Overanalyzing Avatar: The Painted Lady

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are we seriously saying that Aang was swimming around in this awful looking water totally unaware of both how it looks and how it would feel why is Saka even bothering the fish this [ __ ] doesn't even look like water I'm surprised the gang would even let Opera in the water that looks like this and since when do they use Office swimming is a form of Transport the only other time he really swam was up in the northern water tribe when they were entering which made sense even if soccer wanted to fish he usually just does that when they're stopped and that's not even a mention the whole schedule problem that sakus fired up about this entire episode so Saka the only one actually doing anything with office swimming is the reason they're going slower that his problem with the scheduling already doesn't make any sense and we're only getting started on what's wrong with this episode wow AG did this move obviously just to [ __ ] with his friends here considering that all the muck went flying only towards them and not behind them at all also you'll probably have noticed that the gang replaced off his saddle with this weird little boat set up that young well that explains why I can't catch a fish around here because normally my fishing skills are off the hook too bad your skills aren't on the hook there's a lot of things off about this episode and the humor is definitely one of them all right I can see soccer making a dumb pun like this and even top coming back at him with an equally stupid comeback but in any other episode would this result on a round of laughing from the group I don't think so usually the group laughs when there's actually something pretty funny said not when it's lame on purpose which leads me to believe whoever wrote this thought the on the hook comeback was scathing and worth laughing over which is just like oh I heard somewhere once that the graphic they used for the schedule was some kind of plan and graphic that was made for season three in real life Mike used by the creators and they just threw it in here as an Easter egg I don't know if it's true but it's another Avatar myth for you and about this schedule it's obviously a problem with the show overall that Saka decided to make such a huge deal about it in this one episode and never again in the next five it almost seems like this episode was written totally in a vacuum away from the rest of the writing processes my name's doc mind if I ask who you are we're um from the earth Kingdom colonies I guess they're still using Ang's cover from last episode well I guess it's pretty good look at this place it's so sad we have to do something to help no we can't waste our time here we have a bigger mission that we need to stay focused on these people are on their own yeah soccer feels weird in this episode this is the same guy that saved the Fire Nation town from jet so am I to believe that Saka only saved that town despite Jet and not help the people if the schedule was a really big deal for the rest of this half of the season I could understand it more but it's not so saka's just a dick in this episode for basically no reason we get a set of Jaws here that look pretty huge and I'm not totally aware of a water dwelling species in the Fire Nation or maybe even in the Avatar series that would have a set of sharp teeth this sauce maybe a cat Gator they still seem pretty big though I'm not doc I'm shoe Doc's my brother doc works on the docks that's why they call him Doc and I work in the shop that's why they call me shoe does anyone find this guy funny like is this gag that permeates the episode really so funny that they had to make this joke over and over I really don't like it I don't get it you don't get it what do you mean you don't get it hey I'll give you a special deal if you buy three fish I'll throw in a clam for free wait these are clams I always thought these were frogs clams have straight up eyes in this world yeah looking at it now there's no way this is a normal schedule they'd use all soccer's schedule would need to be as be at this point by the day of black sun go at least this far per day so are you guys just drinking hot water doesn't look to me like there's anything in it but they also couldn't have it be vaguely soup colored or you'd think they were drinking unpurified river water which seems pretty foul so I guess it's just hot water for dinner tonight this pod has an earth Kingdom symbol on it where do they get that they haven't been lugging it around with them and I don't think they found a pot with this design in that town what's the matter Katara think oppa's sick he must have gotten sick from being in the polluted water he doesn't look sick he doesn't he looks messed up to me I know he's just acting but he's doing a pretty good job okay momo licking off his tongue because it turns out it's just berries that made his tongue purple is a cute touch I also want to point out that this dude totally has hippo teeth she was related to hippo in fact she might be hippo considering his multiple identities this kid's hat is so big on him he cut an eye hole so we can see I mean that's one way to do it would you like the one-headed fish or the two-headed fish two-headed what you get more for your money that way he's right okay I actually like the design of the Painted Lady it's pretty cool but I still have to be a dick and wonder where Katara got this outfit