Overcoming Shame - Paul Keith Davis (2018)

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[Music] we are so blessed began to have pokey Davis with this and I think it's been at least 15 years somewhere around there 16 years since we've we've had him of course he's had such a major impact on our church but I just think this whole region in general has been so blessed by white dove ministries and and everything he's sown here I know for me personally he's been a very big blessing and an inspiration and encouragement and you know we really love him here I know last year he shared a little bit about you know when we went through his surgery and how much how many people from this area you know sent letters and just send things to him and I was just so proud of you know our region for doing that because because we've we've all known what a big impact he's had here and so so we just love you Paul Keith we thank you for being here I know it was a hard road to get here but we know you're here on assignment so thank you for coming let's give him a warm warm welcome tonight as he comes believe now is the time to lay everything on the table I believe this is the hour you know I've been challenged by the Holy Spirit you know I was writing a book one time and I was sitting at my desk you know typing and retyping a certain paragraph and and this angel would always come right behind me and I could feel his presence you know and but this wasn't the angel this came from within you know I'm trying to word something so everybody can accept it you know and and finally this voice on the inside of me says why don't you just be a man and say something like I was so offended I'm like I'm kind of known for saying something you know it's not like you know I'm I'm not an echo I'm trying to say the things you tell me to say and but I think this is an hour to be a man man up and say something you know find out what you believe in be willing to stand on it be willing to fight you know this is this is the last days if you think we're not in the last days you are mistaken we are in the last days we are in a battle and the sons of light are going to have to respond to the sons of darkness and things darkness is getting greater I'm going to talk a little bit about that tonight because things are not going to get better out there they're gonna get worse I got an improvement to you by the Bible it's gonna get darker in the last days you know sometimes we we take the Apostle Paul and when people say well yeah Paul had all this power people that are cessationist I know none of us in this room or anyone streaming as a cessationist we don't believe the power ended with the early apostles we believe that God is the same yesterday today and forever right he's not gonna change what he did then he does now even more so the Scriptures make just the opposite position in the last days he's gonna pour out his spirit in unprecedented ways so we don't believe that for a minute but one of the arguments that I made one time was that you know someone says well yeah Paul you know lived in a really tough day and therefore he needed power he needed revelation they needed all this signs and wonders and because of the of the darkness of their day and I thought well that very same apostle is the one that wrote to a spiritual son Timothy it says you think this is bad you wait to the last days well men will be haters of God and lovers of self and rebellious and D followers and all the different things he's saying listen we don't have it nearly as bad as those guys down there so if you want to take that argument I need more power than Paul ever had you do too because we're living in a greater darkness there there is no restraint now I have seen that prophetically the restraints have been removed I said had this experience where I was taking that into the bowels of hell and this manhole lid thing was lifted and I was screaming at the top of my lungs no no and I this her idiot hideous looking demonic figure lifted this manhole and I saw this black billowing stuff come pouring up out of the bowels of hell and when I shared this in 2008 on the Mount of Olives I used that exact term that was coming from the bowels of hell and I said there was this manhole looking things what I called it and one of the things that I saw coming up out of this pit were images of tyrants of the past one of which was Hitler I knew the spirit of Hitler was being released on the earth in a way that we haven't seen at least in our generation even perhaps in the early part of the 20th century and I saw this building up I prophesied on the 2008 right from the Mount of Olives that there's these evil spirits that have been reserved for the last days are now unrestrained released on planet Earth and in my vision I was watching them come out of Hell meeting with people in their bedrooms and in their private chambers teaching them secrets of darkness and people were willing to cooperate with the realms of darkness in order to release darkness on the earth sounds pretty grim doesn't it and I thought I could take no more when I saw these demons released on the earth and when I when I saw that I thought I can't take anymore and a voice came booming out of heaven and the sons of light must respond in like fashion and I looked up and double doors opened up in heaven and myriads of angels these golden-hued angels white garments with golden hues on them came billowing out of heaven just as if they were waiting at the starting gate to take off into a race and they were waiting as I was told for eons of time for the hour to come on planet Earth when they could be released on the earth and I I was told that they had never been on planet Earth but they had been reserved for the last days and I have been feeling a sense of renewed hope and expectation that they are here now that we are having expressions of Revelation and as a validation I might say of the of the of the message on Sept I'm sorry April the 20th 2010 two years after I shared on the mount of olives in this conference I was in two years later April 20th 2010 there was what was called the BP oil spill remember that April 20th was Hitler's birthday so on the very day that this all spill began it was on Hitler's birthday remember I saw his face coming up and when I saw the images on the news of that oil coming up out of the earth that was what I saw that was the exact image of what I saw I'm not saying the oil was demonic I'm saying the oil was a trigger to let me know that the spiritual implications have been released on planet Earth and I saw you know and it was interesting because I have it you have it been documented that they said that this oil was coming up out of the bowels of the earth use the exact words and that it was coming from a man-made hole so I'm like okay god I got it this was you I'm convinced now this was you and so no matter how dark it gets we have a greater hope we have greater light the Bible says darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness will cover the people but we're going to arise and shine our light is calm it even goes on to say in verse 5 that we will see and become radiant that means that you're going to have prophetic vision to see something you will see and become radiant what you see will make you radiate light and so that means in what is the word there seer literally means by prophetic vision you will have a prophetic experience you'll have a prophetic anointing you will have a revelatory spirit on your life you might say well that must be for the prophets and the leaders up here I don't read that in Isaiah he says you are you are you I think you're are you I'm a youth you know Bible sometimes says you and them to you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom to them and as benign I want to be a unit of the you'll get that tomorrow morning but to you it has been granted to see something by revelation and what you see will make you radiate you want to read that you're looking at me awfully funny I got to hear somewhere Isaiah chapter 60 verse 5 and then you will see and be radiant you will see by prophetic vision and radiate what you see and your heart will tremble and be enlarged I want that I want to see something that makes my heart tremble right in my chest and increase increase my capacity to be a carrier of the anointing listen we gotta understand something you know the Lord has been talking to me and I I know I was going to tell my story about getting here but I'm a little bit cranked up right now I want to get this out while I feel it but you know the Lord we say these words sometimes you know we you know accept the Lord Jesus Christ you're a new creation in Christ well let's rewind that one a minute you are a new creation I'm not like