Overwatch ALL HEROES ORIGIN STORY (2014-2020)

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Tracer: Overwatch was looking for a hotshot pilot to test their next-generation teleporting fighter - the Slipstream. Enter Lena Oxton, callsign - Tracer. *laugh* That's me. It's a sort of opportunity I've dreamed of my whole life. But on my first flight, the teleportation matrix malfunctioned and I disappeared. I was missing for months. And no one knew where or when I gone. By the time Overwatch found me, I was little more than a ghost. The doctors called my condition - chrono disassociation. I faded in and out of existence, disappearing for hours and days at a time. And even when I was there, I couldn't touch anything but my friend Winston would not give up. He kept at it day and night until he invented the chronal harness that keeps me anchored to the present. I was myself again. Even better, it turned my condition into something great. I have control of my own time and I could speed it up and slow it down at will. My career as a pilot was over, but my life as an Overwatch agent had begun *alarm* Sounds like someone needs me, but don't worry when I plan it your time for stories later *laugh* Cheers! News reporter: Tonight, on a "Moment in crime" There's free of mayhem and chaos has caused untold millions and property damage around the world. But who are these two deranged Junkers? And what inspired their orgy of destruction? Is this the work of master criminals? Or just a couple of idiots? It was Junkrat who masterminded this string of attacks that has stretched from the Australian outback to King's Row and beyond. Now this explosives obsessed freak as his sights set on even greater acts of destruction. His co-conspirator, Roadhog, is a remorseless killer who hides his face behind a mask. This giant of a man is more than happy to use violence to resolve any situation. Together they have burned, bombed, robbed and killed their way across the world. They're calamitous crime spree shows no sign of slowing down. Following their personal creed of no job too big, no score too small, it seems as though there is no end in sight to this senseless rampage. Unless we get your help. If you have any information as to the whereabouts of these two extremely dangerous criminals, You need to contact us right away. Remember, crime doesn't pay, but we do! Soldier 76: My name is Jack Morrison. People used to call me a hero. I led Overwatch for 20 years. We ended the Omnic crisis and paved the way to a better future. Those were the good old days. They didn't last... Bad guys popped up all over the world. Lots of folks said we failed to keep the world safe. Protests broke out. They said that we were the problem and people called from my head. They almost got their wish. It was a conspiracy, Overwatch got hit from inside and out. Our enemies blew up our headquarters... and me with it. They thought I tied. Part of me did, but the war goes on Now, I move in secret. Striking from the shadows, hunting all those that brought Overwatch down. Call me a vigilante if you want. Truth is, I'm just a soldier... Ana: My dearest Fareeha Every mother hopes for a better life for her daughter. I was willing to fight and die for it. I taught you that there is nothing more important than protecting the ones you love. You grew up surrounded by heroes. They filled your head with stories of adventure and dreams of glory. In one day you wanted to join them. But it was not the life I wanted for you I never told you of the weight I carry from all those I killed to keep everyone safe. But I always did what was asked of me. Until one day, I could not take the life I needed to. I hesitated and everything changed... The people who I was supposed to protect died and I was left behind gravely wounded The world believed that I was dead. I thought perhaps that was for the best I've lost so much in my life I said goodbye to so many friends. I've buried the ones closest to me but for all that I have lost I know that there are state people who need to be protected. So I cannot stop fighting, not yet. Not while there are people still waiting for me. One day I hope you understand. Your mother, Ana... Sombra: Who is Sombra? To the system, she's nobody. She doesn't exist. No one remembers the girl. There were a thousand children like her after the war. But none of them could hack like she could and she learned that people were just as easily manipulated. Now she understood how the world worked. Information is power so she kept hacking: politicians, corporations, governments. It was an addiction. But for the first time someone noticed her. When your hardware's obsolete, it's time to upgrade. The girl was gone and Sombra was born. Now I'm ready I'll find out who really runs the world. I'll find their weaknesses and how to exploit them. And when I do, I'll be the one pulling the strings. Who is Sombra? You'll never know! Adiós Efi: The world is a scary place. Even here, in Numbani, we needed something to protect us. OR15 defence bots. They took the old Edina model from the crisis and gave them a complete makeover. They kept us safe... for a while. I was at the airport when Doomfist attacked. Robots didn't stand a chance. Everyone else gave up on you, but I saw what you could be. So, I rebuilt you. Upgraded your programming and gave you a heart. Orisa: New personality was installed. System rebooting. OR15 online Efi: *laugh* No, that's not good. Every great hero needs a real name. What about... Orisa? I made you to be strong and brave. You still have a lot to learn and you'll probably mess up sometimes. But I know, you'll become the hero we need Orisa: My name is