to say to make this better it's either the dogs or him and it's the dogs my name is Diane I live in Brooklyn with my boyfriend Mary Mar here right now I had Diana and I have been seeing each other for about 8 months I have two dog I've been trying to work on this relationship for a long time because of these dogs I have a Lulu Bell she's nine Buster Buster is the baby and Bugsy originally we started with one dog and then we wind up buying two more dogs and and things got worse come on Buster vitamins time she treats the dogs like if they were actually little babies Mario's the fourth dog you know where's my treat and poooo who did this I'm dealing with dog poop and piss and the place is a mess you got a mess down here as usual Mario do some cleaning please Lulu uh is one big pain in he ass marker Lulu leave them alone okay oh God the delivery guy he got bite marks through his jeans you have no freaking love for me all you care about is your dogs the tension levels between me and Diane uh pretty intense and now you're yelling at me maybe I'll pull up my trucks and I'll get the hell out of this relationship when marelle has no patience for my babies then he's going to get new hugs and kisses from me leave them outside tie them up and then make a up the dogs that's cruel I'm not doing that then if you don't do it then I'm going to move out the hell with this I'm out of here I'm just going to move my ass move on until you realize who you lost and what you lost I had enough of the what do you think you're doing I'm leaving excuse me leave don't listen it got so bad that since we've been living together he he's threatened to move out four times two times of which he actually moved out you be you know come inside I want to take a few other things too I need that don't take that why don't you just calm down no I'm not take this to the car and then come inside just calm down for a second no I don't want to calm down I don't pressure I don't care Dian just leave it alone just calm down I'll I just want to move my stuff yeah hi hi is this a bad time uh well I'm just getting into a little Aug me right now but I'm going to just need to get some stuff out okay all right okay watch all right don't the dog going to run out I have never arrived at somebody's house to find that one of the people is moving out can we talk yeah I could listen I'll listen let's see what I can do for you guys okay make the situation better should we go inside or yeah sure when I became a trainer I learned very very quickly that you're not just going into a home to train the dogs most of your work is with the people so I had to jump into that mode straight away simply to get Mario to stay I've never come into a place where um somebody's actually moving out well it's I'm tired I'm tired of uh you know the the dogs are getting in the way and I got poop all over the home and uh it's starting to get to me and I'm just being neglected and she doesn't give me any time he's exaggerating really why do you say that you know I am taking care of the dogs and it is a big house so it's not like I sit around you know watching TV I'm not twiddling I'm working so he doesn't get it maybe because you know when he comes back I'm looking like I'm fresh and ready to you know party but I'm really tired you know she's paying attention more to the dogs and they have their food but Mario comes home and what do I got nothing I'm here for the dogs I'm also here for you obviously but I want to see if we can address these problems obiously I'm here to observe today so I want to see more of your lifestyle with your dogs but I make you really work at it I want to work at it okay yeah you've got Furniture outside on the street are you can you make a decision are you going to stay or are you going no I'm actually going to stay and uh bring the you back in and hopefully that uh we can resolve this okay yeah I'm willing to give it a great try Vic uh she came all the way out here to to do a job for us and uh pretty much that's the reason why I did stay was for Vic did they just do this every day every day I go through this every day I go through this making another woman come into my home and seeing the crap and pee everywhere kind of hit me it hit me in a way of like embarrassment mortification and what the heck am I doing I try to make them go in that corner and they don't listen all the time have you trained them to toilet obviously not TR them I'm trying to no wonder Mario wants to move out he is sick of trading in poop all day and rightly so I'm glad however that he's decided to stay for now all I want is to see what Diane goes through every day first things first I get all this out and then I have to clean it cuz I won't just refill oh you just stred you just Trot in some poop you just you just Trot into that great all right well I have to do the floor anyway okay and now you just smearing it all over do you want to clean your shoes and we're going to clean this up I did not want to get poop on these shoes Diane was embarrassed about the amount of poop that was in her house and then she proceeded to step in it if I could teach them how to go into the toilet bowl that would be the ultimate but I just