everybody else you're saying we didn't have to thought you didn't have to tell me that anybody knows me really I mean just enjoy your not like somebody else out there you're a new creation you know what God lives in you just think about that one for just a minute we just gloss over the words and the Bible says in first John chapter 3 that we have been begotten of God if you have been born again you do not habitually sin why because the Bible says the seed the sperma of God check it out in your Strong's Concordance the sperma of god abides in you wait just a minute now you know one of my big teachings has been on adoption lately I am not adopted into gods family if you've been born again you're not either adoption is something entirely different it's called we Elysia that's the word it is the placing of a son not the becoming of a sign and I know that flies in the face of what has been talked traditionally but you check it out for yourself read Romans eight without context that adoption means I'm being placed as a son Paul says that I'm eagerly awaiting Paul the Apostle I'm pretty sure he was saved when he bucked wrote the book of Romans he said I'm eagerly awaiting my adoption as son in the redemption of my body he's waiting for himself as a believer to be placed into the fullness of his authority as a son of God why because the seed of God abides in you that means you're not like anybody else on planet earth you have a different nature you have a different you have God abiding in you resting in you enthroned in you Almighty God enthroning himself something was unforeseeable by the patriarchs and the Father something that was unimaginable even to the Angels they still marvel at the fact that God will take us and sanctify us with his blood and then take up residence in us and then thrown himself in the hearts of human beings in order to change planet Earth and that's going to happen I swear we are so I want you to think about that you know why I want you to think about that tonight because I'm telling you in the name of the Lord there has been a groundswell of shame that has been released on the body of Christ and I can tell you the ones that is most released against the ones that are the remnant of God's people that are fighting to be an overcomer those that are fighting to live the life of one that overcomes there has been an unleashing and the deliberate intentional attack a release of the spirit of shame and dishonor that is being released upon these people to try to keep you in shame the Bible says the Lord Jesus Christ endured the cross for the joy set before him he endured the cross what but despising the shame I know that this might be hard to believe but scholars tell us he hung on the cross naked that gets me every time Adam and Eve were in the garden and they were naked in what unashamed and they sinned and what was the first thing they experienced shame shame they hid from God why because of shame and the Lord went to the cross what to do to do what eradicate shame eradicate shame and right now there is this I had this this dream I'm just I'm being a little bit scattered right now but I'll get somewhere in a minute but I had this dream a couple of weeks ago where I I i was taken behind the veil i was taken into the spirit realm of second heaven realm now you know the enemy occupies heavenly places we're in the third heaven but there's another realm where the enemy operates with principalities and all these different things and I saw this evil spirit that looked like an octopus it was red and had these eight tentacles and I and and the Lord had shown me this thing was operating and stealth it was operating in secret very few people were discerning that its operation and and and I was watching as it was you know kind of underwater stealing things from people and people weren't even they just turned around and it was gone whatever they had whatever was valuable to them whatever it was was precious to them was just missing and gone and this thing was stealing them and kind of showcasing them as if he was putting them in a in a trophy room of some nature and I knew that this spirit was stealing from God's people and the people of God were unaware of it and when I came out of the experience out of the dream this was a dream I was asleep I just dreamed it but it's when I did I remembered you know Bob Jones and I remember Bob Jones I guess most everybody does he and I did a lot of things together and and we had gone to this church in Louisiana and I had dreamed this thing about an octopus there and he had seen the same things and he had shown that this octopus looking thing sat over this church and had eight tentacles and this was what the enemy was trying to do but he was using intimidation and manipulation and control and the honor and shame and these were the different there were eight things but they were all these different tentacles that were being used and right now one of the biggest issues is that I bet most of you are dealing with the issue of shame you have a revelation you have a knowledge that you have been forgiven but your heart is still living in the area of shame if that's true just lift your hand if you still knew there's a huge number of people I felt I have had it released against me I mean I know it's true and I have to remind myself no the blood has washed it away I don't live in shame I'm sorry for saying I I have repented I you know without conviction there's no real repentance but whether there has been repentance there's change if we preach a gospel that doesn't involve transformation it's not the true gospel at all with a missed repentance and chain but transformation we can't remain the same if you're repentant right something has to be different if you're the same person is still long for the same things you did a year ago you haven't repented because you haven't changed we're transformed by the renewing of our mind but this the the issue of shame the the house of Saul was identified with the issue of shame and we're having to come out as leadership from the administration of Saul into the administration of David which was a you know the heart of David and all these things and before I leave tonight I'm gonna pray for a number of you over this issue of shame we all have messed up but if we're still living under the consequence if we're still living under this weight if we're still allowing people to continue to release on a shame and remind us of who we used to be and we're still living under that you let yes Lord I know that you can bless and you can do all this but I don't deserve it you know I don't deserve it because I have messed up you know more than more than I should and that's that's not the truth and so I want to deal with that tonight I want us to have a vision I want us to have a revelation that the seed of God abides in you I want you to get that tonight before we before we get away think about that for just a minute and because of that you're going to see something by revelation and what you see will be transforming Bible says we can see the Lord with an unveiled face I'm of the belief I'm of the belief that we can access the spirit realm every day I believe that one of the I think one of the patently important passages for us today is Zechariah chapter three leading into Zechariah chapter 4 Zechariah chapter 3 is the cleansing of Joshua the high priest I think many of us many of God's people many of the remnant of God's people many that are being positioned and poised to be used significantly in what's coming have been through a Joshua the high priest experienced if you don't remember that thus when the Lord was standing there and Joshua the high priest was brought before him and Satan was at his right hand to accuse him and the Lord says remove the filthy garment from him take them away see I have taken your iniquity away from you and I've washed them away and course Zachariah being interchanged into the vision says and give him a new turban on his head so they put a new turban on his head and the Lord says to Joshua the high priest if you will walk in my ways and if you will perform my service you will govern my house and have charge of my courts and I will grant you free access among these that are standing here free access I looked up the word and that's what it says in the new American Standard which was what I use most often so I looked up the word free access in Hebrew do you know what it means free access that is literally the most accurate translation and I said Lord if you give me free access I'm going every day he's like hello didn't I pay for that why wouldn't you come every single day I had this I already mentioned that friend Bob Jones he's in heaven now he went home back in 2014 but we were we did 68 road trips