Outward 2 is REAL! Full Trailer Breakdown and Thoughts

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[Music] [Music] [Music] greetings friend wow it's been way too long since I've uttered those words but I'm happy to say them happy to be here with you guys I've been deep down in the burrow just resting she it's cozy down there it's comfortable you know few things in life life could have caused me to emerge from that burrow one of those things has occurred it's a groundbreaking announcement from nine dot Studios Earth shattering if I may from our favorite team up in Quebec Canada they have announced lost in prayer it's a traditional Rog likee it's turn-based okay Heaven and Hell okay just with all respect to Lost in prayer it may turn out to be a fantastic game in its own right maybe able to give it a go I'm a fan of turn-based that's not why I'm here that's not why you here none of us are here for lost in prayer with all due respect a lot of work has gone into it a lot of work will continue to go into it we're here because of one reason one game the world's greatest game that's ever been made that's not even an opinion like that's not my opinion that's just an objective fact if you happen to disagree with that it just you have to kind of accept that you don't align yourself with truth so that's kind of your deal on that but um yes the world's greatest game is getting a sequel outward 2 has been announced by. Studio I couldn't be more excited I could not be more excited I want to take you back to the buildup of this announcement and this reveal um cuz nine dot studio built it up quite a bit and I was a bit confused honestly early on in the buildup of this they they released an image a few weeks back of this uh Angelic Warrior type being you guys if you've been following this following nine dots wanting to see what they have next for us you saw it and uh if you're like me you were kind of a little bit thrown by it slightly it didn't have outward Vib it definitely looked like something different uh I did have hope that it could be outward a sequel I didn't know maybe a a Divine Warrior of kixa or or of a lot or you know something along those lines okay and then they release a second image you know the next week a week later or whatever and it's the horned uh demon creature and to me that was even a uh a further departure from the outward Ambiance if you will and I was uh at that point my excitement kind of dwindled it kind of dwindled not going to lie I still had hope I still knew that you know Gom had mentioned in I think a stream of his you know for Definitive Edition this is like over a year ago he had mentioned two projects that they were working on one being Co-op that's why I thought it's got to be outward too if there's one that he says is Co-op for sure it's like I don't know that that was my hope so so I saw we saw this Angelic Warrior we saw the demon at that point I thought okay that must be the other project there's still hope for outward to okay then we come to Thursday morning last Thursday or Wednesday night you know it's announced you know 10:00 a.m. eastern time. Studio has a big March reveal March 2024 so okay that's 7:00 a.m. for me so I'm thinking okay can I take the day off work not really I've I've got a project I you know they're counting on me to be there okay I got to be there that's okay 700 a.m. I usually start work around 700 but that's fine I can just kind of Park I didn't want to park on the job site cuz then people come up to me kind of like you know bother me so I park into you know at the gas station kind of close by the job so I'm in the gas station parking lot you know turn on YouTube on my phone here we go the countdown to 9 do Studios huge March reveal all right so immediately we've got the Angelic Warrior that they've teased in the images we've got a traditional Rog like true to its roots interesting very curious this opening trailer for me I was thinking hm this is obviously the game they've been teasing with the horn demon the warrior with angel's wings huh so this is what they've been teasing and building up to the outward Community hoping that we would all glom on to this and a lot of us I think will you know this could be a great game but I was a little confused and I was concerned honestly that people were going to give nine dots a lot of backlash if this was our only game announcement because it's just a a departure from the open world everyone wanted to see outward okay everyone wants what they wanted you I wouldn't give them any backlash but I would think I don't know if it was smart to to build it up so much and reveal this not not it's a bad game it's just not what anyone really was hoping for okay some people are going to be pleasantly surprised and are pleasantly surprised by the announcement of Lost in prayer but luckily we got more announcements besides this one I'll I'll try that one lost in prayer I like turn Bast so when this starts when your creators abandoned Paradise I'm kind of hopeful this may be took their gift is this outward to now only the withering remains but honestly the tone is so much darker the narrator the glowing eyes it's just really dark Vibe which I was thinking okay outward if this is outward they've gone a really they've gone down down a dark path this protagonist does not look like anything we've really seen in outward but that he gives H in the potion like is this a Jeet type character fous creatures then I'm kind of like I don't know I don't know what to think I'm just watching at this point to not making up