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okay my heart is going so quick that's per if you did that it's perfect come on as a mountain bike rider you're constantly dealing with fear whether you're a professional or a complete beginner we all experience it but it's how you deal with it which is what allows you to progress hit that jump or land that scary trick i know for a fact that cara finds step downs terrifying and the aim of today's video is to uncover that fear overcome it and hopefully help her to ride step downs by looking at her technique and defeating fear so what is a step down feature basically drop-offs are scary enough imagine them putting a ramp on top of the drop and sending yourself super super high it is the scariest most difficult feature to ride in my opinion something like a step up is very nice and safe because you go up and all your sort of momentum and energy is almost killed which means that if you do crash it's a softer landing hence why they're often used for trying tricks or learning tricks the step down is completely different you're going super high and you're dropping which gains a lot of momentum gains speed it's really good at the start of a set of jumps because it helps you to initiate the speed to clear that set i can completely understand why a step down feature is super scary for a beginner rider such as cara we're going to check in with her now to find out what it is that she finds particularly scary about the step down i've been progressing really nicely on jumps and doubles but step downs is something that really scares me and the reason for this is because as you're approaching it you actually can't see the landing and it just seems like you're gonna just ride off the edge of the world and also as well if i forget to pull up or i do something wrong out of the lip then it's quite a long way down before anything will catch you so it's something that's quite easy to go over the bars on and that really scares me so i really would quite like to overcome that today and try and hit a few different step downs this is so scary and this is literally just the warm up one to ease me in but yeah super super scary and actually this is the first time that i've ridden the md mtv hopper program as well i normally just stick to the yellow backpack one car is super scared of this very ramp right now and this is a little tip for you guys out there that are struggling to overcome fear she's come to this session knowing that this was the task and this is what she wanted to achieve and going there with that fixated on your mind is good because you think about it a lot but it also is bad because fear can make you ride very stiff and not ride as good as you usually can so what we're going to do have a little ride on some of the features which she finds a lot easier warm up her body warm up her brain until the point where she's a bit looser and feeling some excitement and energy as opposed to fear and sort of all like this and then we're going to come over smash this while she's stoked and it's going to be an awesome day i'm all warmed up now but i just keep looking at that step down set up and it's just not happening in my head so i've moved the ramp to flat first because i want to feel how to actually ride the ramp before i then go into something gnarly so we're going to give that a go and then move it back she's super nervous which is not nice to see but it's perfect for this video and hopefully helping her to overcome it yo perfect though even just hitting it too flat it's petrifying yeah do it again and get a feel for it again and then we'll see after that yo easy yeah you're looking really comfortable in that yeah does it feel good yeah you must have a bit more confidence now you've hit it yeah i just yeah okay let's move it to the step down then you just need to get it done yeah i want to go home real fear isn't it real fear that'd be such a good send scary my heart is going so quick she's got it so easily just scary big wooden kicker in the way [Music] oh so scary i'm just like like i'm sitting up there like right just do it just do it just do it and then literally as soon as i start pedaling and gaining speed i see it i bottle it ah i just got i just got to do it all right come on car come on come on come on maybe get a bigger run up so i'm properly setting oh gosh why is this so scary come on got to do it got to do it got to do it just do it it's fine it's going to be fine oh my god yo nice well done well done how was that so scary yeah so so scary look how much i'm shaking yeah that's a proper tremble that isn't it talk us through it what did you do what was happening like i was just getting mind blocked like that way within my capabilities but it was just so scary because it's the step down thing yeah and like what i did was because where i was sat i could see the ramp yeah so i like pedaled down into the woods and like gave myself a bit of a pep talk you probably hear it on the gopro actually and uh pedaled around so i was set up then by the time i could see the ramp i was all ready to go yeah so it was just a matter of like just do it and it was fine but that was honestly so scary i'm i'm like petrified still really i don't know yeah get another one out of the way do another one yeah go straight back in and get it done because the more you do now now now you know that it's fine the more you do the better it will become did i notice dive a little bit but it was fine it was good it was really good for your first one because you're scared do a few you'll loosen up and you'll be sneezing off of it yeah gun him okay right i'm going into my run-up again oh it's still so scary i don't know why oh come on cara you got this you got this you got this you got this so scared so scared right go ew smooth oh that was fine that was okay it's still so scary i don't know what's scary now the fact that i feel like i'm gonna go off that bit right she rode that so much