together over a period of like six years seven years and that's a lot of traveling together I mean he stopped mad that up that's you know a lot of driving a lot of traveling a lot so every day he would he would have a vision every morning and I remember one time we were doing a couple of meetings and he had gone like two days without having a vision and he comes to the breakfast table he looks at me he says do you see sin on my life I'm like don't be asking me that something's wrong you've got two whole days it's a true story I'm not exaggerating true story and I thought that's the way we should be honestly I'm not being unrealistic I'm not trying to set something in front of you that's not attainable I'm not trying to set something in front of you that I'm not pursuing myself I believe we can have revelation experience encounters with God Wow he's in you then we just established that fact a moment ago the God abides in you I kind of get when I read the Gospels when I read the epistles I get the idea that Peter Paul and John were pretty much encountering the Lord on a regular basis don't you get that idea and I believe we can have that and I hope before we leave here tonight and over the next several days will have a greater dimension of understanding I think part of what I'm supposed to bring is just an understanding of where we are where we've been and maybe where we're headed I have no idea what my brother brought in the last couple of sessions I heard it was really good so I'll try not to mess it up but I mean don't tell you a little something to happen getting here because I had some lessons in it now I don't have to take just a minute to establish what happened for you to appreciate what happened at 2:20 this morning 2:20 Salt Lake City time but anyway you know I was my original flight was to leave Pensacola go through Atlanta Minneapolis and being Calgary by 9:30 you know last night and I would have been here before midnight that was the original plan so I get to Pensacola and board the plane around 12:30 something like that the flight was at 1:00 something and of course you know it starts raining in Pensacola but we're told that there's a mega storm over Atlanta and they're shutting down the airport and all that so I'm thinking okay so they delayed us an hour so I'm sitting on the plane now it's about 1:30 you know and I'm missing my connection so I got on the phone with a delta you know and I'm getting a little stressed because there's only a couple of connections since I'll reroute my rebook all my flights to catch it a little bit later flight into Minneapolis but I've still have time to catch the flight going into Calgary and we're there another hour so I called Delta back me again reschedule all the flights again this time we're looking at going through Seattle because Seattle was going on the west coast and they had a little later flights and so I rebook everything you know to redo it all over again and they're seeing there I'm there another hour now it's getting around 3:30 in the afternoon you know and every every connection has about an hour I don't have connection time you know and and so I'm still sitting there now it's 5 o'clock in the afternoon and all those connections are lost I'm back on the phone with Delta again and I'm getting stressed out now because I'm realizing there are only so many flights that are gonna go into Calgary either from Minneapolis Seattle or Salt Lake City that's all that Delta has and so I'm getting nervous I'm getting stressed I'm beginning to feel the tension of it I I told them I was gonna be there last night I like to do what I said and and I'm thinking you know if I miss these final connections there's no getting there you know there's no getting there so finally around 4:45 the pilot comes on the phone only only hitch so the headset and it says we don't have any idea when we're leaving Pensacola and this is where it got good so I had this thing come over here well it's 5 o'clock in the afternoon I'm still sitting in Pensacola you know been on this plane almost five hours and haven't gone anywhere and I'm stressed and in this voice says you just need to call Peter and Catherine just tell them you can't make it this year because you're not going to get there tonight and and it's hard to even get there and the next day and time to speak for the meeting so that thought went through my head that thought went through my head and this is this is the way God deals me I'm gonna use a term here I hope it doesn't offend anybody but this was I just decided to go ahead and tell you just the way it was I started to use another word but I won't I'm gonna tell they just what it was so I'm sitting there debating on whether to contact them you know I'm stressed I'm feeling the tension and those of us at travel you know how that feels and and I'm sitting there I'm thinking I don't even know what to do I don't even know what to do and I thought I'll just call him to let him know and I had this internal vision internal inside I wouldn't of the Apostle Paul and I you know as soon as I inside of myself I saw him I thought oh boy I'm in trouble because I remembered in Corinthians you know I was three times I was beaten you know I was I was stoned you know three times I was shipwrecked one day and night I spent treading water in the Mediterranean and Here I am just whining and whimpering you know about about you know missing my connection so I felt pretty bad already just seeing him then he says you know we got a little section over here in heaven for the sissies that's what he said that's the part I don't want to offend anybody I'm just telling you how God talks to me and I said I don't want to go to CC heaven that's a true story this is true I said you know I'm a lot of things but I'm not a and I remember that thing where the Lord says just be a man say something so I just heard this thing say mana deal with it if something just came over me all the stress was just gone and I heard this thing just say go with the flood go with the flood and I had zero stress I'm sitting there I have no options I have no idea what I'm gonna do leaving Pensacola but I called Delta again and they rerouted me again you know through Atlanta now a Salt Lake City and that flight was delayed because Atlanta was thule they said you'd have no problem getting there but you're not going to make it to Calgary and no problem just get me to Salt Lake I'll spend the night so we ended up making weary booked it again for the like the fourth time and so now the flights still delayed and I finally leave Pensacola get to Atlanta as the flight to Salt Lake City is pulling away from the gate go with the flow that's why I just I was stressed so I said you know guess what I did back on the phone with Delta and they said well there's one more flight at nine o'clock and it should put you in about I think it's running 11 o'clock 10:30 at night and we'll get you on that flight you should make it with no problem so they rebooked me I called a hotel and they really like they're proud of their hotel rooms outside of Salt Lake City around the hotel around the airport so I booked it and committed myself to a hotel room for two hundred and thirteen dollars but I'm thinking I'm gonna be there from like 10:30 until you know 8:30 and 9:00 the next morning you know so I get to Atlanta and guess what it's delayed till 11 o'clock p.m. go with the flow I just I wasn't stressed I just said I'll go get some ice at they're you know waiting for a nine o'clock flight which is now 11 o'clock I get on the plane at 11 o'clock and we sit there we're all loaded up you know and they just sit there no announcements no nothing for an hour and I was in first class and finally I noticed we had no pilots no pilot and nobody came on the speaker says oh by the way we're waiting for a pilot to show up nothing but I happen to be able to see in the cockpit and finally these two pilots show up and a little bit before midnight and I know they got to fill out paperwork so here we are you know I'll go with the flow I'm just going with the flow somewhere around 12:15 a.m. we pull out of Atlanta flying to Salt Lake City so the anticipated arrival time was going to be you know 2 a.m. Salt Lake City time which for me would have been 3 a.m. so this is where I'm gonna get to the part this kind of so that's just a little bit of what went on it was a little bit like the Twilight Zone so I finally you know I remember I had booked the room so I realized I'm gonna be later getting it so I called the hotel I said listen you know I've got a booked room I guaranteed it with my credit card but it looks like I'm gonna be one o'clock in the morning or after before I can get to the room the lady says no problem I got your room held I've got it