my mind is this outward is this not fac and from their remnants reforge our world but the narrator says that that phrase band together to survive that's so outward so then I was more Curious and then it's got it looks like it's four player co-op why did the or this game looks very unique very unique Gom had a few things to say about this that made it sound even more interesting in his uh Q&A Stream post announcement everything with I like that closing line the whispering everything Withers so really curious to play this now I just got to scr up some people to play with me okay so then at this point I'm thinking that was it okay wither Bloom looks like maybe the outward Community would be excited about it lost and prayer looks interesting too but I I thought I don't know if the community is going to love this a lot of people who like action RPGs or open World stuff a lot of people they don't like uh turnbas although Boulders gay 3 maybe changed a lot of people's minds I I don't know though a lot of people don't like turn B based so after wither Bloom I was like okay okay I think nine dots is going to be okay they're not going to get too much hate and then we got a third we got a third announcement okay then we got the classic blue [Music] background honestly My Hope like I said my hopes and anticipations for outward 2 had completely diminished by this time in the reveal so it's funny how long it took me to accept that this was outward [Music] to it's been 50 long years every day remains a struggle for our [Music] people every step forward is paid in blood let me just say like what other game trailer begins in the first few seconds the first three kind of situations it shows is the main character dying I mean it's just classic it's beautiful perfect the trailer is great we'll break it down we'll watch it in slow motion break it down I'll point out things that interested me but I just want to kind of run through it once right now that's no reason to give up you know that better than anyone but I have you how many others have a goddess looking after them not everyone is as special as you are my dear Simeon even so they are not alone they have each other's back when it matters I have seen them chase their dreams I have watched them grow at every turn they surprise me with their adaptability their resilience and their Grit you know the dangers they face only the exceptional can overcome those odds no darling even ordinary people can do extraordinary things look how far our world has expanded all because they chose to venture into the unknown don't hold their hand just open the door and they'll do the [Music] rest it's honestly perfect it's honestly perfect the I love the dialogue between kixa and Simeon I feel like Gom like the CEO of nine dots is kind of the voice of kixa right there just saying listen they can handle it the players can handle it I think kixa mentioned something how they continually surprise her or them or whatever I think you know watches people play out where he's probably surprised by the things that people come up with to approach certain situations and and then of course the very end you know don't hold their hand you know just open the door is is just perfect it's just outward will never hold your hand it just lets you roam lets you figure it out and you will figure it out as a player you will figure it out I thought that was amazing dialogue let's go back let's break it down slow motion a lot of great things that I want to point out okay here we go this first room this gives off big time uh corrupt corrupted tomb energy okay when I see this I think of the corrupted tomb in the chairs and knees that's where uh the accursed wendo is the wendo that has the purple it's B's ex-husband this Lantern right here that reminds me of a lantern that is in a game called enshrouded that I've been playing a lot a firefly Lantern looks exactly like it borrowed asset just joking just kidding on that we'll check out this guy's uh Garb pretty soon one thing about one thing about these these beasts right here these to me seem like these must be wos in transitional State you know what I mean they are humans who have canni been cannibalizing people and they're transforming into wos I thought these were cool it's kind of a dream catcher looks like which has its roots in you know Native American lore folklore and then the wendo of course is a Native American mythology so kind of tying all that together let's check out this uh outfit this guy has here look at this this is just so cool it's like a variation of a fur like it looks like a fur a fur set to me it's obviously going to Pro rid cold weather defense um this guy looks pretty well off like he comes from a a royal a wealthy family if not royal family um yeah I love the aesthetic here again there's that Firefly Lantern thing obviously a basic Hatchet and classic outward blocks one hit from that guy and he's dead perfect okay look at this this little region right here this made me wonder if there's going to be uh like a mixed mixed biome region all of our regions in outward one are pretty moniomi is that a word but kind of whatever you see in one area is going to be kind of consistent pretty much across the map with the exception of uh conflux Mountain area that has a a nice unique look and and um also Mana Lake out in the antique Plateau that really sets itself apart from from the rest of the region I thought outward one did an okay job with that you know making making the region feel different based on you know the different areas you were in