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[Music] foreign did you know game freak originally intended for every copy of gen 1 to be personalized but Shigeru Miyamoto told them to make different color versions instead in gen 1's release version when you boot up a new game it randomly assigns you a trainer ID number between 1 and 65 535 this ID system is actually a leftover from a time when there were 65 535 different versions planned last year did you know gaming spent thousands of dollars to make a video series about a lost Pokedex only released in Japan in an official 1996 book simply titled Pokedex which we had translated by nabogasawada the man who translated the original Pokemon games that Pokedex book also includes an eight page interview with every developer who worked on Pokemon including programmer takenori Oda where he says we also considered having each game generate a random ID number the first time it was booted up and that number would determine which Pokemon appeared in the game this crumb of information piqued our curiosity so dykg has been translating every Japanese interview we could get our hands on ever since now totaling over 100 Pages eventually we found a little more info in the November 1997 issue of femimaga 64. this time from gamefreak's founder Satoshi Tajiri looking back on Pokemon's development Tajiri said the shape of a forest the Pokemon that appear I wanted to make a game that would be different for everyone but it was difficult so I went to consult with Shigeru Miyamoto from Nintendo and we ended up deciding to make it so depending on the color whether red or green the worlds would be parallel but different this statement told us that not only were the Pokemon in each cartridge all different but even Kanto itself was with locations changing based on your trainer ID number eventually we translated the biggest Satoshi Tajiri interview ever published which was conducted in May 2000 and printed in a 600 page book called Pokemon Story the interview itself is 34 pages long and will publish it in its entirety in the the future but for now we just want to highlight the part where Tajiri says every cartridge was like a different world he said so we randomly assigned auto-generated ID numbers from 1 to 65 000 to every game cartridge with the cartridge IDs randomly determined Pokemon caught in those games would all carry that ID number so long as someone wasn't trading with 65 000 different people the odds of trading with someone with the same ID were unlikely with both parties having different numbers their Pokemon would be entering different worlds when traded then once the number is assigned it would never change throughout the course of the game I talked to Miyamoto about how we'd make players understand that every cartridge is different when they buy one and he told me the system sounded interesting but it was a bit difficult to grasp he said if players can't tell just by looking at it then it won't work out and it would be better if the game's color or appearance were different I was shocked when I was allowed to do that I told him it would really help me out if I could so it was from trying to differentiate ID numbers that the idea to symbolically change the colors came about I thought we should do it but alter the colors for real we needed to do more to make the different color games have all kinds of details in them that were a bit different here Tajiri says 65 000 but the exact number was 65 535 which is the highest number that can be represented by an unsigned 16-bit binary number or to put it in simpler terms 65535 is the biggest number you can use on a Game Boy without slowing down the entire game and over complicating the programming there were only nine developers working on Pokemon so it's difficult to imagine they'd try to build a 65 000 different versions of Kanto by hand especially since it took them six years just to make the base game so game freak probably would have had to use randomly generated Landscapes similar to what they did a few years later in the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games on Game Boy Advance and DS random generated environments were possible on the original Game Boy and can be found in games like Dragon Quest Monsters and Sheeran The Wanderer but those games came out after Pokemon had already released though there was at least one Game Boy title with random dungeons that came out before Pokemon a 1991 game called cave Noir however it was so simple that Tajiri probably would not have been satisfied with that level of quality and his idea was slightly different in that the game was not going to randomize during gameplay but rather all at once right from the beginning which meant Tajiri was swimming in uncharted waters and it sounded like he was having difficulties wrapping his head around such an ambitious idea Pokemon did break new ground in many ways like being the first game to allow trading through the Game Boy Link cable but producing 65 000 kantos would have been significantly more complicated in that 34-page interview Tajiri went on to say that after Miyamoto convinced him to give up on the idea for 65 000 different versions of gen 1 he still want wanted to make between five and seven different color versions but he realized even seven iterations of the same game would be tricky not only in terms of development but even outside forces like the factory not wanting to produce multiple cartridges and packaging for what they viewed as an identical product So eventually he had no choice but to settle for less in Satoshi tajiri's biographical manga there's a six page interview where Miyamoto tells us what happened next he says I came up with the slogan the game begins when you choose a cartridge and we made models for three colors red green and blue then later in development we narrowed it down to just two versions and it looks like we were going to use red and blue but we ultimately decided that venusaur's design was so good that we released red and green instead and so over the course of a few months 65 000 variations were whittled down to just two featuring different version exclusive Pokemon different encounter rates and various other small changes like which Pokemon you can buy at the game Corner this format of releasing two different color versions of nearly identical games continued into all future Generations however it's a fun thought experiment to consider how different the series might have been if Miyamoto left game freak to their own devices if there had been 65 000 different versions of Kanto presumably the same format would have been carried over into Johto hohen Sinnoh and every other Pokemon region just imagine playing with your friends and looking over their shoulder to see how different their world is compared to yours or to put it in more modern terms imagine watching your favorite let's player as they explore a game with details you'll likely never experience first hand and just think about what it would have done for replayability but these are far from the only Secrets we've discovered on our journey so we figured we'd share all the other development Secrets within those hundred pages of interviews like that gen 1 almost didn't have multiplayer Pokemon battles and that the only player to player interactions would have been buying selling and Trading Post Pokemon 2 and with each other in fact multiplayer battles only barely made it in at the last minute because Nintendo demanded it and since the big n was funding development game freak had no choice but to comply but they did it in the laziest way possible a system where you just watched Pokemon fight on their own with zero input from the player gen 1 programmer shigeki Morimoto Explains It Best in that 1996 Pokedex book saying president Tajiri had wanted us to implement battling for a while but I personally didn't find the idea very interesting and just thought it would be a pain to program it looked like we would run out of time and would have to scrap the battling feature but Nintendo made it clear they wanted battles in the game so we had to make it happen so I just thought well no choice then it has to be done and the early battles were something you just watched you would just see there was a battle and who won and who lost we showed that to Nintendo and the surveys we got back