typed in you're gonna have a late arrival I guarantee you'll have a room so I you know I get I get there I come out of course I went to baggage claim what good did that do and the guy said we don't have any idea where your bag is so he said he did just go to your room and come back in the morning maybe we'll know more so I go out and there's not a shuttle in sight so I said well there's a taxi I thought I got to go one mile you know it's on the airport Boulevard so what how much could it cost ten bucks so I hop in the taxi you know and he's starting to pull out he says oh by the way there's a twenty five dollar minimum I gotta pay this guy twenty-five dollars to drive me one mile I'm in the car now so what I said whatever it's two o'clock in the morning you know so I thought I'll do it even better I gave you 30 bucks to drive me one mile took four minutes so anyway he drives me to the to the hotel I'm thinking thank the Lord I'm here you know I walk in and there's a young guy there and he said oh I'm so sorry you didn't come for your you know you didn't show up so we gave you a room away it's 2:05 a.m. now you know after all today you know I said well the lady I talked to her she said I guarantee you're holding she put a note he pulled my fault my reservation oh yeah she did do that sorry but we still don't have a room so he made arrangements for me to be at another hotel he says don't worry we got them to honor your rate yeah two hundred thirteen dollars for six hours in the hotel room so it's a quarter of a mile away so he's called the shuttle now this is where it got interesting so I get in the shuttle and I promise this guy must have had 20 expressives he was wired to the wall he's just but he was just energetic you know what anything weird noted you know and I'm like I'm not gonna talking mood I'm going with the flow I am well let's go quiet flow goodness and he talked you know he drove five miles per hour it's true so he asked me what I did I said well you know I write books and I'm on my way up to Calgary - speaking of prophetic conference oh I'm a wordsmith I love words and all this and I'm like okay you know so we're driving there and you know and I'm listening and I'm trying to be christ-like I'm trying to go with the flow you know the Lord just go with the flow and I'm like Paul this is pushing it now you know this is getting up there with martyr stuff so we pull in and I think thank the Lord so I open the door to get out have no suitcase of course just my little satchel he says before you get out I got a word for you and I'm like this guy's got a word so what he said but he didn't mean a word like a prophetic word he's meant I got a word I want you to study it this is what he said true story he said I want you to think about the word learn I'm like I am in the twilight zone that's it's true I'm not exaggerating the story he said L e a are in he said drop the L and drop the N and what do you have ei R and I said yeah he said you know what if you can learn to hear if you can learn to use your ear you can learn and if you can learn you can earn EI are in you know he's taking all the different words of learner and like okay okay and then finally just to finish it out I said well you know there is a scripture verse that says he that has an ear to hear let him hear what the Spirit says he said that's it so what he did that's it right there he said even the word earth has EA r in it [Laughter] and I said yes it does he said think about that I will do that when I get to my room [Laughter] so I get to my room you know finally 2:35 in the morning and I lay on the bed and my eyes are like this hey I could not sleep to save myself finally slept three hours I woke up and that was the very first thing on my mind when I woke up and I thought God was that you were you telling me to have the ear to hear did you use this and you gotta realize he's a shuttle driver at 2:00 a.m. in the morning I'm not criticizing his occupation but you know is that you telling me am I supposed to go to Calgary and tell the people to have an ear to hear was all of this you know everything that went on the missing of one you know flight to another flight to going not to Minneapolis and not to then you know Seattle ended up in Salt Lake City and my hotel was full and this guy has to it was all of that for me to hear some strange guy tell me we need to have ear to hear that if we can hear we can learn and if we can learn we can affect planet Earth that that God is giving people ears to hear and I thought surely surely you know that's not what this was all about but I kind of think it was either way I pray that you but I'm here just to tell you how bizarre it is you know I did check - I did check in in Seattle I'm sorry in Salt Lake City before I chicken I went to the baggage claim and they said all your luggage is here in Salt Lake City it'll be on your flight to Calgary praise the Lord so I get to Calgary no luggage so I'll go to the baggage claim you know department in Calgary and the guy says your luggage is in Atlanta what is wrong you know the Lord says he that has a ear to hear that him hear what the Spirit says I did a blog recently where the Lord had just realized something to me I tell you where I first heard it the whole this the theme of this conference is angels on assignment and I had a little bit of an experience with that in 1992 the book called angels on assignment which was written by Charles and Frances hunter about the man Roland buck in his visitations I've been to Boise I met his wife and his daughter and son and I met members of the church that were there at the time that were eyewitnesses to some of the supernatural things that happened when Roland buck was having these 27 seven separate visitations from the angel Gabriel and there was there there was something you know there was for me I just want to share what that book at least means for me I haven't shared this in a long time and I know some of you that may have heard me for a number of years probably have heard me talk about this but in 1992 I was listening to a person that I believed to be a true prophet of God share some revelations that he had had by supernatural vision by supernatural revelations much of which dealt with the end times much of which dealt with what we would call eschatology what is the true revelation of what the times are going to look like and this man prophesied some things he had had numerous events that had been prophesied that it all happened just the way they had been prophesied they were on record and I had listened to those and this man prophesied and said something's going to happen in 1977 way back in the 1960s he said watch 1977 and I listened to numerous times where he talked about this and many people that were little fanatical or took things to the excess came to all kinds of conclusions saying the end of the world is going to happen in 1977 the rapture is going to happen in Hawley but he didn't say those things he said watch 1977 because something is going to happen to begin to shift things in the spirit and so I just went to God you know I'm just in this I just received the baptism in 1989 I lived out in the woods by myself I was being taught by the Lord I was having visions and revelations and I didn't even understand my own self what was going on but I just had enough you know faith to say okay God you said through that prophet something was going to happen in 1977 I believe it did I believe that's a true word tell me what happened tell me what happened in 1977 that had global consequences that shifted something in the realm of the Spirit where one thing things were one way before and there gonna be another way after and I went into a Baptist Bible book store you got to remember this is 1992 and this is when we actually had concordance is in book form and so I'd gone into this Bible bookstore to buy a concordance and I had bought this big thick you know concordance and I'm on my way out to the counter to pay for it and as I'm walking past this shelf of books was not even looking at them but I got to a certain place and I was literally arrested I just my feet hit a spot and I'm like what and it was a whole shelf on angels just maybe 30 books you know how they are on bookstores and I didn't recognize a single one of them and never heard of the authors you gotta remember I'm just now into this you know and so I I'm standing there I'm looking at the bookshelf and one book kind of stood out to me it's not like a spotlight was on it but it just seemed illuminated even now sometimes when I look at people in the anointings there I can see an illumination like the particles around their head or illuminated or something like that and that's the way this book looked never heard of the book