maybe this maybe outward 2 is going to do more of that I'm just seeing like this Sandstone type thing pillars in the in the background we'll see more of this I think as the trailer moves on yeah we're chasing after this young one and the mama mama boore sees it and she's after [Music] us again one hit down I think that's just a stagger actually she's fine that look like a boreo kind of a boreo move set let's look at the Garb here we got to look at this Garb this is obviously you know a little more humble beginnings for this character got some raggedy boots common peasant pants this looks pretty sturdy some sort of a leather tough leather attire I'm wondering it'd be cool to get a different item as far as like amulets or rings maybe like you know five different slots for each earlobe just going Overkill no but maybe maybe a tow ring no no just just an amulet maybe a ring and an amulet two rings stretching it okay I don't honestly you don't even need an amulet you don't even need extra things I'm just wondering just curious but I'm loving this there's a lot more detail in this outfit right here than a lot of outward one fighting with a shovel nothing more classic than that classic outward but yeah this looks like The Boro mov set I like the multiple eyes on this character on this uh Beast six and then the big eye is a seventh up top there's the baby or is that is that Daddy I don't know this scene's so cool Boom the step back and the lunge that looks like puncture right there oh just hammered I got to see that that again I'm wondering if the step back is going to be a part of it you know another variation on a Dodge look at this Weapon It's a a really crude serated sword and another thing you'll see here is dual wielding with this character which has been confirmed dual wielding we'll get that in hour to this Hive Lords a beast and I'm trying to think of the location on this I I couldn't I couldn't pinpoint anything I was think at first initial thoughts where are these the ruins of uh cabal of wind Temple but it's been confirmed that all the regions in outward 2 are going to be completely new regions so we're not going back to en merker we're not going back to arasar or any other regions you want me to keep naming him doesn't really matter we're not going back to the regions in G in in outward one there'll be four completely new regions love that step back oh no we have missed a step back got hammered here we go death scenario wake up next to a stream all it's missing is a campfire and Jeep's drink okay this is a good shot of his attire right here this is a cape I mean that's a is it a caper is just part of his chest piece I don't know interesting headwear I'm liking [Music] this likeing the tassel kind of skirt type thing very native American bandages up there's the serated blade yeah drink your potion get back on the road and this is the lady from yeah she's got the amulet she's got the uh dark attire underneath now she's got some outerwear interesting I wonder if you can wear two chest pieces like layers can you layer an out or to yeah cuz this is her right here amulet she's got that dark attire you know obviously these the clothes and everything it's not like we can guarantee that all the stuff's going to be in the game emerging from the Cave the walking hives again with the Dual wielder same characters nice I love that she steps up big with the shield charge way to step up there's the lunging attack again looks like puncture to [Music] me and this right here another fa variation on a fur set I'm wondering cuz tremontaine that the northernmost region has been confirmed I'm wondering if there's going to be a lot more variations on on cold weather sets because trontin is obviously going to be heavily heavily focused on the snowy aspect of life look I'm noticing these symbols right here this may be a symbol for one of the new regions and uh maybe indicates mountainous region maybe this is TR montine itself right here this looks like a variation on the Master Trader hat Master Trader set really again I'm loving this Kilt type thing again this gives me this gives me a Master Trader feel little small Adventure Pack she's got the big backpack this looks like a blacksmith right [Music] here weapon durability is going to be a thing and this moment right here the backpack honestly when I first saw the trailer this is the moment cuz right before this and the voiceovers when uh kixa says you know not everyone's as uh as gifted as you dear simei and something along those lines like kixa says that and then there's this scene and that those few seconds solidified to me that if this was outward to it's funny because the portions before it's like yeah obviously it's our to but again it had left my mind and my hopes were now so dampened that I wasn't I wasn't going to get my hopes up until the Simeon reference and then again they said they'll have you each other's back and she puts this backpack on it's like the backpack the the backpack is the official symbol of outward can we all agree okay then this is pretty standard just expressionless guards outside of a city this is kind of cool this is again these columns we see in the previous images with the blacksmith so this is the same city so same city with the the mountainous logo or whatever that was so is it tramontin this like a Far East architectural detail to me at least this may be TR Montaine look at these weapons though look at that this is a variation of a horror weapon I think yeah this looks like a horror MCE of some sort he's got a very cretion of the