better you could tell after doing one she sort of got the nerves out and was a bit more relaxed and actually had control over the bike rather than the other way around so the way you've overcome the fear is you arrived you rode some other things got stoked got warmed up you then broke it down into steps you jumped the kicker to get the feel of the ramp and then you had a bit of a mind block but you just sort of went further back yeah i did it so that i couldn't see the ramp yeah because when you look at well personally for me if i look at something for too long i talked myself out of it so i just done it didn't look at the ramp as soon as i come up to the ramp look at it right you've got to commit once you've committed done then you're done now the next stage of burying that fear is to just keep riding it yeah keep doing it i want to see 10 10 of them today so you get it out no yeah so give us a high five now give us 10. [Applause] nice [Applause] i've got four more jumps left now and it's getting a bit easy to the point where i'm braking because i don't want to overshoot so i think i'm going to go a bit quicker now and see if i can get bigger air there's good yeah that's a big move you ready [Applause] yo [Applause] drift that's it look at the dust cloud well that's your 10. nice nice well done thank you should we go and review your technique in slow motion okay right style comparison or technique comparison let's have a look so this is me i actually couldn't pull that apart no you're perfect your technique's really good compared to mine you're not pulling up as much but yeah yeah yeah you're really good you're a very neutral body position lots of control and you're really thinking about the landing yeah and you're regulating your speed really well because you've got a flat run up the beauty of using these portable kickers is you can just pick it up and move it which is exactly what we've done the transition and the ramp feel stays exactly the same which is really good for a beginner who's learning the difference between this setup is the landing is much steeper which is going to make it more scary because she's going to be going that much quicker cara actually hasn't looked at it yet so we'll get her reaction as she comes over it's the same thing again like this landing is a lot steeper so it's a lot more scary i don't know i'm gonna have to like get get my bike and have a look at it and things before i decide if i want to do it or not the best thing about this one is that over there there's a bit of a rolling so at least that will help me get my speed like that yeah like that's perfect and i 100 have enough speed yeah more than enough from there okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] really yeah you did it i'm not doing that again too scary a little bit but anyway you're scared this is how steep is you can't even walk up it can you that was scary nice well done though just hit back that was really really good i think you could do it again i don't want to either i think that it's a bit like earlier like once you sort of loosened up and done a few you'd sort of overcome that fear who's boss i just think that i want to be more confident in doing stuff like go back over to that one maybe even another time and just keep doing that keep doing that until it's something that i can just do without even thinking about before i then come on to doing something with a steeper landing because as you guys would have seen like my nose died so bad on that and yeah it's probably because i'm stiff and a bit scared but it's still a much bigger jump and i don't want to like run before i can walk really and i don't want to come away from today's session with an injury either which i probably wouldn't but it's still personal preference i think i'm just going to leave it that's so good you did that i mean look at it it's quite a big it's a big scary setup isn't it yeah it's really really scary and like at the start of this video like i wasn't even sure if i was going to do the warm-up step down that we set up and that took a hell of a lot of doing for me to do that to then even go and hit that one yeah i think massive hurdles have been jumped over today so i'm really happy with my progress with overcoming the fear of doing step downs so just as a quick recap the way that we overcome the fear was not fixate your mind on it like it's fine to be scared come away from it if that's what's bothering you and warm up properly like get into the session get your body flowing like relax your mind and you know when you do some easier things and ride them well then you'll be stoked to then go and try the scary one once you saw get that buzz things are a lot easier anyway so relaxing is the first sort of bit in this debrief secondly it was just repetition after that wasn't it yeah once you've done it instead of being like all that's done and it's scary just keep going keep going i know that wasn't necessarily the case on the second one but the first step down that was definitely what helped you to gain the confidence to then move on to that one wasn't it yeah so you should be happy on that note that is end of this video i hope you guys have enjoyed it if you have give us thumbs up leave some comments below and we will both see you guys in the very next video
Channel: Tom Cardy
Views: 151,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tom cardy, kara beal, girl mtb, best girl mtb, downhill mtb girl, enduro mtb girl, dream mtb girl, mtb basics, mtb beginner skills, mtb mistakes, mtb beginner tricks, mtb jumps, mtb jump progression jump mtb, how to jump mtb, mtb jumping for beginners, mtb how to, mtb skills, mtb easy skills, mtb trail basics, mtb drop off's, how to drop off, drop off basics, get big air mtb, mtb drop off tips, drop off technique, overcome fear, mtb fear, step down jump
Id: 9_FiiUhoC-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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