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all right why why are we here what do you want listen I have an important announcement but before we do that everyone needs to come to the White House okay the White House the grout the grass off the grid I am the president to the presidential office okay go in there without you know I have to take some samples of some foots now sit on the skin you what are you doing up on nico make a tree oh my god piffle you realize that not all nurses are female right you can you can be a mint water tank locked me hey Tony's taking our blood not again not again I will uppercut him I will oh forget him do you see that red thing right there that is our DNA he will use that on puppet and control us I believe in aliens - idiot ah crap everybody to the White House before you're not allowed you it is no ex-president it's allowed in the White House thank you by the way first of all I got a quick announcement guys as the president of crazy craft uh-huh you all that are watching this video starts a presidential music president for at least a week now to the people for the people by the people as the President of the United crazy craft of the world I would like to say ones very specific thing and that one's very specific thing that I would like to tell the people is generous I go ahead for a very important reason in the last episode we did your race for the Big Bertha we have the second place these first things got to copyright an item of their choice second place was gonna get to get something we didn't decide what so I'm here today to claim my second place privilege did he just join the vice president what's your answer in vice president I was third place could I be vice president vice president can I be my vice vice vice president yeah you know what the president the vice president have to deliver later deliver laters about this how let's deliver later literally I I object to their claims to the Vice by fire fire fire Vice Presidency they do not get it what do you think maybe Henry could be by slice by slice by slice by slice by slice vice president yeah so to the guy with the weird looking Joe alright since now that I have a vice-president I now have a parrot you have to repeat everything after me yeah repeat everything after him i tught when I pee I'm so sick of everyone on the server I got things to do this video I'm out of here when you give us a princess stop it I don't see anything it's invisible thing is huge what if I start riding it maybe you can ride the king that is so creepy hi boys so what I'm doing this video you guys remember last episode we got the Big Bertha I want to do some damage testing with this on Stanley opposed to my catarrh what serious one does more damage right cuz this thing that give very Big Bertha look at that plus 500 attack damage after that I want to go to a different dimension I believe I can get even better armor and maybe a better sword than plus 500 attack damage that will test that damage as well I don't know we'll find out first I need to go find Stanley I need to find schedules I need to get Stanley oh and also real quick dude turn your phone like this right and then his head subscribe button to join the team Thank You of you Sergey mr. vice president hello and I we can't be peached we can try to steal us he's trying to steal us oh okay okay why I've gathered you today in your ugly house that I'm gonna have chains vice president you can't just change my I am the pitcher I don't know what that means I need Stanley please okay I can give you this is that a priceless chunk of coal that does something I'm not aware of yeah if you touch it it'll make your foot black yep gross okay listen I don't know mr. president if you're aware but we use real crazy craft dollars on their servers okay well what do you want what do you want for that what do you want for Stanley five hundred dollars okay all right 600 I gotta go to my bank you are so expensive and I gave you all the pedestals for 350 I thought we were friends you sued me for $5,000 also you haven't paid me for the bank in months I gotta go gotta go gotta go guys I'm signaling say hello does everybody here okay okay I got $500 got $500 where are you putting a Stanley because you're paying for the black the uber black service okay I will deliver Stanley to wear homeboy okay I'm here I'm here here take it take it take it there you go [Music] okay put him in this corner right here and let me love it all right hi Stanley I'm gonna beat the crap out of you don't worry about what I did your your your services are rendered thank you thank you thank you okay all right so here we go you guys remember as Deadpool whenever I hit Stanley 200 didn't I do more damage than 200 wasn't it like 600 400 okay yeah there we go yeah so 400 damage as Deadpool with the catarrh now let me test mm should I test big bird let me tell okay let's test the guitar as the Hulk what's it