before I just picked it up put it on the stack and went and paid for it only by virtue of the fact that I felt like the Holy Spirit said there's something in it so I got home that night now the name of the book was angels on assignment never heard of the book before in my life never heard of Charles and Francis hunter in my life never even read a book on angels in my life so I started reading that book and in it was the testimony of a man by the name of Roland buck pastor of Assembly of God Church in Boise Idaho and I read a little bit of an introduction into it and then I got to the part where he says on January 21st 1977 and I heard the Holy Spirit say that this is the answer to your prayer and so I began to read how in 1977 on January the 21st this you know normal I hate to say that word ordinary pastor with no forewarning Bob Jones had not prophesied to him you know some intercessors had not you know highlight you know none of these spectacular things had happened in his life but he was just preparing on a Saturday evening for the Sunday morning service and he's standing there and he's sitting there and he had finished his notes for the next morning and he thought well I'll just lay my head on the back of my arm and pray for a moment but some of this is in the book some of this was told to me by his daughter and so he laid his head upon the back of his arm in the moment his forehead touched his arm he was no longer in his office he was standing before the throne of God and he was told something like welcome to the throne of God where the secrets of the universe are and there were many things that were revealed him I believe they are real I believe that experience was real I believe that encounter was a god encounter I'm convinced of it before I wrote about it in one of my books I went to Boise twice and met with much of the family the son the daughter the widow church secretary and what have you but but what even convinced it even more for me was that while he was standing there though he saw many things in the spirit realm he saw things involving creation the energy and light and different things he he saw what he called the archives of heaven where he was able to look at the what the the files if you will the the the whatever this filing system that God has about a person's life and the Lord told him in this experience he says you marvel you marvel at the fact that I can keep a detailed file and every human being on the earth he said pick one so Roland buck went over and picked up a file out of the filing system on on Abraham and he began to read through he began to read through the file of Abraham and and and he noticed that through the file there were some blank spots in the file and he read the whole file and he turned to the Lord and said where's that where's his other file and the Lord says there is no other file he says well what about all of this failures we read about in the Bible he says I don't record failure up here I don't record failure up here and that's when he made a statement similar to the one that I had done I forget now how it was worded exactly but something to the effect where the Lord told him you better see things as they are not as they appear you need to begin to see things prophetically as they really are not as they appear externally and have you ever wondered why the Apostle Paul can write in Romans 4 about Abraham and Sarah and say they staggered not at the promise of God really did he forget about you know Genesis 17 18 19 and 20 did he forget about what went on you know and God appears - to Abraham if the tenth Abraham and Sarah says by this time next year you're gonna have a son remember he had already lied once before in the in the Pharaoh took Sarah into the harem and we're not really sure what went on there if you read some history we're not sure what went on but now the Lord makes this promise to Abraham by this time next year you're gonna have a boy and it's going to come through Sarah and the next thing you know 90 year old Sarah is so beautiful that a king called Abimelech sees her beauty and wants to take her into his harem wants to make her a wife three story ninety year old Sarah says in the book of Genesis they were old in advanced in age two chapters later she's so beautiful a king wants to have sex with her just think about that one a minute you believe God can renew you I am convinced he renewed Abraham and Sarah I'm convinced he restored their youth like an eagle doesn't it say so in Psalm 103 is that hard for God he's gonna resurrect us to live eternally with him do you think it's hard for him to quicken that little mortal body we live in are you kidding me one little word from his lips and you're a young man again he said if you you know if the spirit of him that raised Jesus from the dead abides in you then he who raised Jesus from the dead will quicken and make alive this mortal body so absolutely they weren't the same person after that visitation and Sarah and Abraham you know go down in Abraham lies puts the whole plan of God in jeopardy she's my sister so this guy's gonna take her in now now God's words at stake you know we sometimes talk about free will right that's a mystery in it I'm a little mystified by this issue of free will myself especially prophetic people that prophesy you know how much of this how much when he can you say thus saith the Lord and when is this thing can it be altered by someone's a willingness to or not obey or adhere to I don't know I don't know but now you have the creator of the universe Elohim Elohim saying you're gonna have a boy by this time next year my name is at stake and so a BIM elect Eakes Sarah in but you know God doesn't affect our freewill Abimelech has a free will and so here he is about to go in the next day to have sex with Sarah and God appeared to him in a dream one of the most mystical passages in the entirety of the Bible God says to Abimelech I just want you to know you know I'm gonna paraphrase it this is the PK paraphrase you know you're gonna you planning to have sex with that woman tomorrow that that's your free will you're a king that's your right by King I've given you free will I'm not going to interfere with your free will but I just want you to know a little bit something before you do that you touch that woman I want to kill you and everybody in your household and will close the womb of every woman in your kingdom and I'm gonna wipe out your entire nation in one generation but I'm not gonna affect your free will you're free to do what you like you know what Abimelech said Abimelech says Lord you knew the integrity of my heart he said that was his sister and the Lord says yes because I knew the integrity of your heart I have appeared to you to keep you from sinning against me the grace of God I read that not though wow there's a lot of days I wish you would appeared to me the night before what about the blunder and he was told that God does not record failure in heaven but you've got to begin to see things as they are not as they appear and when Paul wrote the book of Romans chapter for one perspective you might say is that he saw the file of Abraham the way God saw it not the way history saw it because he said Abraham staggered not at the promise is it there wasn't any record of his stupidity there wasn't any record of his fear or his cowardice or his giving up his wife to be taken in by some king knowing what's going to happen in the kingdom I'm not I'm not only brims case I love Abraham he's my father right he's the father of faith he had two seats he had a seed that's the scent of the sea and a seed that the stars of the sky we are of the Royal seed of Abraham he had a seed that was by faith we are that seed so he is my father so I'm not dishonouring him I'm trying to establish a point about God's sovereignty about His grace that he doesn't record failure in you and I today are making far too many decisions we're making far too many choices by by looking at things as they appear but not seeing them as they really are this issue of shame that I was dealing with earlier is a big part of that we have got to begin to see we must begin to see one another as God sees them as God sees them I remember I was in a conference up in Frederick Maryland some years ago and there was this prophetic man there from South Africa and he was telling the story of how he had been in a shirt you know and was prophesying to people and and and the pastor is sitting there and he prophesied to somebody that's exactly right the pastor knew the situation knew the circumstances that's a true word that's absolutely right another one same thing true word that's exactly where they are another one the same thing finally he points out this one man and he calls him aDNA gives him the