Overcome Anxiety | Peter Tan-Chi | Run Through

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[Applause] do [Music] the biggest challenge today is the toxic emotion of worry anxiety fear it is the number one mental disorder in america today the different names for this panic attack anxiety disorder traumatic stress disorder it affects the heart it affects your blood pressure it affects your immune system it affects your stomach that's why many people have ulcers and if this is prolonged eventually it has been proven it shortens life it causes unnecessary early death but what is more serious about this topic is the reality that toxic emotions will not only harm your physical health it will harm your relationships with the people around you your family members it will also harm your relationship with god this topic is so relevant today especially among family members it has been proven anxious parents will inevitably produce anxious children children copy the worries and the anxieties of parents therefore it is extremely important that parents understand they need to learn to manage these toxic emotions called anxiety worry because the way you handle issues problems your own worries will impact your children god's desire is for us to have healthy emotions let me repeat not all emotions are bad but here are the extremes why are we talking about emotions to me emotions is something that was invented by god it is what makes us human the only question is this do you have positive emotions or do you have negative emotions and how do you deal with emotions for some people they deny they think it is not important at all they don't deal with emotions for the other extreme you allow emotions to control you both are not healthy the beginning of the series is called overcome anxiety assume personal responsibility there are four hours i like you to remember the first r is realize we all struggle with anxiety number two go to the root problem number three recalibrate your thinking and lastly you must recognize god let's begin with psalm 42 it deals with the reality of anxiety of worry it begins by telling us the heart of the author we don't know who the author was but he says the following as the deer pants for the water brooks my soul pants for you o god what the author is saying is lord i long for you as the deer is thirsty for water lord i thirst for you look at verse two my soul thirst for god for the living god when shall i come and appear before god here is a description of a good man he longs for god notice what he tells us the reality of problems he talks about his tears my tears have been my food day and night while they say to me all day long where is your god you see you must realize all of us struggle with negative emotions you know what was the author's problem he was being attacked where is your god what kind of god do you have the author continues these things i remember and i poured out my soul within me he now remember the good old days sometimes when you remember the good old days your anxiety will increase your sadness will increase he said i used to go along with the throne and lead them in procession in the house of god with the voice of joy and thanksgiving a multitude keeping festival the author apparently was a song leader he was a worship leader he said i used to attend worship services if those were good times but notice you must realize you must admit we do struggle with worry anxiety look at verse 5 he now asks why are you in despair o my soul why have you become disturbed within me hope in god i shall again praise him for the help of his presence this phrase why are you in despair oh my soul first you have to realize there's a problem he realized he was struggling with what anxiety worry why are you in despair oh my soul why have you become disturbed within me so first principle is to humble yourselves and admit realize there are issues you struggle with many people will not want to admit they are into denial when you are into denial how can you grow how can you improve once you are willing to admit then and only then can you move forward and that's why in matthew chapter 6 jesus knew that disciples were struggling with anxiety with worry that's why he told them do not be anxious grammatically what is jesus saying do not be anxious about your what food clothing shelter jesus is saying stop being anxious in order to be helped you need to realize you are struggling with this in the past i did struggle with worry anxiety what do i mean when i first got married i'm a lovely wife young family ccf has not started yet something happened to our family business my father used to own the largest textile mill and we put up a chemical plant to supply the raw material it's one of those amazing projects but believe it or not i got kicked out of our own company i was fired from my own job it affected me emotionally i was thinking how can i provide for my family how can i provide for our future by the grace of god god help me overcome anxiety and that's why i want to share these principles with you realize it number two root problem you go to the root how do you go to the root in psalm 42 the author repeated many times talking to himself he repeated why are you in despair of my soul why have you become disturbed within me when you ask the question why why deals with root problem many times we are superficial we don't deal with root issue beware of superficiality i remember years ago when i stepped on something on the beach and i thought all i needed to do was to put some antiseptic and then the wound in my foot will get well but you know the reality it did not get well before i knew it i saw some infection and i realized this is serious i cannot just put antiseptic then i discovered the root problem you know what was the root problem there was a tiny splinter that got into my foot and i realized until that splinter is removed my foot will not