like 5,000 mm dad mm our boys now I'm gonna test the Big Bertha as Deadpool like I said I think if I complete what I need to do today I can get an even better sword than bigger than Big Bertha right here we go Deadpool back pool with the Big Bertha go [Music] 5,000 damaged Hulk with the red guitar did mm it's a used to do 5000 Hulk got weak apparently I let's try the Hulk with the Big Bertha holy crap this is gonna be insane hi bear Stanley I'm sorry here we go that's a twenty seven thousand Russell slow that down show boys Big Bertha as the Hulk does so much damage and the upgraded sword that I'm gonna get hopefully I don't know if we will but we will get upgraded armor hopefully so what I need to do I need to find an aunt aunt Susie where are you aunt aunt Susie you make me some cookies make me some milk what am I saying let me get an aunt hopefully this works if this works we are gonna break this game I can't believe I did that what's damaged in one hit that's insane okay hold on then put my money up real quick just in case I die you know let's also grab some juggernaut pets oh gosh because where I'm going these things hit like trucks all right here we go hi cutie what you crapping myself hi cutie yes here we go I think this is the yeah this is the unstable anti matches called the danger dimension boys what I'm look ah there's nightmares I crapped what are you oh gosh why do you look like that what is wrong with you all right so what I'm looking for in this dimension right there are Gattis towers you see how that tower there it has four layers right four like obsidian our bed rock layers want to do four right there I need one of those with six I think six or seven and that is the final boss the thingy I need the final boss one so I can find that upgraded armor and maybe the upgraded sword I don't know and then like I said after we phone is that it one two three four five yes I think that's it like I said these yeah look at this whenever you get near these things these little worms pop up yeah look at oh don't you touch me what's wrong with you why do you look like that yeah get out we one shot these things boy so how this modpack they're supposed to be play you're not supposed to be able to fly right in our spawn mod so if you wanted to fight this thing you would have to go all the way around to this side right that's so you don't go in there and cheat the system those little worms pop up and kill you so you have to go this way and then you got to work all the way up get up to the top and then drop down and get to the bottom the good loot is in the bottom right there let's do this let's go this way yeah just gotta keep going please don't kill me nobody Kelly look at all the spotters look at all haha okay oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap no I crap and once we once we get in there there's a ton of different but shallow slam sumo slam the guitar is insane the guitar is actually insane um chat I don't know I don't know if I can actually die come on come on come on it's fun spawn out one spot out spawn out of here boy show me your foot dead all dead oh my god guys we are breaking the server oh yeah I love here these are a ton of Mothra's yell out get out all dead oh my gosh look at all the butterflies the qatar breaks the server i got over at low these are all odd nightmares hell out keep in mind all of these bosses that i'm one-shotting if i was playing this modpack not cheating with the red qatar and not being able to fly all of these bosses are so difficult to kill but i'm able to one-shot it because we ope this is crazy okay we can go down here what's down here Oh more worms oh these worms are bad they actually take your armor oh did you like your torque he took my guitar my helmet oh no oh no oh no please don't please don't please don't please oh please oh please stop it oh they took my armor that could have been real bad oh gosh that could have been so bad yeah and now in here and all these yeah look at this we got miners dreams which I don't really need I can use this for EMC but I really need it you're not laying yet and ruled the armor all EMC thank you for nothing price this is all yeah all emerald stuff right for this first layer now the second layer hold on let's do anyway how do I get rid of all this right-click we're good why we cheat we are they're just cheap so we're digging this out trying to find in one of the corners one of these ad thingies what's in this next level ah okay we're good Oh t-rex is working hey yeah look at this imagine if I couldn't fly I would have to fight all of these and then build my way up to break the spawners this dungeons cheating but look at this hi-yah [Music] we are so broken alright nothing good on this level anything oh yeah well just go down here go down here here we go Basilisk Basilisk hello hello baskets makes you go really slow I can't move I legitimately cannot move I cannot fly I cannot move hey get