don't know how to do it do you ever walk them no I know if I start the walking process they're going to want to walk when it's raining they're going to want to walk when it's freezing you know New York weather sucks if I lived in Florida I don't like walking the dogs I'm just not a dog walking G it it's not really about them not wanting to walk you well I really don't want to walk them this is insane Diane has three dogs that she claims she loves yet she cannot even take them around the block for a walk first I have to pick up the poop then I have to sweep then I vacuum then I mop then I squeegee then I squeegee with the rag so it's a six-step process throughout the entire floor this is what you do all day is clean up poop this is no life no this is not easy Diane will spend hours cleaning up after her dogs but she's not giving them what dogs really need which is just to be outside and discover the world okay everybody it's time to brush your teeth okay here we go I spoil these animals to to death I pay attention to my dogs that love me unconditionally now we have to GR [Music] you Bugsy was not happy at all because she was pulling at his fur in order to get the knots out oh it was awful do you think well especially we talk about Mario now do you think he has a point when you're putting investing a lot of time and this kind of energy on the dogs when he would like I could put a bow in his hair he well maybe not but he'd like to be have a little bit of this attention as well yes now I know you and you think do you think he's right about that I think I think he's got a point there's a lot more going on here than meets the eye and I know there's some really deep underlying issues that are affecting this couple in such a way and it's coming out over arguments regarding the dogs I wanted to sit down with Mario and I wanted to find out more about how they really felt because there's really no point in me being here to work with the couple and the dogs if Mario is going to suddenly just walk out I can completely understand why you're irritated by it because it's not nice coming down and thinking that you're going to step in poop disgusting but then again it's not nice for you to have to to come and clean which I don't think Mario you appreciate does it frustrate you that Mario doesn't help cleaning up oh yeah but I I I kind of know that he has to go to work so I hate throwing that at him too but you know don't step over it by on the way you know just it's quick get up in the morning and every day come in and start cleaning I I can't do it so it's it's pretty pretty bad no and I don't think it's my job to actually I'm actually not asking you to come home and clean no but you're saying you know I'm stepping over it and I'm walking away from it but you know it's my job to to clean up poop such tension between the couple that whole body language the way that Diane was turned away from Mario the desperation on Mario's face I mean he was angry is there any point in me coming in here and working with you to help your dogs if this isn't on a good foundation if Victoria can't help I will be out of here and if you're going to walk out you're going to put up a wall is there any point in me being here is there any point in me coming in here and working with you if this isn't on a good foundation you need to work together I don't need this drama talking to each other doesn't work why can you not give Mario more attention this seems to be our argument he doesn't get enough attention which I feel is you feel if you give me that much more attention that I'm going to oh with the attention it's like no but seriously listen answer the question you know it's supposed to be natural number one if it is natural it's supposed to be a natural thing if you say give me attention give me attention do you want me to fake it or do you want me to give you true attention oh well maybe I'm calling out I mean I really believe that if I can fix the dogs I'll have more time on my hands you can't give yourself holy to this man and you're putting most of the attention on the dogs all that love that you have in your heart you're putting on the dogs and there's not that much for him so then he's feeling resentful do you want to continue do do you want to be successful or do you want to fail I don't know whether this relationship is salvageable I'm here to work with the dogs if their relationship is not going to go anywhere there's nothing I can do about it my goal is to get the couple working together on the toughest issue in this home if they can do that they can work as a team I really think that their relationship's going to improve what I want to do start off right from the beginning is to clean this floor okay so Mario could you get the mop the mop but I felt that it was her job since she's taking care with the dogs to clean up this place oh now you're going to see what I do on a daily on a daily basis you know how to do it let's see now what do I do what do I do it's something I don't really do on a daily basis but they actually wanted to teach me something gave me a gave me a broom it's just timec consuming it's just a lot of work involved wow how does it feel maybe I'll get