called it boring I guess they were right but we were cutting it close to the deadline trying to add in battles that the player commands and ultimately it's what everyone wanted so we got it to work with the Link cable and made it a reality Satoshi Tajiri was also in that interview and helped explain how in-game currency would have helped make up for the lack of PVP battles every Pokemon would have had a specified monetary value and you'd purchase them at in-game stores or buy and sell with your friends according to Tajiri the only reason to focus on cash ended up being cut was due to Hardware limitations he said in Pokemon's early development you could buy Pokemon with money but that resulted in the player focusing on saving money to buy them and less motivation to struggle catching them in the wild we also thought about making one player pay money in addition to their trade when there was an obvious difference in the value of two Pokemon being traded but implementing Pokemon monetary values was beyond the limits of our programming transferring money in the game is very different from wiring money in real life and there were difficulties getting it to work on the Game Boy there were just too many obstacles to overcome to make it happen we had no choice but to focus on what we wanted most and give up on the rest in this case being able to trade Pokemon was our top priority so we cut the monetary value feature adding a little more info gamefreak developer akihito tomisawa wrote a book in 2000 where he says in the initial plan every town had a shop that sold Pokemon so you could buy tons of them if you had enough money but what was once thought of as an outstanding idea to have Pokemon stores ultimately got cut in gen 1's final build there are still a few Pokemon you can buy like a Magikarp for 500 poke dollars and a few more like Scyther and Porygon at the Celadon game corner but buying Pokemon was originally a much more Central mechanic and we can see one of these Pokemon stores in some of kensukimori's earliest concept art back when the game was still called capsule monsters even HP bars almost got cut in development game freak only made action games prior to working on Pokemon so much of red and Green's development was spent fumbling around in the dark they wanted to make Pokemon as simple to understand as possible so they removed the use of numbers wherever they could even in Pokemon battles in a 2019 issue of famitsu weekly junichi Masuda said of course we thought tajiri's idea was fun and exciting but we had a problem we didn't have any experience making RPGs in the final game HP is displayed with a meter but at one point in development it was represented with text we came up with 16 different statuses descriptions like they're still okay or it's gonna get pretty bad soon but it wasn't very interesting so we scrapped it and in the July 2000 edition of Nintendo online magazine Masuda explained that incoming damage worked the same way with phrases like that hurt and that really hurt to give players some idea of how much damage they'd taken but ultimately they realized that the entire system just kinda sucked so they replaced it with the standard HP system used in most other RPGs another scrapped idea we want to talk about is how gen 1 was originally played for Keeps where if you lost a battle you lost your Pokemon in Nintendo online magazine the original Pokemon designer Ken sugimori said when Satoshi Tajiri first came to him and was trying to explain the Pokemon concept he said it would be like the Manco cards they played with when they were kids in case you're not familiar Manco come in lots of different shapes and sizes kids collect these cards and can use them to play a game sort of like battling then in the end the winner gets to keep some of the losers cards in famimaga 64 magazine Tajiri said he originally planned for Pokemon battles to play out in a similar fashion the interviewer asked don't you think it would be interesting if when you lost a Pokemon battle your opponent took your Pokemon like with manko cards and Tajiri replied actually I made something like that as a prototype but in the end the frustration of having Pokemon you raised taken away from you was too great so I scrapped that idea Pokemon's first generation took a lot of twists and turns over the course of its six year production and it's fun to think about just how different the series might have been if they hadn't altered Direction at various points in development we know some of you prefer to read these interviews in their entirety so today we published a bunch of them in text form you can find links in the pinned comment below did you know gaming put a ton of research into this video so if you enjoyed it please give it a like and share it with a friend we've spent hundreds of hours researching Pokemon myths for this video combing through countless gaming magazines from across the world hunting down people involved with the myths bringing in Pokemon experts to fact check and crawling back through time to find out how the myths spread today we're using this research to debunk three Pokemon myths and we're so confident in our research that we're putting over one thousand dollars where our mouths are if anyone can debunk our debunkings but more on that later for now sit back and relax as we upend some of the internet's more beloved Pokemon myths first off likely our most controversial debunking is there actually any proof that the Satoshi Tajiri is autistic you can find this claim made frequently on YouTube Twitter the autism Wiki and even the UK's BBC says to Jerry is autistic but what's the actual Source they're all citing most of them either don't cite a source at all or in the BBC's case they cite this article from the art of autism.com which doesn't cite a source of its own instead it backs up its claim simply by saying is Satoshi Tajiri autistic Satoshi has gone on record saying that he wanted the games to give children the same joy as he had during his bug collecting people with Autism tend to take up collecting as a hobby so Satoshi gave them and everyone else a gift that only he could create a whole new thing to collect and that's pretty much it but apparently it was good enough for the BBC to use as their source and spread the rumor further however there's no record of Satoshi Tajiri ever saying he's autistic or that any of his friends or co-workers at game freak said it either in fact one website which repeated the rumor was sent an email by game freaks information coordinator Yuri Sakurai who told them Satoshi Tajiri doesn't have autism or Asperger's and asks them to delete the claim from their website at the time to Jerry's Wikipedia page said he was autistic and used this site as its source the site in turn said the British Outlet the independent was their Source in fact tons of websites say to jiri's autistic but where did the rumor actually begin working backwards from the websites that do cite their sources it seems many of them read it in the 2009 biographical book Satoshi Tajiri Pokemon Creator which we bought on Amazon and read cover to cover the whole books riddled with countless errors even on the very first page like listing diamond and Pearl's release as 2004 instead of 2006 the book makes two references to tajiri's alleged autism on page nine it says in spite of his record-breaking success Tajiri is a soft-spoken man who shuns the media and the spotlight this may be related to his diagnosis with asper Burger syndrome a form of autism which affects social behavior and communication skills and on page 33 in spite of Pokemon's Global Fame and popularity Tajiri remains a quiet private person some have called him reclusive and eccentric many believe these characteristics are a result of Asperger's Syndrome a type of autism while Tajiri has confirmed this diagnosis he has not discussed it publicly we reached out to the book's author Lori Mortensen and asked a few interview questions apparently she's written over 100 books most of them in only a few weeks and she decided to write about Satoshi Tajiri not because she's a Pokemon fan but because her kids are fans Miss Mortensen also told us her source for the autism claims here's her full response via email unedited she said when I researched this book in 2008 I discovered Satoshi tajiri's Myspace page that