OVERWATCH Full Movie (2021) 4K Ultra HD

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[Music] wisdom what's on your mind may do do we have this mission as long as we stick together we'll be fine if you go into Shaw now would be a good time attention this is your captain speaking we are on final approach to Paris that's not you you may now know all your electronic devices where there is mostly cloudy with a hundred percent chances null sector invasion [Music] Winston clear is a spot to land we'll be right behind you why small sector attacking now I don't know the people down there need help right now we're always got [Music] oh sure officer we're here to help CPR Sascha [Applause] - the [ __ ] you got it [Music] [Applause] take cover she needs help we can't stay here tracer get everyone out of here I'll hope for mine but you said to stick together don't worry I'll be right behind you you better be [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's get you back in the fight [Music] how are we going to stop your backpack Hey - God ready [Music] [Music] victory is ours my friends hi Lena Brigitta oh my gosh you've grown Oh everyone this is me hi everyone I still meet you Monsieur does this mean overwatch is back yes yes me [Music] [Music] [Music] target in sight captain we've waited a long time for maximilian to show his face it's now or never no pressure then [Music] we're going to have guests [Music] this will get a lot harder if you reaches the safehouse then let's make sure you've done it young Winston or energy remember we need maximilian alive they're only good lead on talent [Applause] [Music] he's gone I worried he won't get far on foot don't get cocky that storm is getting close and Maximilian is as resourceful as they get I trust you just try not to blow up anything else no promises [Music] go in somewhere max is this really necessary surely we can make some kind of deal you are in no position to negotiate you're coming with us we know all about you and your associates oh I have many associates perhaps it's not clear what I have to offer my resources are quite substantial let me ask what might you be in the market for an introduction ah and who is it you would like to meet my friend the world doesn't understand visionaries like us I respect what you are trying to accomplish you fight for your kind it's Noble and doomed fail but with talents help that can change you have my attention [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we got trouble [Music] [Music] [Applause] Jesse McRae been a while you promised you'd write well ash I've been kind of busy we're pretty busy ourselves so it's awful convenient you showing up today yeah you never been one to shy away from a good tip hey we worked hard for this score you best move on now all I want is that crate everything else is yours this crate Bob well well now you got my attention what is it that's none of your business well as I see it now it's very much our business doesn't always have to be this way ash apparently it does [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] looks like Bob got himself some upgrades all right ash here it comes [Music] cream sorry about that Bob no hard feelings great hey come on Tammy Makris [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey there cowboy welcome back partner [Music] hmm how long have I been gone or too long what happened well that's a story for another time but I got a call I'm getting the band back together they want me but really they need you Jesse wait what are you going to do I've got some business to attend to [Music] hey hi to the monkey for me monkey scientists whatever [Music] funny they say there's no honor among thieves but that's not how things work around here if you cross me or if you break your word there'll be hell to pay you can count on it [Music] let's plate up this [Music] down [Music] [Music] in the shots do something [Music] welcome to another episode of shooting star today we set our sights on pooza home of the eSports champion turned ace pilot diva I think to win at just 19 she's become a national hero only last week she risked her life but yet defending the city from the key she Nam NYX she and the mecha squad took a few hits but they pulled off another victory now celebrating with some hard-earned glitz and glamour hey Hana shouldn't you be signing autographs or something I wonder what glitz and glamour tastes like hey why are we on leave with the rest of the squad I could use a little glitz and glamour in my life you know it's overrated pay on this this is where the magic happens it's like how we used to stay up late and work on your hover bike you mean the one you wrecked really you're still mad about that we won the race yeah and you almost killed yourself you beat the Kishin they won't be back for months you need a break I I can't Hana we barely won last time the enemy is out there adapting and getting stronger the rest of the squad the country they're all counting on me if I make a mistake in the Kishin get through us we lose everything I need to finish the test stop putting it all on yourself it's okay to ask for help I've got this really command says when declare but hey what do that can't be right it was too soon thank me [Applause] get to cover and wait for reinforcements like what a [ __ ] [Music] I can stop this thing hey Yun I I need your help really okay okay maybe I'm just getting unstable so you can't stay too long the whole thing's crazy if we don't do this okay buy me some time [Music] you reactive going critical [Music] is still in shock after the recent surprise attack incredibly thanks to Deva no one was injured she stopped the kitchen single-handedly and authorities confirm she emerged without a scratch she's currently enjoying some time off to celebrate oh this time off is great isn't it it's nothing like there's delicious food and drinks hmm and good friends the kind that are always there for you when you meet the most and seeing as I helped save the city how about getting me on the VIP list for one of those fancy restaurants you always go to you know I think you've been one too many holidays [Music] journal entry 196 3-4 harold winston status update on specimen 18 by now we're all used to our super intelligent gorillas on the colony but the hamster we've named