some hugs Mr que yeah you know what he Des do a good job he deserves a hug for this oh he'll get a hug for this Mario had a nice taste of what I do during the day I'll take a nap yeah all right thank you this job is hard okay here what we're going to do is this is going to be the puppy room and I call this the safe room okay and this this is where the both puppies can be unsupervised they didn't realize that you know they're too young and they need to be contained and they need to be disciplined when you're doing house training you say you never toilet in the house you toilet outside I'm doing everything wrong aren't I oh my God we're just putting you back on the right track Diane is really oblivious to what dogs actually need she does provide basic care but that's where it is basic they are so used to the the run of the house and the yard they are going to bug out I'm it's okay I'm ready do that poop then she's going to make them run around they they are they're going to spend some time in here but they're also going to spend a lot of time outside okay woo a new world is going to open up I want you to take a couple of these soiled wee wee pads out there get an area of your yard that you kind of like them that's easier to get to right here right there okay let's put them out there so that when he goes he goes on them and then he sniffs the scent all right well I'm going to pee out there the most important thing when toilet training your puppy is to make sure that they have regular access to outside so they don't build up a habit of going indoors why didn't I think of this I'm not the professional well that's all right I've been doing this a long time okay okay let's go back inside we're going to keep this open let's keep this here oh I'm feeling so light and I'm feeling like I can breathe I'm feeling like this is going to work he's going in in my bug he's going to get a treat I have to sing the treat song Bugsy made pee peee on the wee we pad Bugsy gets a treat treat treat treat bugy bug Bugsy gets a treat Bugsy climbed right in and he went so I had to sing the treat song and the whole rest of history coming up will you criticize out of me you're a hot mess Mario no you're in a hot mess C there's some really deep underlying issues that are affecting this couple and it's coming out over arguments regarding the dogs you have no freaking love for me all you care about is your dogs in my own way by making the dogs behavor better making things work in the home I hope that at least I'll help to cut down some of the arguments that are going on here when anybody comes to deliver anything to the home Lulu barks at them and she's nipped at a couple of delivery people so I wanted to show Mario and Diane a few techniques that would get Lulu under control so do you mind coming just up to the gate a second it's how we start to do the training all right okay so if you clear over there Lulu let's go I wanted Lulu to see that each time she barked she would get taken inside the home that there were negative consequences to her barking enough enough Lulu needs a lot of work going to take some time to get Lulu to stop it's go uh-uh she's an old dog I don't think this is going to work I'm going to let her out she walks we're going inside let's go let's go I had to remove Lulu a number of times before I saw progress said good girl but eventually she started to look at me more she started to understand what I wanted from her and she started to respond girl I'm using really high quality food here so she can start to work for me instead of become frenzied good girl Lou I'm going to stop playing a game with her here Lulu go find her you can start coming in now good girl yay seek it out good girl and when she goes up and she go smells him then there's another good girl you really can teach an old dog new tricks well yes you can teach an old dog new tricks she she got my dog Lulu to stop barking so to me huge now I'd love you to do this oh my God the hard part of this routine is probably Diane I think she's too lazy come good girl Diane's got to realize that I'm not just going to come in here and fix the problems for her she's the one that needs to gain respect from Lulu not me you start talking to him as if here is a delivery person hi he come on easy easy easy Lulu Lulu no uh-oh good liked it take her outside in the house and then you can make it do a few sits out of vision good girl okay so she's coming out Lulu sit and ask her to sit get in front of her and ask her to sit that's it really take charge of it sit Good Girl Lulu sit I have to really concentrate on Lulu you know it's it's hard Lulu she doesn't want to listen as I said you know she's had a lot of practice of this of barking at people undoing a huge habit like this is going to take a while this is not going to happen overnight to stop her is going to require real change of focus and some impulse control on her part and Mario and Diane are going to have to be patient and committed to the training if they want it to work feels funny so I want to see if killer here can maybe learn a little bit of impulse control okay if I can just get the couple working together a little bit seeing successes with their