out of here get out of here I will kill all y'all I'll kill ya yaa do you learn this see I do not fly any more crap why can I not fly there we go stop it stop it basileus you making me mad hey Unni learn to see art we are so Opie hi what's it miss lair uh amethyst squid Zuka am i shooting squids so cool I'm gonna keep that for later oh that's even got an EMC value nice we got that for our crap ah crap why can't I see I nothing good on this level let's go down yeah right here eh okay how many years want to my juggernaut pets I'm kind of scared now we're invulnerable what's down here I already killed everything what is down here what is this said of junk know that oh that's a Hercules beetle are they gonna spawn you want a spawn I already killed them oh hi what you guys thinking about your day I wait hold on are you guys even trying to hit me gosh we are just so ridiculously o P Oh rubies can you make out of rubies anything good oh is that a thunder staff oh I want a thunder staff oh I got a thunder stet what is this what is this what is this what is this experienced catcher was that dude can you catch something let me catch an experienced oh you turn the experience and the stuff oh that's cool now what's this thunder staff dude oh that's pretty cool let's go down to the next jumpy bucks Joey bags gap get out jump me bags get out you good I did nothing that literally did nothing all right well let's go ahead and destroy these there we go thank you for doing business and you all got to die now y'all gonna be de odd and de odd we're just so low feet what's in here Oh eggs now I think we're getting down to the final level I think what are these hammerhead why does he yeah why does he yell like that give it break it there we go broke all that listen to me yell they sound like a whale you guys are cute hey you got a dino oh gosh that was violent sounding okay well do I get the stuff now let's see that's the sword boys that means armor ooh the prints already got like 50,000 of those don't want that what is in here boys this is the armor this is called the Royal Guardian armor look at this protection ten fire protection ten boys listen is it over here yes look at this sword Big Bertha does 500 attack damage this is called the Royal Guardian sword 750 attack damage okay the Big Bertha look how puny and skinny it is and now look at the real Guardian sword look at it I want to see how much damage this thing does on Stanley hey said gee oh gosh everybody's here may or may not have a new sword crap wrong wrong wrong button boys throw out a Stanley Stanley Stanley Stanley Thursday so as you guys know my right guitar does about two thousand damage with a hit as the halkan check this out wet throat with this sword look at this [Music] 41,000 damage so if you guys tell me your mouse over your swords right how much damage does it say plus on it five hundred five hundred forty six mine does plus 750 okay so now what I want to do now we're gonna do I also check this out saying I'm no longer the Hulk no longer the Hulk the bat Hulk oh no look at me I got the Royal Guardian armor which is the strongest armor in the game I'm thinking what I want to do what I want to do as you guys know whenever I take a lethal damage for some reason I get sent to my TARDIS right yeah haha so I said you I want you to beat the crap out of me let's see if I can take it okay well that's good because I am now ro and I see and I would like to test that too so that makes actually did you just have a stroke what is an aura when I shooting me in the throat laser eyes crabby shot me in the jugular not in the jugular what is that alert oh oh oh gosh nothing literally nothing I mean this armor has protection Ted on is uh she's all loud I can't move okay so is that all you got hold on okay this suits not there's one thing more I could test hold on wait stay right there yesterday all right listen I'm back I'm back hi what do you got what do you got like you know your your worst I got the best armor in the game oh crap crap my foot okay okay go ahead okay the true test come into my TARDIS and then try to hit me final test if I die - that's okay try with a diamond sword first seen this place wood sword what sword what's it go ahead great hammer with wood sword oh hi diamond tried diamond sword - ah try the red matter sword jump I'm gonna jump and cricket are you sure that's what you know boys get over here outside wait I can't find you I just killed Miko get over I am way too Opie for this server yeah like what all the boys of course hit the subscribe button for new rides here and click this next video to watch the next one alley we are Opie
Channel: SSundee
Views: 7,107,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crazy Craft, Crazycraft, mods, Minecraft, nicovald, Sigils, bifflewiffle, Henwy, ssundee
Id: VIAz21Q5DuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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