Outlaw Bikers on the Hunt

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[Music] now what would you do when you're being chased by an outlaw biker gang who are out to kill you well stick around to hear the ending of this exciting but tragic Adventure from my life between the 1960s and the 1990s hi there I'm Mitch and welcome to Mitch talks as I've mentioned in previous videos this is the Forum I've chosen to relive some of my growing up stories and some other stories from when I should have known better but some of the Wilder stories though I'll just keep to myself okay then let's start this story off with a little background in the late 1970s the teenagers on the army base were restless there was nothing for us to do but wander the streets and cause trouble so the Army decided to step in they provided a small building a major as military supervisor and turned the building into a teen club it was awesome the military provided us with all the disco equipment we needed yeah I did say disco they bought us record players tape decks large Bose Club speakers a sound stage and even gave us a monthly budget the equipment and the Sound Stage was set up in a large L-shaped room that became the dance hall where we held dances every weekend on top of the Friday and Saturday night dances the club also had two pool table rooms pingpong tables and a small cafeteria that served french fries hot dogs and hamburgers the Army even provided the cook on the weekends and the team club even had a constitution operating rules and an elected body with a president vice president Treasurer and a head of disco over the president was the major Who provided us with the monthly operating budget and adult advice and super Vision the treasurer ensured we had food for the cafeteria and other needed supplies like toilet paper for the bathrooms while the head of disco ensured we had lots of Records the newest music for the dances the club Only operated Friday and Saturday nights and was for teens of military families only from 13 to 18 years old you had to show your military family ID to get in and once you reach your 18th birthday you could no longer get in you were now considered an adult it was probably the greatest thing the military had ever done for us kids we all hung out there for the pool tables to be with our friends and for the dances with our girlfriends it was the place to be and we even had elections every year to elect new council members and in 1975 when I was 17 I was elected president and my brother was elected as head of disco and now the tragic story begins One Summer Friday evening as usual my brother and I headed to the team club to open up and get ready for the Friday night dance but this time it was different we found the front door to the club was kicked in and the door glass was broken we knew better than to enter into a potential crime scene but we did know that we had to contact the major well with no cell phones back then we immediately ran back to the base Guard Station which was less than a kilometer away and had then contact the major then when the major arrived we all entered and found a mess it was a Breakin but the wor worst part was the disco equipment it was all gone even the entire record collection hundreds of albums the military police soon arrived and did their investigation they interviewed each of us but especially my brother to help them identify the missing equipment fortunately for for the kids the military provided funds to replace everything so the teen club could continue to operate we were only closed for about 2 weeks as the new equipment was purchased and set up now coincidentally shortly after the Breakin there was a coordinated provincewide drug bust of the Outlaw motorcycle gangs operating in the various big cities across the province our big city included and there were a lot of arrests locally my friend friends in the local Outlaw Club told me that the gang was after my brother as they had information that he was the stool pigeon that led to their arrests they were told that he was seen talking to the police after the Breakin at the teen club and they were also told that my brother provided the military police with drug sales information on the bike gang this became a very scary time for my family the bikers wanted my brother dead and because we were near the same age only only 15 months apart and we looked a little alike the worries that I the worry was that I would be mistaken for him so I too was in danger but it didn't matter neither of us getting hurt or Worse was what we were after well we couldn't run away dad was a soldier at the base so our only option was to be careful when we were out and about and H that the problem would resolve itself at home my mother received many many threatening teleph phone calls daily asking for my brother she knew to say he was not there but then they'd say something like when we catch him he's dead for what he's done my parents were scared shitless for our safety but what could they do other than report it we knew the bikers would probably recognize our cars and maybe we would end up in some sort of high-speed chase so we decided to no longer Drive our cars when we went somewhere my mother or father would drive us there they figured that would be safer and was time to go home even if it was very late at night we'd call home and one of them would come to get us and take us home on top of all of that several times we'd see the bikers ride down our street and slowly pass in front of our house they never stopped but the intimidation was obvious then late one night my brother and I decided to walk home because it was a little later than usual to call our parents it was only about a 4 Mile Walk and we'd done it many times over the years when we had no cars so it was no big deal except this time it was as we were nearing our home we heard a car coming there were only two houses this way and it was late there shouldn't have been any cars on the road at this time well scared like we were we jumped into the ditch and hid as the car slowly drove by well it was a good thing we did the car was a convertible with its top down and sitting on the upper part of the back seat