Lee McCormack Teaching Pro Rider Dani Arman How to Jump in One Session | Lee Likes Bikes/RideLogic

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hey guys i'm lee mccormack i'm with lee likes bikes and this is my friend danny hi danny hello hello hello and um we're here to help danny ride better which is our whole goal in life right so tell us what we can do for you today uh i guess my biggest problem or i guess challenge i'm dealing with right now it has to do with just general jumps like clearing them efficiently okay yeah and why do you want to jump uh because i want to get air because you want to get here because it's rad yeah yeah and it is fast yes it's faster yes and what sort of racing or riding do you do um i've been trying to get into more downhill riding lately and that's just been my biggest challenge what's fair and what's your background uh background is cycle cross and cross-country cell racing yeah so an endurance athlete right kind of stepping into the more aggro gravity world and as is very very common uh learning how to jump is is is new right totally yeah cool so like so i teach people to jump most days of the year right unless it's snowing um so i've got a little system what we'll do is we'll start with pumping because pumping is like the the base skill right um we worked together like two years ago i saw it on an email to thread so we've done a little bit of that but it's been two years so we'll check on you i'll explain some stuff and then once once you're moving well on the pump track then we'll take it to like a good beginning jump we're here at valmont bike park in boulder colorado by the way so we'll we'll dig in okay okay all right so i guess the biggest thing for me is you know i've i've watched a lot of videos um read a lot of books especially a lot of lee's stuff and i'm at that point where i don't really know what i'm doing incorrectly so the direct feedback i think is going to be really beneficial for me right now all right so um so we're going to start with pumping right and here's kind of my whole granifi grand unified theory of shredding okay in a nutshell right so when we ride that's not the best way but it's not the worst wave we are always looking for sine waves so a pump track is a pretty literal sine wave right like a flow trail or a bmx track is a pretty literal easy to see sine wave i want people to understand that like this could be a pile of rocks or something like that right it's still a wave right this one could be a jump and let's call it a tabletop jump your trajectory is still a wave right and by the way this could be a pretty serious gap jump with a person down there for scale right but your trajectory is still a wave is that making sense okay totally so so then okay i made a little mess on my wave so i'm gonna clean it up just a little bit this is completely professional production here all right so we got our wave okay so the first thing we need to worry about and this is kind of this is different from the way most of you guys think about riding so so bear with me on a wave you have these inflection points right here here here okay and that gives you crests and it gives you troughs okay and so here's the deal number one thing is when we ride you see my hand we balance we balance on our feet in the middle of the bike and the bike does this the bike is changing attitude right and this is kind of cool my finger that's poking through my old glove would be the handlebar the handlebar follows an arc around your feet can you see that so i used to think oh pull up up things push down down things but that's not how it works the bar follows this arc around your feet okay so check it out back to this all right when you're going across a crest the bars are going away from you so you should push them away from you right i'm not talking about pushing down the down that's too late i'm talking about pushing across the top okay when you're coming through a trough the bars are coming towards you right so you pull them towards you right so when you're pumping you're pushing across the tops and pulling through the bottoms right that's with your arms your legs of course handle the up and down component just like mogul's skiing so when you combine the arm and leg motion which you end up with is a row and an anti row and in a row you're pulling with your hands and pushing with your feet okay and what you do is you row through the troughs this is a row so it's like push with your feet pull with your hands and what that does is it levers the bike through the trough and that's where true pumping power comes from okay and when you go across a crest you do we'll call an anti-row which is where you pull your feet up and push your hands away right so you have a row and an ant-side road there's this constant like tension between your hands and your feet on the bike and that's what makes the bike really rip okay so again for a pump track it's just anti-row row right if we make this into a jump we'll call it a tabletop jump we'll say this is 95 feet long just for fun right you ready jumping and pumping are the same thing when we jump we roll through the lip and that gives us that levers the bike into the air and then as soon as we get in the air we anti-rope so we treat it almost exactly like a roller except we happen to not be on the ground does that make sense totally cool so so let's go to the pump track first here's me anti-row row anti-row row anti-row and here's danny so dude that was really good yeah like the pieces are there like you've been practicing well awesome um really well um the thing i would add especially for jumping is to add more leg interesting yeah so so your arms are doing the right thing and your legs are doing the right thing but we want you to like get more power and range out of your legs where um into as you push into the truck okay or push i'm sorry as you push through the trough got it this is really good big row anti-row powerful row so dude like you clearly have been practicing your pumping is good okay and i feel like we can go straight to jumping and my thought is it's not gonna be so much about the technique it's gonna be more about confidence perfect yeah i would find what i think i'm doing is well actually what i know i'm doing is i'm definitely going nose heavy so i really don't know what i'm doing with my body or what i should be doing with my body when i'm in the air fair enough air here right yeah so yeah that would i'm looking forward to figuring that out so you danny you wreck you you mentioned getting thrown forward in the air yep and that is number one the most common thing that happens to people when they jump and number two the most horrifying and dangerous and hazardous thing that can happen and here's what happens a okay if you're nervous you instinctively what do you do lean back you lean back away from danger