clearly showed a connection with the aspie community I mentioned the Myspace Source in my original text however kidhaven press chose not to include it in the book because this book was written for young readers and they felt that Myspace was an inappropriate site for that age group Myspace was just the beginning of what would explode into the social media World we're familiar with today a few years after the book was released I checked Satoshi to jiri's Myspace page again and discovered it had changed a lot and no longer mentioned Asperger's I wish I would have had the print screen option on my keyboard back then since the age of online innocence is passed looking back it could also be argued that someone else created the Satoshi Tajiri page pretending to be him at the time the Myspace page felt authentic if I was writing the book today I would handle the research and documentation differently that Myspace page doesn't exist anymore but bits and pieces of it can still be found on the internet's Wayback machine we'll admit we can't prove it's fake but we can't prove there's no teapot orbiting Mars either just the idea that Satoshi Tajiri had an English language Myspace page in 2008 is pretty laughable and what's left of it is pretty ridiculous as well for example to Jerry his bio said I love movies but my favorite kind are of course the Pokemon ones my own creation because I'm cool like that and for favorite TV shows it said Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon gotta catch em all so yeah we're confident in saying this Myspace page didn't belong to the real Satoshi Tajiri some of the other websites saying tajiri's autistic cite Wikipedia as their Source tajiri's Wikipedia page first had the autism claim added in 2005 by Wiki editor NP Chilla without a source and 15 years later when other Wiki editors eventually asked where he got that information he never responded long story short this branch of the rumor tree appears to be a case of cytogenesis a sort of information laundering where claims are added to Wikipedia without citation then news sites use Wikipedia as a source to repeat the claim in their own articles then those articles are pointed to as reputable sources for citation and future articles lots of people who ended up spreading the misinformation appear to have a incredible Source like the BBC but when you go digging to see where it all began you just find some Rando who wrote it on Wikipedia as far as we can tell this 2005 Wikipedia edit and tajiri's fake Myspace page spread the rumor far and wide and the fact it eventually got printed in an actual book gave it an air of legitimacy we also checked the Japanese side of the internet and there were a few websites claiming tajiri's autistic but they had the exact same citation issues as their Western counterparts in other words Japanese fans spreading the rumor don't have a source either which might be disappointing to hear for some just to be clear we aren't saying there's no chance that Tajiri is autistic we're just pointing out that there's never been any confirmation and that every statement about satoshi's alleged autism goes back to the same dubious sources there's no direct evidence to support any of those claims and no primary source to back them up so for all intents and purposes we're classifying this rumor about Tajiri being autistic as false another popular fan theory is that ditto was a failed attempt at cloning Mew or put another way scientists screwed up trying to make Mewtwo and that's how ditto was born you might have seen it promoted on websites like game rant Screen Rant Games Radar and a bunch of fan wikis this theory has also been propped up by quite a few YouTube videos that pulled in millions of views like this one and this video by gamer from Mars as for evidence proponents point to the fact that ditto and Mew have the same color palette the same shiny palette the same weight they're both gender unknown Mewtwo is set to be the first successful clone of Mew and ditto can be found in Cerulean cave and the Pokemon mansion we admit it's a fun Theory and we'd kind of like to believe it ourselves but unfortunately the evidence just doesn't stack up first off there's no record of developers talking about any connection between the two Pokemon whatsoever in fact they've done nothing but douse cold water on the theory in 2012 Game Informer asked series director junichi Masuda about the theory and whether or not ditto was a failed attempt at cloning a Mew masudo replied that's the first time I have ever heard that rumor actually Game Informer then asked is that your only answer with Masuda replying in terms of how Pokemon are designed they are each their own living being the unique thing about ditto is that it's a Pokemon that can change forms but each Pokemon we create with its own unique element so we just make sure they are all individual life forms of their own obviously Masuda didn't have a bulletproof response to a fan Theory he'd never heard before because of course Mewtwo isn't entirely its own unique being but regardless his answer was clearly a no we posted this quote on Twitter last year but a huge amount of fans refused to acknowledge Masuda as a legit source some dismissed it as gen 1's credits only list him as a programmer and composer not a Pokemon designer but Masood has been at game freak since before the company started developing Pokemon in fact he knew Tajiri even earlier from their days attending the same Technical College Tajiri Masuda and seven other core developers spent six years making red and green in close quarters and they all worked together to decide which designs made it in and help do each other's jobs in a 2018 interview with Japanese newspaper yomi Yuri red and Green's planner Koji nishino said we didn't have enough people so job categories were all jumbled and we really would do whatever I would make resources within the game and programmers would make designs as well so it's not like Masuda was just composing music in a different department for six years together with Tajiri and sugimori he was one of the three main devs and worked with the team throughout his entire career as series director some theorists say they'll only accept a direct quote from ditto's Creator but it seems ditto is one of the many Pokemon game free came up with as a team effort according to Ken sugimori in that same interview the process of Designing Pokemon was complicated with multiple people putting their ideas together and modifying the design to create a single character because of this we have always refrained from simply saying who designed which Pokemon so so for those who say Masuda is not credible and they're waiting to hear from the one person who designed ditto well that one person probably doesn't exist Masuda also appears to have first-hand knowledge of ditto's creation since a year and a half before he denied the Mew cloning Theory Masuda and sugimori told at Gamer magazine that ditto was born as a tribute to the classic yellow smiley face we know there's a lot of fans who regardless of what the developers say still think Mew and ditto have so much in common that the theory must be true and it can't all just be a coincidence so let's look at the facts presented by the Theory's proponents starting with Mew and ditto having the same color palette first of all there were only 10 possible color palettes in red green and blue versions and all 150 Pokemon had to share them so two Pokemon having the same palette isn't unusual but more importantly Mew and ditto's palettes aren't even the same here's a side-by-side comparison with each other's hex code Mew only shares the same palette with two other Pokemon Mewtwo and Jinx while ditto shares its palette with 23 other Pokemon Mew and ditto's palettes don't match in future Generations either even the pokedex's color classification system added in gen 3 calls Mew pink and ditto purple their shiny palettes are different as well they might look the same to a casual Observer but a closer inspection reveals the differences and the hex codes remove all doubt yes they're both various shades of blue but so were about 50 other shinies in Gen 2 they both weigh 4 kilograms but two Pokemon weighing the same as common in fact Bellsprout and sheldor also weigh four kilograms at this point it's actually shelter