heal the truth is many times we deal with problems superficially we think the problem is because of others we think the problem is because of circumstances you will not resolve your problem until you go to the root beware of blaming others i remember this father which i've been ministering to a successful businessman at that time he was not in ccf but by the grace of god i was able to counsel him he was complaining about his wife he was complaining about his family when i told him do you know your root problem you see he could never see that the root problem was himself it took years finally he said peter i finally got it the problem with my family is not my wife it's me now by the grace of god is growing when i counsel people rule number one you got to let them realize there's an issue second you got to go to the root the why you got to ask them what is causing this problem i practiced this in my life i remember years ago when somebody criticized me i was disturbed i was bothered but then i learned to ask why why are you disturbed either why are you bothered when somebody criticizes you as i asked myself the why i began to discover many times it's because of my pride you see pride will cause us to become defensive pride will cause us to be angry and then the lord will talk to me the lord said peter humble yourself ask yourself the following questions why why do you feel this way emotions is the window of our soul it reveals to us what's going on are you aware that your spiritual health and your emotional health are interrelated many times people don't understand what is spiritual maturity they think of spiritual maturity is bible study head knowledge i now submit to you spiritual maturity has everything to do with emotional maturity imagine a bible teacher he knows a lot but then when he's criticized he loses temper he throws a tantrum he reacts is that person spiritually mature or not spiritual maturity is the ability to manage and control your emotions and that's why this topic is important you need to understand what is causing the trigger why are you always angry why are you always worried and as you go deeper and deeper you will go to the root problem and before you know it god will speak through your heart through his word and you will learn to listen next recalibrate recalibrate means what you have to renew your thinking it is so powerful because what a man thinks in his heart so is he that's what the bible is saying what you think will impact your emotion it will impact your action but the battle is in the mind what do i mean let's look at the bible though we walk in the flesh we do not war according to the flesh for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses paul is not talking about the reality of spiritual warfare we do not war the world war is what a reality of battle there's a battle going on right now there's a wire ongoing right now which your eyes don't see ladies and gentlemen i wanted to listen very well right now at this very moment there's a war going on in your mind it's called spiritual warfare he's saying we are destroying speculations every lofty thing raise up against the knowledge of god we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of christ you must learn to control the thought life meaning don't allow satan to plant thoughts in your mind romans chapter 12 verse 2 do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind do not allow yourselves to be influenced by the values of the world do not be conformed by the world by others be transformed that is a command allow yourself to be transformed by the renewing of your mind you now assume responsibility for the renewing of your mind and how do you renew your mind you have to examine and recalibrate your thinking are they biblical are they truth or are they worthy values are they your opinion you have to recalibrate your thinking through god's word because truth is crucial in thinking wrong thinking produces what wrong emotions do you all recall the t principle t e a thinking is going to affect your emotion and your emotion will affect your action that is why you need to recalibrate your thinking properly if you allow the devil to say you will always be a failure because in your past your parents said you are a failure if you allow those thoughts to enter your mind you will be thinking you will never succeed if you believe in the lies of satan that god does not have your best interest at heart you're worried about marriage you're worried about your career if you begin worrying about this thing guess what will happen you will not interpret everything that happens to you as something negative you will never consider that disappointments can be god's way of protecting you god's way of blessing you so be careful how you think wrong thinking is going to produce wrong emotion and wrong emotion will produce wrong action in second samuel chapter 10 the bible tells us it happened that the king of the ammonites died in hanun his son became king so here is the background of the story king david wanted to console the son of the king of ammonites because the king the father died and the son hanun became king so what was david's motive david said in verse 2 i will show kindness to hanun the son of nehas just as his father showed kindness to me david sent some of his servants to console him concerning his father i want you to notice something in this story the motive of david was very good the motive of david was to console you know in filipino with this culture when somebody dies you want to drop by you want to consult them you want to give your condolence you want to comfort that's exactly what david did he sent a delegation but what happened instead of accepting the consolation the love and the kindness of david the bible tells us something happened notice that phrase but when david's servants came to the land of the ammonites look at the next verse the princess