him hammond continues to be one of our biggest surprises even though he's grown from the genetic modification we have more trouble keeping track of him than any of the other animals somehow he managed to get out of his cage again it took us days to find him i can't help but wonder what it is he's looking for when he gets out there he's shown impressive problem-solving skills and adaptability to new situations and he's overcome all the challenges that have been placed in front of him I for one can't wait to see what trouble the little guy gets up to next the system offline navigational matrix initialized [Music] we stand on the brink of a breakthrough in human evolution I have dedicated my life to unraveling its secrets I take risks that others would consider to be unwise for I do not share their caution overwatch held back the pace of scientific discovery for decades they believed my methods were too radical too controversial they tried to silence me but there were others in the shadows searching for ways to circumvent their rules freed from my shackles the pace of our research hastened together we delved deeper into those areas forbidden by law by morality and by fear new patrons emerged two possessed an appetite for my discoveries and with this knowledge what new world could we build [Music] [Music] Winston's message wasn't meant for you this isn't your fight Papa told me after so many years of service you gave overwatch everything and then they pushed you out so that's it you're leaving us I have been cold I must answer it is a great honour to disappear into some secret organization give up the glory of being a crusader the Crusaders are immortal defenders of Germany people will be singing songs about our legacy our legacies are our deeds as this war is bigger than all of us top watch the Easter coming all right people they're playing our song stick with your dance partners let's crush those rust buckets here's your walking stick oh man leave with honor time is glory I love the wind in my hair get back and protect your team understand that is mine damn it why not [Music] Reinhardt I had this obviously circling top let's go that door would hold get back to the unit off and let you have all the glory we will fight our way back together oh I'm staying here but without you planet you took an oath to be a crusader now keep it I I won't leave you the team needs you be their shield Reinhardt live with honor [Music] die fist glory old friend [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I have been called I must answer always we're still in the middle of this massive ice storm it's crazy we missed our resupply window and we're low on rations so captain al Parra is having the team hibernate come on a cryo chamber time already an hour ago be right there I'm leaving the sensors on so when we wake up I'll have a whole new dataset to examine sorry [Music] [Music] get off snowball [Music] now let's see what our new letter said look black the atmospheric fluctuations above the anomaly have gotten it's much worse than we predicted we have to get this to headquarters where is all the data coming from snow bar how long have we all been asleep what no over words would have come for us down nobody even knows we're here wait a minute where is everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] my years worth of data I could save millions of life [Music] I'll take her work to the world to my friends I mean I will try the dishes broken how do I get this data out [Music] I can't do this alone I wish you guys were here Thank You snow war at least I still have you let's see if we can make the batteries last a little longer wait this this is broadcasting on the overwatch emergency frequency maybe someone knows we're here [Music] come on snowball we're not on ice yet oh no come on come on come on come on [Music] that was the last battery wasn't it I can't believe I forgot about the batteries without power [Music] [Music] what [Music] thank you my friend [Music] [Music] Wow someone has to do something we have to do something we can make a difference again the world needs us now more than ever are you with me yes wiesen I am with you [Music] [Music] [Music] scheisse noble where are no way [Music] stealing the Queen's cash whatever it was you really take off the Big Boss this time well there's two things that solve every problem gotta get money gotta get bumped there to get hot [Music] the look on the Queen's [Music] glorious bling [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] humanity is always being tested conflict and war is the crucible through which we evolve [Music] [Music] every battle makes us stronger [Music] those who fall will be forgotten those who rise up their names will be remembered forever I thought this was supposed to be the most advanced security system on the planet of course are you certain the target is on site oh she's here all right okay I cannot wait until the inspection is over the door I'm in position summer time to target income right now chairman boys care they new guidance systems there will be the difference in destroying the Haiti Dominic's tell me we're still on schedule the omnium will not wait for us to be ready before they attack again our first new mix in a decade this will ensure the future of Russia [Music] oh we don't make her hold the perimeter we don't take over Sombra I'm cut off it's on you now I'm all over it Oh [Music] [Music] you have no idea what it took for me to make this meeting happen haha day I'm not going to give you I mean I'm the one that said of the alarm do you have the target okay listen I'm here to make a friend and show you something I found tell me what would happen if the people of Russia learned that their defender against the omnec was actually getting her text from the enemy what would that do to the future of Russia what do you want the most powerful woman in Russia I've always wanted a friend like that so I'm thinking I don't let these images appear on every Hall of it in the world and you help out your new friend every now and then what do you say clock's ticking Amiga as if I had the choice now what friend I'll be in touch [Music] mission failed target escaped packed ship [Music] [Music] [Music] do you know why you are here hmm I believe I do who is Sombra to the system she's