glowstone backpack I wonder if that's the new symbol for some sort of religious faction look at this weapon that's that looks kind of primitive that outfit right there is is golden not in color in in quality this is a great scene this is a great scene the dual wielding daggers this guy's very very rustic very rugged the leather the leather cloak on our great friends the trites boom that was right hand overhand on that let's take a look at that let's take a look at this uh region this looks beautiful these little saplings purple leaves look at this canopy this region is intriguing cuz it's got this canopy we'll see this throughout the trailer at a couple other points I'm excited to venture through this region this is great this is great this is a obviously sigil sigil magic and I was looking at this this looks like faces of the Moon kind of here's a crescent maybe that's even more of a sliver for that looks like almost a half moon maybe full moon moon sigil but watch she activates something that uh causes her to go in Shadows she's shadowed now I don't even know if that's it's a girl I'm just saying she it's fine let's take a look at this again I don't love I mean it's okay I guess this enemy design first glance it's not my favorite but we got some more of the dream catcher artwork here and again this is this is kind of like a A variation on the Fang weapons very Savage look and this is our this is our same guy from that opening scene with this pretty Regal attire living a life of luxury but yeah interesting sigil magic to go into the Shadows that'll open up a new form of gamepl see was this a Parry are they going to incorporate parrying kind of think it's a Parry with the shield o I love this scene that enemy looks great look at this Lantern wow I I have a feeling there's going to be a lot more unique lanterns than this again this this green attire is kind of scholar scholar look from outward one brand new enemy type and this scene oh that that this two-handed sword that she has it's rugged this looks like an encampment and you know this looks like the ash giant encampment oh love that that sword looks gnarly this cave scene there there's honestly nothing this is my favorite part of the trailer I know it's subtle it's just nothing says outward More Than This cave scene you're coming around the corner you're crouching you shine your light into a hallway and you see a wind to go pass through like there's nothing like that feeling oh man ignite the fire sigil this is our character from the opening scene again we've got another one of these guys I think it's a when to go and transition and just intering the wo's got jewelry [Music] here seems like he's commanding the wind to go in a way boom cast Fireball so we're going to have some of the same things from outward one as well with a lot of new stuff obviously and then the wendigo goes double hand Hammer that' be a new move set this is an interesting part of the trailer he raises the lantern I wonder if that's I don't know is that some kind of a skill he raises the lantern within the sigil maybe to let off some sort of Holy Light as if it's obviously in the game it just might be for the trailer this isn't like features of the game which is fun to think about here we go this is a great shot of a great distant shot from the from this region with the canopy interesting interested to read about the lore surrounding this region why it looks like this how it got to be like this and these characters look pretty end game right here anytime your character has glowing weapons you pretty much know your end game although to be fair there's a lot of weapons that look plain they're still in game the vegetation looks so great can't wait to harvest what am I going to harvest I want to harvest those purple mushrooms back there those can I harvest those Brew some tea look at the pride with which that guy walks just like shoulders way back I guess if you're wearing that armor I mean might as well walk with pride and just a second is do do we have an attractive character in outward this this may be going too far I mean are we okay with this is this is this stepping over the bounds again look at this Lantern boom Another really unique looking [Music] Lantern and just Ultra Ultra fancy attire looks so fun cast the spark here she's setting up the Alchemy kit nice he's got the tent going this is a great shot again this is that same city we've been seeing I I think this is TR montine because obviously we're up in the mountains snow the icicles and we've got this this patterned block yep but yeah it's got the Far East architecture here the swooping roofs roof lines look at this this is another shot of maybe possibly a mixed biome region got kind of a grassland area here Shrubbery with the Sandstone pillars Red Rock could be interesting to see if they've kind of gone with drastic biomes within one region got a Waterway here something about the waterways made me wonder can we can we now Traverse in the water like when I think of this scene right here although this is shallow we've always been able to Traverse shallow water an outward one um and I wouldn't even care I mean why would you add swimming I what would it add to the game what would it add I mean let's just be honest with ourselves nothing really another way to die I guess same thing with jumping after playing outward one so much you kind of realize jumping is overrated like especially in every game when you can jump your character jumps like six feet high it's kind of like H kind of breaks the immersion of it and