of the ammonites said to hanon their lord do you think that david is honoring your father because he has sent consolders to you has david not sent his servants to you in order to search the city to spy it out and to overthrow it in short they planted evil thoughts in the mind of the sun but the sun did not evaluate the thoughts the sun did not put it in a suspense file he did not ask questions he jumped to the conclusion what was the conclusion what did hannan do he took david's servants shape off half of their beards cut off their garments in the middle as far as their hips and send them away ensure what they hadn't do embarrassed the representatives of david he insulted them and guess what happened after this that's the problem wrong thinking we lead into wrong conclusion wrong emotion wrong action would you believe it a war followed after this event imagine a useless war that was caused by vain imagination the bible is very clear the bible tells us judge not and be not judged you need to recalibrate your mind stop judging stop being critical look at verse 6 when the sons of ammon saw that they become odious to david the sons of ammon sent and hired armenians in other words this is called confirmation bias if you think somebody does not like you that's in your mind you are judging the person every action that he will do you can interpret it as what not being nice to you even if he smiles at you you'll be thinking look at his smile he's sneering at me wrong thinking will lead to wrong emotion and it will lead to wrong action can you imagine because of vain imagination because of wrong thinking a war broke out unnecessarily and over 40 000 people died what a tragedy and this is what happens when you do not guard your thinking you don't recalibrate your thinking it will cause a lot of damage in my case i've learned to have a suspense file if i don't understand something i cannot figure it out i don't jump to conclusion i have learned and i refuse to jump to conclusion i have to check is this true is this not true recalibrate you have to renew your mind based on what the bible is saying be responsible for what you think i remember years ago my wife was telling my son you are making me angry and my son told my wife mom you taught me nobody can make you angry you choose to be angry mom nobody can make you irritable you choose to be irritable how true it is for me i have a choice i can count the blessing i can focus on the truth about god and entrust the situation to the lord and i can learn to relax or i can be worried i can focus on what may happen tomorrow i can focus on all the possibilities of what may go wrong you have power to choose and that power for me is a gift from god and that's why god wants us to recalibrate our mind and lastly just like the psalm is saying you have to recognize god in your life it's one thing to believe in god it's another thing to trust god it's one thing to believe that god exists but it is another thing to practice to recognize his presence to recognize god is simply this i do my best with what is within my control and what is outside my control i surrender that to god what does it mean to recognize god to recognize god means i accept my limitation i cannot control everything i cannot change people accept your limitation assume responsibility for what is within your control after doing your best surrender everything else to the lord trust him if you keep trying to control others if you keep trying to control how they should react how they should respond you will become a nervous wreck you will be a difficult person to live with you will always be angry and above all you will always be anxious and worried and you become toxic and that my friend is the meaning of toxic emotion you hurt others by the way you respond learn to rest in the lord learn to entrust to him the things that worry you and trust to him your loved ones your family members including your past that he will do something supernatural to make it better but you got to do your part pray give thanks and rest here is the formula of dealing with anxiety recognize god when you recognize god what you do you pray when you recognize god you learn to give thanks are you thankful do you give thanks the bible says in everything give thanks people who don't know how to give thanks are always worried they're always anxious can i tell you something when you learn to give thanks in advance just like what the bible is telling us be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer with thanksgiving what is the promise of god he says and the peace of god notice his peace which surpasses all comprehensions it will surpass your thinking it will guard it will protect your hearts it will protect your minds in christ jesus many years ago i attended the leadership training in arrowhead spring california in that training i heard the story of dr bill bright he talked about a staff member whose fiance died the day before the wedding she felt so bad she could not sleep she tried medication she tried counseling she took pills but she she was a wreck then she went to see dr bilbray and dr bill bright asked her in love and compassion have you ever thanked the lord for what happened to your fiancee you can imagine the reaction of this girl she said how can i thank the lord he's supposed to be my husband and god took him away dr bright said well the bible says in everything give thanks this is god's will for you in christ jesus have you ever thanked the lord i make a long story short this girl cried in tears and then she thanked the lord the next day she called up bill bite immediately she said sir for the first time i slept like a baby i have perfect peace what's the lesson god promises if we recognize him if we entrust our dilemmas our worries to him he tells us the peace of god will protect us the moment you thank god you are saying lord i trust you the moment you thank god you are