greatest word of all you are a man of god you're going to change Nations or whatever words to that effect you know you're gonna be a leader you're gonna be righteous and you're gonna be pure and you're gonna be powerful in and all these things you know and the meeting was over in the pastor called the minister off to the side he says that guy is a scoundrel he has been in relationships with other women he drinks he's posing parties he does he's just here because to satisfy his family he says that's a false prophecy in the guy says well I didn't mean to I just prophesied what I saw so he felt terrible you know I thought all I messed up you know I prophesied falsely and all these things and he comes back a year later and guess who is a premier leader of the church this guy comes up to him he says you know what you prophesied to me all these great things he said when you prophesied that I was at the bottom of my life there wasn't anything godly about me at all he said but when you prophesied that I just made up my mind I'm gonna be that man so one of the things I want us to do over the next three services at least is begin to prophesy what the scripture says we are and maybe some of us will just make up our mind and say I'm gonna be that person I'm gonna be a man of God I'm gonna be a woman I'm not gonna live in shame I'm not gonna live in dishonor I'm not going to be manipulated and I'm not gonna be controlled by any kind of saule type leadership I'm gonna be exactly what the Word of God says that I'm gonna be I'm going to be an overcomer not by my strength none of us think that we have the strength to do this in our own I'm telling you there is a grace that's being released upon us now that is profound a grace to overcome live to him that overcomes when I grant to eat of the tree of life which is in the paradise of God that's the bridle calling that's what the mature sons of God will do there are two main things I mean I said earlier I'm going to talk about the end times and I hope I'm not keeping you too long but I want to talk about the end times and I'm telling you that things are not things are not going to be as they have been our future is much better than our past but we need to understand something God's not going to sanctify existing structures he's going to eradicate them and build something new I had this dream this week this week very profound dreaming and I realized I realized so much as being prophesied how God is just going to redeem this system and redeem that system and in my dream the Lord says I'm not gonna redeem any of those systems I'm not gonna redeem the spirit of this world I'm going to give an alternative I'm going to manifest my kingdom and you know me I said okay Lord I need it I need a scripture I think you know that's my I need a scripture if you want me to say that he said of Daniel chapter 2 doesn't it say that we saw the image of Nebuchadnezzar the head of gold and silver and bronze and iron and those are the the kingdoms of this world that began from the days of Nebuchadnezzar to the present hour the first kingdom was the Babylonian Kingdom in the political kingdom of the world and there was the medo-persian Kingdom and they ruled and dominated the world and that was the political structure of the day and then of course there was the Greek Kingdom and Alexander the Great and then his four generals after him and of course Rome was the iron but then the says of Rome that it was that iron mixed with clay in the feet that it was unusual it was a mystical thing it wasn't like the prior Tino's what it says in Daniel chapter 2 and you know we have this teachings right now that Rome is going to be there's gonna be the the revived Roman Empire there's that's nonsense the Roman Empire never went away Rome has more influence now than it ever had in the days of the first century of the first century Church that's true and the Bible tells us in Daniel chapter 2 that a stone will be cut out of the mountain that is not hewed by the hands of men and that stone will strike the the statue it am I losing you are you tracking with me God's not going to to redeem those political structures you're not going to redeem the Spirit of the world he's not going to to use those systems to shuri and his kingdom he's going to give an alternative there is another kingdom there is an alternative to the realms of darkness that's going to be crushed to powder let me just read it to you just so you don't think I'm just talking out of my mind here you know Daniel and interpreting the the vision of Nebuchadnezzar you continue looking till a stone was cut out without hands and it struck the statue on his feet of iron and clay and crushed them then the iron the clay the bronze the silver and the gold were crushed all at the same time and became like chafe from the summer threshing floors and the wind carried them away so that not a trace of them was found but the stone that struck the statue became a great mountain and filled the whole earth he's not going guys not gonna take those things and redeem them he's gonna put his kingdom in their place now you might say what does that look like right now well right now the Bible says that we're gonna taste the good Word of God and the powers of that kingdom age to come that we're going to begin to introduce Millennial Kingdom revelation Millennial Kingdom word Millennial Kingdom power Paul talks about this and the age that we're in and then the age to come one of the things I felt that like the Lord has told me that we need to do is begin to emphasize the people that what we do here influences what happens there that this kingdom this age will usher in it'll overlap right in here let me go back to my let me go back to my 1992 thing I almost forgot the main point so you know we have this whole thing Angels on assignment that was that was written Gabriel comes to a man 27 times and if you're like me I had to say okay wait just a minute hold the press I'm not gonna gloss over that because I'm thinking okay if that happened then what am I gonna do about it what am I gonna do about it Gabriel appears to Daniel a couple of times and we're still talking about it Gabriel comes to Mary and the Son of God is born gay Gabriel comes to Zachariah and John the Baptist is born forerunner of the Messiah if Gabriel comes something's up right would you agree with that so my thing was okay either that man is a blatant liar or he brought something that's gonna change the earth that was my conclusion so I got on an airplane and I flew the boys he actually had gone to Salt Lake City for another meeting with John Paul Jackson and then drove up from there to Boise Idaho this is a true story I thought when I get to Boise how many how many books can there be in Boise Oh opened up I literally opened up the phone book and there was a whole page of bucks I'm like seriously I had no idea which one was the family Rowland but I just picked one I just picked one it was a family member and I said my name is Paul Keith Davis I know you don't know me but I'm here because I I believe Roland bucks message I want to do a little research because I'm writing a book you know is there any way I can meet with the people and I said absolutely I think it was the aunt of Roland bucks daughter and so she set it up for me to meet with the daughter they were gracious to receive me spent several hours with me gave me cassette tapes told me private stories I met their son I met the church secretary one of the things I didn't tell you because I'm just running out of time but while he's standing in heaven the Lord imprinted upon his heart 120 future events 100 events in sequence one like on August the fifth you're gonna be in your office and bill Smith's gonna come into your office and you're gonna lead him to the Lord because he's gonna die in a plane crash a month later that's pretty specific when you say so what was he doing he was sitting in his office on August the fifth whatever date there was sure enough bill Smith walks in he leads him to the Lord and sure enough the plane crashed 120 such events one of them I like to tell because it's a little humorous that he was he was told on a certain event the event number whatever 39 that so-and-so and so-and-so from Sacramento California gonna show up in his office they're having marital problems and and they're gonna get there and they're gonna the wife is going to say that they are okay the problems are no there's no problem but she actually has a 38 pistol in her purse and when they leave that she's gonna shoot him in the head so sure enough you know he's sitting there and they walk in and he greets him by name and they're like how did you know her name he said I've been waiting for you they said well we we were from Sacramento we having