Dog Parents Insist On Using Heavy Chain Instead Of Leash | Cat vs. Dog

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I brought unique to Silver Rose ran so she could learn how to co-parent girly good yeah Terrence has this ability to control girly just because he has testosterone unique doesn't have that superpower to help with that I want her to understand her as a herding dog wait actually everybody ladies and gentlemen we have to talk about this sheet oh my god before we can even get started all I see is her massive chain around her neck I'm floored the only time I ever recommend a chain is if we have a puppy that's chewing on the leash and at that point the chain is significantly smaller than this why did we make this choice uniq there's no leash out there that's durable for her she breaks him off what do you mean she breaks out break through a chain that's the only thing she won't be able to break through does she break her collar too she breaks everything the harness the collar will walk her she's a big dog it is absolutely absurd to think that a Rottweilers neck expands to such a degree during a walk that it could break out of a nylon collar this is gonna weigh her down in a way that's gonna make her uncomfortable you can't make quick movements you can't respond in time with the training so let's grab her another collar and a regular leash Terrence and I have like girly and big chains ever since I've been around parents and ever since Chris was hired girly this is her chain she wears a big ton around her neck okay let me show you okay so you gotta make that a little bigger something you're just gonna have to trust me on but Carla looks terrible what are you this is the right size for her and she is gonna slip out of this if we make it bigger she she's uncomfortable she's not what you think she you think she look rewind chain she's a tough dog so no way am I gonna humiliate her and that skinny looking chain that's so tight on her neck she looks terrible okay what a capital T I cannot put that chain back honor that chain is way too heavy for her she looks uncomfortable but I know she does look let's be real I don't think she does look you just you just slipped your hand under there don't act like you look at right but it's pluggin about our hand there look oh it's a necklace I cannot make it any looser she will slip out so we just told you this is supposed to look the collar yeah every time every time after wanting to walk off the ranch and call it quits I just came to the conclusion that you know what I'm so adamant about fixing this problem in my household you know I'm gonna give this a try okay I cannot believe that took so long we're here for our first check-in visit with Terrence and unique and their dog girly and CAD boo the last time we were here we gave these guys a lot of homework and based on what we saw in their homework video got to say we're a little bit disappointed one of the assignments was to do a leashed recall so the come command on leash we received an update from you guys that that is not exactly what was happening [Music] with only believe it's really in the tongue like you said before control is everything what do you mean by that she'll come to you every time no matter what yeah it's all falling apart and it's all about the alpha tone it's all about somehow that he can control girly with his voice I gots to tell you the chain caller thing that right there is not the business for the Rottweilers why she's so big that I won't change so I put a chain on it what makes you think this is the right size collar for a dog you know you should be okay so that's the right guys it just came right off her head guys the upsetting part is I already went through this with unique at the ranch we don't know what changed from that day to this day that makes us have to have this conversation all over again I know what happened Terrence happened I put the cheese I got the chain so she can keep her size up and keep herself right that's that's keeping her later so you think wait I'm a dog person wings this is not good for her and it's not even doing the thing that you're hoping it's doing it's not working out her neck it's not working out our shoulders this dogs aren't built the same way we are they are they're quadrupeds right and so you weigh down their neck you're gonna have a dog with spinal issues and it's it's um later in life thing also the more that she's gonna do something her body's not meant to do the more down the line something else is gonna go out Terence wants the chain not just for control purposes but also to exercise the dog he thinks that having extra weight on girly is a good way to exercise her I can't argue with that concept yes the weight is a good way to exercise a dog just not around their neck while we're dealing with impulse control trying to get girly to the point where she earns this in the meantime one of the things I really wanted you to do less and part of your homework okay wait a second guys something happening here with girly that I need to keep an eye on all health bracelets again again she's really really really really obsessing over boo right now girly has boo cornered under the couch and there's girly again super intense this is why it's so important for girly to be on a harness and she has to be dragging a leash around in the house at all times we're seeing some of that same stuff that I was seeing before this is what happens me yes not wanting to get her eyes off of you boo hoo in the meantime low down on the ground tail puffed up slinking like this so this is not a game to boo stop it stop it girlie proved to everybody that if she's into something she's gonna stay into it I don't think that Terence could use his alpha tone through a megaphone and have it work where is the leash on girlie where is the catification based on what we saw last time what's it gonna take with these guys what do you guys just close the door and keep booing the other end okay awesome thanks you you
Channel: Animal Planet
Views: 518,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animal planet, animal planet us, animal planet full episodes, gator boys, crikey it's the irwins, my cat from hell, too cute, cats vs dogs, cat vs dog, cat vs dog animal planet, cat vs dog animal planet full episodes, cat vs dog animal planet episode 2, jackson galaxy, cat vs dog jackson galaxy, cat vs dog jackson and zoe, cat vs dog jackson galaxy full episode, zoe sandor, zoe sandor dog trainer, cat vs dog chain
Id: COht0AtLzLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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