dogs trusting each other within the home and with their dogs I think I'm going to go a long way in helping to repair this relationship there's no point in me telling him to do anything I'm waiting for him to go like this leave it puppies are not born with impulse control you have to teach them as they grow up so that they grow up into adults that think before they react leave [Music] it good get out of here that's just happened yeah is that great Mario and I were both sitting there W with our mouths dropped open literally oh this dog just amazing the best part of this is to see the smile on Mario and Diane's faces and I really believe that this training can bring them closer together leave it good he's really smart he's so smart he's so smart Vic showed us an unbelievable way how to control a dog okay I want you to do this you can start off with the open treat okay leave it did it now rewarding with the left hand good good Bo I want to get Mario involved in the training it's just as important as having Diane do it plus the fact when Diane sees Mario doing something well with her beautiful dogs I think that endures him more to her leave it no leave no leave it good look at that beautiful awesome a good boy Mario was like where's Buster and what have you done with my dog seriously now we're going to try and do it on the floor if he does it what do I do you got to give Mario a hug oh wait wait I got to dry off leave it good good man good man give him a woohoo even after a few hours of training the house is a lot calmer please oh please may it continue they're hugging Hallelujah that's why I want to make sure that my apartment is ready when I arrived Mario was on the front steps and I knew something was wrong hi hi good morning be good morning you okay it me I a't got to uh an argument kind of got out of hand oh right now both of us aren't talking we had a big brawl and I just said hey screw this you know I don't need this drama I uh just uh packed up my stuff we had dinner she was drinking a ctail and uh she started yelling she started yelling screaming and I know how to fix it I think I'm done okay I'll go talk to her it's so disheartening just when I think we're making Headway with the training Mario and Diane fall apart again you guys had had a fight yeah this thing last night was such a dumb argument but that's how they are and I don't know what to say to make this better there was this point where I figured that's it it's done I'm not I'm not doing this I'm not it's either the dogs or him and it's the dogs I choose the dogs this thing last night was such a dumb argument but that's how they are and I don't know what to say to make this better I seriously don't know if this relationship is going to go any further it's either the dogs or him and it's the dogs I choose the dogs if he comes in and just talks fine and then and then see where you are if it doesn't end well it doesn't end well it might not I'll give you time to talk so I'm not here okay all right [Music] thanks I don't know what to say then he came back in so I did what I had to do you start arguing and you're fighting it it goes on for and I don't want to be sitting around cuz you know my drama right Mar you went out of whack the way you're behaving I says uh you know it's your turn off when I uh walked in uh the house and all of a sudden she came at me like gzilla you you're cocky and arrogant yet you're insecure and jealous those are four characteristics that girls don't like okay you have issues too any guy any girl who likes a cocky arrogant guy is is barking up the wrong tree and she'll never find it never find the nut cocky arrogant jealous jealous no that's my personality too bad I'm a businessman okay I provide Mario Mario stop you don't appreciate a guy like me you're great yes I am yeah I am actually look how great you're acting where you criticize the me I'm not even going to step into this mess you're a hot mess Mario no you're in a hot mess CIA his escapegoat is to run you know some guys they like that I'm out of here I'm running Dian has a good way of beating me up and I uh blew up and I was uh walking out again this did not go well he is a hot mess you see how he gets I just wanted Mario to stay for a little while calm down take stock so that he's not going to lose it and want to walk out so we've had a lot of good times so let's try to focus on those and not on the little stupid arguments how's that okay it's fair enough fair enough yep I did what I had to do I tried to stay as calm cool and collected as I could and I somehow got Mario to be calm anyway I I'd like to see you know i' like to see Victoria okay so let's do it I uh calmed down I gave it a second chance again how's it going okay hi hi are you all right are you able to be in the same in the vicinity I think we uh spoke and and he's calm walking relieves stress so and a lot of that I feel like them being confined in the house all the time is fueling this all of this anxiety and all of this stress and all of these feelings they need to kind of shed all of this outside stuff get out into a park and just be excited we obviously we can't have Buster here because he hasn't had all of his shots when