I found WHAT Hoarder HID in closet! ~ Unbelievable! ~ House was used as Storage Unit for 20 years!

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there it's probably worth a lot of money it looks like there's more down here [Music] it's like some kind of right new clothes I imagine hey for work oh come on yes [Music] everybody how are we doing today Robert Zaba the auctioneer extraordinaire with second sense auctions and I'm at the hoarder house I got Chachi the paparazzi and super Shane and we're cleaning this place out making progress and it is like eating an elephant how do you eat an elephant very slowly one bite at a time only way to do it and just like that this is a giant elephant and we gotta clean it one spot at a time and we made the first floor beautiful we come up the steps finally could walk up the steps got two rooms done making our way Hales did the bathroom there he found some unbelievable treasures and now I'm back in the closet hail's one of the closet I was in the closet unbelievable stuff I can't wait to see what else we can find in here and then we got two more rooms back here plus the basement if you guys haven't subscribed yet I don't know what else to tell you subscribe it's free easiest thing to do hit the Bell get all your notifications you guys don't want to miss a thing and we're an auction company we sell stuff and ship everywhere all over the world so check out our website website www.secondsense.com appreciate every single one of you out there watching don't forget Thumbs Up watch videos we're gonna take a look at some other videos and boom we can actually walk into this walk-in closet so I just take a look at this awesome shirt dude wow now that is vintage goodness right there and that's the kind of stuff we gotta grab and keep you know this piece right here look at that so we try to keep something as close this dress right here I thought that was pretty vintage good you know so we'll go through the clothes and see what else there's all these boxes right here brand new latch rug oh a panda bear Lantra you know my pet easy to train so some kind of like little toy play thing it's like all kind of boxes up here oh man that's awesome look at that we'll have like this one right here look at that blue that's a great display piece you know so we got four cameras right there even at 10 bucks a piece that's 40 bucks you know can't go wrong look at that thing right there Shane the horses wow that's really nice no way pictures made with real gems holy smoke did they say 450 dollars wow you know what I'm saying so all right you only got a big old box first we got this that's an empty candy box [Music] and we found some crazy stuff in this closet Mickey Mouse made of wood brand new sound design AMF and razio just that's the kind of stuff you find in this house drain new stuff there's always look out for money and some kind of contact there these people had blocks one there's a point where they just left it sitting around the house all over the place look at these old Pez down there are things you don't want to miss anything after eight chocolate somehow the moist did not get into that one amazing oh look at that Shane right there at sterling silver ring a little compact here another ring here that's all you gotta look through everything so close oh yeah United States coin and I just found this box right here five Centennial metals hounds for David oh there's more down here another one of the models and as you sit on the bottom of this box underneath paper that stuff are hanging like a you know pool chains or curtains are just low to it stuff you just got to be careful what is that yes these are cards it's kind of weird looking cards for some kind of medicine the guy was a doctor oh a game of Rook some of these old card games do have value ladies and gentlemen so don't discount them that chest down here backgammon Minnie Mouse let's go Mickey and a piece of jewelry coin purse guess what Shane it's loaded this Canadian one in there American money but there's this load of A Change Is this a watch right here as a piece of a luggage once again to a well traveled little pins in there there's more money down there uh [Music] you can show that we wanted to cut that out so he said this is jewelry what is this is so much stuff in here but I Don't Want to Miss a Thing whoa wow wow wow stuff you find you know I mean it's just unbelievable there's something in this box yeah it says Marriott Hotels uh monkey around okay okay I'll talk about that we'll talk about that some kind of stuff for a cross stitching or whatever the Roger Silver Company and there they are brand new and we have a bunch of silver stuff up here tons of silver plate the fun [Music] what the heck is this oh it's like little bean bag guys like your door stopping and who knows people all right this box is heavy that's always a good sign candles some funky candles a little Chinese hand-painted fan which is another one those are nice it's a Chinese hand done Chooser very all this stuff spray when they went a trip to China I'm doing a little scroll piece this little Chinese gift bags up here look at all these little dudes definitely uh looks like they bought a bunch of stuff back to give the people and uh maybe they gave everything they wanted away these little Chinese fans in here it's a lot of tourist stuff it looks like 60s maybe 70s hot in here oh yeah working real good college it works you doubted me for a minute didn't you put a little owl box and there's another jewelry light box so they bought stuff to give to people foreign [Music] stuff man this thing's just loaded so a bunch of Chinese gifts for sure anything else on the Shelf some picture frame stuff we're doing craft stuff more needle point stuff what the heck no way look at this brand new bar for the game backwards left any straight angle right forward let's Bluff okay you want a bar frame there's some other new stuff down here brand new all that kind of stuff people like crashing Casper the Friendly Ghost napkins Presto manager stickers okay I'm getting the stuffer birthday parties and stuff kind of