The Top 5 Moves For White Belts

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hey what's up guys professor Tom Davey here we're gonna have a look at some awesome stuff today in particular the five things that every white belt should learn first out you might be a white bird or a black belt but what am i top five for my wife bill slim find out right now all right guys five moose and white bones well we're gonna start off obvious we're gonna have a look a bridge and raw when we're mountain we obviously never want to be mounted and you're gonna try to roll people in essence it is a very simple technique but it has a very strict set of requirements for it to work so meet those requirements and you'll almost roll anyone after you however miss one and the whole thing will get screwed up so don't hurry the first thing I were going to try to do is get one of his elbows onto my torso this is very important how can I do that well I couldn't way and then he puts his hand down and now just grab it okay notice how I'm coming up towards her I need elbow to chest contact maybe he's just got his hand around me or something he's doing something and I can just hold on to it now okay well maybe he's keeping his hands up maybe even punching me but I couldn't Bob grab his hand in and now I've got it for a split second but from this position if I've got reasons Rider I'm connected to my rib cage my left leg will lay flat my buddy's off the ground the only things touching the ground right now on my left shoulder and my right foot once I've achieved that I locked my entire body tight and I do a bridge as high as I can go on my right leg then it goes from pushing on the Mac to kicking in the air and it continues for my oopah or bridge and roll escape let's have a look at that one one more time race is here on now you are getting you a ski from here so we need to get out so I can hold ya hold the leg and then like a roundhouse kick in the air it's a hell pendulum carry outfit over on top two top guy okay so here we are in top guard all right we're gonna go straight into one of our next most important moves anyway to get around the legs well two arms underneath grab together pull him up hold the shoulder and put his knee to his own nose at which point you do not move you push your chest out and let his leg slide by congratulations you are now inside control once again any time we find ourselves in someone's legs as soon as their legs are open and not locked you're gonna get two hands under grab our hands together pull them up and hold that shoulder now using the power of my legs I'll put his knee to his nose and puff my chest and belly out to get the pass I do not rub my legs around and so that is number two however what would Reese tune if he was caught in this position let's have look at technique number three which will be now given the scale so he is on top of me inside control and I am I here my hands are up just as if I was boxing winding in my left jaw winding my right toe up never elbows out elbows in okay from this position I'm gonna make sure he doesn't get to mount that's my right knee up and now watch what I do push off my left foot as high as I can go and move myself back my right knee penetrates all the way through till it sees daylight and now I pull him into me turn to my left and get my right foot out and return him to close guys this shorty will legs up easier will be untangled those okay so again Reese's in my cycle drop I have my elbows in hands up okay my right knee is up prevent the mouth I've reached as hard as I can into him holding with my elbows and now move back this gives me enough space to drive my right knee through at which point I will call this posture turn to my left which lets me get my big old foot Adam so that is move three but we still got two more moves to go now comes time for offense so I like to let all of my students know they need to know that now to get someone to the ground so how do we normally get someone to the ground okay so a basic tactic can be practiced from the knees over here on patrol and I'll penetrate in between his legs head up roll the legs I've got a trowel it now that powers him down during landing is God weight on the show they got tossed the legs and now back in and now you're on top one more time this time from the feet if I can control the man and touch the men's buddy I'm close enough to shoot once his hands are out of the way I'm going to low my level and shoot in so I'm opening shoot down I Lola and from a street perspective it is realistic to tackle someone down and actually expect to land them out I would never expect that against a trained wrestler or a jiu-jitsu practitioner in the street it's easier but on the street also is easy to do this rather than ahead because of that almost certainly after one or two of those ordinary things untrained he will start to turn over I will give him the space with him okay once my feet are on the inside of his hips I will put my right hand under his jaw around till it touches my own shoulder now like snake my other hand on top of my own wrist okay shoot my fingers out and then pull my right elbow back again from this position right hand I'm that till it touches my shoulder left hand over my right eye shoot my left fingers out and now I pull my right elbow back for a tremendous yes speedily acquired rear naked choke well that about doesn't it's a very hot day here in Australia and summer on these mats and we have to have our air conditioners off when we film these videos so there's five techniques for you whether you're a white belt with bilko Berlin doesn't matter those five techniques are basics for everybody Yee or noogie and I hope some of these tips can help you get started on your BJJ journey check out my website guys that grappling Kadim EECOM for more cool free stuff and I hope you guys have an awesome jiu jitsu journey just like I've had thank you very much for watching take care
Channel: The Grappling Academy
Views: 1,025,983
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Id: SpWfuVhqQsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2019
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