you're going through the process you got to start small and you got to grow so that you build up their stamina the more you can give these dogs experiences outside the better I would love to bring them out here this is nice they just need to get out and experience a little bit have a bit of space around them I see just what a simple walk can do walk is not just great for dogs it's great for people too it's a revelation that happened everything was falling into place Bugsy was walking Lulu was happy Lulu was getting out there me and Mario or talking does that make you feel good it makes me feel great yeah okay see you get a kiss you get a hug oh I feel like I'm on a roller coaster ride here one minute they're up one minute they're down and I'm exhausted this sniffing oh my gosh and you know what he might go please dear Lord woo Bugsy we made poooo outside of the street on the grass we made poooo watching Bugsy do a poop on the grass I was envisioning that poop on my floor and it just made me so happy that it was on the grass I was coming home to a clean floor oh look you see that's love that's love a guy who coming up you have to say something nice to each other do I want to work out ultimately I don't know I think arguing over the dog's problems is just a small symptom of a much bigger picture Diane puts all of her affection and attention on the dogs but when I had witnessed Diane grooming poor Bugsy Bugsy was not happy at all so I wanted to bring along a friend of mine to show Diane and Mario how to groom their dogs Mario and Diane I have a guest here here for you what I want to introduce you guys to Jorge hi who is a celebrity dog groomer one of the finest groomers in the New York City area if I can just get the couple working together a little bit I think I'm going to go a long way in helping to repair this relationship beauty is training you need to train the dog for beauty the same way that you train the dog to go to the bathroom you need to think of grooming like dancing a Tango you're the one who leads the dance you don't throw her into position you're leading her into position I never thought of it that way so that's the way you need to that's why he was running away from you so you're telling me to lead with the dance and always don't start for what he like the least start for what he likes the best start for giving him a massage touching his pae and then it's almost like a hug and then you he's comfortable and then is where you work hor is really talented I when I met him I was like ding dong why didn't I think of that do you brush the dog let me see your hands pretty big so let me see how you handle this little baby I didn't want Mario just to groom the dogs I wanted Diane to see Mario making an effort because I knew that would make her feel good never I never brushed a dog so I'm not into grooming a dog or brushing a dog so uh I don't know how much of that I'll be doing there you go sometimes big guys they get intimidated because they feel they're too big to handle little dogs you're used to handle a little woman and you know you're you're gentle you're gentle when you open her door you're gentle when you want to put her drink the dog feels that when he handed Mario the brush I knew Mario was feeling feeling awkward Mario comfortable get the feminine side going there you go it's nice to see a guy try to do what us girls do every day how sexy it is to see your husband handling with love the little dog it's very sexy is it yes Diane actually uh she was uh turned on you're going to pay for [Laughter] them oh Mario you're really scoring points here oh yeah wow I'm going turn you on seven days a week yes you are I love when to watch you I love to watch you groom when I first came here Mario and Diane were at odds with each other to put it mildly but now I feel like they're much more confident and I really hope that that continues Diane will spend hours cleaning up after her dogs I have a solution that hopefully is going to make it easier for Diane I have a gift for you oh my god I've never seen such a thing this is the Dyson DC41 animal it's called the animal yeah it is called the animal seriously that is amazing called the animal say goodbye to pet hair bye pet hair woohoo it's called the animal oh my God oh my God and man it could pick up some pet hair I'm getting teary eyed now I'm so sorry it's so good I'm sorry I love it I really love it I'm so glad well it's yours oh my God happy cleaning happy cleaning I will be a happy girl cleaning working with Mario and Diane has been a real roller coaster ride there has been fighting you're SI I had enough of you have and now you're yelling at me and then there's been some really good moments I just really hope that they can continue to work together because if they do not only they going to be successful with their dogs but I think the relationship is hopefully going to be better too teaching a dog to sit and stay is a big deal especially when it's a puppy but I also want it to be a competition every time that I reward him you have to say something nice to each other I've got to teach Mario and Diane to focus on the positive if little Buster can change they can change too even one