who's got more in common with ditto they not only share the same weight but they're also the exact same height and they actually do have the same color palette of course we're not saying ditto and Shellder share some secret connection we're just pointing out that every Pokemon has many little details in common with lots of other Pokemon as if this video's publication there are nine Pokemon Who weigh 4K kilograms 10 Who weigh 5 kilograms and so on Mew and ditto were both gender unknown that's also true but mu can breed with nothing while ditto can breed with everything that's not really the same it's kind of the opposite another talking point is that in red green and blue versions you can find wild Ditto in Cerulean cave the same place as Mewtwo but the cave is home to 27 of kanto's 79 evolutionary lines mostly the fully evolved forms which is more than a third of the entire decks practically all the best Pokemon can be found in Cerulean cave and what exactly would this imply that when Mewtwo fled to the cave it wanted to be nice so it brought ditto along for the ride ditto can also be found on routes 13 14 15 and 23 and in Japanese Blues Rock Tunnel which definitely weakens the connection since it's all over Kanto and not just Cerulean cave in Pokemon yellow and the remakes ditto can also be found in the Pokemon mansion which we admit is interesting but the Mansion scientists could have been studying ditto for any number of reasons after all the 1996 Pokedex book says ditto is quote one of the most enigmatic Pokemon ever so it's not surprising Kanto scientists want to put it under a microscope if you're interested in environmental storytelling one could argue that half the Pokemon in the Mansion wandered in from cinnabar's natural habitat like Vulpix Growlithe and Ponyta and the other half were brought to the mansion by scientists who wanted to study them like grimer coughing and Rattata which if you wanted to infer purpose might have been used as Lab Rats proponents also highlight that Mew and ditto can both learn transform by leveling up but it's not unique as Mew also learns metronome by leveling up which otherwise in gen 1 can only be learned by Clefairy and clefable another similarity the theorists point to is that Mew and ditto both have base stats that are even across the board but Mewtwo actually is a clone of Mew and its stats aren't even across the board speaking of which Mewtwo weighs 122 kilograms not four which also means there's no reason a clone should weigh the same as the original fans of the theory often point out this alleged fact touted as evidence by the gamer from Mars in his video but nowhere in the game does it actually say that or any of the games for that matter we can't be sure why many think this text is in the game but it might be due to this scene from Mewtwo Strikes Back for years we struggled to successfully clone a Pokemon to prove our theories but you're the first specimen to survive so yes Mewtwo was the first successful clone but all the other attempts died they didn't become new species of Pokemon and besides this line wasn't even in the original Japanese version speaking of Japan we looked around the internet in Japanese as well and found the same sorts of rumor videos and Theory posts but nothing we haven't already talked about and certainly nothing official it seems the fan theory is actually more popular in the west than it is in Japan simply put when it comes to the cold heart facts this Theory just doesn't hold up half the supporting evidence is false and the other half is the same sort of coincidental similarity is shared between countless other Pokemon in recent months we translated dozens of interview Pages where Satoshi Tajiri and shigeki Morimoto go into exhaustive detail about Mew you can check out our recent Mew Origins video to hear all about it they talk about hidden F4 Phantoms dogs that don't exist and countless other details but they never mentioned ditto at all the ditto Mew theory has been around forever so let's move on to a more recent rumor that Professor Ivy is a lesbian or more precisely that the original head writer of the anime Takeshi shudo liked to think she was a lesbian this ideas existed on message boards for years as fan speculation but it wasn't until 2020 that it gained mainstream attention after Twitter user Crimson made a viral tweet presenting it as a fact over the next few days this fact got picked up and promoted by websites like game rant Flipboard pink newspride.com comicbook.com and countless Reddit and Twitter threads just to give you an idea how these websites legitimize the rumor here's what comicbook.com wrote the information surfaced in Pocket Monsters the animation a book that Takeshi shudo penned before his death the man worked as the writer for Pokemon's original anime as well as its first two films in the past the writer has shared a surprising head canons and desires for Pokemon and it seems another has come to life and what might that be well it turns out shudo believed Professor Ivy was a lesbian and that is why Brock was devastated after leaving her we interviewed Crimson the Twitter user who made the story go viral and he said he encountered the rumor presented as fact in this message board thread on bulbagarden.net he told us I heard this claim pretty often in the Anna Poke Community so I'm like huh if people are saying this then it must be true Crimson is just a normal guy with a few hundred followers and he thought it was cool so he tweeted it never expecting it to go viral but it did go viral which made him exclaim quote Oh damn a lot of fans were thrilled to hear the news but a few asked for a source so crimson and told them it came from shudo's book The Animation but he'd never actually read the book after getting some pushback he deleted his viral tweet after realizing it might not actually be true and he didn't want to spread misinformation as part of our fact checking process we did read the animation there's actually two books and for the most part they're just novelizations of the early anime starting with the first episode and ending with the showdown at Vermillion City which means the story ends long before the orange islands and Professor Ivy even come into the picture she's never mentioned even once just for good measure we also checked all 226 entries of Takeshi shudo's personal blog where he talks at Great length about what he was thinking when he was working on the anime and he never said anything about Professor Ivy's sexuality there either the news outlets that promoted the story didn't fact check before publishing and they never posted corrections after either Crimson told us my tweet admittedly didn't have too deep of a source so it feels like these websites just wanted to gain clout for something that may not even be true crimson's deleted tweet continued spreading the rumor even to this day just a couple months ago another Twitter user named Dragon MILF screenshotted crimson's deleted tweet and made it go viral all over again garnering almost 60 000 likes and getting shared more than 8 000 times Crimson said he warned Dragon MILFs the claim was dubious but his warning was ignored as the Tweet racked up more and more retweets we checked in with the Japanese fan base as well and the earliest suggestion of Ivy being a lesbian we could find was an ancient message board from 2002. it's basically just some random users cooking up fan theories without ever claiming to have an official Source we found a more recent thread where it's mentioned but the poster says he heard the rumor from foreigners on the internet no one was able to point to an official source and almost everything else we found in Japanese was Rule 34. and look fans can have any headcanon they want but there's nothing in the show that suggests Professor Ivy as a lesbian and there's no record of shudo saying he likes to think of her is one we spent a lot of time fact checking this video but there's always the possibility that legitimate developer quotes are out there somewhere maybe in a late 90s Japanese magazine no one knows about that undo what we've said here today we're confident in our research but in the interest of leaving no stone unturned we're offering a 350 dollar bounty on each myth to the first person who can provide a direct quote from Takeshi shudo or gen 1's core