cool birthday party function suitcase so you got fabric some Chinese fabric it looks like Silk or maybe India so these people travel all around got left under here pull our land camera box handle boxes [Music] some crafts and stuff nothing too crazy more fabric oh what's this oh wow wow wow man whatever was in there it's probably worth a lot of money looks like there's more down here oh come on oh Parker and that's fancy fancy little wire oh right there that little love could be gold two jewelry boxes oh yeah oh it's not a jewelry box that's the file box yeah I got excited there after you find the other jewelry box any more hidden treasure down here [Music] got some bracelets right here see if they're gold or anything we got some dowels oh we got these guys some wind up little animals this box way before the main relax oh yeah man that's it might be close to brand new it's in the box with all the foam you don't know about these old tape players they could be twenty dollars it could be fifty dollar bill right there oh yeah it looks like some good stuff here the hooker one minute real Pro three minutes you need lessons more than five minutes you rank as an amateur look at this oh wow [Music] we think that is ivory it could be Ivory a little lion right there oh man there's all kind of stuff in there look at this rosary yeah this thing is jewelry all over let's see a bracelet in here some kind of little figures in here all the way down there bracelet there's pins who knows I mean what a weird to put in a basket like oh go away I got the whole moon in my hands I got the whole whole Moon you don't see the moon often you see the Earth but not the Moon so who knows we'll have to go through this with a fine-tooth comb and everything else there's one more box back here in the back candles that's what I usually Keep On A Suitcase a penny there's a penny in here too these are these last candles those four candles box let's get out of this place any last Treasures in here [Music] oh man perfume size chain and of course some change always some change everybody Johnny Walker all right so I think we found some awesome stuff in here now we gotta start heading that way hopefully find some more Treasures this house has been full all right I found a few more first I've seen this thing I think it's the panda room wow did they have in that one thing doesn't look right yes it does so now we got a panda rug and then I saw this and it looks like there's a bunch of vintage t-shirts in here all the way oh man I wish I was bigger for Jesse Kawasaki what love to play it's a Mexico shirt rowing something gains man if they can fit you Shane that'd be snazzy or this one he feels cool so definitely some cool vintage teas in this bag this is so awesome look at this Shrinky Dinks I love these when I was a kid and you would color them and stuff and you put them in the oven chain and they get smaller and they just hang them up and stuff you cut them out you got Garner field a Smurfs oh no way E.T and this thing is just loaded vintage goodness what the heck is that a beaver s I don't think there's anything in here to steal the empty box but we'll find out puppy box so wow wow wow talk about some vintage goodness who knows what else we got we can't wait to go this way all right guys look at that brand new Schwinn pump what do you think Josh yeah it's nice does that pump you up yeah oh this do I look better nice hand card wooden Mass right there joining product of Kenya Kenya a little pride looks like some kind of right new clothes I imagine hey for work oh come on yes oh man Ultron man Voltron is worth money mine so now we gotta see how far away from is he being complete that goes in there so this is yellow line you got the blue line the last one makes up his head we got two more that we need to make up his arms wow wow wow see what else we got over here spotlight oh Hulk Hogan Junkyard Dog wrestling cars we're already ready Piper oh man I think we have a little toys here brand new sticker album Secret Wars Marvel the old puffy stickers oh craziness oh man I see all the kind of toys right here there's a little koi box it looks like I got a little bit of money you just don't know honey Danielson somehow I see ah it's a champion oh man what's this oh yeah dude the bad guy from Karate Kid oh man all these toys are here look at this this whole box pull it out right now right there right there Red Lion this might be a different one to be honest with you I'll see if I go on that one wow wow wow I don't know who this is what's this guy from Chachi what's this guy for a man exactly I knew it thanks man I need to try your time see Sparks like that lights up here's one of the playing one of the Ultimate Warrior guys are I mean this volcano too but there's all kind of vintage toys in here Transformers and Uzi the real stuff that's a water gun the iron Chic Mass guys Hot Wheels [Music] so yeah he's like a walk and he's actually a Transformer slide car this thing is just loaded all right guys I'm looking for is that I need the other arm I need the other arm oh there it is so here's a green arm here's his head there's the red arm oh wait this way see this is why I go through the houses guys because I remember stupid things like this boom there's the head Red Line green line which will make our Voltron so the only thing we're missing now a sword there's a sword we're looking for and we're looking for the other Wing see this that's what we're looking for other than that he is complete and I imagine this condition probably 150 200 bill maybe more that's bull trap that's the big bigger one and he's diecast wow wow wow what else we got over here man there's just more toys more Transformers more cars stump wrestling guys did big one we had an Iron Sheik over there earlier so between those two go through this box later put it to the side for now definitely definitely worth money and then we found Voltron one of the toys could be beer another box we're gonna have more toys in here what are we gonna get oh there's toys oh yeah there's toys right there Star Wars original professional model slingshot