marital problems and we went into a hotel room and there was this phone book lying on the bed open to your ad where we saw you did marital counseling so they called the number made upon he comes and they come in and and they sit down and she says well you know we're okay you know we're just gonna go and go about our business and he says no you're not you got a 38 in your person as soon as you leave here you're gonna shoot him in the head and he said you gonna shoot me true story I'm not sure if this was in the book or I think it is in the book but if not it was one told me about his family his daughter so he said open that purse up and give me that pistol so she did and they got saved and the Lord restored their marriage so but there were 120 events and when the one hundred and twentieth event happened he died his heart burst but I have no idea how that happened don't know if you guys heard that but my pants started talking to me don't shoot me so 120 events in sequence dealing with international who the Pope was gonna be on down the line they all happen in sequence he said when those that information was imprinted on his heart like a printing press he couldn't have forgotten it if he wanted to but he was holding a scroll in his hand that had those 120 events on them and when he came out of heaven back into his office he was still holding it I personally spoke with three people that saw that with her own eyes so either they're lying through their teeth or that happened they meant when you agree with that and so I just did enough research that I came to the conclusion I'm willing to stake my reputation my belief my belief structure on the fact that this man had 27 visitations from Gabriel and I believe it marked a season of time where were in closing out what has been known as church and beginning to introduce what is known as Kingdom and the further we go I think we can see this there's less emphasis on church as we have known it you understand what I want on go God's raising the church and that class iya that the gates of Hell will not prevail but that's not what church would became it became steeples and buildings and organizations and denominations and boards and and so on and so on and so on that's the grace for that is over why because the kingdom is being revealed the king and his kingdom where is the kingdom it's within the key is within and it's going to become greater and greater and greater as the time goes forward as each passing year there's gonna be a greater and greater display of the King in his people being displayed upon a remnant of people called the Bride of Christ and the sons of God the we O sons of God that's what all of creation is groaning for awaiting for the word who Yost means mature sons the Bible says you've heard me say this I know many of you and I've heard me said before but as many as received him to them he gave the power to become the tech nuns of God the babies of God the infant's of God but as many as are led by the Spirit they are the who yo sub God the mature sons of God and so what I'm telling you right now is that this gray there's a grace that's coming off we're coming to a season the brook is dried up for many remember when Elijah was that the it's the cave and the brook cherith its drying up and the grace for many of the old things are over and there is a new thing I mean literally this year I feel like we've come to the end of a seven-year cycle as we move into a September and the fall feasts I believe you're gonna begin to see a shift beginning to take place in what is coming from the prophetic community the direction that is going to be prophesied by so many leaders about where things are going what is important what is what is lost its emphasis what has lost its grace things are seasonal you believe that things are just seasonal they are you know Elijah's life is clearly that way he lived for a while in the cave but the grace was up he went with a wood a woman and and so on there's just clearly Israel was in the wilderness but that time came to an end there was no longer grace to be out there now we the grace was over here the the hundred-and-twenty had to be in the Upper Room there's a direction there was a vision there is a prophetic revelation telling us where we are to be postured in position to receive the next installment of what God is doing because it's going to be significant and we can't carry shame into this next season so I just want to just Minister for just a minute on the issue of shame I just want I just you know there's so many ways you can describe it I don't even want to try to begin to identify how shame is brought on us but we know it when we feel it don't we I know it when it comes on me I know when I feel shame or ashamed I feel like I can't come boldly before the throne of grace to obtain mercy that if people are I've had some things released on my life recently that I knew were saturated with shame and dishonor and I've just had to break out of that and just say I'm not gonna let that get on me I'm not gonna let that affect my vision I'm not gonna let it affect my faith my than my posturing for the days ahead because what's coming is significant and in the Lord bore the shame upon the cross and so I'm just gonna ask you if you feel like you've been dealing with the issue of shame just stand to your feet I'm not gonna do a lot of laying on of hands tonight I'm just gonna pray some some general prayers and from whatever source you may have had them if you feel like things you've done in your your life you know what it you know what it is because I'm gonna ask the Lord to give us a fresh revelation this is probably over half probably closer to two-thirds of the people in here I knew that and most likely some of those sitting are feeling it too but that's okay you don't you don't have to I just wanted you to stand because I am believing for a grace do you believe that with me you believe in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ to wash it away so that we can in the morning wake up fresh you know you know it's just so many things you know it's you know what I'll do Shane will do it will wear you out it'll make you feel exhausted how many of you just feel that way emotionally exhausted like I am spent I don't even have this it takes everything I can to throw the covers back and get up and face another day shame shame does that it takes away our vision it takes away our hope and all the different things that we need for this next season so Lord I'm just asking right now for a supernatural grace to come a washing away of the issues of shame off of these people well we're gonna go somewhere over the next two days over the next three days though even higher than it's been already I pray but lord I pray that you would wash away this issue of shame lies from the enemy I feel like some of you or have even had dreams where where your dreams have been heaping shame on you that's really I don't think I've ever prayed for that but I feel like that's more than one or two people I feel like some of you have had dreams and you wake up from the dreams feeling great who was that we're gonna break that we're gonna sanctify your dream several of you that's odd so I'm just gonna break that off right now that this access that the enemy has had to influence your your dreams because some so much of that is coming out of the soul I'm gonna slip by either if I can and just to be free of that in Jesus mighty name Lord let our dreams come from heaven not releasing shame I saw another couple of hands over here okay can you slip over here just a little bit maybe I can just pray for you this is important because it makes you not want to go to sleep do you feel that way sometimes I feel that when I touched your head you don't even want to go to sleep at night so lord I just pray that you will make her sleep sweet anointed sleep I just apply the bloodline of the Lord Jesus Christ over her life right now over her dreams and over her soul to wash away the residue of shame and dishonor Lord saturator with a revelation of the cross I pray this is true all over the room I know this is true use your hand race you Lord and your dreams are being influenced by that okay I'm just gonna ask the Lord right now to overshadow you with a washing and a cleansing to purify your soul to purify your dreams to purify your prayer life even I think it's influence your prayer life you having a heart you struggling with your prayers aren't you okay come out here I could feel that it's just a real frustration for you is that right yeah gotta take both of your hands I want you to be free tonight I want you to be a token of all these that are standing right here that God will just overshadow you right now wash it away all every area of your life