team that proves any of these myths are actually true we debunked three myths today so we're putting ourselves on the hook for a total of over one thousand dollars if that ever happens we'll post the quote that debunks our debunking in the pinned comment under this video so everyone can see it and we'll post it on Twitter as well at did you know gaming without the G did you know instead of badges Pokemon trainers almost traveled around collecting belts drawing inspiration from East Asian martial arts the first gym leader would have given you a white belt and the last gym leader a black belt game freak even considered letting you whip your Pokemon with them like some sort of lion tamer in our hunt for Pokemon secrets for this video we went to Great Lengths to ensure that these facts would actually be something that you know roughly 99 of you had never heard of and one thing we did was have 100 pages of a japan-only book translated which was written by Game Freak developer akihito tomisawa and it's where this first fact comes from in the book tomisawa writes the development staff decided humans should have ranks as Monster trainers the initial idea was that as the player's Pokemon reached a certain level of strength they would earn belts like a martial artist recreating their conversation he recalls them saying no not just white belts and black belts like in Judo there should be more colors well if you could receive a belt what if you could use it as a training whip like a red Whip or a black Whip or a yellow whip tomisawa goes on to say that ultimately it was too cruel to make the player whip their Pokemon so the idea got scrapped their relationship with the player should be friendlier like a pet owner So eventually it was decided you'd earn badges instead but even though the belt idea got thrown out actual whips were still very much on the menu as we've mentioned in the past this beta Sprite shows train of red carried a whip at some point in red and Green's development and even though Reds eventually got taken away lots of other trainers whips still made it into generation one's final build another interesting story we found in our translations was the time Pokemon's Creator Satoshi Tajiri gave away a copy of Pokemon Red where the player was named dumbass in a 1997 issue of Japanese magazine famimaga 64. he tells the interview Yuki recently I've been buying used copies of Pokemon at second hand stores it's interesting to see the nicknames people give their Pokemon the player's name on this red one is a real gem he named himself dumbass maybe so the game will say player is a dumbass in the menu then Tajiri whips out copies of red and blue that he pasted homemade stickers onto which if they still exist are probably worth a fortune nowadays after joking around with Yuki for a while he gives her the custom red cartridge as a gift then says he'll give away the custom blue cart and five of his autographs in a contest for the Magazine's readers Yuki wants to keep them all to herself but eventually they agree Tajiri will also give away his copy of red where the player is named dumbass whoever the lucky kid was who won the contest hopefully never overwrote that save file our next fact is about where the idea for fossil Pokemon came from the answer can be found in a 34-page interview Tajiri did in the Japanese book Pokemon story published in the year 2000 it's pretty well-known at Tajiri caught bugs as a kid in the mountains and forests near his home in rural Japan his town modernized rapidly as he grew older and the nature he'd catch bugs in got paved over and turned into a city complete with an arcade where he'd often skip school to go play video games as an adult he combined those two ideas catching bugs and video games in order to make Pokemon but what you probably haven't heard is the longer version of the story he tells in this book where he says the construction workers discovered tons of fossils as they were Paving over his childhood construction came to a total standstill until the fossil situation could be sorted out and during that time Tajiri and his friends made a habit of going to the site to dig up fossils of their own he goes on to say that he later took a school trip to the Izu Islands south of Tokyo and that's how he came up with Cinnabar Island in fact the entirety of Kanto was based on his own childhood even kanto's size was based on how far he could ride his bike as a kid he says I was able to ride my bike about 10km kilometers from home the way riding my bike expanded the world around me was part of my inspiration for Pokemon when you use a train you feel like you're taking a trip so for Pokemon I wanted to keep things more grounded like how my friends and I would see how far we could ride from home to create a world that felt real a little later in the interview Tajiri says generation 2's game world was based on how far he could take a train which is why the region was originally modeled after the whole of Japan 18 years after this interview an early build of gold and silver leaked online finally giving fans a chance to see the region Tajiri was talking about which ultimately got scrapped and replaced with Johto and check it out it's Japan turned on its side and now for more of a light-hearted tidbit have you ever noticed Unova Champion Alder Breaks the Rules of the Pokemon world by carrying more than six pokeballs we found an explanation in a 2010 issue of Japanese magazine Nintendo dream where alda's Creator yusuke omura says it's because he never learned how to use a computer and also weirdly omura had trouble making Alda not look like Jesus he says as I drew older I thought of him as a Charming person but my initial design was far too evangelist-like he looked like Christ or something but I couldn't get that image out of my head so I consulted with tsugimori who told me to dial back the Evangelist schtick so he'd look like some kind of Wanderer also older has pokeballs hanging not only around his neck but under his cloak as well that's because he doesn't know how to use a PC so he's unable to store his Pokemon Generation 5's art director Ken tsugimori was in that interview as well and added you're only supposed to be able to carry six at a time so having seven or more pokeballs is weird but he can't use a PC so he carries them all with him not just his main Team all his balls are just jangling around our next fact actually comes from that 1997 famimaga 64 interview we mentioned earlier one question Yuki asked Tajiri was why Porygon exists simply put Porygon was created to be ironic as a response to all the people who told him 1996 was too late to make a Game Boy game here's how Tajiri explains it at the time I didn't see anyone playing Game Boy anymore and it had lost a lot of its popularity I was at the barbershop once and someone asked so you're making a game what kind of game when I told them it's for the Game Boy this guy I didn't even know said the game boy you're a bit late on that one everyone kept telling me Tajiri you need to start making polygon games for Next Generation consoles but I was designing Pokemon for Game Boy where it's impossible to use polyagonal 3D Graphics but people kept hounding me about it so I thought it would be ironic to include a Pokemon called Porygon adults noticed the irony but kids don't get it they just think what a cute Pokemon and play with it once they become a little more familiar with computers they'll realize oh that was supposed to be irony Pokemon has tons of words that kids won't understand the meaning of until 10 or 20 years later if you're one of the fans who's realizing right now that Porygon was meant to be ironic let us know in the comments if you didn't realize before this video that means that tajiri's 1997 prediction actually came true and our next piece is about how Pokemon was originally planned as a much smaller game and Pokemon's producer Shigeru Miyamoto didn't even want it to be an RPG red and green launched in 1996 but Tajiri pitched it to Nintendo's subsidiary creatures Inc back in early 1990 with a contract to finish it in October the same year in fact creatures thought it was going to be so similar to another creature collecting game they were gonna make that they canceled it out of respect for Tajiri in that tomisawa book we translated creatures chairman sunakazu