okay so that puts your weight back on the bike that's number one number two okay this is a really mellow jump perfect learning jump right i'm on flat ground right here and up here it goes to like i don't know a 25 degree 30 degree incline right so your bike you're standing on your bike your bike is doing this and if you don't row enough if you don't bring the bike to you you get pushed even farther back yep and that way when the rear wheel hits the the lip it hangs up and that's what throws you forward yep so again like most people get thrown forward they think i don't want to get thrown forward so they lean back that's what causes them to be thrown forward never lean back ever okay so the key um this is a lot like the pump track right the key is we're gonna roll through this lip which is push with your feet pull with your hands and then as soon as we get in the air we're gonna do exactly the opposite and anti-roll in the air and that's really all there is to it if you can pump well mechanically you can jump well okay the last piece is confidence right that's what we're gonna work on perfect here's me row and tyro so you're perfect on the pump track this is the same move okay here's danny she rose early and then anti-rose across the top so what you just did that's pretty i see that a lot so what you did was as you entered the turn as you entered the jump you kind of like stood up and got your head away from danger and you fully extended like you like you kind of pushed away from the jump okay and so that left you fully extended so then all you could do from there is absorb the jump okay and that's what happened um so what we want to do is is is keep your head low stay in a hinge and like you're on the pump track and really go for like a nice aggressive powerful row like the height doesn't come from driving your head up the height comes from that rowing motion that leverage and then and then go for an anti-roll in the air we'll see so here's a jump okay like a nice mellow take off to a tabletop all right if you want that's so crooked but it's okay if you want to go low okay what you'll do is you'll row through the trough early and then as soon as the front tire peaks over the top you push it forward and bmx that's called pushing through and that gives you a low trajectory so it'll stay that'll keep you low that's what we do on the pump track if you want to jump okay if you want to really catch air you do the same movements it's just different timing so if you want to catch air you roll all the way until the back tire leaves the ground right and what that does is that levers the bike off the lip and gives you more air right and that'll give you a higher trajectory so dude that was a lot better okay a lot better yeah more rowing action and again when i say row i'm talking about the opposition between pulling with your hands and pushing with your feet that was better you still pushed your head away okay like i guarantee you're not planning to push your head away sure it's completely subconscious 99.99999 of people do it instinctively right until they look till they learn better yeah so just keep in your hands and and give that row an anti-row power and you're you're going to be good so how'd that feel oh good i don't know if i'm yeah i don't it doesn't feel any different you you um it was pretty much the same as the previous one yeah um it was quite good you just you're still popping your head up gosh that's so crazy so keep your head low do you think i should is there something else i could focus on other than like other than the row or push like is there something i could do with my hips or anything like that you're doing the right thing so i'm sorry so the biggest thing is like this is this is common i hope all you guys out there on the internet are listening right what's happening here she's a really good writer and she's been doing her homework so she looks a lot better than you probably do right because she's got a good romantic rope but that head is still creeping away from the jump signal it's creeping up and that's subconscious so the only way for us to over overcome that habit is to exaggerate head down like it's gonna feel ridiculous okay just exaggerate exaggerated hydrate head down head down head down okay everything else is great so you're still pulling your head up yeah why i think it's because i'm well actually i know it's because i'm trying to perform that raw motion [Music] but like cheating it maybe like i'm like trying to pull like use the wrong motion with my like with your body yeah versus like this exactly so that's it right so people most people try to pull the bars by leaning their body back and they push the bars by leaning their body forward but what we do is just getting a hinge like pretend you're in a hinge right and just pull the bars straight back just pull them towards you like a like a yeah so i'm going for more here more or less yeah okay yeah oh look at it so what was different what did you feel that stop and i get it where did you feel that time um i i i pushed down later into the into the jump and it totally ripped yeah you got boost yeah yeah good that's what we're about yep good job okay pump was too early and too fast right that's why you absorbed it remember there's nothing wrong with absorbing it most of the time that's what we do but if you want to get that boost like my friend zach lewis is a pro snowboard and bike freestyle guy yeah and he always says you know the keto jumping and i'm like i'm like goal setting he's like no i'm like determination he's like no he's like laziness so be lazy continue to slow your row bro and um keep your head down man hell yeah so how was that that was sick good job nice okay cool so that was a really good one man um so for you it's like laying into the lip and like like delaying that row so it's longer yeah and then just keeping that hinge and keeping your head down and that's that's that's the key crazy that was beautiful right it's pretty simple but like you said it's is it helpful to get feedback it's very helpful because you don't really under i mean for me i don't know like the timing aspect of what i'm doing what yeah it's good to have eyes on you for sure right let's get some more good ones [Music] so those are good jumps man yeah so how do what did you do different and how does it feel and all that uh i would say the biggest thing was uh um slowing down the rope and the timing of like actually going through that raw motion i think i was just doing it way too early so uh kind of doing it later into the lip was like oh okay i get it now no it is right yeah and then like if you if you don't want to jump it you want to absorb it then pump early right like before but if you want to boost it like be lazy i love it yeah that's really good later on so how good does it feel to hit a jump clean so fun and knowing