nobody she doesn't exist no one remembers the girl there were a thousand children like her after the war but none of them could have like she could and she learned that people were just as easily manipulated now she understood how the world worked information is power so she kept hacking politicians corporations governments it was an addiction but for the first time someone noticed her when your hardware's obsolete it's time to upgrade the girl was gone and Sombra was born now I'm ready I'll find out who really runs the world I'll find their weaknesses and how to exploit them and when I do I'll be the one pulling the strings who is Sombra you'll never know Santos conflict as the world teetered on the brink of anarchy a new hope arose an elite international task force charged with ending the war and restoring Liberty to all nations overwatch soldiers scientists adventurers oddities guardians who secured global peace for a generation under its steadfast protection the world recovered and today though its watch is ended its soaring ideals of freedom and equality will never be forgotten that was so cool in that one battle they had sound weak remember he has no tracer yeah tracer she's like she's low the Cavalry's here [Music] [Music] [Music] stupid gauntlet oh man they said he could level the skyscraper and remember he was all fighting and Winston beat him and it was like primal that's only in the Hall of ID's everybody knows overwatch got shut down half of them are just mercenaries now enjoying these images all right playtime's over get the cover come on Ruby there you are I relapse cavalry there come on big guy get up [Music] stay here [Music] watch out Hey [Applause] [Music] you know the world could always use more heroes [Music] yeah that was awesome [Music] you my name is Jack Morrison people used to call me a hero I led overwatch for 20 years we ended the Omni crisis and pave the way to a better future those were the good old days they didn't last bad guys popped up all over the world lots of folks said we failed to keep the world safe protests broke out they said that we were the problem and people called from my head they almost got their wish it was a conspiracy overwatch got hit from inside and out our enemies blew up our headquarters and me with it they thought I tied part of me did but the war goes on now I move in secret striking from the shadows hunting all those that brought overwatch down call me a vigilante if you want truth is I'm just a soldier [Music] tonight on a moment in craft there's free of mayhem and chaos has caused untold millions and property damage around the world but who are these two deranged Junkers and what inspired their orgy of destruction is this the work of master criminal or just a couple of idiots it was junk rat who masterminded this string of attacks that has stretched from the Australian outback to King's row and beyond now this explosives obsessed freak as his sights set on even greater acts of destruction his co-conspirator road hog is a remorseless killer who hides his face behind a mask this giant of a man is more than happy to use pilots to resolve any situation together they have burned bombed robbed and killed their way across the world and their calamitous crime spree shows no sign of slowing down following their personal creed of no job too big no score too small it seems as though there is no end in sight to this senseless rampage unless we get your if you have any information as to the whereabouts of these two extremely dangerous criminals you need to contact us right away remember crime doesn't pay but we do we are hope the are honor we are courage we are justice we are compassion we are determination be a hominid we are overwatch you [Music] she'll generate the test ready to pursue [Music] [Applause] [Music] now now no need for that Winston your heart rate I told you to stop monitoring my vitals feet up very well it has been 43 days 7 hours and 29 seconds since your last cardio workout remember a healthy body healthy mind that's why I have this [Applause] [Music] every time you see news of this Sun we go through this I remind you recalling overwatch agents to active duty comes with great risks the petrous fact clearly states any overwatch activity is deemed illegal and punishable by prosecutor I know you're right that's the way the world is but I do miss the old days I think you have something that belongs to me hand them over oh it's okay you're not in trouble oh I'll trade you there you go buddy there's not much to see from in here kiddo but you know there's more out there don't you come on it's time I showed you something I'm detecting intruders Charlotte Athena q4 mites [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the Jersey protocols failing winces Rickman is extracting the overwatch agents bickerman [Music] [Music] [Music] you took these because you wanted to see if there was more out there well see for yourself always remember never accept the world as it appears to be dare to see it for what it could be Winston he's going to have all agents locations be sure to send them your regards monkey a not a monkey I'm a scientist [Music] extraction 90% lately 98 Oh virus quarantined I'm running Diagnostics on the chordates restoring systems never accept the world as it appears to be dare to see it for what it could be [Music] establishing agent connections [Music] Winston [Music] [Music] when I was a girl I had a fear of spiders I was told they felt no emotion that their hearts never beat but I know the truth [Music] human-machine we are all one within the iris the holy I see the future humans and only standing together unite nationals [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is a secure Channel now identify yourself immediately all rooftop teams check and clear pelo is leaving I repeat halo is leaving sir there's been a breach we need to leave now chariot this is Timur halo is coming in hot ok huh [Music] such a sweet foolish girl [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] looks like the party is over [Music] why would you do this [Laughter] [Music] when I was a girl I had a fear of spiders I was told they felt no emotion that their hearts never beat but I know the truth at the moment of the kill they are never more alive [Music] rashon I made a chronal