to get a better view of the road were two of the bikers they didn't see us in the ditch but we knew they were looking for us because we could hear them talking as they slowly drove by we heard something like this is the road they'll be on they live just down here a bit we were so scared that we waited in the ditch until they went further down the road turned around and traveled by our hiding spot a second time on their way back to the city now several days later I was feeling a bit more secure and a little fed up with all the fighting I want it out I knew they weren't after me so I went to our local bar where I often drank using my fake ID after I had a few sips of beer I heard a sound my head spun I heard a rumbling outside pulling into the bars parking lot were several Outlaw Bikers followed by a large Cadillac maybe they were just stopping for a drink I thought they surely weren't looking for me hopefully but after they parked two really large and mean looking bikers came into the bar and spoke to some people at one of the tables near the front door then one of the guys at the table who knew me pointed in my direction [ __ ] the bikers headed my way and when they reached my table they stared me down and said you're one of the Joe Blow Brothers figuring I knew what this was all about I said yeah but I'm his younger brother who cares you're the one we're looking for there's someone in the parking lot that wants to see you so you'll be coming with us I didn't seem to have a choice so I whispered to my friends at the table that if I didn't come back in 15 or so minutes they were to contact the police then I followed a biker out of the bar in the parking lot they directed me to the park Cadillac sitting in the car with the door open was a really really tough looking guy he looked mean and was dressed all in Denim and black leather a true Outlaw Biker he studied my face and after a pause he said I know you and all I could say in return was I don't think so I think I might have even said that more than once I was really really nervous then the funniest and the most out of the blue thing happened he said you were my Scout Troop leader when we were younger and we both lived in British Columbia back then I was much smaller very shy and had no friends and when I joined the scouts you became my friend right away and I never forgot it and then he went on to add at our last club meeting your brother's name came up I recognized the family name not very common you know and I wanted to see if you were the same guy I remembered wow talk about a small world we talked for a while and I found out that he was the outlaw bikers club's Sergeant at Arms the enforcer and he offered to help me if I ever needed help or was in trouble what a break and I took the opportunity I told him about my brother being chased by his club and me being caught up in the mix I told him that the club was wrong my brother was not the stool pigeon sure he talked to the military police but it was about the stolen equipment I was there and heard it all he was identifying the equipment only we and the military police had no clue who broke into the teen club and besides they were military police and they would have nothing to do with a provincewide police drug bust he said he'd look into it and if I was telling the truth and if all went well we could be cleared of the trouble what a lucky break that this biker found me and that i' befriended him so many years ago and in another Province now is the time to introduce a new character into the story a friend of ours let's call him John who was also dealing drugs he specialized in hash and was supplied by the same biker gang that I was John John also went to the same school we did and we known him since we were young he was a good friend well not long after my meeting the outlaw Club enforcer found me again and wanted to talk again I was taken to the Cadillac he told me that we were safe now it was all a mistake the club was given bad information by their Source but now they knew who the real stool pigeon was it turned out to be our friend John John owed the biker gang a lot of money and couldn't pay up and his life was was in danger so John decided to break into our team club to steal and sell the equipment and Records to make some cash tragically he also decided to sell information to the police to get more extra money he provided the police with drug sales information and who the suppliers were so when the provincewide drug bus were going down that John provided Intel on he pointed the stooie finger at my brother in the hopes that one he would take the suspicion off of himself self and two that the ones he owed money to would end up in jail well that information ended our troubles I was so thankful to this guy for looking deeper into this for me and actually he was thankful too they may be Outlaw Bikers but they didn't need the attention from getting the wrong guy or in leaving the real stoie off Scot free my brother was now free of the death threat I was free of being mistaken for him and we could once again go on with our lives now for the really tragic part of the story we never saw John around the army base again we assumed he just up and ran away maybe to another Province or maybe even into some sort of witness protection but then about five or 6 years later his body or rather his skeleton was found on an island not far from the big city he had been shot in the head execution style was what the newspaper said my brother kept the newspaper paper article which had a picture of the skeleton folded and in his wallet for many years to come one as a reminder of our near-death experience but also because John was a good friend and didn't deserve his end a sad ending to a rather scary time in my life well that was another of my adventures and enough for this story I hope to see you in the next episode of Mitch talks where I continue with more of my Adventures see you then and stay safe
Channel: Mitch Talks
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Id: nvsVByB3ouM
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Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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