Emulation On The Raspberry Pi 5 Is Already Really Good! Pi5 EMU Testing

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hey what's going on everybody it's ETA Prime back here again today we're going to be testing out some emulation on the allnew Raspberry Pi 5 now at the time of making this video it's still really early and uh there are some higher-end emulators that we'd love to test on this but it's just not possible right now either way I've got a lot of stuff that I want to test out in this video and if you're not familiar with the new Pi 5 basically we've got a much faster Pi than the Raspberry Pi 4 this is a quad core cortex a76 CPU running at 2.4 GHz with a new video core GPU running it up to 800 MHz and the pi Foundation states that this is two to three times more powerful than the Raspberry Pi 4 which should significantly offer a nice boost in emulation performance but with that out of the way let's go ahead and jump into Raspberry Pi OS and test some stuff out I was able to get a retro arch up and running here unfortunately not all the cores are going to work I had to kind of pick and choose choose what we got but I did get uh GBA and N64 working with retro art right now one that I really wanted to test was some Sega Saturn but unfortunately I just couldn't get it booted up right now uh we're also going to be testing out some more Dreamcast and PSP along with that N64 but real quick as you can see we've got that Raspberry Pi 5 it's the 8 gig model and we're not overclocked we're sitting at 2.4 GHz in order to get a few of these apps installed I just use Pi apps really awesome application here it's basic basically a App Store so we can go to games here even we've got Doom 3 that we can download and you can do the demo or you can replace the files with your own Doom 3 files and get the full game uh Minecraft Bedrock we've got the PSP emulator and from tools we can actually go and install piss really easily if you're not familiar with piss basically we've got access to a lot of these emulators but with the pi five at least at the time of making this video majority of this stuff do doesn't work and it comes down to the pi five having a new CPU and GPU but I'm sure in the future a lot of this stuff will be working I was able to get duck station the PS1 emulator up and running here the Standalone version uh one that doesn't work is the Dolphin Emulator I've tried absolutely everything along with ether sx2 so I just can't get these to boot but let's go ahead and check out retro Arch so from games here does take a second to boot up I had to compile this version from source and I did go through and manually install a bunch of different cores trying to test out some stuff but it was really hit or miss I was able to get a mopin 64 next up and running here I've also got GBA and uh pcsx rearmed the Sega Saturn emulator or the Sega Saturn core here just won't work and there was a bunch of other stuff that just wouldn't boot up but we're going to just test out some GBA real quick and then we'll move on to some N64 because what we have running right now actually works amazingly on the pi five okay so first up we've got some Game Boy Advance and it's definitely not the hardest emulator to run it was just one that I could get working right now on the pi five given that it's really early we've got Sonic Advance 3 running at full speed FPS is up in the top right hand corner and when it comes to the lower-end emulators or the easier to emulate games the pi five is not going to have an issue just like the pi 4 I mean we got some really great performance with the pi 4 and we're just working with a better CPU and GPU here but one area the pi4 still struggles in is N64 emulation and again I do have to mention it it's still early for the pi 5 but this N64 emulation we're seeing here is really awesome more optimizations will come this is Rogue Squadron and I'm using mopin 64 next I tried the parallel cord just to see if we could get a little better performance than the next game we're going to take a look at but it just kept booting me out of retro Arch it actually kept crashing retro Arch so yeah definitely need some work but this is some really promising performance next up we've got golden i7 and I probably could have went through and lowered the resolution here just to get a little better performance but I just left it at the stock resolution to see what would happen and it's really not that bad now of course when we turn the corner up here it's going to really dip down the performance I'm seeing here with at least 007 golden eye is kind of on par with the uh Rock Chip $33.99 which is a chip that's definitely been on the market for a long time but I think we're going to get some full speed N64 emulation on the pi5 as soon as more developers get this in their hands so yeah it's definitely looking really promising for N64 on the Raspberry Pi 5 but the next thing I wanted to test out was some Dreamcast using the redream emulator I did try the Fly cast core with the Retro Arch but but it wouldn't work for me so here we have Dreamcast and this is actually an older version it works great with the Raspberry Pi 5 and uh in my initial first look video at the pi five we did test out a couple games but we'll go with a few different ones here so far so good with Dreamcast emulation on the pi 5 I was actually really surprised that it worked right out of the box I just downloaded it from the redream website comes with its own Mesa driver and I actually didn't think it was going to boot up you know given that we have a whole new GPU here but as you can see it works great and of course you know I had to test out some Marvel versus Capcom 2 I'll just let this play out and then we'll move over to some PSP [Music] [Music] emulation all right for this we're going to be using the stain alone version of pp sspp now I did try to compile a newer version but unfortunately this is the only one that I can get to work and we don't have Vulcan support with this version of PPSSPP so we're relying on openg right now but we've already been seeing some really great performance with PSP emulation on the pi 5 and it will increase once we get Vulcan or even just some more optimizations for this new chipset here's Ridge Racer we're at 2x resolution no hacks on I don't have any kind of frame skip going or anything like that FPS is up in the top right hand corner and yeah I wouldn't mind playing this all day I think it looks pretty good here even just at 2x resolution I went up the 3x and had a few dips especially when there were a lot of cars on screen and this is one of those games where there's always going to be a lot of cars on screen next up we've got Ratchet and Clank and with this one we could go up the 3x resolution this is one of those games that natively ran at 30 FPS on the PSP up in the top right hand corner you can see we're still running at 30 now there are hacks to allow this to run at 60 but it's still really playable like this and being able to go up to 3x on the pi five is really cool here's deia and this is another one of those PSP games that ran at 30 FPS but with this one I just couldn't do 3x yet I had to go back down to 2x still a lot better than running at that native resolution on this larger display but obviously there's one game that really gives the Raspberry Pi trouble and that's going to be God of War chains of Olympus and here it is at 1X resolution again open GL back in it's doing a lot better than it ever did on the Raspberry Pi 4 but we do get some dips you'll see it start to dip in just a second now at the very beginning of this game it was good to go there weren't as many characters on screen we had a steady 60 but you can see it dips down and then kind of goes right back up still with it being so early definitely looks like we've got a nice little emulation upgrade with the pi five also so far not looking bad at all when it comes to emulation on the pi 5 but it's only going to get better from here now at the time of making this video this was just announced yesterday and not a lot of people have gotten their hands on it it's up for pre-order you can pick it up in October and as soon as more developers get the Raspberry Pi 5 I believe we're going to see some amazing stuff on the Raspberry Pi 5 but that's going to wrap it up for this video as soon as I have more updates I will make another one I definitely want to test out some GameCube I'd love to test out Wii even some PS2 here but right now it's just pretty much impossible at least for me I tried compiling everything it just w't work out for this new chipset now if you're interested in seeing what the pi five can do I did my first look video I'll leave a link for that down below and if you want to learn a little more or maybe pick one of these up I'll also leave some links to the official Raspberry Pi store but that's going to wrap it up for this one and like always thanks for watching
Channel: ETA PRIME
Views: 219,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: etaprime, eta prime, raspberry pi 5 emulation, raspberry pi 5 emulation performance, raspberry pi 5 emulation test, raspberry pi 5 retro gaming, raspberry pi 5 release date, raspberry pi 5 gaming, raspberry pi 5b, raspberry pi 5 projects, raspberry pi 5 unboxing, raspberry pi, raspberry pi 5, pi 5, orange pi 5 emulation
Id: tSzncPkGkX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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