that i'm doing it right is really helpful too because i mean i've i've cleared jumps before but probably sketchy is all hell so it's good to know um just the same from a safety aspect and bailout and just knowing proper form really in the end that's lovely so danny so far we we hit like the most beginner of beginner jumps right has a low trajectory low like a like a not a very steep lip and it gives you a low trajectory which is wonderful so the next step for you is a lip air jump this is uh this is a small but it's it's but look it's like almost five feet tall the lip right for most people that's really intimidating the other thing is it's steeper right so check this out number one your bike is changing angle from level to like 40 degrees up right that means you need to like change the angle of the bike below you like 40 degrees right the bike's going to do this what people don't do is they like first of all they're like a little nervous they're already too far back and then they don't pull enough so they end up on the back of the bike and then the bike will buck them over the bar okay that's that the next thing is and this is kind of cool most good jumps have a jump right before them like in a rhythm section or a setup roller like this one okay so check this out if you just passively ride the roller you'll like hit this you'll catch a little bit of air you flop into the hole and you're just going to hit this jump it's going to be super disruptive and not smooth and not wrapped what we do instead it starts way back there we pump everything land this jump hook this roller hook is to aggressively pump i'm gonna absorb the front of the roller and i'm gonna smash into the back and are you ready for this from about here all the way to the lip is one rowing motion it's one consistent row basically you go and you're in the air and when you're in the air then you do your anti-rope okay be right back so did you catch what i just did i did i did you definitely um you're definitely moving you're not moving your body back at all it seems yeah i try to stay on my feet right yeah so that no matter how even though this is more of aggressive lip that you're still doing the same thing it's the same thing it's just more just more and then when you go over to the really serious jumps like those are 70 degree lips yeah then it's the same thing it's just more just more just more and i'm gonna tell you that the only thing that feels better than a little jump is a big jump oh okay we want to get there we want to get there how'd that feel bad yeah you lean back so that was technically pretty good so go faster and pump way harder there we go so what you're doing is you're this is normal you're not jumping it you're absorbing it which is fine but not the goal um you're you're you're rowing early and then you're anti-rowing as you leave the lip we want you to row all the way through the lip there it is there it is sprint and then pump the out of the rollers out of the roller right before it always okay hell yeah how was that it's pretty rad right oh my god jumps are good big jumps are better than little jumps unfortunately oh they're so cool there's no going back dude good there's no going back yes cyclocross won't have the same appeal all right let's do it again right okay that's perfect tom nice one so so what did you do that made that thing so good faster and pumped the out of it yeah you gotta pump the out of it like jumping's funny it's a paradox because on one hand you have to be completely supple and soft and lazy yeah but you have to be super engaged and powerful too sure it's both yeah crazy crazy right so what you're saying is more speed is better always to a point i'm kidding yeah yeah yeah yeah totally right like but that bike like if you were on like a dirt jump bike or a bmx bike you could go really slow and get it easy just because it's smaller because they're more efficient that's a sb130 it's a pretty serious trail bike and it's absorbing a lot of the energy plus you've got big tires right so like on my stumpy too like we just have to work harder it's okay it's okay are you okay with doing hard work yeah you're good with that sweet all right let's go again huh yeah [Music] it's so good like you you have it right okay and and like not only does this open up the world of dirt jumping and slope styling and that kind of stuff but it will dramatically change how you see trails which is excellent i mean and it's not like scarier necessarily you know like when you have more control um it's yeah it's not scary yeah jumping sounds scary when you do it well correct i know that when you do it poorly it's incredibly scary right yeah like i don't even like like probably if i were to do this yesterday even being in the air is just like what do i do so now it's like oh like it's not even like a scary thing yeah it's just like a nice like like rainbow of love right and you have vegetables yeah and like like really like um unicorns and you just anti-row through the air and you're good that's it yeah good for you man yeah it's so fun i'm stoked we got to do that like for you that was pretty easy like like for most people we'd spend a lot of time pumping and learning the pumping but you've already been doing your homework and your pumping was good and so we got to go straight to jumping your your big issues were that weird head pop up yeah which is very common as a matter of fact some coaches teach that like it's a thing that people do on purpose i don't recommend it so you got your head thing which is common and the other thing was that you're too early and i'm making air quotes back here yeah because you were if you want to stay low over a jump then you're doing the right thing right you roll through the bottom of the lip and then as soon as the front tire goes over the lip you push forward right and so that's you're doing that well but since you want to jump jump then it's just a matter of like laying into that row longer until the rear wheel takes off yep and then you're good that's it and that's it and you can practice that and then with kick ass as a rider especially as like a pro rider like you like you can have a good set of arrows in your quiver where it's going to be like i'm going really fast i want to stay low so i'll anti-row fast absolutely oh my god i need to jump this rock right so i'm going to row longer and you're going to be able to like your lizard brain is really good at extemporaneous work so it's going to happen like on the fly and you won't know the math but you're going to enjoy the results love it super rare good love it so thanks for coming up thank you so much for your help
Channel: Lee McCormack / RideLogic
Views: 145,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cCPh4rNGSno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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