accelerator I'm sure I can do this to all agents aloof to all agents of overwatch that's not right true the former agents of overwatch this is Winston pop obviously booth thirty years ago the objects declared Wolverton the nations of the world had no answer until they called upon a small group of heroes overwatch was created to rescue humanity from the object crisis we became the greatest champions of peace and progress mankind has ever seen you were chosen because LED powers and abilities that made you you joined because you you already know this look and the people decided they were better off without us they even called us criminals they tore our family apart [Music] put it away someone has to do something we have to do something we can make a difference again the world needs us now more than ever are you with me [Music] [Music] [Music] my family tells of an ancient legend about two great dragon brothers the dragon of the north wind and the dragon on the south wing together they upheld balance and harmony in the heavens [Music] but the two brothers argued over who could better woo their land the quarrel turned a rage in the violent struggle darkened skies until the dragon of the south winds struck down his brother who fell to earth shattering the land the dragon of the Southwind had tried but his time passed and he realized his solitude the sweetness of victory turned to ash [Music] for years the bereft dragons grief through the world into discord and he knew only bitterness and sorrow one day a stranger called up to the dragon and asked o dragon lord why are you so distraught the dragon told him seeking power I killed my brother but without him I am lost a stranger replied you have inflicted wounds upon yourself but now you must heal walk the earth on two feet as I do find value in humility then you will find peace [Music] you are not the first assassin sent to kill me and you will not be the last you are ball to come to Samara castle the den of your enemies this was once my home did your masters not tell you who I want you I know who you are though I know you come here every year on the same day [Music] you risk so much to honor someone you murdered no no just think of what happened I know you tell yourself that your brother disobeyed the class and that you have to kill him to maintain order that it was your duty it was my duty and my verdict that does not mean I do not honor him [Music] you think you are a your brother Genji with incest offerings honor resizing one's actions bill did to lecture me about ona you are not worthy Tuesday night you go walk out the crowd only llamada can control the dragons who are you do it then kill me no I will not grant you the death you wish for you still have a purpose in this life brother no my brother is dead [Music] kenchi the dragon knelt on the ground for the first time he was able to clearly see the world around him and he became human the stranger revealed himself as his fallen brother reunited the two set out to rebuild what they had once destroyed what have you become I have accepted what I am and I have forgiven you now you must forgive yourself the world is changing once again hands up and it's time to pick a side real life is not like the stories our father told us you're a fool for believing it so perhaps I am a fool to think there is still hope for you but I do think on that brother [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] I'm not a baby anymore mama stop treating me like one listen to me mija get the flower and get back quickly no stop spine I worry about Alejandra every day the longer a child who nowhere near grown up she is at a crossroads hey tell her about the heroes who saved our world time and time again because I want to give her hope but I'm afraid that she could be forced to make a choice that will decide the direction of her life no no we're no winners right come here you gotta see this oh look at this thing even more he deserves I don't know I gotta go do it it's just a bucket of bolts I have to go to the store before it closes or my mama's gonna kill me [Music] [Music] [Applause] yo go check that out hey come on get up you see anything who's there get up get up come on in fight [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you don't get off that easy [Music] [Music] you you saved me why old habits die hard I guess run home get it ain't safe out here [Music] you're one of those heroes aren't you not anymore [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and then there are the times when I see her smile and they hope in her eyes and I think maybe I don't need to worry about the land after all [Music] you [Music] my dearest fairy huh every mother hopes for a better life for her daughter I was willing to fight and die for it I taught you that there is nothing more important than protecting the ones who love you crew were surrounded by heroes they filled your head with stories of adventure and dreams of glory in one day you wanted to join them but it was not the life I wanted for you I never told you of the weight I carry from all those I killed to keep everyone safe but I always did what was asked of me until one day I could not take the life I needed to I hesitated and everything changed the people who I was supposed to protect died and I was left behind gravely wounded the world believed that I was dead I thought perhaps that was for the best I've lost so much in my life I said goodbye to so many friends I've buried the ones closest to me but for all that I have lost I know that there are still people who need to be protected so I cannot stop fighting not yet not while there are people still waiting for me one day I hope you understand your mother Anna [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] bluh [Music]
Channel: GameCin
Views: 7,499,697
Rating: 4.8391461 out of 5
Keywords: Overwatch Animated Short, overwatch movie, Overwatch, Animated Short, Full, Movie, Cinematics, 2016, Overwatch All Animated Short, Overwatch Animated Short Movie, overwatch cinematic, overwatch dragons, overwatch ana, overwatch reunion, overwatch mccree, overwatch mccree animated short
Id: 84MxURph2RE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 15sec (6675 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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