Oven Baked Chicken...Tastes Like Fried...Recipe

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hey y'all today we're going to do baked chicken which tastes like fried chicken and the first thing we're going to do is marinate our chicken and this is a whole cut-up chicken already cut up from this store I've washed it real good and put it in this big baggy and then I - I don't have buttermilk if you have buttermilk you see it if you want to or there's paint on this cup that's not dirty but I mean it is sturdy but it's not but anyway I put a this glass full of milk and I put some vinegar in it and that's what I'm gonna use for the buttermilk it thickens it and the vinegar will help make your chicken more moist and tender so I'll put this down and show you that I'm pouring this cup of milk buttermilk into the chicken I'm gonna cleanse it up and make sure that you have it closed up real good because you don't want it to leak everywhere and then I'm gonna let it kind of spread out and I'm gonna stick it in the refrigerator for several hours and every so often I'll turn it over and then when we're ready for the next step I'll be back so I'll see you in will be a we're back for the next part of making our baked fried chicken and I'm just gonna show you what I do so I'm gonna bring you down and this is a big bowl this is just how I do it if you have a better way that serves you then do it your way but this is self-rising flour and I'm putting a good amount but that's probably a cup and a half maybe two cups and then I just pick out all the seasonings that I think I want to put on my chicken and I don't put it too much of anything because I don't want one flavor but overpower the rest but that's barbecue and this is chili I'd say I put about a tablespoon of each one this is poultry onion powder cumin you can put any of the seasonings you want put less you can just put salt and pepper if you want to paprika um just put what you like this is adobo and this is garlic so once you have the seasonings in that you want to use just stir them around and get them all mixed up well and then here is my chicken that you saw me put the buttermilk in earlier and I'm just gonna core off all that bra bra bra fit meal I tried to get most of it anyway now I'm gonna take all my pieces of chicken and I'm leaving what buttermilk is on them there I'm not washing it off or anything but just put it around in your flour I wouldn't try to bring over a lot of it buttermilk let the piece of chicken but you know you don't wash it off so once you have all your chicken in there just start turning your chicken over and getting it all flour about shouldn't take but a minute a lot of people like to put it in a like a gallon size bag and do it and that's an excellent idea I just like to do it this way sometimes sometimes I do it that way but once all your pieces are floured you're gonna let it sit for about 10 minutes and that helps the flour adhere to the chicken when they're baked in it or if you were frying it it would help when you were frying it for the flour to stay on there so I'm just trying to get this nice and floured up and I'm just about done and with this meal today we're going to have some cabbage and some coleslaw then about anything you want to fix we go with this so I'm gonna let that just sit in that flower like I said for about 10 minutes and let the flower get really adhered to it I'm gonna wash my hands real quick and now we're going to take our pen I'm going to cook in the bottom rack of a broiler pan and I've already pinned this and now I'm going to use some canola oil to cook in I've got my oven preheating to 375 you're just now preheated I'm gonna put all on the pan and I'm putting probably three four 6s or so you want to have plenty of oil on your pan for your chicken to cook in I'm sticking that in the oven and you gotta let it get hot and when we come back in about 10 minutes I'll put the chicken on the pan and let it start cooking so I'll see you back shortly the chicken has set in the ball about 10 minutes and the oil is hot so now I'm going to put the chicken into the pan and get it in the oven so here's the pan and here's the chicken and I'm just gonna take pieces and I'm going to put the more maybe side down you can hear it's this one as it goes in the oil came a wash my fingers please and that's it I'm gonna go ahead and stick it in the pan my mama said stick it in the pan I met stick it in the oven and I'm gonna let it go about half hour to 40 minutes I'll keep checking and I'll turn it and then I'll probably show you when I turn it and then I'll take it out and you'll see what it looks like we're back and one side of the chicken it's cooked and we're going to turn it over and get the other side of the chicken done and it went about a half hour on this side so you can see it's got nice brown crust you know some of that coloring comes from the spices that were used but I'm gonna get this turned over and get it put back in the oven and get the other things prepared that we're going to have with supper and I'll show you plate I want to bring this up to the camera so you can see just a little bit better so anyway I'll stick it back in the oven and I'll be back in just a little bit okay yo the chicken is finished and here it is and it turned out really nice and crispy you know I let it go about 15 more minutes after I turned it I'm going to set it down here and finish fixing my husband's plate I have some cabbage and some coleslaw back I made and he like displayed some guys a lot so I'm going to so there is his plate and I hope you enjoyed the video and I hope you get a chance to make this sometime and it tastes a lot like you have fried it but you have baked it actually and it has that just all the taste of fried chicken it's just a lot easier I feel like to bake it not as messy and maybe a little healthier I'm not sure about that but I hope you enjoyed this and thank you so much for watching and have a great day
Channel: Jan Creson
Views: 165,349
Rating: 4.9276237 out of 5
Keywords: YouTube Editor
Id: R80j7sruGfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 20 2016
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