the word will come alive your your prayer life is full of life I feel this for it for a note yes young lady right here can you come out here I feel some of those same things for you just lies of the enemy you mean you know what the enemy's a liar you know that he's a lie if he opens his mouth it's a lie you believe that you do you know that don't you you believe things I talked about tonight you want to be free lord I just release an anointing on her life free here from this Lord overshadow her with your anointing you know what it's done to you it's create a lot of fear you struggle some fear issues I'm not trying to embarrass you I hope you know that I'm just trying to get you free I want you to be free Lord just give her the courage of a lioness wouldn't it be wonderful just to be so bold that you prophesy and just declare and decree there may be no timidity no no no fear no shame lord release it I know that's true for so many of you understand there's no way I can pray for everybody so each one that I'm praying for is a representation of so many Lord let these people be free just let them be free tonight because your prayers are needed you need to be able to go before the throne go into the courts of heaven with bonus when I release it you feel that right there I just felt this grace for you a real anointed grace for this new season a little battle-weary a little worn out but Lord's gonna renew that your strength like that of an eagle or give it to her tonight I ask in Jesus Lord all over the room people are standing I pray for a release I pray for dreams and visions and revelations from God no more bad dreams no more I just am really on this dream issue right now because I feel like so many of you have been influenced by your dream your dream life is I love to dream dreams don't you I love it when God visited me I I've gone through seasons where my dreams weren't what I wanted them to be in and I normally have to either get some prayer or fear at what's going on but I just wonder I believe there's an anointing here of glory and anointing a grace for our dreams to be full and saturated with the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ that these hindrances and these shackles I think that is a good word has been put on you can be broken off grant that I pray Lord grant that I pray I think I can't crash this I can't it's okay all right it's not look that I can't the feedback from the mic you know seems to be bad I didn't just come over to this side of the room okay pray for you there's all the disappointments and all the the frustrations are birth broken right now in Jesus name it's a new day it's a new anointing a fresh perspective of heaven you grant that to her I pray Jesus name overshadowing of the anointing in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ let it come let it come bless the Lord just released the anointing in Jesus mighty name fresh revelation hey Donna how you guys doing Lord just filler filler right now I pray no more shame of your dreams okay see your dreams affect your dreams are being affected by linear can you work your way over one side over there on the other I can feel you waited and you waited in I know a little bit in the natural but I it's a weight that's it's like it's already right here but you'll break it on right now I want you to be free tonight focus on God now go up go up above all that stuff all those voices all the harassing that's been released against you just go above it right now in the name of Jesus Christ is an anointing for it it's like your wings are already there just catch the wind go above all the stuff you know all the words that just feel like there's a swirl of words all around you words of accusation words of doubt that's what it's really trying to do release down and so what you've been in heaven fighting it down it's been trying to steal your faith and so what brings what brings faith is revelation revelation brings faith by revelation Noah built an ark by revelation he prepared for the unprecedented by faith of course but he had faith in his revelation so I'll release it right now in the name of Jesus Christ that she would be filled with the spirit of Revelation in Jesus mighty name grant that I pray Lord Jesus name bless her Lord release it all over another so many I wish I could pray for everybody because more I'm praying and more I can feel the anointing the Lord release understanding release freedom all over this room right now in the name of Jesus Christ be free be free Thank You country for you they'll be okay Lord be released the anointing room in Jesus mighty name grant that I'm right good fill him up god I won't be putting any longer I know we probably got to go we getting ready for in the morning but I just want something that I want us to reach a certain place in the room right now before we go Lord release the anointing that brings revelation to break off the shame and disappointment and discouragement lord I pray that she would release angels on assignment you know this word that I had with the heavens are open in angels of ringing revelation I believe that with all of my heart I pray that Canada would be filled with those angelic hosts I pray that spirits of Revelation will begin to come and transform the region where there's been darkness let there be light where there has been confusion let there be clarity there's such an opposing opposition and the Lord is bringing just the very opposite he's bringing light in the middle of darkness and I pray that for this area for this region I pray that there will be a continuation of what has been started but I feel like the enemy has tried to delay some things I feel like you've been battling delay so many of us have been battling delay but there's a place where he says there shall be delay no longer but I feel like even some things that have been prophesied last year in these meetings which I have right now no idea what they might have been have been delayed I know I know personally I know from the Lord that much of what was supposed to have been released this summer got delayed but it will be released this fall and I'm not sure how that happened I got to be honest with you I don't know how the enemy does that but there are personal promises and there are corporate promises things that were supposed to have happen in June May June and July that are gonna be happening now in September in October but we have to cooperate with God watch these fall months very closely watch September and October very closely some of what we're seeing in the natural realm is a reflection of what's taking place in the spirit realm the whole Ring of Fire thing is a big part of that and just the different things we're battling you know all over all over the church really not just all over geographically but there's something that's about to shift and there's gonna be a transition and think the enemy is you know release is almost like an unleashing to try to keep us back but once we cross this threshold into what's coming it's going to begin to be unstoppable you understand what I'm saying I'm trying to tell you what I've been seeing prophetically over the last season and what others that I trust have been seeing prophetically I know these things are coming and I know that we've got to be positioned for 2019 because 2019 is going to position us for the major things of 2020 we've been seeing that for some time but I actually thought some of it was going to happen some of it was gonna happen in 2018 but there has been delay but we're not waiting for 2020 of the have vision we're waiting for 2020 for the vision to be released right now is the time for vision right now is the time to be free of shame right now is the time to be free of all these things that are hindering us so that we can get the vision and posture ourselves for the vision and the next installment of what's coming because what's coming is pure and undiluted revelation the Spirit of Truth guiding us into all truth God has given a measure of grace for us to be able to have some leaven mixed in we don't want leaven but I'm telling you what God is getting the leaven out and he is getting the leaven out of our belief structures so that all that we're left with is true truth undiluted truth but it comes by revelation so I'll release that to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we'll continue of some of this in the morning you you
Channel: Frontline Church
Views: 7,863
Rating: 4.9000001 out of 5
Keywords: Paul Keith Davis, Shame, Overcoming Shame, Frontline Worship Centre, Prophetic, Prophecy, Christian Conference
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 57sec (4737 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 10 2019
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