markers that's a face there from 18. some Next Star a little picture oh there he is just the T I pity the fool a Pity fool that's Mr T that's two guys I thought there's one of these we found it in the Box earlier Alexander Stark yeah and there's Hot Wheels down here oh this is a front Crusher one that one's cool I'll put that on the side Bubblicious gum another mask for you cars cars cars Lego another man another mask guy Lego just don't know what's going on here and some of these toys could be worth big big ones you gotta be careful when you're going through look at this honestly he even joined us another mask figure and the good thing is they have their mask on that's why they call a mask they have these masks like that and just that mask alone is like ten dollars depends on the figure it could be more muscle figure I guess I like these little wrestling guys nice little packing knife right there it just keeps going Rubik's Cube [Music] Fence brand new just five bucks in spams just like that ladies there five bucks here another quarter down like that should take my glove off from it quarters quarters quarters who knows what we'll find in the next box credit the book you ever even see the movie chain yes I have I was gonna say read the book I had this when I was a kid Lego Land Castle that exact same one and the crazy thing is I have the exact same Trapper Keeper what's the chances of that oh [Music] you got the Legos but the one thing I just saw down there just dropped what's that Hazard car Hazard card I want that to reduce a hazard or not and all these wrestling figure cards Macho Man Randy said it's Jesse The Body here's oh oh man this guy got crushed it's all kind of toys down here figures who knows whoops yeah this whole bag is full of leggings here 's another wrestling belt here's one of those keys for those what's with all cars push it in there and they shoot out some another box full of fun see if we find some more toys over here snowflake create your own beautiful paper designs there you go Shane I got something to do on this weekend thank God thank God what was I gonna do this holiday weekend now he's gonna make snowflakes oh this pinata we need to hit that after we're done I mean what Nike box oh my gosh how many brand new pairs of Nikes have we found in this place these don't seem as bad but they'll probably start to fall apart another pair of airplanes this is oh no wait foreign I just don't know how good it'll last if it has enough alcohol to be good stuff put it to the side Chachi try oh come on come on come on tag team we found so many wrestling figures we probably have these so we'll keep that back for sure the box is usually worth more oh look at this Hot Wheel showcase there's a Hot Wheel thing for inside I think the Legos definitely a definite toy Central in this little corner here now the question is another wrestling thing all these wrestling what's inside the Box oh man I got some vintage clothes Lamborghini life begins at 180. that is so cool that's so cool I mean and that's true true you know what I'm thinking where's life again Shane 180. look at this machine's gonna like this it's two favorite things in the world Joe cool and the Browns fit her in my outfit easy way to lose like 100 pounds a little bit okay it says Trace show Marketplace paper all right I saw something wrong hopefully it's there we'll get just one minute brand new gifts on Bay Company fifteen dollars any frames probably something that one's from me another one from chapter yeah Shane got me what the heck is a chain thank you Samsung oh you got me a watch exactly I'm always late let's see what Chachi got me but you getting something a little better Chucky cares actually yeah he's from his heart and it's an address book oh man a little black book how did you know I lost my my wife found it I saw it's almost there watercolors look at that oh man come on come on no control it feels heavy feels heavy [Music] look at that mint looks brand new wow wow wow now that is cool it's one of these little you put the hand puppet monkeys who knows we got in here gotta looks for every bag and we found so much there's money down here as usual almost to these two rooms here and that's how it is with this place you just gotta slowly battle your way through holographic boxes need some holographic glasses what the what is this Pro Junior multi-game system eight exciting games to choose from that's kind of cool a few bucks on four Hot Wheels for the Hot Wheels there's all the Hot Wheels there I was hoping they're all gonna be in the bottom here elephant [Music] boxes Tyco super blocks brand new I love this place it's not one brand new thing after another after another toys and I love my toys chain workout now the question is there morning in here for money so many different things you got birthday cards here check check check another fan organizing box haha foreign offspring smash that's definitely cash everyone loves offspring vintage goodness so we got two girls still to go through plus the basement I mean we found money we found jewelry Advantage toys so much awesome awesome great stuff who knows what else we're gonna find don't forget you guys need to subscribe it's free check out all the other videos watch it from beginning to end you never know what we're gonna find and what you might see and you can buy the stuff www.secondsense.com you have a wonderful wonderful day thank you so much for watching we appreciate it
Channel: 2nd Cents, Inc Cleveland Auction House
Views: 16,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hoarder HID THIS in the closet! ~ Unbelievable FINDS! ~ House was used as Storage Unit for 20 years!, 2nd Cents Auctions, how to make money buying and selling with, @what the Hales, @treasure hunting with Jebus, @curiosity inc, @locker nuts, Part 17, greatest Hoarder House EVER, best hoarder house honey hole finds ever, 1980's 1990's, voltron toys, star wars
Id: C7x-otQYOBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 24sec (2304 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2022
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