from especially without the rest of the gang noticing that she bought or ganked it once again the healing system is weird Katara is Healing The Sick here not the injured can water healing just cure like diseases and ailments I guess it fixed Jet's brain when it was all jacked up but that was weird too I don't know this just doesn't seem right thank you painted lady oh my gosh it's Katara we better play this off as a weird slight reveal here of course it's Katara our friend is still sick and we can't leave until he's better wait how does the currency work here I thought it was just gonna be on the bronze silver gold system but it seems like there are multiple coins for each distinction you know last night she visited us again healed most of our sick folks is that why this place seems so festive yeah put up the Painted Lady statue we carved and painted in one morning yeah I get that [ __ ] up there nice touch the top still sleeps in her Earth tent while these three sleep outside thank you what where'd all the pollution go when she turned it to ice wait but I'm the great bridge between your world and mine I know hey bye all right okay that's a nice little reference for anyone that doesn't remember hey buys the panda Spirit from back in season one holy [ __ ] Crescent Moon alert that's extremely rare in this world we haven't seen one of those since well the episode with hey by actually also wait these ripples would have me believe that Katara is just straight up running on water from the way she moved I figured she was like gliding using water bending and waterbedders literally walk on water why do we never see that other than right now [Music] unlucky that during all the Painted Lady festivities they also decided to install this random pole on this one roof no no but I'm very attractive hey KO had a nice space like 12.5 percent of the time depending on what you're into and I think juanchi Tong was quite dashing I wasn't at first I was just trying to help the village but since everyone thought that's who I was anyway I guess I just kind of became her no it's a full moon again why we can't even have a non-full moon for an entire episode come on man no I think it's great you're like a secret hero well if you want to help there's one more thing I have to do now don't worry Ang it's just a light smattering of eco-terrorism hello it's me the least memorable mini boss since this guy what's going on Fire Nation soldiers are heading to the Village speaking of soldiers we're in the Fire Nation right would this Factory have soldiers on its payroll even for security it's early morning right now so I doubt anyone found the damage and called in the military in this amount of time especially for the reason of go intimidate slash destroy this town right well what was I supposed to do leave do nothing I will never ever turn my back on people who need me I mean yes I get it this is a good moment for Katara but man we've already covered this this has been a big part of katara's character since season one back with Haru we don't learn anything about our characters or the world and our characters certainly don't evolve in this episode we're just retreading things and I kind of feel like Saka in this episode talking about it we're on a tight schedule here man we're getting down to it why are we retelling in prison right now wait I'm coming too I thought you didn't want to help you need me and I will never turn my back on you Saka gets a nice moment here I guess and gets a payback guitar for having us back when he wanted to go see his dad so it's not all bad you steal our food our medicine they did did Katara do that because she just used her water healing right she didn't steal anything The Painted Lady brought us food she's the one that healed our sick not your medicine oh right the mysterious painted lady did it I had the statuette on me for just such an argument and I suppose he drew the Army emblem on your containers too that's an army emblem that doesn't look like any emblem the Fire Nation has ever used to my recollection light it again what is this thing anyway and what were they gonna do with it and where does it go in the next shot [Music] she's coming I'm pretty sure this is supposed to be a reference to Poltergeist with how this line is delivered weird [Music] like the return to omashu plague Escape Plan I think this has the same problem even more so it's a cartoonish solution doing this big fake Painted Lady thing with Aang doing hidden bending stuff from just out of sight it's just sort of lame right and yes this is a cartoon but the show does things better than just being a cartoon usually it's creative and interesting and Visually compelling so when I say the word cartoonish I mean that it's not living up to what Avatar is usually known for oh a rare use of bad slow-mo in Avatar as well what does having the shot in slow motion accomplish it's not an intricate moment that the viewer would need a second to figure out or internalize and it's not a very impressive shot visually so why is this shot in slow motion where did Ang just shoot this guy his back was to the entire town but Ang just air blasted this man and we cut to him kind of just falling into the water you have to help yourself she's right but what should we do maybe we can clean the river oh so doc are you gonna help us clean no ma'am I'm going to get my other brother bushy he loves cleaning Rivers okay that's the one joke I think that works for me having a