ishihara says to tell you the truth creatures already had its own idea for a game like Pokemon something incredibly similar the game was called Toto and it used the Game Boy like an insect cage to be filled with creatures you owned at the same time we were talking about it Tajiri brought us his idea for Pokemon where youths catch monsters and trade them with a Link cable wasn't a question of which idea came first but we did think Tajiri would wonder how could they do this to me when it was my idea ishihara goes on to say creatures thought the main difference between Toto and Pokemon was going to be the Link cable trading so they ultimately decided not to make Toto but tajiri's small idea eventually got a lot bigger as he explained in another Japanese publication saying we figured we could probably make a Game Boy game in about six months but our goals for Pokemon just grew and grew so we eventually realized it would be difficult to develop that quickly of course ultimately a six-month plan didn't work out Shigeru Miyamoto liked the idea of collecting and trading monsters because it was an idea that would only work on Game Boy and he's always loved games that are only possible on the system they're played on but even though he liked the concept he didn't think Pokemon should be an RPG here's what he said in that Thomas hour book at the stage where we just had the basic idea for Pokemon I didn't care what genre it would be it was Tajiri who thought it wouldn't be complete if it wasn't an RPG I was concerned that if we made an RPG we wouldn't know when we'd finish and I thought we should just focus more on the essence of the game but as the producer it wasn't my call so Pokemon ended up in the form it is now and I'm honestly not sure if that was the right decision now more than 20 years later I guess fans have to ask themselves would Pokemon be a better series if it wasn't an RPG what if it was still about collecting and trading Pokemon but the gameplay was an entirely different genre let us know in the comments if you think Tajiri was right to halt his ground or if he should have listened to his Idol Shigeru Miyamoto and now we're going to jump back into cut content from generation 2 so let's talk about one of johto's lesser-known scrapped areas the Lost suicide forest that entire japan-based region was scrapped but later in development there were also parts of Johto that got cut but can still be found in the game's internal data most of them are just early designs for Johto cities possibly the most interesting is the lake of Rage which originally had an entire town built around it there's also a tiny Safari Zone once meant for fuchsia City but the map we really want to highlight is this Forest which the data refers to as Fuji this Fuji forest was originally located at the foot of Mount Silva which is based on the real life Mount Fuji in Japan in fact in early builds of Gold and Silver Mount Silver was literally called Mount Fuji in the real world there's a forest at the foot of Mount Fuji called The Sea of trees also known as the suicide forest it's got a historical reputation as a home to ghosts and it's one of the most used suicide sites globally at over 100 deaths per year the government even puts up signs in the forest that encourage suicidal visitors to think of their families and reach out to a suicide prevention Association by the way all this information was sent to us by Pier carrot a a generation 2 disassembler and one of the members of team spaceworld so full credit goes to him in generation 2's final build there's only one new Ghost type misdreavus who can only be found at Mount Silver it's likely the forest was planned as a home not just for mystery of us but other Ghost Pokemon as well like these two that got cut during development but in an effort to avoid the risk of controversy game freak ended up cutting the location and replacing it with this map which Bears no resemblance to the suicide forest despite its removal though the forest can still be found hidden in the game's internal data did you know the original Japanese opening for the Pokemon anime talks about what's up girl's skirts the first line in the opening is even if in fire in water in grass in forests in ground in clouds in that girl's skirt eek the line is repeated later in the extended version ending with in that girl's skirt you're persistent there's other instances of inappropriate language in the original Japanese anime the episode The School of Hard Knocks after seeing a picture of a schoolgirl Giselle Brock enthusiastically says I'll look forward to her in eight years in the English dub this was changed to Brock saying she can violate my rights anytime but in the kids WB airing of the show Even This edit was removed the Japanese version also had several religious references that were changed in the English release the episode Ash catches a Pokemon was altered to remove a mention of Heaven and Hell in the Japanese dub Ash comments on how the inside of a Pokeball must be a pleasant place for Pokemon to be then mentions how himself and Pokemon are are both Heaven this is followed by Misty saying that Ash's Heaven is her hell in the English dub Ash proclaims his love for his newly caught Caterpie and Misty chimes in by saying I guess it takes a worm to love a worm the Pokemon anime was only meant to run for around a year and a half due to this Show's immense success it's now one of the longest running shows on TV the main character Ash Ketchum is named Satoshi in the Japanese release this name references Pokemon Creator Satoshi Tajiri another character is satoshi's rival Shigeru who is renamed Gary Oak in the west Shigeru gets his name from Nintendo veteran Shigeru Miyamoto but this reference goes a little farther Satoshi and shiguru were some of the default names for the player and their rival in the Japanese Pokemon games Miyamoto was a mentor of source to jajiri and their relationship was referenced in the character's names in early designs Ash looked very similar to the player character from the games his appearance was eventually altered to differentiate the games in the TV show according to Ash's original voice actor Veronica Taylor Ash was named Casey when she auditioned for the role the name Ash may have been chosen to fit the series as tree-based naming convention Pikachu's voice was provided by Japanese voice actress ikue Otani even in the show's English version sometimes however an American voice actress would take Pikachu's role if the American localizers needed additional takes the character Brock was eventually dropped from the show this was because the creative team feared Americans would view his appearance as a racist stereotype mainly due to his eyes to replace Brock and avoid any stereotyping the team created a more European looking character Tracy Tracy was replaced by Brock after the team realized nobody was offended by his appearance many fans wanted original characters Ash Misty and Brock reunited in later seasons of the anime however one of the show's directors masamitsu hidaka revealed that Misty would never come back as a permanent character in an interview with poke Beach hidaka stated that Misty's presence would prevent the team from continually introducing new female characters to the show he said that switching out girls provides new eye candy for male audiences and that girls are more customizable they can constantly change outfits and wear things like bathing suits the show's creators also never want to make Ash a Pokemon Master hidaka has stated that if it ever happens the show will end they'll keep adding new badges to earn new areas to explore and new Pokemon to capture until that time comes he also explained that after the anime's first few seasons the show became more culturally generic due to its International success this can be seen clearly in best wishes and the XY series with a Japanese text is replaced by a custom set of symbols this new language actually corresponds to the modern Latin alphabet and can be deciphering into either English or romanized Japanese removing cultural imagery made the Pokemon world more unique and also made it easier to localize since the text appeared to be gibberish in every language non-japanese countries didn't have to bother translating it although this show is a hit it's had to endure plenty of scrutiny