saying lord i don't understand why this thing happened to me but i thank you i know you have the best plan for my life to recognize god is to realize that god is in control that's why romans 8 28 is foundational romans 8 28 tells us god causes all things to work together for good to those who love him to those who are called according to his purpose this has impacted my life i'm learning that including my past including my mistakes including what others have done god can cause it to work together for good and that can only happen if i surrender my past psalm 138 verse 8 it says god will accomplish all things that concerns me what an assurance now when you surrender your life to god is going to accomplish all things concerning you including how long you will live including who you will marry including the problems you are facing now but the only way to overcome fear and anxiety is to recognize god trust him let's hear the testimony of the power of trusting god when it comes to overcoming sadness loneliness let's hear our friend mr henry c while many people celebrated after watching you in your testimony in church how you found christ is i would have to say a few months after is your daughter passed away yes how are you today how are you today big boy it's of course the most saddest and the most painful things that ever happened in my life and right before it happened we were every day we enjoy being close to my daughter my wife family and life is a blessing but we took everything for granted but all of a sudden everything changed with an unexpected departure of my dear daughter janna and left me thinking what is life all about death will come sooner to anybody and all your loved ones and sorrow will surely be with us when it comes this makes me think if there is no living hope in jesus life is entirely meaningless did you ask god why why lord why well yes in a way yes but i was praying more for a miracle to happen and because i read also in the bible the book of job the lord he gives and he takes blessed is his name so i just stick to that but you never a big boy went through a period of blaming the lord no i did not feel that but because i trust in the lord completely and lean not on your own understanding how did you do that just starts in the lord you know you know it was really so painful and it made us cry and cry and even something up to now but uh we just completely trust in the lord just hold our each other's hands and trust in the lord wow did you go through a period of self-blame yeah no because i trust the the lord has um the best uh he has the best intention for all of us even if it's to take away i'm sure there's a reason for that in like in isaiah 57 it is reason that he protects his his floods big boy if you did not know christ do you believe kakayan no i think i would be your total wreck by now because we were so close what do you miss most about her is it the conversations was she a christian also she was very firmly with the lord and maybe the lord wants her to be home already you know these are things that are we call sorrowful joy we feel very sorrowful about about her departure missing her so much but the joy is that we know exactly where she is today with the lord with jesus christ in heaven and that is the joy and then someday i know that we're all being reunited together so there's a sorrowful and there's a joy in life i mean those words sorrowful joy they're so opposite it's either they feel sorrow or they feel joy but sorrowful joy is uniquely felt by someone who clearly has hope faith that even if you don't see where they are you know that they're in a better place that's what we call the living hope because christ is resurrected and we will be resurrected also someday you will notice how mr c process the death of his daughter how he process his disappointments the truth is he knows that god knows everything that god wants what's best for us and that god loves him god loves his family and god knows what is best god's time is best and that's the meaning of trusting god if you are still struggling with worry with anxieties i like to help you perhaps you have not realized you need help perhaps you have not gotten the root problem or perhaps your mind has very calibrated with truth or the most important you have not recognized only god can solve your problem only god is bigger than your problem so i like us to pray together by surrendering your life to god let's pray father in heaven i come before you recognizing that i do struggle with anxiety with worries today i surrender to you all my worries all my anxieties i surrender to you my life my future i know you love me [Music] i know that nothing is impossible with you i know you know what's best so i give you my life i invite you today lord jesus to come into my life as my lord and my savior i accept your gift of forgiveness i accept your gift of eternal life change my heart i accept your peace knowing that you are in control jesus name i pray amen and amen the following our discussion questions that i hope you'll discuss with your family members especially your small group or your immediate family question number one on a scale of one to ten how emotionally healthy am i you ask yourself ask them am i emotionally healthy rate yourself next you ask your neighbor as your loved ones will you please raise me how i am emotionally 1 to 10 10 being like jesus i'm healthy 5 my emotion is up and down up and down next question what makes you worry and anxious and lastly what steps should i take should you take to overcome anxiety [Music]
Channel: Christ’s Commission Fellowship
Views: 24,101
Rating: 4.9746194 out of 5
Keywords: CCF, Christ's, Commission, Fellowship, Sunday, Service, Sermon, Speaker, Message
Id: 8zP50wZZIFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 7sec (2047 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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