Orisa. I will keep you safe. That is my primary function. Doomfist: Humanity is always being tested. Conflict and war is the crucible through which we evolve. Tracer: Wow Doomfist: Every battle.. makes us stronger. Those who fall will be forgotten, those who rise up... their names will be remembered forever Moira: We stand on the brink of a breakthrough in human evolution. I have dedicated my life to unraveling its secrets. I take risks that others would consider to be unwise for I do not share their caution. Overwatch held back the pace of scientific discovery for decades. They believed my methods were too radical, too controversial. They tried to silence me... But there were others in the shadows, searching for ways to circumvent their rules. Freed from my shackles, the pace of our research hastened. Together we delved deeper into those areas forbidden by law, by morality and by fear. New patrons emerged, who possessed an appetite for my discoveries. And with this knowledge, what new world could we build? Brigitte: In stories the heroes get the honor and glory. But their gleaming armor, their mighty weapons, the people who built them were heroes in their own right and I thought I was gonna follow in their footsteps. But a hammer and tools can't fix every problem. There are some things that can never be repaired. It's not enough to wait until the battle is over to fix their armor and bandage their wounds. If you can fight at their siding you can try to keep the blows from falling and maybe even protect them from themselves. I am Brigitte Lingholm and I will be their shield Harold Winston: Journal entry 1963-4 Harold Winston. Status update on specimen 8. By now we're all used to our super intelligent gorillas on the colony. But the hamster, we've named him Hammond, continues to be one of our biggest surprises. Even though he's grown from the genetic modification, we have more trouble keeping track of him than any of the other animals. Somehow he managed to get out his cage again. It took us days to find him. I can't help but wonder what it is he's looking for when he gets out there? He's shown impressive problem-solving skills and adaptability to new situations. And then he's overcome all the challenges that have been placed in front of him. I, for one, can't wait to see what trouble the little guy gets up to next Ashe: Everybody needs a family. Because... it's not fair, facing the world alone. I don't care how tough you think you are. They should always be there for support. No matter what In the best of times they will arm you with the tools to succeed. And in the worst of times they will understand when things don't really go the way you planned. Now some people are lucky enough to be born into the perfect family. Others... *laugh* well, they go out and make one on their own. And once you've done that, anything is possible if everyone pulls their own weight So, if you want to be part of my family. I do have one little rule - it's my way or... huh Who am I kidding? It's my way! Baptiste: Joy says what do you know about choices? 30 million orphaned children... I was one of them. The omnic war robbed us of our choices. To survive, we did what you had to do - steal or starve, kill or be killed. You have to our friends and hurt anyone who got in your way. If your hunger to rise above your circumstances, then, when someone offered you a hand up... even the devil. You took it. It wasn't complicated At least that was the lie I told myself. The truth is I have choices and I made them. But when you think you're a big man, it's hard to admit that you are not a brave. Even harder, when you understand that making a living is not enough. You must make a difference I am going to fight for a better world. For some, that means a bandage, for others - a bullet. Today, I give you the choice Gravity. Gravity is a harness my entire career has been devoted to this idea, to this moment, decades. If the unifying theories are correct, we will soon be able to harness the power of a black hole. Nothing will ever be the same *screams* This is wrong This feeling *screams* What happened? Why am I being imprisoned? Realize me! What is that melody? *screams* Hold... hold it together Dencity... momentum It's too much to hold on to I will bring you a new understanding of the VIOLENCE *alarm* *gunshots* THE UNIVERSE IS SINGING TO ME *screams* WHAT IS THAT MELODY? Freedom... imprisoned... It's all an illusion Gravity is a harvest I have harnessed the harness Dr. Liao: So... this is it. Did... did I make the world a better place? They had every reason to doubt me. Jack Morrison: You should join us Dr. Liao: But I helped create the omnics Jack Morrison: And who better to help us fight... Dr. Liao: And only Overwatch believed. You are my life's work. You will be everything I dreamed. All I wanted, all I needed was to help Echo: the world And so, she created me - her legacy, her promise Her Echo Thanks for watching! Please consider subscribe to support the channel. Your support means the world for me! <3
Channel: ARSHER
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Keywords: Overwatch echo, overwatch all heroes, overwatch all origin, overwatch all heroes origin stories, overwatch full movie, overwatch sombra origin, overwatch 2 heroes, overwatch sigma origin, overwatch tracer origin, overwatch soldier 76 origin, overwatch doomfist origin, overwatch moira origin, overwatch trailer, overwatch 2 trailer, overwatch new hero, overwatch tracer origin story, overwatch movie, overwatch animated shorts, overwatch cinematic
Id: rEL2avWp2Uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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