one of its first major controversies came after episode electric Soldier Porygon aired on TV hospitalizing around 700 people the episode is said to have caused vomiting headaches irritated eyes and for a small portion of the viewership seizures because of this the episode was never aired again was banned overseas and the entire show was put on hold for four months the animation technique used is what caused the issue in the episode Pikachu uses an electric attack to blow up missiles to illustrate the explosion rapidly flashing red and blue lights consume the screen the incident became known as Pokemon shock and was a disaster for the show fans were deeply concerned that the show would be canceled but hidaka has since stated that Pokemon was never in danger of being canceled due to its popularity in the original season a few significant plot holes are never explained Ash and his friends never travel to the Safari Zone so it's never made apparent how he caught so many Tauros there's a particular episode that covered all these story beats but was also banned and never aired in America titled the legend of Dratini this episode has a man named Kaiser pointer revolver at Ash and the others this was intended for Comic effect but the episode never made it to the U.S due to its pervasive use of firearms to add to the controversy the episode contains scenes with Team Rocket's Meowth wearing a hitler-like mustache interestingly clips from this episode were used in the series as poke rap segments another controversial episode is Beauty and the beach which is the first Pokemon episode to be banned in all countries outside of Asia it was criticized for its depiction of women's breasts and contains many sexual innuendos inappropriate for children halfway through the episode there's a scene where James crossdresses wearing inflatable breasts for a beauty contest this scene was intended to be comedic but ended up getting the episode banned for over three years America later received a heavily edited version of Beauty and the beach which was titled the Lost episode the Pokemon Jinx was another source of heavy controversy and had to be banned from the show then later edited people complained the character was racist as it resembles several offensive depictions of black people during the 20th century jinx's original design appeared in several American broadcasts but future episodes had the Jinx scenes removed altogether in one instance an episode that featured Jinx prominently titled the ice cave wasn't aired in America at all jinx's design was eventually recolored purple to address the racism allegations this was first implemented in the games followed by the show a few years later the show was also impacted by the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center despite being created years before September 2001 two early Pokemon episodes were taken out of circulation following the attacks an episode titled the Tower of Terror was removed though no official statement was given it's believed the episode was pulled because its name could evoke memories of the attack the episode titled tentacle and Tentacruel was also removed this was due to the episode's content which had a giant Tentacruel attacking the city a character in the episode is also seen using an automatic weapon although the episode was temporarily pulled a shot of Tentacruel striking a skyscraper wasn't cut from the show's opening this particular episode was also pulled for a short time after the passing of Hurricane Katrina as the episode shows the damage city flooded the success of the Pokemon anime led to over 20 Pokemon movies being made one of the earliest Pokemon films Movie 3 was originally going to be completely different it involved a real world T-Rex and would question what happened to the real world animals that once lived in the Pokemon World writer shudo Takeshi wanted to introduce real animals into the world and address questions like why are there real trees and flowers but not real animals and what's the difference between plant Pokemon and regular Plants this would have been done with Scientists discovering a T-Rex fossil the eyes of the T-Rex fossil would start to glow and it would come back to life endlessly striding forward it would be crushing everything in its path and even makes its way to Ash's Hometown Ash's friends and Team Rocket would all try to stop this fossils Rampage the dinosaur would have been stopped eventually but Mr shooto never explained how as this story was being made no new Pokemon had been announced and Pokemon Gold and Silver were a while away as such there were no new Pokemon for the movie staff to advertise and the game staff weren't willing to make a Pokemon just for the movie Judo was stuck with the original 151 and the handful of generation 2 Pokemon that had been revealed the idea was ultimately rejected because a story where a bunch of minerals gain Consciousness and come to life won't be a hit Mr shooto says he went home and drowned his sorrows and alcohol after his script was rejected a few days later shudo was set designs for four new Pokemon including Entei and unknown a new film would be based around these Pokemon to advertise gold and silver [Music] did you know the idea for Pokemon detective Pikachu stemmed from one of the rejected pitches for the Pokemon anime while developing the anime the show's staff wanted to have Pokemon talk in full sentences however the developers of the original games Game Freak felt that Pokemon shouldn't speak at all while a compromise was reached with Team Rocket's Meowth being the only Pokemon capable of speaking the human language many staff members still wanted to hear Pikachu talk the original concept for the 3DS version of detective Pikachu was simply to have a Pikachu that could talk and express various emotions this resulted in a tech demo shown off in 2013 which included a motion captured Pikachu that would talk to its audience game freak were still reluctant to allow the team to break the rules of the series and producer hiroyuki Janai had to spend a lot of time convincing them that it was a good idea Pokemon company president Suna Kazu ishihara was also unsure about the project when he made an appearance on the Japanese television show professional shigoto no ryugi the show's blurb red this Summer ishihara started development on a never-before-seen game it's a new game featuring the very popular character Pikachu in a bold way there is concern however that if it's bad the long-loved character would lose popularity in the blink of an eye fortunately the detective Pikachu game was a success in April 2016 movie studios were allowed to bid for the rights to make Pokemon movies the franchise was in high demand in 2016 thanks to the massive success of the mobile game Pokemon go which saw Nintendo's stocks Rise by 9 billion dollars the rights were eventually won by legendary pictures who were bidding against Warner Brothers and Sony legendary winning the bid was seen as remarkable as they're owned by the Chinese company Dalian Wanda group historically China and Japan have been bitter Rivals and some thought it was unusual for a Chinese company to be handling a prominent Japanese property Universal Pictures were later slated to handle the film's distribution outside of Japan and China however on July 25th 2018 it was announced that Warner Brothers would be Distributing the film in instead this would be the first Pokemon film they distributed since Pokemon 3 the movie speculation arose that this change was a precursor to Legendary forming a new deal with Warner Brothers after their contract with universal expired on December 31st 2018. once they obtained the rights legendary wasted no time in fast tracking the movie's production so they could capitalize on the Pokemon go craze it was decided at the behest of the Pokemon company that Ash Ketchum would not be the protagonist of the new film Ash already had a lot of backstory and character development from the animated show and movies so the company wanted to try something new starring a new character rumors began to circulate that Max Landis who wrote 2017's bright would be providing the film's script another batch of rumors stated that Nicole Perlman of Thor and Guardians of the Galaxy Fame and Gravity Falls as Alex Hirsch were in negotiations to write the film