Outrageous Oliver Reed Interview on Late Night (1987)

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Ouch, he derailed the drinking question pretty fast and Letterman handled it so smoothly.

I guess I can understand his reasons, Reed had such a problem with drinking I get why he didn't want to go into it. And he was still an active alcoholic when this was filmed--to my knowledge, to the end of his life, in fact -- with the exception of 1988 when he was too sick to drink for a year.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TheLadyEve 📅︎︎ May 15 2017 🗫︎ replies

letterman is such a tool.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Mungwich 📅︎︎ May 14 2017 🗫︎ replies
the last 30 years and he's the only guest we've ever had that can drink Lee Marvin under the table currently in a new motion picture entitled castaway folks please welcome Oliver Reed Oliver hi good a new genre cute you that's cute Atmos you're cute we enjoyed that from the start how you doing well she'll look like slim it's trying to look like slim yeah I'm gonna take that ramble of it huh okay whatever whatever you want that's fine with me okay Nico is boom boom bursting up just being outside in the green room I've seen all these photos you know wrapping them gooks on I hear me I'll to get ramble go do something will mean fail it's only answers only is somebody well sir II you want to see someone I always try to do up my shoot huh just now on the button can open that nothing her self too uncomfortable it's a it's fun to pretend isn't it how I thought you scare me serious I heard this was an intellectual yeah um let's uh let's let's talk a little bit about bus forwards Mickey no but I have a recent history here of bailing out of this plane so I don't know you you may be flying it by yourself in a couple of minutes with the camera yeah so now is it true when we mentioned in the introduction that you actually were able to drink Lee Marvin under the table any truth to that that's he sa hearsay did you and Lee Marvin ever drink together yeah yeah in Durango in Durango all right and there was no contest about drinking yeah Lee is a wonderful fella probably one of the few actors in the world that I had MA very much wrong with how much time you got we get all the time you want Rock Hudson Rod Steiger the Marvin Rod Steiger the mother yeah now do you so you and Lee Marvin you went drinking and you had a contest to see who could drink the most first of all your research it was total ready that I don't want to talk about drink understand mm-hmm so let's cool that one get on to a new subject I love trees and boats so it's true that you and Lee Marvin had a tree climbing contest that's like and we got to the top of this quick Virtue's it was in the redwoods and has a couple of Piper's over there they went okay can I tell you how the pipes that they put it out of there I'm the good bring Oh and then Lee Marvin came out climb this big fir tree and then I got into a boat on the top of the tree but now and we're good Marvin sailed away but now wait a minute you you I do you still drink I'll get off this in just a second I just want to I mean it's behind you you don't drink anymore so what we're trying to do is recall a colorful anecdote from your past yeah well what you got to do man has done a Stan what I'm taking eyes a high quantity parcel and diet I drink a lot of cups coffee cups eat a lot of plates and then I leave all the hash browns and everything aside and just eat the plates as we sold this is why I was trying to come on here and come I after I'm after you why is there is there anybody up there who would like to host the show tonight tell me about where you live now I live in guns where is Guernsey Gansey is in the Channel Islands which is little set of islands in between France and England near the Nathe case to taste the north coast of taste yeah and what what what is life there like uh it's a closest kin scape with thousand seemed out mountains Houghton de killin uh-huh so so you stopped drinking because you were afraid you might be doing permanent damage to your nervous system I Jessica I thought this is a Johnny Carson show I'm gonna be intellectual but that's strange enough I I live there because I want to become a fisherman I wanted to become a fisherman okay we'll get to that here in just a second you'd like to turn my lights out wouldn't you boom and I'm gone okay let's uh that's uh did you see this we got this did you see this earlier look at this hey brother oh wait oh man here we go okay Paul here we go let me come and let's just turn this on get up there we go there it is mmm Oliver Reed was here now tell us about life on this island are you there most of the time well Manhattan no no no in the English Channel leave the Channel Islands yes I am mr. the timer there was a long time that I lived on another Island in England then I decided that I was going to can live in Guernsey and by this boot and live amongst fish do you actually go out and fish no I wear the boots Ceaser's because the lights it is yeah you don't need to get a license just to wear the boots yeah well you do really because I wore the boots I got these big boots and I went in there and the fisherman a Guernsey fisherman they say what's this boy he tried to be a fisherman I and excuse me there's a beauty stay we had chili in a commissary hang on I got some dye James yeah yeah all right oh great thank you very much yeah that was rest have you ever taken these yeah well then I'll wait I'll wait down over the waiter anyway so here were being you're a fisherman you go out you have the boots yeah I came into a fisherman's village once and they said to me you got you what you wearing a fisherman boy do you fisherman so I thought what I've got to wear wear a belt in order to wear the hats on my head so we're gonna we can wear the boots in my ears you have a boat too in there no I haven't no I'm lying about the winch I see I see well now we're really I have a boat and it has a winch and I'm a fisherman that I live over there I'm very happy there and it's wonderful and I drank hundred and six pints and I screwed Lee Marvin the drinking and I fell over and that's our researcher and jolly good even gonna be bright now no I just Ivan no no I would just that's what you're gonna talk about movies this stretch sure you want to talk about me yeah I want to talk about cosplay now but now you're pissed off right now now you're pissed oh no I'm off okay so tell me about castaway you know the woman who wrote the book was actually here the woman who lived that story was here and at the time I thought it would make a darn good movie how did it turn out okay yeah well that's not to everybody that gets the movies to judge eating themselves a lot of people make a mistake of messing up Lucy Amin who played she was the amount of the other side who played Lucy oh and Amanda Donahue played the part and myself Jarrell Kingston lot of people mixes up especially uh women's libbers I can't talk for myself I thought it was a she's got a great body mmm-hmm haha and briefly the story is a gentleman once he's Ned jealous alright a guy wants to retire to an island I guess in the South Pacific off the coast of Australia or New Zealand or something oh yeah he runs an ad for a female companion isn't that the story thank you for filling me in I wasn't filling you in I was trying to educate that didn't hurt yes yeah well considering your condition maybe it wouldn't hurt tell me what like this well it's just a joke come on one all I can well no I don't they're just a joke he was shits jokes it's only a joke and not and not much of a joke I'll grant you that it it was believe me I didn't I didn't even think it was Paul get over here oh no no no not come on no dude you don't listen we we have we have soda and snacks in the green room and you can you can have all of those you want I feel they were that all right so now the movie comes up briefly shortly soon comes up yes comes in New Yorker I've gotta say all these things and I'm sure that I'm right I think comes out in the beginning of September in New York in the rest of America and the webcam you can I thank you for being so erudite well thank you very much I appreciate your patience here we will pause
Channel: scribe576
Views: 1,367,404
Rating: 4.7422223 out of 5
Keywords: Oliver, Reed, Late, Night, Dave
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 24 2009
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