then if if you were only allowed to jump a uh a reasonable height like a a realistic height then it's like not fun so jumping jumping's overrated I wouldn't care if they uh you know never added jumping or swimming that or too it wouldn't bother me one bit and then the scene's obviously glorious and the the significant part about this scene is the is the pack mual the we have which has been confirmed by Gom the pack mual will be a thing you know maybe there's a skill tree that involves animals in some way where you're able to tame the animals maybe you know without doing a breakthrough skill like the lower tier skills maybe you'll be able to get a pack mule maybe it won't carry very much and you'll have to get the Breakthrough skill to be able to get a enhanced Pac mule something along those lines although yeah I don't know there'd have to be something else in that breakthrough tree that would be worth it beyond beyond a you know a more enhanced Pack meal otherwise no one's really going to break through to it but it's not my job there obviously nine dots is going to figure that out [Music] just incredible just an incredible final scene it's just perfect Co-op just walking through the region and the flute at the end Jean franois Rasin is is doing the soundtrack it's been confirmed which is a huge a huge Boon to the to hour to every game okay every game I play now just seems to have the ambient music which is fine which can be fine which can be kind of good but there's something about having actual like structured songs that have a start that have an end that have a climax a buildup a crescendo a um a deescalation I there's something about having a real song that just just changes the game in a way that's super nice very adventurous very Whimsical this is what outward excels at a certain Whimsical quality that we all just love I love it I love it so much I can't wait speaking of waiting we're going to be waiting we're going to be w waiting a while and Gom did confirm that the order of release will be lost in prayer wither Bloom and outward to third in that list as far as timeline of release so here's what I think I think it's going to be a 2026 release based on what I don't I think it'll be a 2026 release based on the fact that hey a lot of the groundwork has probably already been laid you know they've built outward one already I know they switched engines we're going they're doing unreal now so maybe that affects the foundation quite a bit and they do have to build from the ground up but even if that's the case all the concepts are there the structure is there in their mind and they just have to flesh it out in the programming um I mean game development to me is pretty much black magic so I'm not I'm not saying I have an authority to speak on this I'm just saying I feel like it's not going to take him four or five years to build this game I'd be surprised if it was 2025 and if it was 2025 I would imagine it be late 2025 if it was 2027 I'd be surprised if it was 2027 but it could be because Gom would not confirm any sort of release date someone even asked you know within 1 to 3 years you know will it be out and uh he wouldn't confirm it which is totally fine Obviously good good on him not to confirm it or deny it but uh there it is add to wish list which I've done I hope you've done it as well I mean we're buying this as soon as we can it's it's a no-brainer it's outward enhanced basically it's kind of the overarching thrust that GOM kind of emphasized it's outward enhanced they didn't try to make it more vast with regions that are twice as big they didn't add mounts they didn't add fast travel there were four things they wanted to improve on they wanted to improve on the combat make it less clunky which I guess I love outwards combat I love outwards combat okay they wanted to make the world feel more alive okay I imagine this is maybe not just the big cities in each region but maybe smaller cities and not just Bandit camps but maybe settlements of friendly people who are trying to make it in the world maybe maybe other Travelers that are NPCs that just kind of um you see them on the road maybe you can interact with them a bit maybe they're like the Sor borean where you can exchange goods and barter the third thing they wanted to improve on was the narrative story they wanted to really pour a lot more time and effort into the story fleshing it out fully voice acted that'll be that'll be cool that'll be interesting to see I love a story driven game and the fourth thing character creation that's the fourth thing they really wanted to improve and invest in which probably smart probably wise even though I don't care about that um character creation was just fine an outward one but hey a lot of people love character creation customizing I know my girls played outward one they loved it but they love they love character creation they like the they like Sims more than outward okay well actually I don't know they like both games a lot but they love character creation so they'll love that and outward too well wow I'm just so excited I'm pumped I know you guys are folks outward 2 is coming now we just wait that we just wait anticipate speculate enjoy the journey well bye
Channel: Comforts of the Burrow
Views: 3,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outward, outward 2, comforts, open world, rpg, survival, gaming
Id: QJ80WtUiKWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 51sec (2511 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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