personality trait of loving to clean rivers is funny I knew you were the same guy you're the shop owner and the boat guy oh you must be talking about my brothers Doc and shoe no I just saw you you switched hands and called yourself a different name but it's immediately followed up with the worst comedic moment in the episode wouldn't the joke be that there actually were three different Brothers not that the one guy is all three of them like everyone put together immediately I guess it's just an anti-joke that doesn't really land [Applause] so yeah the pollution is earth-based I guess since top can bend it the Factory's making Metals but is that how that works and another full moon the next night for good measure thank you hey hey get back here I gotta have a word with you I just did your entire [ __ ] job get back here so as you can probably tell from everything I said in this video I think this episode is awful this is my least favorite episode in the entire show Everything feels off soccer feels out of character the schedule thing never comes back the comedy feels like early season one comedy basically no action the climax was stupid and we're retreading in prison one of the other worst episodes of the show Katara helps a group of people that have been cornered and subjugated by the Fire Nation making them feel like there's nothing they can do by the end of the episode Katara not only helps them but teaches them to help themselves as well it's in prison why did they do in prison again of all episodes and the worst part is this is basically just as much of a failure episode as the great dividers I'll name the tiny elements that come back from this episode the eclipse being eight minutes and the jet skis both come back in the day of black Sun both of which could have easily just been mentioned in scene when they happened in that episode the only other thing that it gets is a mention in the Amber Island players just like the Great Divide even last episode the headband had combustion man at the end it had something to do with the whole story but not this episode now I'm sure this is some people people's favorite episode I'm sure some people really connect with guitar story and can really get something out of it that's the beauty of Avatar it's for everyone so if you really like this episode don't let me stop you and maybe I was harder on this episode than the other ones that I like but personally it's just not for me Patron shout outs if you want to be two episodes ahead of the YouTube releases you can support me on patreon for just a few bucks link as always is in the description below the video yep somehow we still have people in the don't tear agent Rhino Lou Carrera and zumpy really guys I've been thinking about this for nearly a month now and I have nothing to offer that's worth this tier so all I can say is thank you and you're looking pretty good today too shout outs also to my otherwise top patrons Andrew Edwards who can put a rock in his mouth and spit out a diamond Buddha Jacker who can put a USB in the right way every single time caps lock who can build Ikea furniture not just without instructions but blindfolded Charlie raw Quigley who is your sleep paralysis demon sleep paralysis demon Daniel Ward who thinks that dreamy had when he was a kid was just a dream but it wasn't Eric Barney who I saw eat a ghost pepper Stone Face didn't phase him Etc who created the alphabet the English one crazy that should be something gay who looks like they can't breathe in outer space but they can Fred Sullivan who was voted unanimously best looking by three entirely separate and very specific demographics John who I saw talk his way into the starting lineup of the last Super Bowl Keith Clawson who has nice hair as far as nice hair goes Sean Martin who single-handedly stole the Hope Diamond just now as you hear this and you freaking nerd who weirdly produces their own natural Wi-Fi signal and of course more Shadows go to my other [ __ ] you money patrons Anthony celestu Donnie snow Etc Kennedy Stapleton mandatory sin Max Lewandowski Mike the wizard Nick kaiapanin sad wallet noises skylos Tiago nacimiento verunda wolf bandan and will Schmidt and my God over analyzers too anyway right Alex Prince Andre Larios Austin Gallup be my Valentine Bingo dingo cabbage gal canine corpse Kevin yage Chase brignia Chris dolma coconut David Carlisle Derek Cornwell DJ Jax do Mutual Aid Dr ooh distant Earth 2 John eleonor Rose epic Goomba xmeyer Ginny From the Block Clint luck homie one Kenobi hype King Jared Hagin Jay Lambo Jeremy Rubenstein Jimbo John ajaka cadex Keon Gilliland lady Serena Lehman Russ Mr Airborne Mitchell gobrecht mortys007 awk Nick TV Omar Nicholas Abbott Parker I hardly know are Peyton Mims Peter bayron Sergeant painkiller's Skyler JB spaghetti host steinwon Super snipper tentabett the Rainy man on healies Travis Chestnut and trya Juice Jesus there's a lot of you now next up is saucus Master back on track
Channel: Overanalyzing Avatar
Views: 876,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Overanalyzing avatar, ATLA, the painted lady, Overanalyzing the painted lady, avatar the last airbender, the last airbender, KAtara painted lady, Katara, avatar netflix, netflix avatar, netflix avatar the last airbender, avatar studios, netflix avatar review, avatar netflix trailer, avatar studios trailer, minecraft, avatar minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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