step back is good for a puppy at this age but if I get maybe five steps back your compliment has to be even more effusive okay all right here we go Buster stay stay one step back and into him good boy good boy okay one step back Mario Dan first of all I just want to apologize for the arguments that people have been having for the last couple of months and I think you are very Charming beautiful woman thank you I'm really hoping I get 10 Paces back right okay cuz that was beautiful [Music] stay good boy two paces okay Diane Mario and I have had these arguments before Victoria came while Victoria was here do I want it to work out ultimately I don't [Music] know I wanted Buster to respond to the sit and stay because it's not easy for a 4-month old puppy to do so but if he was successful it means that Mario and Diane would have to give each other compliments stay good boy two paces okay Diane Mario you've been very sweet and helpful the past two days and I just want to tell you how much I appreciate it thank you Dan Diane uh surprised me with a lot of nice things that she said to me and um it was uh pretty touching [Music] stay that was pretty impressive for a puppy that age wow Mario one last one I do love you and I mean that during this game I guess the truth came out and he said things he really meant and I said things I really meant and felt good after you do a training session like this you always leave it on a good note however good or bad the training session was you always just you know praise them and tell them they did a great job that means learning is fun look at this thing mush look at this mush oh am a puppy and I am so cute I feel like Mario and Diane are more of a team now that they're closer but if Mario and Diane don't think about each other and what each other needs and wants it's going to crumble it's going to fall apart again your dogs are going to need you to work consistently together I really going to work I I I honestly I'm big on writing things down I'm going to write you out a schedule so you'll have a schedule so you can start off with that I always did put a lot of effort into this relationship I just hope Diane would also share that with me I'm seeing things through such a different light I was kind of making it difficult for myself I learned so many things from Victoria about what to do with my dogs and trying to keep them in order that that's going to be the most difficult thing lovely to meet you okay and good luck thank you all right I think Mario and Diane are going to have a few problems some of the training is not exactly easy but I really hope that when I leave Mario and Diane will be as diligent as they promise they will [Music] be pickup poop we already did since victoria left things have been amazing check water to see if it's clean clean bowls and put a half a scoop in each did that already schedule is unbelievable if if I don't follow the schedule I'll be back to my old routine who may poo poo and pee pee on the wee wee pads good boys my relationship with Diane has uh been a lot better we're working together yeah roll it roll it down hey give me that let me get pleasure I'll give you that oh my God this is so much easier nice and calm oh no the bell's ringing let me get uh you get Lulu let me go pay for this okay we don't want Lulu To Bite this guy some of the things that are still uh hard to deal with is uh Lulu basically with the bking delivery guys look Mommy chicken look chicken chicken chicken chicken the details are critical for this door training to work if Lulu gets too wound up she needs to be removed from the situation that's the only way she's going to learn good girl the dog walking is we need to do a little bit more of it to be honest with you if I say why didn't you walk the dogs today well I've been busy doing this and I've been busy doing that and then it's gets into a conflict and uh I just can't beat her what's going on I am surprising you before we were ready to strangle each other you don't appreciate a guy like me great yes I am he was moving out but now it's all working I got the sauce cooking over here beautiful I got this everything ready to make a the me the ball since she's been free and has more time for herself she's given me a lot more time makes me feel great yeah makes me feel like uh I'm coming home to a normal house thanks for watching if you love it's me or the dog and want more dog training tips and tricks visit my official site positively. comom and if you're interested in learning more about becoming a dog trainer check out the Victoria still Academy links to both sites are in the description I'll see you online
Channel: It's Me or the Dog
Views: 105,014
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Keywords: It's Me Or The Dog, It's me or the dog victoria stilwell, it's me or the dog tv show, it's me or the dog watch online, victoria stilwell dog training, it's me or the dog animal planet, victoria stilwell, me or the dog, me or the dog usa, dog training, puppy training
Id: iDT1WThRcfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 55sec (2455 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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