when the movie started filming in January 2018 however the draft was credited to Perlman and the film's director Rob Letterman with no mention of Hersh Letterman was approached with the pitch for detective Pikachu and quote fell in love with the story behind it actor Justice Smith was the first person confirmed to have a role in the movie interestingly Smith's character in the film Paper Towns sang the Pokemon theme in a scene along with his co-stars Austin Abrams and Nat Wolfe Pokemon gotta catch him it's you and me speaking of Music detective Pikachu is the second time a Nintendo product used Happy Together by the turtles in a trailer it was also used for the Nintendo 64 title Super Smash Brothers another interesting audio secret comes from the 2018 Pokemon world championships in Nashville Tennessee after revealing the official title for the movie on stage Rob Letterman asked the crowd to chant as if Pikachu and Charizard were fighting in front of them this chanting was recorded and used during the film's fight scene between the two Pokemon the plot of the detective Pikachu movie Loosely follows the plot of the game with the two versions having many similarities the protagonist Tim Goodman and the location Rime City share their names between the two versions various scenes from the movie also reference other Pokemon games and properties alongside all the Pokemon that Cameo locations like the Sinnoh region from Pokemon Diamond pearl and platinum are named Tim's train ticket also shows that he departed from leaving town a pun on leaving town the staff of the 3DS game were excited at the prospect of their work becoming a full Hollywood production calling it a huge honor while working on the game the most that they'd hoped for was an animated short for Japanese television and so they were amazed when they were told that it would be turned into a full movie however they were also nervous as they had to leave creative control in the hands of legendary pictures when the 3DS version of detective Pikachu was unveiled many fans began wondering who would voice the iconic character in English while the role would eventually go to kaiji Tang fans overwhelmingly wish that actor and director Danny DeVito would take the spot a video titled great detective Pikachu English trailer featuring Danny DeVito was uploaded by YouTube user teal Hollow 1 on January 29 2016 a mere three days after the Japanese trailer launched the video dubbed over the trailer with voice clips from DeVito's previous roles most notably Frank Reynolds from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia a change.org petition asking DeVito to be cast in the role gained over 50 000 signatures before it closed DeVito's response to the overwhelming fan demand came on the 1st of April 2016 where he was asked during a panel if he would voice detective Pikachu in the game his response was a firm no followed by the question what the is Pokemon however this wasn't the end of DeVito's unwitting involvement with the property visual effects producer for the film Greg Baxter confirmed to the Nerdist that the team tested audio from DeVito's role in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia for use in the movie while he liked the voice it was Ryan Reynolds voice over that really struck a chord with the producers other actors considered for the role were Hugh Jackman Mark Wahlberg and Dwayne The Rock Johnson longtime Pikachu actress ikue Otani voiced Pikachu's regular speech in all versions of the movie in the German version of the initial trailer though Pikachu is dubbed with a different voice it's unknown who this actor was or why the voice was changed for this version specifically as it's identical in all other languages regardless the voice was quickly changed with Warner Brothers uploading a new version of the German trailer soon after Reynolds famous for his guerrilla marketing campaigns as Deadpool adopted a similar tactic with Detective Pikachu he uploaded a humorous video to his YouTube channel that parody's method acting telling viewers how he gets into the role reynolds's anecdotes involved leaving his daughters at school because detective Pikachu doesn't know who those two little girls are and trying to lose 182 pounds in order to better fit the character Reynolds not only voiced Pikachu but also provided motion capture for the character Pokemon were chosen to appear in the movie based on three criteria their popularity what the story needed and what looked good or interesting in a live-action setting legendary worked closely with game freak and the Pokemon company to narrow these choices down they tried to include a good range of Pokemon from every generation although Letterman expresses a certain fondness for the original 150 1. Pokemon detective Pikachu was the first Pokemon movie to incorporate live action elements artist RJ Palmer is known for his realistic interpretations of various Pokemon with his art having gone viral online he began drawing Pokemon as a hobby in 2013 and this directly led to him being approached to work on detective Pikachu the film's production designer Googled realistic Pokemon and after finding Palmer's art invited him to help work on the film designing the creatures the first trailer for detective Pikachu gained more than 30 million views in two days on YouTube alone upon the movie's reveal some longtime fans were skeptical about the realistic Pokemon designs as well as the fact that Pikachu could talk while the realistic look of the creatures was well received by some others felt the choice was ugly considering the series's original simple and cartoony aesthetic concerns about the film's popularity were set aside when test audiences responded very positively in January 2019 three months before the detective Pikachu film had even released it came to light that legendary were already working on a c equal according to hollywoodreporter.com the studios hired 22 Jump Street Rider Oren Uriel to write the script Uriel also worked on the upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog movie and Men In Black International but has so far made no comment on his work for the next Pokemon film also in January we got this cover.com uncovered that two new movies are also being made for the franchise the first will be a spin-off of the Pokemon Mewtwo which is not the upcoming film Mewtwo Strikes Back Evolution and a movie adaptation of the games Pokemon Red and Blue legendary apparently wants to flesh out the events of the games using live action and CGI to tell the story of red and his journey through the Kanto region it seems that both of these projects are set in the detective Pikachu Universe it appears as though legendary are launching a Cinematic Universe of live-action Pokemon films with one of detective Pikachu producers seemingly confirming it later in March IGN published an article about their visit to the set of detective Pikachu during filming in 2018 while on this visit IGN asked producer Ali Mendez about legendary producing more live-action Pokemon movies Mendes seemed to imply a Pokemon Cinematic Universe was in the works saying Pokemon is such a rich Universe there are so many ways you can go inside it we're trying to get the first movie right and then once we've done that we'll see where we go from there but absolutely even the Pokemon themselves there are 800 of them we're going to have a lot of them in detective Pikachu but we want to play with all of them at some point whatever the case the future of detective Pikachu seems bright the film's opening weekend box office earnings are estimated to be up to 100 million dollars putting the film in line with several Marvel movies
Channel: DYKG Clips
Views: 342,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokémon, pokemon games, pokemon facts, one hour of pokemon, 1 hour of pokemon, pokemon dykg, pokemon easter eggs, pokemon secrets, pokemon red and blue, pokemon red, pokemon blue, pokemon gold and silver, pokemon gold, pokemon silver, pokemon diamond and pearl, pokemon diamond, pokemon pearl, nintendo, game freak, pokemon movie, pokemon black, pokemon white, pokemon black white, pokemon anime
Id: qax_7Gc0c1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 47sec (3707 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2022
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